The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 31, 1888, Image 4

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    THE DAILY UBllALt), PLAfrjran.ot. -a, jv.sicaSKA, TUKSDAV, JAXUAltV 81, 1SSS.
The Plattsmouth Daily Herald.
151 IT O T T S BBOS.,
Publishers & Proprietors.
B. &. M. Time Table.
No. 1. 5 :ift II III.
No, 3.- :0 . III.
No. ft. ::s.r a. in.
N. 7. --7 :Ij . m.
No. !.-- :l I in.
" o. 1 1 . 0 :0d ;i. m.
ooino kast.
No, 2.-4 ;L'" . in.
No. 4. 1) ::io a. m.
No. .- 7 ::to p. III.
No. .-- ::" :i. HI.
No. :" si. in.
No. 12. '. :.y . ki.
All train run daily by wavot Oui;ili;i. except
Nos. 7 arid t whicli run to and from Schuyler
daily except Suiiilay.
No. .to in a M ul to Paoillo .1 unction at it .'io.a in.
No.l'j Is a si ill) from 1'acilic .1 miction at 11 a.m.
A Salisbury Dentist, In Uo-k
Houd ESulllf ngr.
Dr. Sig-glns, Oflice mid KcsMcncc,
Sherwood Moc, Telephone Io. 42.
fudge Chapman leaves this evening
for Hot Spring, Arkansas.
Born. January SO, 18S8, to Mr. and
John Glcason, a ien; usual weight.
The Bon Ton reitaurant sale today
brought out a good crowd and anxious
Mrs. A. B. Todd is reported as being
yery low and ia nt expected t live dur
ing tli eyening.
The Supreme Court met again yes
terday morning, and are engaged trans
acting business with tlieir usual dispatch.
The C, B. Q., assignee f the B
& M. and A. A N. railroads have just
filed a demurrer to the petition ef Attor
ney-General Lcese.
If the rniusion of the two old parties
is not that of spoils, pure and simple,
then we defy the powers that be to tell
what their mission is. Button Whack it t.
Men who knw very well what
whisky will do to the laws and yet, for
money, open its flood gates, will not be
very stout defenders of the law against
dissipation. Htnry Ward lleceher.
County Judge Russell issued mar
riage license today to Peter Jansen and
Miss Joaie McCeinb, of Eight Mile Grove;
and John W. Boot to May Belle Hardy
of Elinwood.
The article in a recent issue of the
Journal in regard to the sleigh-ride was
not only a silly action but a steal to boot,
as it had appeared in numerous other ex
changas before, and was extremely stale
to say tho least.
The largest body of school land ever
offered for tale by the state is to he sold
in Cheyenne county February 7. The
tract comprises 280,000 acres, at an aver
age appraised value of about $2,50 per
acre. Teeumsah Chief ton.
Let us incorporate. It 13 the only
proper way to control the evils of the
village. Don't look at it ths wrong way.
butcomcout everyone of you. and do
your brst; for it. It will protect our mer
chants, stop these pack peddlers, protect
our draymen, and in fact protect
every industry in Elmwood. Elmwood
The setting of a great hope is like
tha setting of the sun. The brightness
of our life is gone. Shadows of evening
fall around us, and the world seems but
a dim reflection, itself a broadpr shadow.
We look forward into the coming lonelv
night. The soul withdraws within itself.
Then stars arise, and the Dight is holy.
A New York Central conductor
found $400 on his train just before the
holidays. Learning of its owner, h-
wired him to be on band on the return
trip and get the money. After the
amount was handed over and found to
be intact, tho loser took a half-dollar
from his pocket and held it out to the
veteran of the punch. "Without hesita
tion, the latter hld up his hand to the
emgineer, and shouting: "All aboard!
Sorry I haven't any change for that,'
stepped aboard the train, leaving the
half-dollar in the hand that had tendered
such a munificent reward for the return
of $W0.Biffallo Exjiress.
Drunkenness is a fearful thing. It
robs human life in a thousand ways. It
inflicts the agony tf hell upon those who
are as innocent as heaven. It fills the
jails and the penitentiaries and furnishes
victims for the gallows. It blasts friend
ship, kills love, paralyzes hope. It fes
ters and transmits disease. It is the
guardian devil of prostitution, of gamb
ling, of all tho lusts of flesh and spirit.
Since the world begun it has never made
one man better, one woman purer, one
home happier. It has never made a
church member. It has never made a
benefacter. It has never made a poet, or
a statesman, or a scholar, or an inventor,
or a musician. It has never assisted one
devotee to wealth or luxury, or to the
smallest comfort of surroundings. It
has never given birth to one good im
pulse. It has been, is and will be an
unmitigated, awful curse. For every
good thing that it has failed to accom
plish it has furnished a bad tiling. It
lias been an active force one of the
most incessantly active forces of civiliza
tion and it has always lead to crime, to
misery, to tears, to irons and chains and
dungeons, to desperation, remorse, degra
dation, injustice and death. Omaha
Samuel Barker was in Omaha today.
lion. F. E. "White was in Omaha today.
Father Carney went over to the Bluffs
II. A. Darnell of Lincoln, id at the
T. 11. Palmer was Omaha bound this
J Ion. It. B. Windham was in tho met
ropolis today.
Mrs. lb E. Whiting want to Council
Bluffs this morning.
Mr. fc Mrs. Allen Beeson were Omaha
passengers this morning.
J. E. Thompson and John Chambers
were over from Weeping Water today.
J. F. Polk of Greenwood, father of
Atty. M. D. Polk, was m the city today.
Carlos Nicholls went to Kansas City
this morning to be absent a few weeks
visiting friends.
Mr Geo Ilenton, wbe was here attend
ing the funeral of his mother, returned to
his home at York today.
Mrs. M. E. Allensworth took the train
for Elmwood this morning, where she
will visit with her daughter.
Mrs. L. A. Able and Mrs. Anna Hough,
of Omaha, who have been visiting with
friends in tho city, returned heme this
Win. Sampson, now located in Soutk
Omaha, in the employ of tho B. & M.,
came down Sunday and returned this
Mrs. Eovanda Mullis, wno attended
the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Ilenton,
went over to Pacific Junction this morn
ing to visit friends.
E. Solomon, wife and son Lewis, took
the train this morning for St. Joseph,
Mo., where Lewis will remain and attend
the convent college at that place.
New goods at Herold's. j-23 tf
Death EndsHis Suffering.
Fent, the brake man who was hurt at
Pacific Junction last week and was re
ported to be dying yesterday evening,
revived during last night sufficient to
express a desire that his limbs might be
amputated. The doctors met in consul
tation this morning and decided to per
form the operation ef amputation. At
about noon both limbs were taken off at
the knees. Death followed at 12:30.
Doctors 11. It. Livingston, T. P. Liying
ston, Shipman, Hall, Cook and Dr. Holo
yoke of Pacific Junction performed the
operation. The remains will probably
be taken to Grand Island for burial.
A Card of Thanks.
Editor Herald: Through the courtesy
of your columns please allow us to re
turn thanks to the many kind friends
who eo faithfully and efficiently assisted
through the painful, brief but fatal ill
ness of our infant son, ''Little Robert."
And to all those who by word of tender
ness, tear of sympathy or act of kindness
endeavored to assuage the intense an
guish of our souls in this supreme mo
ment, we weuld hereby maks most grate
ful acknowledgment.
Trusting that when the "floods are
flown them" they shall be alike sustain
ed, we are most gratefully
3Ir. ahd Mrs. Will N. Latham.
Go to the Monarch Restrurant for a
good dish of oysters. d-lm
Witty Criticism.
A very sharp and intended witi-criti-cisin
is indulged in by the literary man
who does up the funny things in the
Public Fountain of the Omaha World.
It appears that Hon. X. K. Griggs, of
Beatrice, sent the Public Fountain a
copy of his ballad, "The Cry of the
Loon," and that its editor misunderstood
the compliment and indulges in unusual
levity over the matter. When he comes
to know that the author merely forward
ed the music to one of its species, think
ing one loon would know another when
be sees and hears it, both, he will under
stand his fun is all out of place. "The
Cry of the Loon" is heard ofteuer than
the Fountain realizes.
Call on Threlkeld & Burley for fine
ciirars. d-lm
Tenth Anniversary.
Last night being the tenth wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bal
lance, a good number of their friends
and neighbors gathered at their pleasant
home, completely surprising them. Rev.
Burgess, who performed the ceremony
ten years ago, was present; also
many guests were in attendance who
were present at their former wedding.
A very social time was had. The pres
ents were many and valuable. The groom
received a tin ring with a garnet set; the
bride was presented with a beautiful
broach set with an emblem.
My water spaniel dog has run away.
If anyone should find him they will be
rewarded for his return to Mrs. Sheck, at
tho City Laundry. d2t
The members of the Y. L. R. R. A.
are requested to meet at the reading room
Wednesday, Feb. 1st, at 4 o'cloek p. m.
The marshal, B. C. Yeomans, of
Weeping Water, brought in William
Miles this morning, who was charged
with burglarizing tho butcher shop of
Ripley &, Cojjlizer at that place Sun
day night. Miles was arrested at Neb
raska City, taken to Weeping Water,
where he plead guilty and was bound
over in bonds of $800 to appear at the
April term of court.
Dreading; Cholera and Yellow Fevrr, lint
Not Alarmed by Children' Ailnx-ntH.
"It is astonishing how much excitement
can bo stirred up in this city over a conta
gious disease that New Yorkers have littlo
reason to lx afraid of, while there is so much
public indifference to diseases thut art? de
stroying thousand of lives every j'ear," said
a physician of the health department re
cently. "Just consider how much public;
alarm would bo caused by a few hundred
deaths from Asiatic cholera in New York
next summer. Yet thut disease, frightful as
it may bo in some parts of tho world, could
not compete with diphtheria as a destroyer
of human life in our climate and in a city
with good salutary regulations. Biiico 1W,
when 1,137 jicrsons died from cholera in thid
city, there has not been a death from tho
disease in New York, and tho next epidemic
will not be as fatal as tho last one.
"Next to cholera, perhajis, yellow fever is
regarded by many New Yorkers as a playuo
that must be kept away at all hazards.
Every time a man who has been exposed to
tho disease in another port fulls a victim to
it in New York, thcro is a cry of 'Yellow
Jock!' as if an epidemic were threatened.
Wo had a so called epidemic of yellow fever
in 1800 and oidy thirteen persons died from
It. During tho last thirty years not as many
iw two persons a year have died from the
disease in New York, and all the patients
caught the fever elsewhere."
"Typhus fever and smallpox have caused
much alarm in tho city at times, but they
have been suppressed in great measure. Last
year the deaths from typhus fever numbered
only fourteen, and the deaths from smallpox
"I remember that in 1881 thero was much
excitement among medical men and many
other New Yorkers because smallpox caused
451 deaths, and 100 persons died from ts phus
fever, yet the same year over 4,000 children
died from diphtheria and scarlet fever. In
an average year over 8,000 persons, mostly
children, die from diphtheria, scarlet fever,
measles and whooping cough in the eity, yet
we are not half as much excited about such a
slaughter of tho innocents as wo ought to be.
These four diseases are called 'preventable,'
because it is claimed that a child will not
take any of them without exposure to con
tagion." New York Tribune.
Family Economy In Germany.
As a people wo have not learned tho art of
getting the most out of what we have. With
our larger incomes and better opportunities
wo often enjoy far less of comfort and con
tentment than our foreign brethren, who
with their limited resources have learned
how to husband and to make the best of tho
little that falls to their lot. Those who have
seen the inside of life, in France and Germany
know how true this is. I well remember how
it impressed me in my first experience in
Germany. Living in a private family, my
breakfasts, which, though consisting only of
the usual rolls and coffee, were nevertheless
ample, were always brought to my room.
With the coffee there came invariably a little
jar of milk and some lumps of sugar. Dur
ing tho whole six months of ray stay in that
house, the number of lumps was never more
nor less than five. An American lady living
in another family in tho same city was wont
to aver her conviction that her landlady
counted the grains of coffee for every potf ul
she mode. Every Ecrap of food was utilized.
idKe economics were mamiestea every
where, indeed, they were a part of common
education, not only at home but at school,
where, for instance, the girls were taught to
sew and mend as they were to read and write.
And when I went about with the people and
saw how they lived; how contentedly and
pleasantly they took the affairs of life; how
much they mado of simple and inexpensive
pleasures ; how little they were beset with f also
pride or show and the petty ambition to go
ahead of their neighbors, which are such cor
rosive influences in American and English
society; how much of human kindness and
home joy and social satisfaction they had
with incomes and prices which would make
life for average Americans of similar station
a torturing struggle with want I could not
avoid tho conviction that in their ways was a
lesson which it would be a blessing for us to
learn. Prof. Y . O. Atwater in The Century,
How the Shah of Persia Looks.
Ho was born in 1830, hi3 mother being
Maedeh Alia, daughter of the Kadjar chief,
Kaseem Khan. Neither mother or son was
ever a favorite with Mehmed Shah; and
even at tho hour of his birth Nusr-ed-Deen"s
mother was virtually in banishment in a vilr
lag near Tabriz, not many miles from tho
Caucasian border line of Asiatic Russia. Tho
young prince exhibited the outward charac
teristics of his race even more plainly.lhaq
had his father. lie looks quite otherwiso
than does the modern Persian of pure lin
eage. His eyes have a melancholy, veiled
look and are too near tho nose; he is of taller
stature six feet high whereas tho Persians
average about five feet five inches ; ho ha3
decided bow-legs and his organs of speech
are so fashioned that even at the present djy
he can not properly pronounce the Parsee,
with its innumerable hoarse gutturals and its
odd vowel sounds.
His mother did not speak Persian, but only
a dialect of Turkish, and as this, too, is spo
ken universally in that part of Persia in
which he was brought uj, tho prince habit
ually spoke Turkish till his accession to tho
throne, and learned Persian in a desultory
manner, as one would master a foreign lan
guage. Even today the shah speaks Parse
much as he does French with a strong for
eign accent to it; and there are many words
in Persian that he is unable to pronounce at
all, such as the phrase "kheilee khoub" (very
well), which recurs hundreds of times a day.
Wolf Von Schierbrand. in Tho Cosmopoli
tan. A Red Top Knot.
Two ladies were purchasing mufflers at tho
counter of a leading clothing store. Said
one, turning to her friend:
"I am buying this for Albert I , How
do you like it?"
"Very handsome,'' returned the friend ad
miringly, "but it is pink and Albert D
has red hair I You must get a blue one."
"We are out of blue mufflers," said tho
obliging clerk as he placed the pink one in a
more inviting light.
"Red and pink cannot go together," said
the friend, decidedly.
"He he might dye hi 3 hair?" suggested
the clerk, facetiously.
"That's so," said tho customer with a sigh
of relief, "I'll take it. I'm not responsible
for his hair anyway," she added as sho paid
the bill. Detroit Free Press.
Finest Washington Residence.
The finest house in Washington is that of
B. H. Warder on K street. It cost 400,000
and looks like a "Venetian palace. It has a
bathroom of white marble and in one of tho
bedrooms there is an apartment walled with
mirrors, so arranged that one can see every
part of himself without turning his head.
New York Evening World.
In a few years moro Alaska will probably
be the great mining country of tho world,
and wiU furnish canned . salmon enough to
supply the greatest demand.
Just Arrived.
I. Pcarlmau has just received a car
load of furniture from St. Louis which
he will sell at bed rock prices. tf
Try O. 1. Smith &, Co's 11. of i Col
ogne, Lasting and Fragrant. j-23 tf
He fore purcli;ting your dres goods
call at Win. Herold's. j-23 tf
Try O. I Smith A Go's Damask Rose
for Chapped Hands and Lips. tf
Real estate and abstracts,
-dtf W. 8. Wiaa.
The most beautiful designs of Station
ary in the city at Gcring A Co.'s j31d;t
Try O. V. Smith A ( Vs Unmask Rose
for Salt Rheum, Scrofulous sor'j-?, fetters
External Krysepcbis, Rash. Itch, chafing
of Infants Vc, a complete. Household
Remedy. No household should be with
out it. tf
An elegant assortment of Valentines at
Gering fc Co.'s. j'il&Ut
Firo Insurance written in the
Etna, Phcenix and Hartforil by
Windham &. Oavios.
Stationary in bones of 21 shci ts and 21
envelopes for from 10 cents to $1.25 at
Genng & Co.'s. j31Gt
Hay for Sale.
Three hundred tons of hay for sale for
cash, either delivered or on the ground
Leave orders at Henry Weckbueh's store
Jan. 3 iu3d&w L. Stcll.
New Coeds.
Win. Tlerold is recti vm" a new stock
of goods to supply the demand of his ex
tensive trade. j-23 tf
Mrs. Bannister
Has opened a cutting school in connec
tion with her dress-making, where ladies
may procure the latest improved tailor
system, said to be the nest m use. Rooms
over Solomon Nathan's store. dl2t
Damask Rose the Great Skin Cure and
Toilet article, Mfg. and sold by O. P.
Smith & Co. tf
For Sale On reasonable terms my
residence on the N. W. corner of Elm and
11th streets. Said property consists of
i block with a good story and a half
house of six rooms, two wardrobes and
one pantry; good well anil city water;
twenty-seven bearing apple trees, and an
1 i c n r. e n t
uuuuuance oi smaii huh oi an k.ikis.
tf P. D. Batks.
O. P. Smith & Co. have just received
a large assortment of valentines.
Swedish Lingcns, stock fish and all
kinds of fish or herring for Lent can be
had at janiltf Weckiiach & Co.
N. SULLIVAN, Attorney at Law. "Vi
ck.. give prompt Attention to ail buciness in
tniHtert to Jiim. OHict' ia Union l)!oek, East
siue. riattsniuutu, Aeu.
K. li. Winiui Joji.v A. Da vies.
Notary Public. Notary Public,
Attornoys - at - Zo& v?
Oflice over Dank cf Cats County.
Dr. R. Nunn, M. D.,B Cli
Tkinity College, Dublin,
Late Surcreon at WYsrern Ophthalmic anil
Assist at iioyal Ofhtlialaiic Hospital, London.
Ofilce. Iioom IS, Barker LInek : 10 a. m. to 4
Omaha, Nebraska.
Correspondence Punctually Answered
Merchant Tailor.
Keeps constantly on hand sample? of tle
best goods to l:e procured. Is prepared to
nial; pants fur c'-l.OO and upwards ai.d t-uiiH for
Xeatly :in.t promptly done at 'he lowest
prices Over Peter Merges' store. North Side
Maia Street.
with high arm and vibrating shuttle,
sold on time. Easy payments or cash
Manager Plattsmouth Branch
Dr. C. A- Marshall.
1 & tffTLkJj
Preservation i f natural teeth a specialty.
Teeth extracted without pain by tue of Laughing
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Fitzgerald's Block Plattsmouth. N'eu
Ccr. 12th and Granite Streets.
Contractor and Builder
Sept. i2-0m.
This Spaco
ULUo hu
1,700 Worth of
-Jhi?t Ie
As I have to leave to take charge of my Father's business in Ottum
wa, on account of his continued ill health. Now is the time to lay in
a suyply of HOOTS and SHOES at
French Kid hand-turned shoes
French Kid common sense shoes
Curacoa Kid common senses-hoes
Dongola hand-sewed shoes
Gl-ze dongola sheu
Straight goat shoes
Lest goat button shoes
Hand-sewed button shoes
Calf button shoes
Oil grain button shoes
Clove calf button shoes
Dongola foxed button shoes
Crain button shoes
Red Cross School Shoe Reduced 25c apr.
Misses best Kid and Coat Spring heel 2 50 now f 2 25
Men's best hand sewed shoes 7 00 " 6 00
Men's best Calf sewed shoe 5 00 " 4 5
Men's best Kangaroo sewed shoo 5 00 " 4 25
Men's best calf sewed shoe S 00 " 2 75
Men's best congress or button shoe o 59 w j gj
Men's calf boots " o ?k 1 rri
Alen s best kip boots 4 50 " 3 75
Men's Good kip boots 3 50 " 2 CO
11 Goods 2ni3- "bo sold at once. "You
will find it to yovi interest to call early.
eef, Pork, Mutter, .Voal and Poultry.
X iavite all to giv zzs.C2 a trial
Sugar Cured Meats Hams, Ilacon Lard.
at lowest hying prices. Do not
wJ !
0 U6
."J II
lowest Prices la. ths City, call and
Jonathan jllatt.
PDTJTC V CICFT? i-n nritmoT. 7)I"it.t.t . .
. m xuA1u a;d EGGS
TTT'P IVFCT TirP "M 4 T? V t'T A 17TTrTrG A T lir -r-r,
" ' "''- ttunAi,-; UJN HAND
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c.f fo
ot our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans amd Tit
3H.osorvod for
the Beet Mukes of
?oM in the-
$5 00 reduced to $4
5 00 " " 4
U 75 " ' 3
4 50 " " 3
3 r " 2
3 00 " " 2
2 50
3 20 " " 2
2 75 " " 2
5 25 " " 1
2 00 " ' 1
1 G5 " " 1
2 00 " " 1
1 25 " " 1
etc.. etc. Fresh Oysters in Can and Bulk
fail to t'ive me your patronage.
r rr r
. -iilAIiTHI3.
G 0 I " I
B 88 8 LLI
5& l-ODE-rricrr.Mit.-