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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1888)
""V rff-, The Piattsniouth Daily Herald. KJJOTTS BBOS., Publishers & Proprietors. B.&. NI. Time Table. flOIXO WEST No. 1, :o a 111. No, .-- :4, in. H. 5 B a. in. o. 7.-7 :-t5 . Ul. Mo. . e :11 l. ni. VOI SO K.AST. No, 2.-4 ;25 p. III. No. 4. Ill :30 a. Mi, Wo. 6 7 :.'M) ). Ul. Ni. . 9 :0O a. m. No. 10. 9 :45 a. in. No. VI. -! :M c fei. Jo. II 4 :03 a. Ill .A.U iraiun run uaiiy vy way tit wmaii;i, rjtri Ku. 7 ami which run to and from Schuyler dally xcrpt Kuml:iy. Ho. 30 I antuli to l'aclflc Junction at 8 30.a m. No.1V Is a Hub from 1'auiOc Junction at 11 a.m. A SalUbury Dentist, In Kock vrood Mliilldlng. Dr. Siggins, oflice and residence Sherwood Block, Telephone No.42. - -T. A. SI. Ball tonight; proceeds go to the Nebraska heroines. Let there be a full house at the G. A. K. entertainment tonight. At 8 o'clock this morning the ther mometer registered 10 below. Coma out and hear one of the best cutertainmeniH of the season tonight at Rock wood hall. O. A. IL entertainment tonight at Rockwood hull. Let all be present and help the noble Nebraska heroines. A marriage license was issued this morning by County Judge Ruaaell to Chas. Pinkham aud Mus Allicellite, both of Wabash. T. A. M. public ball to-night; gallery admission, 25 cents; tickets for the dance $1. Proceeds for ths benefit of the Ne braska heroines. County Clerk Bird Critchfkhl wishts to announce through Tub IIkuai.d that lie has telephone connection at his oflice and residence; office No. 5, residence U. M. A. Dixon, the bridge watchman, reports the mercury a being IC below this morning at 7 o'clock at the bridge, and the thermometer at his home registered 19 below at 8 o'clock. A progressive euchre party was held at the home of Sir. Frank Morgan on Rock street last night. Ur. Cook and Miss Kate Olliver took the king prizes, and Mr. EacU and Miss Grace An derson were awarded Jthe boeby prizes. A bill appropriating $1,200,000 for a new postofiicc building at Kansas City, has passed the senate. According to re ports, more mail is handled in Kansas City than any other city in the United States, with the exception of New Yoik. Rev. Lozier is a mo?t cntertainii g speaker, and should he again appear le foro a Council Bluffs audience, there will iio t be a hall in the city large erongh to hold the people who will flock to henr him. Council Bluffs Nonpareil, Com rade R. C. Hubbard, editor. The Athena (Ga.) Banner is author ity for the statement that several years ago, in Oconee county, "a girl married at the age of nine years, and before her tenth birthday she became a mother. When married, the girl was as well de veloped aa a woman and weighed 14G pounds. Her husband was 45 years of age. The family were white, and moved t Alabama, where they now reside." Talk about railroad discrimination! If the shippers of Plattsmouth are not gulled more than any one in the west, please inform the public to the contrary. In conversation with a leading shiper of Plattsmouth today, we learned that the charges on a car from Omaha to Chicago is $35, while from Piatt moutb to the same point it is $49, a differencee of $14; stock can be shiped from here to Omaha and then on to Chicago, as cheap a? it can from this place direct to Chica go. Again a car can be had from Platts mouth to Omaha for $14, or a charge of almost oae half the rate to Chicago, for 22 miles. The distance from Omaha to Chicago is 500 miles and the fixed rate as above stated, is $35 a car. Speaking of the scarcity of adver tising, it is astonishing how the people of this city look at it. Most of them s;em to think it does them no good. They look upon the money they pay out for it as a sort of contribution to keep the papers alive. They regard keeping the papers as a public duty and only do it because they would be ashamed to hare to confess to eastern frieads that they lived in a city ef 30,500 people that hadn't a paper to bless itself with. They don't see any real use of newspapers un less they are waked up to it by a smooth and pertinacious solicitor and then they only admit it momentarily, returning to their Rip Van Winkleism before the col lector gets around with his bill. They then get mad at the newspapers that per sist in bleeding the community, order out the ad. that they contracted fur t-ix months, get one month insertion at long time rates, and then swear off from ever bein" robbed any more by such remorse less pirates. State Demon at. Wasted A good girl to cook, w ash and iron. Wages $3 per week, f 7-3t. Mrs. R. 1. Windham. Try O. P. Smith & Co's K. of P. Col ogne, Lasting and Fragrant. j-23-tf Try O. P. Smith & Co's K. of P. Cologne Lasting and Fragrant. j-23 tf THE DAILY WILL C. BSYAK'S CHIME He Is Bound Over to the District Court for His Deviltry. In (the case of Nellie C. Stark, the pretty 18-year-old maid of Cedar Rapids, who says that Will C. Bryan, the sprin ter and cx-base-ballist, is the father of her child, born out of wedlock just be fore last Christmas, Justice Wade yester day decided that: First, that if it did not appear that the prosecutrix ever authorized her attorneys to. compromise the case by the payment of seventy dol lars, and even if she had done so, the case was of a quasi-criminal nature and beyond the power of the prosecutrix to compromise. As to the point of resi dence, the court quoted several authori ties sustaining his opinion that for all legal purposes of bringing a suit of this nature, the prosecutrix had established a sufficient residence in Douglas county. In view of his decision the court held Bryan in bonds of $1,200 for his appear ance at the next term of the district court. Bail was immediately offered and accepted, J. W. Foster signing the bond. After the rendering of the opinion, Bryan called Attorney Biler, counsel for the prosecutrix, a thief and a perjurer, ac cusing him of bad faith to his client and himself (Bryan), and threatened him with a whipping some time not very far in the future. Miss Stark's story of her betrayal by the fellow Bryan, is that while a waitress at the Morgan house, in Des Moines, dur ing January, 1887, Bryan seduced her He then prevailed upon her to accompany him in his travels as his wife, visiting several cities east and south, and finally coming to Omaha last September in a delicate condition. Bryan had, it seems, some little honor left in him, and he paid her bills duriug her confinement, but ceased to contribute either to her support or the child. Bryan did not attempt to deny the story on the contrary admitted the facts, but set up two specific causes of defense; first, that all claims of indebtedness due had been settled by hi3 delivery of $70 in full of all damage; and, second, that Miss Stark, being a minor, could not establish a residence in Douglas county in legal contemplation, for the purpose of bring ing suit." The above from the Omaha Republican may be somewhat of a surprise to our readers. It will be remembered that this man Bryan secured a marriage license from Judge Russell, and was married to a Miss Whctsel last week, by Rev. W. B. Alexander. These parties registered at the hotel as being from Council Bluffs, but Miss Whetscl told that her home was at Mt. Vernon, 111., while others claimed her residence was in this State. Fought and Conquered. The "Fighting Chaplain,"' known in private as Rev. John Hogarth Lozier, gave his celebrated entertainment of soug, recitation and address, at Dunning's op era house last evening, and a large au dience assembled to hear this able man, who is said to be as an orator second to only the world-famous John B. Gough. In comedy or pathos the reverend gentle man alike moved his appreciative hear ers, and every one present was delighted with the entertainment they received." Kaiisas City Daily Journal. Resolutions of Sympathy. At the regular meeting of Gauntlet Lodge No. 47, K. of P. lust evening the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Whekeas, It has pleased an all-wise Providence to deprive our Brother J. C. Petersen of a beloved and honored, faith ful and affectionate wife, and his child ren of a doveted and loving mother; and Whebeas, This lodge recognizes in Brother J. C. Petersen a valuable mem ber of Gauntlet Lodge and of the order of Knights of Pythias, worthy of and de serving of its sympathy and considera tion in his great affliction; therefore be it Resolved, That we, his brother Knights in lodge assembled, do tender to him, and to his motherless babes, our earnest aud heartfelt sympathy in this hour of sore affliction and deep distress; be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the daily papers of the city for publication; that a copy be pre sented to Brother Petersen, and that they be spread upon the minutes of this lodge. "May the holy angels keep. Vigils o'ei her while she sleeps." Yours, in F., C. and B., Committee. Castle Hall, Feb. 8, 188S. J. M. Cutright, K. R. and S. Who is Your Best Friend? Your stomach of course. Why? be cause if it is out of order you are one of the most miserable creatures living. Give it a fair chance and see if it is not the best friend vou have in the end. Don't smoke - in the morning. Don.t drink in the morning. If you must smoke and drink wait until your stomach is through with breakfast. You can drink more and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you les3. If your food ferments aud does not digest right--if you are troubl ed with Hcartbnrn, Dizzniess of the head, coming up of the food after oating, bil iousness, indigestion, or any other trouble of the stomach, you had best use Green's August Flower, as no person can use it without immediate relief. Furniture for the cellar, kitchen and parlor sold on weekly or monthly install ments at L Pearlman's. f2-dtf ilEiuLD, VlA'ribxn PERSONAL. B. F. Ruffncr was in the metropolis today. Mayor J. D. Simpson was in Bellevue today. Harry Robinson, the festive drummer of Chicggo, is in the city. Byron Clark went out to Lincoln this morning on legal business. Att'y Wright, of Gleuwood, was on No. 5 this a. m. euroute to Lincoln. C. H. Parmele came in from Cedar Creek this morning and reports his stock as doing first-class. Misses Anna Livingston and Flora Donova left for Wymore this morning to visit with friends. T. E. Reynolds is at his brother's near Rock Bluffs, on account f the latter hav ing a very sick child. Mrs.JEdd Hucheson, of Saumders coun ty, arrived this morning on a visit to her brother, Mr. C. II. Parmele. Mrs. Angie Williams came in from Wabash this morning and will make her home with Rev. A. Madole in the fut.ure. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. CampbelL and Mrs. R. B. Windham went up to Oi nana last night to hear Clara Morris, the famous actress. Resolutions of Respeict. At a recent meeting of the Leiderkrans Society of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whekeas, in view of the loss we have sustained by the death of our friend and associate, Henry Sckulhoff, a charter member of this organization, and the still heavier loss sustained by those who were near and dear to him, therefore be it Resolved, That it is but a just tribute to the memory of the departed to say, that in regretting his removal from our midst, we mourn for one who was in ev ery way worthy of our respect and regard. Resolved, That we sincerely condole with the family of the diseased on the dispensation with which it has pleased Divine Providence to afflict them, and commend them for condolence to Him who ordered all things for the best, and whose chastisements are meant for mercy. Resolved, That this heartfelt testimon ial of our sympathy aad sorrow be for warded to the family of our departed friend by the secretary of this meeting. J. V. Weckisach, ) Ed. St a mm, II. C. Smith, Old Times in Louisiana. Those "society balls" were conducted with great propriety and reserve. The claim of every person of both sexes to bo admitted having lieen previously deter mined by the responsible and trusty com mittee, there was a sort of temporary and conventional equality on the terp sichorean floor, and. therefore, every geiv tlcman had the privilege to invite a lady without the formality of an introduction to figure in the dance as his partner. After it was over he escorted her back respectfully to her seat, witliout presum ing, if unknown and not dulv presented. to remain standing before her, or to sit bv her side, to continue the conversation or prolong the accidental acquaintance. During the intervals of dancing the gentlemen walked up and down between the rows of ladies that densely lined the hall, some merely bowing as they passed, to those whom they knew and others stopping to converse. No woman, mar ried or single, joined in this promenading with a male companion, as is the custom in these present days, and the eye of a lynx could not have detected the slight est flirtation. The word itself was not known, for the tiling it means is for Louisiana a modern invention, which had not then been patented and brought out for public use. In fact, this peculiar pastime would have been impossible to attempt. It would have produced a so cial earthquake. American Magazine. The Color of the Sea. Artists always Eeeni at a loss to deal with the color of the sea, and few are those who please the public. Professor Tyndall has come to their aid. He recog nizes three principal hues in sea waves blue, green and yellow. Solid particles held in the water act as minute mirrors reflecting the light which penetrates the liquid. The rays which are sent out, after having traversed only a thin 6tratum of water, preserve their yellow parts; but if the reflections are attenu ated the water appears green; and if they do not exist at all, the sea being clear and free from muddy matters, the color is deep blue. In an indigo sea the crest of tho waves will api?ar green on ac count of their lack of thickness. Sea weed, animalcules and other local or ac cidental causes may have much influ cre3 on the color of the water. Court Journal. Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the only medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re lieves a cough instantly and in time effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3mo.d-w. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs! Lots of eggs and no sick, drooping chickens where Will J. Warrick's Im proved Poultry Powder is used. Just the thing to make hens lay and keep them in good health. Try one pound, it will only cost you 20 cents, and i f you are not satisfied he will refund the money. Also Ground Bone and Oyster Shell, 41!s. for 25c at Will J. Warwick's. j6-3m d&w-th. I. Pearlman sells furniture on the in stallment plan. Payments weekly or monthly. f2-dtf Go to I. Parleman's for fine furniture. Fttf Swedish .Lingens, stock fish and all kinds of fish or herring for Lent can be had at jan2ltf Wecubacii&Co. - ,r.U?L$A - t THURSDAY, I-'EIMIUA UV u. 1SSS. Try O. P. Smith & Co's Damask Rose for Salt Rheum, Scrofulous sores, fitters External Eryseptlaa, Rash, Itch, chafing of Infants tc, u complete Household Remedy. No household should be with out it. If Try O. 1'. Smith & Co's Damask for Chapped Hand and Lips. Rose tf -Real estate and abstracts, dtf W. S. Wisb. Fire Insurance written in the Etna, Phoenix and Hartford by Windham &. Davles. Hay for Sale Three hundred tons of hay for s:ile for cash, either delivered or on the ground. Leave orders at Henry Weckbach'u store. Jan. 3 m3d&w L. Stum.. Mrs. Bannister lias opened a cutting school in connec tion with her dress-making, where ladies may procure the latest improved tailor system, said to be the best iu use. Rooms over Solomon Nathan's store. dl2t Damask Rose the Great Skin Cure and Teilet article, Mfg. and sold by O. P. Smith & Co. " tf Try Punch Twist Cigars at Warrick's. Ct There are 21 reasons why you should purchase lots in SouthPark. See page-4. tGtf Foit Sale On reasonable terms my residenc e on the N. W. corner of Elm and 11th streets. Said property consists of block with a good story and a half house of six rooms, two wardrobes and one pantry: aood well and city water twenty-seven bearing apple trees, and an abundance of small fruit of all kinds, tf P. D. Bates. BtemI tlte reason why you slimild itiiielisae Iota in South l.rk. on iiaire -I. titf Gold Coin stoves and ranges the best in the market at I. Parleman's. Fltf New furniture at I. Parleman's. Fltf Parties needing household furniture and thosu vho contemplate keeping house soon will find it to their object to buy of I. Parlcman. f2-dtt 4 N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at Law. Will give prompt attention to all Dunuies in trusted to !)im. Oilice in Union block, East side, l'lattsiaoiitli, .Neb. K. Ii. WixniiAM, John A. Da viks, Notary I'.iM.c. Notary i ublic jutt03TS10VG - at - -w.. Cfiice over bank of Cass County. Plattsmouth, - - Nkbkaska. Dr. R. Nunn, M. D.,B Ch Tkinity College, Deulix, OCULIST, - AURIST, - THROAT DISEASES. Late Surgeon at Western Ophthalmic :ind Assist at Koyal Ophthalmia llo.-pita1, London. Office, Kooin 18, barker block : 10 a. m. to i p- ni omaha, Nebraska. Correspondence Punctually Answered. C. F. SMITH, Merchant Tailor. Keeps constantly on h::nd sampler of the bostjrood to be procured. Is prepared to make pants f jr cboo aud upwards aud u;;s lor $1G.0). Xeatly and promptly done at 'he lowest prices Over Peter Merges' store, North Side Alaia Street. Dr. C. A- Marshall. Preservation of natural teeth a specialty. ecth extracted without pain y uxe of Laughing Gas. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZGEBAI.D'S bL'iCK PtATTiiMOUTn. NKH GS-Q X0 Win. lierold & Son - POR Dry Goods. Notions Boots and Ste or; Ladies and Gents FURNISHING - GOODS. He keeps as large and as well SELECTED STOCK As can be found any place in the city and make jou prices that defy competition. Agents for Harw's Baz.r P.ttrm and BaTs Co sets. WHEN YOU WANT -OF- jQLXiy 3ESL33LCi CALL OX Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor and Builder Sept. 12-Cm. WORK TTI L.wnumrvUL.-m Tiiis Spaoo $4,700 Worth of -Must be CLOSNG OUT As I have to leave to take eliarc of my Father's business in Ottum wa, on account of his continued ill health. Kow is the time to lay in a suyply of HOOTS and SHOES at Ladies' French Kid hand-turned shoes $5 00 reduced t $4 35 Ladies' French Kid common sense shoes 5 00 " " 4 25 Ladies' Curacoa Kid common sense shoes 3 75 " " 3 33 Ladies' Dongola hand-sewed shoes 4 50 " 3 25 Ladies' GLze dongola shees 3 25 " 2 70 Ladies' Straight goat shoe:? 3 00 " " 2 50 Ladies' Best goat button shoes 3 20 " " 2 75 Ladies' Hand-sewed button shoes 2 75 " " 2 80 Ladies' Calf button shoes 5 25 " " 1 85 Ladies' Oil grain button slioes 2 00 " " 1 75 Ladies' Glove calf button slioes 1 65 " " 1 25 Ladies' Dongola foxed button shoes 2 00 " " 1 45 Ladies' Grain button shoes 1 25 " " 1 00 Red Cross School Shoe Reduced 25c apr Misses best Kid and Goat Spring heel $2 50 now $2 25 Men's best hand sewed shoes 7 00 " 6 00 Men's best Calf sewed shoe 5 00 " 4 25 Men's best Kangaroo sewed shoe 5 00 " 4 25 Men's best calf sewed shoe 8 00 " 2 75 Men's best congress or button shoe 2 50 " 1 85 Men's calf boots 2 75 " 1 75 Men's best kip boots 4 50 " 3 75 Men's Good kip boots 3 50 " 2 CO Coods ixi-st bo sold at one. "STcu will fin d it to ycvirintsrest to call early. SOUTH SIDE MAIN. Heasons for Purchasing 'Lots in South Park. 1. As a whole they are the Mnest lying lots in the city. 2. They are shaded wilh beautiful forest trees. 3. They are located between Chicago and Lincoln Avenues, the two finest drives about the citv. 4. They are only a ten-minutes walk from the business portion of the town. 5. By reason of their location between the two main thorough faies into the cicy. they are more acessible than lots in other additions. 0. The only addition to the city reached by two established avenues. 7. The only new addition to the city reached by water mains, and with a prospect of being supplied in" the near future with com plete water privileges. 8. Kcw sidewalks recently constructed to within a tew feet of the addition and will shortly be extended. 0. Will certainly have street car privileges at no distant date. 10. If you wish a line view of the river," locate on a lot in Sotith Park. 11. If you wish a sightly and picturesque view of Plattsmoth it can be had from a South Park lot. ' 12. To persons in the railroad employ, the eastern portion of South Park is the most desirable residence locality in the citv. 13. To persons desiring a residence on Chicago avenue the western portion of South Park is available for that purpose. ' 14. The B. & M. railroad track runs near th fnt v . ... . .. - Davis, L. A, Miner, C. M. Wead, auoitiou, lurnisuing goou iaciuiies ior manuiacturing industries. 15. It you locate-in South Park you will have good neighbors Mayor SImp-on, John It. Cox, John A. Davies, John L. Minor J V Weckbach, Chas. Harris, John II. Young, Henry Waterman W P Coleman, S. A. Speakman, Frank Peesoii. Chas A. liankin, Sarah" E Alexander, John Moore, M. A. Ship;pa;i. Lillie Kiilisky, T W Faugh t, Clayton Barber, W. J. IIe3ser, Ilarrv Kneller. J F n0.!:-i J. G. Poval, W. 2s. McLennan. P. and other sare owners of South Park property. ' 1G. Over 12,000 worth of this desirable property has been d' posed of within a short period and no part has been sold to outs'd " speculators which is solid proof of the substantial rowth nf of the city. 1. More substantial houses were built in South Park in tl fall of 18S7 than in any one locality in the citv and the i,rrlC spring building are much greater. 18. Lots will be sold until the after said date the price on the most desirable lots will be ad van 1 ' ' VJ. Terms -J cash, balance in one and two years, or lot purchased on monthly payments. ' lna' " 20. Any number of persons, not less than five, purchasing t lots in one transaction will be given a lot free to dispose of tb1 may deem proper. neJ 21. Any person or persons purchasing 20 or more lots and in (asn' ma3 n?'ve one an two ve"rs on balance without inte t ' 22. If any other reasons for purchasing lots hi South p't desired they will be given by calling at the office of a are gDHAEVa K.srTrod for AT COST. the Best Makes of Rold in tlie- CARRUTH BLOCK. - " "IIC Ul evnn (c a Frank Irish, J. N. Glpm, n t C. Minor. F. McC,-nrr T n v , ? Jr A 1 or 1st of Am-il. nnvt ci- & DAVIES