THV DAILY HERALD, PLATrsMQUTfi. isrctntASKA, Tr;KSl)AV, .TANTTARY St. 188S. .1 "WOMAN AND HOME. 1 KECPING THC CHILDREN DUSV AND HAFPY AT SMALL CXPCNJiE. Iliiit-i '! i : riiiji I I ii; t'.c ftourfrny at Hull' 1 .isti loti's .i:n lyrilonj Iiifji-ow- IiiK N.iiK 'I In- iiift Slvle I h Kllllllil'it liii.l All Sorts i.1 I s Hint. Tim onldoor h.'e of Mii..:nrr fiirui;hesnbuii dnuf. u- in--fin nt fr hula oium. It is tho long, r.-iiny d.i s arid cold stirji:: of wintor v. hi'-h ii i ve 1 i: m i:;ii-M rs, i.ii'l crowds them jiltout t::c ri'.l licr's I:, to sorely try her wit:;i:il; i! ' r,' An unlimited purse in a hU ral Land liilth.yo;n!;-!.tciV drawer to v i-V.iiig v.iiii mii endless variety of in grnioi: 1 1 ;,:. liven iIimi there is u satiety, r playthings UI11 Ml'.. fewer : .r iub-i ; -: 1 1 ti .ii.l I. ii i: I I. tin; children li.lVO tin m- 11 : ? ; 1 a!n!'5l more Im '-.v.'I I-'lorii:'!.;; "i- w fi'i he. I a'", ' the bright!,' Let I' !tiy or a . ii. l 1 i : 1 1 1 ; - - - i bail!:.-; of ii'ae wa ; o new ; 'a-.; I. years i a lHWnii i :; lion c.; 1" 11jll t'lC t-spc'-ial 1. 1 01' bright shears si 1 1. l.-elcd : . ; I iv. 1 j:ir. trava.a:::' that i!.-ir in.-ro J;:'. -e. !:iiaty for !.(!. a l t; A oeria .dun o thur : tit u; ,:.t I :. r t- i I- ii .1 ! 1 'l Cola' 1 1. fas!;: L..:r.. led , I.;.,!!" i.l ni vera ' tin;! nab da a; a-; w the 1 :.i. 1 tics! jio:-a: deu'a! vhar:.! ::! t.'-a their wrists, i'r t')::': on thel cf : hern Lab - th y inother , T I '; tin; wi-ritluT beaten, r;.-; 1 .11 ol' LIki household is than Miy.i li.-, Iiis'ino fuxl hy the ron.'Ii, irreirular Moeks y are i in .re hilily jiriz'l than i r i : l e;i; -i or i' Loy snop. oa oL' ;,. uiotlu r wlio, liktj ,.. i.'ilv limil. il timo ancl IjisL v. inter, shut in by u:-:!'! s lui.-l eohl, l.iti;: winils, .'i.l.'e.l i:;:on to pHKSC s:iio : h-t 1 i '. ! ;;irls of '.i ami 4 A I i . r ' a- Mii:i!l illeetion of is v.. ; tiieil of, an. I liloek i i ii..; in, .Mrs. ( loodliuo hit !:ei;L 1' J ajier enttiac; for ail . .a ti . a'i. J ! r mental vision ; ;.:.i . lit liy sharjily jioiuted .:i t:i; '.ir-!' of loliinl , :. . 1 i.:' i there iuiiit Lo : i ;!',i:t tliis f ivr;iel CX-v.i-i. !"'.;.!; I:, !n:t the reiloetion :i!;:i!.! j a,.:-i! .jy ln-sjicnt Ujoil a'.i !.- . .ie:i I' -ys, atnlthu .; le.ars of ;.h-;i.,uralle quiet r i.'i'l ei ii !r:-n, won tin day. i .-. , !'. - . i": ..r.i wvro kept in -. i :; I 'i .K oil iiiecliH'k shelf. : v ;' tin: liay ivi:uluw was liil. :, ;:: .l oidy in that sjjot :-.v-e ! ft? nl. At. the saiuo : - i iVei aed cad the children i'..hi:.; i'. .iioiit iiennission. .nr. la; l fhi.aie. s wero nw-es-..: . :::.-.:!.:;:! to slushing ' ;.i-ii I b-c;:H. Fashion i.iies and pieturo ,-1 ' '.he a! teriloon en- ! . )., 1 o! leo llOW ! '..:' ; l:-:ii.Ue tho :. K . ;. tare instead r )' t i::clh(xL ;. : older chihlrer v i'iMviiel uud tho I.: i i;: ,ml. i.i: :d :: ' . ,-"::i:'.- l.nik timo to i .' ia.-jiiture, cutting on ,.! i. a.. 1 t ivo Lniuiature v:i; -i : i!.L ehairs and . - : i : . M:;d- of fKLsto- ..,.1 cre.-t, and if put hy . a' i. :.'..; v Iu!l day's di- ih- i-h.ildren lievarart too of ruitinss was picked rs ':a:iie';oard box or ea. ihaai. happy mother, ; .(.- : .-d tho father at '.vii.tcr's day. ih:.t winter was tho i.iro:.t and pret- iri'rr. it'i a coarse tied at tho end of a ii. i I..:.;." r.r.d je:.:lio niado long .j,s'" -ft ones, which they laoih.-r i t: about their baby a li!stiey .a::io to sawing uut- o; e: s. s l.v lomiDT tho edge to ::e of the f'. ur 03-elet holes. horned tiio ri;j;ht way. Their at have tn! 1 von that for weeks ,a:;.;.s wi v sv.e;t out of hidden : a :li lea 1. aiterv.'av cn ;?". r.tid i hor suvply ran so low that f!i;iwsiei:;::'.Uj forbid tho box entirely, u-ad to j e.relia .e -vh..!e earus of cheap but tons j'.ist for t girls ti string and to Lwp jn a 1. '-, of their own. However, tho ex-iien-e w.-.s little and the amusement unending. A IiU!o sehoel girl warm herself. T'ae ; over In r s!at-j a.:d j reuay lor Le l.-abie' cro .. .1 a 11 v.reiv.s i.:i' sxa 01 vuo biui.e . . 'il'.Ii, vvvt iv.:-. r-Te.r:cctto put away t r.3..;i:C re-r.ui-vi 111 tr.cir oeins -I. v. hen tie bro!:en fragments I a:- irtvr-iier rcsortua 10 leau :;pvr. !-:. C.'i the a.1 P we. cr.l st pie. with a t'.'O whites trod ou, a were cr.rriv r-n.aai childiv:?, 1 licr sarovi white 1 tjviplh'j, near tli.: s.-' .-. tho bedroe::i i oils WvSV no vc was i:i ti;e r ob'-igo.i to t-' uefa-enit ::C;: : to ilrr.v. : . : : dining re .. t oai oiLt-rv.vv v.v . tioi;. i-; i- clear i';.' It pr.--vs o;:v cp' ffc::v.:i ea.i e.:-cei i.vj.r sor.aMy r -l -tampered, r-c thing wh: levor fuh:c. Th-.-y w aboi: of k-v 1 V.V. ad Ci.ii r V..M bi. -h: y -. v, tron'ci' Octmpatlon. Vacuity Is tho parent r.f l.'-r l- lesKness as well as vice." Hester a. 1 00. 3 in Oool Housekeeping. gingham picked un from thd floor at hor Bidrt. Bupioso you buy mall tack hammers and papers of tacks to drive into blocks or fihingles. Empty baking powder cans with lids, empty liotbies without tho corks (which are said to bo jKiisonous), largo glass marbles f roll from 0110 to the other arrows the car Iot, small bnmms to help mother with tho sweeping, ran all bo included in tho list of inexiiensivij toys. To a mother, horrified at sight of the dingi est stew iin in the cupboard, brought by hor young hopeful into the parlor, where sat a distinguished caller, was suggested tho idea of buying cheap, now tinware just for the children's play houe. Bright new tin pails filled with tho smallest potatoes or apples from tho cellar bin are sure to please. Could tho lwiby hurt himself with an ogg beater to whirl aljout? A ten cent one would answer. Sirs. Gilmore allows her little folks to play with the largo dripping pans. With a worsted horselino tied to one handlo, tho be loved dollies are given a fine sleigh ridti. Whenever a neighbor of ours bakes a batch of ginger cookies, her boy and girl hunt up their wooden rolling pins. Each is provided with a flat loard and a wad of the dough, which is frequently dropped on tho floor and stepjied on before it is placed in tiny scal loped pans into the oven. This indulgence is ranted only on days just before the scruo- bing is done. From the kindergarten dealers you can ob tain a box of pasteboard inonoy for a quar ter. These, with eight-cent pocketbooks and a "store" stocked on chairs, will count on a wholo afternoon's entertainment. Teach the oldest children to "make change." Rig up a tent with a blanket over tho dining room chairs, or lend thom cast off clothing iu which to "dress up." liut wo go on enumer ating at tho risk of tho reader's fatigue. Elizalcth F. Furdy in Good Housekeeping. Courtesy In tho Home Circle. If tho head of the family its ruler speak unkindly, it is tiecause the bonds that bind them together are his safeguard. There is a senso of security from exposure in family pride, in part, but stronger than all else is tho knowledge of the womanly love that seeks to hide all errors. The wife or daugh ter, and sometimes sister, are often spoken to by tho "gentleman" of tho house as he would not dare to speak to any other woman, how ever insignificant. But more particularly is UU9 UfUlB WSUW 1 vw imuiiiioic.j w I 1 1 '..fnii-.n 1 -T .-I" 1 his wife. A brother finds no particular . fc J . ; . , r '-U,- pleasure in taking sharply or domineering e sweiiii g j-ct soauauv, . . ... i tj ... ,ai nail should be thinned by ccrapin-r, i-1, ir UVUI Ilia DISLtji . 110 la '."' ' titj """j a v- i - ... a , i . - . , sent it, and retort even more sharply than he very painful, a flaxseed poiil.iec I a , ,1.1c W o a fthnr rCllCI. Alter tUO ll I lLa-iUil na.-. tui.. -j siilisidpd. soft cotton should bo pressed s'oT i'.ed in one day to ic:t-:iirc of the children :ivil s-.sggested another (jv.b f-iates aud pencils i5!o:l;crs ii'xt busy day s one. l'.y far tho great- Tjiit BIartyrdor:i of I'avliion. Mrs. Frances Wiilurd, tho able pi i.ant of the Women's Christian 1 1 laoeiaa'-e i;-.;i,n. who has devoted hor whole lite to lea; uai tho women against tho trullie which ha; laah; martyrs of so many of them, has i: via- i5:lf lxven able to escape the mart moni oi women's fashions. la a recent pnl.ia a ion fche cries out agam.-.t the miseries ol ln,;'i Iiet.-ls and tight corsets, and yet hhe e id at ly continues to wear them, for t.l,e says t hat i- hn "has never known a' singlu physically reason able or comfortable day since that sweet Xi ay morning, in her 10th year, when sho was first confronted witli corsets, high hi els, hairpins, long iiettieoatK, and such hfco liistruine;its ot torture." She declares that sineeth"ti rliehas "cea-d to be a denizen of God's l.iutifiii oni.loors, and has remained in her cag.s the h..i: -' right through all tho years beeaa e Ik r 1 i ,'i heels threw her out of poise, and t'l-s clinging folds of her long tuilil gown bothered '.: r. She says that "I say to myself so often, 4i I could only put on a hat, button a fict around me and step out freely, how delightful that would bo.' But no; then aro ml rit ale j :v limiuaries of changing sdipicrs for boots aad a wrapper for a walking ;, before a woman can do so simple a thing as go for a constitutional." Which shows that it is easier to reform the whole world than abandon ones own iomi- nino vanities. Now York World. TIIK DEAF A XD IOil VArtlOUJ METHODS UY V.': :iCH DCAF r.'.Ul L3 AiiE LDUCATCD. l l HCl ilil ell of Sui-cr-of Die ?.ei- Voi U l:e-i;:o! I nsi nil : ion ;, l-:ii o ' '. lie- V. ol a 'loriie.l Out. I:: or:'., r t., . .-.;.;.! :.! !: Colli--' it i i ; :': 1 1 1..; 1 ..e.-. u a li . 1 1 I'V t. th I.L. .n 'i ll I a I v. , c... W II oath:-1' 3'l. rd, r ! l! a i : a i". , a TENNESSEE - SORGHUM - MOLASSES Pure Now Orleans Molasses, ZZzgiQ Syrup, Bock Candy Drips, HONEY DRIPS AND Syrup in Kegs and Pails i ; t: i.i a is ii i il ;. !l I" t .i th 1 t he .!'!. 1 Treatment of Injrowins Nails. A very common and troublesome afTeetion is that which is popularly termed ' tao in growth ot tho nails," and which most usually occurs by tho side of tho great toe. i ticro w really no alteration in tho nail, as iis namo would imply; tho surrounuing sot pai is first swelled and inflamed by coiuUint press ure against tho edge of tho nail from th j us. of tight shoes. If this state is piM-mitt.-d to continue, an ulcer is formeil in which tho edgo of tho nail is imbedded, i'am u toe consequence, sufliciently suvero in tsonvj in stances to prevent walking. Treatment for this condition of ten demands the skill of a physician. The suhercr sn;;.: fittimnt a euro bv tho simpler methods, and. if they fail, prolessionai assisumc !. 1 1 '.i' -ai r t This is it pea, il in c .. if the utiie.- m ti.-h's un: ii' !- to a- sc .',''' u.e tauae . a. . M'-.hf. 'i -a a t :: i.ii'.il is tan. won; by the icaaaal a!!::.: . ! , a ! l!ie ;- : ,: r reiii'.its the letters in ::. tinier, ri'(;i.iriag the .a;i.l t-i podd i It tier rs ii. .-et-u.-s in the b.-t. I b. ar 1. tae pupil is tauv.iit tl;e v.o'n. . by eeiiyia lheai fro:.i and t ': n to write t in .a v ever tho co; re.-;joiniiii them. hns ! :'e It-.- i lae i i. a a verb. eh the key." .it: -r-i.. t t. When tirs is 1 :-ll- hi I hi t-:i.. K-e' ,i ei v sn -h " i'o: bo: rd, a'lil t :aa;;l.- b: ai: Th-n the t-.-a did yon do. wi'h --, "I jo: is I 'itii-m r.Ii li'-r.s-raal pro lier. 'i '.nt int u V. oi ds a Sim:.:- ;.- is r.i i-.-a u :e p. 1 p. ...s ari. ; .rm th. 1 I'ie- till re aca Ice :i! i enee, a tho i t i .a -s m iesi; lated. '!. ' W 1.. :t. 1 a t! tae :to: a a b l.hould bo sought Tho first object is to remove tho tail .. i : i ve l'b. 11. , ' I. ilia: ...l :,.,. i .r. addressed her. For a daughter, a father, unless lost to all sense of shame, has usually a pjuliar tenderness by which sho escapes much of the oppression that other members of the family are exposed to. Tho restraints of society often prove a stronger protection to the wife from her husband's irritability and unjust censures than his professed affec tion for hor. And more's the pity! It is often the case that polite, deferential atten tions will be more frequently proffered by gentlemen outside the family circle than from her husband. Do any need to be told where unto this tends? The daily papers are full of what may follow. But cruel, unnatural and mean as this is, it is not always confined to the masculine in tho household. We wish we could prove that a lady never "answers back," when "re viled, revileth not again," never returns rail- l.e- is tween the flesh and tho nail, a::d after tli done, it should be saturated wita tee tinctures of iodine, and the application rep,c-ato I sev eral days, after which tho tenderne. s will disappear. It may Le necessary to lift th; end of the nail, and this can uo ciono i eas ing cotton between it and tho toe. This treatment is usually effective, nr.a is atteti .e l with as little pain as any wlnca oati bo ug gestcd. Boston Journal of Health. The Quiet Style the TScst. The quiet girl never wears hi;;h colors on tho street. You do not see her Haunting m brilliant plaids when they haptxn to be the stylo. When high hats aro "in," she does not pile hers so high that it swoops tho cob webs from the sky. Sho does i:;.t wear an ative and deaa-a i..,d t' ::m ; ol ii th.; J ".'! ii' "ne of the Ii::; of ah-: !.::'.. t- ;iad Ii:'..iish idiom are .-.'acees.d v ih.jtaai.auiy tu- r-ainc ja'-.u tai -ai r i "When the I npil h. ress 1.-.; is prepared .eahi'rr I l.v ii H, la:: :r ican- n 1 : . . 'i i rt s f t ! u.-o eeaiied ;.cd on ia-;. T..i., th.-vi.vd l v..i-1! to it i:. i; i for .rt ien is mi .':ll Dr. IV.;. ii- r tae y V it'-ve ie. i:K.viJi:a;. raade -.iriViru!, p.r-- nV'i.-a .oii una - a ; ad tin l't aii- d b . n:i. ry Ca-ri. t'aa.t all sound h: Upotl tile lips, watch the :-i ' .le : . ; a . I ree. liiij' The ! -j :art .n; :it de a! ' in ' n' i'l ' ;':-,! :C :-. il, is i sh; d I : poll the fact s its lis. d, ile.i.a'.o i lo: i I'll t!r- !ii,:te i-i tau.ahi. to r's bps jit:d o'.h- r or.ins :f ingfor railing, a sharp retort for a bitter exaggerated u&r.gwne.i i.:o ouj is i.. ourtesy with equal negloct I nor mo mggesi, uiu -- .. word, or meets discourtesy with equal and indifference. We blush to acknowledge that tho wife is perhaps as often responsible for the beginning of evil in this respect as her husband. Public opinion has as strong hold on her as on a man even stronger, as woman has more of that kind of pride which holds her back from tho open exhibition of est train to her tea cowu, nor tho number of bangles when bangles rign. 1j' "--beeauso she does not chatter and giggV? f-t'-l make herself conspicuous in Lorso ears or tt matinees, does not announce her convict iors on all occasions and all subjects and p.n .iV.-s Vim- ndmiration at everv turn, it mur.t nv'j 1 e tiiieech so i Ufu-c !. l: by .ibaolu! nn !!'..-;. I bible ler a on a; i ex any subj" is, r.f r;..: p'.e:'.sa:ii. t pe.M ta..t earn. c.y a . by coal' rec v,:iiii lei- this : r.le and s i to 1 1 ;.- . iVi i t :1 :it or pi.'.s v.'..r n of the.r p::oai ys:c!:i it h.-imiis po: n'-on to carr W Oi l IS k, bat . .1 eoav r 'I'll:- art.'c erad,-, au-.. . .: , ve rr. .o ii.dir-: ia dam u hdion i in i on;. on f the caj ' , bat it rani;, :t as to be nai .. I :(.: t lauto a ta t.K : "i 1 the irritation that is driving her almost supposed that she has no ideas, co-.ivietionsor . v mnn eh. rriti nif ntlnnrtl.n I enthusiasms : that sho moves alon-r b lea i: star ; tl:.-. jo vvcro her first Mr o'a-v be iiardoned L. .:: ci ted result. TL .-.: h.o-a-.e proved tco ;.uly c -ravvl appeared :! another near m t'.iat time the pon "j t-:'-jiS the mother i (,-t then she was - itch, to ircvent the . crl:, bi.-..-a3 and for iirls riiiit bo taught L hs I paste on the ;Ll de.'i -ht aud occupy ch::-.L If tho c cats ;-- t-;i with fow ir.tcrrup j woi-L'.i tao timo taken to furious, than a man. She will not allow tho public gossips to hold her up to tho gazo of the world il self-restraint is possible, But all the courtesy and amiability, the deference and respectful attention exhibited in public or to friends outside, are worthless to man or woman if the same are not more earnestly extended to each in the sacred pre cincts of home. Love that shines in the most kindly acts, respectful attention, quick to see what may be needed or gratifying the most perfect courtesy at home or nowhere. All that is found outside should be but tho overflow of that which is unchanging and perpetual in the charmed circle of home. There is where we must seek for the true lady and gentleman. If not fully developed and sacredly maintained there, but promi nently exhibited elsewhere, the sentiment is spurious a counterfeit. Tender as may bo the exhibition of that spirit which is tho spark from God's altar that kindles tho home fire, fond and loving, and caressing as may bo its revelation, it never degenerates into that overf amiliarity that is the bane to tho best and noblest emotions. Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher in New York Star. . tee d I.' at If r and roi"".r.l uivi:"s t--. s b' ..:: us ot .- h a g::-ls ba-i a cr.dth.,- h Sill. ;iiS.I tif tiu t-!-.s tend, fw.d Old s--:.:tv.-l v, the ii h;: v.-i c::oc: t -which it w: cLtM to ' ::: with. 1'vf tho Jo;:-: v, Tua;lc th'-. Aral t t':, meat ta th'. fcovved o:;. 1 Lutti.naai the little t: v.-ild with j ion.-'!on Low some progeny to be rea atid yet provido to assure a r.eauny cucei- Lil lav aside for themselves r a lainv-'av's occupation, r'iiv t ciiivutit spent in chil li. .-: oxh.'Use. A school in si w. 11 to do family told ,r t". I 1 1 l.a t a: :rd:a vd 11: ; :Mr- r; t a ur.v. i no uiuo I j ::l. bat that was all; lasi ei ilanug some n -s'kIV o:i the part , r. Old and bat- ae, pieces vi an u enough, when Anything was a to r-lay- witu, at chairs, into lego to allow a to play horse r:u was taught itcat c :!:co gowns, a.naias hit frot.i lite quiltin; c h da:i"s .Iv'i;:;. not one gar- iv. a v la h' oat .la; furnished was at r ::: "o to tahe oa and off, to -..v.b-:t: It is safe to say that rl: irl.-. !i :.l i.ever been so nearly cv wacn s..:.iJ otids and ends of ffsv ribbons as l 1 ie, s wtre added lor their doiia-s furtiur adoratueut. Clay pipes and dish of suds i::itiad them into the wondrous Una' y cf the soap bubble, to the -r-e-. tii.-nav cf the sewaut over tho pros ert of an i:i washings. Ten cent ;, t-ioth stT'-m :tvo'.l the slop, appeased the m.1 lvi- c after the id did good service long a.l lost thi.-:r stems. tlothcspitis some day p,.:,-, i-,' .hebigof tlotncspms someday hen th- ' L '.'r -d f'-'-i frnful, and build pig ?uifor tl em. If tWJ l- r-rr do.vcn to add to their whe pen. 1 -i'j e T.'avtlm3. "Oi!c iticil-cr, xuaious to finLh ." ' . .:iU,:', orlete l tbe clamorous little &ui;n- rci. A . v. LeVa-ssed ia a few moments from scraps .l Bints Concerntns Etiquette. "For reasons which must be perfectly ob vious," Aunt Ruth continues, "introductions to voune women ought to bo made with erreat caution. Ho who introduces a j-oung man should first know his character and habits to bo irreproachable; if there is mis sionary work to be done let it be by those having more judgment and experience than a girl of 18. ' If an undesirable acquaintance persists in calling, 'not at home' is tho proper message to send him she is not at home to him. and to call this form a falsehood, is prudish. It might be preferable to send word that she was engaged, which would be tao same thing. Not to recognize him upon tho street would be the cut direct and can be necessary only in extreme cases. To fail to return a call where there is no family afflic tion and no explanation offered, is sufficient to show to a lady that the acquaintance is to dron. and is not often misunderstood. On this subject an lingush writer has well saia: 'This etiquette, which may appear trivial and over punctilious, is in reality a power which society places in the hands of ladie3 to erovern and determine their acquaintance ship and their intimacies, to regulate and de cide whom thev will admit into tneir inena- ship, and whom they will keep on the most distant footing. As such it is to be com mended.' It is a dissipation to have too long a visiting list, we cannot know every oao intimately and must make our selection ac cording to taste and natural affinity. "However much custom differs in different places, it 'is usual to call only between tho hours of 3 and 6. Formal calls need not last longer than fifteen minutes; the more social should not be extended until the caller becomes a bore. You remember Mrs. Brown whom we used to dread to see. Often mak ing her appearance before lunch, and gener ally on those days when your mother was making a carpet or hanging some curtains or when there was only enough 'left over' to go round, she stayed till night. If sho cama after lunch and Mrs. Strong or Miss Granger appeared, Mrs. Brown was sure to monopo lize the conversation and to out stay them. Tho genus bore is ubiquitous and thero will bo the usual number among your neighbors. Your way is not to lot them get a foothold; keep on your dignity till you have made your selection of friends and unbend only to thorn. TToif ti.a nmT-lrl rif u-nwipn nvfflTnii the other half heedlessly or out of want of that mental To fumigate a house, burn in it sulphur cf culture which would give them interest and i tar: then whitewash and ixunt. enthusiasms; that sho moves a.o; iu the heavens, which obej-3 tuo laws oi grav itation without selecting its course or object ing to its orbit. It is tho quiet girl v. ho makes the best match, who fills the meats which her more brilliant sisters leave va cant, who manages the servants, runs tho sowing machine, remembers tho birth lays, listens to tho reminiscences of tho oi l r.tri often keeps tho wolf from tho door. Easton Argus. tet the Bumped Cliild Sleep. It is a general idea that if a child has a fall, striking its head, and shows u tendeney to sleep thereafter, every effort must be made to keep it awaice. iovr, aceoi or . one of our best physicians, this theory is a mistaken one, and much harm is done i a t ry ing to prevent sleep. Kest is what tae brain of tho sufferer wants more than anytaiag else, and, if not allowed, what might have passed off in a few hours may result; in in- flanimation and terminate ra cieato. xj-j r.o feel frightened, mothers, if your boy roan down stairs, bumps his head with fc -te, cad then shows a disposition to sleep; lay him on the bed, loosen his clothes, and airily thin cloth3 wet with witch hazel or water to his head. Keep his feet and limbs warm with irons, or bottles filled with hot watt-r. Darken the room, and keep it as q-.iiet as -possible, and when the doctor comes nature v. iil have aided him in Jus irer.imens uf i-ci "sweet restorer," sleep. New Orleans Pica yune. Children's Teeth. Most children will enjoy brushing their own teeth. Just hero let us oaer a v.-oru Ci. advice. Begin when your baby is eighteen months old to clean his tiny teeth, and keep it up as regularly as j ou do your own. ueu tists will tell you this is none too early; that the second set will be all tho sounder, and be sides the children will be spared much suffer ing from toothache. Good Housekeeping. Since so many women have to spend so rnni-li of the'r lives ia tho kitihen it, should bo made a place of comfort. Bo sure and have a lounge or easy chair there. Towels, brushes and combs should be a; portioned upon tho army plan. Each mem ber of tho family should bo provided with a separate outfit. When laid away for any length of time, linen should lie washed, rough dried without blueing, and laid in loose folds without much weight on it. Fried Indian meal pudding so called is as toothsome a breakfast dish, for the rising generation, as one can travel many miles to secure. Tho best bathrooms have a natural wood floor, or aro covered with oilcloth or some thing of that kind of material t.e. ill ,t ta; are r i., al iMr- :i hav ; io enable a-.-iicr, an I iri:; ; ta en-V:-. ad a ::", 'l ho one.-a i ! of aaa voice, hae throne !i a il iv wit the vv till t'ai ca; t p: IT. ia.. for lav ; i..o main . '. 1 the mat .-cilaond, a s i. ; i v La . al d ta lai.-d ;u n rut "iVheaiacIi ; at t'ae cgi of i 1 pa -ia-.t -I) L.-or t i of em- h .vaiv n pent ea-h day. A practical pri::ti::g oiaec msdc r the ear; ion of a rautc for-.-nian is ia fall o; trail there r.n-1 tarns out work cqu general run ot j .'. ola.-er. 1 i.riatiagfortae last .ta; ion lsual report, situ 1: at; 1 aca: and will male or years p ho ii ii, t, at wLi isiittilioa :s of aha. nai traial lai'ida! fc.-iaiei a; a"-i to :, three lo :1 to that of tho h.-js .II tha iacli'.iliag iho aa- yearit took ia ?1,-?1 far d 1 ;i' -r lor acq. number of g men's To remove white spots from table or other furniture, rub tho spots with camphor and they will disappear. Decayed vegetables should not be left, in the cellar, and cellars should bo v. hitewashtd to be kept sweet and clean. Put salt in the water to prevent black cali coes from fading when they are washed. Books and pictures, in intelligent families, now rank next to bread and butter. custom work, -v la wrpa; tr is nn.o prm there which is edited bp-a nrate why po.-es.:3 all the Lasliac;.; f c. mode: -a journal! t. Ia the carpenter rhcpi the L- .ys are taug'at tla.t trade in all itJ branch, s. They d ad the repairs to the : aildiag ;::A it i i c-nitaa-ted that their work last year saved i-hllbbi to tho institution, iaey also turn out soaio sr)CCi:ueus in cabin' t work. Ail tht? shix-s distribute' 1 to the- inmates by ti. in stitution are made by iht; boys in the : ho? eho", where taey arc caagui an tae ut-aiis i raetical s'.Kt- :aai:i::g. Those whce ir.cilaati. ran in that direc tion are afTonk-.l every facility in the tailor i for acqui-Mig tho trai.e. 1 uorc, too, a rls are taught lo w upotr :r.rmf-ats cv.d tao hho;i :.-;t year tarr.el out .r,Ul.17 woria of clot rang. A large farm i.aLo roaawtcd with the in titu tion. There tuoso boys agii'atituraily in cliaed can put their inclination to practical use. For the c:ap'.oy:aeat of tho girls t hero is a seamstress' room, where almost cvery artiele of female apparel is made, aud a large amount of laoueliag is doae, aud alterations in garments are made. Every effort is made to inculcate good manners, refinement and good taste. In furtherance of this an art department is con nected with the institution. In it each pupil receives ever j-week a k-ssoa ia drawing from j nature, while those who develop a special ! talent therefor are given special iusiru-tioa in wood carving, in clay modeling, in planter i castiag, in the ornamentation of irctlaia and in painting iu oils and colors. There is ! a room in this department devoted to spcei j mens of the pupils' work, j The special training in the institution ia ! carried on without sectarianism. New Yori: ! Press. The issae of rum is to be discontinued Li J.T. T,I Z.t l.T-vi 1- ir Til j Lilt? Jlli.kSU. ill iXkJ .AeAifc, i for spyrtts soon a ttiDs f tiie Co, ra. r'i he Plattsrnouth Herald s enjoying a Be cm in "both, its EDITION Hie 18 88 Will bo one during wliich the niljccU of national interest sui'l ini'orl;inf.e will lie strongly agitatt-J :ml th'; eleetion of :i President will take phiee. 'ihe neonlo of Cass County who would like to learn of Political, Commercial and Social Transactions of this year and would keeji apace with the times .should - roi: iiiTMi it 'fin: Itfft I Xow wliile we have the subject before the people we will venture to tpeak ot our $ m & im v&k i J ' "Which is lirst-class in all respects and from which our job printers are turning out much fatisiactorv v.ork. PLATTSHOUTH, NEBRASKA. - jf V