The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 13, 1888, Image 1
If 1 ,M 0 I iil 4 t .. .-5 7 lL,ATTSMOUTiZ, MiliilASKA, 31 ON DA V HY JSNINC;, FEIIIIl'AIiV i:J, l.SK.S. 2 I Ai iJIClt i:5). r t i 1 i mL-T IT-IT" - rv-; j--;rf Ar-YTr- t-J: J-.-yxrmjyi iw it-t t ..i-fi . r.yr..m.-....-.f... .r-K.T-fi T... . r lull rim llliiw Mayer, Cl.-ii'.. Tie i-t'irT. Atl 'i.i'-V. fliic i. J'.iu : .1 I -I;;-. ;.l;ir.-.:i ill. Cotiii-'lhueu, I -.. -.v.ii.l J.l " lii! .) I .-.i v rsoN I' II SMITH .1 I! Via ii It M A N If. i: - . i.Aliiv A M.Uiol.lC .1 S ! i ii I'.v. s I! M M.ICli .1 V W i 1 . 1; . !1 , W i( 1 1 :: i V. i .v t-i: i .1 ii .'! i i: ft: V I .i W I i : i N , I . S ..': i (. i ; M:C :.i.!'.n. Pi i s ( .1 V .1. h: ns v ,v; : I a I !t.M.N K.iuiil ru:..V,Vik. j i iivo ;..';i.i..: (111! ll.V.VK.i V. Olt'Mf (.OI-VtV OKI'HvMKS. ' vv,,y , A 1 v I : l'n-:ni:.'i , n -(:iiy i .I'.i.ui- r, - CI. Tlx. Ji.jpiM y ( li'il:. jt i-.- H-.i i i.' ; ! i ii;,.- ii .' i: ; i i.-iv i-'i i ' 'o n : Sll'-fl Win", fjir. AU:i M:iil. ! I'll'.. " --i 1 -.-. il. A . I'AMI l:KI,l. i h i.i.i iii k IV I. ! ;;l I i II 1 II- !-! . ::l il ill IKI.i I.'. II. ImI. .In IV M I.KVIH V. I '. : Mil'.' l.'I'l.U .;. :. !'.i n v .. .'5 !';. r. A l.l.i.:. IS f. i-.S" ' M a i :. n H.'l . K '. iii .-sai.i. i:.i.iCI. "M isol:.-. a . ;;. '; !!. j.Mi'i.-i r' i.i .. 'iriu., j. I'. IU USllS, l'lrti t.S!ll(lllll Wei jiin:; W:it or Kiiiisvouii l 'l SOGI l'?iM l'-S. . ioihIi. :, ii... l . : -M.(H V,.v -iv '.'ii .1 -V i.i:,' fi c; l w-i-U. All trrii..-i'-nl I.i'fl hit '.'ml. .-; nr.' I'.'.-'i ci.ui ... iiinn u i" rju:i' !.u!i. i: ml .... i .. . -.m.-. ,.s -TV -TV aLl.Ticu 1''V I'lTiil:: at K. of 1 . Iia'l '1'r i-i',-w t.j-m l:-r an- r' -.pci-tl iilly I"-U-lto.i'ti- ' !. I'". I- l,il'. !;"-',r ".Vti k niitii ; U. x, '.ul.-. Imt.-a :a-i ; I-. .1. iMurgiTi, vciefr ; J. I'.. i i-i. il'.-f inli'i'. rf1S "VA!i' Ml.:".'. M i K it N V(l!)iMK.N j( Vtii'-it -.i. -v:i i t-iSfO.''il an ! f.-intli M'ln day i-v.-nin- :il K. ! I. All HulisK-Ilt l.rl!i.-i .is.- i '': !- 1 t' iii'i' v.iiii ii". 1.. A. Noivi'n i:i-r. -:n i m'.!.' I 'otisul : i. !'. Woiiiiv Ai'.vi-.. : ; O, II. Sinitii, K v llancr ; V C. Wilti-tts, l it i. . i n.A'r rs?' . Ii " in iidcs-: n:. A. (. I . v. i :i;M-i :-i v .".lii-riiiiiv- l'li'liiy i-v.-iii'i;: at Ktick-.vo.).: Kali s oYIixti. . All : raiisiciil lirulli ,.s i't-sM.fifi!lly iiivittvl hi alli-i'. '. A. :uts.;lif. M. Vv. ; N. iln i-n, i orcnniii : S. C lii-i'ol-iii l' ; I.. A. Nowx-oiiu'i'. OViTit iT. McOOlllillC POST 43 C. A. tl- i:i;:ii'K!l. .f. W. .!,i:is.os '...ii:i! iii.Ii-r. C. S. 'IViiw Sfiin,r il-h K. a. I'.nv.s IiuUiir " ii'.). M:.v:s Ailjat'anl Anii'tr I'AUis ii ...... M. 5lAiJi.v lux .v l'lii.-i-.-i.f tli Hay. :ii v;:i.i-s Imhh " " ".i:;tr.i j:kx.i. tti'.-.u i.K St-r;t M;.j..r. .J..-oi: lliiw: I.M AX.. ..:i:ir:cr Masi.-r S. r.t. A I I'll1! Win i"r i'o l Ci!a;!aui McUii .-aliiritay cvi-ai:':4 Xi-"W OFFICE. I'Tsnnal :i;u-:itioii to i ll JU-.-iil.' s1 I-ji'riwi-to my tar-?. Titlt'- :: ;'iii:'r,l. A!!'-!:.;e;- ''o-.njiileii, Tn--iirain;.- V,': iura, : IM-U'o r'll. ISetter I'iifiil'.i. s (.'. lii.iM'.i' l"ai:n I.oun- tl:i" Any Otf2.ce Age-acj Il-.itismis , rV4'li: ii.?-4. r r ,L.S dlsllGliluU!! Kcprei-eiit ;i-j fn! lowing linie-ti-k-d ::v iiro-te.-k'J v-ompr.riic: American (Vnt r.:!-S . I. "i s, Assets j'l.'J-.s.lnO Coianierci.i' l.'i;; e: -Ki..;:;i.i.!. '" JFire A-so -!.:'i !J l i !:i io: Jill irl . ' -1. t l"i.rC Fraukrui-lii!':'..'.e:!.!!ia. " .i.llT.lfr. IIome-Vv; " T.s.-3,rKJ Icrt. C . of Vel't'.l Aliiei i;-.!. Phi'.. " S.-tTi.:'-,--' j.lvtTjiiniiil. ni.'. Mi i ;io'je-iv.iir " ii.6'5?.Tsi North lintisli ft M-'ri-Mi'.ilv'-Iiui " ;;..-57:",75l jrorwieh I'ninii-Mir.'lauu. " 3.?l".4i"6 iSpriaaeM f. jn: M,-S:i;:;:i:l:jl;t. " .".(' U .tt-5 Total Assets. .'42.115,774 OiSDy nlsiiiPaiJattiiisAgCES WE WILL HAVE A -OF- HOLIDAY GOODS, ALSO m n arm -OF- MPOSSlOSaMMlBM AT THE USUAL Cheap Prices AT- SMITH & BLICS'S. LfJEST BY TELEGRAPH A Big Failure. Komi;, Feb. PL The firm of Levi A: Co., merchants at Ihui, Italy, lias failed. Tin: liabilities of the firm rc $s0,000. rh: failure is regarded as tin indiction of j tlid g ii'-r;d lott-.niic!' of IiininefcHjiii Italy, " .,,,., Wcathor Probabilities. , ,., , .). r., WAsyiN;T, I'd. 1 :-J0 p. m. In- ' . , , ons for Hehriiikn: 1-nir weathci, , , , . .1 ... I f..H.-..l ir r.nii or mow 111 nortllflll , ...rtion; warmer, foil .wed by slightly ' ! I Colli; llkJUL IU 1IC9II BOUlimvl. .t. ii I' ii.. r... .1 H..... I .l.illiiLir In I nortlnvcst winds. Cashmere Forts Caoturod. Cai.citta. Ffi. 12. Tii Cashmere fort-i on the (il;;ft frontier of TurkcMan have been captured ly trans-frontier tribes. Indian troops liuvft been tent to assist in thoir iuciture and tho disjt'.r sion of thj invaders. Murdor nd Robbery. Cuiaco. 11!., l'cb. A Daily Xcws St. Louis special Bays the treasurer's office at (Jarthage. Fanola county. Texas, wan robbed Friday night, and County Taa urer Hill w.ns killed. The crime wm not diiicovcred until late Saturday ercning. The robbers secured (i.000. Wolves Lcoso in London. London, Feb. 12. A pack of caged wolves escaped from Sawyei's circus to day. The elephants, camels, lio:i and other animal;, became mad with terror and were liberated with difficulty. The wolys were trapped in a stable, where they furiously devoured a horse already slain. They till defy capture. A Hew Counterfeit. Washixunon, P. C, Feb. 13. The secret service division of the treasury department has discovered that a new counterfeit of th .? silver certificate ha been put in circulation. The bill is al most three-sixteenths of an inch to j short. There arc no distinctive lines in tht paper. The ;cnerl appearance is good and likely to deceive. Sfain by a Dog. Z axes villi-:, O., Feb. l:i. Saturday afternoon Mrs. Lewis II. Harper of Mill Hun, north of this city, left her 2-year-ol.l boy with Mrs. Smith, her sinter, while slu came to town. The child was play int?; on the floor wh-.n a viciaus coal mir.c d that had an aYerion tj tho boy, seized him, tearing and multilating his ivjau aud exposing the skull in several places. Upon examination it was found that one of the do's tushes had pene trated the skull behind the ear, and there is little hope of the child's recovery. Tho Sixty-Eighth's Monument Ukttysiicko, Pa., Feb. 1:5. George C. jAcks'jn and Alfred Craighead, ollicers of the Sixty-eighth Pennsylvania Infantry association, Philadelphia Scott Legion, yesterday decided to erect their monu ment of Quincy granite, fifteen feet high, near Ern'nvjt'iburg road a short distance north of the peach orchard where they lost nearly GO per cent of their number, while engaged supporting Clark's New Jersey battery during the hottest of the second day' battle. It will bj dedicated July 2 n-jxt. ntiring the reunion of both armi-.'s on the twenty-tifth auni of ih.; battle. Bass's Chnrry Cough Syrup. Is the 011I3 medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Ulood and Bowels, it re lieves a cough instantly and in time .-lTects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. j23,Umo,d w. This Week of Congress. Washington, Fob. 13. The educa tional bill still remains the unfinished business of the senate, but there is unani mous an understanding that it shall be disposed of next Wednesday. Senator Edmunds will call up some time during tbs week for consideration and action the bill reported by him from the foreign re lations committee to charter the Nicara gua Maritime Canal eorpaay. Beyond this no announcements have been made for the coming week and no programme laid out. It is expected that one or two speeches a ill be delivered during the week on th president's message, which still lies on the table. Tomorrow tf ill be given up by the house to the considera tien of business originating with the com mittee oa the district of Columbia and the proceedings ore not likely to be of intercut. Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is warranted for ail that the label calls for, so if it dots not relieve your cough you can call at uur store and the money will be refunded to you. It acts simul taneously on all parts of the system, thereby ieayjng no bad result?. O. P. Smith fc Co., Drugis. 25-3mdS-fr Soum person took upon himself tlu I rcsponsibilit v of propln eying the kind of I weather v.c should have timing t In inontli of January, February and March. Jlis prophecy was ptttv curn-rt for Jan uary but he made a bad gu-ss for this u,nth for lie said wc should have ' ttorin :u a;ln'cr days" on lh: X?, :i. 5, ". 7, 1 s. 10 and 12 v. hrn the i. T'-i w h; the v.uHt. These w-atlier projlieU anil v 1 ' othcru who try to pierce tin; veil ot u.-irfc . J 1 . futuritv, uenorully Maud on the hi ink - - , ., ,..,,.; . nd toiinle over into the nivstciious 11 . ... ' ,. , Sci'uiifl ucfiin to iciMat tl.cir nrt.'dic- J - " tions w.iich are ju-t about as reliable as the remarks of a fort'.ir.e-tcllcr, who, when you cross her prim" with two dol lars, mutters something like the follow ing: "You've had sickii'.' s and trouble. You'll have omo property fall to you. You do not have full coniiden:- in your husband. You have a very g-.-itlc nature. Everybody loves you. You have had trouble with a relative. It w. s not your fault, liewaro of a blin" eyed woman Ailh a mole tm her It ft che.'-k." Good day cj.11 again. HIS LOVE AMD HER3. Together they s:it on a woOiilaml rook, V.'Ikh the sua tiji.i-il tlio western hills; An.) rin.ut lovo cot nil for his oljseut iiiato. As lie I'.ipi'Ml from th rij tiling rills. Ths youth willi 11 hold, di-ti-i-ieitii-il look, Tilt Kil l i-o still Ly his sitlt-; As he loM of ill!' fame lm meant to achicvo, Defuro she coiilil Ik" his britlo. IIo saM he v.o.ilil iVlve in tin? iniin.' of fame, lit wonlil f iri.-e. on tho jilaivs tit' !il'"; At la:-t he- wi.uM conn" with honor iiuil wealth, Anil cliiiii In-r then s his wife. Tin? sun fell asleep lK-liiml tho hillj. The iij;ht forgot lh;f elay; Hat ill new moon loo!:t-a likt" a half burijtl hope, As she silently followed her way. The youth arose as t !ie .-hadows fell, Uut tho pirl siiil it on tho stoii": Aud oft fie falidows v.ill miiiat her fall. And mark her Hi!iia: e.! -ne; l'or the youth id tl'.o.-v words of love, Another will sit h.v his .-i.i.-: But tlit" mriideu v. ill va'f mai'Ie:;-; do, 1 or U10 man to elai.u i I l.i i !e. Mary MeC'roary in 1 iiiir.r.t ln'.iia Times. EATING WELSH RAREEITS. A Hotel Jinn (.Ivi--. :t To-.v Points 'oi; ferisins hf I':".:"o-as I;ish. "The quantity of propravd cheese nightly consumed by aetor and iujii nbo'.tt town is surprising," said James L-'.it ier, of lh (Jikey house, tho oth-jr day. 'Al"tar tin- tli'.-nt.'i! all of tho uptown chop hou"". and ca.oa crowded with gentlemeji seated at well ap pointed tables sipping malt !i(;ui:rs:'id etith'.g Welsh rarebits, or rajjuito, t-.s somo call them." "W'hyis this tlir.h c.illecl V.:.-h r.v.'e'oiis, when aeeorJing to i3ii:lat-Savari:i it is oi' Swiss origin'" asked tl: writer. "Welsh rarebit is ;i tA-j.v. term,"' Rrtid ?Ir. Cutlery ''lieloiiyinj to a lare group whi-u describe in the samo humorous way tho special dish, or product, or peculiarity of a particular district. It is qaito l-hihi-li to call things by some, outlandish name. In Englatid r.'-i 'Essex lion' is 11 calf. A 'field lano duck' is a. baked shoepshead. (l-:sgnw magistrates' and 'Norfolk capons' are red herrings. 'Irish apricots' and 'Mui::-.tor plums' nro potattKs, and the dainty salt water shrimps are called Gravese:i;l s-.vj-t-t-meat.s.' Tho original V."elh" rarebit v.:s made as follows: Take a.-! many eggs as you wish, according to the numbor of guosfs, and weigh them. Then take c pi jeo of checre a third of tho weight; of the eggs, and :i pk-ec of butter weighing or.e-jixtii as much. c;tt the eggs, after which add tho butter and i he cheese, cither grated or cat into small pkoej. Put the ingredients into a satieooati, and over a good Cre stir until tko mixture is smo-jta and thick, yet soft. Add sl; to taste, and c liberal quantity of pepper, which is oao of tho principal charms 01 this dish. "I imagine the foregoing tli.-h would set rather heavy on the. stomach of the average late supper eater. Dr. Austin Flint, how ever, has been quoted or, recommending his friends and patients to eat Welsh rarebits, or anything else they take a fancy to, whenever they are hungry. He said: 'Dyspeptics are chiefly persons who eat regularly, restrict .their diet to simple food in small amount?, ar.d constantly have their stomachs 0:1 their minds.' The only time the busy 2scv Yorker thinks of his stomach is when it is empty. Even then business may prevent him from fcdtisfying its demands." "Does the modern Welsh rarebit contain eggsf asked tho writer. "No, the American Welsh rarebit is made as follows: Cut up a quarter of a pound of mild cheese. Put it into a saucepan with a pat of butter and stir over the fire until it is thoroughly melted and free from lumps. When quite smooth add a wineglass of oid alo and mix it well into tho cheese. Put a thin slice of hot toast on a hot plate or side dish, pour tho melted cheese over it, and servo as quickly as possible. It should be eu'.u from the plate in which it is served. "A golden buck is made by adding a poached egg to a Welsh rarebit. A York sliiro buck mado by adding bacon to a gol den buck. It is quite fashionable for gentle men to cook their Welsh rarebits in a chafing dish at table. A few of the patrons at our restaurant arc celebrated for their mode of preparing them." New York Evening Sun. Tropical Agriculture. In order to encourage the youth of the fcsl&nd of Jamaica in the study of the first principles of agriculture as applic able to their climate and soil, the govern ment of that island has oftered a pre mium of $.00 for the production of the best text book, elementary in plat, era biding simplicity, brevity and freedom from "technical terms. It is to be u manual calculated to create in the minds of the youth early and intelligent interest in the 'soil, and in the profitable cultiva tion of products that will command a ready home or forvign market. The work must be eminently practical, ar.d entirely free from untried or doubtful theories. Ameiican Agriculturist. To in;; (Jtislnif, s tin'! J'ul i "if: 1 laving sold my harcc-. busine-. ! rut ; ; auk you loco!:!!' in nil ! ..ill- tool, j act -omits !y Uij 1st f March, 1 N:-:s, t it!n r I'V note t ; !!ii.n;cv: :m I Inll-t l.i-o i.i V book by Ih-it li Thanking you ! r ; pat j.wti nna-;. . I :.n !- found in li .--hop for two weeks. I am Ke.'-pe 1 1 ully. M.'J dUt-Ct . M. .Sii::.:-:;ii. To I.B.T. J'llt'ni-hed VO 'll i, -01, ll; kt coi n. r ith and Oak Mm els. I. iVaiiman se!U fiu'iiiliiiv on th in-Mriliiiii-nt plan. l'ayiiHi.t wiekly t-r monthly. " !2-dtf Go to 1. Parkinan'ii for !i::c 1 unrt ui v. Fit! S .vc tii.-! t - Lingeiis, sin k il.-li a.d r.:l kinds of I'. -!i or h.-rrint; for i.'-nt c;in I t had ;:t jinJitf; ii v n v'c ( '. Thera arn fl I ri'.ozrm you should cm chiiso totsia Use pat;o i. ! Folt S.M.i-; tin Ii a-t'!:a...e l-.-il.;-. li: j itiih ii'. e 0:1 the N. '' . corni rid' Elniaint 1 1 1 th streets. Said property cwii-is's of block with i gtiotl story and a half house cf six rooms, two wardrobes and out: pantry; good v, . !1 and ciiy v. at : ; twt'.ity si yt 11 bi.'iiring apple' tiers, ai il an abundance of t n.all fruit of all kinds, tf P. 1). Pails. Sli'iS iiiv vti-.-is vF: -ou shotib! poieiot'.e iul i.i Smzils H'iii'X, sis pat" 1. 4jJ! Gi ld ()in M"s ranges- the b si in the market at I. P.-ti'lcman's. I'll! Xcw furniture at I. P. 11 h man" Fltf Try ). P. Smith & Go's Damask lio.-c for Sail Rheum. Scrof nlou sores, felli-is External Erys pel is, Ila-h. Itch, ch.alin'o of liifai.ts ti"., a I'omple!.-! 1 iousi !:ulit Kcnietiy. I''o hous'-hol. 1 shotiUl be with out it. t f for Chapped J lands mid Lips. tf -Koal c.-tato and abstract., d'.f W. S. V.'i.E. Firo InsuTtmco v.riiien in the Etna, I'hccnlx !-Car:ford by Windham & Daviis. Hay for Sr.lo Three hundrr-d tons . f hay for sale fo; cash, either delivered t r 011 th-- round. Leave orth rs at Henry Wcckbach's toi e. Jan. t! m'idocw L. St: i.i.. tSt.-s. LSnnislcr Has n!e:tcd a cut ! ing m isool in co:::i c ti n v.itii !i:-r ;rc:-v-making, "ivh'. re I hIk s :n?iy pi i'U:e the lutt s-t impr.-ved tailor ?.tem, s;iid to be the in-st in u--. Pcoms over Soiomo:; Zs'irhanV store. di'.H Damask ibise tiie Grt-at Skin Curt- ar.d TVder article. .Mfg. and sold by ( . P. Smith it Co. ' tt 1 I'V i III ii h Th is; Ci-' iisat Warricr V. .;!. I.i VAN. Aforney :il Law. V,V: f 1 r !.',: . : !-;.! i . in' ; !i I". -H, (--' 1 -"r- t'.-.i to !;ii!i. Jii':'-- in l'i'j:a Jtloi !., l-'.-.r.t i 'r. :'l;,tt-!!'.. Neb. V 1 vim am, ,h.i:s A. J.vir.-. Notary I'abile. No,:y fulillc. m sT v t '. ij 'vfJJa;. iUl:J;b; Lliji.5 c-lill ilk. or Laiiies arm (J.ut FURBISHING - GOOI.S. lie ke.-ps i-s l:;.-g; and as well As t-aa he found juiy !'!:.;' in tin- city nnU nai;! lull prices t;,ut i. fy eo.'ai cli ion. Horn's Bis r P it rs: Bi i's Goto:'. iT-'I V- 1.' r V; - ' t j Preservation 1! aatnr:-! teeth a -p rei.::; y. ruth uiractcil ii'.:fi.Ki' j.u.'.i irj . Lawjhinj All work wai-rantod."' Prices reasonable, j Fitzori!.'. lii's Y.i. n Pi. T:-.!tir-; u . Xri; C. F. smith, j j. ciliOr. ; ill Kecjis constaiiiiv r;i h id :.i;!j.;,- f j lie.-tKc.oil- to be J'.io; l.i-it. ; Tf';'.a:t d t.. j fiake pants ior -t.iii a::n i;;.vva: lis arid ai h or ' iistv. j "eatiy an.l proirp-ly t 'ie lowest1 prices ' verPett-r Merges' stole, North Si Js !sla tr-t ! .! ii -1 a 1 1. r 1 'i 1 r 1 h 1 nt or . . . e 1 1 i plli . "o il the goods l;.lh r tlia.llo i :il!y orr. We are Uiibii't I imII oil!' entire v' i l.t 1 T 1 10. 1 -1 lit 1 o I. Slapl. . V. e li:i.-a l-L'.'.e i i;i;;l i I y ;.inl t-li r thrill 1 I V I v, . ( '.: i ui, . t! t 1 "1 frill s pi r 1 1 1, l:i-.l.iii'M!.e be-t tar.d.nd of tie m :,!':M yar.l. for vl.il1. l. t t!n -, s'yic. !il (v!'b ..! ;.-i::d. lr.- o,l; all k:ud a! lie- very luwe.-t prioi s, iioi.i ."1 cents p. r yard c.pv.'ii rd. Wool 11 I. ivi! o!f. r at 11-t, extra fu . I.:.di s a ii I.l. I'e In --.', '.volili .,t!.bVI, lo', "1 (.;:!-, line inavy wool ! 1 ee::'.-'. nmv '.'"); t!i:h! r 'n's hue ribbed v.o:th " ', now tti. I'm tier Wiire inii.-t ' oat lo". j'.iei.. .1. ue v. ill not kiip 1 in in '. .'. Our Gents Silver Grey M iuo Shirt and drav.'i r-, lniiiii-r prices '' imw t."i. ... . ; . iii'i: iiio sl'.'u i-: and dr:i'. : rs, extra quality " now .".0. Our Scarlet nil wool :-hnl- iiiid ib. .v -t rs liiii- ipiidi'.y tsi.O'l in i-,v T'i irnis Our searlet nil-wool siiirl '. -nid i!.i:.v crs. tine quality no-.v Our se.u hi a!! wool .-!.-: it s and drawer.-, line quality '! now !,'.'". ) i.' SC.Il 'e I all-Wool hil ts ,;id in 1. v cr.:. fine quality A ..'.(;!) 1:1 rw.iinivx - d.'.sds'L'W'i'iir, r.i.l'ALLY AS ( 111, A p. Oiir r.'.'i per I i ; -. . 1 i : 1 ; on e'.oiil. :. '.-' i'il oood. We nro t! teliiiiii i! in I Io-e out our cut ire .-toil; and ii"v.r i.i lore has such an oppoit unity ii-: 11 oi' .-r-dto economical buyer:.' to puirlusc the i.e ; qualities for SO little Ino.'ley. r - 1 : ' 1 I i 11 I'Oli ALL 9 6 .-FO!i. : El k" . b T,ZI11 CO r.kwai -' i j -. i ..Tl LZ'.JI Vhure a liiiinificonl slock of Goods ::ml Vu'u- Yk-'., UMDERTAKIfiG AMD EBU j. s,y4 l-a COKXEii :,IAI.V AND SIXTH win 1 1 hp ipw phoTwanh U9t pry )'.; .-..". ri Jtiiuai'v 2!l':. s:'i :. I Old-) STAX r) V V. 1 . G A tr ! "'I'll Aii ivui-k v.-.-trrj;nt;: iifst-cju-::--. I r 1 "io. SARATOGA CHIP PUFC FpLlit pFSSerVeS, 15C cl b. FRENCH. AMERICAN and ri i hompson's Relish' Something New and Nice 1. HI. :i X 's il 1 CLASSKS OV '! ) abound. JiUfAHQ A SPECIALTY a JCfr i, PLATTSMOUTH, XKHKASKA. POTATOES, F1USTARD SARDINES.