The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 13, 1888, Image 3

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    TUb' DAILY I1KIIALD, 1'LATl'SMOn III, iskKixaSK A, MONDAY, l-l-HIMI AltY 13. 1858.
1VIv-h f AiiomIiii I ? Vour IiUlm-me for
4. oil mifl llitmi Kt'iiK iiilx-r the Story
of .J.ziImI iiml Alial and ;lv Not I Sail
Ailvio- to tour II iihIiuimIm.
P.kooki.yn, l'di. 12. In tho Talicr
riaoloihis morning ihe Kev. T. DeWitt
Tahimgc, I). !., preached the sixth of his
crie:iof 1-S i moils t women of America,
v illi i ri i ; 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 hints fur men." Tlie
nil.j.rt was: "Wifely A mhit ion. Good
and :iinl the text was from I
Kill's. xxi, ?: "Aric, : 1 1 u I eat bread, ;inil
let thine heart bo merry: I will give thee
I ho h1e3anl of Mahoth." J)r. Talmagc
kiI. I:
ne !vy King Ahab, l k .; 1:1:7 '"it of the
window .f his palace :it .J..z-crl. said to
his wife .l.-zi l el: "V- ought to have
thee Ii.y.. I ; ;: tl us 1 l.i r:" 1 !. If we
vi:M only ;r t I r r 4 fellow-, Xahoth, who
l im-vard ont there. 1. 1 1 mile or
sell, w. ..:!.! make it :i kid he.i garden
for our . ..!.; . "
i'. l'-li 1,1 .almih," nays tin king to
01. of lii -i r; ;i i .;.
'i It-- '. r. w 1 i i I- 1 h ig whv
In' sh- udd I --!! ..! Into 1 o-.-.oiicr of
his I, Si j. I '. . o Mih-, ia. ;i i:e downcast
ill his l:n.ii:-y ;n:I v, 1 rv ohsctlioUS
manner 1 1- ; In I in- L : 1 ' v-
- : . . . Hi. i want t
trail'- :;:-.;.;.! , v.ilh ;, 1.::. I want. 011r
vineyard o r ;; l ie ' ; ..r,', i. and I
v.iil ;,! a ': I In -tier vineyard
ill p'acef h. . if;. I 'or 1 uouev for
it. I w i!! gi-.e 3 oa oa !:."
!i. I "," . ; ; iiii. -:!iirot
tr::il.- if !;;! ;.! :- .-. cor imm I sell It.
l! i-! (! !'i y.;u -: !. Is -el ;! of inv
i';.li' r ;n,'l !. I' l.i . I', ' r. ; :! I r.-iiiMot
lot (in- !i ' :,(.! 1 I' 1 ;. !:::(n!
I.'i :i I . 1 f :nl:.:.i-y Kil:;
Al:;.! . : : : . . ;1. !..:! : :-i !: .ni:C liim
v!f 0:1 1 in- ! .: ; tarn:-.! !':: to t
in : ;;: ; i ;
ili- v, iff !;! cii;:!i'i iu :unl slie
' i . tl i.-i;;ilrr v.'iili 3U1?
Al- o;i f"
-Oil." I:- '"I f . I ( rv lillic. 1
l.:ivf 1 i '. !
!!. ;,,!! 1 .
:::r:i: :i r i i:
( !!. 1 .!..r.
iiii t n ; .
: ci
'. !.:.t i.iiclicii
: '. y. 'i'.l ii !; !i'-r t it
i i I ;i c( i t ; iii' j: 1
.I...!. I ;:n -i.-.i..:."
.'" s At ::: I. "ilou't l,o
! iri ;ic1 voi:r 1 i 1
i .-:":. 1 1' 1 ! : : , ; .:
I . ill .,''! for yii
tn.:i K:l :! :: i! i .
Ti'!! .- : i ! !; i-.t.! :vr l.i!!aiirs
fi.tiot T .- IT t::. '. '. licw. ill t!:os!
1 . 1 1 : : .s I; i.i ..; in-v r - i. . . s! t! 'r I i;i m;S, Iut
li:!'! 1 Ijiv . i! lii" i'...l i';i!i:c ii.;r:ivc(l
0:1 is, :!!! il.:-: i-i .. .d 0:1 ;i ro;il lft
tf r or .! ; .;, 1' . ! .-: - - t -; t i.'io. She iu I i! 1' iiii-i :: 1:1 ii-.::n on a jinic
l::ii:::li. :i . i --i:';ii! in - i 1 1 ; Na-
lioth tri. -i ;..r Hr; . on ::-.-;;inst l'i' kin.r.
:in!f.vo c""i;M.i v. i; ! . s.!-f tlii'ir
f 'f.'.s ::v.:: i;!i i'.;t- l.t'y .!' N:i!.ciii. ami
lif v:i ; : : f : !. . i to li.sitli ."nil lils jipijHTt v
rani" to t!.f iicv.;:. :!'i .so.!. ::cli-l i;ot
f.-r Im r !:'!! ;i fi' I and Iu r.s'.f tl. J itclioii
ln wiiiif t'.o wild stnct doirs were
roniiiii.T thf ilf.i-i I oily of jnior Nalmtl:,
KIi.;:.!i. the j r. ; .'ic!. U U tin :n of other
"iTiiius v. ili j:!'t ; woil,' have a
fr'f l.;;n'i"i t. Mivi';-.;-: Wiu-rt' do-rs lii'k
the ,' N:. hi.-!;" hhall do-s lie!: thy
lil. mm!. f..c:i ihliio."
And. M:rf -io;!':. tiirt1
ronrs aft'.-r,
j!ia . i ii:i..: i iii i.:::w: uis enarioc
dri;-ir:;- wiiii llu- v..:n.i-.-i: do;.vs stood
under it !:;, .i;i; Lis liiVs lilood. Ami n
littlt ::fi. r aid l:is . iff. .! .clicl, who
had hi i ii liis 1 .! f ::d". is;T i:i c rime.
Is ni h. r -;dai f . iodow and wes
Jehu, thf r.!-;;-.y. a; :.roa iiin to take
jiosi - io:i f ti:c j -: t i - And, to m:ike
lier.-.f!i" 1 ..k :i ;.;.r;..-i.Vf a.s j;osil !e and
cr.nvniy to i!:- o.-y !;!.. --'if dicorated
In r iicr. i'!'. :'!, aoeord.iv.'t to (Jrii-iital
'ii.-;o: i. !) 1! h. r i-y,; r.std i:;:; a )rtih
tlil';-. l i:: ! ;.'.-.!. r a!"!';-the Ion;,"
tM !:.h.. :. ::. i !!. :i Voai tiu window
f he.viaii 'i hi : ii.o'-.' . tion n ; -t i 1 Jilm.
A.; hi' I-.; !f 10 : e :.. 1:1 l.i ; o'.iariot lie
s- i:n:::ed !..m r.i:i l- r ; miim : -Throw
!!: doutil" .IJut- m 2i 'i:ht i!;e t hwes
!::!.:.! a l.' .:'.!;:.: f:o:a t;i; h w..'; f a.;
sa.;::i;:tl: :. ;t :. k::ov::-.-; Oiifvii Jeia-l.t.!
rou! ! h : i liiesn ;i;;il tin- con-
ji)i r-r . hi; v. or;. I 1 e t i t :y liiir.:;-. r.s ho
hh-.aited '-I'i.rv hn- down,"'
they M-i" d h'-r :::-ti h-'re hi-r vtve -liner
si!:d em: i;",- t':e v. htdnr easettieiit. and
he.: ;, d hi r i :ih i.'l he e::;r.f tuiabling
to the yf.o:!.:;; h j;;: t hi time to
let J. iia":. !. I i;i!:-;.;f Jilld the
-!;;;ri. 1 whfi !.-. roll i.v.t I;vr. While
Jc'in i- i:;- lie tahl n Mv:-.!iinj liim-
Belf s.f'e. r tho ivheei.-ni !: o-rders l.Ls
Et'rvaats to p oc; d ! ary ihe dead
fae-.-i;. the ! .r-.-. t d'-ys had for
the third tl:-'.- a; j-e:m .1 0:1 il;es-ecnt and
they had 1 via- wed s.'l h.r l.ody cxei-lt
th"e j ;:i t.' v.-'.iiv ii In a ! ; s ilo-s are ly
;isi:v.!::v i:: ; er 5 riital s-si; vivtiiion
ki'Ot l'ro;.! i -.:. i i:e7 a.'u r d-. ail: the
l!r.:s f :!.( ;.:al lii-.' fliti if the
foe 1.
Ad this ;:;.;:!::.', f ene o" r.:.cier.t his
tory v.-a.s t' !:ui; f a v.-he's had ad
vice t a h::-1 a:.d. a v ii'e";- slv'"Je to
11 Tl I... I .
advaivee h.r i:u-' eiiil's ir.ii-rrsis hv u;i- j
lawful jr.ea:;-;. Ai:u' :.f.d J.-zelnl pot
the Ivitehf. -.ird- n c; Naooih. hut tho j
titers pte. il.. -1. T'r.e troe.l'le ad lir-gan j
wlien tiiis a'n. n wife a: ;;.-ed her hus- j
La;:d out of las us? -la:;'. :-...!v hv the words i
of the te.i:
t bread, and
lei ihir.r !: ;.; '. 1 n.t rry : I will ;ive thee !
thf vinev.-rd of I-r.-.l i-tli.'" j
The i;".h.- :;- .- Mi-e-te-l 1-y this subject I
is an ia!l:t-ree you i.-v, r 1 efere heard j
diseoav.-.-d 0:1. and may never hearnpsiin, '
but a r...-s: j ote'it ri d : ejr.i-omaii -otent i
i-dli'.e:ie. a;:d ih-eide. t'r.e ee'r.rse of indi- i
vidua!.;, i'aiiiilie.--. !;;.'.;.:. centuries and i
etf rnilies. Is; iak o-f wifely ambition, ;
good and had. How imj or:a:it that ,
every wife have lie" Jiiiibiiion. an ele
vated, lihtcous and divinely apj-roved
ambition. ;
And here let me say what I am most
anxious for i.3 that woman, not waiting
for the rights d-. nied her or postponed, ;
promptly and. decisively employ the rights
she already has in poedon. Some say
fche will l e in fair way to pet all her
riphts when she pets the right to the
ballot box. I wish that the experiment
might be tried and settled. I would like
to see all women vote and then watch
the result. I do not know that it would
change anything for the 1-etter. Most
wives and daughters end si.-'ers would
vote as their hu.-bandi tnd fathers and
brothers voted. Nearly all the families
that I know are solidly liepublicun or
Democratic or Prohibition. Those fami
lies all voting would make more votes
but no difference in the result. Bc-Hides
that, as now at the m11h men are bought
up by the thousands, women would lo
liought up by the thousands. The moro
voters the more opjiortunity for jiolitical
corruption. Wo have several million
more voters now than are for public good.
Wo arc told that female suffrage would
correct two evils the rum business and
tho insulliciency of woman's wages.
About the rum business I have to nay that
multitudes of women drink, and it is no
unusual thing to hmi them in tho res
traurants so overjiowered with wine and
beer that they can hardly sit up, while
there are many siM-alled resix-ctablo res
taurants where they can go and tako
their champagne and hot toddy all alone.
Mighty teniH.-ranee voters thse women
would make! Ik-sides that, the wives of
the rum sellers would have to vote iu the
interest of their husband's business, or
have a time the inverse of felicitous.
1 It-sides that, millions of rcsix-ctable and
ri lmed women in Ameriea would prob
ably not vote at all, Ix-cause they do not
want ti) go to the jhiIIs, and, on the other
band, womanly roughs would nil go to
tiie polls, and that might make woman's
vole 011 tin? wrong side. There is not in
my mind inueh prospeet of the expulsion
of drunkenness by female bidfrage.
As to woman's wages to lie corrected
by woman's vote, I have not much faith
iu that. Women are harder 011 women
than men are. Masculine employers are
mean enough iu treatment of women,
but if you want to bear Ix-ating down of
juices and wagi-s in perfii-tion, listen
how some women treat washerwomen
and dressmakers and female servants.
Mrs. .Shyloek is more merciless than Mr.
Slivlock. Women, 1 fear, will never get
righteous wages through woman's vote;
and as to unfortunate womanhood,
women art: far more cruel and unforgiv
ing than men are. Alter a woman has
made shipwreck of her character men
generally drop her. but women do not so
nnieh drop her as hurl her with the
force of a catapult clear out anil olF and
down and under. .
I have not much faith that woman will
ever get merciful consideration and jus
tire through woman sulfrage, yet I like
experiments, and some of my friends in
whose judgment I have confidence are
so certain that alleviation would come
by such process that 1 would, if I laid
tin? j lower, put in ever3' woman's hand
the vole. I cannot sv what right you
have to make a woman pay taxes 011 her
property to help supiorl city, otate and
national government, and yet deny her
the opportunity of helping decide who
shall be nuvyor, governor or president,
l'ut let every wife, not waiting for ihe
vote .she may never get, or, getting it,
ibid it outbalanced by some other vote
not fit to lie trust, arise now in the might
of the eternal GihI and wield the power
of a sanctified wifely ambition for a gixxl
approximating the infinite.
No one can so inspire a man to noble
purposes as a noble woman, and no one
so thoroughly degrade a man as a wife
of unworthy tendencies. While in my
text we have illustration of wifely ambi
tion employed in tha wrong direction,
society and history are full of instances
of wifely ambition gloriously triumphant
in right directions. All that was worth
admiration iu the character of Henry VI
was a reflection of the heroics of his wife
Margaret. William, Prince of Orange,
was restored to the right path by the
grand qualities of his wife Mary. Just
inian, the Roman emperor, confesses
that his wise laws were the suggestion
of his wife Theodora. Andrew
Jackson, the warrior and president
had his mightiest re-enforcement in his
plain wife, whose inartistic attire was
the amusement of the elegant circles in
which she was invited. Washington,
who broke the chain that held America
iu f oreign vassalage, wore for forty years
a chain around his own neck, that chain
holding the miniature likeness of her
who had been his greatest inspiration,
whether among the snows at Vrlley
lorge or amid the honors cf the presi
dential chair. Pliny's pen was driven
through all its poetic and historical do
minions by his wife Calpurnia, who sang
his stanzas to the sound of the flute, and
sat among audiences enraptured at her
husband's genius, herself the most en
raptured. Pericles said he got all his
li'oaence and statesmanship from his
v.ife. When the wife of Grotias
rescued him from long imprisonment
r.t Lovestein by means of a bookcase
that went in and out, carrying his books
to and fro, he one day transported, hid
den amid the folios, and the women of
betieged Weinsberg, getting permission
from the victorious army to take with
them eo much of their valuables as they
ceuld carry, under cover of the promise
shouldered and took with them as tho
most important valuables their husbands
both achievements in a literal way
illustrated what thousands of times has
been done in a figurative way, that
wifely ambition has been the salvation of
De Tocqueville, whose writings will be
potential and quoted while the world
lasts, ascribes his successes to his wife.
rr.d says: '-Of all tlie blessings which
God has given to me the greatest of all
in ray eyes is to have lighted on Maria
Motley." Martin Luther says of his wife:
I would not exchange my poverty with
her for all the riches of Croesus without
her." Isabella of Spain, by her sujierior
faith in Columbus, put into the hand of
Ferdinand, her husband, America. John
Adams, president of the United States,
raid of his wife: "She never by word or
look discouraged me from running all
hazards for the salvation of my country's
Iilerties. Thomas Carlyle tipent the lait
iwenty years of his life in trying by his
pen to atone for the fact that during liis
wife's life he never appreciated her in
fluence on his career and destiny. Alas!
that, having taken her from a beautiful
home and a brilliant career, he should
have buried her in the home of a recluse
and scolded her in such language as only
a dyspeptic genius could manage, until
one day while in her invalidism, riding
in Hyde park, her pet dog got run over,
and under the excitement the coachman
found her dead. Then the literary giant
woke from Ins conjugal injustice and :
wrote the amentations of Craigen-Put-tock
and CJievne row. The elegant and ful
some epitaphs that husbands put upon !
their wives tombstones are often an at
tempt to make up for tlie lack of appre
ciate words that should have been ut
tered in the ears of the living. . A whole
Greenwood of monumental inscriptions
will not do a wife so much good after
bhe hus quiet the world, as one plain son
tenco like that which Tom Hood wrote
to his living wife, when he said: 'd
never was anything till I knew you."
Oh, woman, what is your wifely am
bition, noble' or ignoble? I it high social
jiosition? That will then probably direct
your husband, and he will climb and
wramblo and blip und fall and rise and
tumble, and on what level or in what
depth or on what height he will after a
while bo found I cannot even guess. The
contest for social position is the most un
satisfactory contest in all the world, lie
cause it is so uncertain about your getting
it, and so insecure a possession after you
have obtained it, and so unsatisfactory
even if you keep it. The whisk of a
lady's fan may blow it out. The growl
of one lM-ar or the lu llowiug of one bull
011 Wjdl .street may M-atler it.
Is the wife's ambit ion the jiolitieal pre
ferment of her husband? Then that will
probably direct, him. What a Godfor
saken realm is American politics tho-e
!est know who have dabbled in them.
After they have assessed a man who is a
candidate for oi'ice. which he do'-s in t
get, or assessi'd him for some oliice at
tained, and hf has been whirled round
and round and round and round among
the drinking, smoking, swearing crowd
who often pet cont rol of public affairs,
all that is Jol t, of his self respect or moral
stamina would find plenty of room on a
geometrical point, which is said to have
in-ilher length, hrcauth or thickness.
Many a w ife has not I ecu sat i died till
her husband went- into politics, but
would afterward have given all s1k pos
sessed to get him out.
1 knew a highly moral man, u: eful in
the church and pes-cssor of a bright
home, lie had a useful and prosperous
business, but his wife did not think it
genteel enough. There were oi lor.; ah-n.t
the business and sometimes they would
adhere to his garment.-; when he returned
at night. She insisted 011 Ids doing sunr
thing more elegant, although lie was
qualilied for 110 bu.-ines.s except that in
which he was engaged. To please h- r
he changed his business, and in order to
get on faster abandoned church attend
anee. sji3ing after he had made a. certain
number of hundreds of thousands
of dollars he would return to the
church and its services. Where is that
family today? Obliterafed. Although
succeeding in business for v h!h he was
qnatiiieii, no unuertooK a styiv o. lucr
cliandie tor which he had no qualifica
tion and soon went, into bankruptcy,
llis new style of business nut him into
evil association, lie lo:;t his morals as
well as his money, lie broke up not
only his own home, hut broke up another
man's home; and, from lieing a kind,
pure, generous, moral man as any of you
who sit here today, has In-come a home
less, penniless liliertine. His wife's am
bition for a moro genteel business de
stroyed him and disgraced her, and
blighted their only child.
Put supjiose now there be in our homes,
as thank God there are in hundreds i f
homes here represented, on the wifely
throne one who says not only by l. v
words, but more powerfully by her
actions: "Mr husband, our de-;linics ere
united; let I'.s see where industry, hon
esty, common sense and faith in God
will put us. I am with you iu all 3 car
enterprises. 1 cannot lie with you 2:1
person as you go to v our daih- businc.
but I will be with you iu my prayers.
Let us see vhat we can achieve by hav
ing God in our hearts, and God in our
lives, and God in our homes. Be on the
i-ido of everything good. Go ahead and
do your best, and though everything
should turn out different from what we
have calculated, 3-011 may always ecu: it
on two who are going to help you,
and God is one and I am tho
other." That man may have feeble
health, and may meet with many
obstacles and business trials, but
he is coming gloriously through, for ho is
re-enforced, and inspired, and spurred o; t
0;.- a woman s voice, as muc.'i as was
Pnrak by Deborah, when Sisera with niu '
hundred iron chariots came on to crush !
him and his armj-, and Deborah shor.ti 1 ;
iu the ear cf Barak: ''Up! for this is the ;
da- in which the Lord hath delivered,
Sisera into thine hands." And tho enemy i
fell back, and Sisera's chariot, not g: :;- ;
ting along fast enough in the retreat, the';
general jumped out and took it afoot, '
v.v. 1 ran till became to a where a 1
woman first gave him a drink of milk
and then sent a spike through his skull, j
nailing him to the floor.
Some of us could tell of what influence
iwinra has been a wifely ambition cor.
secrated to righteousness. As my wife
is out of town and will not shake her
bead lxcause I sa3 it in public, I will
Etate that in my own professional life I
have often been called of God, as I
thought, to run into the verv teeth of
public opinion, and all outsiders with
whom I advised told me I had heti'cr not,
it would ruin me and ruin nr.-church,
and at the same time I was receiving
nice little letters threatening me with
dirk and pistol and poison if I persisted
in attacking certain evils of the day,
until the commissioner of police con
sidered it his dut3' to take his place in cur
Sabbath services, with forty ohiccrs
scattered through the house for the
preservation of order; but in my
home there has alwa3-s lieen one
voice to say: "Go ahead an .1 diverge
not an inch from the straight line. Who
cares if 011I3- God is on our si It ?" An I
though sometimes it seemed as if I was
going out against t)00 iron chariot.-;. 1
went ahead, cheered by the domestic
voice: "Up ! for this is the day in which
the Lord hath delivered Sisera into thine
A man is no better than his wife will
let lnm be. Oh, wives of America, swing
your scepters of wifely influence for God
and good homes! Do not urge your hus
bands to annex Naboth's vineyard to
j oin- palace of success, whether right or
wrong, lest the dogs that come out to de
stroy Naboth come cut also to devour
you. Righteousness will pay licst in life,
will pay best in death, wiil pay btst in
the judgment, will pay best through ail
In our effort to have the mother of
every household appreciate her influence
over her children, we are apt to forget
the wife's influence over the husband.
In many households the influence upon
tlie husband is the only home influence.
In a great multitude of tho best and most
important arid most talented families of
II10 earth, there have been no descend-
Itnts. There i t not a child or a prr rd
ehild cr any n-niote dr-ce nil.:;.! of .'a-ti-ingtoii
or Charles Sumner or Sh.-.hes-pcare
or lMmual la:;l;e or l'i;; it
Lord N't l-orj oi-( '. ,.vj 1 1 .r I'oj .r.".ddi
son or Job 1 lso! 1 or Lord 1 ha' h:on r rat
tan or Isaac Nov. ton or ( ioM.- uiith or
Swift or Iiickc or Gibbon or Wa!H.le or
Canning or Drydenor More or Chaucer
or liord By rou or Walter Scott or Oliver
Cromwell or Garriek or Hogarth or
Joshua Kevin Ids or Sencor or Lord Ba
con or Macaula-. Multitudes of the
finest families of the earth are extinct.
As though they had dol e r not: gh for the
world ly their g.niu i or wit or patriot
ism or iiiM iitioii or ooiisocrai ion. ( iod
withdrew I hem. In u.ultit udc of cases
all woman's opport unity for iisei'uiae.-;;
is with her contcniporarie-;. I low im
portant that il bean improved opportu
nity !
While the French warriors, on their
w a- to Kheims. had about Concluded lo
give un attacking the ca -tie ai Troxes. -1
aiise it was so hea il'i i-.oned. .loan
of Arc entered the loom and tol. i them
l!ie- would lie inside the cast le ia I hive
days. "We would willingly wail si;c
0:13 s, " (.aid one of the leaders. "Six!"'
she cried out. "you shall le in it to-morrow,"
and under her leadership on the
morrow they entered. On a smaller
scale ever v man has garrisons to subdue
and obstacles to level, anil ov r' wife
may be an inspired ,'oan of Arc to her
What a noble, wifely ambition, the de
termination, (hid helping, to aceompan'
In r companion across the storm v sea of
this life and together gain the wharf -f
the Celestial 'ity! f'niix him along with
you! You canm t ,,-i-' !' v
cannot nag him there: but ou eau cou.v
hiiii there. That is God's plan. He
coaxes us all the way coaxes us out of
o n- sin-;, coaxes us to accept pardon,
coaxes us to heaven. if we roie-h that
i-'esscd place ii v.iil be- through a pro
leg'd and divine coaxing-. By the
same process lake vo:;r companion, and
.Inn vou wiil get there as well, and all
.our hoii.-i-hoM. Hi ji-st the oppo.dre
; your m igii !,;-. i i r v. iielv ambit;. 1:1
ss II for this world. "-and a disappointed
r:r:d vexi ii and uiil.-ai-pvcreature slie w lil
b all the way. iii i- residence may
01 . ;.-r man 3-ours lortiie n-w years c:
ear;!:!y ft ay. bat sli-- wiil move oai of it
us o tier oo'.iv into a bous" aboir. live
1 a ha
t h
:g- an
ton e feet
nd two fret
a. aii'l conori mag
a can mak" vour
' own pi ogim-di. at m .ri. Her hit:-' and and
hi r soiis and daughter-, who all. like her.
live for this weii-i. w:!l have about the
panic destiny for ih - hotly and Lin- soul.
You. ha hig had .-an -ii'i d a:id di i'uly
nnobled wifely r.iuhhin-i. v-.hi pass up
into palaces, end what. Iiecoioos of
vour body is 1" 1:0 importance,
for it ii only a ca! folding,
pulled down now that 3-cur temple i;
doiie. You wi!! stan 1 in the everlasting
rest and .see 3 .. ur im -hand come in, a:: I
see .vour children come ia. if they have
not preceded 3 on. (do.-iiied Christian
v. ife I pick upa'.n-crown 3 0U ciioo.-e from
.'lit the king's foot-tool and wear h; it
w as promise I 3-0:1 long ago, and with it
cover r.p all the sears of your earthly
con !1 iff.
Sixteen miles from Petersburg. Russia,
was o':o of the royal palaces, and there night Catherine, the empn ss. enter
tained Prince Henry. It was sew. re
winter and deep snow, and the empress
and the prince rode in a magnificence of
sl-.-igh an i robe and canopy never sur
passed, followed ly two thousand s!ei hs
ijihn with the fir.-1 people of Ilus.-ia, the
whole length of the distance ihumined by
lamps and da.zling temples built for that
one night, and imitation-i of mosques
and Egyptian pyramids: and people of
all nations, in all stylos of costume.
: tarn;
waU !
ag on platforms along tlie w.-n-aad the livroieciinn-s.
A.t the- palace the luxuries of kingdoms
wi re gathered and spread, and at tho
table the guests had 'but to touch the
eer.ivr of a plate, and by magical ma
chinery it dropped and another p'a'o
caau lip loaded with still richer viands.
B;.t all that fccno of the long ngj shr.Ii
be ec lipr : d by the greater splendors that
wiil be gathered at the banquet made by
tlie Heavenly King for th m s :ons crated
v.-omen w! 1:1 out of the win; r
1 snowv chid of the
earth: v
into the . wrrm and il
palace f heaven. Wi:h t!i--
-eif robed
and all the iotcnt:;'.: s.
nd crowned, vou v. id sit
a table comoared
with which rdl
feasts at Keniiworth, and Sr. Cloud 1
ike Alhainbru were a beggar's cri:.;l.
j And the platter of one royal saii -faction
toucned at the center shah disappear ord y
to make room for a beggar's i-n;st, a:. l
the golden plate of one royal sat; -faction,
touched at the center, shad disappear
only to make room for the coming up of
Kmo richer and grander regalement.
Privitoi.s of rarspe
The Parsecs are tlie onlv Asiatics iu
India, except native CIni tians, who al
low their ladies to move freely in society.
Ei.-ewhere wi ll I, red women a;3 slmt f.o
iu zenanus and harems
rni no iorc;g:u r
ever sees them,
mire I;rsee Ir,
thi ir g."oo.l look
and wi?h
ar ? now coming
he sees and can
; :;. who are noted for
and graceful manners,
dmirahle trste. Th-s-y
orvard to disr!jv th:-h"
1 k verness a-; weii as t:iv:r :k.--u;'. v. j
Sorabji has tnken her degree iu the Com- !
K;- univerdt3". her nam" appeari::;; !
the first class. One or two B nge.lee j
;.k;.c; liave taken iierre- s at tue 1 .;;;
university ; and the Mahratta ladv i ;::i
Ilia Raiii.1 I5ai has won d:;ti::e:ioii a s,
Sanscrit scholar. Home Journal.
t'toizltiir Cicrill" Stubs.
There is a s- ca v at Berlin. Germar."
whoso meiji
f tumps of c!
lie ceo faer ri
buy Christ n:
This 31 ar tin'
ten orphan b
-x-rs eo.rjrt ti e wiiich thev
r.t ;
;s. Yv'i'h the prot.v dis they
;s gilts for j ;r ciuMren.
Fociety was ahf' to give to
ivs C'-i each and t ire;are
for lorty-hve orphr.u girl s a regniar Cnr.t
i;:::s in e. with a plate full of apples, nuts
end cake., a gil pair of b;s. a wook.n
ihcss. ;'. chenii.-e. a !;;:ir of v. ix len stock- !
ings r.r.d a warm shawl for each. Chi
cago 2h .Vs
Tll.!:-rrilloaat e Charity.
Free soup h;us lieen a sr.urce of trouble
in ITew Y'o! k. and is 110 longer provided
for tho jxvor. It was found to bring
tramps to the city and to aid the unde
serving nxc, as in all indiscriminate
charity gi ving. Chicago Herald.
he- Platt-smouth Herald
2Tg on joying a
e:oit:i:ojn s.
M.,, Urn a&a
Wiil lie on." limit::
national interest
stnuiirly Hritah-i
President will lak
Cass ( 'until v wliu
Political, Commercial
and Social Transactions
this year ami won
tin: times
Xow wlii.
peoi Io we
licli is 1ir.-t-cla.-s
wiiich our toi)
;ttt much sat i-tactorv
i Jul
.'--7-. 3-.'(fwl;Ji:-'VuC- ,4' I
?i svt
23 oom in both, its
r w Ii :ch I lie c 11 1. p et -
lid import nice will lie
and t o'ect i 1:1 of a
place. '1 in- people of
Would lil;o In learn of
i i i 11 mi: tiii:
ekly Herald.
e we liave tin- subject before tin
will venture lo fpealc ol mir
F!3 pes ra n bz?ct
in till rofjiccts and
pniitera tire turnmo