The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 01, 1888, Image 1

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i : m x c i , v f : i ; 1 : t a u y
I, l.SSS.
Tri)ii i:iit,
Alt .rin-y,
l'.ll-.IM .1'.
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C'uimc.luieti, ward,
" 4lli. "
: II Smith
J H Wa i ,i;man
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loaul I'uli. Voik-V fit ''.! ;o:,
I I) II WliSWui'.TU
CO TY OK K 1 ' K 1S.
Latest by Telegraph.
IIOKUOWIlD abi stolen.
1i-iiii y 1 e,u.:ir, -
J'.i u:y ri. ik,
Ke"riii-r ,I ii'ci;s
l'uiiit.v II-c.,. il'-r
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till i it. 'll Till). -'.ciHlilir',
Cotiiily J it l.,.;.
liilAlill OK SCl'KltVI.S'iilS.
A. J:. 'i' i::. ... I'lattsmoiitli
l,oi is !', ' 'ii'iii.. Wi-cimi;; Water
It. A. CA M IT.KI.l,
lll'M. I''K
l'i i:it i:i i cii I-1 Ki.a
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A . AlliILK
A I.I.K 'i Ill'.KS t.V
..! A .NA!:l Sri N K
V. Ku-S'Ci.1.
A. 1I IVMtN,
Yalo's Oldest Graduate Dead.
Buffalo, K. Y., January ;1. Tin:
Iicv. David LutIiroi Ihmii, the oldest
living graduate of Yale College, died
here Sunday. lie was in li I ri iV.Uh year.
Weather Indications. lie wna horn in Cold Uun. Mass., and was
For Nebraska: "Wanner followed hy the son u Ucvolutionary soldier wli
lived to he S7. 1 lis inothi r died at tli.'
a,eof82. The famous Dr. Timothy
D wight was president of Yale whin
young, llunn entered in 180;, and there
were 400 stinlents in all d irtni'-nts of
the college that year. In lsl lie gradu
ated and ipent three years at the And
over Theological Seminary, going from
there to a Congregational pastorate at
lie preached in sue
cooler, fair weather, light to fresh south
eily wind, becoming aouthweaterly
The Eastern Blizzard-
NiNTUCKEr, Mass., Jan. 31. It is two
weeks since any mail has been received
here. The sound is full of ice and ex
tends as far as the eye can reach.
Condition of James Redpath.
Nkw York, Jan. 31. Janus liedpath Greenfield, Mass
was reported easier this morning, and the I cession at S nnlrich, on Cape Coil, V r
doctor savs hit patient will survive un- non. Conn., Kast Windsor and North
less naralvsis extends to tho brain or to Iladlev. Mass. His alarv was i?'i00.
the bronicnl tubes.
G1V1G SOGIi'tl'LMS. i.o!?;- .
" rvt'l V 1 in-''!:; y
ti"'.k)ii'':il I-', i
i : 1 1
c i ;
of i v, k. All
l'i c'.l'i;l!y inviii'i'. to
rjium i,i!n:;:
N'. si. A. O U. V.'. Mi-ets
i-nTV ii : rnii. I'liil.ty i-vi'iiinir at Iv. ,f I
liai!. T:;nisi-:it l.toi tins a-- rcsjifctni:lv lu-
v n t- I In a i :."!. ! . I., v. hi !,. I as-ier . it kriian
!C. A, ; .Hi i-'.tl ::i:i: ; i". .1. M'): iiitli, OvcreWT
J. K. M-.ii::. lU-onU-r.
'1A-.-5 cami' no.:::;' M);:.:!t:,' v.-ohiimkn
of An. .vi.- i Mci'is mi-ci.i.iI ainj fmirt !i Ainu
i! ay r i. K. .i I', h.t:!. All iruiiient
Liiilln-r-i sr.' ffi(ii's:fl !i iifi-t villi us. I,. A
Ncivcii hit, 'c!i,-r ilil-! I' li'siil: ;. :, Dili's
Won liy iivi-.i-r ; It, ii. .N:uiti:, Kx-:-aiiker ; W,
C. Wilji tts, (. H-rl;.
vrrsMiur in i.oix;
M.-i'l -i cv -ry alii'i-n;;;
N' s, A. . r. v.
:lav evnhi" at
Ko;-:. u.mI ai : o fi-n-K. Ail tr;'.!'S,i'lit l)lntll
is are reM ct fully iuil'-il to aiifiiil. .1. A
Or.lseiir. M. '.V. ; .S. ', Uie-r'. I''ir,i)iaii : S. (J.
i ll li-. llfO.-T.iiT ; i a. A. Ao-vc'iiaer, Overseer.
45 G. A. R.
.T. . .I!):! Xs.l
l S. Ivl-.s...
V. A. I'.A l-its,.
!s. Nil
Acocsr i.'.i:
JlALuX !' I'.
V ha ::!.;"..; i ,;it,. . .
J!".N.I. il ".V !!.-', ...
i.i'i; i i . ; ; 1 1 r .
iiin' PCS7
if - rill:.
I'o tuiiaiulef
;si !ifni- Vitvj
I l.ircrof llii! Iay
" " tJi-.rtnl
serj;t Ma jor
.ia:.riiT Master Sfi;;i.
l'obl Cli.ii'l.iia
. Meei;.ii; .-aturilay eveiiiu
T?r.i-nrr,; alU'iition to all usin
to mv ca !"
suranc-o V
3 !iiiii;-i. AI'-!;'r '.s ''inpiled, Ia
in t:i, . Kstutu Sold.
Better I'ac:!iti is for niakiuj r;;r:n Lean tban
Any Ottier Agcacf
Animas U
IfcCprosont t lie following time
tried and lire-nested complines:
Aiaerle.i'.i :-nfral-S . Louis, As?vts Si.2",s.;no
Coiii!iier.Ti:t! L::ii.'i-rii!iii;'.:iil. ' 2.51l'.;.ril4
S"irrt Ass-.icia-iitii-P.vilaileSi'iilii, ' 4,41.r,r,7G
Jrjtiikiiii-riii'.ai', " S.ttT.l'TG
Uoiae-Xew Vorlt. " 7,sri5,oO
Ins. C-. of ' or;!: Atyerie-;. F'.iil. " S, 174.3.52
X.iverj);i:'.i-T.o:i-,l ;i .s; i;l. !;-Kii.i; " 0 .i.::.7.t
Nart'.i i'.ritis'ii .v M.'ivantitj-u " :;.:;7S,754
jror ie'.i I'l i.ia-I'i'.i'iaail, " I.Jt"t.4iK
Sprius.'ie'.a F. & M,-Si'iir,.-li?l.I, " C.Oil.O'a
Tot;iI Assets, 542.113,77
A-I s4Pai$attuisA26ii3
A Constitutional Amendment.
Washinotox, Jan. 21. The senate
passed Hoar's joint resolution for a con
stitutional amendment changing tho time
for meeting of congress and for the in
auguration of the president.
which was deemed a large one at that
time. He occupied n ltochester, N. Y.,
pulpit for seveial years, and has preached
many sermons since he entered the nine
ties. On his SGth birthday he preached
at Sandrich to the children and grand
children of his original parishioners, and
baptized the great-grandchild of a mai;
whom he had received into the church.
The Carman Loan.
Kkclix, Jan ttl. The bundesrath to-1 Lately Mr. Hunti has been a Presbyterian
day fixed the sum for carrying out the I and at the time of his death was a mem
provisions of the new military bill at ber of the Rochester Pivsbytery. He
21,. "500,000 marks, of which 278,300,000 totally blind and nuite deaf. At the last
I. t n n r-i .. -s
is non-recurring expenditure anil ,xuu,-I l aic alumni reunion ik ki mere lie was
000 marks a permanent loan. The bill I given the seat of honor and made an in
was immediately afterward introduced I tertaming address. His lift; of late years
descr:ced by a participant.
All Kx-t'oiifi-il.r:tt' Trlis Altmit M aiiti:i--M
lir.ui' HriiL; ')i 'Iiar;;liji 1 h! m!i I ho
AVli-at ficlils Driven II:u U v il li '1 Vrri Mi
SIau-htT Tit u Ni-it AMir l!it i:ai(l-.
Alioat 4 in the af Utiiooii our In-; ;iili' (.la
honeV), whicii bri-1 l.s;"i .'lowly laai-i-I'. iig
n!n;!; the Clii.".!; r i- Willis hnr. ii ro:nl ia
th'lircctinii of -M:Uvi-i !i Hill, is l.ahcil. A
few pe.fes alu-ml of us v.asa ! i hin.r J.- lUlng
Kerii'ivil o'ii.-' i-, iikmkiJ.c-I anil sjili'iaiiiily uai-J"iji-;iic:1,
wit !i a lar;ji-ret inuo of nt.iT oi;;:-its
i-iiiiri, r.s. (Ium. ?lalo:i'.. rii.l.-i.;i to t bis
oJlii-er to i 'civf his orili rs. Jn- t at. this
tii:io a s ili'l s!:of (insl f,-o:a a ;;um of a
l'Vt! ral li::;', ry iii-ir (.'r'.'w's 1h;im, ii.v -on-ccaii-,
I f n en in view by an i::tci-V''i'i?i I ly
oi' wooii:;, Kill- N.:;i;i;.:n;r jiloii;. Ii fly yn i.L,
naiTov, ly liiissi:;; tiic rroii) of o:iii-crs a:ul
cr.ri;!'.; mil 1 lir..iiv;li oar ru.iks,
Oj L.i;'."! for ta ;i;, ts .c s r.v it lioaint
iu.; s-l-r.-. ly ( )V.:u-il i:s a ri'.-minlcr that t!;o
o::c.i:y f at haml. All i::niiMl 1h '
o;ji-- "il. 1 I. 1 : '
I m:!.;'J ;! t"ar.i us, were piece.snf ertiili'ry.
(.':i. .!:i,ii.!''r or.l'.Tcil (le::. .Ma'aono to
clta the i-.; aiy"s ball rii'.s along v. it ii (Jt'ii.
Vi'i:;,'::. 'i :c men in tinr ranks uiiI.rstoo:i
tliis or'ie:- to hv to chnrgo the lai t-iv that
Tiio 5)iylsgil Store.
-I ii-1 aM'T our iiivi-iitory, vc liilin-c
jiiii-rs to -.ell flu- goods ratln r than to
cat i y o . v. Wc are willing to si II our
eiiiiii- Wint.r Hoods ;,t, Stjpli s .wc
have a largr; quantity ami oll'tr tin in
vi ry low. Calicos ' to . - -i 1 1 -i per yard,
L.akilig tl.e s laud, ltd of them nl 20.
yards for 1.0(1. iiigham best dres.
st lcs 1 ti c-uts per yard. Irss giods
all kinds at tin- very lnwe.-l prices, from
"i eelils per yard upward. Wool' ll h i.-.c
wc offer at co.-t, extra I'm . ,adies ;isli
lllere hose. Worth I . Hi . HOW 7" cents,
line heavy wool !( cents, now ;."; child
ren's line ribbed woitli ,V), now :!(. l"n
dcr ware go at lev fiici -. as wc
a -zaunl li t. i brown
in the Reichstag.
Gen- Thompson Dead
Chicago, III., Jan. 31. Gen. John L.
Thompson died this morning at his home
in this city from the effects of a rupture
of a blood vessel at the base of his bruin.
Gen. Thompson was a member of the J Fltf
law firm of Williams fc Thompson and
was one f the most prominent attorneys
of this ctty. He leaves a wife and two
A Request for Appropriations.
has been a peaceful and uneventful one.
and hs sank into his ls?t sleet) like an
infant. He was a stiong republican in I ri
politics, and an agreeable convu nation
alist on cny theme.
Go to I. Parlcman's for fine furniture.
Washington, Jan. 31. The secretary
of the interior to-day transmitted to the
house with favorable endorsement a letter
from the acting commissioner of the land
ofiice in which he says the estimates for !
Another Defaulter.
Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 31. Henry
Roberts, cashier for AVitall, Tatum & Co.
glass manufacturers, is a defaulter to the
extent of $10,000.
Gold Coin stoves and ranges the best
in the market at I. Parleman's. Fltf
An American Honored.
London, Jan. 31. The geological
the surveys of public lands are too small I society has conferred theMuchison medal
and requests an additional appropriation unon Dr. Newberrv. of Columbia coHeirc.
of $ 100,000. He also asks appropriations I New York.
of S2?0,000 to be especially pevoted to
the survey of lauds within the grant and Mrs. A. 13. Todd is reported ns be
indemnity limits cranted railroads and little better todaJ" anfl theie is hol)C r
the appropriation of $50,000 for clerical her recovery.
services in the ofhee of the surveyor gen
eral and $ 10,000 for increased surveys.
Call on Threlkcld & Barley for fine
cigars. il-lni
Go to the Monarch licstrurant for
good dish, of oysters. d-1 m
An Old Superstition.
There is nothing so tedious, so acrcrravafc-
mg to tne sailor as a dead calm. Drift
drift, drift, day after day, tho treat burniecr
sun overhead reflected on the waters until
the eye becomes wearied with the eternal
brightness. The sailors go about their work
listlessly. Ict so tho officer of tho deck
He does not heed the heat nor tho stream of
perspiration pourinT dorn his fa
eitner sex, ana more tnan one person or paces the poop with a quiet, nervous tread,
either. Congress shall inforce this ar-1 whistling for a wind. Yes. he is se?nii:v'
. . s . . ' sT?
"Wasuingtok, Jan. 21. The subcom
mittee to which was referred Taylor's
(Ohio) bill, defining polygamy, today re
ported to the house judiciary committee
the following substitute :
Polygamy shall not exist or be lawful
within the United States or any place
subject to their jurisdiction. Polygamy
shall consist of married relation by con
tract or in fact between one person of
tide within the Distiictof Columbia and
the territories f the United States, and
in other places subject to the jurisdiction
and shall have power concurrently with
the several states to inforce the same
within states by appropriate legislation.
An Important Decision.
Lincoln, Is'eb., Jan. 31. The attor-
the horizon north, south, east and west, and
wiiu us wuoie soul wmsties lor a wind.
l His is an old, old belief of the sailor. This
superstition at least cannot be traced to tho
propitiation of the gods. It probably had its
origin in tlie impatience of the mariner, who,
while his vessel lay becalmed, remembered
with regret the hoarse moaning and shriek
ing ana wnistlmg of the wind and involun
tarily tried to imitate it. And this surposi-
1. :v.l t be :-a.;t , wi.a-ii, !i
U.'..':i, 'tiled ;i !; ii-cie- oar ;is.aait.
i a. a fi in' -Me!! Is we arc in mot io:j, forni
i::alii!c of I-a'.t!e wilii our laces in the
!h' .-.cLioti of ti!.' l'i ilcral artillery, hose liro
s::c:;:s now to i icrca.-e. iJctwi-cn us and l ho
e:ic:i;y i.".terve:i:'s ill'; body ii wo. id.; lvferred
to, an 1 wo r-aw nothing of then as v.c move
f' TW.ard. A hiindred ;r t ro yards of fcrward
niovctii'.-nt l,ro.!;:Lt us into tliesc woods, u
body of l;ir;;e chestnuts aud oaks. Through
the tons of th'.--o tail trees, far above our
he als, the shot and she'd of tin) Federal ariil
lery liow ;:t;d craf;.'i, putting us in constant
danger in" injury from falling fragtiK ius of
limbs of tries. JJut oa we we;;t ut:til
wv reaeh -d ti ravine or gully, along the Lot
i.n.i of which i-an a small branch. Hero we
l.alied. In vile ravine wasa brigade of troops,
all sitting with their Lacks to the wall of t he
gaily j text, to the enemy, seemingly secure
from danger, o:i.;co:iecd, as they were, in
wl'.at appeared to bv comparatively a bomb
proof, aud looking far rjore comfortable than
v.o ielc uu'Jer a:i order to charge a battery
and on oui-way to execute this order. The
occasion of oar temporary halt just here was
an examination as -to the route by which it
would be Lest to go forward.
"o were now very close to the enen-. At
the foot cf thy hiil iqioa tlie talile ground
JlcCiellaa's army awaits our assault, socloso
that wc feel the vibrations of the earth at
each diseharge of tlie Federal gun. Xot ";;0
yards intervened between us and these gums,
the slope of the hill, however, perfectly pro
tecting us, we being now opposite to tho ex
treme left of the Federal line of battle. To
our rigbt in a beau'.ilul lield, tho meadow
mentioned hy Gen. Wright, with its yellow
shocks of rectntiy harvested wheat, are sta
tioned the Federal shttrpshooters, agaissut
whom we have been warned. Posted behind
the .aocks of wheat, they see us, but we can
not see them, w hile tacy pick off our men lis
they come up to take position in line of battle
it tho foot of tho hill preparatory to the in-
tended charge.
As I marched along to this position I looked
over toward the woods eti Turkey creek,
skirting this meadow. The prospect was
beautiful; everything ia that direction saw
so tranquil that clear summer afternoon, i;i
striking contrast with the harsh notes of
war. The crisis was now at hand. 4on.
Mahone, sewing the colors of one of our
regiments, commanded us to move forward.
We rush up the ilope of the hiil toward the
enemy, j elling nc tbo to frf our voices. Just
near the brow of th j liill I caught a glimpse
of four artillery horses hitched to a gun, or
to a caisson, dashing away at full speed. Mv
hearr leaped with joy. The enemy are liv
ing' Their artillery and infantry are routed:
victors witnout uriag a gmi. But 1
was terribly mistaken. I saw only there-
four horses in flight. !No mrm, no other
horse i drawing pieces of artillery, no in
fantry, are flying.
Our line of battlo was allowed to get well
upon tho hill, when tho enemy's infant rv,
aliened not more than one hundred an 1
lifiy or two hundred yards iu front of us ;:
th'-.r ariillerv in tlie rear of tho infanrrv
will not l-.' : t licni o vet .
Our Gents Silver Givy Marino Shirts
and drawers, former prices ."".() now
ii.- ( ! .its e. .,iv; m-ttino shirts
: ' i , e.ii,'. quality "i'.t now ,"i').
Our Scat let all wool .-huts ami ihaw
crs line quality .'-M.HO now ." ecu!?.
Our seal led all wool shirts and draw
ers, fine quality now 1.00.
Our scatlet all-wool shirts and draw
ers, line quality i?1.7"i now l,i.'."i.
O r scarlet all-wool siiirls and drawer.-,
line quality !?'J.00 now 1.10.
13!SEi,M, - tilssilu'-fiu'i'sjr,
Our "2 p'.-r cent, iiiscotinf on cloaks, is
still go'til. Wc are det -l mined to close
out our entire stock at.d never before
litis such tin opportur.ily b.-en olfcted to
economical buyers to purchasi; the lic-t
qualities for so little inote v.
Joseph V. Weclibutth.
w i!oi.:;s.i.i: ami kktam. i!...i.i;
i N
beef, foiik, m'mm, ybaljoultrt
a Kj Ham rLJ -U im iA
'3 '-t ..- W
Siar cured Iltuns, liiicoii ami tlie lt-.-t varlt-
llit; iire.r'nd.
IV of H:
fo'intl in
niiiiwi i ii i wwm ii 1 1 i
I will sell as clietip as any otli'.q- marki-t in lli:;
coiniietition, and res DectlV. 11 v solicit, vmir nat : ti;t'nv
iJl.iek, btli
Ouine and .see nte,
i i
(.'Aty :ind I deTy
il n n"ff
pas ion
iZ. 3
ney general yesterday forwarded to the tion is strengthened by the character of tho suddenly opened upon us with terrilie fur.'
county judge of Jefferson county an Tf'vJ KOt, whistl Par !ac? 'l Lack with tcn'
. . ; . . Aiuiio Laurie," or any other popular song. iO."., but only to gam the protection of the
opinion in regard to the disposition of It is a series of short and lor." sounds now
mgn, now low, like those produced by the
wind blowing in its might through the rones
-ilia s
3 S
r -- f--s C
Library - Lamps
land left by an alien at death.
opinion of the attorney general is that
under the provisions of the alien lar
passed by tho legislature at the last ses-
ion, the land must escheat to tho state,
the state appraising it and paying its
heirs the Appraised value. The case in
question is one where the heirs are in the
old country and as the state has no fund
with which to purchase such estates its
disposition cannot be effected until a
legislators makes the necessary appropriation.
Xevr furniture at I. Parleman's. Fltf
and rigging. San Francisco Alta.
UEiafle lissiias and Paltorns
National Capital Note;.
"Wtshisgtox, Jan. 31. The comp
troller of the currency has declared the
first dividend in favor of creditors of the
Fifth National bank of St. Louis, 50 per
j ceiit, amounting to $89,511.
Represfcfliative Plumb today made an
argument before th house Oinniittec cn
iudiciarv in explanation of hi? resolution
1 ...
! caliinrr for in veati nation of the rirrnm-
under which certian words were
Snuff Taking Coming Iu Agralu.
The revival of snuff taking will be not one
whit more unaccountable than that the habit
should ever have died out. It seems now
quite probable that as a fashion of tho upper
ten it will once more displace smoking and
chewing. It is just about a round fifty 3'ears
since our fathers went always provided'with
a snuff box. That it was invariably condu
cive to personal cleanliness cannot lm as
serted; but it was an item in social friendli
ness. The offer of snuff was eouivalent to a
remark on the weather, with a good morning
thrown in. The box was often passed around
m a circle of cronies. The revival of snuff
taking will be a point of economy. G'obe-
BiS and Little Hutnajiitj-.
Old Bachelor (looking at new baby) Er
rather small and puny, Jim?
l'roud 1- ather i e-es, rather.
Old Bachelor (encouraging vi Still, Jim,
if I were in your place I would try and raise
it. JNew ork Sun.
brow of the hill, there to rally and return t"
the charge. The eneinv's infantrv line
meanwhile- seemed immovable. It stood n.i
l at tlress parade. Soon, however, dense
v.H times of smoke considerably obscured
their line, but there were the red fiyehes of
th" guns and the crimson looking Federal
colors floating over the dark line of men
plainly visible.
J-very few minutes a column, a rciiceni
c.-two, wordd move steadily forward in lir.o
of baitle toward the e.-iemv. cheei-iii" r i
hey advanced. Then there would be the
IcnDningroil of musket rv and in a few mo
ments all would be hidden from view bv
smoke On the occa.sio
oi char;
ILitchens, Hallways and Offices,
a magnificent
stock of Goods and Fair
lieap Prices
A Polite Colored Dude .
Becentlv. in a Washington ho';e car, a
colored dudo was seated aa- ong te passen
gers. A young woman of his own color ca-
. 1 i,rt , .,.1 ; , -. .1 -. i 7
changed in th ?,ct providing for a 4 per her Sho .aeefuliy domui.rea
cent loan said: "I do not like to deprive you, sir, of
Spnntnr v, .r i j our n, no aepravity, miss, was
. ' t j-eply; "no depravity at all. I prefer to
unnuci-, reporiea iavoramy to ine senate Etand." lhe Aigocaut.
the bill passed by tee senate last congress
to provide for warehousing fruit brandy.
The bill to appropriate $1,200,000 fur
Omaha's public building passed the sea
ate yesterday.
They say that the truth is not to be spoken
at all times, which is the equivalent of sa3-ing
that truth is an invalid, who can only take
the air in a close carriage, with a gentleman
in a black coat on the box. Ilolmes.
eyes were upon the advancing line when is
received the fire, of the enemy. The poor
fellows reeled and fell, it the doz
ens, lue one, liro.:en. was forced back to
seek shelter under the brow, of the hiil. In
a few minutes the men rallied, and returning
to the charge met the same fate. This was a
fair samijle of the many charges made during
the afternoon.
About sunset an advance was ordered, and
we moved lorward to te nest hill, aoaa
seventy-live yards ia our front, Col. David
A. "VVeisiger, the colonel of our regiment,
gallantly leading it in the charge, and from
this new position we opeaed fire unon the en
emy. Night coming on, seme of our mer.
actually got ia among the enemy before dis
covering their position, fo close were ih
Cf intending forces on tho extreme ri-ht of '
our line. The firing was kept up urtil 'J j
o'clock at night, wheu Loth parties, wearied i
t'.a f, .V,- cr,,.l A-.': - , !
'- "cs"s, cctru.c-J. LU eeUSB lil ICg WiCll X X T" -4 ' . . . r- . -
i.num- i U1JJ O i ll i TJ Oi
aja .. . i -vih.wj tumu civ? ;re.i 111 our lmme-
tbate fro-at, moving about with lanterns in !
their hands, lookmg i"t.p their dead ar;d '
woundc'L Tha cicst o the hill where we now !
were was held by a thin line of battle, con- i
siiitimr mainiv of tho remains of tho deoletod
it. . ii m
! i
li '! K S
ilfiMiin Ii) Prv
k a h i i t u s i i i i vi
Will be open January 21th, at the
brigades of Mahono and Wright. G serge ti.
Iiernard in Fhiluuelphia Times.
All work warranted iir.-;t-e!a-.-.