Wfl J 41 RSI I? t -sr. is m ij ifi M. t . V 1 'ii -1 y im IF ri:oT visa it 10.ATTS310UT11, NKIJUASXA, TU5-:SIAV KVKMNej, I T.lAli AllY ! , JSSS. gm-v ui ia;Hi;s. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH a. - "--. - -J-.-r-tw--y . r. 3-n r n-, j j. i- r. T w - , , MM ! nyoi , t'lrtit. Tiv nuier, Atl. .:::. imii i . Poll.: III. I .M.oi-Iiall. C'o'lii riliiK'ii, li. :iiVi, .. 1 " :r ' " :i s.n i ii ! .) s: .'. 1 1 .ii man j Weather indications. " S '.m ViV.K I 1'or Xebraska: Colder, generally fair iV 'aV'.'u ! v. eat her, with cold wave, fresh to brisk V V.'i 'U.i: ii llOltlierle winds. - ! Snowed In. I Washington, Feb. Jl l. Tlic roof of tlii: ordnance building fell in this in rn French -.LcE'ssintsra. I Tm? DnnvDTP'i'O V'A!I' ! P.v:n;, 1'Yb. 11. -In tlt-i chamber of j Ulli i I i l 1', 1 1 W IMilv. FAILING Cr.rZATNE'J.S OF THE AUTO CHAT OF THZ STAGE. I V. !. I . I. i i) M .Ion I .-; i '.V - i '.V i-r. i- i: " I i; "M it v l S '.'' 1 : I T. N ( , ". .. !:: I .1 W .!. ; -, n mhma:. : in.j, it hein unnl)le to .support the heavy adopted I U II II A WkSiVlliM II (lcpiitifs the uiider s'n-ret-iry for t!io eo'.o-Jiit-g state the ai tJal of tht; In lo- Chinese account would txci'ed "('. 000,000 f r:im a. Tlie tmoos havo !( n reduced 1 (),(!) inn. Aftir a !.:l.:it; ! The V. :n-: T;;l i ;;.. r i:t- -fi l'rcmicr Tirard called upon thu chumoer for ii credit of ID.OOO.OOO frrnc., 20.000 less th:ui oi ii;in;illy :ir-ked. '1'he credit ! weight of snow upon it. The damage i. estini.iteil at :0,0O0. A Dakota Bsnk Goes Under. Treasurer. li;Jlll V til' i-!'.' - Cl.-rU.' -Ji)iii y li i i.. Id. !(- .T I I i N ll'.lll' I'. 'li-k . ill-! : J : ' V lit, .SlliMlir, i:rvi"-. r. Atlxl iic;, . Sil lit. m i 'lib r!i ; -. County J:i i;; '. - !U:.-.iaI.i. i.: '. i: i) r v l ' i:s. A. i;. I'l-iii'. ... i-;.;t; siiiimi ii l.i it: i I' -H. I . :i'i:l , V.'i;i-j::! Wuli-r A. IS. I1 i. . ; , - jc. :.: .viiixl Tho Poll Book Thiof. ir.NT, !., l'V!. I I.- The dtf i tivr." who vcre put to work on the poll hook robbery reported Sunday, hit upon a clue i a i-.i:i.i. 1Jk..uwooi, J J.i k., Ftb. 14. The Ccn r.i::: i:ii. ii: ;i i.M j tl'ill CJity IJaiik, of Central City, closed its yesterday. Nearly enc:uh evidence i .a t nitini.u i ,iou,.s to chi-. Liabilities, $:0.000; as- aecuimdated i:ov to warrant the arrest '" - M i-i i sets, ."?.jO,O0O. No banks iu this citv are of Ilia party suspected. .I.e. Kii-.i.n::ai: nllected ly the failure. a. Maikh.i: i m .: s :V-r in 'ii I Postal Changes. Ckk-stok, Jowa, Feb 1 "William Me- Wamiixoton", Feb. 11. New post- j -Monadic, an old man of ?o, was run over ollices have been established :it Cruh.nn, by u switch engine and killed in the r. Unison county, I). T., and Craceville, road yards yesterday afternoon at ." Under the VViioois. ("H S( Mil i ri HS v -.- i.' i'. ; - : . i ! i .Vv (.iuthriu county. Iowa. The star service between CastleviUe to Aurora, In., af't-r Feb. l. will be reduced o'clock, v--.-: I."'. ; i v !'.,i- -i. tl.ll. i !:: ! Ii. 1 s Jilli-v.;. The Bucket Shops Heoon. S'kw Yokk. Feb. 14. Tho 1-uiket I'. Miit ! two tnps a wee, omittm- Aurora sho,. ...j.i,.. ,,. ..... ,;.. .,.,, :v ' , . , unu 'i?liuu,, aL liidepemlent, lncnibing lo T i-v ; :: t.::-.. l-'i i.l i v l;.ii;. 1 1 : .! !: :ii-l ' iti-i i.-.t'i.-i i. ;'. i-: wi.iii i. :;. :!...!: .. ; .,-ti. ,-. i 1A " . r. .. . :.i..t-is . . .:.! ' :.: K . ..1 I'. :'r- ;n:i-Kuily i:: . ! ;! -i:i!i ; ..: ..i , ;-::i, i irr.-ii-r : ; the distance three miles. I ... . tt.juid Transit. IJai.timoiik, Feb. 11. A company was were, all open aain vrstenl.iv moriiini; ' conduct in;; business as usual. i ;it I Koiik" t'i::v-i lor II i ry t li I:it; a ul Cut;. Inuly A iiif-i i-:i:i A iius l!.i c- Al.ansi ; I'tit tli!" l'rt..ipt'i- Away. j Wiii'M the ii'-avy v:!i::;a (i,cs it: --; tai-! e fVi-n TiKirc .-::;:;-i ty t',:,:! i-, lii . ui ii, I or the li- niin- l.:i!y ! .' K: impriti' n: ! v i i it j tho win;,.- us ii .;-! i in s-:.;-.-Ji of 1 ,, . (v.-r ! who hi L-!i:nt .sch-ihi! time, ::l pr,' I tlii re tioitls i:it. ovi rt!:e fi m! ii;.!it-; n in,!;. i l.::!.'itly v. !:i-.ji;- v.!:;i-h t.iems to .s-.-y: j heaven, this tinn liu shall not -s-;:..,. n:e!" ' or, 4,i.;t iM::,e.; if.t ; !i lo,-i jni; tjii-," .i.;ilt ' :-C.:.'.:;::-.'ms i it. i "i-tly lepei.f . . I by l i: , - j K,r.- i!i '!ilio.:e I u".;vy ili.;i:ior le::'i:ii- la.!y i tiu-ti l ': prompter isat his work. j Nirip'-.-in-' til" proiiiiiU'r hail iisl' --;;, r v.-:uVw.i I.-. ,.-. !: :'!:e;e J.l.-iyiil;- ;,f ; low'' with tlie irate -1 re: i !,..! r i !; ..; k-:h to.-, i tho al'ey to :. e. ii-us or Mitpo- ho su l- d.ii'v .;;;: . : ii..- . !" :-ee. ui!.il to p;-.v his ! hi!!, w!.it w..:::-i 1,,-t::- result V.v. f;. t 'i.' l.i. oi:." ,; vvo:;l l -o:::i) out :.:ni an- j j -''':: " e 1.1 1... :;:i-M ;i inoisriosJtion oi" llie star j ;:::! ra-.' the; iniiiihtenco of tho :unhVn-'- for I'v o;- r-e;e.s u.-.tM s!:ti iht.m n il. If ii. v. . .) i' : ;-ov .m! ti; :L t':o j'i'o::ip! i i !ii:::;i- t::::i !.e ::-.:-.U-:l. r.::Uhut, ;:r:. ' :i ...: i".:; .': 't.-e ;;'. ,: ir.f!, ilicix the "... J : -.. :t:..:i ' t!:o :::.,; v.-. i 'rovn r:oru ;.; : I .1 .!-! a ! Ii r oi! ' i:iVi.l:lo!V. .e p:i.-. - -o "f! :ie:;oi.,,', r-tth-r tiian to e.o;y'..t. V. c are w i ! ! 1 1 1 : ; i-imH our e:it::e ''i in! er i ood -. at i. S;.:;h-s v. e l::i e ;i I ii;.;e 'f.alitity and olTir them e: V low. I'ulic.K :; to I Ills per v.ud, making the he-t !ai:d,n.! ol tiieja .u vn yard-; lor Vt.n . ;;,,.. ..t sly!.-, 1 ii iv::! , j,, r einl. Ir. s-i ; kill'!-. ..' ii.; V I V e.'.vr-t J.lici. Il ,,,,i o cents per yard l: ,. ;r. . . N'.'oo'iu J;.,-.-We ofj'.-r at cost. elr:i lu-: I. idi- s n: "ie 1, (..-". v.oi ih s i. (ai. now ; ") -ei.;. line lii aw v.oo .'i ee,.i-, now ''.- ei.i' !- I ii ; v. c 1 1 III ,'l .1 ;;y .-ve: :. " l-i-'M hr:'- ii i e.'o.V'-o i "f. oi'l !iv , i ; V C. Wiilef-s. 'ii I'. Ii.i l AM iliiil .e.-i! 1 - i !?.. :-i v j- ii ii-. I,. A. I ,i---, ; ' :. i . ..!e-., I'.. Sniun, i: i.aii.'o r; V. Still Buried. Vikxna, Fei. 11. Two thiKisau.I mm incorporated iu tills city yesterday which nre still continuintf the efi'ort to rescue propo-r-tt to send merchandise and mail the i)a:;8eneei on tlie mail ir-:!:: on the by electro-automatic power over elevated Arliic r-n.'ilwr.y, bu-i.-d by to- avalaiu hr-. railway ars winch cannot lun oil" and rsi. i'i si. : ;; :.s .M.-.'i- .'.. i ' file. Hock wi ;:.!.' .:! i. ors :oe r--;i.- -l' : y 4it?-;o', AS. l.V. : i vu.:.-. 'a.-.- .1. V .;.'!! i : !. S. i ivl- . ... K. a. r--i r-s I i--i I. N I.:-, -i . . . Al'Ol'-i!' I'.-i::'s M to ."i-.' .. 4'i t::.e : l:i:v ;. it. .i .; ;.!? : . .A I. I'll . V' i;i"-: Alf.-ii.i.; - al.ii'. :: A' '. s. a. . r. w. !': i.t.iy v eiiii; al Mi :':i iivi.lii I in :-;i. "i i. .1. A. :i. I -ii. :i..;'i : C A. Vn- 'i.:- i . vi-r-t i-r. " o I iit::;lei-. 0j'..f.l-!, i.. :. ' ;.";- i o-' i :: 1 ISt'.llUl ... ... V. rt. M;t-i,i-. .'.. i;il ei M:i-.-,-r ::".;?. i'e.-l ('lia;iliiiii eve:. in T. A V i:,:e.I .itt..';!: i to my eare. V7" Z"rJFLCi.I3. ) a!i !ieriie- s Jininist- T::!.- I-:- : .-.i: :. .!. A -.-:! ''l, l.-l-sur.'.i.i it 't ;.:: I -1 ic Sotil. Uelter Faciil: ie-. v aiaviti l"a!i:i r. i.irs tliif. i. f .v.i - S-jir, 0iA- I'iuH.-irt:;ir::, - X t:i-:tsJtis. to make the line of transit from ISalti- more to Washington in ten mint tes. Some very prominent business men -and capitalists have engaged in the enterprise. Oguilala gots a Court Nouj.d. 0.:.M.r.Ai.A, Neb., Feb. 1 i. Tlie Keith county court houso bonds carried yester day by n good majority. The bond ara for .$18,000 instead of $1,00 as rept rted. i here isa ratification meeting to light TALK ABOUT PEOPLE. i'crsotial I'ur.iratojs ::j- k;-ts if GcrjI-rs C"lipi-il iVoiu liu: N.-v.-s..! j..- en, Oscar Wilde is (if the o-, l!;:;r tho Twentieth ct nturv will sec i:i; '..'ee'e i; l development all in the hands of wenteM. 'Extra Biliv"' Smiih's d;:!:-I::er J: lx.-o:i xivvn the rijjht by the Vire-iiila leg-L-iature of placing the stale se: l mi tho monmnent over her father's grave. I'rofe-s.sor Van l"5cn.-chtfinf Vcs!ryr.n u.nversirv owns oj;e or t lie rare.-.!: :;r-ms ad M::!:-.:: ti; .-1 ..T.I a:, i irj . .::!.: .-.e.'i i.u:ii;'Ci:u ; ri-e V i" :.:. 11- k-. U would bo refauJ. i an 1 the Citizens are ju!;:lant. The 1 toard I of (ixvel: pottery in existence. It is of tmilfl will iiaiimMri-jtA S.ifin t l . r . . Athenian v:;so which was made 1.00'J - - - - - vv. " ' " i-v - tiu tlu: town nil count v. AVith t!i oulv mill l,'t',, North ..,,.1 .Th,r rrwc-"' lue(n n-""t (,( I l hfisf ili.i. if Sntun li. Tiover -wi:i :iine Greely, Colo., a new court house and to endure tho and bh K.dv sjiectuck' numerous other improvem'. nts Oa lala j nf the bull llglits, attends the earlier booms. I enes ot the brutal show. Queen Victoria dislikes tlie elect n- Trying a How Plan. I light and refuses to have it in Ie r WA?uixoroN, D. C'., Feb. 14.--The 9 CO l,a,acc's- "!l- Ii:::5 t I-tJgtn -nmtted .;.. X1. t i . of the roval Vitciits to itt lltr-e i witii . lee-- ! o00 dismissed army ohicers nno have tric lauu- - jt ..... slvo,)itl . -a i.f.,,, . - . . . . nan Dii.s oelore past congresses tor rcii1- Balon taitment are trying n new route. Th Jlme. Gereter, VIi.-e recent fttfhtre isi supreme court hits decided that the dis- I op'ra created a seii.sali'.:;i in mv.- ici.l cir missal of an anuv oliieer who has lieen V""8- 13 now Kving-wiih her bv.tlKr. I,'r. (Jerster, in New York, win re sh:- is ua- dt rgoing treatment in tho hope of reeov- coui t-martialed must bear the signature of the president. The practice has been J cring her voice. for the secretary of war or the adjutant I John Brown, of New York, has been general to sign these dismissals. This j the tailor of every president sinr-o Andrew 6 '1 V" q a i . ti " 4 t, u- i vj p. " .-. , n r 'SEAL iNUilA: Ch .2GEI.TS Iiepfvjt-eiit th'j? followiii' tin-o-tfie.I a:bl ihj-tcstod comp ime.s: AmeriL-in (';;' : '."-S' . I. mis. Asset-! .I.-jriS.lOO Coniiae:'c;i:o I'e.'eti-V.,: itul. Fire Assii'!;.t:..-.-;!:;:;i.:v.I;.,i;i, Fraui;! i a - I'll : il: i:i, " Il.sae-X Vi :' . Ins. Co. ef Vr 'i A'-:e-i;'l. riiit. ' i.:v.r:ictb :i ! en -;; --ICiiij " Xoitii it.-.-u;! M-resr.riitf-Iia Jierieii I'.-: ::-;::;":.: i !. ' lrhua.'!-.l V. .v .vI.-S linf.fivM. " decisiou restored M ij. Iiunkle to the ru- tired list and gave him a large amount of back pay. At least 200 officers are now trying to take advantage of the decitpon Soino of them were dismissed from, the active lht and some ftoui the retired list All claim that the president did not sign th-j orders of dismissal in their cases. Ths letired-list officers have the best prospect of succeeding. It is difficult to I see how an officer dismissed from the active list can get reinstated, for Lis place has been filled by promotion and th senate lias continued his successor. There can bo only a certain number of ea-ch grade on the active list. J.:is.-;i4 4, t S-V.Tti I A Railroad Grading Machina ' ' Sx' Joiit;lH- Vzb- i"1- Ir. M. B.! Pug'.i, of this city, 1ms received letters ::.:7s.ol ; p;-.teiit on a maehiua for dointr railroad j.L'r..jt'tr : ... . . . .. ( tl( .5 graaing winch promises to entirely do ! away with toe old methods. The ma- iei t: A:s,,774 (.j,5:ie known as the ' steam cablo grad- . . r," and consists of two consolidated en W.i.Ul .iJ "-it tu.a fata iU Ltl;jilCUb gines of 100 horse power each, which Jire j placed side by side, and both at the same j time work in ; directly upon an upright ' shaft containing two large sheave wheels, j one lo feet and the other 12 feet in diam eter. On the shaft directly over each WE WILL HAVE A Z ft S ! !,.:.., ... ,.-...1 g h y m ' s . : . : r t z: I? :i i wli.vis lii'ice.l nt nnv ri'i'iiiml .lict'inpi o id .i ii vi- : - a ....j..... -OF ff3 ISSU 3 out on the line of grade. There are two endless cables passing around the -sheave ; wheels to those on beyond. These cables : run between five ar;deveii miles an hour. Ordinary sc.upers are used and plows are ; attached to the cables every 20 feet, mov- Ln 3j trt ! ing each from one-half to one yard of !L D.Ccli.s Vr" " itiV. liilDS ! tarth. The machinery will remove blast- ; ed rock, using hooks. The grder moves from point to point hy the power of its SillijUO i- diill jjUidl ilu ' iu any tTcl'- Civil engineers an 1 rail- way contractors estimate, using one-half AT THI-: USUAL Al.hO OF 1 mile cables, that the machine will trove j from 10 to IS yards of earth in ten hours, J'l" O "t Ie" "a"r.J"' fit g ' costing not to exceed -1c per yard and 10c Vi-Ott' ilv wi for rook for :uiT haul under 2.C0D feet. -Cm I i The St. Joseph, St. Louis and San Fran ' eisco II lilwiy is oue of the first to adopt C'Ivf 11T i iPTT'S! i i- The total weight of the machine is Jlliil 4.V lJ.L'il jtr.tlvcton5 complete. donnsons time, ami sun ms rnoars go marching on. lie recent Iv stient tinvo hours with President Cleveland and took orders for seven stiits. Henry Fielding Dickons, bom of tho late Charles Dickens, tho nov. ii-t. is ;j lawyer who has a high reputation f-r wit and eloquence in the London courts, lie is clever in cross examinations epigrammatic in his oratory. The queen of Portugal is an :-cco:a-plished jiotter. When s taving at the.- t.-i- ide last year she constantly visited an important factory close by and was s;o interested that she took lesstr.s i:i the wliole process of manufacture. Probably tho richost woman in Now England is Xrs. William Oa-. -.mell. of Providence, whose fortune is .;i:; at from $12,000,000 to !;-20.000.0iiO. Tiro foundation of it v.a.s hiid i:: tlie days when Boston's East India trade was in its glory. Charley Hawkins of Amoriens. Ca . has recently been expc-rim.-siikig iti rat raising, and by caging the o:ii.:ein i.i'nvk rat with a number of whiio l:::s prod need an entirely new hi.e.l of ro dents. From the center of tho I.!.dy'.ic!c they are perfectly white, while th.;- iur.,1 and shoulders are black, like tlie t-.i::io:i rat. They are very j;e;itle ar.d rua about at will all over the town. Dr. O. W. Ilohnesisone of tho familiar figures on the Boston t 'loronghfar-es. Ifis genial face and rotund form are recog nized by most of those he meets. a?:d even though they may never have be:n formally presented to him, th. y recognise him with a bow as lie passes by. It may not ba generally known that Dr. Ilohues' amiabie wife is still his faithful counselor and friend. She is not in tho best of health, so she did not cccoinrwuiv him to England last year, but she i:-, far from 1k- ing an invalid. 3Irs. Holmes is one of the dearest of old ladies, and she is al ways on hand an the Dea. on street homo to welcome the manv visitors who comr to pay their respects to her distinguished and popular husband. ! . ' 1 .Vo.ii U-r ;1 ie: l!;e. bo-: V "': '.AV OS Tr.TJ RTACU. r'-;eh the pr' .-;.::: oc.-at .e' lhe:;t-:-e. 'Ck'r? r.-.we -v.: . ;ae ere r sv -ire: v::.-: i:- : we!-, i ivarke-'y .: i-e.:-;;:,::;!. (fur. is j e-;e.: :: tl;e javeey: ;; i ; rriOyto s e- i! ;, it. if ::.: ; tor is ie.' v. . 'i up j:- the. '-blf! .' I: is ,.f.rt t::e:e-.;.:r,:. : i : ;:i iri:rl t.., -i lit! with a v.-. .1.1 v.!:; .! t- l. ! :ee .e tl: sle. e, v. h-.-i t ero..:: to ei;..' .- : '. I . rhiq..: ..-.v:i -v!ie:i to stiritp i.N f..,. l.o.v hi : Ie:a;!. y. i i'e:-;.'ii ,,. th:; rtn-;.. ,'; t.:e i;-.,H-L'y fa!;::!:.:.-v.-Lh iej j.!::y L: i:-.-; eeese;:;. :! m tee pro.. i :. Jf lii - iee- ha.-; l:ee.! lii'O EeHtcl in-.tny ti::ies h i:-:a ceery s -eeeh ::::'l ivery I'Ota'l of tee e. Ilea j:i hU l:. ':cl. ITevei-.::-.;.'.--:, i t !:i-: hat' I .l-.vay.; 1: h!.i tli;- 'r;:-e;.:' .t i.n This ir, a vohi ::o v.Li.h t!:e .:: ::e! i of ::::, natiaauLtv i'"-': i t!:'j su: t v.eei . .1 i'."iijv.;: i:i ov-' ir if e.. li.-il j!i :ri:i t j di t ;?'.' : ' ;'e i.a;'v. ef ire b ;oh ef the play, eve:-; cih -i-pu;.;o i.. :C;1 ovei- wii!i rude plan.; - i : : for ihe r,:;:yo, and. "ci:-. s" for r: vt ,. : .. in th-' b.;o!:, of -..;: :ve. efiel:en ::'! ih.- :: l'j:V etas, but IhcTo a ii'.; ,i er mo of ..i:':r "....l-.t v. ho nro ii"ver isib'.- t-j Ike :::: 'he:e; who inui.t .I wl;-.:i ... pe: f. :::! th--ir j-::'t. Tlteivfove the . o:.:n: bi 'ok . . :r. :: h: , eaes for the f'.-.s i.iaa. I i bo sko::3 i I-, it '.lira t.i the bt.;if the -vro.e-j ii:t i:::.; et.e;; llie t'.r.ii who i::a::::a:h:h s l": ::-n;: Ivr'rA ;tw::y v in ' he ; : ii ,vLi-!i i,ri. e.. by ono or i;v,,'(t blow.: i ev vyiah;-.!; u-. ; f , theeali bey, wli::,o i'tt-i:i--s i- is b. warn t.he actoi-.s when to be ci ilr- 1.V: oat Tor tl:: ir cues; cues for -i'.et:. !;:." cv f'.:- '," cues for colore 1 ;;.;hls in tho t.I:.-..-s. :.::i! music cues ioe the creheslra, t!i-.uh these hv:t arc ge:ier::i: c- -rtakied .-.; i.i the dircetor's score. A'! i' : (ure"ti j;; ; ;;:;;; many moro arc contained in the ..eota;;! bee ,'; uvd given hy tho pror.:pt-.r to ih.; r ro-jer iv sonsrt the tiif.nfr ih.e-. i ; nos so ce.t iorlv and ov,-n tn in ten's fine libbed v.iiitii .":'(, now bo. der wale niii.-.t go :.i io-v . : v.i!! not k e, tlieio cvi r. :;r (,', nls .Silver Hit : .'.h;. ioo and !.'.:,. t -. former pri, .; .ho n.,v , i . ,t i j 1 1 ;il i : v 7" now ho. OnrS.-aiJei ail wool :dn;!s and rii.iv. eis line qitaliiy bi I. no no v.- ?. -t-j ---. bit : t',-:i lei id! wool shirts ,',-. ,. er.-. tine o:i tlity xi.Vh now 1.0!. Our :-e:!ih I :ili-wo.i - i : i : 1 . ; :.: d;a. ''in- tp:.:!i.y 1 . 7o I"w I.tlh. I r : : . a 1 1 - Wool -oil i:,d i ; la v crsf. tl.." (jsi.ility -.'.ll'iini'.v 1 !!'. ii';;'Ai.!,V AS bMiJAth '.o- ;h p.-r e .,1. die si'li o.l. We ;;r t. out oi;r eii! Ire ' ee !; ;; has : uch ioi i. -ei' eeoi:o::!ie;d 1,:; . . r.. to : :: , on e i ,, ;. -: . . i..i:: .! to c!o i r., v . r b J... b . i . i - qualities f ! so liil! I. Oi. V. full i yriM 1 ; J I' " l a a r. r j i 1:i ' i: f : ' s"-v tt c o N LL Ci,A!':-i;h F ft J i ' i r 3 a . STu i Or later j-eai-s the -:oiiit. si:'.ei-.blc a jieiwnuge a:; th. ! . s-j is rcfiunva oi m::i in .itacriea. l.aro-ie. tvery att?r.da:.t at the-rjrand oiicr.i, is familiar with the cotitriv.mcv iiaced Le hind tho footlights iav.r.j'.Iiately iu fVcnt cf the director cf theorchejtr.t, v. h.i 'h resembles a much n:sgnifil quarter sect iua of walnut laic!, above and eiih-.r sid-j cf .hieh is oe casi'nally scon a tatul hohiin-r n baton or , f'l- O 5 r.r V 5 '5 .. . 1 i ';( , iL, .r.J INJ portion of an ooen book; knows that beneath strttctaro with tho lower half of hi.-, body sticking through a trap in the rtage the prrnrre.r tit:-, invisible to tlio aadieijce kit m p.hiia. view to every oae o:i tiio stage. losii.'g n:s rrrpor.T.vrcE. In Germany and Frani??, and until qnit recently in England, the j-rer.iptcr Oi-ea- iee. this positiou sit every per 'f-i-inaneo. whether tho production i-; cei.rj. pia-.- : rr.eetrxch. Ti:e positiou is very tv.Ivc.iita.- rt:i.; t-- loth prompter and actors, though v.iv '-u - jwcrsj t;. tho r.u-tlienec, a'; il- be:; o-.-.-r his - :; oLftrnetJ their viev.- to . t' txttut. U-et the box is a valuah! . aid 1 1 ihe j .ro:.v : cr : :-:, as ii enables mm t- hj -.vh.v i:- e.v. be; 5 direct ike action f the 1 1 .... -;. : bee;:ti'-e ii rcrvts as ;t hiteh u board, tkrowiitg the i r aaetvr -. eh e b:-;" " -d acroiS the j-tagv i v. :;ii:tg i.s i-ee.e.:i::g iae cucbloritu: the doviee ietahis its S-t-l '.'erriany, where e:: ilavi::;; commiitcd tm.: i:i their pert. A per,.' iice.r tlie stage in r. t:-:;va tii.res hear eve-ry Il::e twiee, tlr-i by the y.-.-oi:.r. l .-i'. ! Who re a i::;?'.-'.!. ii:-(';i t i Yii-r l' :iir ; i ! : t t-UlHi, J 1 UNDERTAKING Ar'D BALiriG A COUXLR 31 Ai:," AXI) SIXTH r iv-. .Is? Acii hi This .- ' ::!.:: :: .- hi . 3-: i S ." J ,r , r - . -.,, fv . pw 3 f d i W ;ii i-C ij' Lit!". :.L' ti:C Stlm Iilk for Horses. Skim milk has been n-ed for horses on a few farms in Denmark ami iS.veden, tans saving grain. One man sor.ks his oats in foar to six jounds of milk for each horse. aiid claims that tbey thrive exceodingry web', bat odds, "always boil tho miiii lirst." Chi caro Times. There ij-oae great troublo among the vottn" men of the nitseut dav tbev are nskamed to take off ttxa'r coats and et down to hard work. They -want to bo r;e:itevl ; they want to get rich right awav. Tbe crown in clory of manhood is labor. Francis Mainbr. actr-.i. who.: The Amcri.'.-aa .t. levering the .l:;p::y though eveti thli a:: mdispc:: eliht fa.-t matie I i eiitatieti. ou.j. -ii iro.ii b:s tr.- hi tho iag i.ear ! r.ven ar.d the coaii ! '.vhie'a he operates b; "il'.o l ight side of the : e.i e wifa toe pr mto use a i: wiaea is V'ktiti to at . y t:.i .ativo m j .re:.:-:-:; j e-:i eh ... i Ti oi'i-i' ' ;e. whiel: i; net th? j SARATOGA CHIP POTATOES, :JUrm,t Pure Fruit Preserves. 15c a ih tcbo r.ronvner) i-j not, ho vhiTers hoarsely ' O. I. sideb' The "O. P." sigain.-i; "Ocp ! -. i its proa:; ter,"aivl a direction that no "jay"' e r : ; i'i ' ?J. r'J? C pi " f"' ' o,; r'"?!!': T IS pn r A n nVT cottld fail to understa-J, though a long way i 2 11 ' i H DiP-iirS. Thompson's Relish," Something Newand Nice r - f i.-- t bit of r-.lativ past the 1-iiat wheivlit- knew his rhrht hand frcusi Lis k-it. G-ooi prompters cultivate a distinct, uoaotoiioas whisper that can le heard all over the stue without pnetratin- b'cyoad the orchestra. This bain-- the ca, the ajvant ire of iiavin the i roaipterout of ! t-ight of th audience ii gradually appealing i to stage managers ia ochcr countries. Bern- j Lardt, when on her first visit to tkw comitry, j v.-as r.meh impressed -with tho system and id j understood to have intreJueed it where sb3 1 apxic-ara ia Paris. Chicago Xews.