The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 30, 1888, Image 4

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    THE DAILY HERALD, PLAlTBjkOo xo, niiv::jSKA, MONDAY, JANUARY 80,' 188$.
The Plattsnioutb Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
B. A M. Time Table.
No, 3.-4 ;fS p. Dl.
K. . 10 :S0 a. in,
Jo. 6. 7 :3H p. in.
No. 8. :60 n. m.
Ko. 10. 9 :45 a. m.
No. 12. -9 :S8 p. ri.
AU train ruu dally by way of Omaha, except
Mm. T and a whicli run to and from hchuyler
dally except Sunday.
Vo. 30 In a stub to Pacific Junction at 8 30. a m.
No. 19 U a stub from I'aclflc Juactiou at 11 a.m.
etro west.
No. 1. :to a. m.
Wo, S. n :44p. M.
No. B. :3ft a. Li.
No. 7.--T :tt p. TO.
No. 9.-6 :11 p. Hi.
No. II. 4 :O0 a. in.
A Salisbury Dentist, lu Itork
wood JBulldinsr.
Dr. SIgglns, Ofllce and Residence,
Sherwood Block, Telephone XNo. 42.
Thursday is ground hog's day.
It looks farorablc now for an early
Twe weeks from tomerrow it St.
Valentine's day.
Kansas has increased its population,
in the last scyen years, 702,000.
Mrs. M. O'Rourk who has been rery
sick the past week is reported as being
much better today.
It is safe to guess that there is not a
single ptt sheep in the country named
Grover Cleveland. Dallas News.
The coasting carnival whicli was to
haye taken place this evening at Glen
wood, has been postponed to some more
propitious occasion.
The announcement is made that the
aew Chicago auditorium will surely be
ready for the use of the republican con
vention on June l'J.
Rapid has been the downward course
of Congressman Jelin McShanc. In 1871
he was a poor but honest cowboy. Min
neapolis Tribune.
Three weeks of the new year are
passed and gone, and it is new a wise
resolution that knows its own father.
Beatrice Republican.
The funeral of Rev. Joseph Knotts
will be held Wednesday at Council Bluffs,
from his late residence, corner of "Wash
ington Avenue and Scott street.
The Ladies' Aid Society of theM. E.
church will meet Tuesday afternoon at
3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. J. C. Eik
enbary, corner of Pearl and 9th streets.
One intoxicared victim before Judge
Mathews thin afternoon. The usual fine
of five dollars and costs. lie was out of
collateral, consequently was sent to jail.
The streets were thronged with people
yesterday, afternoon. The day was a
beautiful one oyerhead, and it seemed
that everyone was moving about to get
the benefit of the sunshine.
The Ulysses Dispatch man gives the
following opinion of modern style: "If
Eve had worn bangs, a bustle and a big
hat when she first burst upon the sight of
Adam, that gentlemin would have run
away from his boarding house and taken
te the woeds."
The coasting party of nine who went
to Plattsmouth Saturday evening re
turned at 11.30 o'clock yesterday morn
ing. They re2ort a grand time, and
speak very highly of their entertianment
by their hospitable friends down the
river. Council Bluffs Qor. to the Bee,
Following is the manner in which
the Council Bluffs boys registered at the
Perkins Saturday night: "The Blizzard
Opera Company," of Council Bluffs, W.
C. Lainy, manager; Ray Bixby, musical
director; O. C. Huff, stage manager; J.
L. Tempelton, tenor; C. E. Parsons, bari
tone; Don Williams, bass.
A. M. Pent, the young man who was
run over by the cars at Pacific Junction
last week, is not expected to lire. His
mother, ef New York, Iowa, arrived yes
terday, also three brothers of Grand
Island, Neb., D. II.; W. F., and P. E.
Font, arc present with him and eyery
possible thing that chn be tendered to
help him is being dene.
Henry Bunte, who Sheriff Eikenbary
brought in from Alexandria Saturday,
was taken in the evening before Judge
Mathews. The charge was read for en'
bezzlmentagainst him, and he give bail
to the ameunt of $200 for his appearance
at the April term of the District court.
S. A.Davisishis bondsmen.
The Prohibitionists of Cass county
are called to mest in deligate convention
at Weeping Water, on the 9th day of
February. 183S, at 10 o'clock a. m., for
the purpose of electing nineteen delegates
to the Prohibition State Convention at
Lincoln, February 15th, 1888. All pre
cincts are requested to be well represent
ed. F. F. Baglev, Ch'm Cen. Com.
Wm. A. Fiffaxv, Sec. Co. Cen. Com.
The prospective prospecting for nat
ural gas, in Greenwood, we are persuad
ed, is particularly promising. A prepon
derance of people pronounce the propo
sition the precursor of pecuniary profit,
peculiarly palatible. True,, presumptu
ious prognosticator and pessimists, prone
to prejudicial prophecies, pronounce the
plan paradoxical. But the pestiferous
persimmsn is there and only waiting to
The Blizzard Present from Council
Bluffs-Many Participate In the
Exciting Amusement-Estimated
to be IOOO People on Main Street.
Although the carnival seemed doomed
Saturday at noon the boys were deter
mined to carry out their plans. Snow
was hauled on the street and by night
fall the track was in very fair condition.
The crowds began gathering early, and
oy o o ciocK Alain street was swarming
with many merry hearted people all anx
ious to coast iiown the lull at a mile a
minute velocity. Several bobs were
ditched, but no one was seriously hurt
The ''Blizzard,' of Council Bluffs, took
the lead in speed. The party from the
Bluffs consisted of W. R. Huntintong, C.
E. Parsons, Irving Parsons, Don Wil
liams, Theo. Loaskoski, W. L. Lainy,
Chas. Huff, John Tcmpleton and Ray TV.
Breckenfleld fc Weber's Soda Gen
erator. Blown up.
Saturday evening the clerk atBreckeii
field & Weber's saloon, went into the
cellar preparatory to manufacturing some
soda water. He threw the marble dust
and viterol into the vat, closing it up al
most tight. The pas began escaping at
once, when he elosed the safety valve so
that no gas could escape whatever, the
pressure soon became so heavy, bting
from 300 to 400 lbs. pressure to the
square inch, that an explosion was inevi
table. Fortunately the doors of the eel-
lar were an open wiucu gave tue iras a
chance to escape. The report was very
loud, and shook the whole of Fitzgerald
block, but not enough to do any damage.
The damage to the generator is estimated
at $200.
Luna Hid
as was
Her Fair Face
Looked For.
As per announcement the eclipse was
visible Saturday eveninir, and no one
ever beheld a more beautiful sight, the
evening being all that it took to make a
complete one, not a cloud to obstruct
the view. The heavens seemed to stand
in awe and wonderment at the sight of
the copper-colored planet creeping up
from the eastern horizon, she seemed
grand in her majestic shroud. The
shadow of the earth crept over tho beam
ing face, covered it slowly and then as
slowly withdrew. The sight was simply
grand. Not every person understood it,
and those who did not passed it by as
though it was nothing wonderful. But
to the one who studies the sciences and
holds communion, so to speak, with the
heavenly bodies and their movements,
it was no common thing; it was
an occurrence that caused the ad
miration of the astronomer's eye, and
made him stand in amazement at the in
finity of the sublime being that rules the
planets in their revolution.
Robert C, only son of Mr. and Mrs
W. II. Latham, aged 9 months and
3 days, at 10 o'clock Saturday night, of
capillary bronchitis. The funeral was
held this afternoon from their residence,
corner of 7th and Oak streets, conducted
by Rev. W. B. Alexander.
O. P. Smith was in the metropolis
Henry Baumann was Omaha bound
this morning.
Mrs. W. M. Thomas took the train for
Gretna this morning.
Miss Minnie Walters was a Gretna pas
senger this morning.
John M. Leyda and wife, will arrive
in the city this evening from Weeping
Martin Kohrell, father of Louis Koh
rell, left this morning for his home at
C. E. Thornburg and wife, left this
morning for Omaha, where they will live
in the future.
Rev. A. Hirt was in thcity over Sun
day, and took the train this a. m. for
Hamburg, Iewa.
Mr. and Mrs. John Antril, of Omaha,
are in the city the guests of J. V. Week
bach and family.
F. J. King, of Omaha, passed the Sun
day in the city, visiting with his aunt,
Mrs. M. McElwain.
Will Stadelman Sundayed in the city
with his parents and returned to Omaha
Commercial college this a. m.
Rev. Alexander was at Union yester
day holding quarterly meeting. In his
absence, Rev. A. Madele fillod the pulpit
very ably.
Capt. McPherson, who runs the trans
fer boat, "The Vice-President," at Ne
braska City, passed Sunday in Platts
mouth, and returned heme this a. m.
Dan'l O'Rourk left last night for Mis
souri Valley, la., where he goes to open
a tailor shop. Dan his many warm
friends in Plattsmouth who will welcome
him back at any time.
A Nice Sum to Play With.
A statistician not long ago tried
to give an idea of what two hundred
million dollars meant.
"It would," said he, "if taken in silver,
cover a space of nearly sixty acres, and
its weight would be 7,160 tons. It would
take a freight train two miles and a half
long to carry it, and it ceuld not be
hauled by less than twelve locomotives.
These silver dollars would be so many
that if they were laid one touching the
other they would make a silver streak
from New York to San Fancisco, and
would run half as far again on into the
Pacific ocean. If they were piled up
dollar upon dollar they would make a
solid column 255 miles high, and if they
were put into one-dollar bills, the bills
would nearly reach around the world.
If the bills were piled up one upon
another, they would reach upward twelve
miles, and if they were sewed together,
edge to edge into a crazy quilt, they
would cover 746 acres." Ex.
Just Arrived.
I. Pearlman has just received a car
load of furniture from St. Louis which
be will sell at bed rock prices. tf
Try O. P. Smith & Co's K. of P. Col
ogne, .Lasting ana fragrant. j-xa-ii
Before purchasing your dress goods
call at Wm. Ilerold's. j-23 tf
Try O. P. Smith &, Co's Damask
for Chapped Hands and Lips.
T2ais Spaco Hoaorvod for
itatc and abstracts.
W. S. Wiss.
Office room and house for rent, enquire
of E. G. Dovey & Son. j20-dl0t
Try O. P. Smith & Co's Damask Rose
for Salt Rheum, Scrofulous sores, fetters
External Erysepelas, Rash, Itch, chafing
of Infants &c, a complete Household
Remedy. No household should be with
out it. tf
Fire Insurance written in the
tna, Phoenix and Hartford by
Windham A Davies.
Hay for Sale.
Three hundred tons of hay for sale for
cash, either delivered or on the ground.
Leave orders at Henry "Weckbach's store.
Jan. 3 mUd&w L. Stull.
$1,700 Worth oi the liest Makes ot
-Must Ie 5olcl in tlie-
New Coods.
Win. Hcrold is receiving a new stock
of goods to supply the demand of his ex
tensive trade. j-23 tf
Mrs. Bannister
Has opened a cutting school in connec
tion with her dress-making, where ladies
may procure the latest improved tailor
system, said to be the best in use. Rooms
over Solomon Nathan's store. dlQt
As I have to leave to take charge of my Father' business in Ottum
wa, on account of his continued ill health. JSTow is the time to lay in
a snyply of BOOTS and SHOES at
Damask Rose tho Great Skin Cure and
Tttilet article, Mfg. and sold by O. P.
Smith & Co. tf
For Sale On reasonable terms mjr
residenc e on the N. W. corner of Elm and
11th streets. Said property consists of
i block with a good story and a half
house f six rooms, two wardrobes and
one pantry; good well and city water;
twenty-seven bearing apple trees, and an
abundance of small fruit of all kinds,
tf P. D. Bates.
t ,i: fi i.
r icnni jviu coilllllOll eDSC Sliocs . 5
Ladies' Curacoa Kid common soiihc shoes. ...... . 3
Ladies' Dongola hand-sewed shoes ......... 4
Ladies' Gl ize dongola shoes -1
jju.un.-s oimigni goal si
Ladies' French Kid hand-turned
00 " " 4 25
75 " . " 3 25
50 " " 3 25
25 " 2 70
iocs o nn u o Kft
Ladies' Best goat button shoes .' 3 20 " " 2 75
Ladies' Hand-sewed button shoes ............ '. . . . . . 2 75 " " 2 30
Ladies' Calf button slices 5 25 " " 1 85
Ladies' Oil grain button shoes '. 2 00 " " 1 75
Ladies' Glove calf button shoes .-............'...'..' 1 65 " " 1 25
Ladies' Dongola foxed button shoes . . . . . . . . . 2 00 " " 1 45
Ladies' Grain button shoes "...".."."."..'.. 1 25 " 1 00
O. P. Smith & Co. have just received
a large assortment of valentines.
Swedish Lingens, stock fish and all
kinds of fish or herring for Lent can be
had at jan21tf Weckbach A Co.
K. SULLIVAN, Attorney at Law. Will
give prompt Attention to all business in
trusted to him. Office ia Union Block, East
uue. nattsmoutn, jseo.
George William, infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. C. Curtis, aged 11 months and 4
days, died last night at a quarter to 12
o'clock, of lung feaver. The funeral
will be held from their residence, corner
of Vine and Maiden Lane, tomorrow at
2 o'clock, services conducted by Rev. H.
B. Burgess.
A Drunkard Fired With a Chair
Last night Harry Westlake went into
the restaurant of Henry Jacobs and be
gan using obscene language and in
dulged in much improper conduct.
Westlake was invited to leave but re
fused to do so. Jacobs pushed him out
the door, when he attempted to gain en
trance, but was knocked down with a
chair leg, from the hand of Jacobs. The
blow took effect in the forehead, causing
a slight wound. It was dressed this
moraing by Dr. E. W. Cook. There was
no arrests made though Westlake should
have been jerked up and a good fine im
posed upon him.
A Bethlehemite Run in by Marshal
Ever since the day Sheriff Eikenbary
had the lively chane across the Big Mud
dy in pursuit of John Goodman, the
Iowa fugitive that struck Louis Kohrell,
Marshall Malick has been on the watch
for the fleet-footed Bethlehemite. Sat
urday evening Goodman came over, and
soon after his arrival the Marshall arrest
ed him. He was tried before Police
Judge Mathews, plead guilty, and was
fined $5 and costs. Not having any col
lateral he was sent to jail.
Nine Offers of Marriage-
Kansas City Journal: The brave little
Nebraska school teacher who tied her pu
pils together when the roof was blown off
the school boase, and led them through
a blinding snow storm to a farm house
aT"mi!e away, carrying one child in her
arms the entire distance, has received
nine offers of marriage, by letter from to-
The Fire Boye Called Out.
Saturday night, or rather Sunday
morning at 2:30 the fire bell rang, which
brought the boys out of their sleepy cots
in double quck time. The blaze was in
a closet at Threildkcld & Burley's res
taurant. The closet contained several
cloths saturated with coal oil, and it is
supposed that they caught from spon
taneous conbustion. The fire was extin
guished by a bucket of water, and the
boys retired to their respective homes in
anything but good humor.
Bega's Blood Purifier and Blood
No remedy in the world has gained
the popularity that this medicine has, as
a hold on family medicine. No one
should be without it. It has no calomel
or quinine in its composition, consequent
ly no bad effects can arise from it. We
keep a full supply at all times. O. P.
Smith, Druggist. j25-3mod&w
Y. W. C. T. U.
The "Y.'s" extend a cordial invitation
to all the ladies to invite gentlemen and
attend the leap year social next Friday
evening at the residence of Mr. Wm. II.
Pickens, corner of 9th and Marble streets.
A Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Curtis wish to ex
tend their heartfelt thanks to their friends
and neighbors who so kindly adminis
tered in their late bereavement.
Dissolution Notice.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Jau. 2, 1888.
2?oiice to whom it may concern:
Tlir firm known as Mercrr Bros. Sc Co., is this
day disulved by mutual consent. The business
will hereafter be conuueted-ky W. tf. L- L. C.
Mercer, known as Mercar Bro
R. B. Windham, John A. Da vies.
Notary Public. Notary Public.
Attorneys - at - Saw.
Office over Bank of Cas County.
Dr. R. Nunn, M. D.,B Ch
Tkixity College, Dublin,
Late Surgeon at Western Ophthalmic and
Acsiet at Koyal Ophthalmic Hospital, London.
Office, Koom is, BarkerBlock : 10 a. ni. to 4 p.m
Omaha, Nebraska.
Correspondence Punctually Answered.
Merchant Tailor.
Red Cross School Shoe Reduced 25c apr.
Misses best Kid and Goat Spring heel $2 50 now $2 25
Alen s best hand sewed shoes 7 qq u q qq
Men's best Calf sewed shoe . 5 00 " 4 25
Men's best Kangaroo sewed shoe . . 5 00 ' 4 25
Men's be6t calf sewed shoe . 8 00 " 2 75
Men's best congress or button shoe . . . 2 50 " 1 85
Men's calf boots 2 75 " 1 75
Men's best kip boots . . . 4 50 " 3 75
Men's Good kip boots 3 50 " 2 CO
All Goods must b sold at one. Ycu
will find it tc your interest to call early.
T. J.
Meat Market.
Keeps constantly on hand samples of the
best goods to be procured. Is prepared to
make pants for 4.00 and upwards and suits for
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Poultry.
I invite all to givo mo a trial
ISepairiug & Cleaning
Neatly and promptly done at 'he lowest
prices Over Peter Merges' store, North Side
Main Street.
with high arm and vibrating shuttle,
sold on time. Easy payments or cash
Manager Plattsmouth Branch
Dr. C. A- Marshall.
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, etc.. etc. Fresh Oysters in Can
at lowest liying prices. Do not fail to cive me your patronage.
and Bulk
Parties having received statements
from me will saye costs by calling and
settling by February 1.
40d&w2t O. M. Streight.
Sssv snsesa BBB
tal strangers. But she has excellent good
be prodded shall we not produre a pole I genie well as courage, and the nine
to knock the fruit lGreenicooa jjeaaer. 1 euitors are still awaiting answers.
New goods at Ilerold's.
j-23 tf
Go to the Monarch Restrurant for a
good dish of oysters. d-lm
M6.El TO
W.8. Wist
Constable's Sale.
By virtue of five executions issued by C alvin
Kussell, county judgre, within and for Cass
county. Nebraska, mnd to Hie directed. I will
on the 10th day of February, A. V. 1888, at 10
o'clock a. m., of said day at the etore room
formerly occupied by John 8. Duke, on Main
street in Plattsmouth. Ce" county. Nebraska.
bell at public auction, the following coods and
chatties to-wit :
All the ctock of hardware and Mi elf ware.
constating of 11 stores, storepiae, chain, nails.
rereens and butts, tin buckets, knives and
fork, spring wlre.plow handles, galvanized lr.n.
smaoi tunes, iron 0011a. wtu wneeis. pocKet
knives and cutlery, .tc. : bein" all the stock of
paid John H. luke now rc aininc unsold and
in said store room. The same bein? levied up
on and takBM as the property of Jo in 8. l)uk.
defendant : to satisfy five judgments of said
court recovered b Levi Golden, W. H. Seliild
knecht. Nortbfleld Knife Co.. Leopold Bro &
Co.. C. Sidney Ubepberd t Co., plaintiffs.
zalnst said aerenflant.
Plattsmouth, Keb.. January 30, A. D. 1888.
Preservation .f natural teeth a cpf cialty.
Teeth extracted withtmt pain hy use of Laughing
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Fitzgerald s Block Plattsmouth, Keb
TIC 5 3.23.
bo Convinced.
Call and
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c,
ine best brands of OUSTERS, in cans aad bnllr .4
oi our own make.
tf n
M. McElwaiw, Constable,
Case County, Nebraska.
Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
Contractor and Builder I C2H"V153 'J222E OVTT g n