The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 28, 1888, Image 1

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-!MClfrt tl? IT" W iA
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tlay .-vi :iii. :i iv. 1 1. Iiail. All limisieni
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Xmvcn ncr, c.i.-r ii)!.: '.isis;;! ; ! . : .
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A .V.-ft. . -. rv ;.lt-r:i:iltf l l itliiy evening at
Kic:v-Aix'.l !i 1! nt MYlo;r.!. All rruMsii iil, l:;i t!i
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itu'si h'-. M. V.'. ; S. C. O-.v-in, 1-;i eiii.m : S. O.
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Zj.V-'W office.
lrrso!i:iI i.tK'iiUon to ;
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suruuee UVi;:en. '.til! it-u
Any Other Agcacy.
fvll(.v:nr timo-
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Latest by Telegraph.
Woather Probabilities.
WA3iiN;TOi5t Jnri. 27, 1:30 p. in. In
ilicationa for Ncbn.ska: Fair veatlicr;
li"ht to soutlierly winds.
Small-Pox at San Francisco-
San Fuancisco, Jan. 28. Tliu tcanier,
f'it.' 'if iVtw York, from China and
Japan, ariivtd yest'.rcly afternoon witk
three cusch of small-pox on board. She
lia been quarantined.
A Parliamentary Forecast.
Lokijon, Jiu. 28. The Standard says
it is authorized to state that the pro
cedure nieunurc will bo the first buainess
of the coining session )f parliament after
the adoption of the address in reply to
the speech from the throne.
They Civ It Up.
Ithaca, X. Y. Jan. 28. Owing to thu
snow all trains on the Elmira, Coming &s
Northern at this point -were abandoned
to-day. The passinger train on this road
due here at 8:27 yesterday afternoon was.
stuck all night in a anovr bank, and did
not arrive until 7:30 this morning.
All Troubled-
Ijostos. Jan. 2H. Reports from vari
ous points in New England allow that
all railroads are buffering much trouble
in the operating of train, owing to snow
drifts. At Johnsbury, Vt., the storm fjg
the severcist ever kno .v. The passenger
train from Keeno leaving there yesterdaj
is ttalled near Nashua.
Postal Changes.
TV'ashixoton, Jan. 28. Harry Drink
was yesterday appointed postmaster at
Luverne, KossuotL county, Iowa, vice
Henry Kleinda, resigned. A post-ollice )
has been established at Nenzel, Cherrv a
county, Neb., and George Nenzel ap
pointetl postmaster; alio at Octavia, But
ler county, and James M. Stubbart ap
pointed postmaster.
The Blockade In Dakota
Miixuank, Dak., Jan. 2S. The situa
tion here is growing serious, tin road
wis opened to the blockaded train be
tween here and Dig Stone yeterday and
the train brought in. The train with the
eastern mail is stuck at Ortonville, and
one from the West at Twin Broom, west !
of here. This city will soou be short of i
coal, and there is not a pound of sugar
in tliR dealers'' bauds.
A Crandmothor at 25.
Findi.ay, January 2G. Delaware
Township reports a colored woman who
yesterday became a grandmother when
but 2.1 years old. The "Woman, Clarissa
Jackson, was married when but 11 years
old, and in her 12th year became the
mother of a daughter. This daughter
when 12 years old, married, and yester
day gave birth to a- child, the grand
mother being two months short of 25
years of age. All the parties are respect
able colored people in good circum
stances. Snow in the East.
Pittsfietaj, Mass., Jan. 28. Five long
passenger trains on the Boston fc Albany
road arc snow bound here. The east St.
Louis express spent the night in a snow
drift near "Washington cut, with over 100
passengers on board. The fast mail
which left Boston last night for the west
spent the night in a drift a mile from
Hillsdale. The passengers suffered great
ly from cold, and many ladies were pros
trated and a number of children badly
frostbitten. Freight trains covering near
ly a mile of track are snowed in near
Shakers, and much perishable freight
will be lost. In many places the snow
has drifted to a'dopthof forty feet.
A Romantic Loye Affair.
Jeffeksonvili-h, Iud., Jan. 26. Seven
years ago Miss Nannie Wiszoski was one
of the belles of Jeffcrsonville. Her two
most prominent suitors were Hobt. Fiay
ser and John Bullcton. Bulletou wasre-
! fused by the lady on account ot his ex
treme poverty, and he left the city short
ly after, going to California, where he be
came the agent of "Lucky" Baldwin. He
amazed a fortune and purchased a farm
about seven miles from San Francisco.
Miss Wiszoski accepted Dobert Frayser
and they were married. Thjy lived hap
pily until about a year ago, when Frayser
died. A copy of a paper containing the
announcement of Frayser's death fell it
to the hands of Bullcton. lie immediate
ly wrote tLe widow, giving a state-neat
of his present circumstances, and renewed
his suit for her hand. Mrs. Frayscr con
sented to become Mrs. Bulletou, quickly
prepared her trousseau, and left thi3 week
for the golden west. She will be uit tt
S m Francisco by Bulk-ton, and they will
be at once married.
The Opening of trio St Anthony
Hill Branch Marked By a Frightful
Casualty-One Killed and Sixteen
Sr. Iaui., Jan. 2 -f.Tiie St. Anthony
hill line of cable m;s to-day first buynn
to run with regularity stud a niost seiions
accident signalized the occaion. A!out
1::0 in the after noon a f?rip tmd pfi
engerenr, both heavly loaded with pass
enger?, started down the hill- " be gr'n
had been inspected before it kft the end
of the line and seemed in perfect
order. Hut about midway down th
hill the grip failed to hold the cubic and
the train rushed down to a curve half
way now;; the hiil, reaching which it
had attained a great speed of twenty
miles an hour. The grip car did not leave
the track but the passenger coach whip
ped off. tunned over and was dragged
some distance. 31 any if the passenger:;
jumped olf, but the majority of those in
closed in in the car could not do so, and
all of thtm twenty or more were mos t- or
lews hurt. The only fr.t dlty ?o far is Mel
ville L. Saunders, who was standing on
the rear platform of the passenger car
and with another man was thrown again.;
a tr?e when the car (lew the track, lb
was horribly crushed find died soon after
being taken home, The residenees of tlu
neighborhood threw open their hous' to
the injured and the police and physicians
were on the ground in a few minutes. Six
teen passenger besides Saunders were
seriously injured.
Miss McDonald spends to-day and to
morrow in Greenwood.
The examinations are past
id the
teachers and pupils now breathe easier.
The present senior class comprises the
following: Misses Kate llartigan, Db
die Ilouseworth, Stella Leach and Laara
Twiss, and Messrs. Rob-it Ibiyis. Bob, -rt
Sherwood, Stuart Livington, Lores)
Wiles and Frank Cummins.
While the teac hers arc worked nearly
to deatli during the examinations, s,tiil
many of the nnswers are so ludicrous :is
to cause a ripple of merriment to crci.s
their faces. One or two illustrations: "A
broker is one who deals in brokerage."
"The food U conveyed to the stomach
through the auditory cunrd." All poin
ters will be gratifkd to know thnt "all
letters in bills itud posters must be capi
tals." We have a curious condensation
of arithmetic and grammar in following:
"Numbers are classified as nouns, pro
nouns, verbs, advetbs, etc." In answer to
the question, "Name some of tho evil
effects of alcohol on the lramsi; system,"
we find the following: "Abv- hoi cans: a
bah to have a heart and liver." If t!u
most veritable old toper only b. n
to school and learned to what dreadful
diseases he is heir, lie would forego the
p!ea.sure of an "eye opener" before break
fast and a "night cap" after supper.
There haviug been considerable talk
about the recent case of corporal pu.;
in our schools, mukes it appropri
ate for me Here to make a few remarks
relative to tne subject tiat l stiau s;..
is gleaned mostly from several works .::
teaching ami school government . :ii':. n
by the best cducutois of tiie country.
"Corporal punishment is the intention;.!
mflictdon of physical suffering as a re
forinu.tory means." And since this pun
ishment is to be strictly reformatory, it
behoovss the teacher to exercise her best
judgment in its infliction. She is for the
time being in Vco jwruiiix. and may uoe
any means a parent would be jie-.tiiied in
using to preserve order. In the ideal
school corporal punishment will be un
known, b ut this world not having reached
that ideal.istic state where teachers ai .1
pupils are all angel?, "corporal punish
ment must still be retained for its salu
tary influence even if never brtniiiht i.'-o
use. I thin ic there are none of the laws
of the state -which gives thu teacher t!t'
right, absolute, to whip a child, still
long uage sanctions it and the law gen
erally acce pts the judgment of the teach
er; however, the teacher is liable for
assault just the same as if committed else
where. Public opinion is decidedly against
corporal punishment in the concrete, tho"
approving of it in the abstract. In other
words it is not the use but the abuse of
this form of punishment which should
be deprecated. It shuuld be used only
in extreme cases, and then in moderation,
using a switch, inflicting the punishment
upon the back, shoulders ami lower c.
tremcties, since there is les danger of
sustaining lasting injury it" inflicted here
than upon other parts of the body, but
never upon the hands or head. In con
clusion I can do no better than to quote
a decision of Judge Street, which many
courts have tiuce sustained: "It 13 one
of the duties of a school1 teacher to main
tain order in school during school hours,
and enforce obedience to reasonable rules.
For that purpose, when necessary, the
teacher may inflict corporal pui'i.Junc-nt.
What may be reasonable ana proper
punishment in a given cuse defends a
great deal on the circumstance of each
case. In cases of trial on charge of ex
cessive punishment of course the jury
must determine from evidence liow
Fevere the punishment was, and whether
or not, in the given case it was excessive
or unreasonable. In every case it ought
to stop short of brutality, or serious cr
lasting .bodily injuries. Within such
Uound.n'u it :n:iy way tu t ho i xtci.t
of securing the obedience of the sebohir
and of course, should 1 '. iiii-:i'.ii:vd some j
what by the deg'.ce of i.hstmaney, di-- j
obedience and willful conduit of t!;e
pupil even though it leaves som- Mail.s j
upon the suii'aee of the skin -r body. As ',
1 hr.vr said, the law does not s.!i;el:.:i j
brutal pKiiUhuM n' , or s ; : ! us ieu, ;
great, set ions or liui-ing bodily injini s;bi.t
then: may be cases which wiil cause nil
: .. I .1 . I t 1 1 I I
lioiii, llia'llfU ......
physicul strength lq oii the p:.rt of lee
teacher failed to reduce willful !:.-o
brdh'm.pervcr-e and obstinate seholais to
obediene". Punishment should b .d:i in
moderation, and if the child tie n fails t i
mind, rind becomes perverse, stubborn
insubordinate, and profane, ar.d contin
ues in Mich conduct, it may be rightly
increased, even though it becomes ro
severe a-? to cause tb pupil punished to
wear its .'tripe." Ci..n Wit.min.
Try O. Smith A' ("os K. of P.
Cologne Lasting r.nd Fragrant. j-'j:itf
Call oii'Threlkebl cc Burlcy for flue
!-l m
(Jo to the U :
iiod tlish of oysters.
Legal Notice!
I n Use lost ret eatiri of (';.' s ecr.iity, Nelica
v 1 o:i't lip-
II ish Aim I'ei-l.e- Mid ; f.l ;,ui,r
!.,ai. liji t! k.'i. l)i f. j
i'iiile! el! 1 ;.or v. it! l:';i'' t iia' i
!1 e.i
Til ll (i-IV .!:!;:!
;rv ;sss plan;: i-i ne!'-'.i!
!i i - jii ; : . i;ii iu ' tie -i i - i ' el u :- of
i lii;iHi;;'. :ci:;i;:si sa'-i I'.i-fei-u'aMfs
; ::n .niy--r oi wliieii ; t. efiaOtis'
.lie--;', iax !"!;'. o-i fie lull i. i;:;;
sai:a-c;i : r-.-ss c-ii.ity.
'; ": rii.tii ! y
V'l-1 ;".el
il.-ii'li'i i;
Nel..' si: a.
o wit : lee ., ft Ii vj-r ijn.-irt i-r i See.
t ..-u iai.," 11. a"il the ic i i!.e- i t ii'.eu !er ot
Sic . ! i- r:::irc H, ai-ii ill lit -i tlr.v:
ijaailer of wi', '.S. I- wn 12. ra:i-.' 11, :.i'!i l!n;
-'oil ii:;i Iter ol N. . I'd. town Vj. ran II :
;::! to have sai.I 'cet'. .ekl t'i sa! ily ai i Jem
for t ! n a e-.n : c'. '.-:e ;!.! i-.ei .
Vim ::iv ;!:': toil ! :.av. el' :-;iil t ill.'itl en
r hel'-re t;io.:!i ilay el nu reh. lss.
.loir. IM.ack, l'!..inti".
i'.v S. i. Vanaita, I; is atteiuey. -i.--l-w?.t
N. M.'l.J.tVA.v. Atloracy sit !.:v.
r,v' s. :r ?ej-.t - i ! mii.ii t :.!1 ln:i-ii:c
Si i'.::?;-.i to Oi'iee i,i I'aioii iUof.;;, iCasi
sale. Ilatl.-l:uua-., ?.-l.
3 A. l!AltTIl.;N. l-avyer. Mti:.;'-! -jlu's
O" liliic''. i';:m t -.i.-.eai ii. 'i I i a. I i fi it
an ! can-.'ul aiieai i.e., l a r.e;ir iai law lrae;!ee.
EJissoiu: ion Ficticc.
'! A'l I n Til. Noil.. .Jail. '2, K-.-S.
XuHer In i-'r.Mi ;ie rm: c: r. :
'l !n- lirul Ka-'V.! a- Mi lee:' I ;.-. .S: ' . iJ fliis
(!.iy ilisoiv "i! 'y in n t iia. e iiiii-in . 'I ue l i c :s
-..iii hr-i'';: t!,-;' 1 e eci'iliii-t- i) iy w'.Ci. tV I.. C.
,MeiC!T. ki.i'Uii as !.! fleer Jin.-.
It. I:. W lNii!' a rr.
Is o.;s v I'lilO:
lullJf'.. I5.WIKS,
-'il',:-y '. u'eiie.
4 ft e -fcvn
IiiVmi irf,-r J ....
' t.. . V 1-
CtViee civer l!:ji.k of (';:- C'ce.nity.
Pf.ATT.MOL'TH, - - N;.ru:A
Dr. R. Nunn, M. D.,E Ch
Tu in it y Cor.r.i.or.,
-.Til t p: t'.-l
I.flfP Sin-,:f.-!'i jit V. -te:r (i;-!it
Assist at iCnya! ::i.!i:!.Imi!.- lb.r'jta', 1- .'-ii. c.
Oiiiee, llooin .'larkeriili.-ek : '. a. in. t. !
( irn.ii'.a, Xe! iMs;a.
Corresnondeuee Punclnall v Ans'.vered.
S M I T H.
'. fTr T"' '
CA. i I C I .
Ktejis ciirslj'.i:' iy en !i, a
111-,! ):i.lll!.-l t 'i i.e I.ieciei',:
i.i-i:; piiiils fur i-4 en i:;;
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lf t
:e:--ly ioet ly ' : al i'e loivc.-i
i; v it 5 i:
Uii U l I.,
1 - T T n r
V . 4
A. 1 '- -
with bii-h
sebt oil time. E::sy pay men ts or en.
?.Ianaur Piatt .-motiUi Unine-
l . r ? 3
it ?
4 3.
li,iin irL.1
i'lvservatlen ' f naoi'.--i tee.!: a .-ji ceialty.
1'ii.tii r.l-i-t!f.V. l-'-iV.i'".' !i:i !rj ti.r t.f Lc.Uj'.;ir.:i
Ail '.rork warrant c -d. Pj iees rcas-.i-ibl..-.
FiTz.iKUAi.n's Iji-ck !'!. .Tt s'i- rTn. Xv.n
iU H i'
! HP.
Zi -r-ri -c-y 2 r-3,
Cor. 12th a::d Gr.-udte Streets.
Sept. 12-Gui.
1.1 i I lk il
Tho ih'yligM Store.
Ju.-t after our inventory, we reduce
prices to : 11 thejijoods rather than to
i", cry n r. We are willing to sell our
ent ire Winter Coods al Staples we
have a large quantity and offer them
very low. Calieos '' to cents per yard,
making tl.c bit standard of them at 2(
yards for Si. Oil. ilinghai.i be-.t dresr
styles 10 cents per yard. Dress g'od-t
al! kinds at the very lowest juices, from
cents per yard upward. Woolen bos'
We offer at cost, cfri fne. I, h ! i- ca-.Ii-uirri!
lit.":;' worth S!. CO. now 7" icni..
fine Ik vy wool
len's Jin." ribbed worth -V
iler ware must go at low-
will not kiep them over.
Our (Jents Silver (jrey Marino Sliiiis
and drawers, forinci- juices .V) now
( or '. : '-' ' .r.y '.l.'iihO -hiris
: o.vlia q.i.dity now ."it'.
Our Scarlet idl wool shuts and draw
ers line quality ',1.110 now ", cm. .
Our scarlet all-wool
ers. fine quality :, 1.25
Our scarlet all-wool
ers-, fine quality scarl.A all-wool
crs, line qualiiy ?2.(!i)
2. .
st'li go'.nl. Wc arc di-tei mini I to close
out our entire stock and never before
has such sui opport unity been oil, red to
economical buyer . to pn : cli.i. .- the beat
qualities for so little money.
Joseph Y. WedtSKK'??.
mem IIiat Market.
w::om-,ai.:-: .'.
Sugar cured Usui is, IJiicoii nv.u tin; l-t v:ir:cty
the niiirkci'.
I av ill Poll as clicr.) ms i:y otli'
competition, and res pec ti'i illy solicit
'JCoriie tind .see me.
"Fd if r 'AT Fip rr -r p rr
! -
Parlors, ISed rooms, Einiitg-rooms.
liitchcii, Mallways aiul Offices,
Where a magnificent stoek of Gootls anil Fair Prices
tZs lsn t&
? 1 m P t S -?
I 1 I
13 open .January 21tli, ;it the
Old-) STAXj) OF F. 1 (. OA H I! L"'l'i
All work warranted
cents, now
now :;o. I 'n
prior-, as we
shirts arid
now !.)().
shirts and
now l,2o.
shirts and
now l.'lf.
( 1 1 .1 w
CD!-: A P.
;d t i;i mi. if.: i.i;;: ;n
:ge Joqnd in
- r iu:irk( -t in llie City
and I dely
your put ronn ;'.
Neville' J'.bick, olli street.,
EL i n
- t Cf tit
3 Tipifl2r-
MnnYnnfronh I q on
! iiuiDgidplibdi Si