The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 09, 1888, Image 2

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    The Plattsmouth Daily Herald
PmblUhersA Proprietors.
I published every evening except Sunday
and Weekly every TliurflUay tnomiug. Urgls
tared at the poslofllce, liattmnoutb. Nebr.. :
eeood-cUsa mutter. Ofllce corner of Vine and
firth lrts.
Oas coy one year In advance, by mail S6 (Mi
Oae ciy per month, by carrier, iio
Oaa copy per week, by carrier 15
One eepy one year. In advance, $1 '
One copy six mouths in advance 7S
Cuour is one of the most dreaded of
children's diseases. It uteals upon its
victim lika a tbief in the night, the at
tack being often unheralded by eyen the
ordinary symptoms of a cold. The heavy
breathing and hollow cough strike terror
to any mother's heart, even though she
is accustomed to the sound and knows
how to treat her child. There are a few
simple home remedies that can be quickly
applied, and arc almost always efficacious
in spasmodic croup, and are also useful
in cases of laryngitis and the first stage
of true or membranous croup. The hot
method because one of the safest and
least likely to produce unpleasant after
results of inducing vomiting to get rid
of the accumulation of phlegm, is to
crive a solution of alum and sugar in hot
water in the following propportions: A
rounded tea.'poonfull of powdered alum
and the same quantity of sugar dissolved
in half a teacupful of boiling water
This should be taken as hot as the patient
can be induced to drink it. It will
quickly produce nausea and vomiting
As soon as the stomach is fully relieved
the nausea usually disappears. Smaller
quantities of other drugs, like the tartar
emetic in squill, are perhaps more easily
.administered, but they are apt to be more
l-rt-oatrating and mora lasting iu unplcas
aut results. It is also important to pro
duce some external irritation gvt the
parts affected. With little children this
requires care. Mustard is too teasini:
and troublesome. Moisten the end of the
finger with turpentine, rub the throat and
lungs thoroughly with it. Then wring
;is dry as possible a flannel compress out
of hot water, sprinkle a little camphor
over the .surface and apply as warm a:s
can be borne, cover at once with dry flan
nel and renew at least every half hour.
If the skin becomes to red and sensative
the turpentine can be omitted after a
while. The temperature of the room
should be kept as high as from 85 to DO
degrees. In nine cfues out of ten these
remedies will relieve an attack of spas
modic croup in a few hours. At any
rate they can be used most beneficially
while waiting for a physician, who should,
be called at one in all severe cases. Acute
laryngitis is often mistaken for membran
ous croup. These remedies were learned
during a sharp attack of the former when
the life of a baby seventeen months old
seemed trembling for many hours in the
balance. The fumes from slacking lime
were also tried with marked benefit.
Whenever the baby slept a large pail con
taining a lump of unslacked lime wrs
placed near the edge of the cradle and
boiling water poured into it, A blanket
was held ovsr the crib in such a way that
the fumes were confined and the baby
compelled to inhale them. This was kej t
up from fifteen to twenty minutes at a
time, small pieces of fresh lime being
constantly thrown into the pail and water
ad .led as it was needed.
Another important thing to remember
is to keep the air in the sick room as
moist as possible. In this case the desii
ed effect was produced by keeping a
large body of water constantly boiling
over the llame of a small gasoline stove,
brought into the room for that purpose.
In milder attacks & shallow pan of boil
ing water on the heating stoye will
The election of a department cor. -
niauder for the G. A. R. will occur at the
annual meeting in Lincoln on February
29th, and The Herald notes with pleas
ure that there are no more prominent
names mentioned for that honorable po
s tion than that of Major J. B. Davis, of
Wahoo. Major Davis is an old citien
of Nebraska, was a yoluntter soldier,
having enlisted 1862 in the New York
infantry, and was a member of the cele
brated one hundred and twenty-second
New York; was elected Major, went
through fourteen battles, and was wound
ed in the battle of Gettysburg. This
regiment was attached to the old 'ixth
corps, which was considered oni of the
strongest in the army. The IIekiu
lias taken the above statement of fact
from the Wahoo Wusjk which espouses
Major Davis election very earnestly.
The Herald hopes the G. A. R. may
have the good fortune o si cure Major
J).ivis as commander for the eu
0tiing year.
Valentine at Warrick's. dCt
Warrick offers low prices oo Wall Pa
per. '
Bailed hay for sale at Ilolmes livery
barn. d!2t
Ah soon as negotiations can be com
peted with the Creeks, Seminoles and
Cherokee tribes, all of the territory of
Oklahoma will be opened for settlement
except the l(Jth and 3Gth section in each
township which will be reserved for
school purposes. Lands so thrown open
to settlement will be disposed of to
actual settlers only, in quantities not to
exceed ICO acres to each settler at the
price of $1.25 per acre. All persons set
tling on lands under the provisions of
thin act shall maintain a continual per
sonal resident of three years before ob
taining title.
Considerable is baing said about im
portant gold discoveries at Appleton
City, Mo. The fact is Missouri does not
need gold mines. She has, as iar as
nature goes, one of the finest states in
the Union, but so long as it contains such
a moss-backed, God-forsaken class of
people as they have down there it will
take a good many gold miues with lots
of funerals to eyer make anything out of
her bountiful resources. It is in just such
states as Missouri that modern democracy
is at home. It is in such soil, with such
surroundings, that democracy is said to
be indigineous it grows and flourishes.
But when democracy lias to rustle with a
live, energetic people, like they have up
in Dakota, and run against a Echoolhoase
at every cross-road, it is blighted and
withered like a frozen plant.
Begg's Blood Purifier and Blocd
No remedy in the world has gained
the popularity that this medicine has, as
i hold n family medicine. No one
should be without it. It has no calomel
or quinine in its composition, consequent
ly no bud effects can ariyp from it. We
kep a full supply at all times. O, P
Smith Co. Druggist. j23-iJmod&w
Beatrice bustled with accautrements
of war Wednesday evening, and present
ed quite a martial appearance when the
Commander-in-Chief of the SUte militia
Governor Thayer, with Col. Colby, Cap
tain Hill, Captain Palmer and other war
like chieftans put in an appearance ai
the opera hore to greet the crowd that
hail already assembled.
The Express says they had a great
time; that Company C, of Beatrice, is a
daisy and that ?he Governor did himself
In these militia receptions TnE IIkkald
calls to mind the unpleasant fact thatw
too were to have had a militia company,
but the Governor said the regiment was
full and shut us out. Nevertheless a
good many companies have been received
since we were debarred. Eyerything is
peaceable down here, towever, and vre
have lost no sleep or property because
the Governor gave us the colli shoulder
Bags' s Cherry Cough Syrup,
Is warranted for all that the label calls
for, so if it does not relieve your cough
you can call at our store and the money
will be refunded to you. It acts simul
tancoysly on all parts of the system,
therebv leaving no bad results. U. if.
Smith & Co.. Druetrisis. f?5-3md&w
llast thought, O friend, how many, long, sweet
We two have journed kindly on together,
O'er smootu.and stony ways, with smiles and tears,
'XeaUi cloud and sun, n every kind of weathers
Tlast thought one day our fellowship must cease?
Our kindred ways at last will go asunder?
And one be upward led to perfect peace,
And ope be left to weep and wait and wonder?
Hast thought one happy day what welcome sweet
Shall angels hear who guard the Heavenly
And how thenceforth our undivided feet
Shall walk the shining hills of Life Immortal?
"L. I. G." in Demoresfs Monthly.
Story or Manrood, the English Hangman.
A Disgusting Performance.
The two men who loomed before the gen
eral public as executioners par excellence
were Marwood, the English hangman, and
Isaacs, who from time to time has experi
mented i:i the Tombs. I have Marwood's
own word for it that at the last moment,
after the cap is pulled over the face, under
pretence of arranging the nooso more care
fully, the presses with his thumb quickly and
with great force just below the Adam's apple
with the intent successful, as he claims, of
depriving the condemned of consciousness.
Whether this is a desirable feaUu e or not, I
leave to hangmen. The ordinary mind re
volts from any personal aid to glory, prefer
ring to leave all literal lulling to the appli
ances of a physical nature provided for that
ilarwood was a voluptuary in his calling,
and in moments of i.ithrieQr found greatest
pleasure in toying with the- necks and throats
of his companions. On one occasion when an
actor, well known and highly esteemed in
this city, was on a grand tour through the
English provinces, pa going to his dressing
room he found a party of coaviviajists, who
had called to pay him their respects. There
was the sheriff, quite a dignitary abroad,
other officials and JIar wood, the hangman.
Clad in the classic garb of Ilamlet, Prince
of Daii'.'s, tho actor was ft picture of manly
beauty, and Marwood, who had been drink
ing freely, placing his hands upon tho actor's
bust, said, ''What a superb neck you have.
How I would like to put tho rojxs about your
throat." Conversation turned uK)u tho pleas
ant performance of this cheery companion,
und ho gavo practical illustration of his
t hroat pushing custom, very much to the an
noyance pf the actor,
lu tho party was an American, Upon him
Marwood attempted to experiment, but be
coming somewhat rough in his treatment the
American, who could stand it no longer aad
w ho was intensely disgusted by the entire
procedure, drew ofT and with appropriate ex
clamation struck tho little nuisance squarely
jn the jaw, knocking him with groat force
against a full length mirror, which was shat
tered into fragments. That that ended tho
call may be well imagined. Joe Howard in
Sew York Graphic. -
HERALD, Pla'1ai:j -
a dup.hau or blackmail.
London Vampires Who Make a Living
Oat of American lJulne i:uterpries.
It has recently come to the knowledge of
American capitalists and promoters that
there is a systematic and carefully planned
bureau of blackmail in existence in London,
tho workings of which are concealed from
the public, but which have proven a thorn
in tho sido of numerous American enter
prises, no far as known, tuo ueau or tuo
bureau is a man who moves in fair business
and social circles in London and has influ
ence in two or three newspaper offices, in
cluding a "financial'' paper. Ho has a num
ber of eorresiondeuts on this sido of tho
water, where he formerly lived for a num
ber of years. They keep him informed as to
Americans who go abroad to raise money for
tho promotion of enterprises of various kinds.
The minutest details of these enterprises are
ascertained by theso correspondents, in order
to find any possible flaws.
On the arrival of an American m London,
to present to the bankers there any scheme
of financial cooperation, ho is called upon by
the head of the bureau, who delicately
proffers his services. If these are accepted
and terms agreed upon sufficiently exorbi
tant, all goes well. If not the unfortunate
American finds his project assailed in a part
of the press and attacked in circles where tho
blackmailers move. Often ho turns about
and comes home disgusted, realizing how
hopeless it is to fight away from home. If he
shows battlo he may expect to bo bled by
lawyers. If ho buys peace, as he can, an
army of smaller blackmailers spring up to
stick him. His best Kursc is to ignore them
all, of course. But few men havo tho courage
to do that.
A shrewd American promoter who told of
theso things from experience, added this ad
vice: "Tho best way to bo rid of the vam
pires is to keep yourself and your project a
secret. If you go to Loudon to raise money,
go to on obscure hotel and take lodgings.
Keep away from clubs and exchanges. Deal
only with the bankers. Give them tho fullest
opportunity of investigation. When you get
your money como away as secretly as you
went. Why, I got fjOo.OOO in London once,
and had a bogus suit brought to enjoin mo
from carrying it out of tlio country until I
should have settled a commission bill I had
never dreamed of contracting. 'S-r New York
Pompous Funeral Displays.
For twenty years or more there has been a
loud protest jn New York, from tho press
and from tho pulpit, against extravagance at
funerals, but it does not seem to have dono a
tit of good. The extravagance is as great
r'oday as it ever was, and it sometimes seems
liven greater. The long lines of carriages
lollow jug hearses fcq tho cemeteries are not
shortened, aud the heaps of costly flowers,
i.istead of diminishing, seem to grow larger.
r; is not uncommon to see a couple of car
riages crammed with floral offerings rdono
in a funeral procession, while the hcarso also
carries a fair share. The custom of sending
expensive tributes of flowers to lie upon cof
fins or be banked around tho room is almost
a mania. It has been preached against, writ
ten against, condemned in a hundred ways,
but it still goes on. Evon the request ia tho
published death notices, "Please omit flow
ers," is wholly disregarded. Tho flowers are
piled in up to the lost moment, aud then
there is o small mountain of them to be
taken to tho cemetery, where they rot in a
few days and have to be raked away as rub
bish. All efforts to abate the flower nuisance
(for that's what it really is) have thus far
wholly failed, and the outlay to keep it go
ing is as reckless and lavish as ever.
Tho carriage abuse also holds its own, and
not only that, but very often the occupants
of many of the carriages fill themselves with
whisky from flasks or bottles on the way to
the cemeteries or when returning, and get
up scenes of the most scandalous kind. In
some cases; in fact, a funeral is simply a ca
rousal, with all. that (.he word implies. Per
sons are sometimes seen standing by an open
grave so drunk that the3' are in danger of
tumbling in. Many of the f unerals that take
place in New York are no credit to religion,
or civilization at any rate. New York Cor.
Detroit Free Press.
The Period of Retarded Growth.
It will be noticed tna? whereas the fgo of
most retarded growth for the boy is about
13, and the age of most rapid growth (after
tho first two or three years) is about 10, the
corresponding ages for girls seem to be
about 12 and 13 respectively. The period of
retarded growth seems to last longer with
boys than with girls. A more important
portion of the total growth seems, on the
average, to be gahed by boys between tho
ages of 13 and 1C than by the girls bet ween
tho ages of 13 and 15 (their time usually of
most rapid growth). But, on the contrary,
during the time from birth to the age of 1 7,
boys, as a rule, acquire a smallt-r portion of
their full growth than girl;? dq between birth
and the ago of 15. In tho great majority of
cases girls add very little to their height
after 15, though of course thero are man' ex
ceptions. Boj's, on tho other hand, usually
add two or throe inches to their height after
10. It is noteworthy that when girls grow
after 15 such growth is nearly always accom
panied by certain irregularities, which ap
pear to indionte some, t-loiilar gelation in tho
case of such abnormal' ot:" irregular growth
a. undoubtedly exists in tho case of the rapid
growth always observed at alout UiQ tiniQ pi
puberty. Richard A. Proctor.
Karn and Pence Advertlfiuj;.
When barns were first pitched upon as sign
bearers tho advertising contractors had no
difficulty in obtaining the priYilega in return
for painting tho roof. Paint is a standard
preservation of shingles, and tho thrifty Jor
:vy or Pennsylvania farmer jumped at the
chance of getting his roofs painted for noth
ing. Then cpmi?tition stepped in. Some
body else wanted to be advertised in such
conspicuous places, and was willing to paint
the entire bam and farm noise as well for
the privilege. In this way tho price has
ri:;cn until some thrifty farmers have ln-oa
able to get long term contracts at ."0 per
year for the use of their barns or fences,
which are to be kept in good condition by tho
advertising company. Farms with good
barns near tho railways or great highways
liave thus enhanced in selling value, and tho
owner chuckles to himself as he jingles hid
stipend. New York Graphic.
A Kailway for the Swamps.
A railway, consisting of a chain formed of
a series of flat plates, 17 inches long and 13
inches wide, made of hard wood, riveted be
tween two steel plates, is the latest solution
of the problem of an endless railway, that is,
a road which is as much a )art of the vehicle
as the wheels are. As tho wheel revolves it
moves along the bottom plate of the chain
and brings the next plate jiito positisu with
out undue strain or friction. It has been
used to good purposo ia South America, and
i3 now being used in the swampy land in i
Germany, where large beet root plantations
are. New York Sun.
There is a mountain of coal in Wfld Horse
valley, Wy. T., which has bean burning for
thirty years. It sends up dense volumes of
emoke, I
f hull m tm m i . nfwn-.atw 4 of : Uctcclivo.
"Ibw do men become detectives, any way f
What training aud natural traits must a man
'That is a hard question to answer off
hand," said Inspector Byrin-'i slowly. "Tho
most linixjrtant thing, I should say, is that
ir.en Lao a distinct liking an undoubted
passion for this line of duty. That is es
scnt ial.
"Yes, sir, a man must liko tho business,
and know that ho likes it; that ho has a nat
ural aptitude for it. That is tho indispensa
ble prerequisite. Then ho must have perse
verance, j-outh, intelligence, enthusiasm for
his work. Ho must his thoroughly zealous,
and especially he must lo tenaciou::. A good
officer will lay his plans and go over a case,
and perhaps then fail ; then Le goes back and
bug i i:; all over again, doing his work iu tho
second line as carefully as at first; erhaps
ho will fail ngai'.i, perhaps half a dozen
times, but ho has tho bull dog in him and is
up and at it again. That's the kind of man
that succeeds in this business; the man who
does something hard docs it by patience, per
sistence and tenacity." New York Cor.
Cleveland Leader.
Development of Intal Science.
"Say, if you want something pleasant to
think of when you're in a dentist's chair, mid
ho is fishing down into tho root of ono of
your teeth for the end of a nerve, think of
this, that it ii only a few years sinc3 the only
dentists were tho regular physicians, ami all
they knew about dentistry was to throw a
hideous kind of steel grappling hook around
a tooth and then haul awuy until something
carno. Now a dentist has to bo a thorough
chemist, a practical metallurgist, a good
physician, an anatomist, a surgeon, a vul
canized rubber worker, to some extent an
electrician, and havo some feeling for the
sufferings of tho people who come under his
care. That's the way dental scienco has de
veloped in a quarter of a tentury." New
York Commercial Advertiser.
A New Keraedy with Wondeiful Healin g Towers.
For both internal ;nd external Ua?,
Alo Colic, Croup, Headache, Lame Back, VVcvjp.ds,
and all di:-Ufing aiimtuts of tlm hwiuiiu body.
R A I L-P O A D I Is the Ces? n Earth er !Jrc nrbit s,
COUGH CURE j.CfMighs.Throai.-iiid i-Miij Troubles
a ro::?i73 :o:"rrr:oit eras ii it: cajca.
These Mccicmns are Warranted ty r(i!r Druggist.
Price 2"c, .'-'ic. sir.u SI ifr buttle, l-'ur SI wt- will
semi largest i.'.u ol'ciliit-r 'ure, trc:;ii. -i.!ri.a3
Kail-Koad Kennedy Co., Box 372. Ur.coln. Neb.
Trade supplied by Iticharrlson Drug Co.,
Omaha. X bi atka.
Constable's Galo.
l'.y virtue of ii vp ccocut oris issued hy Calvin
Ktis.4r.ll, ct.ur.ty jiil-.-e, within and tO' c.:ss
county. Nehr.-s.-ka, ad to um iirt'Ptd, 1 will
oi the leili tiy.y 'f February. A. I). :tt. 10
n'l loci; a. in., os said d:iy ;r tlie s. re l"" i!i
formerly i:ceuiie d bv Jofni S. like, on V.ttiu
wtM'Ct: iu 1 hitt-mitv.ith. Can enmity, "'cbr.i-ka.
fell t public :iiietitn, 1 lie following goods and
cliaiilcs to-wit :
All the rt'-ek :f lr.irdware ai.d f-helfnave.
consist iut; of 11 stoves, stovepipe, chains, nails,
t-rreeiis and butts, tin buckets, kniv;-! and
fork,sT!iir wire, plow handles, galvanized iron,
small lube, iron bolts, well wl'i.rl, pocket,
knives and cutlery, etc. : beii'.jr all the stock of
raid John S. 1 tike now re- ainiti tins dd ynd
in said store room. Tlie sanie lid;g levied up
on and take ? s the property ft John S. IHtkc.
defendant; to satisfy live judgmiiN of wiid
court recovered b I pvitJoUiiui--. W. if.Heliihl
kneeht. Noi tl.iieltl b nifo ' o Le- nold liro &
Co . C. Sidney hMu-p.iierd fc Co., plaintills,
against said defendant,
riattfinoutn, b.., A. 0. IS'-A.
M. McKt waj.v, .-'r stable,
if 11 , Ci Coim'Vi .Nebraska.
L)r. Mack's Rheumatic Cure has
cured more cases of Rheumatism in the
last ten years in this city and county than
any and all other medicines put together.
For Smith & Black.
Use Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure and
throw away your cane and crutches.
For sale by Smith & Black.
hmfHTiS iBLTH !
Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and llmin Treatment
:i guarantee specific for Hysteria
Convulsions. Fi'.o. Xeyvous IWtrahutt, Jb-ad-ache.
Nerveouf l'ro;tr:it:nn caused by the use
of alcohol or tobacco, v akefiilness. Mental 1 e
pretslon. Softening of the I 'rain refill) ing in isi
sar.ity aini leadirt; t misery, decay and 'ieath,
Tcjriat lire old Age. Kari'CLiiess, Loss of I.w
er in either s x. Involuntary Losses and Sper
niat rrlitea caused by ov r-exertion of the
brain, selfabus-? or over-inonlgence Kaeh box
contains one mouth's treatment, $100 a box
orsix boxes for .fo.OO, st!U by uiai lU'fp&idoi'
receipt of rule.'! " ' ' '
To cure any case. With each order (eceived
by us for six boxes, r.fleojiiiiaa et willi SP"
we will send the- p.;iuii;."scr cut wil'V., guaran
tee to return the uiouov " t, ,,ra.llt ,lllPH
v ... . Vv'anick sole agent, l'lattsinoi.tli. .S'eb.
SSOO Reward,
We will pay the above reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costivencss we cannot euro with
West's Vegetable Liver pills, when the
directions arc strictly complied with.
Tlicy are purely vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
containing o0 sugar coated pills, 2oc.
For sab by all druggists. Beware of
counterfeits and imitation?. The genu
ine manufactured only by John O. Well
& Co., sS-2 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its
Sold byW. . J Warrick.
-r-Usii lr. Black's Rheumatic Cure if
it don't do you tiny good come in and
we, will give you your money back. For
sale by Smith fc Black.
The standard remedy for liver com
plaint is West's Liver Pill; they never
disappoint you. 30 pills 25c. At War
rick's drug store.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Fler de Pepperbergo and Euds
alwavs in stock.' Nov. 28. 18S!3.
-i.rV"- J-jTf E ATM E HT
-I must make
OGk of
Coming and therefore will reduce all leather goods 20 per
cent, below regular juices lor eash only.
All Goods Marliod ia Plain figures.
Ladies' French Kid $5 00 20 per cent, discount $4 Q0
Ladies' French Kid . . 4 50 " " 350
Ladies' Jiriht Dongola 4 00 " " " a
Ladies' J Jri-ht Don-o!a .. . f! 00 " " " 2 40
Lames' Kid 2 25 " " " 1 0
Dadies' Feb. Goat 2 50 " 2 00
Ladies' Feb. Goat 2 25 " 1 $0
Men's Furt Shoes 8 ()( " " C 40
Men's. Shoes ..'..'.... 4 50 " " " 3 60
Men's Shoes ... 3 75 " " " 3 00
Men's Shoes 2 50 " " " 2 00
Childrens "Little Giant School Shoes," the best in the market, same
reduction. ion' is your chance to lay in a cheap supply.
)U3IOn lflil MRIUVILl,
Oliver & Etamgo, Proprietors.
Wo keep constantly on h;:ud he linest and freshest line of meats
in the city. Meats el all kinds in their season.
And everything to suit the demand our trade. Give us a trial,
South Side Main Street,
1 Gct"f
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Poultry,
Z invito all to givo me a trial.
Sugar Cured Meats. JUrns, Bacon, Law, etc., etc. Fresli Oysters in Can and BnTt
at lowest liying prices. Do not fail to cive me your patronage.
... vXN
Lowest 2?rieas in th. City. Call and.
"bo Convinosd.
Sugar Cured IVIeals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c &c
ot our own make. The le-8t brands of OYSTERS, in can .) i n
wiinr psiTr tiptih tans aacl bulk, at
room lor inv
Spring Goods
Between Fifth and Sixth.
e Herald.