The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 09, 1888, Image 3
THF DAILY HERALD, I i , A '11 S JNH J u T n , grt.vC'lv A , T TITUS DAY. I-'KHRITARY 9, 18SS. A lillOKQ" PliOVI-flR. YOU CAN'T TLACM AN OLD DOG A li.-. loves t'.ir I'icttoil "Old Am ouslaa'ly Acl.Uiijf to 'f iit-lr Slock of IC.'iou 1 Ji Tin! Jicliinil t lie- I'illK't I ; l - "'You (un't teach jih old dog new tricks." That's w hat you say at tlir no .f !. or W), or .V, uli'ii you think thui. the I x m Li ulyiiit all IT tho y of life, that it's marly nil up with you, ami thnt about ail thoob jeot you heve i:i living is to prepare for dying, and UiuiHc in your olil shuts out of Lie as .jui.-tiv its pox. - possibly to tho i oa!i-i:t ami sal is!a : io.i of your nearest of kiti, v. ho love yo.i wi ll, and tho ilollar.s you wiil leave titt-in better. But, sir, you have m business to call your self "an olii dog1' of any sex or iicrsuui.ioii. Vnu shonid Ik' ashamed l term yourself a "dog." You a j,:an. or a fragment of inn;, and f ' g a man, y ou arc, of course, lllt liilhi Law r t!i-iii an io-gol, or at bust little lower, uc v." ill say. I lain a s-oond lia:!l itai-1; v.oi'.v i i. y. Von t;r- say ni.r ir i' lilrwijiii'.; i! ov. j ',-.. for y..:i (.) 1 .-,-.., t hii.g !n .', ; : i i .- i i,., j ';.v , . : ' I.Owd f S i '. i raj- iy n . .. War l.-.j.ii.i! sr y i.i.ih! is i ;. 1 town if vh'a ' S.l.! o:ir i '' t.i , I as of . -a: v to your.-.: !f, and you , I time is over i i i ; now or Jo any Ii r I liiiil: or 011 . i i h- l:t l'oighbor : 1 I', which you i. y o her o'l woman. l.i'i- in our . ry morning t tlio i a--:-, .ml ia mummer !'.: box, ami i.'l wiu- ro.try stove, or .: at s :. , a: ' 1 .; ; i; r:n;; isnl wrajiO or;! all ) !:t i ! I Ihiui.-s of iou- Vt rs-:t;;ii i- '. ; ;- ;! -.; you li'.ivo ;i;a-.vcl liver for I;.--:, iiv , Imu or twenty years, ilatiii.' i'n:-i I'i- !!;! y oa I liou;;lit it tin' j-ri'j i l.lifc.; to tao2iiaie::N! l eioaiia" an o!.l man, aiiil a.a!:; iL oar Tiii.-i;al Lusinets t'j sniff an. 1 ' lai it ari l .i i i 1 uiit. v. il !i t'.e now ianle-l v.a , . of I'.:.- li-'.vj; ;;eiui'atio:i, v.'iio aro l'uii iiia;; i:'uv ii-.- lc; r.ii.l 'ra"t suit you at till, I eea'.i; lliey i!. ;:,t o'ic ; or iImcj or travel ia j'.il ris; i f,:; i:i the .--a.' i rut you lnl wi'.eii you v.vre what yoa e-iilcl yoursc-if a VoiiTi;.; ju::i:, :i!t!:oii:rii tli. -i you had ci.'j:!- melirid t. f': i !';:'. iae:i ii' v,l:o lo deed, tln-y v.el-e ir:iils of, ;:;iy taj M Wfl'O bclM. yoi::. ,;i;:e ; i' ii: .e i;:- is . i ii.Vi ;. :. l.a:::i:;, : . I ho c:. . :ii '.vr I l ; n J-oeU " : : i. i b', i io wila ::;. t:;-i o"e: : . ol ".I . 1: .1 ol :i v.; tun ;:i:ii: o:; 1JK"1 1 1: trie!-.- i l ait : !: thoa .:'; i:; i ' '.. ( i: : .-. .- ,.i ;;ev t rie!: .' : : i i ( lj.;i--i Laey IV.-. ;.;....:. L tlio J-;i;:i yi.;:,:,; ii i i: :iaJ a-i a ;,iv..;' ot I ..! .' liii'j aficri.j! u.! -i vim l y -H ';a.- ; ;. active iuul i:-r a : ; ; i i -!;y iuju ami vvo iai e" I'ur.; nM, if, In- j ti.rliv iV:i!s and rem j. i: r:od, when they ; ; :' y;i nir.'st oa calling; i-i Je.i.":i now : :';!..:. :d r;:! ; K.i land 1,3 :i:. ; triel;.;. Uisninrck r:y, aad tt;lay is ! !- j , . h.i ; o.iej il.'ia . , ii o er VO, :ni'.l i ii.lia lliroiili : io o. i .::i. Kriesnoa . :. v i: i j -r ::;;! thn,ii;4b " :n-: -..: 1:; ikiae; iUi!e ..:it:.erii;vf;.!et!:ai . ;.:.; ! t d.-ath, nud ' . . ir. Jhf.-d v.kli :: i l-.avl.;.- thtir ('hot :;:i: t;;o big-tst .' i n: rioadi-d with 'n a .: iron t.u::i n-i . Lr k t -:' ai. id over ! e.':i in r.'ymoL'th :eci''::eu a lew now r.j, y.:u:iy;, which t- k::rn. ! 1 '..'.; e:i: learn i -.I. i;j t':ciu, so i.'.:at. to keep ' ;.!-. I;,- young; ;. i .i la.iy aay y i.-i. :i of 50 or GO a ; yu.iu;:;. fresh, iy uad uiiad. aud ivciv at 40, when t'ven !; s.. you really i e;:i;:i -i;:-.-.i I (;;-0'.V uiil, because you thought yotir-eroii or near the down hilt hids ot life; a:d, l..'.ii;- of vl:" the world cdis 'Tihldlj a;;f," it wa? r.loutti:uuto com Jiiaea j.ri jMia'. io?..; i'.' iiuiil;' (iowutho valo jf yoarj aud ioinjiriui.'ig your coiliu into tho grave. It's not lliw youn;5 ilo;;.;. t,:r, wLo always learu ucv- ;:-k;;y. I.v.l ;-d it"?; t')o youi'S ones wliooi-o ;euoiatly i:;ei;:-,e.l to learn tho o:d tricks jiraeriix'd by tho old ci vs :iad learned jj -r thiso old Uos !'.-otii dos still older be lo'i lo a tTli-r-;-'--,:i l'"fi-i"o you vvcro con traetx 0l l-,I'!,-d ous &ad r.:anufaetr.reiL a cu.:.'ji: or cr.orj. Like yc V!r i-wtos, v.-ho farms just as his father .Tnuo.! I:ciirc li.'m, cnly because Lis father fd.":u-a i:ia w;l" t-creuy lctt 1. hi:a; oVlI- liile.l ri'Ltw.;-: : ; wid i Iioi-d- whav i'" -.: f e-. V. o v.-nit-a o. V:!V v.'iv.l Wfj: i;:;"iied out, :.. ; a::d in a rai;-o who it, : C nature : a f!i:;:i;'L of ,r t iv. ..! i- to i ho boil i. ;.i. -:i i id oj '. ill--' i "ill .'Ol'J : t of rai--1 o;ii V iv you a 1 .::iJ i.i : Or, i bch;::d ;:i ha : TK.'.Vi r j:io:i l'..iriy ti:ou;.;":t a. tivo tio ;-.r lh--i.- ro::..; in-.: ' -ir lu;lIcr lii'tl".'. aln:r eivi"' ii.'i old tviiifiu;n: a::-d i:d. iuex; vi.ive au.l hum von U-tter ttun an i .-.... hm r charges i?r visit. rrovi.I-vl th- lre:;.l :11 is aecooi- e. a . aud old vlivJ I'icas ; no f::.:'::'v ;;; : d-..-to of th; n u::.:::iirovod, Iij " -...I-, who i.'isi.its jorty unrso fa or euro stoiu- i.-rsnViW o-oui-:ac:i aud womca of tho di;es i very spring as houfo cieaa v. ho tcoriis tho v sel'.ools, which. a year:; pives now names to :i :::. : rs for the samo -:s broad rills with jianxnl by i- styli doctor's bujsy, with a blue '.i boy ia 1-u: tens to hoia tiic rt is wuilo tbo doctor v.iiii r.ev tricks is i.ivcribiujj, if not r.irtia: vi.'a tho siek lady inside, who imagines s:,.o io sk-k if there's a youn and good iooki;:: mo-!;-..'hto men within a iai!e of licr hou.. aud v. ho iuaaejrcs to live and en thiro l::"e l.y r.'.v.u. i-f his n -isTaucc. added to that of the har.d ; and rcL-eatly called you:::? !:. i::i-:h-ter. v.-howi;h spiritual COii.-f l i'. : :i al.i "n.:' . v. uii the v. heaten ma teria nv. fa ho;-;.;:: her alive. Sir, t'r.t. e : i c ijiue v.-trichs. Tlicse are the adva i..i :v s of learning u'.iti i racticin the;-.:, a::-i ail : he ?icw oias tiv cot yet es-Lau.-ts.-l. .. .- eve let- more eoininjj. lYer.t-hv -li.:...:-.i i:i .;ej C'hreiiicle. 1 with 0t s.lti. ! Tsla'ii il!.-:'. : 'l"'.-" ; the r3'.'V'i'. i i' :he :. no: ie. Turkey. th oi,ora i:r : a;:j' liov. ferreJ up; r.r.o:i the ; I'erJMjirrs !y Vote. 1 i:a t'!-:. READING THE HUMAN FACE. The CliariwtPr (Generally Drawn Upon It In t;nni!ktitkMbIe IJuca. Every ono knows that men's paw;:on.s, jro len.sitics and j-uliurilies, us well an their callings, are rellm-ted in their faces, but it i-i only tho few who have mado the study of physiognomy an c.sjecial pursuit who uro gifted with tho power of reading ttmso face. j Judges who liavo Kcrvod long terms on tho Ix-iicn, lawyers in large jinua ico und ilM'tors of ciiiinenco possess tho Kwcr of inU-rjiro'ting physiognomies moro largely than other peojdo. Hut any one ca:i uquiro fie riuli meiils of tho art by dint of study. It is us iiuj Kjssil do to disguise a faco as a hand writing. When tho exiort cvunes tho ilhiguiso is torn olf and the faco tells tho true story of the spirit insido the ljody. Ono only needs to vi:it the iienitentiarv to realize how j umli'iihtbly vice write its sign manual on tho features. It is not the drunkard oaly whoso nil nose, lbibby checks and rheumy oyes betray him; it is the sensualist whose vice is read in his lips, the knavo whose. proiK-usity is revealed by tho shajM! of his laoutli, Hie man of violence who is surrendered by his eyes. An e.vperiewiil deti-tivo or a trai::-d jailor seldom nn.'ds to ask tho crime of which his prisoner was guilty. Ho can tell it by his face. It is quite evident that in tho future tho study of phsiognomy is going to bo pursued more vigorously than ithaslieen. Asaineans of preventing crime, it may prove invalua ble. How constantly do wo hear of men "falling from grace," as tho phrase, goes! Yet these men must have carried their crime in their face for a long time. If uuy one had hi-en able to read their features tho mischief might have been averted. Mow often aro wo assured that this or that criminal en joy til tho orfect conlideuco of his employers and the public till the very day of Lis detection; uu expert physiognomist would probably have .spotted him long before. Again, faco reading might be turned to fino account in business. It is well known that every man's faeo is moro or less stamped by the pursuit ho follows. An oyporience d observer can generally detect u lawyer, or a doctor, or a merchant, or a clerk, or a mechanic, or a clergy man, by merely studying his face. Tho study might be carried much further. The s-iiiio rule which enables an observer to distinguish a lawyer from a merchant will, v.-lu n followed out, enable ki-ii eyes to sepa rate able lawyers from lawyers who are in competent, merchants who ure going to make a fortune from merchants who are going to fad. Hon often carry their destinies as v.eil as their character in their faces. Indeed, tho former ileK-nds so largely upon the latter that it would be singular if it were otherwise. Women, too, wiil be able to discriminate among their lovers, and to pick out the man who will make a gixjil husband from one who will have to b.j dragged into c. divorce court. All the adva'itages which Fowler mistakenly told us we were going to derive from the study of phrenology-v.o may possibly gaiu from tho older and more mysterious science of face reading. San Francisco Call. A Story of Jesso J:mes. ''Now that I am on the subjectof trotting," said Secretary Hall, of Detroit, in tho rotunda of the Merchants', "I am reminded of an iu cident that took place in 1S75 at the Kansas City meeting. There were several thousand people congregated in the vicinity of the ticket olliee, when suddenly a band of men rode into the iuclosure und began discharging firearms apparently right into tho crowd. As they expected, there was a general scatter ing, and ere the people collected their senses the ticket man had been overpowered and Lis cash lox, containing alnnit $1,"00, taken away by the members of tho shooting party, who turned out to bo niemlers of the Jesse James gang. Rewards were offered for tho letection and arrest of the perpetrators, but aothiug ever came of it. "The next summer, ono day while traveling along the niad toward Independence Mission, I met a single horseman, and we soou became engaged iu conversation. We did not ex change cards or names, but rode along into the town on pretty good terms, and a few moments after we separated I learned that mv companion was none other than the notorious Jesso James himself. It was his crowd that liad robbed my ticket seller a year before, but I did not recognize- him as ouo of tho participants. Among the people it was the general impression, aud I have never heard it contradicted from a reliable source, that Je:e James scorned to euaet tho role of a highwayman when a single person was con cerned, but took a delight in frightening large crowds when in search of booty. His men knew that shooting over the heads of tho spectators would alarm them fully ns much aud create more of a panic than by killing people in cold blol, and henco their foravs were always attended with a great deal of noise, but little violence toward their victims. St. 1 aul Oiobe. u-tial sigus of ap t" the formers by theatre at Constanti- ctor of thj French hig l(.ro has con- , tho p'i. ti:o ri-rur of voting rits of tho ino:,)crs of the coic- pa::v, i:::d r.i-.:i:..jms ti.a: lie is euiuiea to .-u::cvi i.v.v c i. net if the votes of the public shown, nu'jfrity t...; the fulfillment of LisoMig '-" -r-s. it" i.o v.i.-.'ts to get rid of any su.-i.or or o;r:-;hye t-j whom ho is bound Ly citiiratT, he !im the public i:i:;r:::e.l be fcreha.:.l .:.- to the iiiit.uv f the rc.-ponso Lo or i vis, ,! the oti::g takes place bctwaen th-." s Those visitors ouly are conceded the riht i vjte who have reserved seats or boxes, as lh-'y uro moro easily influenced than the p:-o::iisruou3 end payir.g public of tho lower j riot d seali Il-eh critic, lias ten votes. A sougs-trsn? r.ud a forcir;n singer were voted out by uiajoritiesof about 50 to 1. Foreign .Letter. Divorces in Paris. Chicago has a proverbial reputation hero for the multiidicity of its divorces and the expedition with which they aro obtained. Of course, a slow going old -world people cannot bo expected to compete with you cn that score. But I doubt if ever divorces were granted for more grotesque reasons than hero in Paris. Here, for example, is a divorce granted to a man for no other reason than that his wife would not let him read ail the letters she wrote and received. A com pan ion case is that of a -woman who got a divorce from her husband because ho objected to her having a lover, and made it unpleas ant for tho latter to visit her at her house. Apparently theso are considered good and sufficient reasons, for they excite no comment on the rart of the public. In Marseilles a man has just len allowed a divorce because his wife refused to give him the money sho earned by taking in sewing. In Lyons a divorce was based on tho inability of tho couple to agree as to the training of their children. Aud so it goes on. Tho number of divorces granted aud the frivolity of the grounds on which they aro Iwised increase dailv. Paris Cor. Chicago Tribune. A CHAPTER ON OKKSE. DTUPID BIRDS, BUT WITH MANY IN TERESTING POINTS. Intelligent Coroner's Juries. "Death from delirium tremens resulting from accidental causes," was the remarkable verdict returned by a coroner's jury in this city the other day. This is not the only hu morous specimen which Mr. Ashbridge can 2c.hit to o:i the dockets of his office. A young man in the last stages of pulmonary disease kiilod himself with prussic acid. Dr. Formad remarked at the inquest: "He only accelerated his death, which must surely- have coma from consumption iu a very few weeks." The intelligent six good men and true in tho jury box astounded the coroner by arriv ing at tins verdict: "Death from consump tion, accelerated by prussic acid." Philadel phia Press. Large )Urds Becoming Extinct. The largo birds, like tho other large ani mals, aro Eteadily going, and all may soon disappear from the earth. It is believed that 1 the lammergeyer, or Alpuie vulture. Las just become completely extinct a Switzer land, a solitary ftmalo specimen, which has thveic on tho Biotchhorn daring tho last tweuty-uvo years, having at last fallen a victim to poison. Boston, Budget. AVIiy tli New .Fi'ruey I'.irmi.r Cic-;a l.cefce An Old J ndel'it llol f "I'iol uLi!lt ieo" Scene nt ; ioose I':icMir;. The 1'oul'it 1 oilitiKic. "May bo you havo It' ll not iced," said a dealer in feat hers, "that some farmers !: ep g. year ia and year out, let them ha vet ho ru.i of the farm, end si-oiu to bkow them all kinds of consideration, yet are riwuys swear ing that they ure the biggest nuisance that it could lo possible to have urouud. If you Lave noticed tlmt peruliurity ia the daily rounds of the husbandman, you ha. e doubt less u!so wondered why in b:av:es the fanner kept such nuisances around his promisin. 1 used to wonder why it was myself, but I never, found outthe reason until one day last summer. I was out on n Jersey farm, KJ lend ing my vacation. The farmer had it big flock of gei-se, and he was eternally throwing the most hefty kind of Jersey cuss words at, lhcni. One day I sat on the farmer's piazza talking with hi;n. Tho gn-se ere placidly (Topping grass down along the road, a great big gander leading them on. Pence, tran quility and contentment spoke in every movement tho lawn destroying bijieils made. "There wasn't u cloud in the sky. The fanner's men were working without much apparent vim at raking aud blading hay down in a meadow not lar away. Suddenly t'ae old gander poked up his h;-;;d, gave voice to a jieculiar squawk, lifted his wings- and started o!i" o:i a run as fast as his big web feet would let hiia go. All tin gee:.' poked up their necks at tho sound of the gander's voic;, lifted their wings, and with a chorus of noises that only a Hock of geese -.:: pro duce, started alur tuo gamh r as tig'.li.s they could wa hi !e. Tho gander nui i,:; twenty yards, and then, with a wii l hrk-'.c. ho t:xk wing and How in the direction of a pond n short distance from the The jcoso raised ami Hew after him. filling 1 he air with their discordant cries, (hinder and peese alighted in the pond, when; they all gathenil in a hunch, held a consultation or congratulatory co::fal iu a subdued chorus of cackles, ami w.-nt throi'gh ail sorts of maneuvers on the yoinl for a ti::io. when they separated and swam about as placidly as they had boon feeding a few ir.hiut'-s be fore. "At tho first movement of tin- gander v.h'n ho broke the 1 ranquiiity of the feeding flock, my friend, the farmer, arose quickly to his feet, aud as ho turned toward the meadow, said: " 'There's them dinged hayin' hands Work in' as if they had all the rest o' the year to get that hay in, an' here wu'w goin1 to ho ketched in a tearin' old shower in less'n an hour, or clso there hain't no use in keopin" geese.' "The farmer hurried down to tho m:-adov, spurred iqi the men, and lent a lieui ty hand himself at tho hay. Before many minutes had passed I saw clouds banking themselvts in tho horizon, und presently tlio mutter of distant thunder was heard among Hum. The farnher was right. In an hour's time one of the hardest thunder storms I ever saw was raging over that part of X w Jer.-e ,-, and it caught the last load of tlio old man's Lay in transit. After .supper that night I questioned my host t-n the goose, and found that tho reason he kept them was to kvo him posted on the weather. " 'They hain't never felled me yet,' he said. When I git uj in tho morum' an' see th'-m Reese out on the poud a-divin' an' a-ilres -.i.i' down their feathers as if they was goitiu' ready to go to some party or other, I know that v.-'re sure of clear, warm, dry weather, an' I make my calc'lations Vordin'ly. Jf they hain't a-dressin' of themselves much, but act kiiider as if it wasn't o' much account a-spruem' up, then I keep uiy eye on "em. That's a v.-arniif that we're iu danger of a spell o' weather. If the geese quits the iout". an' don't go back much t hrough the day, : know that the danger holds, an' I git rcacy for a set rain of a day or so. If th:y teed along awhile and waddle back to the pond kinder chipiKT like, and go to drtssin' tin :u selves ami divia', then I'm pooly s.irt!'i" i!;:.t they won't lie no set rain comaiencin" that day. If the geese gits uj all of a suducut an' tears around like ye see 'eui this alic r noon, thca there's a sluiwer coniiu', an' it's a-comin' fast, ye kin bet.' "So you need never wonder why some farmers keci geese around, and still v.isti they were in Halifax. They are their weather jirognosticator, and they believe iu 'em as firmly as they do in tho making of ap plejack. This farmer told me another thing about theso geese weather signals. 11-; said that whin they prophesy a storm tho sounds they make are not like their cries j any other time. Consequently the farmers aro never fooled by the cries of a flock of j goose that may rise in tho air from a plato where they were out of aight, if the rise has been caused by any fright the geese may have been sub jocted to. An expert reader of goose signals can tell tho frightened cry from the 2roijhetie shriek as far as he can hear it. "Never saw a gooso plucking, hoy? Well, it isn't a sight that would give you much j pleasure. On tho day set for stripping getsc- ! of their feathers they are enticed into some j airtight outhouse. The pickers, who aio always women, go among the geese with their heads and fact s entirely covered who. j hoods fastened around the neck with a shii' r i string. There are holes for the eyes, r;ud also little holes at the nose for fresh air. j From tho neck tluwn the picker is covered with a glazed muslin garment, to which no feathers or down will adhere. The pickers sit ou low stools around a large and iicrfe-ctiy dry tub. There is generally a man or boy in the neighborhood who is an expert at getting the gooso ready for picking. F.verylody evn'z do that. The wings of the goose have to hi. locked together by a peculiar arrangement of the two near tho shoulders, and while they aro not tied cr fastened iu any other way, the lock is such that no goose can unlock it without aid. The feet are tied to gether with broad bands of soft muslin. When a goose is thus made helpless it is taken on tho picker's lap, and sho plucks the feathers out rapidly but with lueh skiii that she seldom breaks tho skin or causes blood to follow. The air is koj't full tf feathers dur ing the process, all ot which settle in tho big tub at last. Before beginning cu a go;.so the picker brushes the feathers back tho v.-roug way, so that she can see the skin. An exj'ert cau tell at a glance, by tho color of the skin, whether she must exercise more than ordi nary care in jduckiag it, or whether it Li not better to let the goose go without plucking at that time. In every case the picker mu.-t be careful and not pluck the feathers tco close in under ihe wiugs. If a coose has been im properly picked in that respect tht wings will di op aud drag on the ground. All through this process of yanking tho feathers out o a goose's Wxly, not a gourd cf complaint or cry of pain is beard from tha goose. They sub mit with a solemnity which would le laugh able if it were nct for the evident io: tituJe Uiat goes with it." New York Sun. The Cbinameu in ITev York are said tr tend home over SliiO.OOO a year. THE LIGHT HEARTED IP.ISH. Tlio I.UIC a? llaiiclli;; Said to lie lulmrn i i (In- Iri-ti Nation. Thi'd-icin master still plie ; his trade hi tho I.-cl.oid of today, do- pi:.- Mr- f :ct that p..K: i -s ( u.ii. i tiio miud of the 1 : i: iiaaoi to an a!.: orbing extent. I:i tho pro pen "is, or co:'cr:r.'tivi Iv prosperous, midland mid s.oiiheril oop.iiii :, the squeak of i: era' Led li id!" is a pleasant :;:ud, M'lthig hearts beating and young feet t .?:.::;.; tho ground, mi I in .'.iriog a hi arty v. . I - in" r the li. idles-, who i drav. a to t he ! m: i.;.:M a hub' no of Miufds, of v.hi -'.i !'. d ," L-.i k i.'ig i ; oot th It.:- t noisy, l-, r i -v 1 .i , a ; -v-asitivo ear for !. '.. l'..-- v ry of the bat it- v'd old 11. Idle .- ... .... j ;i i, j :d"g and t arring in tho d ch-.Jit of a .t :i -i. Tile onpoi t i.mily f, ,r a d ;!i c i o.:e a L 'it .l!y a"ad- d of. Th- li he--, h .'a-. 1 i duly ref.-eshi d and h;.v.;:g i".J,mi-' c I i ; -.-self cf tho pack oi' ws !. i!-,-ai: car. U s by till way, l he pr.;. s-ii.;i in ii I usually rei-ii!'!"d f'-o;n ihe ranks of -,h I .a d seats himself in a. c -.niimaudii ;; position and slrikcs u . a ji ; or a re .1. if I tor, t he i!anee is h; ! 1 in 1 h - I: :t ::.:: if : ..!;: mer, an adjournment is ..lade to t h ;;-. "ard bt'f;re 1 iie th if. Couple a)'- !- i-m.- h take the floor, t'.ini i !; tirct'e ; li ; :ii r v.. ; .; hi s uria imce.isi.cri.v till tho im on is (.!; h , t the sky and it is time for early iv t r ; S oite in !x 1. The Tri. :i iov. dancing, nml 1 k : is no pleusaiitcr si.dit tiian u w. !1 '..- -a 1 j:. ;. o;-ro.-l, ;r hornpipe, all pi rforme.j .i;ji as..i. a' nity iK'litting tho jvopls, for th v are : ie ; seritius race tha" 1. hey generally have ; for. Mo .stat'!y la i am 1 or t thim -e over -ai ried out vvi: th.e .ih iim s n e oi' r-s;.-. .: ibilify l.elo::g!i!-,- t. aa lii-di .ii,;". ti'.o ce-i as may beii::. he l and tin- e;,e . :':' . !.'.;t the bps !;.-; lh-ir ,:t r: gravi. v. ; e.-.ce;:t for a.'i -! - ' -' I.( els sink-. tho gi,iu.i, anil lac "::io;-t; powar" of tlio audience, the il.uav is ttaducted in silence. it must be t!n responsibility of th - sups v. hich causes th- : - l iou -a. and ore is r t st:ri.ri.-ed, for t hi re are as many as :.'';) :-, ;.a r.i'.o a::l i!:-U.'ict stc:,s it. - h .aging to lb:., v. -::-dicri'u! ilam c. It begins by :t couii'e interki i:ig lightly, arrl iiriving up ;.nl t!-i.n the ch are- I spivi. Then th 'y :';)ial far ii g each oli;er, lriiid c:i hips: I hen- are a f -w f!ow :.tfs, reniiti'liug ono of ike l'." ,' .'. start with which tho thru-h be gin . h th.'-i t.liey warm to the work, u:;d nIv-..:.- o ;:i:;l i tr at, and turn !i oth. r o-. ; r . i. iase:-;.)ei:;.d arms, the girl with !:; i..s! i :: oa - si. -e and the j ret! ie,-. i.:..l . ; .'a--!., h.df ; by, haif :a.x!;:g; the man I-i !.:;. a i moro rol.'; king. In i-ari's.s -o::t r.-.:-'. So tee :..-r.'-ti'.tsaa'i of ths- ilanci;;;, the ):-,!.; i; oi' t - j bri.-!:i:,t ami mciricsi-, a ; '.. ry o .a;a .im his heard aa lr I.i: jig who has ::ot.' The names are vory fi-:i pre:;-,, f a iustanc. "i'he '.Via.d Thai .Shakes tho B.irky ' and "The Cii eca iai-Ms of .Vin-. rlea.:' Magazine; of Art. I.uek in a, IIu::eI:oa-k. "i will kt you rub my Lamp wil h your gold if you give me a franc,"' said a hump backed g.i 1 to i;:; i ::-. j:ight in the a'iiMing saloon at M. 'ni. Curio. I. .' . .oke 1 at h .mt-- uabs'ai; bed at the remark. I uV ! . 'ato.l s "ar.i'-h in ca ;: : ! aa I s-i ii; ,i,-o:: : t f She :::s;all piece i:f mo:ii y tint .1 gave i: her an 1 r ubhed her ban. r f -r J put il' inoliey I'll 1 ! ami hi t.. it was t.he sti-aag. t piece cf i ip; ts'ig tiiat I ever ::i o;;;:' ,-. ti i.i all my ihirop'caa travel.-, yet th"i-e :.r (hi e tir four humpiin k.; who .r: ha'oiiues of the gambling Kii ?..:. ut M.jtdo Cai ! .. a.-.l who mai:o a living by 1 -It ing i lie '.: a -r.sti . iou.i rub their laeky iaiuip v. ith money. I re:iie::iher an experience' ";;cc in America of the samo hind, bat it vv.:s i:at ;" r a t'p that tho hu:r.i, wrs rui.l.e.l. A frh-,;.'. o:.;0 toh I ioo to rub the hmr.p of a hua-'hb i k -. j ntouey, not letting, him :vo y-u do f. aa : it iva.5 g-i'id ht.k. it' was race ws . k s:l tkought 1 would try it; ro, slip: Kg a:, bo hii.d a little himt '::'-;:': who .-.-. - : iag through tho co?'rid! -r of a ;.r!:i::c:u. '...:! i:i "Washingtou, I pi-len.i-:-d to be takiu.: o f coai, and, having l.ioney i:: my handl. : dently. as it wore, let hand hit . hr:'. -ii'.:ae-k and thus rub the monev oa she ii:e::y lamp. But. alas tije man t...:a.i i -.round and I had t-j apoligiie for th'.ts . . i;ir;ly assault big him. Of coarse I knt-u- the:; that r.o leek v. aid 1 c-.Siio from the c.;t::ei .f tho i:io.;;-y wi.'.'i lu: hi:r.:p a:i ! so lid l.ot pat auy !.! races and pi :!.::! s sav.-tl by it. liat a: Car! it seems to br K-i'i i-s 1, for y mi. with the ;::iowie.l0 of t!ie i.u."or.:r::to. iv.h money up again&t them. a-:.j very olt-. a. at least they toll me so, tho ptrso.i wins. p.-.fis Cor. Courier-.) otirual. f ea:itv,r :i!.tii!"0 r.i:;l tl;s Vife. ,:cnator Ma!.o:a v. as at the Capitol th. t's other day, and he l -o':. as r. nab hii lu:'h of Lot buckwheat cai. s. Mah; .:. .' :: dandy as to his tastes. Ho v. cars n : h . . I. a lady's, aad his ovcrgr.itcr aieka.d. coat is bell shaped, airl Ids Jim u is ;'.::.' t fi::e as cambric. 1 to is a ; t hir. as a ra.h is 1 his frame is mado up of b.-ne, bird: ; -.. i muscle. He is as inrtie;;h:r as to Li:, cat. i g as to his dres;, and when ho was in the ato ho was the horror of both pages and waiters. Mahoiie does not weigh 100 iounds. iris bom-s art as rc?ll as a UiminuiHe lady"-;, and Lis brain is so aeSvo that eats :d! lav It -sh O'.T his frame. He seems f his v. ir.f : ; Le thinner than ever, and he s-Lines out ia 1 1 range contrast to his handsome wife. JI; j. Mahono watches I-illy'u care, and, like 2h:: Logan and the graoral, : ho v. i.h hi:n during a part of his military carter. There was no somhoru oflicer braver than Gen. M-ibviue, and the marrow of his bo:: sis rr.ade up of courage. At Cue br.ttlo of Kadi lluu Mrs. Mahone sto;i)ed a few miles o!F, watohhig the nnoko and hearing tho thun der, when the re-port came to her that hc-r husband was wounded. A moment later came MahozieV. sorvant to tell her his mas ter's wound was; no: dangerous, and that tho shell had only ripped open Lis llesh. Mrs. Mahone would not leheve the messenger's btory. tShe wept as sho said: "It cancct lo true. My ilear wiil never have a nosh wound, for there is r.o flesh oa little Billy Mahone." Frank O. Carpenter in INew York WorliL. -V Grass raiting Turtle. We Lave on the Mojavo desert a turtle that cats grass. It lives in hole-s in th? sand, which it makes to escape the intense heat of the sun. Vou may take a stick aud get them out. They are the Xerobates Agassizii, just lately named for the great naturalist, a very pretty turtle that gets on good feed ing to be alxiut ten inches long and to weigh six to eight pounels, A woman down on the desert last summer where I was had eight or ten of them in an open peu, which she was fattening to cat. They ate grass like horses. When these turtles get fat, as they quickly do on the grass, they beat all the frogs or roast turkeys you ever ate. An ordinary one of these is worth 3 or S-L Naturalist iu San Francisco Examiiier. The Coroner's Verdict. A man in a western town hanged himself to a bed post by his suspenders. The cor oner's jury, which was com posed of motLers, decided that the "deceased came to Lis death by coming Lome drunk and mistaking Lim elf for bis pants." Chicago Eentd. Is n -joying; c. Boom in lootli itc EDITIONS. rap n ear Will one ilinib vlii h the . iilj't'l.s of li.itioiial iutorei-.c suio iiiij.iiitaiicc will m 1 istronlv sigitsi'icl und lln' Ii 'lin ol' si PrtVi-dilent will take o::-". 'ihe ini.i!n Cii?s Cor.iity v.l.o v.MtM li!-.'.' !i b-.tvit of Political, Commercial and Social Transactions ot" tins year n v.-..;.i! keeji :: j .:;.-- vtitii the time i-;;ull - do.: i.rriii;:: r:n; - Daily Weekly U3 I Now wliile v.'f i.'i c iiio s-n 1 ject Lel'ore tlit: jieople we will venture to fje:tk ot our liHi iKilpTIiCIlT k b fe tjr- Ia a3 mm . - ,i-':a'- "Whic'i is iiid-t-cisi-s in nil resjiects find from wiiic'i onr joo printer are turning out much satisfactorv work. PLATTSM0UTJI, Herald. NEBRASKA.