The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 21, 1888, Image 2

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Tha Platbmouth Daily Herald.
Kisro 'x1 i BBoa,
Publishers & Propr ietors.
tiii: rr.vrr.s.MouTii hkkamj
Ih )i:1i -tit -! every (vii!iik exerjit Sumlay
anil Wn-Uly t-viTy I liiiisiliiy iiinnilii. I'ejjl.s
tereil at the;;ice, I' ullHimxitli. Velr.. ;s
s-ritid -cl.s ii).iitT. Ollire rorm-r of Vine and
Jfiflli Mr:t-U.
TfcKMS Kill I:. .
One !' nrt i-:xr in ailvaiK". Iy m:i'.l S irfi
4 im irony pfr iiK.iitli, ly ran h-r. V
On j copy i-r week, hy :;iri iT 1.1
ThKMS l-'OH r.kKi.v.
fine copy ' v':r. in :nl vunee I !
one co;y eix monti. in atlvunre 7.1
Whii.k other embryo cities in Nebraska
are cm;:ipjed in raising a $10,000 ailyrr
tisin fiuiil, to show off their several nat
ural a I van tribes. Plattsinoiitli is content
with iloin a It of lien; talking. L' t
us liavc more lesolutc fruit-bearing labor;
it will lo more to our city.
Ik PlalUniouth could have two or
three funerals anions her w althieit citi
zen, Tni; I Ikkai.u li:t; heiml it &tatel
without reserve on the. street, then vc
won'il be in ih.ijus to move on with a
viyor never li:fore known here. If we
can't have a funeral gentlemen lets go
ah wad any way ami allow the old fo-;ie3
to cither ji;t out of the way or take tlr;
onsejuciues. Thn time has come when
l'httlsniouth must fore ahead, ami sh
will do it to, this year of IHSS if our
rustlers will only persist in th -ir present
co ur.-e.
Tok free trades argument ciiliiuis
without any abatement, and every day
th.'; old axiom that convince u man
against his will, he's of the same opinion
Ptill is apparently e.vamplitied. The
f.kai.i ventures the prediction and will
ttake more than is reputation for truth a
veracity on the fact that the democratic
presidental convention will net give a
clear clean cut a free trade platform as
!rover Cleveland has annunciated the
frcetrade dogmas in his message. Even
Mr. Cleveland appears to wish already
that lie hadn't said it. There is too much
patriotic American sentiment in this
country for free trade to become popular.
It is quite possible that we have not
come to the end of illuminating projects,
and that the use of electricity may not
supersede all other material. Glasgow
lias recently witnessed the test ot a new
illu minant of extraordinary power. It
is obtained by the evaporation of tar.
creosote, or other hydrocarbon oils. The
llama is puns white, very intense and can
ba carried up to :i000 candle power.
The expense is 2c per hour per 1 000-candIe
power. It is in the production of arti
ficial light and heat that civilization lias
for the last twenty-five years most nota
bly murked progress. It is on the same
line we shall move for some time to come.
The end will be free fuel and free lights
for the people as we now have free air.
(iibe Democrat.
Alt. Asia is agitated over the decay
and parti d fall of the sacred P.o tree, un
der which Buddha sat and meditated,
until he became "enlightened, and over
came the last temptation." That was
over 2300 yeara ago. It has grandly out
lived Buddha; but he it was who imd
it fanioin and sacred. It is probably the
most ancient trej in the world, histoti
cally speaking; that is, the oldest whose
record is known. During a severe drouth
the people were about to assemble at this
tree to pray for rain, when a storm arose
of great violence and broke off the main
stem ot the tree. "Whether it was the ur
gency of the prayers, or purely a natural
eyent we are not informed. But the brok
en tree has received divine honors, bt'in:i
cremated and the ashes placed in a sacred
tank. All the same, the Bo tree, which
is a tig. will semi out new growth shoit
ly, and be none the worse for the break
age. Ex.
The following is a specimen of the
arguments used in the Chicago Tribttn
against Protection. The item is headed.
'"Robbed by the Tariff."' A workman,
who is a Welshman and a resident of
Springfield, Illinois, sent to "Wales for
underwear. The following is a copy of
the bill :
Freight and charges to Springfield, III.
Jmtyou jroocN
'us'om House fees
Cartaire on ten-pound package
1'ubMc storage
Custom-1 louse brokerage
-S 2 87
. . 7 fe
... 1 01
$11 3
The man could not pay the bill.
E. E. Hkxkv.
If the aforesaid "Welshman had gone
to any clothing house in Springfield he
could have got a dozen suits of under
wear for the above amount and saved
the :?12."S paid by him for freight, duty,
etc. But if he must have Welsh under
wear in preference te American we sug
gest that he go to Wales for the next h;
wants and stay there himself. "We have!
some Anglo-maniac dudes in Xew York
who can't get clothes here good enough
for their Hinglish tastes, but this is the
first and we hope will be the last work
ingman we have heard of who issj stup
id as to imitate the above nondescript
persons. In ter-Ocean.
"lilt. Nui'Il- tit t'l.:i-.lts.
Tho bupply of ixanuts comes aJuiObt
wholly from Virginia, Tenns.sco und
North Carolina. Virginia is tho banner
peanut growing fctato, averaging 2,000,
000 bushels yearly. Tenncs.-,ee conies
next with an average of 500,000 bushels,
and North Carolina's production averages
150,000 bushels. Tho esliniated supply
for 1WJS is 3,300,000 bushels, which in
eludes the nearly 000,000 bushels of last
year"n crop which Btill remain in tho
market. New York Mail and Egress.
New true for !
"I'm going to Maine after a consignment
of ice for consumption in Washington,"
Ktiil nn avwiuH dealer to a new reporter
nosing around for an item.
"Indeed!" exclaimed tho rejiorter,
pulling his notebook, "that's Eomething
new. I didn't know before that ico was
a remedy for consumption."
The ity editor saved tho re putation of
tho p;;per. Washington Critic.
A tiKTititii Women Writers.
The ijueen, 8j-akiug of American wo
men writers, says Mrs. Francos Hodgson
Burnett is devoted to old armor; Miss
Mary L. Booth, of Harper's Bazar, to old
coins; Mrs. Frank 1-slie, to laces; Jen
nie Juno, to rare china; Anna Katharine
Creen, to illuminated books and old mis-
;ds, and Mrs. Mary Mapcs Dodge, to raro
prints. Exchange.
"Would Cost Too 7l!irJi.
No, I'atti has no babies. The family
have decided that, they can't afford it.
When they realized that it would cost tho
youngster 100 every time ho wanted his
mother to sing him to sleep, cash up, or
no concert, they decided that no baby
could stand it without mortgaging trfie
nursery and fittir.g?. London Tid Bits.
Tobaero's Absorptive Oualitie.
A leaf of tobacco laid for two hours
within fcix feet of open kerosene will bo
found to Imj as rank as jKissiblo with tho
Kinell and liavor of the oil, and even
when dried and pressed into heavy hogs
heads will take tho odor from other arti
cles in tho hold of a ship, even from
sugar. New York World.
Oldettt Meeting House.
Probably one of the oldest meeting
houses in tho world is the Bangund
church, in Norway, tho a;e of which is
800 years. Tho pagoda like structure is
covered with shingles and an inch or two
of tar. Ilunic inscriptions, interesting to
scholars, are on the building. New York
C'upt. Cook's Death.
The unbound volumes and logs of the
fliips Resolution and Discovery during
Capt. Cook's voyage, which were found
in the British record oflice, contain at
least ten separate accounts of Cook's
death. They give some curious variations
from the accepted narrative. Chicago
Non-Speaking; Telephone.
A non-sjieaking telephone is exhibited
in Pittsburg. A sensitive plate presses
against the larynx and glands of tho
neck, and as the jaws are moved in con
versation the motion sends the words
along the wire as distinctly as the te'e
phtftio now in use. Frank Leslie's.
Muzzling Oysters.
A company h:is lx?en formed in Mary
land which devotes its energies to
muzzling oysters. A patent wire con
trivance known as an oyster lock is used.
A:i oyster which is hermetically sealed
will retain its flavor for months after
leaving its briuv bed. New York World.
The Iteliions Portion.
"What is the most religious portion of
tho body?" asked Maudie the other day.
And, no one guessing the answer, she
tol l it: "The head, because ic is between
two temples." Jewish Messenger.
Sanitary Inspection.
London has a sanitary inspection com
pany, regularly incorporated, that for a
fixed feu inspects your plumbing and tells
you you are breathing sewer gas
or ordinary air. New York fiun.
Dar is one sho' way o' tellin' or wise
mm fum or fool. Ef de bizness scheme
o' er pusson turns out tor be money niak
i:i', he's er wise man; ef not lie's er fool.
During 18S7 eleven and a half tons of
postage stamps nearly 170.000,000 in
number were sold at the New York
It is said that for consumptives noth
ing is better than raw or half cooked
Bogg's Sloocl Purifisr and Blood
No remedy in the world lias gained
tho popularity that this medicine has, as
i. hold on family medicine. No one
should be without it. It has no calomel
i : quinine in its composition, consequent
1 no bad effects can arise from it. We
keep a full supply at all times. O. P.
Smith Co. Druggist. j"o-3mod&w
It has been estimated that ths sun can
not be relied upon to furnish us light
and heat for more than 10.000,000 years
more. Mr. Keelcy will have to hurry up
with his moter if he expects to make any
thing frem it before eyerything goes to
BegS's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is warranted for all that the label calls
for, so if it does not relieve your cough
you can call at our store and the money
will be refunded to you. It acts simul
taneously on all parts of the system,
thereby leaving no bad results. O. P.
Smith & Co., Druggists.
A locomotiye has been sent by tiie king
of the Belgians to Taugiers as a present
to tho sultan of Morrocco a singularly
inappropriate gift, considering that there
is not a yaird of railway or train line
within the dominions of the latter.
Esge's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is the only medicine that acts directly
on the Lungs Blood and Bowels, it re
lieves a cough instantly and in time
effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. 1.
Smith fc Co., druggists. j2-3,3mo,d w.
TlwoM lifeboat.
With 1U work of mercy Oodr:
Left to eruuiMo away on tfc niioro,
'f the IwapiuK Hand eul tbe 8Cjf!liif roar
Of tha wave tlit ihm! on the jjlusy floor;
I-eft to parch in the summer nun.
To bluckcu aiil rot, for i'.n course is rua
Tin; oli lifritout.
That used to flout
Over the silver waves remote.
Th-oM lir.-bcnt:
ITow it bUkkI in scrvixt days!
Clad in white with a star nn its prow
(lint th Ktar lius set on its old side now),
Ami the coils of roMi ot tlio j-liajx-.'y Ikjw;
Sturdy oar s that w::re steady iu place,
At cry of alarm ever ready to rai: e,
Tin; old lifelioat
We oft would uoto
For on tLu seu like a sunny mote.
Tho old life I not!
By thu lighthouse, shadow lonp.
Salt winds w!iiiK-rin now through its err.ckB
Jlnriuur over and over renieinlx ed faet.i
Of tle purple calm and the; tijn-;;t racks.
Sinking shi;;.-:, and tin; iHioiuiiig .ti-on.
The summon to pave, and the i.n:vioaj throngs
Konnd th' old lifeljout,
I'ushed o'.T to llout
Over the lu.shin waves remote.
The old lifehoat!
Dy the shore and I in tidn !
There the dreamer will often delay.
And I he lovers at !! e elose of day.
And the seamen puii'.e. ni:d ehiiureii play.
Is it for naught that it should ahii'e?
What matter ir then t houu it it: denied
T!:eeld lile!) at
A;;i:i t- I -iit,
Over tlie stiver waves remote!
l.'dwurd Abraiu Valentine.
MIs'il Tuili Too niiu h.
Manager Vt'illlam II. Ikert said l:o did
not exjMH-t to se3 anj- radical eiiango i:i tho
form of t!;o t;'lei.!:one, save perhaps a con
trivance to hold tho receiver to tiioeara:id
leavo tho listener both hands freo. llo
laughed when nsko;l ns to tl;o practical uso
of a telephone audible to a person sittiiig
several feet away from the instrument.
"Tiiat has l;ecn perfected," he said, "but no
body cares for it. We wcro all amu:xd and
delighted with tlio invention when it was
first shown, but nftcr awhile it wa. agreed
ly experts ihr.t tho thing was not likely to
ba of practical value. No one cares to havo
a thing in his ofiloe that will talk right out
at tho most inopportune moment. There ai'o
nono in uao, as iur as I know." Iew York
Two jrarriasres i:i Frsnrr.
There are clwaj-s two marriar;os iji Franco
beforo tho grcoia can claim his l)ride first
tho marriage at tho mayor's office, or civil
marriage, and then tho church marriage.
Two, and sometimes threo, days pass between
the two ceremonies, during which time tho
announcement of tho civil marriage is posted
up on tho court house door, ami tho young;
couple are net allowed to sco each other. Tho
civil marriage is a quiet affair, tho brido
wearing street costume, and tho members of
her own and her husband's families being tho
oidy persons present. The second ceremony
is in accordance with the wealth of the groom
and tho position ho holds in society. Tho
Thought llo Ta lAiciy.
IIo was a belated citizen going home. A&
ho turned into High street from Ecaubien a
liedostrian suddenly confronted him and
said :
"Mister, if you would plearo be CO kind n
to toll mo what time it is, I'd be"
"Just striking one I" was tho reply, as tho
belated shot out with his right and knocked
the fellow into tho gutter.
Tho victim crawled out after a. period of
inactivity, gathered up a big ball of enow
for his noso to bleed on, and muttered to him
self: "Wasn't I in luck that it wasn't just strik
ing 'leven or twclvo !" Detroit Freo Press.
Only Wanted Enoasfh.
Not long sinco a bTizora, newly arrived
daughter of Erin found herself tho only pas
sooger on a steamboat dock udjoir.r; a
slip from which rowboats arc hired. Just
as tho lines were alxmt to bo cast off sho ei
proached tho mato of tho steamboat, and,
with artless politeness, exclaimed: "Ah,
sur ye needn't tako mo in this big boat.
Wan av thim small wans will do."
Tho oCicial was so surprised at thisthought
fuluess that hi:j eyes got as big as s.iucers,
and he walked away in silence, not daring to
k'ivo expression to Uie words his tongue would
utter. New Yorli Evening Sun.
A Sad State of Affairs.
CId Mrs. I!oiitl3 Have yo heerd anvthing
about Mrs. Crown latelj-, ObadiahJ
Old Mr. EeiiLly She di-jJ several days ago.
I thought yo knew that?
Old Mi's. Bently I never heerd of it, Pcor
soul ! An' so sho's dead i
Old Mr. Eeatly Yts, dead an' buried.
Oid Mrs. IX An' buried, too! Oh, my!' wuss! Xew York Sun.
T2ip T'ir.-t P.-.jntai ion.
Tlio first ki.3 between ihespinstor patror.oss
fa matrimonial buraau and tho man intra-
duced to bcr bv tho marriage bro'ior as lit;-
.... , .. i, i
'iuture hui-bana,-' is ue-rioedby bankers on
as Loins' amusing to a do'ri'eu. Thev sce:n
trai.l of cavh other, until Ikusllv thu woman
raphes at hiai, and Lo saus glad it's ovcr.-
Kcv York GrajiLie.
SomelUlnjj Al:c:it Parasites.
'Til, here's a pieee in the ; about rar
csitcs. What is parasites, )a:"'
'i'arasites, ray b;:
u h;r, parantcs cro
ta people vv'iio live in 1 ans. luiiik you
Oi'.ht to know that, and 3-011 in the Third
Header." Woman's Magazine.
Some Consolation.
Naturally Indignant.
After church:
Spogrgs Was it not disgraceful, the vray
in which Smiggs snored in church toJa3'?
Stuggs I should think it was. AVhy, he
wokousall up. The Review.
Dreadfully Afraid.
The wages of sin is death, and, if you will
notice it, there are a great many pei'sons in
this world who seem to bo dreadfully afraid
that they won't earn their wages. Boston
l'earfully T.ig Feet.
It was an Irish lady who once amused her
auditors greatly by remarking in a rueful
tone, in the course of a conversation on the
size of feet: "ily feet are fearfully big regu
lar cubic feet."
Talking Down the Tube.
Patron Give me a piece of pie and a glass
of milk.
Waiter (vehemently) One clock weight
and a chalk quarry. Nebraska State JournaL
A man discovers when he isn't wanted by i
a tardy process of reason. The woman dis- :
covers it instinctively. i
J - j
isitor Don t you miss your little nephew 1 p, t l p 4
. j , 51 w 1 t b
Freddie (whoso nephsw died tho week be- 2 a
fort-) Yes, I miss hiai very much, but I liko .j M R SJ
to be the unelo of an aiiel. Life. g tJi
'e want live, ctierntie, aKiitH in every
county tti the l'::itc! Stale mid Canada to sell
a uleM a i tide of teat merit, :t : kisits.
Anaitle hvin;: Uirefiule I'ui in over Hm
per cent, proiit. lirtvin i;o eon. pet ii ioa, and on
whlell the si'-eet is rutecleil in the ci'!ufiv
K.'ile by a de..-d tiv-n lor each and e. ly emin
ty he may s cme J:-i m us. Wiih all tie se ad
vantages t' our ae.,;s. ami the Jac-t that it h
aa arlieh t!ic ean he soi l to every liounelioi
i-wi.e . ir mi;:hl iru( ! neeei-snry to make "An
I- xineudiiiaiy Oiler'' to .seceie eoeil :ie:its at
enee. 1..!' e i ove '.:. eladeit to n.ake It lo
s!i)W, net on y ou iMiuideue! in t hu merits of
i:r inveii ic:,. let i!i .t- al::l-i ity b nay aire t
that wi'l !:atnle u w em iKy. mr "aivnts
iiuv. Hi wdii; ..ii- inaLtii;; Iroiu Si.'.o ;o .si-:n a
liioittli elei.r. II. .s favt makes it Mife lor us
to make oun-irer t" all t ho ale out ol einploy
iiien... Any :n,'.'iu th t will K'Ve our bu ines
a;l;;:iyu s' ir.a! tali to :iear at least
:)ii:i ili; l me, ;Jyue all etpeii-es. can le
I me ail ;, )! - lii.s .la to lis l xv will I'm Dud
i,;"u.'V ;iiil Jir ti.i n,. So dieli employer
oi . ;it-ui e er t-rl j ., mali e sneii ol.'ei', nor
w oi.l.l e il e itid led know that '- have
:tV'i.ts u.v in ii.;. .e, moir ilian double thM
anioiiiit . Our 1 i e oe-erip! ive eu'e'.dal s ex
p.ain our otfer 1 1 1 ! I y . a i t here we wish in M-nd
to f I I one u ol en: i - lo M' et who Will M'lid
iis ll.lee oiie eel.; sl.i!:, s lor peta'Je. end al
once and weenie i!ie ;r;'iirv in ll iielor 1 l.e
h .oi;:, a: d -.'o io it .: k o i li e . rma named in
our xtiitoidiiiary o;:er AiHir" . i i nv-e,
" .VI 1 :'. ,.!. NVK1 TV I'M.,
fU-.":u-ihtv.' .r.l i - a.u !'!ieid !-1 ,, l a.
Tho Pes r.iiii.s y,'i;'s7(.r 3ays the Iov, a apeis form a solid line for Alli.-ton.
Who is Ycur Ost Friond?
Your i.liinac!i of course. Why.' 15e if it is out of order you are one of
tho mosi ensemble creatures liv'tny;. (.live
it a fair chtince :ml sej if it is not the best
friend you have in th.; end. Don't .smoke
in the inor:ii;iir. L';ui,t dtink in the
morn: n;r. If von mu'l siunkc i.iiil drink
wait until your stomach is through with j
brecklast. You c;'.n drink more and j
smoke more in the cveiiiu; i;i..l it will teil j
tin you Its.-'. If your food ferments and J
does not div;."t riht- if yen are troubl- j
ed with l-c'iirl'i'iii!. Diz.nie.-.s of tho head, j
coming n ; j oi' tie! food after citing, bil- j
iou :f.( s i:iiii;.;eMlon, or any fit her I roubio i
d' tlie stomach, vou h id bent use Green's !
Aup;ut Flower, as no person can use :t i
without im::;edi;.te
u.nn hu
fil'J.'j.dOO and two batteries of arliilei v. 1
Fcr Corc.ilS, liscrsoncss, Wenk Luajc. Wfigc!:?.
".-h. l'ry, Unci::.? Couuli f lonr stamliiif,
ia :;.c;ii:il ami t unj Alli-L-tiiins. Try it.
Warranlctl ir C'.ire Consumption ir. it" Eurlier S'.r.ncs.
P At L-5" A T1 Absoluts Domioa cvsr Paia
P?M C I) I? IT I i" ro S:.:- Tliri::t,
IVoiip, S'rost i Hi .,Wonnl., etc., in i':ti; than n?iy
t'ivr nifuicinoori vartli. Gaarantoetl to Cure K-isunia-in Koiiralgia. Warraut'-d hy your !: ui.",ist.
, ."'V. nuU CI. l'"r SI we will h-ik1 lart it aiic ol
tithrr Cure, exjirtss rui-:: il. .M:ls
nail-Koad RemeUy C3., Box 372, Lincoln, Neb.
Trtiilc snpiJited by Ilichardson Drug Co., j
Oinaiiu, Ael.iiiska.
SCOO Reward. j
"We will p;iv the ;:!ove re ward fcr c-.v.x
t i'.se of liver eoiiiphtiiit, tly.siej)p:;;. siek
headache, indigestion, con.- ti put ion or
ei-sti venes-s v.-e cannot care with
"West's Veg'. table Liyer l'ill?, when the
(iircctions are strictly einiliel witii.
Tlicy are purely yeetiible, .::n,t never
fail to give pr.tisfaction. Large l;
containitig sugitr coated jiills, 2,c.
For sale ly sill ilrugni.ts. Ilivare of
coni't'.'rfeit. and itnilations. The genu
ine rr.iinuffcUircd :i!v lv Joi n (. Well
& Co.. 8U.2 W. JIitd!.on tft. Chicago, JU
Sold hvV. .J Warriolc.
Tlio standard reined v for liver con;
j.'Iainr is V i-t's Liver Pill-; Ihfy never
'iis ipp'iiit yon. :J0 ii!s .jc. At "War-'
nc:;'s ttrtie;' .-tore-.
I I -. i 2
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S 3 H J fc s i:
Or 1
Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
Cotttracior and Builder
Sept. 12-Cni.
"Julius fepprbrg.
Choicest Brands Cigars, !
incluflinj; ov.r
Flor de Pepperberjjo' cnti 'Cuds
, ... , - ,ot. J
uiways in stoc-K. Iov. 2o, ISS.i. '
I must mako room for my
Coming and tlit-reioru will rtdtici: till li-atln.T tfooilu 20 t
cent, below remibir n ic br ca.-li only.
All Goods Marlsotl ia TiPlain Figures,
Ladies' French Kid .... .
Ladies' French Kid
Ladies' 1'riirht !)oiiirol:i .
J.adies' Jlriirlit Donj-olti.
J .aeies K m . . .
Dadiefc' Feb. (
Ladies' Fell, (ioat . .
Men's liurt bhoes
Ivlen's iShoes
Ji en's Slioes
Glen's SIkh'.s
Children s '-Little Ciant ScIk..,',
reduction. iw i.-. your
r"J pa?naj cwm
Oli-vor cfl- larriG, ropriotors.
We keep constantly on hand too
in the city. Meats ot
And everything to suit the dennind our trade, (iive us a trial,
South Side Mttin Street.
j Ef""1
i K a & to
vvnor.KSAi.i: and
Pork, Mutto, Veail and Poultry. r
X invito all o givo 211 a trial
Sugar Cured Meats. Hams, IJacon, Lard,
at lowest liying prices. Do not
paantrj aura :
.'.rrxt w"SK ac? ill JrfBr rj
a a
i "$iiiam
... ...
1 idOWSSi
jprlcozi i-sz th,o City. Call
'bo G osi via cod.
r-5rTP3 : ' -
a y u sua
T V -
! Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c., &c
ot our own make. Tlie best brands
x n H p.1 n 1 Ml H C U I i U
00 20 per cent, discount $4 00
1 0(
." ot)
2 :ir,
2 r
2 2:
s 0(1
4 i
l r.o
3 20
2 40
1 SO
2 oo
1 SO
0 40
a oo
2 oo
Shot s," the best in the market, tame
chance to lay in a cheap Miply.
lmef-t aim Irehliest line oi man ts
all kinds in their scaion.
Fetween FilYh and Sixth.
iuctaii. dkai.kk in
.tc. elr. Fresh Oysters in Can and Bulk
fail to 'ive me yoiir patronage.
L'-'C-;2r3i;JT, a TV
f.'j V if t'J i i
r K. a
W. Ma etuis.
1 r I ! BMM mm
of OYSTERS, in cans ami lmlt-