THE DAILY IlEllA LU. VI .A'ri7.m r4;;::ASKA. Vv'EIjN ESDAY, JANUARY 2.", 1SSS. The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. J I M 111. . I , I l .1 KITOTTS 33 O Publishers & Proprietors. B. A. M. Time Table. UOIN'S WK-4'I. No. 1. ft :? a. in. Ni, a.-- :40 p. in. No. 5. a. I". No. 7. --7 :-6 ft. m. No. !.- 6 :11 1 .No. :0j a, in. KAST. No, 2.-4 ;2." i. in. No. 4. 10 :Wh. in. No. 7 :." i. in. No. f. 9 :M a. in. No. 10. 9 :45 a. in. No. Z. -tt :33 p. xi. All train run dally by wavof Omaha. vpt Now. 7 and 8 wliicli run to nni from hclmjicr daily Kxcejit Sunday. No. 30 is a till) to Pacific .1 miction at 8 :i0.a in. No. llJ Is a Mul) from fad tic .1 unction al it a.m. A SuIlNlMiry Ueull'f , lu lluc-St-vrnod llulldlnr?. Dr. Siggius, Office and Residence, Sherwood Block. Telephone lo. 42 The street csirs are again running. Commissioner Todd's wife is report ed seriously ill. The attending physic ian id Dr. Schildknccht. The charges for single sled for Saturday night's coasting carnival, will le 10 cents. A marriage license was issued this morning by County Judge Rnssell t .Mr. K. F. Hanuanand Miss Emma KuRziinuin. The people of the Christian church have sect red Rev. M. A. Hamilton, of Roca, as their pastor. He will arrivw in a few days. "Live,"says theTccuniseh Chit-flu iu. "within your income."' Its all very well to talk about living within your income, but what is a fellow to do that does not have any income to live within. There will be a called meeting of tho W. C. T. IT., Thursday i:ftcrnom at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. S. A. Davis. It is important that all members should be present. Tins sociable given at the parsonage last evening by the M. E. Ladies was well attended, there being over one hun dred present. The hospitality in which Mr. and Mrs. Alexander entertain com pany is well known. The evening was spent very enjoyably in social amuse ments. The proceeds amounted to $S.50. Fiold and the Farmers' Alliance. The following resolutions were parsed by the Wabash Fanners" Alliance at its last meeting : Rtsvlceil. That we condemn thy ac tion of Judge Field in instructing the jury to render a verdict in favor of the 15. & M. It. R. Co.. and request him to resign the office of District Judge. liesolcea". That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to the county paper and to the Omaha Ilrr and Lincoln Oemomit for publication. 1. F. Am.f.x, Sec. The foregoing resolutions were receiv ed by Tiik Hekai.u for publication, ac companied by a letter from Mr. I). F. Al len, of center precinct, secretary. The only nientitm Tub Herald desires to make of these resolutions at this time is to suggest to our Alliance friends that in our opinion their action is hasty, ill adyised, and unwarranted by the facts surrounding the "bridge cat-e." The question of the liability of tlte R. 11. bridge for purposes of local taxation, is purely a legal question, and if. Judge Field is correct in his interpretation of the law, and he, not the Alliance, is the judge whose sworn duty it is to interpret the law as he linds it upon the statute book, then he was warranted in instruct ing the jury just as lie did. The question was this: Was the 15. & M. or C. 15. k l It. It. Co. entitled to have the west end of their bridge assessed for purposes of taxation as a part of their "main line.' I f they were and the State Board of Equal ization were taxing it as a part of the main line of the It. It. Co., then the local assessors for Plattsmouth had no business to list or return it for purposes of taxa tion to tho local taxing olliccrs of Cass County. Judge Field took the view, which many good lawyers who are entire ly disinterested in this matter take, that, it being the duty of the State Board to return the west iud of the bridge in con troversy for purposes of taxation, the taxation of the same by the local ottb ers of Cass county was unauthorized, and if the Judge rightly interprets the law his instructions were correct. Now then, if Judge Field is wrong in this matter he lias simply misinterpreted the statute, and as the case is now in process of prepara tion for a review of this dicision by our Supreme Court, where such men as Sam uel Maxwell and his associates will pas upon it, it is not asking too much from our Alliance friends to withhold their judgment until they know whether Judge Field is right or not. Suppose Judge Maxwell and his associates say that upon the case made, Judge Field is right, what will 15. F. Allen and his Alliance friends say i Will they ask Samuel Maxwell to resign? Tur: Hkrai.d has been entirely on the tide of the county in this contest, Iwjt we do not propose to tever.-c Judge J'ield's opinicn of the law until we sec what our Supreme Court dojs. The Al liauce resolutions are h-isty to say the least of them, and Thk Herald believes -Judge Field was honest in his judgment about the matter, and until the matter is disposed of by our Supreme Court we do not think it would be in good taste to ask hi in to resign. Judge Field will hardly resign upon the case as presented by the Allianco. Uc.jtJi of Ruv- Joseph Knotts Joseph KnolU was born in Virgiuia in September, ia:i2, where he resided till of age. He was the oldest of seven chil dren. He entered the ministry of the M. E. Church in 1851, and in 1S55 was unit ed in marriage with Miss Rebecca Hall who was ever afterward an attentive and loviug wife. From Virginia Mr. Knot Is removed to central Iowa, where he made hi home and pursued his wrk until compelled by fading health to desist from active work in his chosen calling. lie served the churches at Chariton, Des Moines, ludianola, New Virginia, Osceola and Council Muffs. He was a Presiding Elder of the Des Moines and Council Rlufls Districts. In 1875 lie accepted an appointment as con sul to the state of Chihuahua, Mexico; hoping there to build up his broken down constitution, and while there be came interested in silver mines at I'arral, Mexico, and directed hi attention to mining, afterward giving attention to silver mines at Mapitni.state of Durango, and in Arizona, and to the Iron Moun tain near Durango City. Business affairs in Mexico were very uneven, demanding almost constant attention and it was the evening of Dec. 2th, 1887, that he left Council Bluffs on his last trip, to attend to his foreign affairs. His loving wife accompanied him to El Paso, Texas, where they bid final adieu, Mrs. Knott going to Pasadena, Cal.. aud her husband going to Durango, Mexico, and then returning to Parral. At the latter place he was taken vory ill early in last week, being 6(0 miles from El Paso, but was watched over by a nephew, L. W. Knotts, who fearing seri ous results, telegraphed to his uncle's son, A. B. Knotts at Des Moines, Iowa, and started with the sick man to the rail way, a distance of fifty mi Ire, where he saw him safely on the cms for El Paso. A. B. Knotts, in reply to the telegram, started Saturday evening for El Paso, but it was too late. The father arrived at that city Monday,a day before the su. and passed from this life among strangers, on the afternoon of that day. Mr. Knotts, besides his wife, leaves three brothers, two sisters, a daughter, seven sons and one grandson to grieve his loss. At the time of the news of his illness the wife of the deceased was at Pasadena, Cal., the daughter, at Boulder Valley, Mont.T.,the two eldest sons, A. B. and T. 11. Knotts, proprietors of Thk IIiCKAi.i,werc at Des Moines, L. G. Knotts at Council Bluffs, E. F. Knotts at Altoona. Iowa, and the three younger sons, J. E., O. 15. and Joseph Knotts, jr., were in Plattsmouth. Tho fact that tha father died alone from his family makes reflection exceed ingly sad for them. The funeral services will probably be held at the family home, Council Bluffs, the latter part of the week. PERSONAL. T. Murphy was in the big city to-day. J. II. Waterman was in Omaha to-day. C. M. Wead and wife were in Omaha to-day. Miss Vina Sage was an Omaha passen ger last night. Samu'l Barker went out to Lincoln this morning on business. Mrs. S. M. Craig and A. F. Hayes left last night for Franklin. Miss Ida Conn took the train this morning for McPaul, Iowa. Miss May Fellows was a Pacitic Junc tion passenger this morning. Mrs. Sarah Archer took the evening train for Atlanta last night. Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Fitzgerald aud family were in Omaha to-day. Itobt. Wilkinson, of Weeping Water, was in the city to-day op. business. Mrs. J. M. McCauley and daughter, Miss Mamie, visitad in Omaha to-day. Itev. M. A. Hampton and wifetook the train last night for their home at ltoea. J. II. Glendenen who has been visiting with Itobt. Stewart, weut up to the me tropolis this a. m. Mrs. G. II. Longenhagen took the Lincoln bound train this morning, where she goes on a visit. Mr. E. A. Kirkpatrick, of Nehawka, spent last evening with Dr. John Black returning home this morning. B. A McElwaiu went out to Greenwood last evening to attend a good templars festiyal and returned home this a. in. Mrs. Critchfield and daughter, Miss Anna, of Weeping Water, were visiting with the family of Bird Critchfield to-day. Mrs. Minnie Golding who has been visiting the past few days with the family of C. W. Ford left this morning for Kan sas City. Married. IIauman Kcnzmann At ths M. E. parsonage this afteruon at three o'clock. Mr. E. F. Harman of Curtis, Neb., and Miss Emma Kunzmann, of this city, were united iu matrimony. Rev W. B. Alex ander performed the service that united them. Crushed by the Car Wheels While T. M. Fent was coupling cars this morning about G o'clock at Pacific Junction, he was knocked down, the car wheels passing directly over his knees, badly crushing and fracturing them; but not to necessitate amputation. His re covery is reported as being doubtful. Mr. Fent was a brakeman on No. 13, the "fast freight that runs from Omaha to Pacific .Tuuction. His home is at New York, Wayne couuty, Iowa. He was brought to this place this morning by :i special train and his wounds were dressed by the company's physicians, Dr. Tt. R. Livingston. ' U A. S. . While I have been in quest of this knowledge that I spoke of in my last my mind has dropped upon pome of the works of mac hanics' institutes that are in diffeient parts of the world, to which I may draw your attention to later, but to pursue the theme of my previous article is my intent at present. Associations for the the promotion of science by calm dis cussion of mooted points, and the read ing of short but comprehensive papers on various subjects are among the most use ful institutions in th world. They are certainly of great importance, but along with libraries r.nd winter courses of lec tures there is one great element that must not be lost sight of; that is personal and general elevation to every individual brother. We mean the personal interest? and actions of the members in the Nation al Association of Stationary Engineers in the manner pointed out in our introduc tory articl. In Boston some time ago there was a society of civil engineers which pursued this course, and they have issued some reports which are of no little importance to the scientific world.' An institution of the same nature was organ ized in the Slate of New York some years ago, but for some reason we have heard nothing of their doings for some time. A good librair3 a course of lectures and a debating society makes up an interest ing meeting. To some these things are all very well, almost indispensable, but something more is wanted to enlist the CMcrgtcs and interest of all the members. There are mechanics and artisan in ev ery shop who are capable of throwing a great deal of light upon many subjects, if drawn out to give an opinion, but who haye not the faculties or face to engage in a debate. Mere debating societies are generally ruled by the longest winded aud loudest talkers, and result in no sub stantial benefits to their members. We therefore commend the attention of all Voluntary associations for mental im provement and promotion of knowledge to this policy of dividing the association into four different committees. These committees might report or hold their discussions once a month, and thus there would be a meeting of interest every week. Without something of this kind anv association labors under the most manifest disadvantages. W have often heard the remark made, "Mechanics nev er hold long together." We have seen the truthfulness of this remark verified in a great many instances. They seem to advance new porojecis relating to their own interests with zeal, but soon fall back into the arms of apathy, or what is worse get into disputes and divide int factions about things that are no greater in importance than the shadows of dreams. Above all things we advise our me chanics, in respect to every institution which they may establish, to engraft upon their escutcheon, "Knowledge is power;" "Don't give up the ship." There is no village of any importance in our wide spread country but should have an asso ciation of the nature set forth above. It should belong to no class, but embrace within its folds all who have the taste for, or take an interest in, the progress of science and art, and the propagation of useful knowledge. Now as I have given a few of the broad principles upon which we have or ganized, we deem it our duty to touch lightly upon the individual duties of its members, and the theme which I will commence with will be self-reliance. Gum. Mt. Pleasant. Messrs. Cline and Watkins went to Weeping Water Tuesday. Lee Hobsou and Charlie Norris went to Plattsmouth Thursday of last week. The quarterly meeting at Eight Mile Grove was postponed on accouut of the absence of the Elder. Ye correspondent has been snowed un der for a number of days. Tins accounts fr your not hearing from him. Ed Mouglcy informs us that his father-in-law, Mr. Bird, will return from his western visit the last of this week. Mr. Pitman hauled his postal supplies to Nehawka Monday. We can now get our mail twice a day by going after it. It is reported that the mercury has been down 3' below zero in this "neck o' the woods." Perhaps it has but we are too "matter of fact" to give the report much credence without seeing the thermometer. The United Brethren are holding pro tracted meetings at their church this week. The minister's efforts will be re warded by the conversion of a number of souls, judging from the interest that is being taken. The cold wave has frozen out our mail carrier, so Uncle Sam has decided to dis continue the 1ft. Pleasant post office. Mr. Short made his last trip to our town last Friday. His route will now end at Mur ray, which will be much "Sho: t"-er. Dim Star. Mrs. Bannister Has opened a cutting school in connec tion with her dress-making, where ladies may procure the latest improved tailor system, said to be the best in use. Room over Solomon Nathan's store. dl2t Damask Rose the Great Skin Cure and Tailet article, Mfg. and sold by O. P. Smith & Co. " tf .If you wan't your photographs taken go to W. E. Cntler. j-23-tf. Try O. P. Smith Jc Co's Damask Rose for Chapped Hands and Lips. tf Real estate and abstracts. dtf W. S. Wisk. Office room and house for rent, enquire of E. G. Dovey k Son. j20 dlOt Try O. P. Smith .'o Co's Damask Rose for Salt Rheum, Scrofulous sores, fetters External Erysepela., Rash, Itch, chafing of Infants iY.c, a fompleln Household Remedy. No household should be with out it. if Try O. P. Smith te Co s K. of P. Cologne Lasting and Frairrant. i ' tf Hew Coods. 2Wm. HeroM is receiving a new stock of good.i to supply the demand of his tx tensive trade. j-2: tf Call on Threlkeld fc Barley for fun citrars. dim Go to the Monarch Rcstrurant for a irood dish of oysters. d-lm Before purchasing your dress "goods call at Win. Herold's. tf Fire Insurance written in the Etna, Phcenix and Hartford by Windham Sc Davies. Wanted. Five energetic, wide-awake men to so licit memberships in the cities of Nebras ka and Kansas, for the American Musi cal Association, of Chicago. Business pleasant and profitable. You need not be a practical musician. Call any even ing p to Fridav and see the agent at Mr. Ferguson's, Cor. Vine and -1th streets. New goods at Herold's. tf Hay for Sale- Three hundred tons of hay for sale for cash, either delivered or on the protind Leave order at Henry Weckbach's store. Jau. 3 m3d.vw L. Stcm.. Buownk fc Stieioiit will give you the best insurance in the city. Insure now. don't wait until you are burned out. j VJ 1 -1 Swedish Lingens. stock fish and all kinds of or herring for Lent can be had at jan21tf Wkckhacii & Co. 4 N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at Law. W xft.. Kive im.Mijjt .mention 1 nil 1. limine. I il! in trusted to him. Ofllc in t.'i.-ion l:ioek, Kast siuc, riattsmoutli, .eo. L, KICJCIXS, ?.!. 1)., l'liyslcian and Sur J' jreon. Outdoor went of lienm-ti 's s'ore. Ofiiee hours from 10 to l- ;i. m. and from :; to IClm Htivet;! Mrs. Levities' house. Telephone oinee ana niiuse. Dissolution Notice Vla'Ptsmoutii. Neb., Jan. 2, lssX. Xtitice lo uiitiin it mat concern: The firm known sti Mercer Lros. fc Co.. in this day disolved by mutual consent. The badness will nerealter he conducted uy W.O. & L. (J Mercer, known as Mtrtir lirou. Dr. R Nunn, M. D.,B Ch Trinity Collkok, Dum.ix, nPTTT TCT ATTDTCnn rvZJTir. A rr DISEASES. Late Surgeon at Western Oiilitlialinie and Aibt at lioyal Ophthalmic Hospital, Lordon. Office, Kuom IS, Barker Block : 10 a. in. to 4 p. in Omaha, Nebraska Correspondence Punctually Answered. C. F. SMITH, Merchant Tailor. Keeps constantly on hand sample of the bestfrond to be procured. Is prepared to make pants for Jf-l.OO and upwards ami suLb for SIC. 00. Neatly and promptly done at the lowest prices. Over Peter Merges' store, North hide Mailt Street. K. B. Wixiuiam,. Jonx A. Daviks. Notary Public. Notary Public. WtMBIA7rl DAVIKS, attorneys - at - Law. Ofiice over Bank of C.'as County. Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska. 23TX!e- TIXE GENUINE SINGES with high arm and vibrating shuttle, sold on time. Easy pajnicnts or cash F. J. BICRNELL, Manager Plattsmouth Brauch Dr. C. A- Marsha!! D1MTIST ! Preservation of natural teeth a cprciulty. l'eeth crtrmtcd without jxiin limine uf Lawjhlng Has. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZGKKALD'S Bl.'CK. PLATTSMOU r II. X K WHEN YOU WANT -OP- -CALL ON- Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor and Builder Sept. 12-6m. WORK T&is &VO.GQ . jewel: CLOSING OUT $1,7 Worth -Must Ik- Vse? ce e$a fcss? As J have lo leiivi! to take ciiar.i ,,f niy Father's business in Ottimi wa, on account of his cutilinii.'d ill ht:ltli. .Now is the time to la' ill a auyiy of HOOTS and SHOKS at PACTOPwT PBICES Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' French Kid hand-turned shots. . . French Kid common sense shots . Ctiracoa Kid common se nse shoes. Dongola haiid-.sewdl shoes (iUze dongola si i ties Straight goat slices Rest goat button shoes Hand-sewed Imtton shoe." Calf button shoes Oil grain button shoe (love calf button shoes Dongola foxed button shoes (Jrain button shoes Red Cross School Shoe Reduced 25c apr. M isses best Kid and (oat Sorinrr heel ... Men's best hand sewed hoes Men's best Calf sewed shoe Men's best Kangaroo sewed shoe Men's best calf sewed shoe Men's best congress or button - lioc. . ; Men's calf boots Men's best kip boots Men's Good kip boots will fmcl it to your interest to csdl early. m it Mau'niiiL-rwi9n3jan s a li a SOUTH SIDE MAIN .ureka T. .J- THOMA8, V. IfOI KSAI.i: M !::;TMr. IiKAI.KK IN Beef, Pork, Mutt, Yea! and Poultry. 2 ir,vit3 all to givs aaQ a trial. Sugar Cured Meat IIam, Paeon. Lar.l. at lowest hying prices. Do not 33 -AND ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS KITCHEN, BED EOOM. PARLOR FURNITURE. Lowest Prices in. L- T!- i SIXTH .STKKEr, EET. MAIN AND VINK. Jo.VATUAK ilATT pom: packers LjL .n" BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AM) YE AT THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS OX JfAXD Sugar Cured Meats, Harris. Bacon, Lard &c a ot our own make. The best brands of OYSTFI?i ' ' ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL U,ul hulk aV lG3ervod for AT COST. !' 'Jii- Ilcst Makes of sold in Hit- .$. 00 reduced to $4 35 (10 T.r 50 2.1 00 20 7.1 00 or. oo -:.) 25 70 50 7.1 :io 85 75 25 45 00 ..2 50 now $2 25 4 uu 5 00 5 00 3 no 2 50 2 75 1 50 :) 50 00 4 25 4 U5 2 75 1 5 1 75 : 75 2 60 ill Li n & CARRUTH BLOCK. larKet. etc. etc. Frch (,wt(!s : ( an n,l riv to dvc mc yourV:: Jjc. KINDS Of FURNITDBE FOR HALLWAYS, OFFICES. tiio Oitv r.-,n " W-ATTSMOLTir. lD. J- IV. Martha. SHOES 4 r i i: II . ' i i if; 1