The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 23, 1888, Image 2

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The Piattsmouth Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
mm V uuii i.i..i i j . . . iiikif . . . i' u .......... j
M1 Weekly evt-ry TliurMtlay morning. lltjt
tered at tli )Ntoni)re. I aitmuoutli. N-r..i
Hccoiid-clatiH matter. Otllcv corner of Vine and
Flftb street.
One copy one year In Hdvanar. by mall $u m
Oocoiy per montli. hy ran ier .'
One copy per week, by carrier 15
mMS OK WtlKlT.
One copy one year, iu advance $1 Tit
One copy alx month in advance 75
The president of tha United States 1mh
gone on an electioneering tour through
tlio south, 'fie present administration
is a very brilliant Idyll toned a(Tair?
Now that General Slieridm is out of
the waj, who will be the next patriot to
resign (?) the presidency. Whats tlie
matter with G rover reading hi 1HHI
speech of acceptance and taking himself
ut his word. We cant u fiord to love
Grover just now, hut will wait patiently
until November 1883 when ho will
discover that he in a very small man and
of little consequence in this great rrpuh
lic. Nebraska, is not only one of li e
thriftiest states in the union, hut she is
growingjin intelligence as well as wealth;
colleges and universities are springing up
in all parts of the state. We hayc the State
university at Lincoln which is one of the
strongest institutions west of the Allc
ghanies, the Methodist university that is
being built now at Lincoln, Doane col
lege at Crete, York college at York,
another college at Bartlett out in the val
ley, another at Orleans, two or three at
Omaha and many others scattered out
over the state, so that Nebraskans can
soon claim the best state, "all sound" to
ba found in the union.
The IIkuald is in receipt of a very
convincing little tract on Postal Tele
graphy, gotten up by the New York
board of trade in the form of questions
addressed to prominent business men
throughout England. The answers in
every instance have been strong in the
defense of government control of the
telegraph lines, and gives many of the
practical advantages derived from the
postal tel egraph system. "While we nev
er w ere exactly in favor of a postal tele
graph, yet it is very evident that soni-
thinjr must be done; if we cannot regu
late the tolls and do something to make
the service more cfiiccnt, then, by all
means give us postal telegraphy.
That sturdy Democratic organ, the Al
bany Times, says that "the most earnci-t
demand of the great portion of the fie
or six million democratic voters in this
country is that President Cleveland shall
not be renominated." But on the other
hand the modest mugwunps insist that
they elected Cleveland, that he must 1 e
renominated, and that no other democrat
can be elected. Indeed, Mr. Curtis said
some time ago that if Blaine should
be nominated and some democrat otlx r
than Cleveland should also be nominated
neither of them could be elected. This,
then, is a very grave question. Any man
of ordinary common sense would suppt se
that one of the two must be elected, b'U
if the C.iief Mugwump is not kind
of a man, and we suppose he could prove
that if Blaine ran alone he could no'
be elected. Ergo, Cleveland must b.
nominated and elected just to oblige the
mugwumps. Disaffected democrats will
govern themselves accordingly. Intel
"Toe popular mind cohfus?s the term
cyclone and tornado to greater extent
than almost any others, and yet these
two classes of storms differ as greatly ns
chills and fever differ from cholera. A
tornado is a storm, and atmospheric dis
turbance peculiar to North America.
Its duration rarely exceeds, during the
period of maximum force, ten minutes it
any given locality. Its course is almos-"
invariably from a southwestern to i
northeastern point, and its path rarely ex
ceeds 150 miles. Its center is the point
of greatest destruction, and the latenr
winds accompanying and attendant up
on it ordinarily extend but a mile or tv
on either side of its sides. A cyclor.e.oi
the other hand, is a storm, born in th
tropics, usually between the limits of tke
trade winds. Its path varies in length
from three to six thousand miles from its
center. The center of cyclone, insteui
of being the focus of force and the poini
of the greatest velocity ofthe wind, is ab
solutely calm. Instead of being mereh
50 or 100 yards in diameter, it vanes
from 30 to 300 milr-a. The storm itself
is almost exclusively confined to t!.e
ocean, and it generally loses ifs force and
cyclonic features when its center passes
over the land. Its lateral winds are.
however, exceedingly violent. Wlii'e
they rarely reach the velocity of wild
immediately attendant upon the tornado,
yet they exist for periods of twenty-fos
to seventy-two hours before and aftei
the nassaee of the center, whereas th
winds attendant upon a tornado rarcl;
continue longer than a half hour fron
the time of its occurrence."
Geougjs Wamunoto.n, the grtut
Philadelphia newspaper philanthropist,
lias recently placed a memorial window
in St. Margaret's church, London, in
memory of Milton. The English news
papers have burdened the illustrious
l'hihidclphian with kind words and ful
some llattery until Minister Phelps, they
say, is getting uneasy for fear Mr. Cleve
land will uttempt to supersede him
with Mr. Childs.
Ttemerilea for Writer Cramp.
Cluing.' all the conditions fn-quently,
th height of the chair or of tho taMo,
the kind of paper, using sometimes tli
smoother, soinotinvs tho rougher Eort.
llavo every description of eii and jn-holdc-r
at hand, and change them fre
quently. Don't try to write a handsome
hand, for that is something that a jut
son who has writer's cramp in jK-rfection
cannot do. Bo t.itisfied with legibility,
and this there nod be no difficulty
alut. Tho trouble Bconis to l a
I'ervous one, and very little things will
afTi-ct it. The change from pajx-r that is
ruled topajx-r that is not, and vice versa,
will fteii give relief, and even .-i change
from bl:;ek ink to blue- has lieen known
to 1 lenelieial. Of you must
have quill jens in your assortment, but
their exclusive uso will not belp you. A
friend who does a great deal of w riting
has turned to the typewrit.-r for relief,
but that is all that it allords. The fingers
have got into the cramp habit, and in
time the use of the tyjiewritcr wearies
ami stiffens them. Nothing but an in
finite variety of appliances, constantly
changed, will afford the desired relief.
Cau-sciie" in Boston Herald.
Iycing with tlie Henna l'
Tho lady who is about to undergo the
dyeing process is stretched out at full
length on her back, and is not allawed
to stir. The paste is put on tho soles of
tho feet, the toes included, about an inch
thick; th'? upper part of the feet is never
dyed. Soft leaves are then applied, as a
covering, and tho whole is tightly
wrapped in linen.
The same process is gone through with
the palm of the hand and the fingers. To
keep the application in place, the lady
must lie perfectly still all night, for no
other parts of the body must receive tho
dye, ancLa spot on the back of the hand
or the finger joints would be a great dis
figurement. At this time she is dreadfully teased by
swarms of musquitoes and flies, but she
dare not move to drive them away. In
the upper classes slaves watch all night
to keep away these pests with fans.
The same process must be repeated for
three nights to obtain the desired red
tint; but, ence finished, it remains for a
month, and cannot be washed out. "An
Arabian Princess."
Grizzly and IIufLilo-
When there were buffalo on the plains
the Manitoba grizzlies wero-great hunters
of them. When a grizzly and a buffalo
met there was always sure to be a con
test, but it seldom lasted long, and the
buffalo was usually tho victim. The
buffalo would charge upon the bear,
which awaited the onset of his foe erect
on his haunches. As tho buffalo dashed
upon him the bear threw himself aside,
and with a blow as quick as lightning
with one of his fore paws seldom failed
to break his antagonist's neck. A qjrizzly
bear has been known to engago in quick
succession four and even five big buffalo
bulls, and to kill every one of them. It
frequently happened however, that some
younger and more active bull than his
companions succeeded in evading the fa
tal blow of the grizzly's terrible fore paw
long enough to give in turn a fatal thrust
with his horn in the bear's side, punctur
ing tho vitals, and making of the contest
.; mutual slaughter. New York Sun.
Educating; Arabian Girls.
"Educate a girl!" exclaimed a Mo
hammedan to Dr. Jessup, a missionary
imong the Arabs, who was urging him
10 place one of his daughters in a girls'
chool in Tripoli. "Educate a girl ! You
might as well try to educate a cat!"
Several aristocratic Mohammedan gentle
men of Beirut were induced a few years
ago to place their daughters in one of
the Protestant schools there, and one of
them remarked : "Would you believe it?
I heard one of tho girls read the othe
day, and she actually asked a question
about the construction of a noun pre
ceded by a preposition ! I never heard
thn like of it! The things do distinguish
and understand what they read after all !"
The other replied: "Mash." Hah ! Mash
aliab! The will of God be done 1" St.
Louis Republican.
Bess's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is the only medicine that acts directly
on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re
lieves a cough instantly and in time
fivcts a permanent cure. Sold by O. P.
Smith & Co., druggists. j23,3aio,d-w.
It has "been estimated that the sun can
not be relied upon to furnish us light
and heat for more than 10,000.000 years
.nore. Mr. Keeley will have to 1iutv up
with his moter if he expects to make any-
fhing from it before everything goes to
B egg's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is warranted for all that the label calls
for, so if it does not relieve your cough
. ou can call at our store and the money
vill be refunded to you. It acts simul
taneously on all parts of the system,
hereby leaving no bad results. O. P.
Smith & Co., Druggists. j25-3rud&w
A locomotive has been sent by the king
if the Belgians to Tangiers as a present
ro the sultan of Morrocco a singularly
inappropriate gift, considering that tlieie
in not a yard of railway or train Hue
within the dominions of the latter.
Segs's Blood Puriflsr and Blocd
No remedy in the world has gained
die popularity that this medicine has, as
r hold ou family medicine. No one
hnuld be without it. It has no calomel
i quinine in its composition, consequcnt
'j no bad effects can arise from it We
eep a full supply at all times. O. P.
Smith Co. Druggist. j23-3modS:w
A little hungry mouth;
A liny Khakinx form;
Two little naked feet.
Out in tin bitter storm;
A tattered bundle of ruRS and Htuins,
A Impair from door to door,
A freezing bundle of uclien und pains,
A starving cuild of tho jKwr!.
Two pleading, tearful ryes
Tlial none will ever miss;
Two little sunken check
That never knew a kiss;
A tattered lu:nllt of ras und stuirut,
Who whines for u crust to eat;
A freein bundle of lu ll' s ami pains,
A homeless child of tiwedivct !
Two tiny purplo hand-;:
A shock of tamcled hair;
A littl'! weary head
.slei-j mi the iiavcnii nt liaro;
A tattered biindl.r of li;;y. uiih!c:Ked,
Whose stril.- is forever o'er:
A wretched bundle of woosnt rest,
A frozen child of th jKxr:
loni.etti Muller iu Frank L'lii8.
Their Work Wm Worth Koine-thing:.
Th cows of a Georgia farmer got into
the oa field of his neighl-or and de
stroyed about ten bushels of jteas. There
upon th latter farmer presented an ac
count claiming for ten bushels of pea:
at li-vty edits per bu- hel. The owner of
the cows examined tho account and then
said: "Iok ben-, my cows ate up ten
bushels of your peas, but you know tho
rules in gathering peas i.s to give one
half for the gathering. So you see my
cows were entitled to five bushels of
those peas for picking them. Therefore
I only owe yon for five bushels at sixty
cuts, and that makes Here's your
money." And at they settled. Chi
cago News.
The I'KVclioloqpy of II:uidwrit lug.
The North American Keview prints a
series of the autographs of Najiolcon,
written at various e pochs iu his eventful
life. Starting in bis early years with a
bold and clear signature, it retains most
of those characteristics in tho days of his
greatest successes; but parallel with tho
declining fortunes of the great man U a
degeneration of his autograph, until at
the end we have nothing more than the
rudest, characterless scrawl. Tho auto
graphs cannot but suggest tho ravaging
changes in the nervous system that were
the physiological concomitant of the tur
moil raging in the hero's mind. Science.
Condiments Promote Ingestion.
The value of the various condiments in
the preparation of combination dishes is
great. Used with discretion they stimu
late the appetite and promote digestion,
red pppcr being specially valuable in
this connection. Tke various herl and
spices are exceedingly valuable; salt is
absolutely necessary to health, despite all
contrary assertions of the food cranks,
and the condiments employed in making
salads promote the digestion and assimila
tion of all food eaten at the same time.
Chicago Times.
Spider That Capture Ilirds.
The tarantula of South America is so
large and powerful that it attacks birds.
Bell, the naturalist, found a web stretched
across a tree in which were entangled
two birds, one in the clutch of the spider.
In some places they often bite the feet of
horses and cause their death. A nat ural
ist in tho Amazon country reports seeing
the native children leading about the
huge spiders by threads of fibre wound
:ibout their bodies, as 003 s do dogs in our
own countrv. C. F. Holder.
Paper Made from Wood,
Making paper from wood pulp is one
of tho greatest of modern inventions.
Paper was formerly made of rags, but
the demand for paper greatly exceeded
tho supply of rags, and it is not luany
years ago that oplar and other soft
woods were ground up into pulp to take
ttio place of rags, in all but the finer
kinds of paper. Yet the wasps had beeu
setting an example iu doing this for un
told centuries. American Agriculturist.
lionbon.s Instead of Love I-ettcr.i.
Engaged couples in France do not ex
change love letters .as we do; you never
see a French girl with a 1-ox containing
daintily tied package of letters, of which
the key never leaves her possession ; such
things are unheard of, but boxes of ln
bons and exquisite flowers are sent each
day with the card of the future husband.
The Argonaut.
Itibs Urokcn by Conliing.
A London coroner has raised tho ques
tion whether a man can cough himself
to pieces. A broken rib was found in
deceased lunatic, when medical evidence
was brought forward to show that und !
certain abnormal conditions bones m:y
La broken by muscular efforts, or even
by a violent lit of .coughing. Arkansaw
London Houses Growing: Jloro 3Iodcrn.
For a long while the London houses
never changed thefr apiearanc. Now,
v. hen a house needs rebuIMing. th front
of it is apt to be remodeled, not in th
staid old stylo which has prevailed
hitherto, but according to modern fasluou.
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
A Narrow Escnpe.
Jones was so awkward the other even
ing as to sit down on a gentleman's silk
hat, crushing it flatter than a pancake.
"And to think," was his comment,
"that it might have been the new one
I've just bought!" Jm'ge.
Speed of tho Electric Current.
Experiments on the speed of the electric
current prove that if a proper conductor
could be wound around the globe a signal
parting from it at an3 point of it would
return to the starting point in one-half a
second. Chicago Herald.
Provoked Her Sympathy
Husband (groaning) The rheumatism
in my leg is coming on again.
Wife (with sympatic) Oh, I am so
sorry, John. I wanted to do some shop
ping today, and that is a sure sign of
rain. The Epoch.
Durinsr the nast season two naturalist-.!.
G. W. and E. G. Peckham, have found
that wasps remember the locality of their
nests for ninety-six hours.,
. i
There are in tho country nearly 400
colleges, with about 3,000 professors and
53,000 students.
We wiut live, energetic, agents 111 every
comi! y in the United Mate and Canada to fl
a patent uitlcle ef yii a! ineiit.oN ) I e M fcltlTW.
AnaMIe e h iving a large f: ah paying over loo
per cent. i:,lit. I1.1i n 110 rnn. j el li ion. und oil
which the is roiected ill the c.xeuii-lve
Sale "by a deed iivcn for each and c 11 y coun
ty he in.v scenic Hum lis. With ; ll I !i. se
:iii!.iL'rs to 1. ei ae.iis. and the I;. el that it is
an ai'lich tli i' c:;n he solii to every Iioum ho t
0W1 c , li inilit not le iiccikmi y to make "An
K MI ifh 41 i 1 1 1 y ( )i: el " to scent e jioiid ace nts at
once. I. nt v. c. lave col clitt!ci to n.ake It to
show, in t on y our c Milidciice In 1 he merits of
iu' li. ven li.n! ! t in ii i iy l.v any auc t l:;;!,tUe 1 1 v i i h enej , y . our iinenls
now l oik;re iM.ikiim lion-, Sl.'.o lo sJ'.ti a
month cle; r aril ! I s l.n I makes it fa fe lor i:s
to inahe ouri'eiT 1 ail v ho ;tr- cut of itiiIov-lili'l.-.
. i.y lit Mi t ui.l J..'e cur I'll Inc'ss
t:.i:i d s' . r : I .it . i In to ("car ut list
a . ii. !;: ! lie . ::'. ve ail (.xpen-cs. can re
in ; i ;. II j.u - in s ild i - i ns a- d e ili ivloi.ri
! lie Money (:: i i-v I l.e... No Mich cti'i loycr
ol . , rici i! ;.re. I i li;;!l,e i:et cher-i, nor
oi Id w e it A il .(I l.:.t know tiiat v. ; have
aci.ts li' w Mai ii -a H ole than d nli'e this . our ! rt'.e !'-eri1! ii cir id;. is cx
(:a:a numi.'cr 1 1 1 i ! . an-' then- c w isli to i-cnd
i o - i'i j one en ol em; ic niei t v ho Hi mm d
.s t ! i e ot c ci I si a !n s lor po- ta.c. Send at
nee and n-oare lire i cy in ti it for the
I'oojii. ai:d " to work mi :I'C r rms i;;imei in
ur cm ia"i il n.-ay i'i! i i". Ad 'it s-, al i nee,
NAT! o. i. ; UVKI I V t'"..
fl8-."iii dV 1! Miathlh-hl M . Ill I sL aif, I.
The. Des Moines 7.V;.;.s7 says tlmlinva
nu'wspapeis form a t-elid line for Allison.
Who is Your Best Friend?
Ywiir t-lom.u'h of course. Why? lo
calise if it is (ut of order you are oni of
the mis Table creatures living, (jive
it a fair chance and .';! if it i.s not the best
friend you h i vi-in the end. Don't smoke
in the morning. D"H,t drink in the
morning. If you lati't smoke p.nd drink
wait until your stomach is through with
breakfast. You can drink inure and
smoke more in the evening und it will tell
on you less. If your food ferments and
does not dige.-t right- if you are troubl
ed with Heartburn, Dizziness of the head,
coming up of the food after eating, bil
iousness, indigestion, or any other trouble
of the stomach, you had best use Green's
August Flower, as mo person can use it
without immediate relief.
The late Alfred Krupp left his wife
!?l2."i,000 and two batteries of artillery.
For C.juvU, Hoarseness, V.'onk Lungs. IViioopir.n
t'eii'-h, 1'rv, Iku kinir Cmit-'hs ot long standing, und
i il i; hiai and l-nni Atii elioiiH. Try it.
Warranted to Cure Consumption la It-; Earlier Etp.qss.
RAfL-RAD) fltisiltite Dominion ovsr Paia
PAIN .-cJR'r f Will C ure relic, S(ro Throut,
e r. n, rrot i.i'.i s,Weiinds,eto.,5n h'sstiinc than any
etli.u' iiicliciiieeiu iin li. Gu.-raiitee'i to Cure Rheuma
tism rad 'Jccrrlnia. Warranted ly your iirui;t'ist.
-'c , r.iic. and tl." 1 r SI ve will send lurcat sice ol
ciliier Cure, cxrrej niil. I'. hcrs
P;3ii-noal Co., Box 372, Lincoln, Neb.
Trade supplied by K:chai dson Drug Co.,
Oiu al i a , Is'e bras k a.
SSOO Reward.
AVe will pay he aliove reward fcr any of liver complaint, dysjjepsia, tiek
headache, indigestion, constipation or
cofctiveness we, cannot cure witli
West's Vegetable Liver Pills, whin the
directions are ttrittly complied with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to fiive satisfaction. Larpje boxes
CDutainino; CO sutar coated pills, 2oc.
For sale by all druists. I'eware of
counterfeits and iinitnti'n. The rcnu
ine manuf 'cttired onlv bv John ). Wdl
& Co.. S2 W. Madison St. Chicago Its
Sold bvW. .J Warrick.
Tlie standard r -m dv for liver com
plaint i.s West Liver Pill; they never
disapp- itit you. oO pills 23c. At War
rick's drujf store.
" n V's. I
v..s'. t l
-' " '''i7;:E;.Te;:, f
ix.Y. ('. Wrs! 's Nerve am! 1 5rs in Treatment
i e;iarantce spccilic for Hysteria lozz-iif'ss.
( oriviilsi.iiis Kits. Nfrvi us NenralIa, ll- ad
a' ''.. Nerve, oi- li r.s! r it ion caused lv the u-e
irl' ;!:c !:o; or t Vm'.m. akcfa'a ss. .V'ei:!:il I (,..
ii' i - - i.-.i, .- ei i : i.i k ; i.i t he ' rain icmi!' in.u ia
ae 1 :. -t : 'r t mi.-cry, decay and deaih.
a -are -!rt llairci-iiess. Less of i'nv
r i.i til i er . 1 n ! iii.i.iry I.osm s an" Si er
i " ; : r ":!'-'! c i isci ! ov cr-t-K ri ion of 'he
!;!'.d: . s-ciiahas.- r ov..-r-iii(i!ilece I'.a l; !- x
troa.siilis (;:, ill's I re.; 'la'li t , .t .I0 a h( X
oi s! h'"s for i-.-i.eo, sent, by mail t i-ai i or
reeciju of U c
To care a:r I'as v Wit ti each order r 'ceived
hy i:s I e- i l.iivi j, ar.'oicjiaircd with 5 fin.
we w :1! ri-w.i the pan-imser our rittcli uar;:li
tet; to return tl'.e ivo-a-y if the i atrnei'.t does
not chVet a ' lire. Ca.ila'itees issued only hy
''' iii J. Wank-l: sale iijent, I'laltsliioiitii, Nth.
mm you waHT
LIIlll UUilii
Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
Contractor and Builder
Sept. 12-Gin.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor tfe Pepperbergo' and 'Buds
a!w iys :n ?.ock. Nov. 2G, 1881-
mim m mi i n n n niiini mm nwn n fi wnm m
h teaij ESSJ fpfSff SiftfStKr
-I must make
Large Stock of Spring Goods
Cuming anel will ri'luoe nil U nllu r coils 20 j't-r
cent, liclow ivyuliir j'l icts iur cjisli only.
.11 Goods Sr-Iarlrod in S'lain afigtircs.
Ladies' French Kid 00 Lo i:cr t-i-nt. ditcoimt 4 0
Ltalies' French Kid . . 4 :, " " u 3 50
Ftidie.s' J.ii-ht Kon-dla 1 0(1. " " " -0
J.adie.s' IJri-ht Don-ola .I00 " " " H-U)
Lucie' Kid . . 2r, " " 1 SO
Dadies' Feb. (ioat li DO " , " 2 00
Ladies' Feb. (I. -at )! 2: " " 1
Men's Lint Shoes S 00 " " 40
Men's Slioes 4 () " J 00
Men's Shoes :j 75 " " " H 00
Men's Shoes 2 0 2 00
Childrcns '-Little Giant School Shoes,' the Lest in the market, tame
reduction. Now is your chance to lay in a cheat Mijdy.
Olivar cS: Hamgo, Proprietors.
We keep constantly on hand the finest and irchcbt line of meats
in the city. Aleuts ol all kinds in their f-eaton.
And everything to suit the demand our trade. (Jive us a trial,
South Side Main Street, Jietwten Fifth and Sixlh.
U-ocf, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Poultry.
X invito all to givs rao a trial.
Sugar Cured Meats. Hams', B;ieon, LiirJ, ic, etc. IVcsTi Ovf-tcis in Can and Bulk
at lowest living prices. Jh, not fnil to aive me your (.atrouagf.
e..j jiz-ri
A 5 v. 1 . I J
Zaowsst ricos in. tb.o City. Call and
"bs Convincod.
Jonathan IIatt.
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c., &c
ot our own make. ' Tlie best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulb .
menu for my
he . Herald.
J. Mautuis.