TTIK DAILY JIKllAlJ), T'i.Ai, v, moxdav. i-T.r;i:i7Ai:v ; is-s. Tho Plattsmouth Daily Herald KNOTTS BEOS. Pbliubers& Proprietors. TilK I'LATTSMOUTH II Kit ALU la puMiheil every evening c.xi-ept Huinl;iy auil Weekly viTy I liiiinl:iy innriiiiij;. l.itii- Irreil at Itie s.lliiu I'ihI Iviiiout It. Nclir.. :is ieeoi(I-el;ts! niiitter. Mitre corner of Vine anl Flltli Hrnls. TKKMS rtlK liAII.V. One ciiy one e:ir in alr;ii;c by mail ; on Oiin eiiv per month. ly rarrier ;" One copy iter week, Ity earlier 15 TRK.MK FOK WKP.KI.T. On oopy one year, iu advance, $1 nn One copy sli months in ail t. nice, DEMOCJIA TIC A FT EllTHOUG 1IT. Exactly two months have elapsed si'je that somewhat remarkable document, called by courtesy a President message was laid before congress. No ollicial emanation from the Whits House in a time of profound peace has ever attracted more attention both at home and abrond, and thus early in a presidential year the policy arbitrarily dictated by the chief executive to his party is understood throughout the length and breadth of the land. When the message was first flashed before the country the democracy at once sent up a wild, ULieasoniug yell, for were the words not spoken by their Moses, who had led them out of the wilderness in which they had wandered without manna or po.stoftices for a quar ter of a century? No matter what Cleve land's utterances might have been the plaudits would haye sounded just the same. He could have immediate intro duction of volapuk or the abrogation of the ten commandments and the aggre gate of prejudice and partisanship that is labeled democracy would have hailwd his words a those of one inspired. Hut now that the very echoes of these shrieks of approbation and adulation have died away thu time has come to look OTer the field and see just where those injudicious utterances have brought the party accidentally in power. Primari ly it is plain that, no matter what legis lation under the guise of "relief" may be adopted during the present session of congress, the democrats will not be so .foolhardy as to embody jij their platform the ideas advanced in the message. From the very first there were symptoms or revolt in the democratic party of the south agaiust Cleveland's free-trade heresies, and the ablest papers in that sec tion are pronounced in their apposition. They occupy the anomalous opposition of supporting the man while opposing his policy, and, though the principle of protection may not be strong enough to xercise a potent influence nvxt Novein iter iji the states where more thatt onr lialf of the voters are disfranchised, the growth of the sentiment is so palpable that it has created much consternation in administration councils. Rut it is in the states of New York, New Jersey, and j Connecticut, classed as doubtful and of vital importance to democratic success, that the great manufacturing interests have taken the alarm and are astounded at the superlative follv of Cleveland in making free trade the test of party loyal-j ty ana the sole requisite for executive consideration. The Tanimanv and Irv ing Hall organizations have pronounced emphatically in favor of the tariff, and their leaders are long-headed enough to see that the president's stubbornness will make all these states overwhelmingly republican, m Indiana, too, whicu is rapidly developing into a great manu facturing commonwealth, and is needed by the democrats badly in addition to the solid south, a like feeling prevails, and hundreds of men who have their life-time savings invested in these varied industries fully understand that free trade means financial ruin. Some of the shrewder democratic lead ers are already giving out quietly the statement that an out and out free trade platform will not be adopted, and that the message was formulated to test the general feeling on the subject lon enough before the holding of the con vention to afford time for tilling and tacking. The fiction is a line one, but is neither all wool nor a foot wide. His most ardent admirers have never claimed for Grover Cleveland more than a modi' cum of political Acumen, and that lie could conceive a scheme of this deciip tion is not in consonance with tho char acter of the man. A firm believer in his own luck, he prefers a course where stolid unconcern and the tenacity of a bulldog supplant the ferret-like cunning of a La mont or the counsels of a born leader like the late Daniel Manning. And no mat ter what may be the platitudes put forth in a democratic platform, Cleveland as the nominee must make the race upon his message, and that alone. After the expiration of sixty days then what is the condition, brought about by the executive effort to force free trade upon the country? By committing the fatal erfor of exposing his position and tactics before a preliminary gun had been fired, Cleveland united the rej ubli- nml j1j,iii,rnli7fl hw nwn. tail pat II nv.l - Whether the motive is an honest belief in the principle of protection ot is attributable solely to selfish motives, the fact remains that in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Indiana, the bat- tie ground of the coming campaign, tlto Democracy is divieled on the one issue. The hundreds of thousands of skilled ar tisans in thorn; stales do not wish to sec the products of their toil in open compu titiou with those of the beggarly paid Kuglihh mechanic, and their wages brotight down to a "no-meat-save on Sunday' basis, and they will have none of it. And thu breach is widening daily. As an offset to these defections Cleveland will probably retain the allegiance of the Mugtrumjw, despite his contemptuous ig noring of the civil-service law, and all .his smooth pledges and precious proinis es. As a matter f fact these men are all reformers only from the teeth outward. anci arc ireo traders to tlie core. I here is also a little flurry in Minnesota, where there lias always been some free-trade sentiment among the Swedes. This latter is magnified grc.itl', however, by a St. Paul paper that once was the Republican State organ, a proud position now held by a rival at Minneapolis, and will in no way ciTect t!io final result in that Repub lican State, liricfly then, the stupidity, or worse, of the President lias divided the Democratic party, placed it on the eieiensive, and. with all the immense power of the government to back it, it is fighting, and must continue to tight, an up-hill battle. The limit to blundering luck will be reached in November. In ter Ocean O ALL. Numerous schemes for amending the constitution have met their death at the hands of the house judiciary committee. Democrats don't delieve in trifling with that sacred document. C 11'. Sherman. Such stuff as the above might be toler ated by a man who had indulged in a Rip-Van-Winkle sleep for the past thirty years; but to one who is familiar with the history of his country it is only con sidered as a specimen of the hypocrisy and dishonesty of the dough-face leaders who seek to mould public sentiment in the North. The fact is universally known that the Damocratic party, which has so recently been bent on destroying the Government, and which to this day ignores the fif teenth amendment to that sacred (?) con- -titution in nearly one-half of these Unit ed States, is at heart hoping against hope that the constitution may be relegated hack to its condition in ante bellum day?, at least so says the most popular man in the South, Mr. Jefferson Davis. Our disciple of Davis who runs the Jonrnnl, wants to comment on facts not S3 generally understood if ho wishes the peoplo to heed his teachings. Thkkk is a bill before Congress which will probably pass in reference to open ing up fer settlement, Oklahoma. It may interest our readers 10 Li:oy tl;at this place isa tract of 'very fertile land iu what would be termed the middle part o.f Jadirin Territory, north of the Cana dian river. The area is about 18.000 square miles, sixty miles long from north to south and forty miles wide at its greatest breath. Col. Bouelinot, a Cher okee, gave the namo "Oklahoma" to this tract, it signifying in the Cherokee tongue "home of tiie red;.' Bess's Cherry Ccugh Syrup. Is the tnily medicine that acts directly on t lie Lungs Blood and Bowels, it re lieves a cough instantly and in time effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. 1'. Smith ii Co.. druggists. j23,3uie,d-w. Ik the men of mocieiute ierj;ig in this city will put their shoulders to the wheei, the fact of two or three wealthy old bar ucles opposing improvements, will not stop the tide that has already et in cpr way. Active and industrious work for ' city improvements would necessarily be t'le first step to put our city on a plane with Hasting, and EeaM'ipe. After that we must have factories and railroads, and The IIekald belieyes we will get them fiis year. 1888, if we all do our duty. Eegg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is warrantee! for all that the label calls for, so if it does not relieve your cough you can call at our tcre and the money will be refunded to you. It aces -Uiiio- taneously tn all parts of the system. thereby leaving no bad results. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. j25-3iud&w Partics needing household furniture and those ajio contemplate keeping house soon will fiud 11 .z their object to 1 buy of I. Parleman. tas-ittt Furniture for the cellar kitchen an:1. parlor sold on weekly or monthly install ments at I. Pearlman s. f2-dtf Who is Your Best Friend? Your stomach of course. Why? Be- ! cause if it is out of order you are oho tif the most miserable creatures living. Give it a fair chance and see if it is not the best friend j-ou have in the end. Don't smflke 111 the morning, uodi uiiuk. in iuu morning. If 3011 must smoke and elrink wait until your stomach is through with bretkfast. You can einnk more and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you les3. If your food ferments and does not digest right- if you are troubl ed with Heartbnrn, Dizzniess of the head, r .t r t II " , iousness, ineligestion, or any other trouble of the stomach, you had best use Green's August Flower, ns no person can use It without imiueeliate relief. SOUTHERN ALASKA'S FORESTS Wooded Areas of Somber firrcn Mat tliK f Moh Arctic TuiijjIo (irowth. Nowhere in tlio regions north of thu dense tropical tangle growth is there u more thickly wooilcil and "1 unshod'' part of the world than some, of these ureas of southern Alaska, The country miht well lm considered moun tainous, ukhoiih few of tho elevations aver-a-e altove 3,000 to 4,000 feet ; still the incline from the very water's edgo Is general 13- so KlccjiKtho very top that no one disputes piviii it an Alpino oharae'ter as the most fait hf ill 0110 to describe it. All these steep hillsides ere well covered with an evergreen growth of Sitka spruce that is tho most som ler green 1 have ever viwwcd. ' It is doleful enough at anytime, but when coi;pLd with the dreary rainworms so common hi this part of tho territory especially in the fall, winter and spring mouths ono must have tho spir its of Mark Tapley to keep from suffering from the bluest of the "blues." Tlg reflect ions of thesu deep green forests give the fjord-like waterways a Plutonic shade of greenish black that makes ono feel that if he ever fell overboard from the vesrvl ho would keep sinking in tle cold, dark waters for tho next thrco weeks, and not bu sure of the bottom then. Goiiiy asiove, the traveler's idea of tho density of the forest is increased rather than tho reverse, as would lie expected; and he ii:;ds jiddeil to th j ever green growth, the top of which he could only see when on the water, a dense, deciduous growth underneath that makes walking la borious and difficult in the extivurit?. Over all this again is a heavy mat ing of moss that clings to everything that would give it the least hold. The fallen trunks of trees do not seom lo decay and pass away, but keep accumulating, prob ubl3 for ages, until they have piled up a mass of felled timber from a yard to teu feet deep and all covered by a treacherous carpet f moss. Tho topmost trunks may bo indicated to the eye by a ridge of moss; but let tho pedestrian step aside from this and there is no telling where ho will bring up as he sinks into tho moss up to his xniddlo' or armpits, probably his toes tippiug another trunk far below. Add to this the steep ascents on which all this tanglo growth is found, and it forms about as effective a barrier to a traveler's progress as any in tho known world. It is for this reason that miners' prospecting is so ineffectual in this part of Alaska, otherwise so very accessible. Ten feet of snow could not be more effective in hiding outcropping ledges and indications of precious lodes from a prospector's eyes. In some places avalanches have swept down tho steep mountain sides, laying the ground bare in narrow windrows, and it is generally along these that most of the successful mine hunting is done. Freder ick Sehwatka, The Laws of Heredity. A certain man had, during his entire life time, gratified his every passion, and died with an oath on his lips and a scorn of de cency in his heart, lie left three sons. In spite of their mother's pra3 ers and tears, each son followed his father's blighting ex ample. Like their father, at no period in their lives did they ever show tha slightest desire to reform. So reckless were thoy that not one of the three lived to bo twenty five years old.- Two of tho brothers died unmar ried. Tho third had a good Wife, but did not live to see his son, who was born a month or two after his death. Every care was taken to surround this child with good influences. lie knew nothing of tho dissipation of his grandfather, lather and father's brothers. The3' were dead. His mother never siioke of them. As a lad he was brutal and vicious in the extreme. "I don't want to be good!" was his favorite expression, if taken to task for a lioyish misdeed. F.eforo he was 12 years old he had run away from 0x110 fci&ht, times, to associate with children of the gutter, llo is now -J1. Ho is a drunkard, a thief for he stole jewelry from his mother to pawn and a dissolute reorobate. lie declares that if he knew of any vice into which ho has not plunged, he would straightway test it. Ho has broken his mother's heart. "With the utmost c-ompla-ceue-y ho is watching her die of grief for life; depravity. Nothing affects hiin. Ho is as indifferent to punishment as he is to tcnuer uess. If he lives ten years longer, he will roach the gallcwg. Philadelphia News. A Crazy Clergyman's Collection. The other day a memorial slab was placed in the church of Catshoge, Leicestershire, re cording the death of the flew Air. Haga lnore, a ver3" singular character of the county, who died in Januarj, 18Si. He k-i't property behind him valued at '700 (s3,C-eO) per annum and 1,000 in sovereigns, all of (vhich witt to a railroad porter. Mr. llaga- moro's heir at law. The cmeer old man kept one servant of each sex, whom ho locked up every night. His last employment of an evening was to go round hia premise, let ioooe his dogs and ftre his gun. lie lost his life as follows: Going one morning to let out his servants tho dogs fawned upon him and threw him into a pond, where he was found lreast high. His ser vants heard him call for assistance, but, be jng locked up could rot assist him. Ho had 0 gowns and cassocks, 100 pairs, of ji-oUiers, pairs of hoots, 400 pairs of shoes, SO wigs, 3-et alwaj's wore his own hair; o0 dogs, 60 wagons and carts, SO plows, and used noiie; 50 saddles and furniture for tho menage, SO wheelbarrows, so maii3' walking sticks that a toy man offered $ for them, (JO horses and mares, 200 pickaxes and shovels and 249 razors. Liverpetol Courier. ,V Steuui Catamaran. A novel craft is Itei'ng built in Montreal. It is a steam tratamaran, each of tho cigar shax.-d hulls being of steel, sijct3--five feec long, and built in two compartments, one be ing for water ballast and tho other for stove ci al oil. which will bo used for fuel. Two vertical engines will furnish the power to j.w.Li jtropeHej-s which nro so arranged thrit ihey will lift themselves out .f the way Vh'eii tho hulls strike floating ice or other ' obsta cles. The boat can be taken apart and packed on a ship, and is intended for whalo and walrus hunting in the Arctic regions. It will earr a Gatling gun and a powerful electric- batterv. Boston Budget. J-and Tl'tp3 Texftt. A movement is on foot in pallas, Tex., to Iress legislation on a measure retpiiring the registration of attachments and exeeutious in Jand in the county where the land is situ ated. Tho object is to give protection to purchasers by making defects in title a mat ter of public record, and so recorded that they can easily be examined. The fact that Ibis remedy has not ljeeiioppliod Is attributed ,to oversight, as it is one that nobody can ob ject to, and at tho same time it is considered iu the interest of honesty and Texas security. Chicago Times, The World' Greatest, Betters. The Australians aro the greatest betters in the world. Twenty million pounds changes hands annually over horse racs. In Victoria cluuo there aro 350 registered bookmakers. It is computed that JEloO.iJOO is annually bet i-u football iuatches. Chicago News. An Ar.i'.iian (inin tf Ia.rlle. Tho Kih.i play marbles differently front tho American boys. Of courso tho arrangement of tho marbles to bo shot at can lx; varied in many ways; but tho young Arabs shoot tlio lnartio in a way of their own and much more accurately than ti-. American lads. The left band i.i laid flat on tho ground with tho lingers closiil together, and tho mnrbht is placed in the groove !x-twten tho middle finger and fore-linger. Tho forefinger of tho right band is llien pressed firmly on tho e-nd joint of th. middle finger, and when tho middlo tingvr is suddenly pushed aside the fore-linger of tho right hand tlips out with more or less feirce and pro jects the inarblo very accurately in tho direction of the groove on the left hand. Many of. the boys become very expert. 8t. Nicholas. Tho itliniatnr from Corea. Pnk Chung Yang, tho Corcaa minister to the United States, and his seci ctarw a are somewhat iu their, habits. Several wagons were re-quired to move tlio trunks containing their apparel. They change- their costumes several times a day. They own a vast variety e.f very tall hats, which are perforated Jft the- top. Thoy v.ciir (h'.ir l-atj tit th. table, and have a different kind i tile- for each meal. They have heads of 11 very pe-cu-lir-i- shrike. Th-j back of the head, far from bemg round, is iv.i Hat arj a board. New York World. Scarcity of Timber In Kussiu. So scarce is limlx-r that in most sections it is scrupulously preserved. For this reason the-ro are few fences in tho coun try. The fences aro made, too, in a way peculiar to the country. Thev aro of nine foot shibs, two or three inc:hes thick, rix or eight inches wide, and are driven three feet into tlio ground, leaving tho fence six foot in height. The tops aro souared oil with a saw and tho fence is not only durable but bightly. Moscow Cor. Cleveland Leader. Advertising for Lost Articles. A word of advice, in closing, to those who have lteen unfortunate enough to lose jewels. Never offer "a suitable reward;" never say "that the finder will lx liberally rewarded." In such cases the cost of advertising is usually added to. tho loss of the jewel. State tho e-xact amount of the reward, and let it le liberal enough to insure tho return of the lost article. George T. Kunz. The black alder, common in all tho eastern s-tate., is well adapted to low lands, and wiil produce fuel in a very Bess's Cl:cd Purifier anJ giocd Maker, No remedy iu the world has gained tlio popularity that this medicine has, as a hold on family ineelicine. No one shoubbbi; without it. It has 110 calomel or quiuiii.. in its composition, consequent ly no br.d cherts ran arise from it. Yv'c keep a full supply at all times. O, P. Smith Co. Druggist. j-23-oirodo:w Constable's Sale. 15y virtue of live exceut or.s issued by Calvin lnitisel I, c'liiii'y judge, within aim "10 Cass county. Nelirsiia. to u;e directed. I will o.i 1 lie ilny of Kcbruarv. A. I . ;it lj tVliick a. in., of said tay af Hie s'.t ie inent formerly oi-eujiifil liy .rutin S. Huke, ,m Main tieet in riattsii-.oiitii. ( ass cnup.-v, Aebra-k::. el! at puliiic auction, th low nig goods and ciiio lies lo-wit : All the .-tei u of hardware a:ol f!if-ifw.i-e, co::siM 01;; 01 1 s!o; os. sti.vepip:, chr.iu-', i:aiN. .-ere ens and oii!t-i. t 11 buckets, knives and forks,-jiriii wire, plow '.laiii.Uf-.i.jiaivaui.eil iron, small tubes, iron bo':, well wheels, packet knives and cutlery. t-U'. : being j-.II the. sleek of s;:id Jn'nn S. 1 uki; un.v ie ahlhrS llii.s hi sMld iii sai-i rjtoru roi.i.t. The san; beji.-j: levied up on an.1 ra!-e -s the p-.i'jjeriy i ! .(niiu S. Duke, defendant; to satisfy live (udiic-nts oi" court leeovered ! I.e-.l (i ililiiii, W. ii.Seliihl knecm. Jinn iuh-hl h i.if ' ' o. . I.e. pnhi Pro Co . C. .-i'liicy .-.'.r.i plieid C-v, jilaintif.'w, iigahist said defend;. nf. I'lattsmouth, -" b.. 'anuary .'.0, A. 1). isss. M. McKt wai n. e'oi.siable. tf 11 C::-s Conn x e lira si; a. iEALTH i; t f. v . i - :- ,.Ci'i. lr. K. C WV.-fs Nerve .;ad C:.: Trr:;tii;ent -i yuai antec spe.-iti;- i, r I ! s. r -i i.i i.'!,:iuess. ConvHisious. Kits. Nervous Seur.-djii;!, H-jul. ache. Nerveeiis i'ins;r uiin e:uisod i.v titei: i- 1 1 1 aieono! I pi r--.-X s:: :i it ni'i'l rr-:n;i! u: i: r li.!-ai-c-. ! i- iini;: of i t-ad:i'-tr t r hi --te. H.-i '. J.i.'iH Mental l'e !?e lrain re- uhir. in in-ilsf-ry. decay and'"'!-aii. rftnne.--s. i,ns oi row er in eit! t r s- x. Involuntary Losses an j nsat rrlnea caused by ov'i-r-cxertien cf the brain. selfabi:s3 or over-indiilgeiiee I'ach box contains oi:e ii:o!ith's treatiiieut, 1 tH! a lie',' or six box'-;; for .;u.Co, stut :y inll tui idor ret-eipt of nrjep J ' " WE ij'v&RAlrl'jtEE SIS BOXES To cure auvcrise. V. itli each order received by us for siv t ot s, aceonip i:i el with So.dti. we v.-jii send tin: piirtdu.scr our written guaran tee t.i u-Uiiii Uie li'oncy if the in a;inc::t does not effei-t n cure. (;u:irai:tc-es issued only bv U ill J. Y;.rrh-.fc sole agent, Plattsiieiuth. iVell. S50O Reward. "We will pay the above reward fcr anv case ot liver cotnptamt, dyspepsia, t'u U headache, Li digest ion, constioation or costivcness we cannot euro with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when tho uneetions are stn'ctlv complied with. They are purely vegetable1, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing co sugar corded pills, 2Cc. For sale 1 y all druggists. V,aie counterfeits c.d ii.iuiuion?. The genu ine manufactured by John O. Well & Ce., y(2 W. Madison St. Chicago. Its Sold byW. ..J Warrick. ' Use Dr. Lhu. k's Hheutnatic Cure if it don't do you any gooel come in and we will :jive von vour money iVi sale by gmith'fr 1?(V 'i-iie standard remedy for liver ctun jdaint is West's Liver Pills; they never disappoint yovi. ot) ji lis 25c. At War rick's dru,2 store. JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MAKUTACTCKEK OK AND H0LESALE & RETAIL DEALER IK TIIE Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flar tie Pepperbergo and 'Cuds FULL- LINE OP ! TOBACCO AND SMOKERS1 ARTICLES I always in stock. ' Nov. 20, 188.1. . tm i lilli 033 -I niust liiitko room for my- Large Sleek of Spring floods Coming aiul therefore will rtclucc :ill leather goods 20 par cent, below regular prices for cash only. SLll Goods ZIarSsod iii Plain Ladies' French Kiel $5 00 20 per cent, discount $ 00 Ladies' French Kid .. 4T0 " 3 50 Ladies' Urifflit Donolu 4 00 " " " 3 20 V LaeJieV Uriirht Jongola J) 00 " " " 2 40 J.aeie' Kid 2 2r " " 44 1 0 Dadies' Pe-b. (out. .'.'.' . 2 50 " " " 2 00 Ladies' Fe!). (Joat. . . . 2" 25 " " 1 Men's F n rt Shoes 8 00 " " " r 40 Men's Shoes 4 50 ' " 3 fi0 Men's Shoes . . . 'A 75 " " " 00 Men's Shoes ' ' . . . ti 50 " ' " 2 00 Childrcns "Little Giant School reduction. Nor: 'u your BOSTOF MEAT MARKET, Olivar cS: S?.a22ag;e, Proprietors. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, POULTRY We keep constantly on hand the finest and freshest line of meat in the city. Meats ef all kinds in their season. SUGAR CURED MEAT:-, HAMS, BACGN, LARD, SAUSAGE MD MINCE MEAT. And everything to suit the demand our trade South Side Main Street, WIIOMiSAI.E A?U) Be Perk, Mutton, 7 X invito all to givo ra a trial. Sugar Cured Meat, Ihins, 1 Lar.l, etc., etc. Fresh O.vsfer., in Can and Bulk at ,o,vest hying prices. Do not fail to civc me your patronage. - J X1 i- i S ,3 Bl AND ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. RiTiiHUH. rtii rnnfi PARLOR FURNITURE. LOW23 icos in th. City. Is Convinced. SIXTH STJiEET, I1ET. MAIN AND VINE. ' ML 0 1 5 I f Ti n ouuscnoe foi I ne Hera a, 'Jonathan Hatt. CITPIEATIIAR& PORK PACKERS and dealers in RUTTER AND EGGS BEEF, PORK, MUTTON ANf) VEAL THE BEST TIIE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &., ot our own make. Shoes," the best in the market, same chance to lay in a cheap supply. Give us a trial 7 Fetveen Fifth and Sixth. irETAIIi DEALER IN Veal and Ponltrv. KIND 3 OF FURNITURE FOR HALLWAY?, OFFICES. Call arid PLATTSMOUTII, NEC. r w ir . IT. leaf larkei THOMAS, lucm-M ML-umsui "'oiwis, m cans and bnl L WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ulk' at