The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 10, 1888, Image 4

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    THE DAILY llfclUU), h.A'JiMruai
The Plattsmoutb Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
B. AM. Time Table.
MO. 1. 0 :2U a 111. No, 2.-4 ;25 p. Dl.
If o, 3.-4 :4 p. in. No. 4. 10 :30 a. in.
Mo. 6. t :36 a. m. Ko. . 7 :30 p. in.
Ho. 7.-7 :46 . in. No. H. : a. in.
..--0 til p. m. No. 10. 9 : a. in.
0. II. :0S a. iu. No. i. -9 :S p. Ri,
All train run dally by wav of Onialia. excrpt
N. 7 and S which run to and from Schuyler
dally xcept Sunday.
Ko. so is a otiili to Pacific Junction at 8 30. a ni.
No. IX la a stub from 1'acific Juactiou at 11 a.m.
A Ballsbnry Dentist, In Kock
wood DulUilng.
Dr. Biggins, office ami residence
Sherwood Plock, Telephone No.42.
The pay-car arriyed today.
"W. II. Pool's younjjett boy it quite
ick with the measles.
A Blaine club has been started at
Lincoln with a good number of members.
The citizens of Beatrice have raised
11.500 to nav their home wipers to
boom the town this spring.
A cnu, wanted for general house
work. Apply at the residence of Mrs. N
E. Sage, SE. Cor. Sixth and Granite.
St. Luke's Guild will hold its fancy
dress party as advertised. Admittance.
10 cents; supper, 25 cents; dance tickets.
ono dollar.
The sale of the remainder of the Duke
hardware stock, which was advertised to
occur this morning, was not held on ac
count of an injunction obtained in the
district court by the A. P. Sharplcigh &
Cantwell Hardware Co., and served on
constable McElwain by the sheriff.
Our local reporter, C. R Wilstn, will
be likely to be absent from the city din
ing the remainder of the winter. Jlr
J. II. King, a man of considerable news
paper ability has been appointed city
editor and will have charge of the local
columns of the IIkrai.d from today.
The T. A. M. public ball last nifcht
at the opera house for the benefit of the
Nebraska heroines was a success, thougi
not so largo a number were present as
were expected. The dancing was con
tinued till after 2 a. ni. and all seemed
well plaased with the, music, supper and
management, and the good cause to
which their money went.
Slightly Serious-
Sarah. Smith stands sorrowfully solus ;
she sees splendid spruces surrounding
shady spots; she sees summer's sun shin
ing; she smells sweet savors; sweet song
sters singing silvery strains serenade JSa
rah. Still she sirrhs. Sunset's shades
settle silently, still she stands sighing.
Suddenly she started. She saw some
stranger strolling silently southward.
"Stop !" she shouted; '"Stop, stranger!
Sarah Smith says so !"' Stately she stood.
sterol r she shouted. "Stop!"' Samuel
Slocum, successful statesman, smooth
speaker, started, saw Sarah, seemed sur
prised said solizoquizingly: '"Strange,
seemingly scarce sixteen; so sweet, so sim
pie, still so singularly suspicious ! She
seems strangely sad. Say something
sweeter, Sarah." She, stopping sonio si
lent struggle, said, "Surely some stranger
seeing sights; shall Sarah Smith shun
such ! Scarcely." So strolling slightly
strancerward, she said: "Sarah Smith
scorns suspicious scandals, she seeks sym
pathy; seeks she successfully ?"
Still shone silvery streams slantingly
southward, Samuel Slocum sat sweetly
smiling, Sarah Smith seated suspiciously
somewhere. Sunset's serene splendor
suggested supper; still she sat; she sought
sympathy successfully; supper seemed
Some six suns succeeding, she signed
some sketches
Sarah Smith Sloccm.
Who is Your Best Friend?
Your stomach of course. "Why ? Be
cause if it is out of order you are one of
the most miserable creatures living. Give
it a fair chance and see if it is not the best
friend you have in the end. Don't smoke
in the morning. Dont drink in tin
morning. If you must smoke and drink
wait until your stomach is through with
breakfast. You can drink more and
smoke more in the evening and it will tell
on you less. If your food ferments and
does not digest right- if you are troubl
ed with Heartbnrn, Dizzniess of the head,
coining up of the food after eating, bil
iousness, indigestion, or any other trouble
of the stomach, you had best use Green's
August Plower, as no person can use it
without immediate, relief.
All deeds, real estate mortgages, re
leases, mechanic's loins and miscellaneous
transfers of all kinds should be mailed to
Register of Deeds office, Plattsinouth,
Neb., instead of to County Clerk as here
tofore. 43-5
Furniture for the cellar, kitchen ancl
parlor sold on weekly or monthly install
ments at I. Pearlman's. f2-dtf
An elegant assortment of Valentines at
Gering fc Co. 'a.
Try O. P. Smith & Co's IC of P. Col
ogne, Lasting and Fragrant. j-23-tf
Try O. P. Smith & Co's K. of P.
Cologne Lasting and Fragrant, j-23 tf
A Crand Army Love Feast A Large
Audience Greeted Lozier.
Rock wood hall was crowded last eve
ning with one of the best entertained
audiences that probably was ever as
sembled iu that auditorium.
Chaplain Lozier was introduced by S.
P. Vanatta about 8 o'clock whon he be
gan. The Chaplain, in his eloquent man
ner gave the O. A. K. boys a good lect
ure on patriotism that might have been
unappreciated by certain dough-face
elements of the fraternity who are sap-
posed to have been very poor soldiers.
The Glee Club as usual did itself
proud, and were very ably assisted by
Mrs. D. A. Campbell aud Miss Paul.
Miss Wiles reciUd Barbara Fritchie that
was well received, but Mr. Lozier
brought down the hous, when he ?ave
a German recitation of the same poem.
The Chaplain sang some of his own
productions that were pronounced par
The entertainment closed with some
hurcorous recollections of the prison, and
a song. "lially round the flag boys," was
sung with all the G. A. K. men joining
in the chorus, that was soul-stirring
in its effect on the old soldiers.
Lincoln Council Again Sustained.
Fnt:i the lire's Lincoln Bureau.
A decision in the case cf Martin vs. the
State was handed down by the supreme
court yesterday, which contains an im
portant interpretation of the Slocumb
Martin operated the saloon in the St.
Charles hotel in this city, and last sum
mer was found guilty in police court of
violating the state lw and ordinance.
Tito police judge certified to the council
the conviction, and the body, under the
Slocumb law, declared Martin's license
forfeited. The cast was taken on an ap
peal to the district court and heard by
Judge Chapman, who held that it was
the duty of the council to revoke the
license, and that the hearing en the ques
tion of revocation was necessary. Upon
this finding in the district an appeal was
taken to the supreme court, and the de
cision atlirmiug the lewer court was
handed down yesterday. The decision
is as follows:
Martin vs. State. Error from Lancaster
county. Affirmed. Opinion by Keese,
Ch. J.
1. Section J2 of chapter 13 of the
compiled statutes of 1837, goveraing ci
ties of the rirst class in this state, provides
that the license of a person selling intox
icatcng liquors shall be revoked by the
mayor and council upon conviction of
the licensee of any violation of any law,
ordinance or regulation appertaining to
the sale of such liquors. Where the hold
er of a license was convicted of the vio
lation of the law pertaining to thosalo of
intoxicating liquors in the police court of
the city of Lincoln, and the fact of 6uch
conviction was duly certified by the po
lice judge to the mayor and council it
was held: First, that the mayor and
council were authorized and required to
revoke the license; second, that no notice
to the licensee of such proposed action
was necessary; third, that suth revocation
could be declared by resolution, and that
the passing of an ordinance was not nec
essary. 2. In such cass, where the resolution di
rected the marshal to notify the licensee
that the license had been revoked by the
mayor and council, there could be no pre
sumption that the mayor was not present
st such meeting, it being his official duty
to preside at all meetings of the council.
(Maxwell, J., dissents.)
8. Section 95. chapter 13, Compiled
Statutes of 18S7, held constitutional.
T. M. Patterson was in Omaha last
J. T. Moriarty, of Omaha, was in the
city today.
Geo. B. Mann Jeft for Nebraska City
this morning.
Miss Nellie Smith was nn Omaha pas
ser ger last night.
II. C. Ritchie and L. A. Darrington
were in Omaha today.
Mr. Horace Iiarbee. of Council Bluffs,
was in the city today.
I). P. Cole left last night for Glae?
worth, 111., to visit with a daughter.
Solomon Mayer, of Lincoln, is in the
city visiting his brother for a few days.
W. C. Willcts and wife returned last
evening from an extended visit at North
ville, Mich.
I. Pcarlman sella furniture on the in
stallment plan. Payments weekly or
monthly. f2-dtf
Go to I. Parlcman's for fine furniture.
Swedish Liugens, stock fish and all
kinds of fish or herring for Lent can be
had at jau21tf Weckbach & Co.
Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is the only medicine that acts directly
on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re
lieve a cough instantly and in time
effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P.
Smith fc Co., druggists. j23,3uio,d-w.
Piattsmouth Markets.
January 11, 18S8
Wheat No. 2, 53.
M " 3 50.
2 36.
2 25.
2 50.
3.00 100.
To meet life's lonely path along "-'iJiSSi
To part and meet again no more, s
xei, fro mey vauua mux we wrong.
Perchance one heart may never mora
Regain the peace it knew before;
If one must weep and one forget
Twere better far they had not met.
The fleeting hour so quickly fled
One never will recall again,
But one shall mourn the moment sped
And peace of heart no more regain;
While one will never feel a pain;
Since one uiuxt weep and one forget
'Twere better far they had not met.
W. E. Hunt.
They Kejoice Greatly at the Coming of
the Illizzard Tricky Creatures.
Tho Polar bears appeared to be in a first
rate humor. Their gray eyes sparkled with
lire, and they tumbled and tossed and Ixjxed
with each other as if they bad been imbibing
an early morning iuvigorator. They had
broken through the ico in their tank, and
every few minutes Tom or Jorry would souse,
himself in the water and come out pulling
and steaming as if emerging from a Turkish
bath, while tho water dripping from his long
white fur turned to drops of ico in tho cold
air. In the adjoining section of tho bear pit
are three black bears and a young grizzly.
Tho cold weather had niado them sleepy, and
they were packed away in the corner of tho
cave at the end of tho pit, their heads con
cealed, and tho mass looking like a great pack
of fur rugs. The Polar bears, which Diree
tor Conklin secured two years ago, are
nearly five years old. They ore now about
half grown and are thriving vigorously.
"They hain't ben very well this winter,"
added the keejer, "because it's ben so warm,
and they've got disgusted like with tho
weather. Tom would sit u on his hind legs
for hours munching up an icicle un;l looking
sorrowfully at them weather fixin's on top of
tho arsenal, and saying as plain as could bo:
'I wonder how long this kind of thing i3
goin' to last.' On a cold stormy night they
wouldn't go to bed at all, but jest stayed
frisking and growling about in the suow.
When a blizzard is coming they can tell as
well as any barometer, and Jerry sho'll
jump into tho tank and splatter tho water
all over tho floor of tho pit so it'll freeze, and
they can slide and tumble over it Fact, tho
honest truth; I've saw it a dozen times."
"Do you have any trouble attending to
them."' asked tho listener.
"Well, wo don't go up and pat 'em on the
back much. All bears is tricky and don't
like fondlin', but especially Polar lears.
They treat you all l ight at a distance, but if
you como close they're uglj-. Them black
bears are not so bad, but tho grizzly in with
Vin is growia' big and he won't stand any
fooling. When the sun comes out good and
strong they'd be up as lively as ever, but if
they had a hole big enough in the roc ks I
expect the3''d go in and sleep through tho
col 1 weather. We don't let people get too
close to them, though the bears look 'very
gcutlo when they're playin'." -New York
A New Torpedo Boat.
An invention that is likely to revolutionize
fighting, and prove a powerful protection to
cities and harbors from hostile attacks, is
Gen. Berdan's torpedo boat. It is a plate
steel war ram of high speed, with double
ends, decked like a ferryboat, and carrying
attachments that w ill plant torpedoes in tho
bottom of a craft at a great distance in a
short time. It is a double ender, with screws
and steering apparatus at each end. The spur
is only six feet long, and is intended to jene
trate that distance into a ship when it is
overhauled. The deck is rounded like a ferry
boat, and can stand a severe shock. It has a
radius of twelve degrees, which protects tho
spur when tho ram approaches at an angle
less than forty-five degrees. With this, it is
said, there can ho no loss or breaking of
spurs. The smoke stack and steam pipe aro
built to telescope when within a mile of tho
enemy's ship, and the ram can then run the
remainder of the distance on reserved steam.
At tho moment of contact it is only necessary
to turn a lever, which liberates a long,
jointed arm of positive motion, and this will
carry the torpedo through tho water and
plant it firmly in tho bottom of the other
ship, which cannot hope to escape. To pro
tect the ram from small torpedo boats of tho
eueniy, it can bo accompanied by two small
vessels of the same character, AU four of
tho torpedoes oan bo exploded at once. It is
said that these torpedo boats will prevent
any possibility of a city's being shelled.
Demorest's Monthly.
"Expectation" of Life.
In its closing issue for the year 1880 The
Lancet publishes an article on "Comparative
Mortality in England and America." From
an examination of the Qxppricnca tables of
lifo insurance covering considerably more
than 4,000,000 years of life under observation
it ajjpears that tho "expectation of life" of
insured males in this country at '20 years of
ago is 4'2. 1 years, which exceeds by one year
tho "expectation of life" of English males at
tho same cge. This advantage continues
until the advanced ago of 8-1 is reached.
There is no difference in tho "expectation"
between American women and English wo
men at this age 20 years; but alterward
a::d ur.til tho age cf 47 the American "cxpeo
tnt ion" is better than tho English. Beyond
this latter ago tho English women seem to
Lave tin? better of it, until at 80 there 13 a
year in their favor.
We use the word "seem" advisedly. As a
matter of fact American women do not,
of course, grow any older after they have bc
como just as lovely as they can be; and this
period is reached, according to these tables,
somewhere between tho ages of 20 and 47.
After this latter ago our American matrons
can a fiord to let thoir English sisters "cat.h
up" with them. Chicago Hews.
Working? a 'Sexv Scheme.
"There's an item for you," said a gentle
man in the postofnee, just as a dudish look
ing fellow darted out of tho Seneca street
door and disappeared in ths crowd. "Half
an hour ago," ho continued, "I met that chap
ou Main street, and ho took out a letter and
asked me for two cents to mail it. Ho said
ho had just struck town and was dead busted.
I gavo him ten cents, and in less than two
minutes he tackled another man with tho
same story. That fellow gave him five cents ;
another gave him a stamp, and so on. I have
been watching him for half an hoar, and
finally, after making something like a dollar,
he came in here, I suppose, to mail his letter.
I was just waiting for an ofHcer to have him
arrested, but the sneak got on to me, and I
guess I've lost him. He has hit a new scheme
and it seems to work like a charm." Buffalo
A Puzzled Savage.
Writing was puzzling to savages. In South
Africa on one occasion, a native was sent by a
missionary to a friend with a note and four
Joavps of bread. The native ate one on tho
way, and was amazed to find that the note
discovered bis tlmft, Qn the next occasion
when be was sent with four loaves he sat ou
the note while eating one of them. In North
America writing was considered a charm.
Ulr John Lubbock.
Try O. P. Smith & Co's Damask Kose
for Salt Rheum, Scrofulous sores, fetters
External Erysepelas, Rash, Itch, chafing
of Infants &c, a complete Household
Ileinedy. No household should be with
out it. tf
Try O. P. Smith & Co's Damask Rose
for Chapped Hands and Lips. tf
Real estate and abstracts.
dtf W. S. Wuk.
Fire Insurance written In the
Ctna, Phoenix and Hartford by
Vlndham fc Davios.
Hay for Sale
Three hundred tons of hay for sale for
cash, either delivered or on the ground.
Leave orders at Henry AVeckbach's btore.
Jan. 3 modfcw L. Stcll.
Mrs. Bannister
lias opened a cutting school in connec
tion with her dress-making, where ladies
may procure the latest improved tailor
system, ssid to be t lie best in use. Rooms
over Solomon Nathan's store. dl2t
Damask Rose the Great Skin Cure and
Teilct article, M fir. and sold by (). P.
Smith & Co. " tf
Try Punch Twist Cigars at Warrick's. Gt
There are 21 reasons why you
should purchase lots in SouthPat K.
See pago 4. f6tf
Fok Sale On reasonablo terms mv
residence on the N. V. corner of Elm and
11th streets. Said property consists of
i block with a good story and a half
house of six rooms, two wardrobes and
one pantry; good well and city water;
twenty-seyen bearing tipple trees, and nn
abundance of small fruit of all kinds,
tf P. D. Bates.
Head tlie reason w5iy
should piirehsav lots iu Soutli
I;uU, oki uage J. (itf
Gold Coin stoves and ranges the best
in the market at I. Parlcman's. Fltf
New furniture at I. Park-man's. Fltf
Parties needing household furniture
and those A'lio contemplate keeping
house soon will find it to their object to
buv of I. Park-man. f2-dtf
X. SL'LLIV ;v. Attorney at Law. Will
' :?ive Attention to all buwiiu-SR in
trusted t him. OlVic in 1,'nioa lt!o::k, E;ist
ide. I'lattsiuoutii, Neb.
II. 15. Windham, John A. Datiks.
Notary Public. Notary I ublic.
XVlXi)5IA3I : iAVZI,
attorneys - at - law.
Oflice over Bank of Cass County.
Dr. R. Nunn, M. D.,B Ch
Tkixity Collegk, Dublin,
Late Surceon at Western Ophthalmic anil
Assist at Itoyal Ophthalmic Hospital, London.
Ofilce, Room 18, Barker Block : 10 a. m. to i
Omaha, Nebraska.
Correspondence Punctually Answered.
Merchant Tailor.
Keeps constantly on h:iud sample.' of the
best good to be procured. Is prepared to
make pants for 54.00 aud upwards andtmile for
Impairing & Cleaning
Xeatly and promptly done at the lowest
prices Over I'eter Merges' stove, North Side
Main Street,
Dr. C. .A- Marshall.
Preservation i f iiiituil teeth a opecialty.
1'cclh cxtraiUd ivithout jmi'i hy use of Laughing
All work warranted. Prict-3 reasonable.
Wm. Kerold & Son
Dry Goods. Notions Boots anci Siiocs
or Ladies and Gems
He keeps as large and as well
As can be found :t:y place in the cily and niako
jou prices ti.ut d- ly competition.
-Allies ror
EOT's BZr P ti rm and Ban's Co set?.
Cor. 12th aud Granite Streets.
Contractor and Builder
This Spaco
4,700 A7orth of
Mii;:t he
As I have to leave to take charge of in- Father's business in Ottum
wa, on account of his continued ill health. Kow is the time to lay in
a snyply of HOOTS and S1IOKS at
I ,a dies'
Ladi s'
French Kid hand-turned tliots
French Kid common sense shoes
Curacoa Kid common sense shoes
Dongola hand-sewed shoes
Gl ize dongola slu-es
Straight goat shoes
Best goat button shoes
llund-scwed button shoes
Calf button shoes
Oil grain button shoes
Glove calf button shocs
I)or.;ola foxed button shoes
Grain button shoes
Red Cross School Shoe Reduced 25c apr
Misses best Kid and Goat Spring Iicc-1. .
Men's best hand sewed shoes 7 00 " G 00
Men's best Calf sewed shoo 5 00 " 4 25
Men's best Kangaroo sewed shoe 5 00 " 4 25
Men's best calf sewed shoe 3 00 " 2 75
Men's best congress or button shoe 2 50 " 1 85
Men's calf boots 2 75 " 1 75
Men's best kip boots 4 50 " 3 75
Men's Good kip boots 3 50 " 2 CO
Goods szrust be sold s.t once. Yen
will fin d it to ycurintorest to call early.
Reasons for Purchasing- Lots in South Park.
1. As a whole they are the finest lying lots in the city.
2. They are shaded with beautiful forest trees.
3. They are located between Chicago and Lincoln Aventtes the
two finest drives about the city.
4. They are only a ten-minutes walk from the business portion
of the town.
5. By reason of their location 1 etween the two main thorough
fates into the city, they are more acessible than lots in other additions.
0. The only addition to the city reached by two established
7. The only new addition to the city reached by M-ater mains
and with a prospect of being supplied in the near future with com
plete water privileges.
S. New sidewalko recently constructed to within a lew feet of
the addition and will shortly te extended.
J). Will certainly have street car privileges at no distant date.
10. If you wish a fine view of the river,"locate on a lot in Sorith
11. If you wish a sightly and picturesque view of Plattsmoth
it can be had from a South Park lot. '
12. To persons in the rnilrond employ, the eastern portion of
South Park is the most desirable residence locality in the city
13. To persons desiring a residence on Chicago avenue the
western portion of South Park is available for that pnrpose. '
14. The P. & M. railroad track runs near the east line of the
audition, furnishing good facilities for manufacturino- industries
15. It you locate in South Park you will havegood neighbors
Mayor Slmp-on, John P. Cox, John A. Davies, John L. Minor J V
Week bach, Chas. Harris, John H. Young, Henry Waterman v C
Ingraham, P. Spurlock, Jerry Farthing, Thos. E. Peynolds' S A
Davis, L. A, iliner, C. M. "WVad, Prank Irish, J. N Glenn P T
ril C A C .,1 1." 1- T . " . 1CUU vy- Jj.
and other sare owners of South Park
10. Over 12,000 worth of
posed ot within a short period and no part has been sold to outs'd
speculators which is solid proof of the substantial growth of this ' t
of the city. & Part
17. More substantial hoiues were built in South Park in tl
full of 18S7 than in any one locality in the city and the prospects W
spring building are much greater.
18. Lots will be sold until the 1st of April, next, at SlSO 1 -after
said date the price on the most desirable lots will be advanced
10. Terras -J cash, balance in one and two years, or lots ina I
purchased on monthly payments. ? Le
SO. Any number ot persons, not less than five, purchasing t
lots in one tran?action will be given a lot free to dispose of as tl
may deem proper. " tneJ"
21. Any person or persons purchasing 20 or more lots and
ingi cash, may have one anA two years on balance without interest
22. If any other reasons for purchasing lots in South Part
desired they will be given by calling at the office of are
Xloaervod for
the Heat Makes of
sold in the-
$5 00 reduced to $4 35
5 00 " " 4 25
'A 75 " " 3 35
4 50 " " 3 25
3 25 ' " 2 70
3 00 " " 2 50
3 20 " " 2 75
2 75 " " 2 80
5 25 " " 1 85
2 00 " " 1 75
1 05 " " 1 25
2 00 " " 1 45
1 25 " " 1 00
.$2 50 now $2 25
this desirable property has been de