The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 25, 1888, Image 1

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    3 1
PI.ATTS3IOUT1I, NI2I5KASKA, V. i:i)N:Si)AV KVKMNd, jam akv -r, ISSN
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M.-i-i :' ty . rii.t'o Friday vnias at
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MoCO.iSH! POST 43 G. A. .
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S. I 'vi-t.-s rti-imir View
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'. 'r. l a:'-i-n::iiii to ;-!! i'li.siiie ":.trtist
; o my ei e.
T.:.- .M-'ai-i- ! 'mi ;i!e;i. In-
suraii.,o Vi'i :.!!:, l-NfjiU- :iil.
iie.ter Facilities for inakm:; Fa.iii I.oan Uiau
Any Qihcv Agency
IS;ilJiin.-!tSi:, - ;Vt'l: iihllia.
iirn i 0 0
Iln.v-i -.r.ii- the lVl!ovinj time
trie l ;ui-l Jir-teted companie.:
Amt'il,' .;i :-. M:,!-S-. Louis. Assets Sl.2."5R,lno
'-i;:ini.-! ;.i! L ii.i:i ICatrhiir.!,
Kiri As.i:-!.i;;o!i-i'ii:i:ii!e;jiii-i,
Fran Ul.ti-l'.'i. in,
Hoiiif-.Vi'n' York. "
lr,-i. i'.-t, t.i" -i riii Aiaeri-j i, l'liil. "
l.iver,).i"'i?tL ;'.i.;i-!i & 'Jioiie-Kn '
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Sjh i:ia-?ltl I". - .'.I,-S;-.riii.rieK!, "
T.S.Vj.M 0
T.)!;;I Assets. St.M 15.774
AJ .isniPaiiattliisAggau
Pa f s
Li Dm y
Uilnaa Bc:Si2Jis aaapatteras
Clieap Prices
Lates, by Telegraph.
Shattered by Dynamite.
Chatham, Out., .Inn. 2-1. Tin; house
of Israel Evans, licensed inspector, was
shattered by dynamite early this morning.
No oik; was hurt, but the. house was bad
ly daumgeil. The police have arrested
four persons on suspicion.
New Wobraska Postmasters-
Washington, Jan. 21. The president
sent the following nominations for post
masters t? the senate today: Calvin M.
Wherry, North Platte, Neb.; II. Fred
Will, Kearney, Neb., and Bertha Klemi,
Culbertson, Neb.
Bonds Sold
Nkw Ytiitii, Jan. 21. The St. Louis &
S.m Francisco Kailroud Co. has sold
$7,144,000 of live per cunt ueuernl mort
gage bondri to a syndicate of German
bankers in this country and Europe. The
proceeds will be used to retire the South
ern Pacific lir.sts which mature next July.
Violated the Liquor Law.
Launkk, Kan., Jan. 23. Sentence was
pronounced Monday afternoon by .Tud",e
J. C. Strang on J. M. Davis for violating
the prohibitory liquor law. A year go
lie was lined 100 and thirty days in jail.
The lata grand jury indicted him, aud lie
eu:iu; into court and pleaded guilty to
two counts. The line this time was 000
and ninety days in the county jail.
Centcnnary Celebration.
Sydney, N. S. W., Jan. 24. The cel
ebration of the con'cr.nary of New South
Wales began here today, the occasion be
ing the anniversary of the landing of the
first governor of the colony. Lady Car
rington, wife of the present governor,
unveiled the statue of Queen Victoria in
the presence, of tlie governors of all the
Australian colonic?, including New Zea
land and Fiji.
Anotner Blizzard 7aging.
St. Paui,, Jan. 24.-- Another blizzard
has broken loose northwest of here. A
Neehe, Dak., special says the mercury
went down to V0 below and the wind
leached a velocity of forty miles an hour
there last night. It is t-till blowing and
trains are ten hours late. IJrainard re
ports that the storm reached there this
morning. A heavy fall of smow has set
in and I he wind is blowing a gale.
A Fortune In Jewels.
"Washington, D. C, January 23. The
famous $20,000 necklace which created
so much notice in society circles last win
ter, has just been sold by Mr. Alvin Pat
ton, of Cincinn itti, to Mr. John D. Lang
horne, of Connecticut avenue, for that
amount. In addition to the necklace he
has purchased for Mrs, Langhorne. for
merly Miss Taylor, a 10,000 pair of ear
rings. The necklace contains fifty old
mine diamonds, and the center stone
alone is valued sit 1300. The ear-rings
are said to bs the largest and fiuest ever
worn at the capital.
Ohio Wool Growers'.
Coi.UNias, Jan. 21. At a meeting of
the Ohio wool growers' association todaj'
addresses were delivered by President
Davkl Harpster, Columbus Delano and
Judge Lawieuce. Resolutions were
adopted which recite that the wool grow
ing iudui-try of the United State.s r.-qulred
protection as favorable as that of 18o7.
under the conditions then existing; en
dorses the schedule of duties agreed up
on by the recent conference at Washing
ton City and demands its enactment into
a law and the continuance so long as it
will accomplish the purpose.
Pardoned by the President.
Washington, Jan. 24. The president
today pardoned John K. Pfiel of the Dis
trict of Columbia sentenced to two year's
imprisonment tor bigamy. The president
in his letter of pardon says: 'The cir
cumstances surrounding this case leave a
great deal of doubt in my mind as to the
guilty motive of this convict or his
knowledge that by his second marriage
he was committing a crime. His
wife appears to be a vile woman, w ith no
desire to claim the convict as her hus
band, while tlie second wife is devotedly
attached to him. I thiuk the law has
been fully vindicated."
Foit Sale On reasonable terms my
residence on the N. W. corner of Elm and
11th streets. Said property consists of
i block with a good story and a half
house of six rooms, two wardrobes and
one pantry; good well and city water;
twenty-seyen bearing apple trees, and an
abundance of small fruit of all kinds.
tf P. D. Bates.
Try O. P. Smith & Co's K. of P. Col
ogne. Lasting and Fragrant. j 23 tf
Loap Year Takes Another.
A'aiu we are confronted with the facts
of u wedding to oi ur this evening at
Nebraska City at o'clock. The Hew
(Jreen of the Cuiiibeilalii I cliun h oih. -iating.
The contract iug parties are John
M. Leydaithe efUcicnt deputy register of
de"ds) and Mi-s Carrie I )elil;tuli. both
formerly of Weeping WaU-r.
in his biiof oj 't.rii in our midt, Mr.
Leyd i hits gained the respect of ail and
made many warm fri"!ids, who join with
Tux Hi:hai.d in rendering co-.gratula-.
: . . i . i;.,,.- i.. L Jh.j in titm
t 1 1 .JiJ ? II 11 1 l li'.: iiu.ii in. -i, ii i. .ii -
and hi?:.
Mr. and Mrs. Ley da after vi-iting in
Lincoln and Weeping Water, v.iil arrive
in Plattsinoiith next Monday evening,
and at once commence houc-keeping.
The new gallery is lite placu to get
first class photographs, i 2"; tf.
L'ntil the man who invariably inv.-fs
upon blowing smoke in your face is in
the penitentiary or dead, There t an be no
hope for the millenium being a micccj-s.
Ifemember the new Photo gallery.
j 23-1 i".
Just Arrived.
I. Pearl ma n has just received a car
load of furniture from St. Louis which
he will sell at bed rock prices. tf
W. E. Cmler for photographs j 23-tf.
Ailiisky lor .Tail Ilinls.
"Its a ncte-.vortby fuel," sain a well know.i
criminal lawyer, "that almost the first v.
quest a lawyer w ill receive when he eojivs
to visit his client in tlx- j.iiiwiil lie ::i the
form of ii (li'mn!:ii for lir-aor. Crime .-.;i.l
(ho drinking Intuit :,ro t'.viu Lzv.'Ji' :-i-s. ;;;i.l i!
is, I can assure you, u very rare t!iii- in ::r
c.-qierioneo to iixvt a jail bird who is :;ol.
addicted to strong iiriiik. But what areyoti
goiiifjtodo? Your na:i era-es ior liis'oi.i
hiimulant, begs fur it with inn:-.' earncotiie.-;s
than ho docs for hi.; free;!.:ii. lb: must !iavo
it, and, as a rule, ho gets it, too. I'll 1. 11 you
how. When ho becomes asmoyin-Jy
ristent we say to him: -Get your liquor, if
you must have it, in the regular way. No
lawyer will Uiko it to you. That isn't pro
fessional.' 'Then he cries: 'But what is the rognh'r
way? It is not allowed ; how can I get it;' Wo
ask him: 'Haven't you sot: i relative or ;v
iiuaiutanee of the other sex? L:;t her lr::ig j t
in. Sho can carry it easily under a shav. i cr
eloaL", and while standing ui c!o.-;e to the
wire talking to yea she can smuggle t!;e"
stuiT in witiioiit any troa'.le.' Now, to mai:ii
myself uudei,too.!. I'll tell yon there is more
than one rubber tube i:i the jail, carefully
stored away in cells occupied by the i
?ncetl boarders, and thai thoso tub-, s ' arc
pretty regularly mado to do syjihcn i-:vy
troiu one whisky llask to another. Tlo
prisoner gels hold of an empty th that is
easily done; lr. is visited by his female
relative, who carries under 1km- sihtiw 1 a il.v.'.i
full of liquor. The tube is put out f hrotigii
ilio wire netting end t'uo other end i i insert' "i
in tho bottle. The other cuil ti:e jiriso::cr
takes in his mouth and proceeds at once t
establish a suction on it that causes the
whisky to leave the first bcttlo and How
steadily into the other bottle, whii'h is c.ii
veniently hid under the fellow's coal. Well,
that is cue -way of getting i.i contraband
gooils." Chicago News.
Tlie I'rera'cnro of Suix-rstiiimi.
No better illustration of the hol l winch
superstition still ha' on many intelligent
j)eople could be desired than is affcrd'.-il !.; a
recent report of the committee on npc ri
ment a 1 psychologj- submitted tfi the iloi to-i
Bix-iety for physical research. Lette r.; vv:v
ad.tresd by tliis committee to rearlv f-'.iU)
lcrsons, and nmong tLe questions asked were
"First Would you bo influence'.! l-yany
feeling bei:e cr not is imiuateriel) in regai-d
to tilting ilown thirteen at a t.ib!e.'
"Second Or beginning a ovage on Fri
day? "Third Or seeing the new moon over your
left shoulder?
'Fourth Or in choosing a house which
was reported to b haunted.'"
Ridiculous as these questions may fconi. i:
is none the less true that they were ar.swercd
by no less than ".!0 t'op'.e. and irrni
these answers, it appears that one-tenth
of the men and one-filth of the woiun were
subject to superstition. TLat the tendency
should be more prevalent among women
than among men is explained by the fact
that they are naturally of weaker nature and
are, moreover, not brought into that close
contact with the world which, above every
thing else, quickly dispels illusion. It cer
tainly must be allowed that, considering t!i3
practical common of tho average New
Englander and the skeptical spirit of the
period, the proportion of those who admit
that they are subject to superstition is very
large. Without doubt the re:.u!t of the bos
ton society's laIors min-t be a surpri.' to
those who have been inclined to believe iLai
we arc every day ln-coniing less crcdukius.
Ercokh ti Eagle!
C'liristinus ('lucr.
Rich Han (to jioor relatii..;.) Aud now,
James, w hat part of the turkey shall I sen I
Poor Relation (the lat to I e servi-d) Any
part, sir, but tho head and ieet. New Ycrir
Hereditary Deafness.
For scveiv.l months Professor Hell ba.i
been going deep into bis researches on the
subject of hereditary deafness. He has
conducted a wonderfully large cirre
spondence with people in all parts of tho
world to hunt tip every scintilla of evi
dence necessary to trace out genealogies.
He will eventually make public bis dis
coveries, showing hereditary deafness hi
the same lino of descent fir 200 years.
The professor has also constructed a valu
able machine fcr talking with deaf mutes.
It is something like the typetsrif.T hi
theory, having a keylxiard which turns
ip big, plain letters in such a way as to
construct n, word, and to facilitate conver
sation. Chicago Times.
A;.:lar l-::e:ire .if l.i.nbiii Tli':i!tl-
:il .".:uii:iu i.i lit.
Til. i'o is :;' fiiUi.'e of J j. irv i ! l!n : Iner;l
m.i.M.'i;. 'i'Mi'!:l !:i li always (n.;.; !! :.:id
str.iiige to an An. -i ie.-.n, eveu v. I. .! ! bo.
Ihcii u resident I: v time i:i I . '.'i" i.
This is tho ivfreshmcr.t bar, w 'i r- i (
b tv.een tin" acts for a -Ik i i.e.
I .I. i i: it. know ;' a .;i:ele promiii.-nl- hi;
ia . meric.'l, exeept, the t 'Willi), v. ii'To l' i. ,
is und. r its own ro f or where !l i c;i '!.
coiiii..te 1 with the theatre mai:a. ni.
Here it is always in the the.dre, aad t ; i.
t t ally upon o:i,j of t ho H i . -. ' . I i
w il h the bo::e.i ainl dress circle s. 1 'he
bar i!.-cl!', vei i:'.e h like "urs i.i v,
sh: ji , i . ale. :iy.; p.i ..;ii.:d :: i r by b-i ".!..
They are as iv:.;ce!ai.e an 1 '.l1I i: : :. if
as the saleswomen of ll.'e brr.t .-ho; . .- V
l.avo alert lm iuev maun; a:i 1 .oe r.,l
given to sayi.ig laueli, m. i. -.j a got. i m y..; ii
icsists upon a bit of what lej calls 'i b:i '
as ho rd' i-s.
lu the large r.''u where iriu!;s a. r.e.I
thera are a '.ways small nmml labe . !'"
l.eii'S from ; !l pa-t.. of the th.r,:i;'. ...:!i
i li'-ir ; eo.n loi.riaic a gl;i.- s
a .'lip 4 f :!.'(, . To ? c a bar i"i -1
by women, ami to see among b
ladies from all parts of the ti.eni
loul b'd ro-:;.'-..i ....
at lir.-t upon the Ameriean mmd a
pre:-; ion. It is similm- to the impre.
would lie made lioon tlie mind of a
... (
o . cr
- -
who. entering the I iof!'m.".ii house bar fi.r the time, .should bad it in the hands of t.nsi
lie:ssh'l.e barirt-iids) with ladies end ! aieu
si I ! ing at t he lit1. 1. ; t a1 ties as '-ii-.tom.-i''. Vho
presence of women m th. :e jilaees tu
have he cli'ee!, of eliininaTilig the 4 I .
rowdyism. Vui liear no loud 4-..?!. -4at
'is 4r coar e .ri si in;. The i.
ma-i'ii't's ar;: tl:e same as ihoso 'o.;
t in a ri'i'reshmenl room at u pre.
Th-' ii mom it T ealiag i.::d drinking
a .'ir.t i-iass j .on.!, .a ia vers
WuuH astniii.-li .'iui. :".-.u m:ii:.'e:i-.'
pie eon;e sLralghn t'lh" the:;: r- Sic
li.nneis .tint iiiim.iliab i v I ..-.-. i : i ord"i
il I'l l,
eo.iee' aii
lie p.i.
t he;.; !
farni-ihii.' rein s'na;. ui..-.
for in large sme ; by j -:;jur.".:!t j
Th" refre; hmeui r .'.eu IS one of the;
:;:: ": of ;(".';. ne .if a t hea; re !i::::ia .! ni.
Vaitiug maids during die -cni:ig goe. -out
throtighout f he tin-ativ bin .:I:ing at ii-.c l.o'c
doo: s hawking ri-l'r. -i.nici.; . l!"t i
acts pcipk' a; r.r.-l ihani; e -utautly to li!l in
the time. !':-i.g:-a:i, ,n s ai'e aL.o eher. d ior
in ii'-ai-jy ail th-- 1 1 a: rei. Tho ave' ' e j rieo
of a programme ii a .-ixpence. If an sr.i.-r-ican
amiieiice in aav lliea'.re in the I'mn-d
-'.fates sholiM be called onto pay tw 1 Vi: eeat s
i -r their progi'a'!i.:i s there w.juld be a riot,
.imeriean maueg'-r.-. :;ay that it would be ini-piis.-i.i!.;
to inij mluee the feature of asking
even o;;e ecu: for jifograialiie:;. T. C Ci a'V
fo:d in New York World.
Too !".lo."iei!t to I5e )rij;Iii:i!.
.'s.ia'c qu'ecr things l..'M'p.en tiow and then in
society, which, though they do not get in the
papers, nevertheless raise eoiisiderable .-.tir
for tho iii.ic l. 'iiig in the particular circle
1110,1; neaily aifeeled by them. Particularly
is this true in Ike matter of weddings, two
noi able incidents having taken place very re
cently. At one 4 if the v. .Min;;s, which was
celebrated a'voiiJu.g t i lii". I'n shyteria.i
rites, the young clevgy man came from New
Yoi'k lo olliciate, as be was a near l elal , ; of
one of the contracting pai lii.-s. The o;ii g
divine, rising to the dignity of Use ..... ,'0:1.
ihii'..';-ed a ling addi -,.. ii.e gi..wi.- i -ipiciiee
;.f which cai:.-ed I. is hearcis t . : r:!i
vl; l ent'.iuiaiirii aiul j n )no.;t ...t 1 i.i-n
gr; at t.!;iup for tlie i'utu.-e.
.''.. iloeidi.-il was tii" impri ssion cr.;.. ' .
ail ;it by his aooress, t.hat it b.-ea; i..,
t.abject of universal comment, y.n.x ',;; ;
. eritable nine da s won. lei-, in tne
which the subject deimrted for his pa, .:
Iew York ia a whirl of glory. Ainoi,
imdioneo at the wedding was a lady to
tin address seemed strangely familifs!-.
what she would s'uo could not l id hi : -theiilia
that somewhere she had re:.i
w iio! ad in ss, thai it was not original
', -i
1 ni
Imbued with t'.i..
i he pa': oa her thinking cup to same :
i'jr before cry long .-he Itui h-.oatod tin-iov,-i;d
address, m.d taking down her hi
volume of (-jeorge Eliot, traced it wor
word in "Adam Bede,"' several p;:
which had b-een wmml: ; .
memoi'j", as having an appro iriate I
Uion the ceremony at which he had I
vileii to oiu.-iat''. Washington Cor. ,
more American.
1.. 1
' i
AVealiliy Kli n's iti'ittiy Munry.
"It would be a pleasure to ceo:.;. : .:. j
j-ou, but the simple truth is i haven't '' i.i '
cash in the werli!,': said a B'il"a! Cr .. ' !
the finaneial mail f the firm, . 'no v.;
iug a j.urehaser fcr a gilt edgil PI.:;".! : r i
cent, real est at- morrgag.-. Zsot icing a a .-; I
Ijression of iiicr'du!ity ujcn the face -i i.i ;
caller, Crusus hasteu-ed to aiid: "i' i,a j
common mistakeof those having tmaii m -;i 1 :
to supjiose that a millionaire ol way.; ia. . ;
$30,01)0 or more at instant 11 innuaud. ir is j
only 011 rare occasion that iat of i, ,
fJo.OiX) in euiTeney at one t ime. and f.-rtw,) f
years I have never 01: ct lual sH',OJt i f my j
own cn hand. Tin men gr. at wea! J; a ; e j
as a rube men of large tu.-iucas iutert-st .-. ."e 1
own bio-. ks, elevators, t-hips, i; ie'-av.pL, t. : - !
phone and railroad i.t i:k:-. suburb-an t;;... '
and many other kinds of property, but o i
4 if these can eoii-erte i ioto 4-a-.I1 a aa i
hour's notice. Then, age.ii , most of oar r.-a! '
estate is mortgaged, because v. e are ,;!.!:
u-e ready money in such a manner as b r. -
alize mo.e liiau 0 jwr cent. Youw.iei i be :
asioiiislied i-ouid you L::rn l..'w iarg. a load j
of debt sour: verv v.vaithv PufTalo men a! e ':
carrying. It i s usuallj the se-ond generation
of wealth that buys mortgages, gover;..::eat
binds and cth r seetirit i s whicli yield a
moderate income and re. fairy no looug
after.'" Buffalo Exoress.
O'ldt-st Cliui'C.i in Virsiiiin.
The restoration of the OVi Brick church al
SiiiithficM, "a.. supiiosetl to bj the oldest
church in Virginia, is neariy done. The
church was built in V'--, end used continu
ously for two centuries. Arao'ig ths iii;ji.-i j-
als ttsinl in the restoration wero :?,0ii) bricks
ihieh were ..riSiallv its d in the Ray
lunch, and passe.1 through several hanU;
lltf-r t'uat ediiice wa taken ilown. Heme vi
them Lave served in the walls of a farm
house kitchen, and others were in tho wait of .
a burying ground. Among th tiventy-ono
stained giass memorial windows v. ill 1 oim j
of I'ot?ahouta.s, one of CoL Jonah lVrker. aud. i
jne o tho earl of itatcksliell.
M I i
3 1 p
m t iw,
a I
l'i' tin! I )ry fiiiuils Mm jx n j ii in of
icrliic u-.l Twiqitv Iay.- w 'liasi- i. tciinii:4l lu'i r 4. ur IniiiiciiSO
hlm!c id ('lnui i'
Cloaks ai 20 per CI Discount
FrMii S r .-1 1 1 1 Li r 1 jirii-c
piicos. Tlie
which wi'io
i ( ii M ! - el . 1 1
iCioaks, imported
Astraehan and Plush Wraps.
:iIm )li-r i m i .-i 1 jiricc- in nil
A s- !
. i .1.
i i nc:i i riii i i s :i i t .,
.4 ..I
( i
wuft !i
till'.. VfUi-
I.ndifs ;u-f iiivil.
the ho -
m 1 0 n
JE&i oItui'v!
Will il.l ' A I.
StH'.-ir -;nvil Hani-'. I Jit.- 1 :u.i th
I Ik:
I v i 1 1 sell as clic.iii :t:- any
com jtt-i it ion, ainl rc.ioctl'nl Iv .-'.licit
and sec in'1.
fcTh 1 II iMbJMI
T !
i 1 ; 1 1
n -w -
fLitchcns, Hallways and iJflicxvs,
Vl'liort' .1 iiiaiiificcul slnck of Gotxls nnd Fair Pricos
P. 3
I i $ f 5 S j I
Will he 4jm-:i .atiuai'A' -Itli, at tin
( T U O H 1 ' "V H (
sJ j i O 1 L ) ) if
All wi.rk warrantfil iji-fct-cla.-.'.
if !:t. nil' In hi I.t-l vrar.1
-f id tin- Into-I .-t v
New Markets,
u.iMh .SI. (in, an.! iu.-!i nl! uiiul Tri
'I in- - ar.- (!i- I a-.-1, i.iiei.-, ii.j'cj'fd to
I -jii 1 ies
- d luctii Iiclurr ll.r in. l; takes
t ii.e I'gn' n -
JJi I slxqn
; 1 .T. 11. di.m.i-.i: i :
- hf.-t vai-itv i' S:
;u in
niii'ir nrirkid in tho City and 1 'ly
niir J';'' i::ijn'
.ciih'"s, Clli stncl.
d.Pl --
T 14 ( ' 1 lO I
V . . V .1 1 i 1 l
Knninrrrnh loMqwi