The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 14, 1888, Image 2

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    t:ik daily
A V.
!'.i:r. i:v 1 1. i-s.
"- -r e .
Tbo PhUsiroul:? Dily Hc-raii!.
ic nsr o 'i1 1"'
Xc o t
Publishers &l Proprietors.
Till: !'I,ATTS.ViCI I! JIK'IAI.!)
I.l piilililie'l cvciy rwaii:;? ee-.t Suinlny
nml Wi-i k ly i v.-ry I i -. l.iy .inuii inir. Jtcjiis
tereil at I lit1 ;iii a n.'tiee, I' ,i i.' tut in l n . N'liu., s
rtfcn ul-elis-. iiinllvr. i lllii-; e .i m-r i.l Vine a:iil
Killli lit-it is.
Out ';' "ii , ear ill ;kI .1 . I y mail
Mitt .' ii r i.I'HiMi, l-v :n'' H'l
One copy n-r wee;., iiy -;u i ii i',
1 I.l: '.!'. I ! W I I :. .
)t' "i(' 'i'!'.r. in : 1 1 v : 1 1 1 1
Uue co.ty bIa :i:i:;Ui in ailv.on e
. .- ii
. . i
. ;1 ".
Tin: democrats of congress do nut seem
to take in the Hluntinii regarding the
tariff and I lit surplus, in nil its awfulness
as portrayed liy the president';, inessrig.,
if we art,- lo judge by the way liny hast
en ( 0 to the n lit I.
I l il'i i'pi.n 'A N nominee:-; for i.neident,
Phil. II. Shciidan, of tin- Undid Stat -s;
lor vice pi t'kiili'iit, I'cn Harrison, of In
dian:!. 1 cino ratio nominees: for prc.-i
flciit, (.rover Cl vel.-u;d, of Ao Man".
Laud; for vie;: prc.-idi nt, Jaint.5 Russel
Lowell, of England.
It is reported tli at a majority of i lie
"Ways ami Mean committee are inclined
to approve of a plan proposed ly the
Democratic Executive coiamitti c of
.North Carolina, which is, ia effect, t
tike oil" all taxes d:i tobacco except those
o;i cigais. cigar'. Its and cheroots, :;nd lo
reduce thy tax on fruit brandy fn in t) ;
to -10 ecu is a gdlon. Thi.4 seems to give
the lie to sonic of our northern demo
cratic papers which say that Hhiine and a
few ! tiliiicaiis of his t ! ri j f :trj th" only
JiiTSOIlS favoring :i ivdti ti'-ll of the
to'utiM t.i-". and th it the republicans are
favoring dta" Woo! and ch ao v. .isk-y.
A, a matti r fait the above pivpos-.I
reduction oil tic- brandy t:. I. a little
too near .ree in ..iniv in a r.-:!-.i! a:;
e I'm
K;'!i::!:', ali!:e.;:;.;li ;i ;.i.iy l e.
Joi's; in of t;: t'euse.".:. i;
Ur.AiNK has positively deciini ii to i
C-ilididat'.' fer ti:e pr. sl l: !.: y. l .'is r.
sous, he savs. pti-o:;.-d not mi;.
ivav Jc
fid of the roult
frtiididatc. J'.i hi-" h-tlir to to:- chair
man of the lvjMih-Hean national con r..'i
tce. he gi yes -ou;;il reasons for i-.,il:et-ii:g
ait u:ii;ounded victory for the re
publicans in ".N. In the withdrawal of
ZMr. illaine f:om the iield. tli-j greatest
liying American statesman has refu.scel to
allow the American people to testify top
their appreciation of his abilities by
electing him president. II", like I. is
great predecessor. Hamilton, is too muck
of a statesman and not enough of a pol
itician t- le; the most popular man in tlie
country, but the people h ive h. id enough
of turncoat politicians under the present
administration, and were ready to iieck
to the plumed knight in such fores that
his i lection would not for a moment have
heen doubtful. V. ho will be the pub
lican nominee, will be the gue.-s of Dem
ocrats and llepub'icaus alike. There are
many available candidates, but perhaps
the one that would gain the casie.-t vie
tory woulel be Gen. Sheridan. We c.n
hardly sec why Gen. Sheridan would
wish to exchange his present position f jr
that of president, but if he does b?ceme
a candidate he will sweep the country as
he ilid the Shenandoah valley, and the
Democrats of today will disappear as eli J
their ouondai.n allies, up the valley.
CoNsiuKit ATii.K twaeldlc is being in
dulged in concerning mortgaged farms
and the coiiseipaent eleplorable condition
of the farmer. Not every man that has
a moitgage on his farm is a pauper, or
even in close circumstances. There ar
some men in this county who own prop
erty worth ".20,000 above encu:i:br:i:;ces.
that hava mortgages on some of then
farms. The people of the west are gen
erally men of small capital, and, in de
veloping our wonderful resources have
oceasionaliy borrowed a little money ,
which they can and are paying regardless
of crushing ( .') tariffs. Aid rding to
Simc iee.iit figures the value of farms
moit gaged in Nebraska is .?i t '.OO.CO'.h
far below the other s;.-,;
same t:me the people o
voted Jsl.b'.'T.o' O ii; I
strut tioii vf rail: oa. Is. a
; s n'dot'-d. At the
f Xebra-ka have
oads ier the cen
I.. i'gC ani.'l;:". t o.'
i i.a
. paid an i the b tiauct
ilow. Ti;e peoo! . f ;i : .
in.;- lo vet-' bonds ami bi-r-
are v,
rew money U-r tue ;:n
stittc. and th' v are air.
rove r.
a.'.v ia a;..r.:;- a r. a
harvest, son-! : thirty some sixty and some,
a hundred fold. Ifth reave ;.::y evils
in tie
to b.
eir- i
tail iy a:v not fo-t n-d by the st .te gov-
ernmer.t, and. ;t til" uatitn:.I govei v.m. 'in
i-i to 'd-it.-.e, then witii our eor.tei. p ;ary i
:m. i:t
iv 1 rv
a ciiancre.
The pretiait ad-
.... 1 t .1 t t. I
jii r.istriition has do:e nothing l-r tuej
pe-opl hut talk; let us g. t hack to repuh-1
,. 1 - P i . 1,. 1 ..... pure and and needed ic-
furists will
' .. '.- "'" " " . -' ''
Boss's Clicrry Cough Syrup.
Is warranted for all that the lah. l eails
t if it not relieve vour coUtl l
von can crdl at our
store and the money j
will he refunded to you. It acts feimul
taneonsly on all mrts of the systcr.i,
thorehy leaving no had results. O. P.
Smith & Co., Druggists. . j23-3md&r
iUorr.o iitrlkinji Situations Into
Which Well Informed Persons
Aro Led
There is intend .f vit( licraft and -!e-
firplion. Vi::iis atro pcisr.ii suspected of;
the ";,tiai;;.;e infatuation" v.'cre thrown j
into th; water- if guilty of witchcraft,
Ihf.v would drown.
1'or many years the w orld was shocked .
at :au h iiiin:iiianily of man to man, l.ut
ii ,e were lo (- ei.iro people sire per-
.s jc.itf d today ipiite as ren.o!cles.-iy as , j
W ID III.' k-.)-c;i led v ilcll' s :f ohl,
st.iti:me;its inilit la received with
i'.iit it. is ;i fa t.
;rcat !
lf you no net l.clieve. enter any one
of the schools of medical practice, iincl i
attempt to use a prcpHraiion which llie
4-ude eloeii not n cognize, or even to rec
ommend indirectly any popular remedy,
such for instance, as Warner's eell'iatcel
liiiluey remedy, and then relate your ex
perience. Then you'll admit the fad.
Let us l.-e frank with you reader. We
tell you this is downright ligolry.
Mel it demands and is entitled to n cog
nition, wherever found. If geologists
tell us that diamonds must always be
foil ad in sand, would you not lii a fooli
if yoti found one in gravel, not to take
it ;. nil "realize" on ii '.
Your friends would call you foolish.
The trouMe with the doctors ii that
they can't cure advanced dise.'ut s of c; r
lair. forms, ami they know it. And yet
ii.ey v, ill not allow the usi- of any oiitsi le
iioprii'tary mediciiiv', wiiieh they know
'.; ..s citred tin; dise-asj.
Tor instance :
Kidney diseas" has no marked ladiviu
ii sytiiptnms. It pioi'.uccs all sort? of
-y !
in;:, of t'.i? coii.tiionesl diseases.
' :;ir ai'ie t;t !r. at tic "-ase its. -if
' :i'ii e; s-, the bi
tie - -yi.;ji1o.:i -I
-d p!iysie':::;i treats
i.V. ' '.rilOU IK!! Slilill lO.
at d
. -1 i ' - the lYis.e!, you i::u-i
i stwp tl.e
it won i do Ivi t; v le u
with a broom.
.1. ii. I: iil .n.l. wh cuall the world
I i I d as a I i :." o! s.-ti-., w." :!'1 in
-i -.i ::e;-i"s Moiohiy: "It is a fact that
ii",v . i.h.j b. st proprii t.ry m;.licinc
of la.1 d ty .':..' inure successful than many
':2 .rieians, and, ueist of them were lir.-t
di; covered and used ii". actual medical
j Jr. llobson of tlie Iloyal Xavy of
Kuglaud cKilmi irticaliy endorses Var
ner's safe cure, as indeed do many hun
d n-ils of thousands all over the world.
lo-iaie IM". l).o i-wis, wno sumo
r us.-u mti.iciues. commentieii u
h v and said if he had any kidney
d.iscase he would use it.
Tills evidence is conclusive.
Paralysis, eon.-amotion, pneumonia,
a topiexy, hoart disease, general debility,
:Ii. t: matism. all these common disorders
ire oft-a only svmpioms of kidney d's- ;
case. Instead of admitting their inabili
ty t: cure tiiis disorder, doctors give
their attention to the symptoms. If tiny
cure one. another cotins, and finally
deal I: takes the. case out of thvir hands.
Tic:!! they disguise the fact that Jt is
bright disease-, of the kidneys and say
i hat death came from paralysis, appo
;!. xy, pneumonia, consumption, general
debility, ihetimat'.sm, heart disease, blood
poisoning, or som j other of the n.uncs of
lii direct effects of kidney disease. They
arc not the real disease itself.
We do not believe every advertisement
tii it we read. Some people may perhaps
regard tins article as an advertisement
ami vvijl not believe ir. but we are caudiel
enough to pay that v.e believe the partite
above mentioned have proved ihu'r ci;se,
and under such circumstances the public
is nawi'e if it is long influenced by ad
verse prejudice.
Dr.Moe n.vTS who failed to see how Sen
ator Sherman laid bare Cleveland r.r.d
his nou-American message, are directed
! j tiic senators 5 preeh at Boston a few
da vs ago in which Lowell as Tell as Clcv-
a,; , njft!4teJ iu t!ie mst approved
.-t;. le. Lowell us well as Cleveland is too
un-American to suit a citizen and patriot
of these Uuitt-d State."..
kow men uie.
i. i tl .1 .),..... ..." .....-... .!.
li v. e Miie.v a: i i ii. nit. , .it' vi to i. i . w..t .
eaiepted by an eneiav v.e
are the Letter
i . J o
d to ward off the danger av.-.i post-
ii;c ::w:m i.t wii-n surremlcr li. conies
I'll.'. In many in-taneis the iah. r--U
!;etil of the leiiiy su'.iiet s lo e!:;'.b!...
i oi.. e- t!:.' t--inMicy toward h-at"u. :
iy however have lost these fores to
"an extent that there is lit'.le. it no
Li ..thr ci-' s a little aid t.i the;
:tlvl il'
d h:n:s will in.ike all the diffi r- j
; t Wii 11
1 ana ii
Upon tin Sirst syn,-
of a cough, cold or any trouble of i
: a
throat or
1, th ,t t 'li in, :
1111. j.-. ...... ..... ,
.,VI.ii known r-m' dy !h;Cliee s t.err
Svrup. a careful trial. It will r
lio;chees tierman
what thousands say ot it to lie, the oeue-
t ...... 1.
. -iCll'l ' iiov .eoot.
(tuU cii.uige in the weather since j
, ter'l-iv
o tir.I,. - r
ESS's Cherry Ccun C3ruj. j
I. tin only tncdicino that acts directly j
( n the Luugs, IJlood and Bowels, it re-j
i;,.VEs a cough iiiftantiv and in time j .mnonnent cure. So d l.V U. f . i
yinitj, a Co., elruggists. jj,.,
rno d- W. '
: " i
Furniture for the tillar kitchen and
. c j.i.i ..n v.f.A.u'iv rr in.ii) in v ii.A.iii I-
it i 1 : .,.ll
I 111 .11 OVIItl . ' 1 Ill v. . .. .- , l
t o:- fo-tltf
monks at I. Pcarluian s. . t-titi
i::.leriiiient A't lileli Was but (he i'.f-
i.-i lining .V Search for I Nn l li.i I'.Iee
tric I.i!it K veals CreatureH Neve;- lit
fure Srm ly ian.
V.'hen it red tliiit
ill nrliiiefal
the i::u;.r.d
h,u!it. thaL very el.isely reseml
ll jl.t, ..' il.iy
1 be j.i ii"ii;- (1 UM'ii . !' et l i -
In t :.!:, in ;: "reat ln.-a :ii!e, t.'ie i.Iaee
loi" lii'tiie.; p. n-j.-. evei v!o:'y wm
nai :i rally ;.-;o,ii.-..e 1 a. el ti:on;.;!it dial, lli;
eli et rieians were t ; n a: t m- :: mi . .i: t !-..
J Tin- new system was ii-ir.!!y M e;n.i!;;ii l- In
j till as.iUreil Miei. rW Ihvoiv j; leLnf w is.- me.i
in.j ih,. to ;l slvutl.r ,uri,t,;., tjta i
of merely liL'uthi'' uij the huiu'ir':::i
oi' every el.iv life.
As un exjit-iniieiit a saiail inc:in!c.see!it
liejit was thrit-.t beneatli lli-j wall r in a luun
ta!n. The e!lecL was s'.'pei ii whil-! it lasted,
bat the water managed t, work its way into
tiio flohe, aail the li.eht v. as;;uislje-.l.
This nave the electricians twiiin-t i.i;ig lo (iiink
uboiit, and they bc;;au iiiinieiliatuly to rack
their braiia: fur a means .f ke-epiag the water
liwe.y from the sniiree of l;!it. A coatin;-; o
rui.ier w;is liaaily pl-iceil over the joint
V.I;; ro tlie glass glott.? joiita th. brass holder,
nu t over this wiis drawn a ruMier ba; that
1: Led tig'itly over tiie top of tlio gh'tus and
aroimil the pipo through whi!-h tho win; is
JiassiM. J I'J-S (H-oiiU-i-.l !(i In' i ueeess! ill, out ,
a. brief i-xjierimeiit showed that the glass was !
lot s'. lMiig enough t i .stand th' pi essuro of
Wiiter,, af ter l?::i;' e.v;i...-c.i to it for ;v '
si; ri. th ic, would coil. ipse. A '.lobi! was
then made, of .!ate g!:iss that proved able to
ttaiid ihe strain.
For some time t his was only v.l in light
ing up fountains by way of an ornament.
ii:en it occurred to t nlt ssor Jiaird. il tho
United States li-h coiumisslou, that :!' a Je;hS
eou!d be useil nailer water it woal.l prove t
(.real advantae'e to hi:u in his search i.,r
that l'ovcr allowed tin i:i:vl ves in Iw eae--'.
i.y any of the old fasci' :ed methcl .. i. -believed
that t!iei e x:st-,l at a : ,reat . ile,' 'a
hi ti'.j ocean vari ias 1. i :ii !s f li.-.!i th::t l-;al
never le
lived !.e:
3:;ei: i..l .
: ;:e;i: i.
th how
a s 'en. i-.very
r tho wah v k ,e
1 :y who has e;
its ihat a favor!;.
: i t I.i.v theni ."it;:i;
"i i i i e.;' e. i
lista-e.e, l.V I,;
-fa ho::;, 'j.i.l.
l 1 1
a i i
.e!;, l.-il r.etirly e-.vryt alae;
the wnl: v. an;J the pro: - -Ii-
.ii. could be ::!:e!e lo in
ot!:at hves
v.e. sui't- ti;:M
:t a yi i-.:l ia .
::i iii- Wat. '!" the re w-w.,.;!.l ; ;::x:;
Th- ; : '.-'aer Ah..u.-.-..s : the -..i::;
v:: ide-l with ; a ei;::- a:-.-I e ih
A. Ii'ei-a! .iiippiy .f heavy !..-s
.y.i', 1 hold a 11. eoa.-il to tl.e i
power oi" i-' c.:;:;i!e! w;;-s ;:h.e. i ::
liu-l. ei;i!:o
ta as a 1:
::. '.. i;;i t.i I
of in -:;'..
wire, a .;;;: r..:
cad n liiuahi-r
Mrk.Ts, t lie sL::uia
ti; y of light, strong lo;
le.iavy;iits f serve
j';irlt-.l out. Ttie lir--t at temp
as uasuee::.'
fill, i'or at a of l,o;i li.tLooi s the pr. s
suro was so great i:;m.i the gh.-Iio that it
Lro!;e. Another trial was spcvdi.'y ina-I::'.i heavier globes, and they were found
libit to stand the pressure of any depth to
v. liieh they could be sank, lhit the most
wonderful part of this trial trip, wiiieh took
place something like three years ago, was re
lated to Kecrotary Frank S. Hastings, of tiia
1-Mison Ek-etrie Light eoinpa.ny, by Professor
, At a txint near the ikiiiamas. aecordin-T t
the professor, the light was dropped over-
Ir ierd and suuk by means of heavy weights
to nearly 1,000 fathoitis below tho sui iaee.
Oil tho (leek of the vessel nood tin crew with
nets roadj" to di-op them uiide: the fish that
were lured from their homes in the great
depth. The light was allowed to remain in
tho water for soma time, and the'i it was;
hlow iv raised. It looked like tho reileet ion of
a star in the water at tirst, and its ravs v.-cro and i:i t!i 'in were visible the for-n.-: of
darting Jish. Tho light soon lit up tho water
for twenty feet around, and a weird assort
meiu of fish thac had never before hoeti heard
of was seen. V.'hen near the sarfaeo the en
trails of soaie of these iish burst from thti;"
nioaths. "Tiie professor Ci"i?ri1ed this," s;:i.l
Sir. Hastings, "to tho inward pressure. TCa
tare I;ad made tl.em so that they could li .v
pi the great; ilet.ths in which they were found,
mid when this pressure of the uYep water wsju
I'emoveil there was a counteracting foroo
that killed them."
The dead fish were just as useful for tho
purpose for which tho professor wanted them
as live ones, and he gathered in a great
many rare anil curious specimens without
much trouble. Tho light was also used to
goe.l purposo for discovering the various
depths in wiiieh different kinds of fish lived.
The cost of fitting up a steamer with the.
necessary apparatus to produce e-leeiric Kgiii;
i ; about $1,000, but this fin,t cost would bo
coimterbalaiieel by tho cheapness of tho
iiglit it woaM produce. The cost of light,
roi:ghiy estimated, would not bo wiihiu cue.
fixih as much as tho cott of the tuiual uir.hod
of lighting.
The United States torpedo Elation et New- is e-xeerh'.ieiiiiug v.ith eltetiieity in
eid a" to e::poso by its rays a:;y obstruction
the.; might lie in tba iath of ti vessel. Tho j '
ix, vri-iienls have reaehed that ioiat whe-ro
is is eoruiin that the water can be reailiiv
illioainatetl for a f pace saiiieieutly great I j i
f-'aov.- a pa-sage for a ve--iel. Tho ui-deutty is j
ia regard to the propelling of thi.-: light at a ;
flist.iuee sutlieieut'y far aber. I to enable i
Vessel to svverve fioni its coui so or oc..u to k j
fuli stt.p bee re st. ik iag a, l evealeu c.batrt'.e- '
tioa. The oi tiie.-o c-rtperhaeats is to
bhov.-, ia times of, e:;;ioiivtd tia.; lij .
j.r.::(.a:: tl
l. i'.".... T.-.o,,-
va.uabie sae-IIs and s: f;:c; o (:'. : m to
water, lae earciic:'.. l::c. e art:--its have
a bo:c with a glass bottom. The tot is open,
lithe box is placed :i lamp, nr. i ll.-ea th-i
l-?;'.-: Ix'ittiitil is : ft si ilr.v. ;i ia t '.: v. .: i r it is .-h'gl :;. Ittio-.v tho su: face. Tiu
t.r directly I". -low the box is j erf.;c:Iy
t:n :d:, raid it i; e.-.-;:.Io to ste tla- ;.h ih j fer r.etriy ni.n :y feet. Mr. liasiiags
thinks that this systctti -:ov2.l be adopted
wivh the c-kvtrie light, which would throw a.
sti er.r.i of light raa.-h oiroagor than e. '-ild La
olttaiaeil by any other means. A boy was
"- . "'r ..... , , .f ,: ' . , 7
o""u.""--i - .'"vJ "J v...-..t. i .
ilk of an
1 jee.r;
-1, W.-.3
; u:;-Ier water liy a pole. l!i iho clearing a;i l
. r.-o-iirc- of wi-tteks the ih-eirie lieh.r. it ia
j thought, wilt bo of great value. V.v Ycris
Instantaneous r2iotograrts-
Instantaneous photoirraohs cf binls flving
pre valuable for phvlogieal uses, l-ut' aro
.. tailllv not ai.ti;tfc. Tbe Uritish Jountal
0 Fbotograuhy saya of a collection of such
pictures: "In somo the wing tips aro high
in the air, in ctLers (uite low, and hr neath,
'J ' "joeeu, m iiuuv oi tue ova. v.uik,
fiS111 1U stlU u-Herens views ci lur same
t'ird we seem to see nothing hut wings cp-
pareaUy csteudcil to imitate an umbrella. !
x re pieiures ot lijj j;eiicau iuu jiai ue-uioi ij
- , , - -
ludicrous Ciucaio Ivewa.
::e, i! . f t!iO
:i. v tl.o
. tile i, :
(o ci iii v-
. r.r t
e- !!.. I.l--.:
e..u :: ii:C
i .. : !
:!. 'i'l,. V.
i ii::- i 1.
I. :!... .
I .
t e
i :
. .LI..
n. "i 1 i : oil ?
-.. ;iit,o
-reel rali;er
ew -leu: ; :.U-
of (. :!
e '"
1 1
i.l (
. , M ;1 t
v. ::h ti
Irt-en :
t-Iai! i
n 'u ..'I
li:i::.i- .
:.-d ai
ley : .. i
an i In;, linn. h:.vo
ti;.- e...-!iea iiin;..e, li.
: . i. i:"ii..! ( V'lli.'lll lli:!lll-
i !! right 1 i .-.;a:-ip an 1 lug
thiir g : s. 'i'ii .- i i : i i i llial
the laiith s ii.i l o "i-l their
-h glass wt.:!:s. New
.. 'i i .it.
.itl.i: .'.Tlltmi's CSitlaf.
Her i-i".Ie-! - t!;e on.e-.'ii . ,f Jilnglar.'.l htts
i.ubseriii; d s'.'i'-') :--x vi I t !'.; fma! it :r the
jii;rch;:s i i" iia- e, hi which Miiton
v.-rot. "!;..:..;:. !. . ." This is jv;t a
vow lar-o . .:;; i is four tiira s :u
l:tu-!i ?'il; .. i.e. ivid !'..; tlie i-Oeiii.--
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5 - i r 1 ;i - -- r- - r-. rr. ft n
i MA-kriTA:ii;r.;;r. or a:;u
i;:-:ai.!-:i: in ttie
Uiioicest Ivniiivls"! Cigars,
including our
Tier c!c Pcppci-bE.-go' end 'Duds
rn.i. link of
!- .,. PI,
always iu stock.
Nov. SC. I860.
1 !.. .:;,:
Yule c:. ,
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1 must make
C'oiniiio- :iiil tkcfi'lnri' will ii
cent. lioliAV iigiiiur
1 P
I.ii'ii. ' i'l-.-iich MM 00 'JO ja r (flit, (liecount i 00
Ladies' French KM ............. . ! .in lihO
Ladies," Uriglil 1 h .ngn 'la . . . ! 0 " " .'
Ltulits' liriht ! )ng'i;:i "O " 44 4 2 V
Lueitas' !C id ...... :i IJ". " 44 44 t bk)
D;uw I'eh. ( U .jO 4' 4k " X 00
ll.!ie.s, LVh. (loat l 44 1 SO
Men's Hurt .Shoes s ()' ' ' (5 1()
Alcn'ri iShi.e l."d (50
Mrli'.s fShncs 77 ' 00
ler.'s bJiot-s ... 4 :,K 'J (J()
Chiliirens '-Little 11 hint School Shoos," the best in lh market, tame
reduction. Now is votir chaticc lo hiv in a cheap hi .1v.
1 lit
TT ,re1 TT
iu tu.'itfm.j niitr ttumi jlh
'v' !,- ii t i'-aj
5 t'iiA, ai i. i;
Vi o k. p o H!-!:ii! 'y mi h:i!!'! ;:
i:i ! :: VAX.
. . ,i
.: i i
sao:ace a Hi- nmcE meat.
Ami evt i-vth'i!;.; lo .-til r. the i.or ti'.;de. (iie iih a trial,
,.ts BLrr? t,- 3 -vj "r5
South S !(.':; Iiain Street. Ih-lv.icit I'jj'lh and Sixlh.
Lils dKd m&ai
v. i;oi.i:s.,i.i. ..::; ui.taii, ni.Ai.i-.K in
Beef, Fork, Mntfci?, Yeil and Poultry.
Sugar Cured 3Ieafs. IJacn. lir '. ie.. I-Vish Ovfters in ; and liolk
at lowest hying prteis. Do i.d; to oh,: your I'atronage.
:ilij oc.-:
rrrvr- r. s -i
2X5 GLA ta Ei
AND all
1 riuijon 1 Uiift J 1 ullL'i 8 V )c - r
Lcos isi
-- 8 jm L.Jk. J. , V.
:-i::tii STLJ-icr. iilt. MAIN AND VINL'.
r -
.?ona! ;i..n IL.r. J. V.r . AlAj.;uiis.
Sugar Cured Bleats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &c
ot our own make. The host brands of OYSTERS, in cans anil bulk, at
ruoin lor inv
iiin o :il! ! .-itlicr g,rt JU yvr
jiricts Im- o.'t!i mil v.
"T Jrtvrn'TTrm "cr"i
... L J NIiV, .dZLjIZ3
J. A. ti jc T Ji t. ill X. Z. A
oil, iLhl, ruULIK i
.ii.e.-d. :;i;ii lr..-Iie.d line oi' meats
.ii i :, ,i . :. . ,i
.it i.l. sis. in iiu ii ,-i ,i , . i j i .
If -s
? - : rz fj4 ivA -J acjuw aujm
ki:-;d.s oi
cts i
. MSt
- 'IX.
tiic City. Call arid,
jisA j J-MJA. L
f Ti is I r
rnr hip Nptq ri