Till' DAILY HERALD, 1LA1TSMUU Til, : r,HKAgK AMOM)A IT.liUUARY C, 18S3. At A- T1IK VEIL OF MODESTY. DR. TALMAGE'S FIFTH SERMON TO THE WOMEN CF AMERICA. i'lio ;rr:it l'r-n-li-r f-'iijH Tleit u Man's lmi-:t-tT I l)-lir!iliii-.l ly IUh A -i,i-riali(ui of W oman i ilit l--t lull ti fix t'H An liver tint Must SlU-nt. 1!i:ooi.i-:yn, Feb. .". The annual jiew letting in Drooklyii tain-mat I.; lias just taken place, and the rental exceeds all previous years. I'm- lh' be.- t pews live, !:;, ht-ven an. I eight hundred dollars were paid. Ihit par!.: of the house :iro l:ept free, yxt I hat n one can truthfully Kiy that lie cannot attend church here for Jar!: of means. If this immense structure were twice sis la:;:'- it would not contain all who (let-ire to wor hip here. I'.ythe time the Kervici' liegins the directs art! blocked with peopl.- giiin awav. The K. v. T. lie Witt Talniage, I). I)., the J :1 stor, preached this morning tho Jilth ia lh ".'-'.lies ,f Seil.:o:is to the Ai)i.r"u of America, with Imjiortant Hints to Men." His subject was ''Tho Veil of lode;ty," :ind his text: Esther i, V2: ''The tjuccii Va-shti refused to come. ", If voij wiil accept my arm I will escort you into a throne room. In this lifth sermon of the series of .sermons there are certain womanly excellencies which I wili to commend, 1,::! instead of putting til 'in hi dry ahsi raclio;i. 1 present you their impt rso?ation in ore who seldom, if ever, p'is .stniioiiii; recognition. Yv'e stand ami. I the palacesof Shuslian. The pinnacles are aflame with the morn ing Hidst. Tin' ciiliii'is ih-e fesfoo.'ied and wreathed, the weah!i of emtiires llashinii from the grooves; 1 1 1 - c .nr;gs adorned willi i:n:';e.; of bird ami beast, and scenes of prowe.-s ;:od coo. ,ne-,( , The walls are liimg with shields, and emblazoned until it seems thai the hole round of splen dors is i'xhau:-t"i!. 1 1; u . J i areli is a mighty leap of aivhileel Ural achievement, (joldell stars, f.l)i:iiia;-tl wn - l v ',vingarulos(uo. Hangings of embroidered work in which mingle the i lneue ;s of the sky, the greenness of the ;-,ra s ami the white ness of the : -a .foam. Tapestries hung n siher rings, wedding together the pil lar of marble, l'aviiious rear lung out in every direction. These for repose, tilled willi luxuriant com lies, ia which weary limhs sink until all fatigue is sul inergcd. These for carousal, where kings drink down a kingdom at out; swallow. Amazing spectacle! Iht of silver 'ripping iow:i i. over stairs of ivory on shields of gold. I -'loojs oi stained luarhle. sunse t red and ni;jht Mack, and inlaid with gleaming pearl. Why, it seems as if a iieavei:'y vi.-ion of amethyst, and jacinth, :md topa.'.. and chrysopra.sus had descended and .alighted Ujion Shurhan. It seems as if a lill'v of celostial glory had dashed clear over heaven's battle ments upon this leetreijiolisof Persia. In connection with this palace there is a gar-Ion. where the mighty men of foreign lauds nre sealed at a banquet. Under the spread of oak, r.nd linden, and sicacia the tables are arranged. The breath of honeysuckle :md frank incense tills the air. Fountains leap up into the li'-.ht. the spray struck through v.U!i rail i hows falling in crystal hue l:aptim upon flowering sl:ruls then roiling down through channelsef marble, itnd widening out here ar.d there into pools swirling with the linny tribes of foreim :::;:arh:ms. herd, red with j-.carlet r.nemeae-, hyp -ricnus. and many e'cl ivd ra::'.:nc::h:s. rieais of rarest bird and boa.-1 via. king u; amid wreaths of aromaii'-s. The va.-es filled with apricots and almonds. The- basket-: piled up with apricots, ar.d dates, and, figs, and orar.ges, ami o:negran;:i: s. Vicious tasteiuily twined v,i;ii leaves of acacia. The bright w;,i.:s of T'ulaeus Idling the urns, and sweating otitside the rim in Hashing beads amid the traceries. "Wine from tin royal vats of I.-pahan and bhlraz, in liottles of tingeil shell, and ILly shr. i d cui3 of sil ver, and liagons a;'.d tankards of solid gold. The mude rises higher, and the revelry breaks oat i;:t- wilder transport, and the wine b.s ilushiNl the cheek and touched the brain, and louder than all other v lets are the hiccough of the ine briates, the gabble of fools and the song .of the drunkards. Ju am-ther part of the palace Queen "athti is entertaining the princesses of Persia at ;: 1 a!!;iiet. Drunken Ahasuerus Pays to J ii servants: "You go out and fetch Va-hti from that baiKjuet with the women, and bring her to this lanquet with the i.-e:i, ::nl !. t me display her Ivauty." Tiie servants immediately start to obey the Ling's command ; hut there was a rule in oriental sKiety that no woman might appear in public without having he? k;vc veiled. Yet lu re was s mandate that no one dare dispute, de manding that Ya.-hli come in unveilea Ivfore il.e lo.uhitude. Uowever, there was i;i Yashti's sold a jirincijile incre iegal than Ahasuerus. n? ore brilliant than the gold of !ius'':an. of more wealth thai the realm of irsia. which coin-mandc-d her to li.-ol-ey this crdcr of tiie king: r.nl so all the righteousness and hoiiness and moiier;ty of her nature rises up into one sublima efu3f.l. iShesitys: ! v.-ill not go into I ho banquet un veiled. "' Of course Vh:isucrus was infjiri.t'Lo: and Yashti. robh-i-d f her jKvii'oii :aid her estate, is Alrivcn fortii in KvLriy and ruin to suf fer the Kr.m of a nation, and yet to re ceive the applause of after generations who she.il rise up to admire this martyr to kingly insolence. Weil, the last ves tige of tho.t feast is gone: the last garland has faded: the lr.st arch has fallen: the last tankard has been destroyed, and Shusha.ii is a ruin; but as long r.s the world stands there will h multitudes of jneu and women, familiar with the Bible, who will come into this picture gallery of Cod. and admire the divine portrait of Yashti the queen, Yashti the veiled, Yashti the sacrifice, Yashti the eileiit. In the first place. I want you to look upon Yashti, the queen. A blue ribbon, rayed with white, drawn round her fore Jiead, indicated her queenly position. It yras v.o small honor to be queen ia such a realm as that. Hark to the rustle of her rob-.s! See the blaze of her jewels! And vet. my friends, it is not necessary to ia e palace and regal rob in order to be queenly. YVlirn I see a woman with fctout faith in God, putting her foot upon ali uieanneaa, and Bclnshness, and godless display, going right forward to serve Christ and the race by a grand and glorious (service, I say: "That wo man is a queen," and tho ranks of heaven look over the lattleaicnts uon tho coronation; and whether she come up from the tdianty on tho commons or tho mansion of the fashionable Kquare, I greet her with the shout; "All hail! (.jMiccn Yashti." What glory was there on the brow of Mary of Scotland, or Elizaleth of England, or Margaret of France, or Catherine of Russia, compared with the worth of some of our Christian mothers, many of them gone into glory? or of Hint woman mentioned in the ScripturoH, who put her all into the Ixird's treasury? or of Jephthah's daughter, who made a demonstration of unselfish Kit riot ism? or of Abigail, who rescued the herds and flocks of her husband? or of Kuth, who toiled under a tropical sun for poor, old, helpless Naomi? or of Mrs. Adomrain Judson, who kindled tho lights of salvation amid tho darkness of of IJurmah? or of Mrs. Ilemans, who poured out her holy soul in words which will for ever le associated with hunter's horn, and cap tive's chain, and bridal hour, and lute's throb, and curfew's knell at the dying day? and scores and hundreds of women, unknown on earth, who have given water to the thirsty, and bread to the hungry, and medicine to the sick, and smiles to the discouraged their footstejw heard along dark lane, and in government hospital, and in almshouse corridor, and by prison gate? There may Ik no royal rolie there may be no palatial surroundings. She doc3 not need them; for all charitable men will unite with tho crackling lips of fever struck hospital and plague blotched laz aretto in greeting her as she passes: "Hail! hail! Queen Yashti." Among tho queens whom I honor are the female day school teachers of this land. I put upon their brow the coronet. They are the sisters and the daughters of our towns and cities, selected out of a v:ist number of applicants, because, of their especial intellectual and moral en dowments. There are in none of your homes women nioro worthy. These jter sons, some of them, come out from afflu ent homes, chooiing teaching as a useful profession; others, finding tiiat father is older than he used to le, and that his eyesight and strength are not as good as once, go to teaching to lighten his load. Hut I tell you the history of the majority of tho female teachers in the public schools when I say: 4 "Father is dead." After tho estate was settled the family, that were comfortable before, are thrown on their own resources. It is hard for men to earn a living in this day, but it is harder for women their health not so rugged, their nrrns not so strong, their opiHirtunities fewer. These iorsons, after trembingly going through the ordeal of an examination as to their qualifications to teach, half be wildered step over the sill of the public school to do two things instruct the young and earn their own bread. Her work is wearing to the last degree. The management of forty or fifty fidgety and intractable children, the suppression of their vices and the development of their excellencies, the management of rewards and punishments, the swid inir of so manv bars of soap and fine tooth combs on benignant ministry, the breaking of so many wild colts for the harness of life, sends her home at night weak, neuralgic, unstrung; so that of all the weary people in your cities for five nights of the week there are none more weary than the public school teachers. Now, for God's sake, give them a fair chance. Throw no olstacles in the way. If they come out ahead in the race, cheer them. If you want to smite any, smite the male teachers; they can take up the cudgels for themselves. But keep jour hands off of defenseless women. Father may be dead, but there are enough brothers left to demand and see that they get justice. Within a stone's throw of this building there died years ago one of the principals of our public schools. She had been twenty -five years at that post. She had left the touch of refinement on a multi tude of the young. She had, out of her slender purse, given literally thousands of dollars for the destitute who came under her observation as a school teacher. A deceased sister's children were thrown upon her hands, and she took care of them. She was a kind mother to them, while she mothered a whole school. Worn out with nursing in the sick and dying room of one of the household, she herself came to die. She closed tho school book and at the same time the volume of her Christian fidelity; and when she went through the gates they cried: "These are they who came out of great tribulation, and had their robes washed and made white in the blood of the lamb." Queens are all 6uch, and whether the world acknowledges them or not. heaven acknowledges them. When Scarron, the wit and ecclesiastic, as poor as he was brilliant, was about to marry Mme. de Maintenon, he was asked by the notary what he proposed to settle upon madem oiselle. The reply was: "Immortality! The names of the wives of kings die with them ; the name of the wife of Scar ron will live always." In a higher and better sense, upon all women who do their duty, God will settle immortality! Not the immortality of cart lily fame, which is mortal, but the immor tality celestial. And they shall reign forever and ever. Oh, the opportu nity which every woman has of being a queen! The longer I live the more I admire good womanhood. And I have come to form my opinion of the charac ter of a man by liis appreciation or non appreciation of woman. If a man have a depressed idea of womanly character he is a bad man, and there is no exception to the rule. The writings of Goethe can never have any such at tractions for me as Shakesj)eare, because nearly all the womanly characters of the great German have some kind of turpi tude. There is his Mariana, with her clandestine scheming, and his Mignon, or evil parentage, yet worse than her ances tors, and his Theresa, the brazen, and his Aurelia of many intrigues, and his Philina, the termagant, and his Melina, tho tarnished, and his Baroness, aud his Countess, and there Is seldom a wcuianiy cliaracter in all his voluminous writ ings that would be worthy of resi dence in a respectable coal cellar, yet pictured and dramatized and emblazoned till all the literary world is compelled to Fee. No! no! Give me William Shnkes jieare's idea of woman and 1 see it in Uesdemona, and Cordelia, and Rosalind, raid Imogen, and Helena, and il rmione. and Viola, and Isal-ella. and Sylvia, ami ; I'erdita, all of them with -cnou'di faults ! to prove them human, but enough kindly j characteristics to give us the author.; j idea of wonianhxl, his l-'idy Maelx-th only a uarh; background to i rmg out ti.e supreme loveliness of hi.i other female characters. Oh, women of America! rise to yim opportunity. l!e no slave to p:id', or v.-orldliness, or sin. V'hy ever crr.wl in the dust when you can mount a throne? Bo queens unto God forever. Hail Yashti! Again: I want you to consider Yashti the veiled. Had sht? appeared before Ahasuerus and his court on that day, with her face uncovered, she would have shocked all the delicacies of Oriental society, and the very men who in their intoxication demanded that she come, in their solier moments would have despised her. As somo flowers seem to thrive lK'st in the dark lane and in the shadow, and where the sun does not seem to read i them, 5.0 God appoints to most womanly natures a. retiring and unol trusive spirit. God once in a while does call an IsalicIIa to the throne, or a Miriam to strike the timbrel at the front of a host, or a Marie Antoinette to quell a French mob, or a Deborah to stand at the front of an anml battalion, crying out: "Up! up! This is the day in which the Lord will deliver Sisera into thy hands." And when women are called to such outdoor work and to such heroic positions, God prepares them for it; and they have iron in their soul, and light nings in their eye, and whirlwinds in their breath, and the borrowed strength of the Lord omnipotent in their right arm. They walk through furnaces as though they were hedges of wild flowers, anil cross seas as though they were shimmering sapphire, and all the harpies of hell sink clown to their dungeon at the stamp of their womanly indignation. But these are exceptions. Generally, Dorcas would rather make a garment for the poor l)oy; Rebecca would rather fill the trough for the camels; Hannah would rather make a coat for Samuel; tin; Hebrew maid would rather give a prescription for Naaman's leprosy; tho woman of Saropta would rather gather a few sticks to cook a meal for famished Elijah; l'hebe would rather carry a letter for the inspired apostle; Mother Lois would rather educate Timothy in the Scriptures. When I see a woman going about her daily duly with cheerful dignity presiding at the table; with kind and gentle, but firm, discipline presiding in the nursery, going out into the world without any blast cf trumpets, following in the fixit stcps of him w ho went about doing good I say: "This is Yashti with a veil on." But when I see a woman of unblushing boldness, loud voiced, with a tongue of infinite clitter clatter, with arrogant look, passing through the streets with a masculine swing, gayly arrayed in a verj- hurricane of millinery, I cry out : "Yashti has lost her veil." 'When I see a woman struggling for political preferment, and rejecting the duties of home as insignificant, and thinking the offices of wife, mother and daughter of no importance, and trying to force her way 011 up into conspicuity, Isny: "Ah, what a pity; Yashti has long lost her veil." When I o?e a woman of comely features, and of adroitness of intellect, and endowed .with all that the schools can do for one, and of high sociel position, yet moving in society with supercilious ness and hauteur, as though she would have people know their place, and an un defined combination of giggle, and strut, and rodomontade, endowed with allo pathic quantities of talk, but only home opathic infinitesimals of sense, the terror of dry goods clerks and railroad con ductors, discoverers of significant mean ings in plain conversation, prodigies of badness and innuendo I say: "Yashti ha3 lost her veil." But do not misinterpret what I say into a depreciation of the work of those glorious and divinely called women who will not be understood till after they are dead, women like Susan B. Anthony, who are giving, their life for the be! ter- : mcnt of the condition of their sex. Those of you who think that women have under the law of this country an equal chance with men are ignorant of the laws. A gentleman writes me from Maryland, saying: "Take the laws of this state. A man and wife start out in life full cf hope in every respect by their joint ef forts, and, as is frequently the case, through the economic ideas of the wife, succeed in accumulating a fortune, but they have no children; thev reach old age together, and then the husband dit-s. What does the law of this state do then ? It says to the widow, hands oil your late husband's property, do not touch it: the state will find others to whom it will give that, but you, tho widow, must not touch it, only so much as will keep life within your aged ho ly, that you may live to see those others enjoy what right fully should be your own. " Ar.d the state seeks the relatives of the deceased husband, whether they lie near. or far, whether they were ever heard of before or not, and transfers to them, singly or collectively, the estate of tho deceased husband and living widow. Now, that is a specimen of unjust laws in all the states concerning womanhood. Instead cf flying off to the discussion as to whether or not the giving of the right of voting to women will correct thcsL' laws, let me say to men, be gallant enough, and fair enough, and honest enough, and righteous enough, and God loving enough to correct these wrongs against women by your own masculine votes. Do not wait for woman suffrage to come, if it ever does come, 1 ut eo far as you can touch ballot boxes, and legis latures, and congre-sses liegin the refor mation. But until justice is el one to your sex by tba laws of all the states, and women of America take the platforms anel the pulpits, and no honorable man will charge Yashti with having lost her veil. Again, I want you this morning to consider Yashti the sacrifice. Who is this that I see coming out cf that palace gate of Shuslian? It seems to mo that I have seen her before. She comes home less, houseless, friendless, trudging alor.g with a broken heart. Who is the? It is Vashti the sacrifice. Oh, what a clianga it was from regal . position to a- v.ay- farrr's crust.' A little while ago approved ana tougni ior; now none so H,r sut t ark 110 w h i! jn her aeouaintaiieeshiii. Yashti the sacrifice. Ah. vou and I have seen it many a time, lb-re is a home e;:t!pala. ( d with beauty. Ali that leline m sit. a::d books, and wealth eau do for that h iyi" h.is la'cii done; but A hasiierus, tho husband and the father, is taking h! 1 0:1, paths of sin. lie i". -jradnady j g.'ing down. Afttr a while he will' lhiuudcr and struggle like a wi'd Iieasi in a homer's net- further away from God, furl h r away from the right. .S.-on tlx; j bright apparel of the iuldivn will turn i to rags: soon the hoiuvhold song will be- come the sobbing of a Lrok'-n l art. The 1 old story over again. I'.iiitd Centaurs J breaking up the inarriagi feast of Lh piih.'.o. Tiie hon-e lull of outrage, and 1 c!'ii'-ity, aii'I aiHiiiuna; 1011, while trudging forth from the j.al.-ic gate a"o Vashti ai.d her children. There are honvs rep-rese.ite-d in this hou.-.o this mor.iing thai are i:i danger of sivh a breaking up. Oh Ahasuerus, that yea should f-ta.od in a home, by a di.-sipated life destroying tiie peace and comfort of that home. Cod forbid that your children should evr have to wring their hands, and have people point their linger at them as ihey pass down th street ami say: " There' goes a drunkard's child." God f orbit 1 that the liltlo feet should ever have to trudge th" path of jxtverty smd wretchedness. God forbid that tiny evil spirit, liorn of the wine cup or the brandy flask, should come forth and uproot that garden, and, with a blasting, bli.-tering, all consuming curse, shut for ever the palace gate against Vashti and the chil dren. Oh, the woni! 11 and liie men 01 sacri fice; are going to take the brightest coro nals of heaven! This woman of the text gave up palatial resilience, gave up all for what she considered right. Sacrifice! Is there anything more sublime? A steamer called the Prairie Belle, burning on the Mississippi liver, Bludso, th'engi nivr, declared he would keep tin; bow of tiie boat, to the shore till all were off, and he kept his promise. At his post, scorched and blackened, be perished, but lie saved all the passengers. Two verses of pa thetic poetry elesciilw the scene1, but the verses are a little rough, and so I changed a word eir two: Tl rt.i:tr!i t'y licit Muck biv.it h of tho burning Jim Lthulsi.'s voiei; was heard. Ami they s:!! h:al trust in his stubbornness, Ami knew he wouH lavi hi:; wool. Ami sure's you're born they all j.:ol oir Af jre tin; smokcsO'.-l.-s fWI: Ai:il IJlailao's fcho-,1 went ti; above, In the siaoht; of the Prairie H::!!f. He weren't 110 sr.ii:!. but r.t Judgment I'll ruu my ehiiiii-e with Jim, I.O!isii!e of s-o'i'.e inns g'-nt leiircn That wouldn't shakt h;en'.s with h:in. Ile'tl seen iiis I'nty. a l--;d sure tiling. And went f ir it there and then. And Christ, is not poimj to be too hard Oti a man that died for inea. Once more: I want you to look at Vashti the silent. You do not hear any outcry from this woman as she goes feii th from the palace gate. IVemi the very dignity cf her nature you know- there will be no vociferation. Sometime's m life it is ne e-essnry to make a retort; sometime -s in life it is necessary to resist: but there are crises when the most triumphant thing to elo is to keep silence. The phil osopher, confident in bis newly discov ecvd principle, waited for the coming of meire intelligent generatioijs, willing that men should laugh at the lightning rod, and cotton gin and steamboat waiting for long years through the scotting of philo sophical schools, in grand and magnificent silence. Galileo, condemned by matl.e matieians, and monks, nnel cardinals, caricatured everywhere, yi't waiting and watching with his Ic-losce-pe. to see the coming up of stellar le-enfore-eio.ents. wheh the stars in tin ir courses would fight for the Copcrniean system: Jhen silting down in complete blindne.-a and deafness to wait for the coming on fif the generations who weiu'.el build bis monument and bow reformer, e-xcerated at his rrav. bv his contemno- raries. fastened in a pillory, the slow fires of public contempt burning under hi:n, ground under iho cylinders of the. printing press, yet calmly waiting for the day when purity of soul and heroism ot chart.oter will get tin sanction of earth alio tho-piauditi of heaven e;:, luring without any ro; Afliiction .hunt te.v sharpns ; ot the pang, and tii violence of the storm, and the heft of the chain, and the el:irkiKss oZ the night waiting until a divine hand shall be put forth to soothe the pang, and hush the storm, and rckase the captive. A wife abused, p.-r-secuted. and a perpetual e-xile from eve ry earthly comfort waiting, waiting, until the Lord shall gather up hiselear chi'eirc .1 in a heavenly home, and no poor Yashti wni ever be tnrust out from the pa!a?e gate. Jesus in silence, and answering not a word, drinking the gall, bearing the. cross, in prospect of the rapturous consummation when Angels thrunrrocl liis chariot wheel. And !;i.'ii to iji.-s throat'; Then svvo;it t heirr.liicn harps and 1:2.7 The glorious v. er!c is dor.u. An Arctic explorer found a ship float ing helplessly about among the icebergs, ar.d going on board he found that the captain was frozen at his logbtxik. and tlie helmsman was frozen at the whoc-i, and the men vn the lookout were fro::rn in their places. That was awful, but magnificent. All tho Arctic blast? and all the icebergs could not drive them from their duty. Their silence was louder than thunder. And this dd ship of a world has many at their pests in the awful e Jiiil cf negiect, and frozen of tho world :s scorn, and their silence siiall bo the eulogy of the tkie .;, and be rewarded long afier this weather Karen craft of a planet shall have made i:.s l.i.-t voyage. I thank God that tho mightiest in fluences are the most sikut. Tlie fires in a furnace of a factory cr of a steamship ro;r though they only move a few shut tles or a few the-usand tons, but the sun that warms a world rises and sets with out a crackle or faintest sound. Trav elers visiting Mount Etna, having heard of the glories of sunrise 011 that p-eak, went up to spend the night there and see the sun rise next morning, but when it came up it was so far behind their an ticipations they actually Insscd it. The mightiest influences today are like thy planetary system completely tilent. Don't hiss the sun! Ch, woman; docs not this story of Vashii th? queen, Yashti the veiled, Yashti tho sacrifice, Yashti the silent, move your eouI? My ecrmon con verge's into the ore absorbing hope that none of you may be shut cut of the palace gate of heaven. You can endure the hard- ' hip and the frivations, and the cruel- ties, and the misfortunes of this life, if vou' can onlv eain admission (here. gam Through the blood of the everlasting cininant, you go through t host; gates or iiev, r go at all. When I'oine was besieged t he daughter of i'.s ruler saw the golden braeelets on the I f t arms of the enemy, and she sent v. or 1 to theiii that she would betray her ily anil surrender it to them if they would only give her those bracelets 011 their left arms. Tln v accepted the prof- for, arid by night this daughter of the! ruler of the city opeiieil one of the gates.. The army entered, and, keep ing their promise, threw upon her iht ir bracelets, and also their shields, until under weight she died. Alas, that all through tiie ages the same folly has been repeated, and for the trinkets and glittering treasures of this world men and women swing open the portals of their immortal soul for an everlasting surrender, and die under the shining Mibiucrgonient. Through the rich grace of our IiOrd Jesus Christ may you hi; enabled to imi tate the example of Uache i, and I lannah, and Abigail, and lvlxrah, and Mary, and Yashti. Amen ! Ts enjoying a u -v y 1 he Plattsmoutfr Herald &tJ fa " feSS r-t. Will bo one dnriiiij national interest a:n stionirlv atritatt.tl nrol t! .r" '- 1'rcg-itlent will tul.c i-iiieo. Ca.ss County who woiiM !il:e to loam of Political, Commercial and Social Transactions of this Yea;- and wooM keep tlie; lime Koi; or Daily JS'ow while we have ilie subject before the people we will venture to tpeak oi our NlaiiPl i mm l m i mm hi l-i 1? PsV?' V-. t Ti r - - i.-.U 4et "WJiieh is lirst-cia.ss in rill from which our job printers out much satirfactorv work, PLATTS3I0UTH, 1 p wfe- i&zruZiKML.i.'Z. juxLn. &ragsjgpw. a A Now Keiiimly with wondurlul llrliii fowert. For liovh 'irttrnnt swt extfrnal Ua. PCSI I IVE CUhE toil KhEUM.'.TliM AMD NCUH ALGIA. aT.- Colic, Cro:ii, Ho itluchu, Lamu Ujtk, Wounds, Ul.d ill I ili'lii --111;- ulliiMlila ol Hit' Iiiiiiiuii hotly. rjAIL-POADtl Hit- Bent on Ftsrth for CrnnrMtH, C'O'JoU t'.ihf 1 C(j(ii)hs. Ilirout r.nrt Lung Irotihlet . r:::r:72 ::;":r:::r:::i c?es ia it Caiier cg'- Ihcio f'.i'diclncs tro Warranted by your Unionist. fri.' ', ,'ii'. mill !1 mt hull If. 1 r tl tt'lll m in) l-oii : i. nt it lu r uif , 1 ri'i-n el . Aildu-a Rail-K-ja-J KudCtly Co., Uox 372. Lincoln. Neb. Tiade supplied by loi lfiirdson Drug Co., ( hnahii, Nebraska. Dr. l!hi k's Kheuiimtii: Cure lia:4 cured more cast s of Klieuiiiat ism in the last ten years in this city and county than any mid all other medicines put together. Fur sub: by Smith iV I'd.iok. . I'm- Dr. libit k's Itheuiiuitie (Mire and lli row :i.av your enn" mid crutches. For sale bv Smith iV Jihick. mUS t -' 7VO 11 l he S I! I j of to d 1 1 1 import a K.'G Will h: ( icet ion 01 a 'J lie 'ojile d' :ijHee vi;!i r...,.i,i ioillOl i;niii.i: :;! Herald.. if --.-.V5-.. -. ..J.i.y'i :, s t J-1 redirects !U!1 live turning NEBRASKA. .i odd