r j. ..V safes' fill ' "il1 , t I !- in h sJ ' i 1'IUST Vi;A;i PL.ATTS3IOUTII, XEIiKASKA, TUKS!). Ms i' -; t' t . ft.1' I' A X. V- j i" 1 A' " i i ! J: i ! 4 s I' 5 i n It i! ... s . May.jr, Jlci K, 'J lo t-mei , Attorney , Knnr- a, J'olliv ,1 il l, .Mm.liil:, Couiieiiiii a , If 4 . I) Si v. i'kuv : li .Smith ) 1 i V, ! l .li.M A H if. i;o I I.AIIK A .!.iii.rc .1 S I . I II KV,M V il S.M.I . K . K r. M il li ! i M . Ml II ' Koaid i'.il 1m i n I . V !.... , IIAIilM.'-i' F Latest by Telegraph. BORUOWBU ARD TOLKS. Weather Indications. For Nebraska: Colder, fair weather, 1 itrlit to fresli rnriable winds. i. :..-- : .;.:: ( ! ,J i !.'.-. i. ! i il UOU'l'Y Oi'I'L;KijS. TlfJlSIII'iT. In-:!jly i m i f, -Clcrii. KlfCi.l-.f-! U.-.ilS lt:UlV r. 'i.vt. :icr:i ni Di-nic: .'u.iri, SU-li!l. Hurvt-yiT. - -Allmnfj . Coanty J ii i). A. CAMIM'.HI.I, i i; i. ''i.i.o.:k : ii:i iifl' li I i M.n I . i'i.i ii.-'M'ir.i i, V. il. I'ukIj n M l.i'. i. V. ('. M!. Ai.T;.it J. C. 1'.:ji:ni;ai: ... .1 a tmi.K t t.i.-.'i i;ki:s n '.I A V.N N.'I l M 'l -V K i;u.-aKi.i. r.')::i tv .:(. rr.iivi.sous. A. 15. Tm.n, .-- l'lii'.l-iisionMl J.o;:is l'-.i.i .. i 'ii'iii., V.'ccjiiii V::t'T A. li. Ill KS'j.N', - l..;iiV(-.d ( 1 1 VI G SO (ill ?I; 1 1 iS. (tASS l.(ii: St;. 1!". I O. f. V. - Mi'ds -'cv?i".v 1 ur-i! -.y cvi -in .i .f ic'i f'k. Ail tr:i! .i-'.;t lr .i:-.-J.- i ::" : !i:l!y ::ivi!(- l to rj::;) i.!)i-;i: :. si. a. o. u. w.-Mei-is everv :t!i rii i: l-'ii-Liv -.i'ii:: t iC. 'if I'. IihII. ! i:n i 1 1 :-:-. ; ' ;;- i ' i i : 1 y iu-Vit-.i -r : -1 . F. V !:;!. , M;:-n f V. m !:iiii-ll ; ji. A, :nl i-'.ri.ii:u. : 1'. .i. uvtiecr ; J. E. r.Iur; i ;. i.'ciii !.! . - 1 1 f Al.l"'! KM - .:-! 1 :i'l:l f'li'.ltll MlW- A av "vt'iii!'-: m i". h. l! All ti:i!is;cnt l.liit'l'T-i HIV :Vj"l--- ! V) I'.:- .-! v::h .1-. L. A. XoVi'iMMT, ( . t r il.i : t'..::-.i:l: 1. .-, Nili'.", V:-; li v A l vi- ! ; l, 1. :'. il:, l'.;;i;;..:!icr ; W. C. Will: -V. i ln'-i. in.vrr.MOi: "i: :.ii;i; :;o. s, a.. r. w. M r:.-' i'Vit.v l ii'!:;y i-vi'iiiii;: at l:x-i; .v;iil li.iil v c:'i-1ii:i.. All ' .ui-n-ni lin.-tli-ri r.-," in! ly i.iviii-t! ti :d t ii-t. .'. A. iutNi'li'1, M. V, .; ', (in1 -ii. iitiv ii.'.n : S. C. Wilili'. ii.-i;:i-:l'T ; i.. A. Nowcoiiier. norsitT. fflcOUlUiilZ POSY V., A. H. r.ui ::!:. .T. Vi'. .L.iiVi.i.N' ' '"(...iiiiasulor, C. S. T !:.- 'S.-!i-;r Vil'U " 1". .. ISA i -: :.:t.Vi " ;-.. Nu.i.s At!jiita:it. Awi:sr Y.:::v ;i. Q. M. Mai.on i!' 'N :.::'i'r of tiio Kay. t'u vii!.:s i " " iu:inl liKX.l. IlK'l f-Vr;.'t Major. J.o:i (ins:- .v:.. ..tiunrtor M:is:er Scrst. AiA'ii V i'.i.; : :' i'tif.t CJiapl.iiu jMcoti'i -a! ii" h'.y t vi'iiiun 1 ii.W o? 'ic: r-T:: !;! aiU-ntiou t iili :ii:si:i..-ti u trust to my f;n c. S:V ft trTlV'Z. TU:"! '; -.-iii.i'. !. i's::.r.-t- '.iuiCtl, III nuriiici! ittjii, i.eal ii"t-ite ."-'oKt. Better racililics U r Falia Loans than Any Ot'ivc Asiicy. Li u iiuivkuUll I il L i 2 1 w L- i-.UUK SO Hcpresent the i'oilowing time triu.l :i:ui fire-tcitcd companies: American C 'utr.'.l-S . ?. x.ia. Asnu Sl,23S,loo Corami'i-i'i! L'.iioa- Ki:iii:-."1, " 2,5W;,3H Fir As .i'Ia:i-.i-r. ILuidflita, 4,4I."),5TC Prar.klir.-l'hiliu'.fli.Iiia, " ?,!17,10(; Homt-XVv York. " 7,(-55..K9 Ins. C), of vort!i America. P'aii. ,; 8,471.302 J."!vrp:irkt!..:'.l'.':i & i;j,bc-Kii " CG153.7SI Isort'.i :irilih x- ialiie-Ku : " 3,3"f',75 Norsvich rr.ion-Kii.v.'lar.'I, " 1 ;2i.iCt SpriasSield i & -M.-Spnugrieia, " 3,M-1.'S Total A :-sat3,. 542.115,774 0oS83 A-! tni ilia paiaat ta-sASGiic AYE "WILL HAVE A rr3 f 3 a 1 b e a d u ast 1 3 tf 3 -OF- HOLIDAY GOODS, ALSO library Lamps -OF U2ipB8H3 Falls AT THE USUAL Gheap Prices -AT- SMITH & BLOCK'S. Tho Antt-Socialist Bill Referred. Diklix, Jtn. 30. The debate on the anti-socialist bill was resumed today. It was iinslly referred t a committee. Death of an Eminent Botanist. Boston, Jan. 30. Professor Asa Gray, the eminent botanist and profenr of botany 111 Harvard college, died of par alysis this erening, nsjed scventy-seyen. Vice President Potter s Condition. Chicago, Jan. 31. Vica President Potter was better today and decided to continue his journey to New York, al though against the advice of his pliysi cian. He will probably go to Florida in s short time. Detailed to Kill the Czar. London. January, 30. Advices from St. Petersburg say that a prominent army officer Bhot himself fatally recently and before dying told the surgeons he was a member of a secret society and had been detailed to assassinate the czar, but had preferred suicide. A searching in vestigation is 111 progress. The Pope's Rich Presents. Bat.timobi, Jan. 31. A correspondent for the Sun iu Koine has furaished au interesting description of the gifts to Pope Leo, on the occasion of the jubilsa. So far 7,000 cases of articles have been handled, and the end is not yet. Uy to January 13th presents to th value of 10,000,000 have passed through the hands of ths Vatican inspector. Even that sum has been exceeded in money. The United States has outstripped every other country in cash donations. Tho Whittler Homestead. Chicago, Jan. 30. The statement was made a few days ago that John G. "Whit tier had denied that it was his wish to have the Whittier homestead at Haver hill, Mass., purchased and preserved as a monument of affection for him and his poetry. This appears to havo been a misstatement, as the times this rooming prints a letter from Whittier to Miss Francss "Willard, in which he expresses his gratitude at the proposed movement, and hearty wish for its consummation. A Dsouty Sheriff's Forgery Red Oak, Jan. 30. IT. T. AVest, of Villisca, late deputy sheriff of this city, was convicted of forgery in tho distrist court yesterday. The crime was com mitted while lie was In office, and when the note cam due he, in his official capacity, served the notice of suit upon the parties whose names he is convicted of forging, two Swedes living near Vil lisca, and attempted to terrorizing them into acknowledging the signature. F. II. Jerome, a note broker at Villisca, bought the forged paper and loses the amount, as "West has no property. It was for $123. Bogs's Blood Purifier and Blood Maker. No remedy in the world has gained the popularity that this medicine has, as a hold on family medicine. No one should be without it. It has no calomel or quinine in its composition, consequent ly no bad effects can arise from it. We keep a full supply at all times. O. 1'. Smith Co. Druggist. j25-3mod&w Again Sentenced to Hang. Dubuque, la., Jan 30. The jury in the Barney Kennedy murder trial reported today, after being out sixteen hours. Their verdict was guilty of murder in the first degree, and the punishment was fixed at death. Kennedy was convicted on a former trial and sentenced to hang, but secured a new trial on ground that one of the jurors was not a naturalized citizen. His attorneys will now move for a third trial because one of the jurors in tho trial just concluded became in toxicated during its progress. The gen eral opinion is that Kennedy will be hanged as the jury ordered. If he does escaps through the courts he will never escape the vengeance of the tribunal of public opinion. Begs's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the only medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re lieves a cough instantly and in time effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3ai,d-w. Try O. P. Smith & Co"s K. of P. Cologne Lasting and Fragrant j-23 tf Parties having received statements from mc will saye costs by calling and settling by February 1. 46d&w2t O. M. Stbeight. THE EASTERN BLIZZARO The Natives Be&innlnQ to D! Out of tho Drifts. ItocnESTEit, N. Y., Jan. 30. On the New York Central roads between Syra cuse and Buffalo there were several live stock trains when lat week's storm came up. Efforts wero made to run tht-sn to points whero the stock could be shell; r cd, but in snite of all efforts nearly fif teen car loads of cattle and lios ds tined for Boston and New York wer fro.vu to death near Palmyra, ami sev eral car loads at othfr points. New Yokk, Jan. 30. The fury of the storm which began Thursday, and which swept the railroads and eastern New York with snow, was not (spent until Sat urday afternoon, and the railroads, up to that time completely at its mercy, began a vigorous light against the drifts, mul unless more snow falls today the block ade may said to be ended. Washington, I). C, Jan. 30. The sig nal corps station at Nantucket reports upwards of fifty vessels in thfi ice near there, and from Great Point to Tucker nuck Shoals, mauy of theiu are adrift, having lost anchor and chains. The let is ten inches or more thick, and the most powerful tugs enn render them 110 assis tance. Most of them will be wrecke ! unless prompt assistance in rendered th 111 when the ice breaks up. Nebraska Bills in tho Houso Washixoton, D. C, Janaary 33. Mr McShane introduced in the house today u bill to pay Tobias Castor $ i, ((() for horses stolen by the Cheyenne and Sioux Iudians from a point know as Oak Urove, in JXuckells county. 2rj.. 111 1804; also a bill to remove tho charge of desertion standing against the inilitarv record of Geort'o W. Madden. Mr. Dorsey introduced a bill to pen sion Capt. Ben. Contal and to remove charges of desertion. the five per cikt j::i.l Senator Manderson'3 resolution in I 1m senate today calling on the Secretary of tho Interior for information as to the sale of public lands in Nebraska, and whether five percent of the net proceeds has been paid to the state, is supplement ary to tha bill introduced some weeks ago by Senator Paddock providing for the payment of such unpaid sums which is now pending before the Committee of Public Lands. Vvrheu in the seriate be fore, Mr. Paddock succeeded in securing the passage of a similar bill which faihd in the houso. "With the cooperation of the entire delegation he has strong he; e of more complete success at the present session. The Hatfleld-FolcCoy Feu::. Charlkstowh, AY. V., Jan. 30. Gov. Wilsoa has decided to order out th--militia, and put a stop to the IbvtfirM- McCoy affair at once, he having SMti.-fl-d himself by thorough inquiry that th-.' reports from the scene of trouble werr not exaggerated. This evening Governor Wilson's rep resentative returned from Logan county and reported that the belligerents on both sides in the Ilatfitld-McCoy affair have disbanded and the trouble ended. The governor has countermanded the order for the militia. Frightfully Crushed by Cars. Minbukx, la., Jan. 30. At 4:1.) p. m. while an extra freight train was twitch ing here, Frank Jones, 22 years old. in attempting to jump on the snow plow, fell in front of the plow .nd was dragged a considerable distance, the engine, ten der and one car passing over himj cutting off a lower limb, one hand and crushing one shoulder. Thero is little hopo of his recovery. Pensions Cranted Westerners. Washingtok, Jan. 30. The following pensions were issued to Nebraskans to day: Mexican war Ira N. Tuft. Omaha Original Joseph J. Sperry, Fairfield. Increased Joseph P. Smith, York; Clif ton Newkirk, Blair; Isaac Lent, Lincoln. British Craln Trade Review. London, Jan. 30. The Mark Lane Ex press says: There 13 no demand for na ive wheats and it is impossible to sell except at a decline. Foreign wheat values are only nominal. Flour is graatly depressed. Foreign declined G pence per sack. Corn steady; oats dull. James Rcdpath Dyirs. New York, Jan. 30. Tim physicians of James Redpath. jouaualbt and leetur- er, has given up hope of his patient's recovery. Father McFaddsn Sentenced. Dublin, Jan. 30. Father McFadden was today sentenced to three months im FIRST STf.r TOWARD FAMC. IIoiv tieu. ;i;ii:l l)ii!l.-ti ii: I u::te :' "ssi!i"i:-.:iv. it. 'i s. 0 ' 1 I Mr. V. I :'i -a 1 . :ii ai(.!-.i. ..C 1,:- NVI ; 1: , v.!.K-a . i i i!.- II .-1 (i;-y .1 O.lA.Klr. !.: . Il 1 ; : 1 V. ..s ; 1. I I- ..1 : I.' l v, ; .ml iif 1 li .1 I !.! ' .1 1 . it ; 1- ':: ."' f y.i :.:rv I.M all !-. e 1 : 1 V 1, entire Winter .'.mds at ei.-!. hav a I.;,;.' iHi.itiiiiv .-in.! r i'ii" in vent iy, we reduce il t!..'. ;.;..tids niih'-r than to H'.- are willing In ;.. II our Staples w! !i"-r them -. ! Ti t " cents per yard. 1 y..- i. 1 J.i a i'ev-. 1 ! 1 ' ; . a 1 e : tie ws;.; enle.t . i. Wo w boys t ". 1 1" ;-,-t t tv I,e?e uf u.i I.ih-v.t. sii A'.'e oniil.f 1 .'.I ii t lt. v;..s .-.il.,'. Lt-' (..:: !''.. iilM.i., v.";.'-!ii e Lie l-...l;e;:.-, ;. V t-, I . th i-i!ii,!-uiy ii;el J'lit n ; ti.:-i;-.i..;!; Sal-',' 1 -i"iv i.ii" i i 'i. . e v.'c.t. l.i 1- u .;':; .:A c-i.I.'-l hhn .iu t. t .-:! ii Le I. I V :.n'l i'ilI i-M:.ii;u n. ;;'-ee:i :.. le.it, we u i'i ,le military laijhi line. l!e:t - 1 a- (II was vi in:.. t!i. e '. il.-i-.i J!. tl.i-. i:;-.ii t lie ! . ;:,( .si y.i iv; (ii :ti:L L.ie'..' ' -.irk lil.e ''. fu r ..I,. "i:ve:y:.": UV. H 1 ' t i.e i VO iliis '.'! e:j 1 1 i;. vu u ; .iri. I V". O Wet-'.! ; 111 j.;t'j:-;, ami hi 1 .i.i:iu-.I wi;1:nat HH 1 sin::.- 1- !,-. ' r, a:: w.-ni i i'::'A caii-' l 1: i .1) !. II.-in t:-l iUr ciitli i- i ,o !.'.. .:lv . :;.:,; ...i. 1:1 til. one lei'I.iie; tu::.i.,; ic-,-:, n.vl drlli i:i:;-.ei-, C, fi ;:i in :. Bt.;iv. 'i ' Kl-cat co.-i-).i::.: i.tit wo ;; tn Niii'ii'.v'eei '. '.Ion. .-'!' j.'er::o:i.-iiJy, !ait 'jo ne-.ik-s, j f..t 1!k '. a:ir sv::ii tit.) ! v'-i- v. . :v e;;i. ) so! i.ei iy ;:i bu.r-.ibii!-: ' I i'or t '.ii.' ea;.:t: 1. in t...v:; ---.uM ...-'': c.t! :a ilu sxo u; ;!. 'list:!, ne-.e'.. a' I. 'ee-att'.i', 1 !;:.;! ; !,.;::.!. TI." beys l-'-. -,.t.l e:i. '. 1 1 - .Jit, soeii.,; tlit.l'. i':- vile I'...:".I.- ...t t:!..1 i L.1L. t..:.i, ;: a .I:v? ei'innr'.l, i ' ." -.: !;..: n.: .,.:!!;.c Vuvi.:'.;.'.! :!:. Lit:; !.e-e: . ,' by c.) '. ! ;, . .-."-I .:-.. f.v iit to see us C'AiL .i .;e.l . ;.i.'..i- r.t.-.l v to ,;! w Jul i: i-y vi:o vv.ij civio: :-.-;:i!y b:ii 1 il .a:-; ti.- 1 I::tJ ..."A :vl .. : t very l i-,,. ( '..i'u ii liiakill t I.e vA v.u . i -. fur sl.iat. (.'ii.gham .,-t. dress s.yb'i Hi n':, ;i r xaid. Dii -: i .U all 1. in. I ; at tin- v ry btwc-l prices, l-.nn "ci I:ls per y::l-i lipwiUil. Wuuli n V. .! u!!i-r ;it c.i I, el I a I'n". i ,a i ies ca h -iiwre hu.- , wmlli n .w " iine ii'.ivy woul t'! ce:.t-, now '.'.'; child ren's line lii.bcti wo:th a', cow :.o. I'n (ler ware 1 1 1 H.-.1 go at l.,'v J're a-, w; v. ill not ke p tli m over. Our dents Si! ver ( b ry "bii'ii'o I-bi.l-i aie i . 1 raw rs, fumier jiiices .' ti '''. j :..:nino iiiirls and drawirs, extra quality 7" now .V. Our Seal l"l. all wool shirts iind h ,MV i lin" tpialily -Vl.Oi) now 7.1 cei.is. li'.!V- Our scarlet . .1! wool shirts and ers. line quality Hl.'J'i iccy l.(,0. Ours; a:! l all-wool shirts and dr i w !1- tuaiity :?!.7" low l.2." O- -earl t all-wool shirts and cry., tine (jiialiiy sV'.fi) iu- l.-io. l W jy ii .;: :Ij v. 1 .... S . , tiicf, 1: l:i::i .". :ra : Calc.t'lo V; .: . it 'i .. .' t J N. a;:.' i.i : I)a:;e: O.lO (.1 b. ei:. it! m:!; y v.-..y j lliao oi 1 ; - Tiiou : 1 v.:: : ' JtuiN. ;.;; i.--;. i bun.ilc- tii.ii. T::-t y i orally v.. yMi-s (il,1., cerl::;'! . of tLe:.: riv-a co. ,:.ti:;: u-e th-jir t.iTi. ii:i-o.:;,ii iiil t!..- ;i uiiii-.-e, Cis.-ii r.-.i-i .vl.-li a e.r.'c: eavy t.) I'se cyos so:;.st)i:::. Thar cloth r-i rr. stufr.s, tui-l tlio e::., cjsiiy. They It.itv or sas'aos, aie I ii ihvcv-Iou'u ntorsel v a:i obii so L-r;;e 1 ti'.: ( . . ' r ... ; :iiei::. M' il'A LLY ,S CliKAP. Our per (;. L. dis::;int. on ( Io iI;s, is lov1; fore I to b,-.t t:;i good. We arc out our enti.-i! .toi l, has such an op;;;. -tun; conomi'tal buy; r., t i q'!;ililies for so littb; termined Id id r.t v r b .' I-eell l.i'i'i I ..... i-u: . i 1 ie- Kj i -. i i .;. I -.: , r..'. itil tl:.. I f- t j ; v v, ' .'bl.-tl 1 , .':j..A C TV t; "Ti s w to.:r; u, eoui-i i.;e.:ry oi u of r.I'vrrT. o2 t!io rie!:r:-i :.lcr;is eft-;, raro r..rl c.il j-.'l-.I.i i:i vbb- . ; :i.::'.iy yoti vr- n blbo b::.:-i.::,' f-. ;:jlm':i;ty wit'i u tl.j Ue'-ci-cail ct t'. r It. HjwU.j ISA. tiJ .Sl. li. t.tMt u a uJ .s : Li U fc. Ci . htm A Ji. C...i I A. V. iiol.l.-.-, I.M L ..Oli'Geil'l . I A i I.;.!: I ..I'OULTBT buj m 4T4 Mjyjk Mwr Suifur cured li :.ni.-. IJiicoji :ii:i l!;; Ie ;.t vjtrktty of Sjiu?hc fonnd in i !jo m i : Lot. bow appeal; c:t! o:'fi.-eb ivj li Lrlo er i s;i.o-e lite net. Between these .': at arcs and tu - b;- i.i ir.os'; c-e CO li'S', .; I v.'iil s-jii :ii cL;..:,;) : s :uij coiin.'Cti lion, i l r i 1 i-.-sin-ci r'ii!b i '"''.'"(. a mm uii.l iSijO lie. oi !: roMcit Vcvi. liiuib'.-c in the lyirv una 1 dclr :ir jitil ffilincrf.;. I jU (, Ctli street. wrcttiei-s, t'i(-iv 5-eei.is to e.sist a sti-a:..' of a-.ir.iiratioiu Every ral-:'.i ejirl, near;: has her favorite, r.tnl for him she worits lie fiiio--t cnbr.i..:ei-ifs to graeo him if Lo b'j ; vie'. or or eoiit.o'o hiit it be L-o tltic-atotl. 1 ms'.mbles tho i'eeli:e; of the fc-uilai i::ai.ie v,hr. worketl her Lui-lifs colors v.nd wjaeb-.-.i j J..-", Kv.r '-.-V:! V. ell brelVC'lV ill thO illC-lTV 1 joiit. Toliio Cor. New York Tribune. A SK.lcy Camp SIotc. A Sibloj camp itovo is ti great nhec t iro:i fuiincl, tunica i'f..-;iJo down, and funiir.h.. :l widi enough .m:iil s'.cvo p.';w ;:t l';2ii:;ei; ' pvob-ude from the tail. The iunael is abctt threy feet high and two f e.-i r.ero.s tho U.-i-to;:i,and in its conical sides is cut ad .: large enough to admit small stove w.r h The hearth is the earth or surrl of lb u-:t floor, and a piece of tin or sheet iron Ibr..t. a which taw yutV'i I'll projeets is faslc;.." '. i the tent rocf. Thus il:;e i. Ii i.s eor.if ' in a uiii! teat even with ih then;:-.::: .. -.- t:t 'S t- '') de;vs. be!-.AV z..o. 1'Iacd v. iia .- t.r wood, ilie stovv i:a a iuds'j au.i-;.yii.'g v. ;.y ihvif.'iitv' ;;i::fks ot ilu eai.v-- y-.'-.l : ; i Tri Tf. r, -v? ten HH' mm ;.. - . a "A .i I BEDROOM SET I vm! t f ( ' I .'.. r.- ' i,' .ti'.iin, levoutra it. ot th b;:t; vt.j-y bttie h;.iuvr fav iitiioss a v..j-y t,. ; );:,;- "..ia even thc-i it is hardly v.orui ; :: .. a ?it : . . is bi.w. , " pre; ;t ' e:u:i:oti. . no.' vae h;a is notieetl by tho oveite, ing up ho wiil fdwa ys Cre, from a ttu?.rt..-r to 'ianieter, vividly outiir shy ouiL-ido, riu i b.i j-.v has fallen. It is ithw.y, the little lL:.ger a., fj.i- , wii.adraw-::-ig i:. be! thi-uot a:: 1 recover th.: migcr. Frtsk-ricli H-.-hv il i-i oyniur; .t.-;. iat of the io."., i x tah'd iin hi ! r i .-; - .1;:. : t:-.; bl ; wh; the ; ptit o.;; ' y ie h ; 1; -e.-hl :;o, ua.L :iS d-.no viih;: :t: t o. ; n-jl bttrti :, 'iitaa in i iti ve-ai.ti p.-'.TAiCfrs. l--V, - r.-v-'i- r-T ""IT srm yon K5cd roomx IJinisiff-rooms. Elwavs and Offices, .;0 TO .T V ' ' r. ! ... , . t '. inacriiiiicoiit f7 'IT:'3 if f Z of Good.- and Fair Prices abound. The V.'istcrn thrive:-. Tho avc--.-p..v 3 st:.: ? d.;iv r i :e: h; otiT- ires;- grat.tU'l-.-. a--- ..:- e '.tieo oi y .e-L nr.ttire r.:id ih ..:: .. I:is f; . -. t:u-tt;--:-i by lbs c-w.t pi:.h.i i e..-t.- ..ty, ward o.E ilio dr-ivin.j of docs ;:.: ! i.ir.- tc-r:;:lly sh-rtv:t the l.-::tc hor.rs of the ih.j'at. lie s.t.-fs by way. -Me ;'-'h; ;,s la tho L;)t vai lcys t.t give ye-, tin icy ib'h:.; cut of ih? v,t.-i-nthiou ; oyster e.".ti ih-.t f.'tve.- fab; t-j h-it:g o:i a ! tout twig cb-Tte'siiie. Aiitl ".vL-.-a yati have iei:e:rt't. i the u ..rthcr-.i faritahis: ;::;d fc-el tho fr. ly rhr blowing dom fro.n i::v.wy fitldcs, be insists oa wrapping yea ia hisgj'cat coat t-. sbti" ot:r t "::o chbhag bia-.t. To the h'-eiss-hohls seattetv I ab ng hlsr'sete he i the ne . cr taiiittg I'Cartr of let: a s ut.d n;vspap'..-3 and all s,oris of c.j.aia..ibtie from a sai-k i f flottr to asj-coi of eet:..u. His intereil ia th;:r individual needs is i;::i vcrsal, and the memory he 'I:.--. ilays is sbapiy iiwi.iiiej 11 Jl LUIHLil 1 AJ ' COP.NER MAIN AND . 5 - h iXTIf e - ' V PL ATTSMOUTI I, NEUHASKA i i : e : : J 2 g i I '4 S 5 3 1 s-f P I - e S ? t 4 v o8l!8fV Will b e op::i .isinuury 2-1 tli, -it the paeaomenal. he histravcoa u,j uw cutvn ; r t -jy O 'T "V AT" Tr -j j y- ;-r-araong them for n-ay yea. s, and tvhls ,:;;a V J J J J O JV 1 i i J V J i' K . 1 , '-T 1Q iQ or.e by his tr lar given ut-ane, and ia i tai:ni j '"" "l l Ali work warranted first -e'ui-s. be is trcnteil oj-taera as one ot the laamy. lie, is eympatbe tie a?:d frieailiy without im-pei-ti.eae, and iti spite of youx achh.g bead ta-il di d utit s! boaes, yen fl an uz-:erc::r-ront of reg! et that civilization will sooa do away with thes- freali cad orie;b:rI cL.'av.c ters. Niuetta. Eamos in OverLaid lioathlf. prisonment.