The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 27, 1888, Image 1

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'1 rev-."
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Weather Indication
For Xcliriiska: Colder, fair weather,
followed by buow, light to fresh variuble
Tho Manitoba Legislature.
MiNKKAPoufl, 3Iinn., Jan. 27. The
Journal's "Winnipeg epecial says the leg-i-.Iature
will not bu dissolved. It ad
journed to day to March 1.
The Louisiana Republicans.
New Oklkavs, La., Jan. U5. The
state republican convention met this
morning and tok a recess until this
afternoon, the committee on creilentiuli
not being ready to report.
Postal Changes.
Washington, Jan. 27. The postofiice
at PhiL-nix, Holt county, Neb., wua dis
continued yesterday. A potoffice was
ei tablifched at Churchville, Warreu coun
ty Iowa, and Joseph E. Churchman ap
pointed postmaster.
A Tramp With a Hi story.
Sr. Louts, Jan., 27. A tramp identifi
ed as George Pippers, who made- a for
tune in thu early days of the Pennsylvan
i i oil discoveries, and then squandered
over $-00,000 iu Wall street died Wed
nesday at Sancoxio from exposure. Since
losing his money he has tramped ail over
the west anil south west.
Tho Christening of Young Clovr:
Wasiiihoton, J). C, Jan. 27. Ihere
was a christening at Congressman Glo
ver'a j'esterda'. Mrs. Hcaulan of St.
Louis, arrived yesterday, couiing for the
special purpose of being god-mother.
M. Iiou.tnn, the French Minister, will be
the god-father, and Mr. Justice field, of
the suprotne court, will stand sponsor.
Father Chitppellc, who performed the
marriage ceremony, will conduct ths
christening. The conferred is Ed
mund Patton Glover.
Compllmontlng tho Corsan Min
ister. W asuingtox D. C, January 27. Dr.
Allen, v.ho is a physician to the King of
Corea, is an attache of the legation
which has just arrived here. He was in
fctructcd by the Kiug just before sailing
for this country to say to the president
of the United States that Minister Dins
more is giving great satisfaction, and
that the Corean government makes the
special request for his retention as minis
ter as long as possible. Hon. Hugh A
Dinsniore is from Fayctteville, Ark. His
appointment was due largely to the exer
tions of Senator Berry, who feels much
gratified that his friend is so well appre
ciated in Corea. An effort will be made
in this congress to advance the salary of
the Corean minister to $7500.
The Big Loan Consummated.
City of Mexico, via El Paso, Tex.,
Jan. 27. The great loan of 10,500,000,
which the Legation Congress authorized
President Diaz to negotiate, has been
consummated through the German finan
cier, Heir Blicheroeder, under the follow
ing terms:
The German house will take 3,600,
000 of tho bonds immediately at 70c on
the dollar; the rato of exchange on Lou
don will be 43 1 5d to equal a Mexican
dollar. Accordingly 3,600,000 will
equal $20,000,000, which at 20c will pro
duce $14,000,000. Herr Blicheroeder
has the option of taking the balance of
the loan within ninety days at S6c, and
will probably secure it. Sir. Edward
N'oetzlin, the banker, through whom the
loan was negotiated, has left for Xew
York via El Paso, and will continue his
journey to Berlin without halt.
1. i-v ja a
David Whitmer Dead.
Richmond, Mo., Jan. 27. David Whit
mer, the last witness to the divine authen-
! ticitv of the Book of Mormon, who has
I been in feeble health for some weeks past,
! passed peacefully &-ay &f 5 o'clock
J Wednesday afternoon. His son, David
1 Whitmer, Jr..; his grandson, Geo. W.
Sch welch; his grandaughter, Mrs. Josie
Vancleave, of Chicago; Mr. J. Snyder,
the accredited historian of the auti-polyga-mon
branch of the Mormon church, and
one or two old friends were with him at
the time of his death.
A night or two since he called hisphy-
Tutt$ sicitin, Dr. Buchanan, to his side and told
him that his testimony as recorded in the
Book of Mormon was true. Tuesday
he said to the members of his family that
he had been permitted to look lth!ud the
v. V tTilC yeii 1 ,aa een '"" nrisc waiting
tLlXsCii iJ JL JL JArWl2 i for hiai ;n the other side. Hismindwas
S"iTT';P" Cr T dZiJ' claimed, oarrange
JJ Ilil IV -a Ll cLj ii- 1 mado tho funeral.
I clear and unclouded to the last. Those
j who are acquainted with him Ijayc no
j doubt but that he witnessed what he
claimed. No arrangements have vet been
Spoonor Introducos a Qiii Con
trolling Telegraph Commerce.
Washington, Jan. 27. The bill intro
eluced by Senator Spoouer ye-sterdaj' to
regulate the commerce carried by tele
graph definis in its liibt su-tion the tcim
"telegraph company ,'"as used in the bill,
to mean persons or corporations engaged
in intrr-state teb-grapii between a for
eign country and the L'nit-d States.
Sections 2 and 3 declare that ail charges
for telegraph sei vice .shall be reasonable
and just and that it shall b-j unlawful lor
telegraph Co. to give any unreasonable
preferancc or advantage to any person,
company, corporation, locality or clas
f business or tr. subject any person,
place or lousiness to any unreasonable dis
crimination. Every telegraph company
shall afford reasonable and equal facil
ities to connecting lines and shall not
discriminate in their rates and charges
between connecting lin:s.
Section 4 makes it unlawful for any
telegraph com pan' to t-ntor into any con
tract agreement or combination with any
other telegraph company to divide be
tween them the aggregate or net pro
ceeds of the earnings of suc li companies.
Section " makes it unlawful for any
telegraph company-dircctly or indirect!-
by a specil rate, rebate, draw-buck or
other dvice-to charge or receive from
any person or corporations any greater
or less compensation for any scriviee
than it charges or receives from any
other persons or corporations for doing
like and contemporaneous Service.
Section G requhvs telegraph compan
ies to publish their rates and to file with
the inter-st'ite rommercd commission a
schedule thereof and notify the ccmn;i
sion ten days beforehand of any propos
ed charges, subject to penalties for dis
obedience The companies may b;: coir
pelkd by mandamus to comply with
thes.? requireni"nts.
Sections 7 and 8 provide thai, telegraph
companies violating the provisions of the
bill shall be liable to th persons injured
thereby for damages, which may be re
covered either by suit before the commis
sion or eourls. In suits for damages a
talegraph company is required to pro
duce its books and its oltieeis are required
to answer cny question propounded to
them, no matter whether of a criminating
nature or not, but their testimony shall
not be used against them in aiiy criminal
The remaining sections of the bill give
the inter-state commerce com mission j ur
isdiction over inter-state telegraph bi-si
uess. six penalties for violations of a; t,
authorizes the commission to inquire int. 1
the business of telegraph companies o.:id
to investigate complaints under substan
tially tho same provisions that complaint
alleging infraction of tho state commerce
are now examined into by comm issii n.
W. E. Cutler for photographs, j-o tf.
Half the Population cf an Ohio
Tcvvn lnpiicatcd In tho
SriUNGFiiii.D, O., Jan. 27. An exten
sive and systematic coal steal Ims been
discovered at Baiabridge, Fnis county,
Ohio, a small town on tli-j Ohio Southern
railroad. A carload of coal would at
times disappear in a single night r.nd the
peculations became so extensive tint tin
railroad company employed detect: vis to
unearth the thieve.-. The result has been
the arrest of liftc-en prominent citizens of
Bainbridge, ineluding the r.inihal, a
hotel proprietor and a Presbyte inn
preacher. Tfce detectives say that half
the citizens of the town rj implicated in
the steal. The peculations amount to
many hundreds of dollars and their ex
tent may be imagined when it is known
that although coal is universally used in
Brainbridge, not a singls carload h:is
been billed to a resident of that place
this winter.
BeSS's Cherry Cough Syrup. -
Is the only medicine that acts direcily
on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re
lieves a cough instantly and in time
effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. 1.
Smith ifc Co., druggists. j23,3aio,d w.
A nice nickle-platcd heating stove for
sale, cheap. D. E. Babington, corner of
Fourth and Locust streets. d.2t.
Begc's Bleed Purifier and Siood
No remedy in the world has gai: ed
the popularity that th: medicine has, as
a hold on family medicine. 2"o one
should be without it. It has no calomel
or cpaininjn its composition, consequent
ly no bad effects can lisa from it. We
keep a full supply ,;i tdi times. O. P.
Smith, Druggist. jio-3niodS:w
Olii Charon Still in ilio IVn-yboat lt-ii.l-ii-k:
I'omieeliou IJetvv--n t!.; IIil!i;i-i.-it
f tli Iast a:ul ul tl I'ri-si-nt A
When a (tenth is e-:-c."toiJ, the nli.i-i:i?.int
rnoiirtii-rs in l!io Greek ilaiuls :avt many
liLt'o customs jM'-nliar to tliein.-el v. s. Tho
rnnrii.unil is hamleil a !ovvl of water, into
wiiieli In: tit ; a jiiiieii of salt for e;teh ier.;on
v. itli vli'iin lto is at enmity, saying as l.o
does s;o: "'lay my wrath JK-Whli as this salt ;'
for it is ron.iiclered (treaili'ul for a nam to
die leaving aa enemy bellied liiju. His spirit,
it is I x Sieved, will not rest, but will wander
about as u yor gho::t, sacking the blood of
bis friends, li!c the shades in aneieut hade.;,
to gain strength for bis earthly wanderings.
If tho coir.jjhuat is consumplion, thev s.iu-
jhko liait threo Krinnyes star.d ready to
pouneo 011 ehiliiren at the corners of tho
room; honeo the youn are k'-pt out of thu
way when tlio dyin-r ' in ' ''
ho:e is oei.ud ovee tl.. 1 .. ....o..
Ia-innyes to escape. Fevers are best cured
by priestly incantations; the name of tho
disease in written on a slip of paper, and
with prayer and much incensing this in
b.-ii!'d t a tree, hoping thereby to transfer
the mf lady. hicen:;; is much used by Ih.j
piv.-st 1:1 h.'s visitations to the : ick; th-j whole
ro'Jiii is tiiick with it, and perhaps contagion
is thus often avoided.
Vt'Jwo the death has occurred tho women
rush 011 t; the- Hat roof or someother conspic
uous piaee, where they rend the nir with
their cries, tear their hair and ivo way to
unbridled rief. Tho town crier is sent
round to unnouuee the fact to the neighbors
aa-1 to summon friends to the death,
which takes place an hour or two after tho
spirit has left tho body. After the body lias
been washed hi wine it is laid outon a bier la
the center of the one roomed house, arrayed
in the ! eeaseds best clothes, decked out with
iio'.vcrs, and with lamps burning at the side,
reminding us of the ancient custom of placing
the corp-o thus in the midst of tho hall,
drcs:vd in as handsome i robe as tho family
co:i!d a!foil, i:i order, according to Lueian,
that the dead may not be cold on tho passage
to hades end may not bo seen naked by Cer
berus: Then begins the ei-ath wail ceremony,
a seen;; cf heart rending Ri'iirf, such as took
place in Priam's palace over the dead body
of Hector.
These death wails are, in fact, one of the
most striking bonds of connection between
the Jleilemsm of the past and the Hellenism
of the present, and in the Greek islands, de
spite the strictness of the civilized
luembei-s of the orthodox church, they cling
to them v. ith surprising tenacity. A lxxly
whi.rh dies unlamenUi.-l cannot enter hades,
and wanders about like that of Patrocius
and Ilip.-nor in misery in the upper air,
neither belonging to the living nor to tho
dead. Consequently, the wails and
the burials take place as soon as possible
after death that tho gates of hades may bo
opened to them a-; soon as may bo.
From these death wails wo learn how much
that is hc-itheu is incorporated in tho belief
of today respecting an after life. The' sing
of hades as a fro :en, miserable place, where
the dead wander forever, anxious to return
to the upper air, and endeavoring to steal
froi.i Charon, the lord of the lower earth, his
keys, bat in ifeetually. Charon plants the
b"i.:.; of the departed in his garden, and
they come up as weir. I plants. His tent pegs
aro hero.T," hones, and the ropes are made of
maidens' tresses. He rides on a horse to col
lect his vieti-:i.-, driving the young and
s.rong r!o:v ti-.m, u:v.g-i-ii!g tno aged art- r
hi;:i bv rones, anil carrying with him on his
:;.id-.!H the h.ilc ( hil hvn.
tj j'.ii- tires, when a man dies who has l.-een
c.'iti pieuo-.'s for his good fortune during life,
lr.ul.s bciore tno corp.-o
tiiemup in a bag to bo
ed ai'i ing the other sacred things
which are hu::g no in the i-:;iictnar- belon --
h:g to every ho;:s..
ile'.'arethe i-. i-i':;e l.v. .s the- house a vaeof
v.-.e r Is broken 1 .1 the threshold. When any
oay tarts on a journey, it is customary t i
spiii water as a:i earnest of his success nnd
safe return, and when tL'o Imilygoes o.i it:;
last long jourr."- the veso is broken. Ti.-a
bii.r is carried by four male-bearers, a:..t
about a bier the itret-k islandei-s have t:;is
most jrrev.some riddle: "What is that w hich
ho who does so to si II, he who buys
docs not use Li:iielf. a:id ho who uses docs
not see; As tho f -.moral procession
tltro-.igh the viiiage streeu the priests ci;:.:iL
the otiices of the ie:ul, r.-id from time to tirn'j
the mouvners, v.ho go 1-i front, break forth
into their hideous -.vails, a:.d women con:e
forth iron their houses to groan ia concci i
with the i thci-s.
Of a truth a Greek island funeral is a pain
ful sight to v.-iii:e. s. )n reach tug the -hu;-eh
he corpse is left in tho porch, an-.l while the
liturgy is proeeeuing the :n-.;urners cease to
wail. Then cianes the very in;pr.-s: ivo
stiehera of the last k:-:s, whi h ia t-lumted by
ail the congi-egat:;. .n, ami begins, -Blessed is
the way thou shalt go t'd;;y," whereat eac !i
mourner advances and gives the la.-t kli; tr
tho cold face of the corps-?, ar.d once iwra
they v. t.i cut oil I
is r. and
1 ;"- i Ul fci:..i.ll
the extra'.
demo-istra' ii eis of
Final!" the eornse is lowc-rc-1
without a coflin into its shale;.'.- grave, a-id
ea-.b livstfindtr casts (.;i t: it a handful of
soil. SeotUsh Review.
an a;! tray winti-.r a::i 1.; ..;;:.
J-- 1 T. l", , - t .. r j , 1 - .. s ' -
It. HO 11.1:3 JUst 'j.ijp,vteia iwo
c:i bandlo.
TiiiD I)?yligit Store.
Just after our inventory, we riduce
pi ices To ., -II the goods rather than to
carry over. We are willing to sell our
ntire Win! -r Goods at cost. Staples we
have a large quantity and offer them
very low. Calicos 3 to ."i cents per yard,
making the best standard of them at 20
yards for 1.00. Gingham best dress
!1cm 10 c. ins p.-r yr.rd. Dress gi
all kinds at tho very lowest prices, from
cents per yard upw ard. Woolen bos
we offer at cusf, extra fue. Ladies c.i-,h-mere
hose, worth 1.0(1. now To cent-;,
line heavy wool 10 cents, now cl.ild
ren's line ribbed worth .ID, now '.',(). I'm
dcr ware iniiit go at !o v puce.., as wo
will not keep them cv. i-.
Our Gents Silver Grey Marino Shiri.i
' ' ' r s - ii i,w
'.. k.. ...a ..iver g.rey niiii'ini) siiiru
and drawers, extra quality 7" now T.'t.
Our Seal let all wool shuts and draw
ers fine quality 1.00 now To cents.
Our scarlet all wool shirts mi l draw
line quality 1.2.1 now 1.00.
Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw
ers, fine quality 1. 71 now 1.2.1.
O T sc.-tih t ' all-wool -hirt.s a:.d draw-er-.,
line (ptility ?- :.('.() w:- 1 (o.
JLiscll&cv;'' - k2rEiki3i'yji5's
Kl)l'ALLV AS CililA!.
Oitr :M per c:-nt. discount on cloaks, is
still good. Wo arc detenniie I diw
out our entire stock and nev- r b foie
has null an opportunity been offered to
economical buyers to piiM-bae the bc-.t
(ptalith.s lor so little mom y. V. Weekend!
a AT
tJA-e.vnmi. j
wiioi.i:::.m.i: a::ji iikj-ah. o-- .i i i: in
0"H"&T332TiS ?SSE.
Siso-fir cured Ilttm?, IJacoii s:ui llic ii'-st Mtrirtv d" .Snti.tige fuund in
tilt; in i r Scot.
I will sel! as Ciieap as aay otli r iiiarkel, in tlio City and I Jeiy
coiti)Ctiti(jn, and rur;ioe:t fully soli.-il: uv j-al ronac.
jdmiG and buo me. Neville's; Jlb-ck, (ith street.
rasa ku ckmm
1 T
. s
i"i ffi fill.
S l?tO"
Parlors, rooms, Iining-rooiiis.
K.itchcns9 Slailways and Offices,
Where a magnificent stock of Goods and Fair Prices
"j rVj ryVj. xrjt tn?k a, -vfim -fatda
Jr'.ilt l'laguo i .Vuiericci.
Ia many portions of Idaho, ITevada and
Wyoming the rabbits ara so numerous that
they are becoming alaist as grcut a plarua
as i:i Australia. The proprietors of a lrge
ranch are giving boys live cents apirc? i."cr
killing them, and some of the boys t-r.r:j as
much us each p"T day. The ilead rabbits
are fed to hogs to fatten theui. Western
The white ties worn by Xew York 'rs
arc in most eas s f jmish 1 by the kour-e, ui-l
ire ::jC i n duty t!:o ties
jle lew Photograph Gallery
when tho vvaitei-o
a:v left with the h
I disliiie an eye that f.virikles tike a
etar. Those c-niy are Irf-autiful xvlu'ch,
like planets, L-ivo a sloaily lambc::t light
tliU Alltllli. WJ, UUW E.l- ..- c -
Will lie oj)C:i Jamiary 2 Ith, at the
OLtD STHN10 OF F. 1. GAll L'Tl-
All work warranted first-clas::.