The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 09, 1888, Image 1

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NUeriil. - - -
buiveyor. -Attoriii-y.
Kuiit. of I'nli. Schools,
County Ju'lici'.
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Jrvevy I i-5-l.-y t-vniiiiij of mi-Ii un k. All
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C. WSU.-tts, Cli-ik.
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Xj"W office.
" t.ioiimI :iiU-:itlois :: all ilL.-iii -s Kuli-usf-to
my euro.
riT.u:v it f2--j's:.
Tltlo- i"!:.!i'"l. - !.(: H-t -i):ii;.-i:e.i, In
Dotter l';;tl!i!is f.r liiuUir. I'ann Loans llian
llLpvee;it tlio iVl!ving time
trieil :ml lire-tested"
AtiK'ricaii Ceatr.ii-S . Louis, Assets $1,258,100
Commercial l'u ion-KtmlairJ.
Kire Asorla' w:i-F.'ilH(leliliia.
Frank! in-I'll ilailt-lp'.iia,
Home-Xfv York.
Ir-M. C. of Vrt'.i Amort. Vliil. '
Livorpool.'t Loml hi & ;',nt-K-i
Noitii Iiit- & MorrariMJe-Lu
;or icli ti;t.n-ivn-;:iiil.
J, t l.".5TG
8.471 3iV2
Total A sen. $42.115,774
0ZS53 Ail tffc Hit! Palil at tlliSAESllD
Library - Lanrps!
Uiifliia BciSians aaa PatlBrjis i
Cheap Prices!
II f P-J.p Vnn
Latest by Telegraph.
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska: IJht snow, light to
fresh northerly winds, shifting to easter
ly, stationary, followed by ri.sinij tem
perature. Reached the X-Roads., (). , Feb. 8. It is reported
that I). K. Lock (Petroleum V. Nasby)
will not live more than twenty-four
hours. His disease is consumption.
To Advertise Beatrice.
Bkatkick, Neb. Feb. 8. At a meeting
of tho board of trade tonight the follow
ing committeo was appointed to take
c harge of advertising the city in the cast:
S. (J. Smith, E. (). Kcrthiuger, A. I..
(Jretn, II. L. Ewing, and S. Orable.
These men are all prominent citizens and
represent large interests. Nearly ten
thousand dollars has been subscribed to
the advertising fund and the work will
be lushed at once.
Miss Royce's Feet Amputated.
I'i.aixview, Neb., Feb. 9. The opera
tion on Mis Lou M. Koyce wan success
fully performed yesterday by Dr. Bear.of
Norfolk, assisted by a number of other
physicians. It was found necessary on
consulation among the physicians after
mtiking an examination, to amputate
both feet above the ankle. The left arm
and hand, though badly crippled, will
probably be saved. The patient is rest
ing easy and the doctors think she will
recover rapidly.
A New Iowa Rsglstration Law.
Dick JIoinics, la., Feb. 9. The regis
tration bill, which as amended passed
the senate yesterday, and has now passed
both houses, applies to every Iowa city
of 2."5iiO or more population. It requires
every voter to register once i four years,
taking the year of a presidential election
lor all other election.?, and permits t lie
Registrars to make up their list from the
list of those who voted the year before,
registering only new voters. The law as
amended, doing away with the frequency
of registration, is received with much
favor, and will apply to about thirty
cities of the first and second class.
Louisiana tato RopuDllcan Ticket
New Orleans, La., Feb, In conse
quence of the withdrawal of several of
the candidates from the ticket nominated
by the recent republican convention in
this state, the stuto committoc wf the
party last evening filled the vacancies.
The ticket now stands as follows: II.
C. Warmotb, for governor, as originally
nominated; Andrew Hero, jr., for lieu
tenant governor, in place of II. C. Miner,
declined, B. F. Flanders, for treasurer, in
place of Hero, promoted, Robert Ray, of
Ouachita, for attorney general, in place
of W. G- Wyley, declined;" John II. Fat
ty, colored, for secretary of state, as
originally nominated; Jos. A.Breaux, tl:e
candidate for superintendent of educa
tion of the democratic ticket, was in
dorsed aud accepted aa the republican
nominee for the sanje office in plr.tu of
Flanders, declined. The ticket is by no
means as strong a first created, several
of its b'st men having declined.
A Rati Sweeper.
WAEAsxr, Ind., Feb. 9 Curtis McCoy,
of McCoy's Station. Ind., has invented
an appliance for sweeping from tho rail
the sand used by locomotive ia ascend
ing a grade with trains, and is about to
snr-nre its adontinn bv tlift Cinrinnslti
Wabash and M,chi.ran Railroad. The
davice is very simple, uousisung of xteel
wire brooms huag immediately in the
rear of the back drivers and operated by
a lever in a cab. It is well know to rail
road men that the crushed sand on the
rail after the engine has passed over it
increases the inaction of tlie rain, au! it is
to overcome this that the rail sweep Is
employed. Airangements have been
made for a test of the invention on the
C, W. and M. road Thursday afternoon,
and invitations have been issued to a
l&i go number of railway officials through
out the stats to be prtsent anc witness
the same. A coach will be attached to a
heavy freight traiy, the locomotive being
attached to all the cars it can make over
the hil the sweep not being used. Aftei
ward the name irahj. wuu tha addition
of several cars, will be run up the grade
to demonstrate the effect the swtep will
have in increasing the power of the loco
motive. Among those who are expected
to bs present is Grand Chief Arthur,
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers. The result of the tes is awaited
with much interest by railway ra:p in
this vicinity. Mr. McCo wa3 fornirrly
in the service, of 'the Cincinnati, Indian
apolis, St. Louis and Chicago road.
National Capital Notes.
AsiiiXGToN, Feb. 8. liio commis
sioner of agriculture has not received the
resignation of l'rof. Dodge, and many
persons are appealing to the commission
er to retain him.
Mr. Belmont, chairman of the house
committee on foreign affairs, said today
he understood the draft of the proposed
treaty had been transmitted to the Chinese
minister containing such modifications
of existing treaties as would b:ing about
the complete exclusion of that das3 of
emigrants to which tho people of the
western coast object. He believed 'hat
within a month the country would have
a treaty which would effectually dispose
of a question. Mr. Belmont added that
no clause permitting the extradition of a
citizen of :he United Statts for any polit
ical offenses was included in the British
extradition treaty sent to the senate.
It is reported that the senate in secret
session this afternoon postponed further
consideration of the British extradition
treaty until next December.
The Queen's Speech
London, Feb. 9. The queen's speech
was read at the ministerial banquet
last evening. After congratu'ating the
country upon its pacific foreign relations,
she announces that it is the intention of
the government to introduce a b:ll de
claring squares and thoroughfares un
suitable for public gatherings; a bill of
broad scope dealing with the Irish valua
tion and English local valuation bill.
The speech expresses satisfaction at the
diminution of crime and tne improved
social condition in Ireland. Other meas
ures were announced.
The speech does not refer to the1 Euro
pean crisis. The reference to foreign re
lations is devoted chiefly to the Afghan
boundry settlement and the sugar boun
ties conference.
Aa Original liraceli l.
A lieautiful bracelet vhieh I siw the otlic
flay was a good illustration of what original
ity can do in tho way of jewelry. Tho trin
ket was composed of soiuo fourteen seins.
varying in sie, color and luster, set in solid
gold links. There were no two stones alike,
and but one or two of tho whole n timber had
names which aro at all familiar to joweleiv
customers. AH tho stones euti'e from the
cabinet of the gentlemen under whoso direc
tion they w?r? cue mid mounted, and a num
ber of them were of American origin. All
were singularly beautiful and gemmable, to
coin a word. Georga T. Kiiun in Harper's.
School Hours lor Children.
Oil rainy days, instead of tho usual bouv's
intermission nfc noon, considerably less than
an Lour id taken for recess, aud with this ex
ception tho children kept continuously ai
work from shortly cftcr 0 oe!.-k till 2. This
is known in school phraseoiogj as "short
session;"' tho last two hours thereof, any
teacher will bear nio out in saying, aro worse
than useless. Children and teacher alike arc
weary and irritable. They act and react
ujon one another. It is more? than doubtful
whether anything is effectually taught or
effectually learned. Surely when school
hours are so long educational work might Le
completed in them. After giving four or live
hours to mental work in school, children
should not be required to study two or tlireo
hours longer out of school. Home work often
takc3 up the hour of sunlight which remains
after school on a winter's day, and chil-lrci,
who need sunshine as much as do daisies, live
in semi-darkness till their checks are blanched
like celery stalks. In half the time now
spent in lessons children would a-jqui.-o as
much or more. Books would not be regarded
with tho dit-tusta which follows, wearinesi.
Tho learners would coma to st ud y with minds
refreshed, and lueo keen and attentive.
E. M. Hardingo ia Tho Epoch.
Thrift in "I.iltlo I!:ilv."
Perhaps the very best tiling to bo noted
of the Italians because, for one thing, it
is susceptible of proof, and for another, it
is 6Q antagonistic to all vice is thcii
thrift. Of that there can be no question.
There are about fifty prominent padrojd
in New York, nono of them worth loss
than $10,000, and one worth nearly
$200,000. It, .hu nature cf things ihe
padrone is a self nia-lo tijjm it is not ex
actly an occupation for gentlemen and
his charges, his "children"' over here,
certainly follow his example in money
getting. Around Mulberry Bend, Baxter
Bend and Five Points, names synony
mous in the public mind with abject
poverty and squalor, there are aKmr six
teen Italian boukin niwJ, money lnaking
establihnienTs,' generally small places, of
course, but thriving, Viola Roseboro in
The Cosmopolitan.
Tons of Spanish Cold.
Eight thousand CvohuiuLveJ .Sijanih doub
loons were received at the assay oilieo 'to bo
melted into bullion. All 'of these coins, w hich
Gro worth $ir.H each, and valued in the
aggregate at about i:147,000, bore dates pre
vious to 1NX. and some were marked with
dates as remote as the Sixteenth centi.
They are supposed to !? ihi results ot tr..'s:
ore hum iug'cxpcditf-iis organized to look for
SpanUh ships which were scuttled and sunk
IT Spaniards themselves during the Napo
leonic wars to prevent tho treasure falliug
into the hands of tho French or of the pirates,
who then infested the Caribbean sea. No in
formation could be obtained ar. to the owner:;
of the doubloons, which were received frn.
tho West Indies. Detrcjt 1'tc-j 1
Lithographers will be pleased to know
that lithographic stone is found in Dallas,
Tex., fully eqeid to the stone imported froju
Varie.l Cliurai-lor of Hie Letters lie Ke--ei
vis -A II Sorts of Itequcsts from All
SortH of I'eujtlc Imitation l. Iteis h
tin Doen.
A safe yawns in ono (Dim r of llie i no':i.
l'roiii uikIi nie-ilh tin c-!'sed lid "f Mr. !
pew's disk jieep a row of iic-wspaiM't-;. Si tine
O'lo has been in Is;:, 100:11 before him, and his
mail has bee:i plaei-.l at hand for his in pi e-
t:o:i. And it i-. : onicl hitig of a mail. loi. Ko 1
you would think il" nu had t j open it. Tho 1
cxi'lest t hing about these h ttei-s is their vari' d !
char.'M-ter. Half or nioro refer to tho busi- I
lie-is of tho great corporal ii. 11 which Mr. 1
Dejiow iiiaiiagiv;. Tho other half refer to hi; I
still more wivlely l.iiowu relations to tho
soci.-il world.
Here is a letter that would havo made tho
president's groat j ivdeecssor, Commodoro
Var.derbilt, turn black with rage. It only
provokes a Miiile on 31 r. llcpow's i-oimte-iia::co.
It is from a college boy who has been
appointed by Lis (:' ii-?
fi nd a eeri'.ii.i pi !... ..,',. ..1 j. ..... i f. .
The (most ion is: "Kcsolved, that free trad;
is more advantageous to tho country than
protection." The unhappy writer is expected
to uphold the Cobde:i theory, anil, realizing
tho magnitude of the task anl the iinjtort.iiiee
of tho question, he icLs.'ir. Popeu's views
brielly on the subject.
A courteous reply is immediately dictated,
thanking 1 he youth for tho honor of the re quest,
and e::pres.-,ing regret that I.usin.-;.;
cares prevent his giving thu matU-r that de
liberation tho importance of tho subji ct do
mauu.i. ALL SOHT.s OF WANTS.
Another and part ialh' similar requst c.o:;ies
from a yoiutg mn in (Jiiio. who is called
uji-m tn r.iaks a speech at a Sunday school
convention. Would Mr. Depew pkaso send
him a few suitable suggestions for the occa
sion.' Or, if that would be too much trouble,
a copy of his own speeches would Ikj greatly
Th'j third letter of that sort within three
months. comments the president as ho
crumples tho paper in his hand and drop.; it
iito the wasto basket.
"Astonishing h-.w many people there are
who want money. And they always wai.t
as, too," he remarks, as he lavs dov. ".1
;-n ope.-i lett'-r k a woman's handwriting. "I
Lave ::o doubt f this woman's need and her
sin..e:i;y, Kcadit."
Hon. ('haunccy M. Depe'.v:
I am forced to appi al to your generosity,
though 1 should much rather not do so. l"i o
years ago my husband died, leaving mo with
s'x children and r.iy little home. I was
obliged to mortgage tho property for 2,M.
Last summer I was sie'k and could imt pay
tho interest. Yi'ill 5 011 please mo tho
dione-. Tho place will be foreclosed on tho j
lir.-t of tho mouth, and I don't know what wo I
shall do. I'ieaseUoii t disreg.-ui the
01 a wiuowou mm despairing moiher.
"You notice,"' ob-erves tieej-resideut, "that
there is not 0:10 word in this about my loan
ing tho money. Shu evidently expvets it a i
u gift.'
Will you answer its''
What good would that do.' Sko would
only write again. I very seldom answer
be'gging l-tten. Courtesy in such cases gen
erally makes matters worse."
There are other letters of a similar natr-r.
iisking for sums varying from .oiXJ to i.'j.DOC.
hey are icxid anel buried without ceremony
:i tee wasto bnskof.
ZCow wo e-o:no to a different; kmd of lettors.
These; ask favors, but not pecuniary ones, un
less a busy man's time is rega rdeel LteraUv in
that light. They arc icvitations to
where a speech is expected in addition to lu-i
eeunpany. There are-, an even half ilown of
1he.--e, lLi'ee. of them for the samo evening,
f hey are pleasantly answered and i-olitely
declineel, with regret.
Hera is a letter froia a com; nit tee in a
thriving southern city, Toy aro about t-
opo:i with irapaes-i r o e-reniouie-s a new
chamber pf onniere'o, an-1 want Mr. Depew
to deliver tho -e:ation of the day. lie is
urged in fervent terms not to disregard this
"Of course, I cannot go," ho observed. i:It
is emt of tho question. If I accepted ail fee
invitations I received I would have to be i.i
half a dozen different towns on tho t.;u:io
night frequently."
Tho stenographer takes ;iuvii u witty reply
regretting thnt other duties prevent Lis ae
e;i stance.
"Now, next week,'" lie continues, "I shr.ii
receive half a ilozen letters fr-e:n geytlem- :i
in that town whom I know. They wid i.rg.
me to come, and will tell n'- that the- occa
sion is of each importanee that. th. ordinary
reasons wluel pi i';:'.;.til my jefusal do not
apply uit'i:i tho least. Tins sort of a re
fusal has to be rvp2a,ed two cr tlnee- timoj
on tho average.'
Letters Trom clergymen njliing fer ra"Se-,
from friends asking for places, from parents
begging the reinstatement of eli-ums.-;c i s -nu,
from political managers laakin? r"g-..-;ti-.:i :
for ;peccl:cs, and f'-o-v v.: ti-ai trifles
ing strict'.1. r -s ;egaedhV; spjfehts that Ljve
aUe.t'iy be.;a utad., comprLse a part only f t
tho i
in.r letters.
ltather a hard task to wade through thera
all: It would be under any eircumstanc -s,
but it is rendered doubly dli"icu!t t Pre.-i-dent
Depew. There is hardly a lettr rb, ;, .
buaillo which ia not read wl.iV ri t.-o ' isiicr
U talking to him Ti'- v-'cul l-oj.llcs aro cot
BU"i't'2 i'lUigK-il wii.!i his written one
the stenographer is oien nail 1:1 de-span as
to whether a sentence is iv.tendc 1 for the eer-re.-pendent
in San Franci-x-t cr the r eir.'u l
magnate from Chicago who i.a .ente't bv tho
presieleiifs side r-
iiiiii Nor. hrop i:i
York Mai' u.l Express.
Thltk and Thin Soles.
The feet can be kept warmer ia cold
weather by wearing a shoe whh a light sole
than a thick one. With the former tiie foot
lies a chance to work, thereby keepi eg .jr. a
c::calalio:i. This, of course, iipj lks oh;-,
when the weati:er 5 JLy; but vh;ij it is v't
end nibb.Tu, it 'is best to wear
a f-mgTc soled shoe inside. In the summer
the thick .sole should Lo worn, fr it keeps
the heat from striking through to the foot.
This is all so contrary to the preoomi-iveM
opinions of the pub-lie that t ' .s deoiblful
whctiier it v. ii; receive much creilcne-;, but it
ii the; ivt fx thj siamei "-.
Tliu Sh'jligl't Store.
.lust after our inventory, we reduce
jirices to sell the goods rutin r than to
curry over. Wo are willing to sell our
entire Winter Goods ul cost. Staples wo
have a large quantity and offer them
very low. Calicos : to 5 cents per yard,
making tl.c best .standard of tliciu at "o
yards for ifd.OM. Gingham best dies
styles 10 cents per yard. DriM gioiU
all kinds tit the very lowest prices, from
" cents per yard upward. Woolen hose
we offer at cost, extra Inc. Ladies cash
mere liose, worth fcl.OO, now 7."i cents,
line heavy wool 10 cents, now '.'"i; child
ren's line ribbed worth 50, now Un
der wine must go at low prices. as Wc
will not. keep tliein over.
Our Gents Silver Grey M-iriiio Sliirls
and drawers, former prices .0 now :.".
Our Gent Silver .;r. y matino shirts
:' (Ana quality To now "0.
Our Scarlet all wool tlnrts and draw
ers tino quality $1.00 now To c nl.
Our scarlet all -wool shirts and draw
ers, fine quality l.a. now 1.00.
Our scarlet all-wool
crs. line quality I.7.1
O'lr scarlet all-woo
crs, line quality 00
Our ','." pi-r cent, luscottnt 011 cloaks, is
still good. Wc are determined to close
out our entire stock and never before
has such an opportunity been offered to
economical buyers to purchase the best
qualities for so little monev.
Joseph V.
r- II . ice
.It.1. r--'-;-;-r!
f i - r. -
Parlors, Icdrooi.s9 Oining-rooms.
KitdicsitS, Hallways, Offices,
IB !2T 35
Where a
H)i-nific-eiil stock of Goods and Fair
rricojs abound.
1 i
The lew Photoaranh Gallerv
V.Tiil be ojh-h .luuu.-iry Jiltli, at tlie
OldO Sl';r) OF F.lT.GiU'iTlL'TH
All -A-e.rk warrtintcd first-cla.s..
- .iiXi zsrus os
Pure Fruit Preserve?;. 1Rp. iv.
j x
"Thompson's Relish," Something Newand Nice
X 23. Bennett
el ra w -
dn w-
edroom Sets,
shirts and
now 1, .'..
shirts and
now l.-lo.
i i