THE DAILY HERALD, ri.Arttnji;xia, w;:aSKA, FRIDAY, FEIiRUARY 10, 1SSS. The Plattsroouth Daily Herald KNOTTS 33 O 3., Publishers & Proprietors. THE l'LATTSMOUTII li KHALI) It puhltoberi every eventnir except Sunday d Wr.fkly TTy Tliiirsl;iy morning- Kn;i tred at the i(sto(Tlfe, 1'iaitMiioulli. VHr..ns nciMind-chisK mutter. Oflice corner of Vine and Fifth BtrtH. ?IMt FOR IIAII.Y. Oae copy one in adra-noe, ly mail. On cy rr inont li. ly carrier. On copy per week, by carrier ..SB oo ." TF.KMS KOK WkKKLT. Oneeopy ono year, in advance, One copy tlx inouitiM in advance SI r, 75 SOUTH AN1 HOME MARKET. 'Uiuler the system of slavery it wns natural that tho South bliouM lo in fa vor of free; hut all the conditions have changed. The dig plantations have been for the most part t ut up into small farms', and the great need of the small fanner, as well as tho large farmer, U a home market where the diversified -pro ducts of the farm may he sold for cash as readily as the cotton crop." The ahove, from the Atlantic Consti tution, is indicative of the changed opin ions which have taken root side-!y-&ide with the changed conditions. A home market where the farmer can exchange tho products of the generous soil of the South in the prime necessity of the hour, and that can be secured in no other way but by building Up great industries where millious of well-paid men shall he rendy and convenient customer?. The nearer the field is to the workshop the better for both farmer and artisan. In States where less than oO per cent of the people are engaged in farming the value of the land i $:$8 per acre and the per capital value of products is 457 per an num. In States where 77 per cent of the people arc engaged in farming the value of the land is $5.18 per acre and the per capita value of the products is $Hi per annum. The reasons for lhis great in crease in the value of land and its pro ducts are plain aud manifol.l and in every case the benefits are mutual. Distance from market insures to the benefit of rail roads, chambers of commerce, commis sion merchants, and gamblers in options, but never to cither producer or consum er. It requires no argument to prove this. It is self-evident. Tho farmer brings his produce to town him eelf and sells it to the or woaian who eats it: does not divide his profits man he with go between and therefore can sell l t cheaper to his customer. Besides, the farmer can change his grain-fields into fruit-orchards and vegetable gardens, and enhance the value of his income n hundred-fold. The prices of these arti cles are not fixed by speculators in New York or Liverpool, hut at the place where they are sold. This will be so it is so now in the south wherever the skies are darkened with clouds of smoke aud the air is made merry with the music of the trip-hammer, and the spinning jenny. "This i the music of the Union," and will do more to restore the old feelings of American iratcrnity than all the speeches that will be made from now till next fall. One thing only is necessary to make the south as busy and melodious as a bee-hive protection. With that all is well, without it all is lost. Let iron ore and coal be put on the free list, let a reduction of 20 per cent be made on pig-iron and corresponding reduction on manufactures of steel and iron, then good-by to your home market and its cash customers, the American working- men. We don't know how far our south- crn friends are prepared to go in backing up words by deeds, but we do know that preaching protection aud .voting free trade will close their factories and abol ish their home market, lie warned in time. Irish World. INCREASED RAINFALL ON THE PLAINS. "Wheat growers and other large classes of citizens have been much interested in the repeated statements, made in the last few years, that the annual rainfall be tween the Missouri River and the Hooky Mountains is slowly increasing. The fact, has great agricultural importance. The testimony offered in proof of it, however, has, until recently, been unsat isfactory, and has fallen short of demon stration. Something more conclusive is now adduced by Mark W. Harrington, Editor of "The American Meteorological Journal," in a recent number of that publication. If a chart be constructed on which lines are drawn through places having the same annual rainfall these lines in the region under consideration will be found to run nearly parallel. The line for thirty inches of rainfall runs from St. Paul through Eastern Nebraska, bending eastward into Texas. The rainfall at Cheyenne is 11 inches, only a few years ago it was but 5 inches, having more than doubled. Mr. Harrington uses Iilodgetfs and Uenison s data. Lorin Blodgett's colla tion of rainfall statistics for the United State8, which came out in 1857, though now out of date, is a work of recognized value and covers a period of several years. Harrington, in making an aver age from these figures, thinks they may he suid fairly to represent the situation in 1 ."). Deninon is a Denycr physician who has written extensively on climate, from a sanitary point of view, and has employed in preparing his tables the Sig nal Service reports of a term of years, ending with HK and averaging about 18M0. The method employed by Mr. Harrington and the character of the work done by the authors whom he c ites justi fy much confidence in the results attained in his inquiry. The increase of rain fall in eastern Neb raska for fourteen years has been nearly twenty inches. There can no longer be any question as to the rainfall becoming heavier each year farther west. To de ny it is but to admit ignorance of an historic fact. Our knowledge of Nebraska for twen ty live years has been such that Ave would have reason to attest the truth of Mr. Harringtons statements oven if they were not backed up by careful aud cor rect data. "MO HE REFORM." '"Mr. Scott, of Pennsylvania, saved his party from the last extreme of suicidal folly in one respect. Its Committee on Ways and Mean, without a dissenting voice among the Democratic members present, voted last week to authorize purchases of bonds with the surplus in the Treasury, and to use i:: the same way half the trust funds deposited for re demption of bank notes. If any private h inker, having been entrusted with large deposits by a valuable customer, should proceed ostentatiously to empty his bank y paying his own debts previously con tracted, thus leaving himself no money for depositors if they should want pay ment, his prompt bankruptcy would sur prise nobody, except perhaps Mr. Mills. After the committee had voted this con" clusively to justify public apprehension regarding the common sense and common honesty of the Democratic party, Mr. Scott came in and took the party by the npe of the neck, so to speak. It was hoisted out of that blunder in a few mo ments, not without some strong words. Hut what would happen if ths erratic creature should escape its guardian and keeper for a whole week ? Heavens ; Mr. Scott might be sick !" Indeed, what if Mr. Scott should die; think of it, only one man on the majority side of the house to protect the country from the clutches of the wooden-headed imps of bourbondom, whose honor and ignorance are on the same low plane. It will take tons of Democratic white wash freely mixed with apoligies and tx planations to keep the people of this in telligent North hoodwinked. Lets see if they are equal to to the task. FA RMRSAl'iANCE. The "Wabash Farmers Alliance desires to say in reply to the comments of the State Journal and Plattsmouth Herald on resolutions passed January 21 con demning the ac tion of Judge Field in in structing the jury to render a yerdict in favor of the B. & M. Railroad Company. That had the Journal and Herald con fined themselves to the facts we would not deem an answer necessary. Our resolutions docs not condemn the decision but simply the manner in which Judge Field instructed the jury. Why have a jury sworn to hear and determine the case according to law and testimony when there wa3 nothing for them to do wide? The li. fc M. Railroad Company has never returned the west end of the bridge as part of their right of way and has never been assessed as such. As to the Alliance being "bamboozled" and want ing the law repealed, we simply ask for its strict enforcement. In regard to the authorship of the law we refer the matter to Hon. C. II. Van Wytk. It is evident that the editor of the Joannl has himself "sloped over" in his anxiety to defend the B. & M. Railroad Company. A similar case has been tried ami decided with a very different result by Judge Chapman. The Alliance is perfectly willing to leave the case in the hands of Judge Maxwell and his associates as in that case there will be no jury to instruct. By order of the Alliance, B. F. Allen, Sec. A universal complaint goes up from all parts of the country in regard to the careless and inefficient mail service of the present bourbon administratian. Many country people are compelled, al though living in a thickly-settled com munity, to go from twelve to fifteen miles for their mail. This is a sample of democratic economy and reform. Our neglected citizens should cheer up, how evor, as there will be a change on the 4th of next March, wherein an administra tion that appreciates the value of the mails, and enjoys the perusal of news paper to such an extent that no need for complaint will exist after that date. Begs's Blood Purifier and Blood Maker. No remedy in the world has gained the popularity that this medicine has, as a hold on family medicine. No one should be without it. It hits no calomel or ciuininein its composition, consequent- 1 v no bad cflects can arise irom it. t e keep a full supply at all times. O. P. j Smith Co. Druggist. j23-3mod&w . NERVOUS PEOPLE. VARIOUS VAGARIES WHICH ACCOM PANY AN AMERICAN DISEASE. Til ft Man Who Cleure Hi Throat I'ullin; ut the MiiHtHclic I.ant Stuea of Ner vous A Hi let ion Trick of at Victim of Insomnia. "What lo you think of nervous tricks and j habits, doctor?" asked a reporter of Dr. j Charles II. Hughes, at the physician's oflice. j "Their serious consideration would fill j your iiit," lie answered. "I5ut of what ! may t 1mj characterised lis tricks and petty i mannerisms poss?ssed by so many jieoplc, I j would say that they arc only too often tho precursors of a graver nervous condition;! the initial warnings of nature, as it were, of j the diectiou in which tho system is tending. I Often, to bo sure, these habits never becon-j worse, tho condition of the nervous system j giving rise to them recoveriiifj through soiiio fortuitous circumstance. There are sudden j starts, tho patient is easily frightened, dis- ! turbing tho motor area of tho brain and fiv- j ing rise to semi-spiismodic actions. What physicians call the inhibitory power of tho brain to urrest morbid influences becomes impaired so that what tho mind would usu ally restrain passes into action. Tho mind has the ability to enforce such restraint, but i action affords so much relief that tho sti!'- j ferer acquiesces, nnd nervous habits, newly i acquired, are the result. 'kV'e have all seen tins practices into which nervous people fall. Thero is tho man who clears his throat or coughs, when he has never the sign of a cold, or who yavvm when be has no reason whatever to feel bored. Others will twitch their lcail or mustache, pull ct their clothing or buttons, or pick and Into tit their linger nails until tho blood runs. The:i there are other such familiar evidences of embarrassment as tho continual shilling of the position when in company, and this, to gether with a tendency to automatic and ab sent minded actions when not dependent on profound mental preoecunanoy, may La often taken as indicating tho approach of nervous prostration. AThen ono gets very nervous, marked habits of irritation appear; familial- und naturally agreeable sounds such as tho prattle of children becomo an noying. Inso.uuia will set in, tho repair of tho system becomes unequal to tho daily de mand, and the result is seen 121 irregularities of regulated movements. Some people will jerk and twitch their bodies when the' fall asleep, from an irregular explosion of motor nerve force, the energy of a spinal cell becom ing suddenly liberated. This same condition of things higher up in tho brain gives rise to inopportune and incomplete ideation, disturb ing and comfortless dreams, when the nat ural capacity of the brain to secure its own timely repose is impaired. "In still graver states of nervous troubles may be observed morbid fears, some of them most peculiar. There are tjcople afflicted with monophobia, or tho fear of being alone, which is a most peculiar condition of tho mind. I know a lawyer who would, nover daro to appear in court for the pti'pose of pleading a case when unaccompanied by his wife or some other member of the family. When so supported he would argue well and at length, but otherwise an indefinable terror of something that might hapjien he knew not what would seize him and render hint powerless. Then there are victims of claus trophobia, or the fear of going through nar row places, and I have known people to Le in mortal terror when proceeding along any but the broadest thoroughfares, lest tho houses should close in on them and crush them. A 11 throphobia and gynephobia, tho ono tho fear of crowds and of men, and the other the fear of women, are' not uncommon. These aud similar troubles, associated with morbid sounds in the ears, arc symptoms of what has been termed American nervousness, or neu rasthenia, it being first discovered by Amer ican physicians. Again, wo have perversion of smell and taste, all local causes being absent; cases of people who smell smoke when thero is none at hand, and the predilection of school girls for chalk and ground slato pencils. Tho liking for alcohol is often a matter of the nerves and even acquired tastes fcr various articles of food and drink may bo traced to the same cause. "Ono of the saddest symptoms ot nervous ness, and one which in many instances marks the last stages of tho affliction, is tho indecis ion of men previously remarkable for vigor and the rapidity with which they grasped conclusions and acted on their convictions. But perhaps the most characteristic of all nervous troubles is tho fear of iersonal con tamination, which appears to have developed moro since the advancement of thebaseilii theory, and which so affects some persons that they will not shake hands or otherwise conw into actual contact with their neigh bors." In connection with this last a certain gen tleman well known in bit. Louis, but now dead, may be recalled by many in whom was developed in a remarkable d ogive this fear of contamination. Ho wore gloves, and not only would not shako hands, but had tho greatest aversion to touching ir.y oiv: sitting next him in a street car. Many jjeoplo thero are who have somoone nervous ulllict iou that never develops into anything worse, and which is merely a source of annoyance to thu nlliicted. Ona gentleman found iZ impossible to sleep at times, and after chasing imaginary sheep over imaginary fences without avail, bethought himself of tracing the figure "o" on the ball of his thumb with the forefinger of the same hand. This intricato process at tained the desired end, but unfortunately be came such a matter of habit that it was con tinued in waking hours, and when last heard from the victim was unconsciously laboring to lull himself asleep in the day time. These aro but a few of tho many types of nervous men that every one encounters. That they could be reduplicated by the score goes without saying, but lest tho reader Le added to tho long list of unfortunates, it may !o just as well to let tho medical books tell tho rest. St. Loui j Republican. Very Sutisnrctovy. Mr. Levi employs two clerks in his retail grocery. One is a young man of tho same race as his employer; tho other is a large limbed, black bearded Yankee by tho name of Hicks. Mr. Levi is a very excitable little man and whenever young Moses gets in late swears at him fearfully. The other day, after a prolonged "cursing out," Moses meekly remonstrated; "Mr. Levi, it is all right; you can cuss mo w'enefer you want to, but I noti&h dat Mr. Hicks gits in late and you don' say uothin" to him." "But, mein Gott man!"1 exclaimed Mr. Levi, "you don't know what kind of a tejn- iK?r dat man Hicks is got!" Detroit Free ess. W. II. Waring, of Centralia, Mo., has a curious relic. It is a 3 bill issued by the stato of Jew York, Aug. 13, 1770. Tke note has a seal on it bearing tho Ton Command ments on its face. "Lex Regit" on ouo side, "Arma" on the bottom of the seal, and Peiie tup at the top of the seaL The paper 011 which it is printed is about tho thickness of blotting iaper, and of a dull, yellow color. CW-ngo Herald. PARAGRAPHS ABOUT PEOPLE. Laura Evans, :t iitilo Kentucky girl, lias suddenly l;comu violently insane nt tie- ngo of (!.' Sir Morcll ought soon to be tin-richest pr:teti:iii.o: in tho world. l!o troa:od eigitly-f'iuir suiTeivrs from tho throat in one dav recently. Irs. T:yhr. f (!;,!-;ia, spoki dis 'aeimrlv of (Irooi r Scott's salt codi'ish. pill- will t! lev wciv not like hoards, and 011 tho bond cents. Si 10 and slapiwd offered to let her hit llilil with ono for twvnt y-tivo planked down the monev lii:ii with tho fish, breaking 11 i;iv and tearing olf part of one of his cars. .de!m;i l'aili never takes any out of d nr exercise, '-'lie is very much afraid of cold air, and when sho goes out for a h ive in w inter swathes herself in furr., ties up her In -ad and even puts cotton in her oars, ftho never speaks in tho night air, and when t-hc ru'is from the t-f.igo door to her carriage her mouth is covered by the scarf that iroe-i over her head. Mine. Parti has kepi her voice in good Condition by this iivatmetU, but it would not do for every one. Mrs. Hendricks, tho widow of tho late vice president, is said to bo a thorough woman of business. She is now in Cali fornia, where she is gono to look afior her interests in certain mines, on which hor husband spout l()i),0()i. Thero aro 12,000 acres in tho ilendi ioks tract, and fche proposes to make a careful examina tion of it to soo w hether it is good fruic growing soil. Mrs. Ib-ndrioks ha:i boon president of the Indiana stato prison re formatory for. fourteen years, and sho only returns from California for the sak-j of attending a mooting of tho board. B.'ss's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is warranted for all that the label '-alls for, so if it toes not relieve your cough you can call at our store and the money will 1; refunded to you. tauoously on till parts thereby leaving no bad 1 Smith & Co., Druggists. It acts sunro of t lie svtcin, esults. '( ). P. j2."i-3mdfcw We acknowledge the receipt of an in Titntion to'attend the nineteenth aniMvcr .-f.ry or t lie L 111 versit y ot Nebraska, at Lincoln on the 15th of this month. Valentines at Warrick's. dot Warrick offers low prices on Wa'l Pa per. d(!t A New Kemedy with U'ondencl Healiag Powers. For :oth Intern?.! and extornnl Use. POSITIVE CURE FO.t RHEliMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Also Cr.Iic. Cro'.rp. ikatiache, Lame t??.cl(. VVouncs, ami all iisti rsii)fr t.iuiit'iito of ths: lmti;:in body. KAIL'SOAOl Is ilia Boston EartNfcr HrcncWs, CCUGH C'JSE Cr.jhs. Throat ar.f L:inTr3i!.!c3 'fiieso r.-:ed:e'nos are Warranted fcy yot:r Dri:o;jisI. li ii.-;- J.'ic , "' 1: si per buttle. 1'i.r 1 w in htrL'e.-t oil tier tit ", ir i-.i'i. ail-Koad Remedy Co., Eox 372. Lincoln 1 1 at le supplied !y Richardson Dm Co. Omaha, -cbraf-ka. Dr. Black's Ilheunvitic Cure has cured more cases of Rheumatism in tho last ton years in this city and county than any and all other medicines put together. For sale by Smith Jc Black. Use Dr. Black' throw away your ; Rheumatic Cure find cane and crutches. For sale by Smith k Black. HEALTH WEALTH i .'J EHVL. .1 mi : fiAitst 1 '5V k .i r- ; .v x...'V.vt't-ss Dr. V C WesVs Xerve ami r;un Tivat.nient a uan;tnr,- Mice!!:!- in;- l.'vMcna Dizziness. t'oiivuisi'-iis. i tts. Nerveus N e'in'.lyia, Ilcad-a'-!!'. Nfl'oou )' stla'.ioii ei;ueii !" tliete of aV"i:oi or tn'tni'ro. V aUs fn'ii' ss. yVl'tal I :-.i-ioi!. Stifle nil';,' of t lie ''.ntiii i e-iilt int. in in sui'ity t leatit: t misery, tiecay aint -ica: it. 1 1 :'.:: I'.! e eM , p.r. i".;!T(-ii!!('s, boss tif j v.' or tts eitlier s--x. !iiv !i:i;t;t:v l.t sm s ju.- .,-r-niat rtiitOii CiiiVM1'! i y vt r-exTt;oii of 'lit' lr.:in. fcifabusi- or ov-r-ia .licence Kacl) '; x c;H' one ru.;:t It's tr-:t!ii; nt, SI t'iii a liex of. -IN lXt'S in;- .."). :', St li Iy U;;til Jilt paid of roet-i 1 of ;'! ' " we gua?:a: :tzs sixsrxES To iiiic ;un V. i: it ;!! order received1 liy i.'. i s .-;x l.n ; s, ace :;,;:n en Willi .o Oil. we will send t!;e purch.-i.-or -ur written guaran tee to re tu in ! lie ironey il t lie f i :J laet.t dees mi flTet t a euro. Cuaraalees issued t.r.!y by Hi.i .J. Wj.iTifl: smIc agent, i'I;;tt-iai:t!i. Nell. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward fcr any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indige.-tion, constipation or costiveness wo cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liyer Pills, when the directions aro strictly complied with. They aro purely yogctablo, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing :0 sugar coated pills, 23c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only ly John O. Well & Co., y2 W. Madison St. Chicago. Its Sold byW. ,J Warrick. Use Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure if it don't do you any good come in and we will give you your money back. For sale by Smith it Black. The standard remedy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Pill"; they never disapp' int you. 1J0 pills 25c. At War rick's drug store. , JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MASCFACTCRER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IX THE Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbero' and 'Buds FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES I always in stock. Nov. 20. 1885. Tjifjf ZZ3 I niu.-t make m Stoc Coininer and therefore will eeut. helow reguhu Goods 2&arlxed Ladies' Ladies' Ladies Ladies' Laeies' Undies' French Kid French Kid , JJri-lit 1) Urirht Donola Kid'......" " Feb. (Jtat Ladies' 1'cb Men's liurt .Men's Men's Men's (Joat !S!ies. . . . S!m es , Shot's , Slices . Child ens "Little reduction. (iiatit School Shoes," the best in the s'o'.v is (;iir ehiince lo lay in a cheap B0ST0N Clivsr cSi 2lara.o, Proprietors. BEEF, PORK, filUTTON, VEAL, POULTRY AVe keep constatitly on hand the iinest and fresliest line of meat in the city. Meats ot all kinds in their season. SUGAR CURED MEAT?, HAMS, BACON, LARD, SAUSAGE AND MINCE MEAT. And everything to suit the demand our trade. South Side Main Street, tureka J. THOMAS, wholesale a::: Beef, Pork, Mutton, Vca! and Poultry. 2: invito all to cic mo a trial Sugar Cured M cuts. Hams, Bacon, Lard, at lowest living prices. Do not a n -AXU ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. KITCHEN, BEL FOOM, PARLOR FURNITURE. 22. bo ConvirLOcd. Ml SIXTH STI1EET, BET. MAIN AND VINE. yiisciiiis fo JOA'ATUAN IlATT. J J"MT1SAM MATT ODTYIiEAT RHARKHT. PORK PACKERS and dealers in BUTTER AND EGGS BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c.f &c of our own make. The host brands of OYSTERS, in cans and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. lk' at rK!ii lor in v reduce all leather oods 20 per prices ior cash only. in lain 2Tiguros. g Boons 5 00 20 cent, discount $4 00 4 ro 3 50 I ()o u a 3 20 oo a u 2 40 or, " 1 SO l no 2 oo 2 2 " 1 SO 5 0o " 0 40 -i r,o " s oo :j 75 " " " :i w i :a) : " 2 00 market, same supply. MARKET, Give us a trial, Between Fifth and Sixth. iuitail dealer in etc.. etc. Frosli Ovstnra Ir. r..,, fuil to civc me your patronage. HINDS FDSHiTDEE FOR i i) i i.1K HALLWAYS, OFFICES. th.o Gitv. Call and PLATTSMOUTII, XEIi. le heralc 1 market. UC41 of