The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 22, 1888, Image 4

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    The- Evening HeralcL
J. H. KINO, City Editor.
A. Kalliburr, DeatUl, Uockwood Building,
Telephone So. &.
Dr. Sirring, Offir ! Itaddenec Sherwood
Blork, Telephone No. 42.
-"LittU Duche" tonight.
Thoas who arc interested in bee cul
ture cau learn a groat deal of intercut j
addrewing E. W. Pizcr, Sec. 3. I. B. A.,
Hillsdale, Iowa.
"Of all sad words of toiiguo or pen"
Don't finish this quotation, but go
and interview the ''Little Duchess" at the
opera house tonight. Admission, 25
The ice on the Missouri at this point
is gradually dissolving, and we expect
in a few days that the river will assume
its usual spring appearance.
--The cherry tree was ajjaiu cut down
to day, and the "hatchet" sharpened by
recollection of American patriot.-. This
is the truth for "Father, I cannot tell a
lis r
The 22nd day of February, 1742, was
celebrated in this city today by the clos
ing of schools and public institutions.
The reason should be firmly implanted in
the mind of every American citizen.
The Btuart Co. was again greeted with
a full house last night. Those who are
capable of concentrating their thoughts
on matters cmotinal, imaginative or real
istic, should not fail to witness the ahi'it
of this company.
The members of the Chatauua circle
of this city met at the residence of Jlrs.
1L B. Windham last night to celebrate
the anniversary of the birthday of the
"Father of our Country." About fifty
truest were present, some from other
In the list of names published in
yesterday's issue containing a program
of the entertainment to be given by the
Christian church to-night, the name of
AY. A. Derrick, the well-known buss so
loist of this city, was unintentionally
We arc not hard-pushed for an item
but cannot help noticing the arrival of
the companions of happy childhood, the
robin-redbreast, genus ( T.Miyraloriotts).
Hundreds of bcautifal couplets have
been written about this ilivitf: "Har
binger of Spring."'
" Mr. Bernard of the Stuart Theatre
Co., is deserving of special mention for
his mastery of the violin. His playing
of "The Mocking Bird" and "The Last
Rose of Summer," elicit hearty and de
served applause. Although, not a l'aga
ninni, his manipulation of the "Cremona"
is equaled by few in this country.
"That's so." Let a woman go to
India with an avowed purpose of bet
tering the condition of the natives, and
we call her a missionary. In any town
in the state, let her show her interest in
laws that may effect our boys and our
homc-i, and the foulest, dirtiest, profane&t
man pronounces her a crank and a long
haired fool. Ioica Home Journal.
There is an article published in the
Boston Woman's Column expressing the
opinion of Mrs. M. O. C. Lcavitt, the
"round the world missionary." in which
is the following: "The Xautch girl
are as devout as if their lives were
saintly." Nantch means to dance, and
no female dances in India except those
whose reputations correspond with the
modern madame-du pave.
The social to be held this evening in
Rockwood Hall, under the direction of
the members of the Christian church, will
be attendel by the elite of the city.
"Every little makes a muckle," or "Every
pea helps to fill the peck," are old English
and Scottish proverbs. If you pay your
ten cents admission to this social tonight
you will fulfill the idea conveyed in these
axioms and aid in a Christian cause.
"Inshavogne," of the Stuart repor
toue, is full of pathos and wit. The fol
lowing, which are guided by memory,
will illustrate the beauty of sentiment
used in the piece : "I must drink to
drown the man before I can do such dir
ty work." "That kiss on my cheek has
rose a blush of shame " "There has been
o much scandal said behind your back,
that if brought to your face would raise
a stench that you could smell, even if
yu held your nose with your forefinger
and thumb." "A father's first duty is to
secure the happiness of-his child." "A
man who fights for hi country's cause is
a soldier and not a traitor."
"You have got a glee club in Platts
mouth that's the best one in this state, and
the next one to it." This remark, iu
which we coincide, was uttered on the
"battlements" of the Coverdale House,
after the performance at the Opera last
night. The cause of the proud and
truthful utterance was the fact that "our"
rite club were serenading the .Stuart
Theatre Co. at that popular hostelry.
Their rendition of "Come where the lilies
bloom," "Come where my lovelies dream
ing," and "Nourine Maurine," were
highly appreciated by the troupe, one of
whom, Mr. Bernard, played some beauti
ful selections on the violin and mandoline.
T;day is the birthday of Oeorgo
Washington and Willet I'ottinger, of
this city.
The ring rallied for last night at O.
I. Smith's drug store, was won by Ja.nes
Pine, yardmastcr, B. & M.
The body of Mrs. Cook, deceased,
was taken to ML Pleasant, Iowa, last
night, in charge of her husband.
Two small pieces of bone were found
ia the heart of Mrs. Cook (deceased) at
the port-morteni yesterday morning.
No !, five hundred mile ticket over
the li. fc M., of L. E. Humphrey, editor
Plain Dealer Wahoo, Neb., i cancelled
The work of rip-rapping the river
bank opposite the IJ. & M. depot was
commenced today with sandstone from
near Cedar Creek.
Died, at her home near (Jriniiell, la.,
Feb. VI, 1888, Mrs. Mary A. West, after
a lingering illness of one year Age 7:1
years, 7 months and 3 days. The above
named lady is the mojlier of Mrs. J. C.
Boone of this city.
Street commissioner Morgan on
whom we trust the wreath of immortali
ty may fall, and the fountain containing
the milk of human kindness will forever
flow was shoveling off the mud from the
crossings on Main street today. "Wash
me and I shall be whiter than snow."
.T. H. Putnam, the silverware agent,
was arrested, tried and fined twenty dol
lars and costs last night for peddling
goods around the city without a license.
He was obstinate, wouldn't pay, went to
jail and turned over sixty dollars and a
watch to the jailer; then repented, paid
his fine and was released.
We have heard a great del of scan
dal concerning the death of a person
lately deceased in this city, whic h one in
human wretch who should have the word
turned into hot coals and pounded down
his thorax, requested us to publish. We
eek for news and not for muck. "The
dead and absent are always wrong, and
tlu living and present arc always right."
Iu the announcement of the death of
Arthur Pickens in these columns is ti
poem. It was not composed by Tennyson
or Swinburne, but by the boy's father
this morning (while riding on a street
cir) and pondering over his sad afiiiction.
Although not containing classic expres
sions, it is worthy of study, as illustrat
ing the force of pathos derived through
faith in scriptual truths.
Three Englishmen arrived in the
city last night. 'Mb J were "just over,"
jind will be e mployed as machinists at
the shops. Their names are S. W. An
derson, (brother to Leonard Anderson,)
C. C. Mitcliel and B. Ilcarson. Until
their arrival here, they were residents of
that city where Mscaulay's Xewzelanclcr
stands on a bridge calmly surveying the
placid Thames and trying to read the
f ut ure.
"I have often taken in four hund
red dollars before this hour of the day,
about 1800," said Mr. Shannon as he
nonchalently viewed his livery barn be
ing torn down yesterday morning. His
remark had reference to the time of the
"Pikes' Peak" excitement and when
there were no railroads entering this city,
but the river was used as a landing place
for vessels loided with those who
"fought for gold and not for fame" and
made this city an outfitting point before
going West.
The autopsy on the remains of Mrs.
Cook, conducted by Drs. Schildknecht
aud Siggins yesterday morning revealed
dropsy and enlargement of the heart
with fatty degeneration of the same or
gan with ossification of the arteries and
valves of that organ. The liver and
spleen were also greatly enlarged and
congested and extensive adhesions of all
the vital organs caused by the general
inflammation of which the lady had been
such a long, and great, and patient suf
lerer. The dropsy which wa3 the im
mediate cause of death proved to be only
a symptom ot uie organic disease oi me
At 7 o'clock this morning a group
of four or five persons stood outside the
undertaking establishment of Hciiry
Boeck. Their laughter could be heard
at the high school. The cause of their
merriment was the fact that one of the
company had completed a contract, in
which he said: "Here is my note for fif
ty dollars for a casket, and ten tlollars
for a hearse to carry mc to my grave.
But, mind you, if I die before our streets
are paved aud the road is rough and
muddy, you will return the ten dollars
to my h"irs." This conversation remind
ed us of an eccentric, jolly couple who
kept a tombstone in their sitting room.
The name of the man's wife, and the us
ual "Sacred to thejmcmory" was chiselled
out of the stone, but the date of clepar
ture was left blank. The old gent, in the
presence of his wife, (who seemed to en
joy the idea), would point out with
pride to the tombstone and say, "There's
nothing like being ready, my boy, 'In
the midst of life, we are in death.'"
J. II. Becker from Eight Mile Groe,
was in the city today.
W. H. Baker of this
Oakland, Cal., last night.
city, left for
"Coming Events Cast Tholr shad
ows Beforo"
The heading of this article will remind
some of our tenders of Chaa. Dickens'
receipt fsr the formation of pretty, pout
ing lips, where a governess chides a little
child for saying "Father." "Papa, is more
preferable, my dcai ! And if you would
sometimes repeat the words, papa, pota
toes, prunes and prism, Cand she might
have added PlatUmouth) it would give
a pretty form to the lips."
This article has only reference to the
prism of I'lattsmouth's future, suggested
by the pulling down of Shannon's livery
barn at the corner of Fourth and Main
streets. This lnndmark, so dear to the
memories of those; old settlers of our
city, who arc gradually reaching "that
bourne from which no traveler return?,"
was erected by John Dontlan in ISliO,
and at that tima the lot on which it was
built was owned by the Arnold heirs.
There has been ten transfers of the prop
erty since the that made, May 21, US .VI,
and recorded as follows :
"Quit-claim deed of lot (, in block
of the city of Plattsmouth. Know all
men by these presents, that the trustees
of the town of Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Territory, for the mm of one hundred
and forty-five dollars ($145), one third
paid in hand by P. E. Thnrman
Claim and convey unto C. Nuckolls,
Signed, Wheatley Mickelwait, pres
ident of the board of trustees.
The next transfer whs January 23, 1S.V.I,
aud witnessed by Judge Pottengcr :
"Said city council of the city of
Plattsmouth. in consideration of the
premises and two dollars and seventy
live cents in hand. Convey unto
the heirs of Edwin Arnold, late of Mills
county, Iowa, the following described
lots: One of which is lot :, in block
Mr. Shannon liaa been running the
burn since 18C1. There is an older
structure ie the same block, one crested
for a lawyer's olViee by Mr. Solomon,
(now of Glen wood, Iowa), in lS.Vl. The
building is now occ upied by Mr. Will
Cook as a barber shop. In tha same
block a Mr. Shaffer committed suicide
and a Mr. Mattecr was shot some yenrs
Mr. Wagner has purchased the livery
barn and is tearing it down with the in
tention of selling the lumber. Mr.
Wheatly Micklewait who made out the
deed for the first transfer of the property
is now a restaurant keeper of Lincoln,
Neb. His son, who was the first white
male child born in this county, now
weighs o(54 pounds, and is conductor of
a passenger on the II. P., running from
Auburn to Lincoln. These ancient mo
meutoes are gradually disappearing to
make way for more imposing structures,
still, their memories will linger in the
minds of many old citizens, who will
calmy meditate the couplet:
"Leaf by leal the ro-e fall.
Drop by drop tlie brook runs dy."
It is our painful tluty to record the
death of Arthur J. Pickens, son f the
well known contractor of that name,' re
siding on the comer of Ninth and Mar
ble streets. The cause of the child's
death was pneumonia. He had been
sick only eight days when he wan sum
moned by spirits above. The little
cherub, had he lived, would have been
six mor.ths old to-day. The funeral
takes place at 1 p. m. to-morrow from
the parents' residence. Hev. J. P. Baird
of the Episcopal church will attend the
funeral. This is a terrible afliction
the loss of a bright, promising, prattling
little boy, and requires a great deal of
christian fortitude to bear the grief pro
duced by such a sad loss. The calm,
christian resignation and happy antici
pation of a future meeting by relatives,
in instances like this, speak volumes of
refutation f the opinions of Ingcrscll.
'Our little darling is not C .d,
Uut yet beV Jjone before,
T- rest in heaven wilh the aigcl,
- To uwwli tor evermore.
The Cass County Agr cultural Socie
ty will hold a meeting in the county
court house, Plattsmouth, Saturday.
March 3.
Salt Croek.
All stock is looking well . . . .Mrs. Geo.
W. Page has gone to Cullum to see a sick
mother, and to visit with old friends
Mrs. James Abbott has a fine son; mother
and son are doing well.... Mr. Charles
Page has been sick all winter. . . .The B.
& M. are repairing one of their bridges.
which is in a bad shape
Eight M!to Crcva Notes.
M. L. Friedrich, of Eight Mile Grove
precinct, has returned from Germany
where he has been visiting his parents
during the winter.
George Clark has returned from Illi
nois where he has been visiting friends
and relatives.
Willie, sou of J. H. Becker, has gone
to Missouri to visit friends.
John Fight and Adam Ilild have pur
chased the Dorrington farm. Consider
ation $3,(500.
N' otic a to Contractors.
Bids will be received at Plattsmouth,
Neb., up to 11 A. St., Thursday, March 1,
188, for a two-story office building for
the Anhauser Cusch Brewery Co., of St.
Louis, to be erected at Plattsmouth.
Plans can be seen at MeVey's saloon,
Plattsmouth, and at the office of Henry
Voss, Beddick's block, Omaha, Neb., who
reserves the right to accept or reject all
bids. f218t
Gold Coin btovt 3 and ranges the best
in the market at I- Parlt-niai. Fltf
For the present I remain at the old
stand, opposite the opera hou 'c.
f20d3w2 J. Fcni.A'i Kit, Jeweler.
Wantkh. To rent a miall house in
the vic inity of this cilice, where further
infoi inatioii can be obtained.
I wish to in i'c-riii my customers that I
have concluded t remain in biiMness at
Plattsmouth. Respectfully.
f20d:lv3 J. Sciii.ATLit, Jeweler.
I. Pearim.-in sells furniture on the in
stallment plan. Payments weekly or
monthly. " frj-dtf
I s-!iii:l purchase a n-.;w .stock of goods
of the lalctt patti'ins and at reduced
prices. Respectfully,
fiOd:5w2 .1. S iii.atkk, Jeweler.
Go to I. Purhiuun'a for line 'furniture.
S.vedish Ling, n:-, stock ti. Is and all
kinds of lish or herring for Lent can be
had at jaiirJl t f Yi:c kk.u h A : Cu.
Watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired
on fchort notice and in it workmanlike
manner. Respect fully,
fi0d:Jw2 J. Si mi, Jeweler.
There ore 21 reasons why you
should purchase lotsin SouthPark.
Scopac 4. fGtf
Foil Sai.k On reasonable terms my
residence on the N. W. corner of Elm and
11th streets. Said property consists of
i block with a good story and a half
house of six rooms, two wardrobes and
one pantry; good well and city water;
twcnty-syeii bearing apple trees, and an
abundance of small fruit of all kinds.
If P. D. Batks.
BCpjmI tin' reasons wisy you
tiUEld pctteiiKnc tutu in South
Fain, s vur.ii -1. ilti
Thanking my customers for past favors
I shall endeavor to merit a continuance
of the same. R sped f ully,
fl0d3w2 J. Scm.ATKii, Jeweler.
New furniture at 1. Paihman's. Fltf
Real estate and abstracts.
dlf W. S. Wish.
Firo Insurance written in the
tna, Phccr.ix and Hartford by
Windham & Davies.
Hay tor Sale-
Three hundred tons of hay for srde for
cash, cuhcr delivi red or on t he ground.
L- ave ordi-is at Henry Weckbach's store.
Jan. o uiodJcw L. Stulk.
Furniture for the eillar kitchen anc!
parloi sold on weekly or monthly install
ments at I. Pearl man's. f2 cltf
Wan'if.d A competent girl for house
work, washing and ironing not required.
Wacres three dollars' per week.
f-20-d-wtf. Mi:s. R. B. Wixuham.
Parties needing household furniture
and those vho contemplate keeping
house soon will lind it to their object to
buy of I. Parleman. t'2-dtf
Bailed hav for side at Holmes livcrc
bam. dl'if
To whom it may coneern: Parties
owing me book accounts, will save costs
lv settling the same by t lie 1st of Mirch,
lb88. Respect f dly.
dl-wl O. M. Stkeuuit.
4 X. Jib IV AM, Attorney .it Law. Vil
' give prenipt attention 1 a!l liiiMUFsn ln
IriKiteil ti iiin. Oftloo ia Cnion Block, East
i'ic. rialtsntoiit li, Ne'o.
B.& hi. Timo Table.
oin; WK-T.
No. 1. a ::( a ni.
No, -An !, I!'.
No. fi !' r a. in.
No 7. 7 : !.r i'. in.
No. '.. G :1 1 p. m.
No. 11 (i :u5 a, in.
No. 2 4 ;J5 p. in.
Im. i. 1' a. in.
"o. 0 7 :.'!i p. 111.
No. 8. n -J,0 a. i-i.
o. '(). :i : ii a. in.
No. 12. -0 t . jci.
AT1 t rs; i a run daily hy wavof 'i.-ialia. except
Nn 7 aiul s wiiii-'i i aa Co n'-.-.i fr ai s'cliuile.
daily exeej.t Sunday.
No. so is s stub to Pari:in Je'i.-'ti.o. " ,.i.a in
No. V.) is a. stub irom I'aeilio .Junction t 11 a in
li. 13. WiNOiiAM, Joiix A. Daviks,
Notary I'eljlic. Notaiy I i.Mic.
attorney & - at - Law.
CDiee over llar.k f f Ca-s County.
Plattsmouth, - - Nehhaska.
C. F. S M I T H,
Merchant Tailor.
Keeps constantly on h:.!id saiiipie' of the
best gootls t ! vrceureil. Is prepared to
iiik pi; nls f;r ;-.:id upwards audtui'.s toi
Xeatly aal pioinptly done at ifce lowest
prices Over Titer Merges' store, North Side
Main Street.
Wm.T Herold & Son
Fry Good?. Mmi Eools enl Ste
cr Ladies and G uls
He keeps as large and r.s well
As can l.e found any j.lnoe hi tlie city and make
you prices that d-.y conipf iiiioii.
.Agents for
Earptrs EcsrFiirnj uA Ears Cv.ui?.
Dr, C. A Marshall.
k? - Q i-ii S m i
Preservation i caturl teetti a specialty.
Cath extracted without pain by mac of JLavghing
All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Blcck PXattsmc cth, Neb
Tiiic SpaQO
-sl,Too Worth of
-Must le
As I have to leave to take charge ofiny Father's business in Ottuin
wa, on account of his continued ill health. Now is the time to lay in
a snyply of UOOTS and SHOES at
French Kid hand-turned shots. . .
French Kid common sense shoes.
Curaeoa Kid common sense shoes.
Dongola hand-sewed shoes
GLze dongola shuts
Straight goat shoes
Best goat button shoes
Hund-sewcd button shoes
Calf button shoes
Oil grain button shoes
Glove calf button shoes
Dongola foxed button shoes
Grain button shoes
led Cross School Shoe Reduced 25c apr
.Misses best Kid and (Jont Spring heel,
Men's best hand sewed shoes
.Men's best Calf fcwcd shoe
Men's best Kangaroo sewed shoe
Men's l:est calf sewed shoe
-Men's best congress or button shoe. . . .
Men's calf boots
Men's best kip boots
Men's Clood kip boots
Coeds zmst Ti sold at once- TTcvi
will find it to yciirintorest to call early.
Eeasons for Purchasing Lots in South Park.
1. As ;i -whole they are ihe iinest lyin; lots in tlie city.
2. They are shaded with hctuitiful forest trees.
3. They .are located between Chics-go ::r:d Lincoln Avenues, the
two finest drives jiboiit the city.
4. They ate only u ten-iniiintt s walk from the biuiness portion
of the town.
5. Iy reason of their location between the tw o main thorough -ihies
into the city, they are more aoessible than lots in other additions.
0. The only addition to th; city reached by two established'
7. The only new addition to the city reached by water mains
and wiili n project of being supplied in tho near future with com
plete water privileges.
S. Xew sidewalks recently constructed to within a lew feet of
the addition and will shortly l.e extended.
!!. Will (cirainly have street car privileges at no distant date.
10. If yen wish a line view ot the river, locate on a lot in South
11. If you wish a sightly and picture, iue view- of Plattsmoth
it can be had lrom a South J 'ark lot. '
12. To persons in the railroad employ, the eastern portion of
South Park is the most desirable residence kcalily in the citv.
K5. To persons desiring a residence on Chicago avenue the
western portion of South Park is available i' r that purpose. '
14. The P. & M. railroad track runs near the east line of thp
auuiuon, iiirnisnmg gooii iacinues
Alexander, John Moore, 21
lo. It you locate in South Park you will have good neighbors
Mayor Simpson, John R. Cox, John A. Davies, John L. Minor J. V
Weckbach, Chas. Harris, John II. Young, Henry "Waterman v C
Ingraham, Ji. Spurlock, Jerry Farthing, Thos. K. Key n olds,' S A
Davis, L. A, iliner, C. JU. Wead, Frank Irish, J. JST. Glenn, C. L
Coleman, S. A. Speakman, Frank Peeson, Chas A. Pankin R..'rQl." v
Faugh t, Clayton Parber, W. J. I lesser, Ilai; y JCneller, J. E Parwick
J. (. Poyal, W. 2 McLennan, P. C. Minor, b McCourr, J.U. Fought
and other sare owners of South Park propen v.
Hi. Uver worth d this desirable property has been dis
posed of within a short period and no part has been sold to outside
speculators which is solid proof of the substantial growth of this nart
of the city.
IT. More substantial houses were built in South Park in the
fall of 1SS7 than in any one locality in the city and tlie prospects for
sprinir building are much greater.
IS. Lots will be sold until the 1st ot April, next, at 150 etch
after said date the price on tlie most desirable lots will be advanced '
IV. Terms I cash, balance in one and two year?, or lots mav'l'A
lots in one
cnaseu on montiiiv payments. ' y
Any number ot persons, not le&s than five, purchasing ten
tramaction will be given a lot irte to dispose of as the
proper. ' J
may ciceni proper.
21. Any per.-on or perrons purchasing 20 or mnr WD .....
ingi cash, may have one and two years on balance without interest
--2 Ifany other reasons for purchasing lotsin South Park are
desired they will be given by calling at the ofhee of
StosoiVGd for
the IJest Makes of
h.M in tlie:
.$5 00 reduced to $4 35
5 00
a 75
A 50
:i 25
a oo
3 20
2 75
5 25
2 00
1 05
2 00
1 25
.$2 50 now $2 25
. 7 00 " 6 00
. 3 00 " 4 25
. 5 00 " 4 25
. 8 00 " 2 75
. 2 50 " 1 85
2 75 " 1 75
4 50 " 3 75
, 3 50 " 2 00
lor niarn;,lacturin industries.
J liJie Jval skv T W
P L L 1 PS