t the daily iikkald. pi.ai :nSKA, Tl'K.SDAV. KMIiliUA KY 14. 1K?8. , . J 1.1, - The Evening Herald. J. H. KING, City Editor. A. Nallnldirjr, lrntit, Korknood llmltling, Telephone u. :!". Ir. Sitfirlnk'M, (lllirn anil Hritlilenrc Shernooil Work. Tfli phoiiK .to. 1. CITY COUDIALS. Tlie I. SI. have cut rates on car loads of hos and cattle, thirty-live dol lars a t ar. - - About eleven 'e lock last ni"lit the locomotive whistles at Pacific Junction announced a lire at that place. It was a Kinall house and insured for inorv than it worth. -The llonfu nil Horn 1 elates an ainu in: story of a policeman in South Omaha who was talking to " wuuof tuini talking machines," and noted him ;ik trying, "arc you there Hello:" The members of the sewing cir h and all the ladies of 1 1 1 - church, :ti'' re quested lo meet at the i 'r-sic.t- rian I church Wednesday, IVb. 1 :it three oclock ). m. I't' KI!:k - Tki.s. All special teloijr.ipli rates i'ro.'n this City are cancelled from today, X' -pt the follow ii' j;: To Chicago, fort 3" r tit; to Louisville, Ky., sixty cents; to St. Louts. Mn, forty cents: to 'iiieiunatti, ., sixty cents. Tli'! attention of lh:i ( 'hataiiipM Cir cles of the .Missouri slope is called to matter that is likely to interest tin 111, callfdthc Council I'A 11 It's Assembly. Full particulars can be obtained by addles jiil; .1. K. 1 larkii'-ss, Council Il:i IT;. Iowa. A prominent official of the IJ. A: -M. informeil our scorpion today that that road hail cut rates on rain that would be shipped from all parts of the state for Ch'KMo. Ue stated that the reduction would be cilit cents per h;i;;drcd. If such is the case none of the I. V M. freight aijnts know anything about such a change. We are always pleased to receive a news note from anyone, and especially 5iich items as pertain to socie ty and the home circle. I f there i anything trans pires in your neighborhood that you think would interest our readers, drop us s line about it, call at the office or tell 113 by telephone by calling up No. If you have a friend visiting, or you are going out of town let us know id it, thereby assisting us to furnish our readers with a complete digest of news. The fancy dress ball given by the St. Luke's Guild, of the L'piscopal church, last night at Fitzgerald's hall, was a complete success. The e iTorts of the la dies of the above (Juild in adding to the comfort and enjoyment of those present were highly appreciated by a re ti noil as semblage. The variety of costumes, viv acious manners, witty expressions, smil ing faces and courteous demeanor of those in attendance made the occasion highly enjoyable, nnd 0110 that will be long remembered by the participants as reflecting great credit 011 the parties who originated the idea, and brought it to such a successful termination. .las. Patterson jr., a highly respected member of this community, ami as sistant cashier of the Hank of Cass Coun ty will be united in the hoh' bo.ids of matrimony to Sliss Grace Anderson, in the parlors of the Perkins house at S o'clock tonight, the lie v. II. IJ. IJurgcss performing the marriage ceremony. Mr. Patterson is a son of the president of the above bank and is well known for his courteous manners and retined intelli gence. Miss Anderson is the daughter of the proprietor of the Perkins hoiiso and has a large circle of friends who ad mire her nrmy lady-like accomplishments. Tiik Hkki.ii otters congratulations and trusts that th-v mav safclv ride 111 11. barque of contentment over ths troubled seas of life, th- ir sails tilled with the breeze of Divine protection and mutual trustfulness, and that when time bring them to the harbor of eternity, and the light in the binnacle of life i about ex tinguished, that calm resignation will aid them to descend life's decline to an abode of eternal bliss. A forlorn individual reclined in an easy chair in Dr. Livingston's oitice about eleven o'clock this morning. A dilapi dated relit: supported his head r.nd anoth er person sat with pitying gaze in front of him. The relic was spokesman for. th party and mentioned his name, resi dence, occupation, ami "that he had found this maa wandering about the streets, almost insane through suffering from bronchial catarrh." Tim man ap pciredto be in great pain, and when questioned replied that his name was Caljean, American by birth, six weeks in the city, and residing in Iiillingstow 11. Dr. T. P. Livingston's gleaming orbit shot down the man's bronchial tubes, and his ear was applied to the fellow's chest and back, and caught the musical aitic ulation of the man's breathing, also the strange sentence, "What re ti e wild waves saying j" "He's hid too much hot whisky' replied the doctor, upon hearing which the resurrected caJaver buttoned up his coat and departed with his scientific companions to take mother "straight" to increase his normal temperature. GUFi CITY DADS Convene in the City Colosseum- - Important Matters Discussed. The city council met in regular session last night, with all members present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. A petition praying for sev eral blocks of sidewalk in the vicinity of 14th and Locust ntreets was referred to the committee on street?, alleys and bridges. The report of the city marshal for January was $10.00 collected for lines, uud was referred to the police committee. City Treasurer's report showed total cash on hand to be $;i8.0i; total bills collectable, 100; total cash and bills collectable, SUlN.Oii. The report was re ferred to the finance committee. The finance committee reported favor ably on the following bills, which were allowed, and warrants for ths several amounts ordered drawn on the proper funds: John l itp:;tri( k, salary for January, sITi; Journal Printing Co., for printing, &""; ;.?.", one-half of which was paid, the remainder to go towaid settling the J .'! r mil's debt from over ch:irt;e3 Plat isuionth Gas Co., gas for January, ''l(Hi: J. II. Waterman, commission, $-.?; W. II. Maiiek, salary for January, S'.oO; P.W-r Merges, rent of council chamber, 1 ('; J ohn O'Xiel, salary for January, s4: John Fitzpatrick, salary for Janu- 1 j :. in I5. Mr. J. II. liiley, of Onndia, spoke of his experience in paviiitr. and taking lands in payment, and signilied his de sii! to still carry out the proposition mad'! by him last fall, to lay the pave ment and t ike the lands, but advised by all means, the laying of the sewerage fust. A letter dated January , to the May or, from one of the linn of Shaw, Mul hoiland A: Downing, of Kansas City, which was a kind of a back-out from the sewerage contract, was read. Mayor Simpson said there remained no doubt in his mind but that the best thing to do was to readycrtise for bids for sewerage. The committee authorized to sell the bonds had made every effort to do so. and failed, and swine arrangements had to be made or drop the sewerage fjuestion. He also suggested it might be best to call a new election to vote J per cent bonds. .Mr. Dutton presented the following resolution, which was made on account of the Kansas City letter. The resolution was adopted on motion of Mr. Murphy, and ordered spread cai the minutes with the letter: Wiiekkas, Well and diligent effort has been made by the ofiieers and coun cil of the city of Plattsinouth to sell the bonus i.-sued for sewerage in said city and the said officers are unable to sell said bonds and all efforts to sell them have failed. Therefore be it !i, .slctl, That the authority vested iu the mayor and city clerk to enter into a contract when said bonds were sold for the construction of a sewerage with the firm of contractors from Kansas City, Messrs. Shaw, Mulhollaud Oc Downing be. and the same is hereby revoked, and !.! it further Jl-snlctil, That any and all bids for the sewerage construe tion in said city ol Plattsmouth be and they are hereby re jected and more particularly the bond of Shaw, Mulholland .fc Downing which has been recommended to the city council by the board of public work. Mr. White then presented the follow ing resolution which was accepted: ll'solrt'd. That the board of public works be and tl.ey are hereby end e red to advertise for bids for the construction of sewerage in the city of Plattsmouth in the manner required by law. to be pay 11 1 1 - in the sewer 1 Minds of said city at p.ir. A motion from Mr. Dutton to hare the clerk notify the board of public works to ail vert lse for bid.. Carried. A motion from Mr. Murphy to have th:.' bond of the parties tak'ng the pav ing contract fixed at !?20,00). Carried. Mr. Weekbaeh moved the mavor and e ity clerk be authorized to have blank bonds printed Motion carried. Mr. Murphy moved that the city clerk be instructed to notify Messrs. Pannele and Patterson that they were no longer held responsible on the bond of Sii-iw. Mulii illand Sc Downing. Motion passed. Mr. Murphy movedtbe board of public works be authorizeil to enter into a con tract between J. I), liiley and the city of PlaUsmouth for paving. Motion passed and council ueljonrned. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. Martin, who travels for a Cliicago firm, was in the city today. James Stockholm, of IJioken Low, for merly of Weeping Water, and Iert Heed. of the latter place, are in town visiting their friend, County Clerk Bird Critch tield. J. Ii. Urinker, representing Reiel, Mur dock & Fisher of Chicago, was in twn today and made his many customers hap py over the low prices at which that firm are selling goods. Mr. J E. Riley and Major McCauley ( the latter of Des Moines, Iowa,) who have been in the city 011 business before the city council in regard to sewerage and paving, left this morning for Omaha, in which city they are betli filling con tracts in their respective lines of business. A marriage licenss wa? issued today to Mr. John Frizell, of Adair, Iowa, and" Miss Clara M. Alexander ef Cass county. 1 COUNTY LECISLA1ION Proceedings of the Board of Com mlsslonors, February Session. J. C. Kikenbary guarding prison ci s and cxp 12 o0 A D Chapman boarding jurors. . '' 2 J I L'nruh 2 casket for soldiers. 70 00 On the petition of John LnicUson, di ne tor, and Geo. L. Leaver, teacher of school dist. Xo, lo, C:i-s Co., ISeb., the clerk was ordered to strike off ten milN levy for school bonds, from tax list ot l.sT as the said bonds are now paid. The resignation of Geo. Sir email, road overseer, district Xo. II, was accepted ai.d Frank Slander was appointed to till vacancy. Dill of Smith LI u k mdse-to jail Kill to allow pay for 1" witnesses in IJuins and Kennedy trial was allowed as decided in district court. Amount allowed Ciaim ofS P ilolioway w itness in case i.f st:.te v.s J Pier.-ell II P Larthold in ca.-u state- vs 11 Smith et al A Madolc work on map a;, d plat books A :: 110 ',0 2 00 2 0!) !)1 o0 !5y a clerical error the clerks and judgis of election in Avi.i a and Mt. Ph-a-ant prcciue-ts were only allowed s2 !ist ad ol s;. The cI't! i t Jul l.r'- oi dert d to draw warrants in favor of e.ich persa::i so effected, for $1. II It Hobbs was, appointed county physician for Llmwuod, Lagle and Va basli and within the radiu-s of o miie thereabouts, for the sum ol ' per an num, payable-quarterly. L. V Cook was appointed county phy.-.iciau for llie city ol Plattsiiiout h aini w it bin a raiiiu.. of o milcsthereabouts.the jail and poor house included, at a salary of l ,0 per annum, payable quarterly, loin gin Feb, 1. l-V-s. and cna l eo 1. io-. , Claim of Gco.Staats ce liecting tax Co.t bill in case of stale vs Job Stephens allow eel vV J Warrick md.-e to j - i 1 J It Cox mdse to court horoc. . . . Chas Graves mdse to paupers. . .. In the matter of the insanity c one Hans Peter Hansen, rcpoiled ;o o: 10 or, s 00 ,s of from the state authorities as being : forr.'ier resident of Cass Co.. the stc.te e laiming a bill from Cass Co.. It was laid over till fu it her i n vest igat i . ;;, The cost bills iu the ca.-es of state vs Joseph Smude-rv, Janes Daly, Ib-m-y I'.unte and Edward Hays we:e allowed. In the matter of reipie.-t made !V Co. Supt. Spink for raising the sal.-.ry of county superintLiulantn in Ca -;s ci.unly. i: was refused. R ii Livingston examination ol in sane man, bill allowed M A Hartigan atty for dctcr.se in cases of state vs Khner Wart and state vs Hermann S'.rat j each case Dill of costs in the case of slate vs Willie Campbell allowed . . . Louis Foltz, salary and expense. A 15 Dickson " " " ii T"U - " " . 8 00 2-1 00 lo 40 ir ;:o (j 00 The board visited the jail and reported it in good conditiop. Board adjourned to meet Mar. C,,V. A. 15. Todu, Ch'r'm. j A. Ik D: :;son. - Com. Lor is. Foi.tz. ) 15tKD Cunc :m-'!i:u, Co. Clerk. Valentines at Wank CtilL A Kocturne in Mud Ve are going to have ;i portion of the city paved as soon r.s weather permits. That's a certainty. If the weather had continued the same ai yesterday tiie streets would have been the same r.s those of Des Moines, (Iowa), did about nine years ago before - they put down their paving. The streets were a foot or two deep with mud, and the city council lu; .1 been appealed to and the newsp..per wrote on the subject, but nothing done iu tha matter till a liyeryman, nam ed Wells, got a regulir re.w boat, in which was a sail, attached a rope, to which two horses were hitched, and v. er.t sailing up the main street of the city. Tn the bows of the boat stood a boy with lead ami line who cast it overboard occasional ly in true nautical style, r.nd shouted. "Py the lead line-:" That kind of ridicule brought the council to their senses, ami now the city is: covcreel from end to ci.u wi h line cedar block paving. "Blow "inti Go " The writer of thi-; r.rt.c ie v.-a oncepr: s tnt at a f.iot-race for the "Punjaub Cup." at Murree, India. i of the runners was boasting that h-' was cettain to take the pri:e. Said one of the others, "You blow too much '." "Yes," he replied. "I can blow, and I can s;o." In the race he was far ahead of his competitors, and as he reached the judges" stand, shouted, "Cup hto" (bring), and was proclaimed the victor. Xow, that is just the way Thk IIf:i:ai.i stands to day. We blow and we go. To assist in the going pa: t Mrs. F. M. Gould came into the oilice toilay ami paid a yearVsubcription. alse Mrs. J. Clements ca'l-.-d r.nd deposited live dollars for brick subseript ions. Mis. j Clements lias subscribed fer this paper for the past twenty years, and fays it is improving eve ry day. Ami thus w e keep "rolling alou." A Cattle Train Wrecked. Uklvidere, X. J. Feb. A big wreck was csused by a elefectire ntr brake on the Delaware-, Lackawanna ec Western railroad yesteFday niorniny: iu which a cattle train was telescoeel and many catt'e killed. A special session of the Board of Trade will be hel l in tlie G. A. II. hall, Rockwooel block, tomorrow evening at half-past sev?n o'clock. Let all the mem' ers be present, as important business will le up for consideration. R. 13. "Windham. Pres. "Warrick offers low prices on "Wa'l Pa per. - dCt :otfce- To in; (Jits(oin t i.ii'l J'ut roitJ: 1 laving sold my harness business, I must ask you to come in and settle all book accounts by the !.-t e f March, I.ssm. either by note or money; as I must close my book by that tim. Thanking you for past patronage. I can be found at the -hop fur two we !s. I am Respect fully, f-DJ d..t-W':t O. M. SlKKKiUT. To Li--T.--Finni-hed rooms, southwest ceuner Cth and ().:k !ie ts. I. Pecrlm .ii s.e!!s fin nit ure on the in- stailmi lit lail. ! 'a . mi l: t.s W ee !. 1 V i'2.ltf ui ;:it ii! V. Go lo 1. Pat li-i. tan's for tine I lit iiiture. Fllf Sv.'edi.-'i I.'mgens, .... c-k li-h and ail kinds of !;.-!) n,' heiiilig for Lent can be had at j-i:i21ll 'i-.c k .'.a u ?c Co. There are l-.t rciisons why you s5i-iultt pu!-crt.e Sets isi iou:P'k. iiec pr.c Z-. iGif I'm; S.i. ri a-.,5j:i.i'..- terms my resi-iri.ee on tin: . e-orin-rof Kil l aiid 1 1 i !i si ft . '. s. Said properly conis;s "!' i block a :,ooi sl.ry and half hoose of six rui.tii-i, t wat'driibes uliii ;ll : well and e ity V.'at' l'; t Weli'.y, - i :i l.i ::; ill.;' appie tree.-, and an :d;!i!:da::c.r ! -nM fruit f kinds. U' P. 1). L.vu s. I!vxc! eiii ii i-i.'s:-.s -& It 5 !t K!aiJlt iii:n-.i';: in tsuiilii fi'iii-Ji.. ;j 2;t.-- l. ilt l' (;i'l:i Coin ,-lovts iinil lunges in the Mi.uktl ;.t 1. i 'rh man'.-. New i in ni t net- al 1. P.-.: ieman's the best i'llf F ! I f Ti y O. P. Siiiih tc Co'.s Damask Rose fo.' :-a!l !i!i(i;u!. S( -rofub.; us sores, fetters Fxteni.'d I-h-Vsep'-bis. Rash, Peh. rhatb'g of inl'.ii.ls i.-., a -:i!:ipl( t'1. Household R' ir.e.ly. Z'i) lio(,seiioi.l shoulel be with out ii. tf Tiv O. p. Si nil. i ec Co's Dama.-I: Rose for Chappi d Ha:;. is ami Lip,. tf Real e.-tuto and abstracts. dtf W. S. Wise. Firo titonranco written irt the Etna, Fl-.ce-.-iix and Hartford irj ilry for Srli- Three hundred tons of hay for sale for e n-!i, e i 1 1 1 i i . i ' i i ". el ei it !: the ground. L-ave orcit-is : Henry Weckbaeii".--. More. Jan. :'. mtLVw L. Si ri.i.. D.-.tna.-k Rom.- the Great Skin Cure :;d Toii'-o a i te ie. '-.I '.;. aitvl soil by O. P. Smi:h Co. ' tf 'JVy Punch T.v: .1 Cigars at Warrii k's.Ct W.-.NTi'.i:: ,'i. good pants maker. Er. c,uire owr Merges shoe store, of C. F. Smith. Try O. l'!'SmTt!ri'7cT?sK"of P. Col ogne, Lasting and Fr.-igrant. j-2-5-tf Try O. P. Smith irc Co'.s K. of P. Cologne Lasting and Fragrant. j-2:J tf Furniture for tie- eel'-ir, k'ich'ii an-! j.-tii-iOi" sold on weekly or monthly install ments at I. Peru! man's. 1'2-dif I'urcics reeding imus;-ho'id furniture and those .vho c-ontemplate keeping house soon will !:n: ii to their object to buy of 1. i i.: leu. f j-dtf An eleg'nt asso.-tm nt of Valentines at GiiingiV Cr.'s. jolrKlt Railed l-.ay for sal-j at Holmes livery barn. d pit SVI.S.1; AN. At!f,:re- et Law. WW :;ive ';!:::.; -iti:e j e ; " -,, :t,- r:- !'(i t.' Mtiee i;. ( e , K..-U r...iis;iioi!i i, Nc'd. . ' 1 .V : ,11 A:,f. .i(iIIX.. JAViKS. -.e't.r.y 5';i!ii;e. Mit;ii-y ruV.'.ic - -. - u 1 ,1 j-: rt orice ever J?:.s.l; -A ('r. -.s Cii.:ity. 'r.ATT-Mnt -j it. - - X;;a::As:cA. C. F. S M I T H, Merchant Tailor. Ke;.; vi:.-..tty :: ?m..I s;-iej-!t'-- of ihe l.e-t Ie 1. re. ;.,'!. I ;- "i; i et I,, li,-M (,;n:i i - i.ei) aau 11; v.;e lis a:;u for L- Ci - p e'a'.ly ini-es M iu Si- r-,' ' ? ". t" . . S nj. ' r f, f v 1 ; iy e'oe.s! at :l.e l;-.vtM .- r.-t: j- .' Ii vj:.' ' ' .-t:.:i :-.r: '.i aiJe- 1 "f: S' X . 'czr.-3T2. TirC-HOK NOliO rOC-lS Eli! F'iOCS or ..a,,,,, and uer..; FUKXiSIIIIxG- (iOODS. .. !c(;, ,.s a. i:,riS,, ani ns v,f.u Irrn.,l. r. til- :'-:.!. d ir.ke As can U- r..-! i.i ,-,:- .;. uii I :iv-s.-.-- I. ;o ; ly t'..iii;i''li !;!. u "r'': V.- v V f ? r" " r"--5 T1-!'!'? P tt;i u i'-.i 1 f -. u la- iiii: i i liwii it:., Dr, C. A Marshall i "kfTi T ftfffa mQri iKt mom Mtfaa k' ttSu Preservation t i catur.-l teeth a ppec-iaiiy. Cetth titrjclcd xcU'nmd pain. Lu xute of laughing GC14. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZGKIiALI'3 BiCCK. I'LATTSMOUTH, KlB Tliis Spaoo NG OUT AT S4,7()( We.rlli ul'tlio iM-rtt Makcri f H?3 J "Ssk pa iMu.-l !o iil As I li:ic t le ave to tuki: e-Iiarg;- ol'inv Father's business in Ottuin .ra, on account of his eontiiciid i!i hoallh. Now i tin- time to Jay in a mi ;!; of HOOTS ami SHOKb at L idies" I relic Ii Kid h:uid tin lied slio. s Ladies' French Kid common sene shoes.. Ladies' Curacori Kid common sense shoes ... . Ladies' Doiigolu hand-sewed shoe-:' Ladies' (d y.i- dongola shoes Laities" Slraijdt goat shoes liaiiies' I lest goat button shoes b-idh's' 1 1.-iiid-s wed button shoes Ladies' Calf button shoes Ladies' Oil grain button shoes Ladies' Glove calf button shoes Ladies' Dongobi foxed button shoes Ladies" Grain button shoes Red Cross School Shoe Reduced 25c apr Misses best Kid mul Goat Spring heel Men's best hand sewed shoes Mct.'s best Cal f sewed shoe .'.ien's best Kangaroo s--wcd shoe ?ie-n's best calf sewe:d shoe Men's '! t congress or button shoe Men's calf boots Men's best kip boots Men's Good kip bouts r3.u,VCe. Lll Coods must bo sold at once. "STcu will find it to ycurintorest to call oarly- T I I i M SOUTH SIDE MAIN Seasons for Fun-luring' Lots in South Park. I. A? :i v.liule tlicy are- tl;". in::-t lyin lots in tlic city. . Tiu v ure shaded will; beni-lii'iil iiirest trees. '.). l iiey tire loenNd httv.c n Chicago and Lincoln Avcmies, th(j two iinest drive.'! abotit the eilv. 4. They are oidy a teji-j!u:i!:f.e.-; walk fVutn tlie Jnis;ine.s portion ef the tOWli. o. ilv ica-.en ol' tiu-ir lo:ei.' it-is etweeit ti;e; twe main thorough fates into tlie city, they tiro tnun? a l ie tlian lots in oilier additions, (j. The oniy addition to t.'n: ci'y reached by tv ffetablislietl :;ver.::e;.. 7. The o;:lv now aeidilio!! b the eily re ached by vater mains ;r,..l v i: i; n j:!.e-,eci id' h-eino; i. lej.l in the near future with com plete '.vaer ir: viiees. 5. Xew sidewalks recently e.:5str:u;led to within a Jew feet of tl:e "I'.!.m !; ".v ill :s3iorilv he exteiided. J'. W'iil ci;': drily iiave street car jrivileges at no distant date, lo. Ii'you v.is-i a line vic-w of the river, locate on a lot in South L il iv. II. If you v.ish a s-i:t!y pictures.jue view ut Plattsmoth, it ear. be had Iimhi ;i Suiitli P; : lot. 12. To persons in the railroad employ, the eastern portion of Sor.tli ;;;ik is the mot ele.di aiIe residence locality in the city. To persons ie:-iriii,ir ti roiMenee on ChieJigo avenue, the western portion of Sr.tlt Par'; is available for that purpose. 1-L The P. e'e M. railroad trac; runs netir the ctist line of the uihiition, i'tiriiisiiiiio; t;hh facilities f.r manulaeturinir indtistrie.. lo. it you locate in onth i'arl; you will have good neighbors ; 'Mayor S!mp-on, John 11. Cox, John A. I)avie. John L. Minor, J. V. Weekbaeh. Chas. Harris, John 11. Vour:, Henry Waterman, W. C Inraiiam, 1). Spurlock, Jerry Fartlu'ng, Thos. "E. Peynolds, S. A. iavis. P. A, Miner, C. V(.-:d, Frank InVh, J.N. Glenn, C. L ; ColeiKau. S. A. ypealiinaiu Fr-.nk liee.-oji, Chas A. JIankin, Sarali E. Alex:uiler. .Jolm Moore, M. A. Sliipman, Fillie Kali.ky, T. Fatt-ltt. Clayton Uarber, W. J. 1 lesser. Ihtrry Kneller. J. E. Uarwick, .J. (i. I loyal, W. X. McLetintm. P. C. Minor. F. McCourt, J.C. Fought .-:id other are o'.vner of Soutl: iark property. . Over v.-ortli of tld.s desirable property lias been dis- ered of within a shot t jieriod !ti:d r.e, part has been sold to outside ie-fu;u;.i v,j..i; is r.-uei ijiooi o .V l 01 1 lie: eii. 17. fo:-e substantial h."-u:-es wcj-c built in South Park in the fall oflSST than in any one 1 ca;ity in the city and the prospects for spring buildinir are iiiucii greater. IS. Lets will be sold n:!i! t;e Ft of April, next, at $150 each; af:er aid date tlie j)i ice on the ::;,st desirable Jots will l)e advanced. 10. Terms -. cash, balance in one and two years, or lots may be purchased on monthly payments. 20. Any number of persons, not less than five, purchasing ten lots in one transaction will be rlveti a lot free to dispose of as ther may deem proper. 21. Any person or person. purchasing 20 or more lots and pay r'od cash, may kave one and two years on balance without interest. 22. If any other reasons for purchasing lots in South Park are desired they will be given by calling at the oilice of WiNDHAM' & DAVIES. Eocervcd fcr COST. sIm in tiV.-- .$5 00 reduced lo $4 35 r, oo 3 75 4 r,o :i a. :; oo " 4 25 ti A 3 25 3 25 " 3 70 3 20 ' 2 75 " 2 30 ti i 1 85 1 75 1 25 1 45 1 00 2 00 " 1 05 2 00 1 25 ti it ti (i t( t , . . .$2 50 now $2 25 ... 7 00 " V, 00 ... 5 00 " 4 25 5 00 " 4 25 ...ii 00 " 2 75 ... 2 50 " 1 85 1 75 3 75 2 (50 . . . . 4 50 ..3 50 P I 1 1 PI f CAERUTH BLOCK. li:e .-MlOscaii llUi rowlJl Ol till Tart 1 1 1 4"'