THE DAILY JIEKaU;, PLAYio.; ,v.,;.r:ASKA, MONDAY, railtl'AKY 13 I i : "l " -I''.'" V- . " W J i 4 4 y Tho PiaUsnwuth Daily Herald. KNOTT t5 113 7l O 3., Publishers &. Proprietors. Tin; ri...Tf.sM)inn iiK'tAi.i I pul1islitl !v-rr evening except Sunday Ami YVrekly uvt'vy rhuii'liiy iikiiiiiii. Keni--ttreil at tlm iMtonicj, I'latt.moulli. Nclir.. s tfcitiid-cl.iHK iii.illiT. Ofllce corner of Vino anl Fiflll kllVMtS. THUS I OK DAILY. tint copy un j car In i"lr;inr'. Iy mall. . . .? f( ii i:o.iy pi-r inoiii li, ly i-;ip iiT, . O iib copy i;r wi'i-k, iiy can i-r l. KlU W I I K I.T. O"'' cpy ,,,,1 v'ar. i;i :;i vance, . Oil'! capy ix i:iii:i.i in aiHiiniT, ...i .v 'I'm: ( 'IiIMV;i Indiana of Wisconsin have scut a dclcjation to Washington to nuke :i complaints against ami ai'Mit ap pointed !y Vil is. lie is li;u;j,-d with selling thninT from th? reservation to favorites ami without cotupetitiaii. llf-rc is a ohm for tin; ne-.v s i t.iry to le juii turning tin; rascals out. He siion J1 do so :v n if tiicy an; Iiis own crc. lures. As a couiiii'-ctary oil democratic econ oniy it is noted that thr pres -lit hoice of representatives lias ;-."0 employe-? on y. or U'-arly on;1 to every mi-mlxr a greater nuinhcr thnii has ever L-on known in the history f tho house. lVrhaps tie' country ouedit to 1)'? congratulated the army of employes is not urealcr, f"-r it is :i Ycrj Lu:;e and hungry crowd that the democratic- party is cali -d upon to provide for. - iiit er ( )c-(-in. Why don't ic moi rat ic j ; ; n . 1 1 -i that pi-Ate :-o p. i si.-t"nt 1 y nlt:t this p ,-oj I s ci'oiioini'-al adiniiii.-tratioii all I'r.r. tr'.ili r.hor.t it, tln-ir f i!.-e posh ion is a.i to tli j inti liiv.fiiC! of :r own party. 1 Icre is a:ioth'-r paniph; Ivick of demo cratic n-foriii v. hi h is rcsp; ! f silly re ferred t j oit i:-!:ii'.hted lie: A nr.K .J.;;n .Mc' I ! i.r., who 1: ;s vrved seven mh cc-i ve terms ;:s m-iy. r of J;;cl- soll. '"lis-;.. I a (!:;-. let .- all - XV I t i 1 !e- I .( : . 1 ii e! .:iia ! ':;., i !; r: f-y.i -. -iliihd'H'S el-et I, hi ..diltj-i i.l t!r' ;.v.n v,-.ieii;:- to th" ncc. -.--itv oi -.'V. i I hrowh.e; t o: nipt and vicious --cie.;'' r ruv( rnni.-nt." At the lime of t hut I. -tio:i. In-sajs, live of the six uh lei ni' n ;iih' four of th- sis jjoiieem. u wore vim -j i:;e: ::nd diemocr.ds; :i:i'l only two colore i! )nen htWi minor oi'iets, :ss :ie;::ii',s'L full! Avhitp men thus favored. The fact i.s. j'.ceordinj to his showiiur, that the Dem ocrats had no excuse for their outr:;cou -onduet c.cejt 1 1 1 : t th'-y w ere drterniir.cii to irevei:t Kepuhlicans, dt Ijt colored v v. hito, from holding a municipal poaitio;!) of any sort. (itole lh'mntwat. Thk man who culoi.ed tluitjati am' ipciiks in endearing tcniis of Jeff D.-vis. i.s as totally devoid of patriotism as cvci IJ.nedict Arncld v.a?; find that the panic him ii should heap ;;!i:m? on tlio. ImckI of ( 'haplain Iozii'r for his jiatiiotic, n::!nl uiteranccs at llie (J. A. II. ino'ctin; tl.c !her veiling, is not to 1j wondered at. T!:i s.t::ie critic flippantly gay ''Kooody l'Ut cii-.riks :;nd cowards who aro i.fraid of their shadows lx-lieve that secession nnd rcheliioii are incijiicntly active." Vc. Xo one w ith a thimbleful of brains wouh' cure to r. !cl, if lie could trai.jjdj tl; I. iwi liu.lerfoot with perfect indifferent.-.-, aiul ix-iln the cuds desired without en dan;jerin'j his ppr.-onal comforls in tin leii. tce; l it b t! cr.ll down up;. n him ti ; c in -it; j Ci-'.t ieisir.s of Ki p!iliiv-ai :iev par.trs. Kvvii tl.;tt is partly baiaix td by t'u- fav. rdiii: hyoocritts of the I?.'u press, who s and tw'.v wlure tiny stooi b.'foiv tic war, if not openly in favor o' treason tiny r.poloLjizc for thos-c that are; ns was eviil. need by the editorial in last Saturday's Journal. A man who i capable of uttering such stuff as wa printed in tho .Jotrnc:l Sulr.rday ihouhl not bo allowed to live in a loyal, intblli-!'..'!-. t comnumity. lie shou'd be trans oi ted tvi a warmer climate, in li, u of anything better at hand, some f ;iosf loyal (.') ?.Iissis?ippi towns wuuhl j;robab ly di) for r.w hilo. CLEYLLAXD S J'lXH A DJI XTs T HAT I OX. Kansas Ci i v. Ma , Feb. 10. Tar. E. II. T.-dbott, the editor of the IcU'rai; Aqp, cam.: in from Mexico l.i-t ni- t.r. In conversation with a reporitr he said: "I find that the -rout dii'.iculty in incr-.-r.s-injj the commerce between Amjric:?, or mo.-e especially t'i cor.i:u.-re'al centers oi tho vv:-t, K City, !-t. L u'.is.Oiin'ia and Ciiie iero an..! Mj.i.-o. id tiie debiy in passing t!:rou-'; tii. Air.cri C:i:i ci:-t-)u; hoes- ;;t Kl Wo i iroi ds fchippt-d in to ?.;..xL-o f:o::i the tommer cial centers of th ; v,vt ' The cu.-ioui hou-ij is miserably managed, and is on lt: -ted in the int.-rc-vs of VA V..l rnd not in the inter, si- of the United States. There are at Id P.;-o a l.-.rr;u;bi-r of bn?kc!s whos.! l.u-.::;: .-s it is to s e tiiat floods shipped int. Mc?dco are p is-;- .1 through the custom house i:i orre t legal for;u. Tii.-y work in the interest of KI Paso, and it is an easy matter for them to lrii! about delay by picking some ai!t god flaw in the papers necissary for tin. gooiis ti p-iss the custom house. When I was there the cutom house was choked up with goods that had been on hand for months, and were detained for no valid reason whatever. The Mexico merchant orders his goods and nukes his calculation-!. (.. ti;.r ;!; :,i ur.iv.- i:i ! . . .' i a lea.i.iia.ile . ami alter ln:liig unl.oy - cd ai.d put out by drlay of from three weeks to two months in the Kl 1'aso cus tom house, he becomes disgusted end gives no more orderu to western firm.-. The business can stand tha present tariff and would show a wonderful increase were it not for the cliques, rings and jobbery ut the Kl 1'aso custom house Knglish and German goods pass through the Vcraciour custom house, which is admiriib'y conducted, anil where there i.s no jobbing. This is a great advantage to Knglish and (ieinian merchants, and it is no wonder that they are securing the greater trade, which naturally and right fully belongs to tin; United States. As lon as this obstacle exists it will be im possible for Kansas City. St. Louis, Oma ha and Chicago to compete; with tin eastern cities fur th:; Mexican trade which can ship by water route. Tin; only hope t!ct I can see for the commercial centres of tin: west is th opening of the new southern route and tho location of anoth er cu-tom huiise at Laredo." Z'vvs-Difs-itil-Ii. Kov; Men Dig. il we know all he methods of approach adopted by an enemy v.e arc the better en;. bled to ward off the danger and post pone the moment when surrender becomes in; ' liable. In many instances tho inher ent strength of the body sutiiet s to enable it io oppov. the tendency toward death. M i'y howcv r have lost t!ie:-e forces to sue'i an extent that there is little or no h !;. In oth'-r cases a little aid to the We ikciled ' I ill wiil ma!:e all tin- diiTer- n. between sudden death and niMiy o -t s u :eful life. Upon the '.: lep- ..: .- id a c.Mto!;. cdl or any ti'.:d !e of throat or lunv-. gi ve ticit old ;.!.d v il known 1 1 v ! y !Jom-1k-cs 'b-riuan S.Mip. a c::i-i Till trial. It v.:!! prove 'v!iat thousands say ot it to be. tho "benv iaeior of any hoie.e." SciiKf.jin. Atxir.t llt'z'ns betters. ?.Zr. i'hiUH gets wbcut :."(;) bejrinj lotter.5 i'..-: i-v !::y, ainitl-.e mail of this kind which is r; (- i vi A I v our rich daily wm l.l co:i- ; .i.i.e ! i.e s-.ijjfdy of c. ljro jiari.-i factm-y. ! 'i i.: , let t ,r v.-iil s.t:rt U.n 1 pen i-s all ovor ti o ; i i ...;;:iry to writ l:i.r i -t ; ; rs t t'in cmav! tuU'.z j : la-.-utionecl iri ii, utul 1 !.;ivc iwi told by , .' : i jih ii iiiiie-ei ijji-:ii 1 1-.i -i. n..-. I ;-.' v.s scores of now alms-asking cerre-,-iiients. I publisheil a r.ewspap.cT 1- ; ! about I'l-csiilent Cleveland's charities, in whicti I told how he frequently gives away ido and ijOO bills i:i rusy.Hisa to letters which e.'.eite his sympathy. For weeks after this piiblmbed the "White House mail was burdened with begging letter.-; making refer cuey to it. and Sam Tildcn's private sceretary i.i.c-otold me L'aut tlio greater part o Mr. Tildea's mail was made up of letters from l.'e.T.ars. Tilden never raw these, and it was o:ly in a few eases that these letter.; ever ;v.;. hil his eyes. It is the same with tho mail of W. W. Cor-co.-an and C. 1 Huntington. Huntington's );:'. ters come from all parts of Europe and tho United States, though there ara more from th l'acific sloic than anywhero else, lie lees not read sueh letters closely, and usually .'it.-hes them -into tho waste basket. 2Ir. c- cvrau's letters are replied to with n priuU'.-l form which states that his secretary i directed not to present sueh letters to him. as be is unable to meet the numerous de mands which they coutuin. Tho letters of all kinds, and the check exhibited in n.u j oi them is, to say tho least, remarkable. One woman had a husband worth S"0,000, but she would like to be independent of 1dm, and she wriies Mr. Corcoran for a donation largo enough for her to live,upon its interest. Another woman wrote for a barrel of salt pork, and a third wrote for a lavender silk d ivss to be used during a president's iveeji tio'j which was soon to come oil. Frank G. Carpenter in New York Mail and Express. In tlie Cliinoso Capital. Hie outsid-.? of the emperor's palace all ihnt- any Europe :m ha-5 ever seen of it shiee rh days of Marco Polo ;s ideal, a fciiry vd.:ce. High waits shut in the forbidden .'i;v; n moat surrounds them; nnd tiieu there ,-i-e the glistening yellow tiles, tho roof-; built by t he old Mongols in imitation of their t mis. Then, there is thegreea hill with its tree.;, and mLco roofs climbing up it. Tho cat ranees are of diep blue, bright green, golden rirag oue.I, with here and there a touch of ver milion. Tho sky is blue above, tho sun shines ; and thero in the roadway sics a child stark naked, its face so dirt y that it is impossible to S' 5 what it is like, its head misshapen with disease. No wonder the present emperor never cares to como outside, and is supposed nev.T to Lave done so. Tho world inside must be f::r more delightful, if it matches with wit'.: those glittering fairy roofs. Import does not speak well of tho young emperor, lie is described as unwilling to learn, sickly, ami frov.ard very ready to fling things at people's heads if displeased, acd altogether cut out to commit some great folly if he ever becomes really the ru'er of China. He receives the high oflicrrs of the empire kneeling on their knees, he alono cit ii: g in state; but behind a curtain sits the veigning empress, hearing ail, and really rul ing China. St. James' Gazette. At the 3IouJi of tho Con;o. The fact that fifteen to twenty-live steamers a month are now arriving at the mouth of the Congo illustrates the growth of commerce ia that regie;-, since Stanley showed the im portance of the great river. Ono ocean I t . a.uer has fdivady ascended the river to 1 (.: ma, City miles from tho sea,. and the best (. h umels are being marked by baoys, so that ieep draught vessels may sr.l'ely navigate the lower river. Little hotels for the entertain ment of travelers have been built at Eauar.a and lioma. One reason why the whites on the lower river enjoy far better health than formerly is said to bo because they havo dis carded canned meats and now raise their own la -f. Cattle thrive finely at Eoma, and it takes a steer every thrco day3 to feed the whites who are now living at that station. Chicago News. Haw Lepnisy is Spreadir.c;. According to M. Besaier, a member of the Paris Academy of Medicine, leprosy, far from disapie;irmg by degrees, is spreading rapidly. Since the extension of the French colonial possessions, soldiers, sailors, trad'j-3 nnd mis-s-i-onaries have fallen victims to it in large 1: umbers. M. Besaier, therefore, exhort3 phjsicians in all countries to study the fell disease, in order to find a raeans of counter acting its ravages, for it has active focuses cf infection in every part of the globe. The malady is transmitted by a bacillus shaped li e that found iu tuberculosis. Pittsburg bulletin. LiFh on Tin-; i:our. ALOFT IN THE CLEARER Abl GOTHAM'S SKY PARLOR. CF AVliut tho Itoof of tho Tull Tfiu-oic-i:ts I to tho Jnvtltcrs V.'ilhiii A Vanl fr Dry-lug ClothcH Slreiinj; 1'iuco Uuriiij; tho Hot Souhoii. Tho baby seemed to lo making for the edge of the roof us fast as very rapid 1'K-o-inotion on its lumds and knees could carry it there. "No, no! Come here pet," fiid the mother calmly, anil the inf.irit hulled and then turned ami sat d nvn. What u place for r. baby that was on tho roof of u six story tenement house in Ikiiti r street, tho tallest house in tho neighborhood, with ii view somewhat recalling u scene :i the Ithodo Island coast, with here end tli- re u black roof to repn-seuL tho inky bowlders, hero and there n pair of steam to suggest the clouds of spray made by the conHici, of the waves and rocks, mid all i.round t!io white and paie blue c-qiaiixc n.' t he uppi r air. "Aren't you afraid to let your baby play around here:'' 1 imjuired oi' the mother, sho and the infant and I being i.1 1 only ones up there, end I not only feeling the polite n-'ci s sity of haj ing some'diing, but Wi'ig i illy curious to know how u mother c;utd I t u. Ijuby out of her arms in f ie-h u p!:u-e. "Why should I be afrmd:'' she inquired; "I was ns good ns b.n-n and up hero on this roof, and no harm came to mo ot it." "Itoofs aren't to the poor what, they era to the rich," she continued, :;ecii:g tho look of inquiry in my face, in nil probability. "I was born in this house, and when I vr.s a little woo thing my mother1, God rest her soul, ued to bring me here for the fret h tie in lino weather and ths cool breeze in tho summer. When I was a little girl 'twas bore that I came after ;;eho 1 to play at store and lionso and v.iih my doll c.;;d little playmate-;. When I g'-t big enc-t: .-ii to bo allov. cl to : it, up a litt! late at ni.jiit bi relsiitl came, t- h tlie lads a:sd young girl.- at their incrn l ie;-;, dan;-i:e; a::d c ..:eg en I 'iirting c;:d Miiging and cntertaiuiiig oe.e auo'.Lcr. Ai.'l io you know it was a. feai her ia tho cap .i' a boy or girl to l-el.ere. isyet for t'.f mat ter of that , f r you'd r. -ver hud i.ho way ward or t':e v.dd ;:) hero once they l.ave yielded to tho life of tie- greets. koo: And when I got to be a cr.r.h girl, and later yet, when I v. ee.t re.-' my widowed mother-, te.hie tory, ic was slitl i-er t:. .. my play cv.d geol to. may se m : tre-: ; c.e vi ry ti-:-4t ij lh; o:... o lny -.'vi ry tl-rmg tx-od th,;- v. r siile e-t' nejiiey cid t;.- church. I'ilJij to :;;e here to work to !:; 1 bt- o Li u j'-c-i c.-.-..:u for y... :.t ;-.a;:y. Ah. tea. i j e to y-;;- tati- ric.-itli ed- .t.;, i". i ce.rie v 1 1 ;:;-ce,nf-.:ts , : .: ca i;.:s sl roof. " Twas here that I learned t tlrmc?, to tho jii'j: ie of the aeeer.;:on thai him w ho is ltor, :ny husband could play bo: tor than aity boy in the ward. Night uTttr L;g'.;t, in nil tlv flue weather, John would ce::i. up hero and play for the girls of the hot'.ee. cud "tve frier d ; lor t ho gir:s oi t of ii:o iic;'.ruuorcoo;t. . t!:er. WC. ! hoys enough wo would dance wit': them, a:i 1 whim there were not ea; h girl would take an other and bo partners. It is fast tho rarae now. Any night, e:gnt months m t:?e yc-r you'll find so:uo of them here, dancing a d sparking, an i tho old folks sitting about, keeping half nn eye on theyou-e.g one?, w hom they pretend not to seo at all, th -ugh f.-r that matter, when you have children they aro seldom otT your mind, in sight or out. You'd think, may be, they'd bo afraid, dancing on tho edge of the sky like this. Not a bit; I never gave a thought to tho danger, and I don't suppose they do. "I wonder if you understand what a tene ment roof really is. For instance, it's all th- yard wo have, and it's divided up so that it rightly belongs to one floor tart's two fami lies each day in tho week, excepting Sun day, for them to hang no their wash. Well, some practically never uses it, for the good reason that all they wash they can hang in the open windows of tho kitehe::. Some use it only about once a month, and soir.o hir.g tho whole air full of linen each week. Eat it belongs to a different floor every different day. and no ono would think of r.eing it for ok;hes on any day but their own without asking permission. Eaeh family puts up and takes away their own clotheslines eneh day, .tud, mind you, even then the soot of the city's .'.o gathers on them firet that the be wiped before cicLhes a:o hung on ro? plants j: again, do ve.-.i Then. --e i ;i .--a nnrci r-i crrtli around tho ege yo air icr' They uho belong to the different t eautite, n::d in th smnmer one vies with the other to : ee who'll keep their's tho greenest. Soni5 tovcr bar any luck in growing things, a red tho best of tho boxes don't amount to m i eh, owing t- the heat of tho sen shove and th tin below dryiugup the little earth there is i a thorn, hut it is pretty much all that many a tene ment child sees of tho cTuntry the tirst few years. 1 was 13 years old before I ever saw more than the City Hall park and tho E :t tery park, and then, when I went up into Westchester county to my uncle, who h n r. farm, I had enough to do to tell alt tho-o who vented to know what the country was really "Then here's where rainy of the men in tae tenement rieeo iirouq-'a tho Lot jest and vl.o h.-st e r eeherirg hea.' d bo g'reJ to make wee.' her. Yes, it i bedroom we have come-, and the ro: Lie .'he: -.1 v use of it for the same purpose it it was con sidered right for them to do -so. Oa such uights tho windows are thrown open back and front, and tho women and children that are too young to bo trusted make tho best of what draught there is, while the men with a pillow and a blanket, or sometimes with no. king at ell tut their rege tar clothes and an old coat roiled up under their heads, turn in on the roof, until it's that thick with men thai an old soldier onco told mo it reminded Irhu of tho dead in the trenches on a battle field whero ho was iu tho war. Eut before there's any goe3 to bed at all, every one in the houee sits up thero to cool oi?, and I really think in all the year thoso are the hap piest hours wo poor people ever spend. "They even had a death on the roof a few doors below, last summer. It was a poor old German gentleman, and he was very low and sinking w hen they brought him up, thinking it would revive him, which it did, poor man; but it was in the other world ho felt it. Nothing bad like that ever came to this roof, and I am glad of it, for some would always 1 thinking cf it, and the place would not be the same after. Eut we've had a little of everything else, I'm thinking, and to ma it's tha best place there is and tha ono w here I have lived tho best hours of my life, child, girl and woman." New York Ccr. Provi dence Journal. Railway Under the Thames. The new railway under the Thames is rap idly approaching completion. It will tap a number of congested thoroughfares, and though only three miles in length, will be cf immense service to the population of Lon don. It extends from near the north end cf London bridge to Clapham Common. Chi cago Herald. . l. - i - i (!..;. .. v-t, o:i. .. 'V.i t: o c;r.i' ra e. u'.lUil-'. ' adiotioll to ! ec mstru : l:: at of the t:-.i-:,--ir.d. li j has e.ihib- ' '.ted l'tl:e Acad.-my oi Seieiics somo lino j picture-.! iiiu.-.tratmg tho charai-t.-ristics of ! diouiiluin 1. 1,1 ds at tin- different hours of tho ' day. T he '-. . a ot dowi-u''ol' thu curly laorn- ing undergo -s iatercsing changes through the uction of air currents set in motion by tho sun. Arkunsaw Traveler. r:-aii t ot l'ractlcal .Jfk-. Tho vii tint of a so c alled "practical joke" was buried iii Brooklyn the other day. A chair was pulled away when he .-.e; about to tit down, and he fed, reeeiing injuries which !-ojn ear e l his deeth. There is no ii!t"i:n r trick ihat ran play ujaji their ftdlows than this. Tiu J'.r.ol:lv:i incident ought to piit a step to oho speei .1 of "practi cal j (king."' No.v York Tribune. 'mft i'j-i-o Stall- Mimry. i The Congo Free State has had its own noney coined in Belgium. Tee silver coin ' was ti'iish. d a few monl -is ae,o, n:ni the nickel end coppi.r coin.; oi" t live, two an 1 ono j centimes value wera th.Lked in Deeember. ceil! on" i ; i ,ua! to ouo-lif th of oe.n eel.t. ' 'i ho ini.'i.-e on one side of tl ;...', as of lie: t:l I vcr coins, :'; the s(ar ao- pt: -! 1 ,r th;.-Hag of tho Free t.itate. t.'iiie.igo Nou:.. ! 1 e.din is l.ow f ert.l. i: , g an xeelh V. market ! for tho hor. s and nudes rai.-ed in Auolruiw j Ler;;;'3 ! i- ared.r ti.ccd j b'-.'.k'at . Xo r.-tio-dy in i ie- v. odd h i-- g .im d i th" !': it oily th.'d Ill's !m dicim- li.i-. as ! -i hold ci i' .mile in.-t i :: -. ?,". one ! j-hoii'i.; be v,-'r:io:;; it. It ie ' a'.omel or qi; i i, ;. i a :' - : e r., ci . -i.t -1 . I : bed . i." l is -::;i : ri- l;o!:l it. We hee., !",;; .. .-j.p'y at ;-.!! I hi! - !'. S-: ip::i t o. ih-'g-i:. Jo-tinio. !..'-. Val !:;!! ) ..... ...I ! re !', o ; on W,. . "V 7- .' '': . :: - - vv- X L V.'.:--- :-, . ' .v-t'rr. hi ii1: i v.- die 1 bv h..idv -a i, Cti :; d ;-;:-k;i. V, c v. i.t ;: y Li s: .-'.-Vc ; : ve: -; . . r ;;: ea.s c I" i i v r ;..; :.-..!.(, t:y.-pep..,:. -h i. iiet:d-:c!:e, in:.'--.-.-i io1:. cc.:.-'.ii.e.tion o: trostivc!!' .- "s '.. , c.ti.Mii.t cure wit! W st':- '. v .'.aid'- I.i yer win :: t!-. i.-t'ttioLs ;:;-, ;tiy c 'io; ,i iel u;-;i. I'll i y ere pmely vegetao'e, and rev;-; i'aii "to ;.;w s-iJk-.fmtii.n. Lurtro bovo cental:::;:'.: -h') .-tigar coat.-d .ids. 2oc. e'er t ale by ;:ii r:: L':: i -t s. J-w.:rc o? ouutcrfei'.s ;:;i'i ir.iitati 'i s-. The gei.u i::e !:;ani. 1' ctur.doniy by.Ioioi (. ( ii A: Co.. ,v v". .Madison ;:t. Ci.ii-ae; .. its Sold bvV. .1 Warrick. Use L'r. Ll.ieh's idieumatic Cine it it don't do you any good com-': in rii.i we wiil give vim your inom v bat k. l'o! sab- by jeh-.-ithA: Hlat 1:. The sr-.m bird r -medv for liver com plaint is Wi.-t's Liver Pillg they ncvci disappoint you. '',() pills '2e. At War i ii i-'f. dru g- :-t ore. Dr. Ii ack's Uhemn.vtic Crr. has ciiiVil more ases of Iti:e.i:iie.ti-!ii in the lad ten in this ":',.-ami county thai' inv and all other medicines put together. lAir sale hvJe-milh cv i Hack. U.-e Dr. iibu k's liiieumatic Cure and throw away your cane and crutches. For sale bv Smith 5: lilack. WW Ts WEALTH ! . 1 EF TREATMENT i v. -,e! r.--, -. : i stee. iy-.o-;e' i;i,.e ' i ":-- i -. ! .:s. :- ie c . o ;r- i;- '.. '; ;;' .-:;:. N.-1-ve..u- r; s.r.:t e;.i iy tfc'l--: e; i . e ; :.; eeo. V : .., u e.u.-s. .. : ; ! : :-i - i : .' -.v-. 1 1 !;e ' ; ;;:;' :--. i . : : ie :i; :'.:.:! v ;: -. !;! .: -t cry. t - :. ei.'i e;.:I i e 'e ;;ti; i e "1' t .- .' i'.o';'." .He-S. i ''-s 1.1 I'lV, - r ie t-o el s . i i !;! y !.'-.-. s Sih r .i.'i !:':, i e.,'-se.; l.y '.- .- !' ie'i I' !: i-r d i. oi i . '. ; : - : i : : ; '. een : bark 1. r '.::n' e ' - ' : i.i . ! ' J a i . - li. - t.-l- - r, :'..!. - Ii' i ll ..i! pi t J :i . e :;; :: "i ; i ..; i. r. i ;1 ' -i e. ''. i;- ' oo;- I r -e. i- : t. : T .": - 'J ii ' ' " V ' . e f it : r, v; e , i t t u y - I. A CALL ON rs vixa ;tit -. t-V ejiiCi J Cor. 12th nnd Granite f-t reels. Sept. 12-Cm. MASfFACTUirnn or and WHOLESALE a RETAIL DItALIZi: IX THE Choicest !:h;:Is cf Cigars, including our Flor de Popperberco' and 'Euds FULL iaXE OK TOBACCO xVND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 6, 18S.1. Ma M3W 1 must iiitiky room ir my Large Stock of S (mmuio; :ti!(l tlu'rofori will reduce nil leather ooiala 20 jir cent, lielow reoular jiriees lor c:i.-li 1 1 1 v - 11 Go -de lCaYlxod ii Plain figures. l.rtiiies I'reiieh K il ....... 00 'Jo tier cent. Ii.-cMint $1 00 Luilies.' ! 'rt -neli KM -I " ' 41 " r() Lndie.s' jJriht Dorioola I 0(1 " " Ladies" Idioht Doii'ola .......... . " " " 2 1 Laeies,' i id ............... :J 2.j " " " 1 SO !)al!e' Peli. (Joat h' ."0 " " " :i 00 Ll'li-.':-' J' '. C,n:t 'J '2 J S .".e'Ts hurt Mini's . . N () l - " (' to Meif.s f-iiucs 4 ; lk 4i " i (10 Men's ...::"." i. oo .Ml-I f-5 bhecs ... 'j :A) " " 'J 00 Ci:il!iv:i.s "Li 1 lie (iiant Sehi'iu Shoes,'' the. hest in the market, game reilueli n. y.nw i.-. vi.'.ir elianc'.' U lav in a eheaji MtJ)jjy. : i. :r r -1 - r t 'U k Uj a V a is Pi a if 4 A i & k EL I , GliV3r c2i 2'tLc.":-zaxq, Proprietors. 3:'EF, FORK, IvfiiTTON, VEAL, POULTRY Ve hi v ) eii,isi;::-'iy on I r : : i . 1 tic !:!;. t atnl L'(h(-.'-t lint of iii-;,f I .: I C! i SUGAR CURED lUZkY?, HAMS, BACON, LARD, SAU"AGE A f D JVlfKCE MEAT. Ami evei-vthit:'.- to suit, the de:i:a;il our trade. (Jive- u:s a trial, Sottth S.Mo Main St vt et, Iietvacn Fifth and Sixth. life v. aor.KsAi.i; Ae.i Oeef, Pork, Mutton, Yea! and Poultry. Z invito all to give mo a trira. if r-irrrwfinnin muaixaj Sno',r Cured JIcat. Ifams, Jhicc-is, Lard. etc.. etc. I'kIi Oysters in Can and Bulk at lowest living prices. Do ni,t to rivo me your j.i:triiinyc. -AND ALL HOUS cr r-T lilOHBS, BED FBOH, PARLOR FDRfiJTUIiL. I J vv'V - 9 l.-rAl -"- -ixrii si i;i:i:r, bet. main and vine. x 1 1 ri r f. r:- f 1' W h B ! C & M L' f f S ! ' s ' N At :'. A 'C lie,;";. SOTiATMiAM MOT & CJ, eiTYHEAT MARKET. PORK PACKERS and ukai.kiss in BUTTER AND EGGS. BEE!', TURK, SUTTON AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sugar Cured Bleats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, I c ot our own make. The lcst Lrands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. prsng Goods i ! ail i- iiids in their hcaiton. r, y Vfarkef. THOMAB, !;;:tui, ix KiWD.S OF- OLD GOODS. um a- zj.t i-i. a FUfiKirUfiE FOR HALLWAY?. OFFICES. Cd.11 and V w if. i'tf '-w & & PLATTSMOUTII, NEB. 11 IP I If f T7 tf o . i: j:n. Herad.