The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 20, 1888, Image 4

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    The jPlattsmouth Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
B.A.N1. Time Table.
;i.v; east.
No, J. 4 ;23 p. in.
No. 4. 10 :80 a. in.
No. . 7 :.") p. in.
No. . K :50 a., ui.
No. 10. 9 :43 a. ni.
No. 1 J. -a :1 v. i.
No. 1. 1 : a. Hi
No, 3.--1 :0 p. ra.
No. B. :." a. in.
No. 7.--T I".
No. 'j. 6 :11 1. m.
No. II. 0 :0i a. m
ah ... i .. .. ...... .li II I.,.- u'tivi.f Itiimli.t ft. vrlM.t.
No. 7 and H which run to ana from Mchujler
daily xceit Sunday.
No. :io U a ntnli to Pacific .function at 8 m.
No. 1 U a siuli trom Pacific Junction at 11 a.m.
A MalBabury Mentis!, In Block
vsimmI lJi:i!iin.
Turn ou the light.
The world still moves.
(Jet on lioanl the sled.
Sleighing is first-daws.
A bobsled on the street car line.
Commencement exercises to-night.
Wait for the bobsled and all take a
Mr. John Kennedy, the switchman,
has been promoted.
No. 5 was one hour and thirty min
utes late tliis morning.
The wheels oi progress stop and a
bobsled takes their place.
Attend the high school graduation
at the Opera house to-night.
The thermometer registered 11 be
low, this moruing at 10 o'clock.
Plant your advertisements now if
you wish to let the people know what
you have for talc.
Remember the commencement exer
cises at the opera house tonight. Doors
open at 7:30, commence at 8 o'clock.
Mr. John II. Shaner and Miss
Florence E. Smith, of Lancaster county,
were to-day united in marriage by Conn
ty.Iudge Russell.
John, the depot policemon, fired the
usual number of bums from the Ii. & M.
depot last night, and the passengers had
a quiet time afterwards.
The citizens of Cups county are now
rushing up to the court house to pay
their delinquent taxes on personal pro
petty, which will be due February 1st.
The banquet that the high school
alumni lias had in view for the
graduating class will occur tomorrow
evening at the residence of Mrs Covcrdale
In dropping into the store of M. B.
Murphy & Co., today we found them in
receipt of a large invoice of California
canned goods, the finest ever brought to
this market.
A new time card on the 13. fc M.
goes iuto effect Sunday. Mo changes in
the time of trains here will occur; the
Cheyenne line and one or two western
trains will only be affected.
A Kansas man who went to Califor
nia wrote back to a local paper, saying:
"Offer a premium at your coming fair
for the biggest fool in the country, and
I will try and get there in time."
Mr. Geo. Happier, foreman Repub
lican press room at Omaha was in the
city yesterday visiting at the home of
Mrs. Johu Bowman. He in company
with his mother returned home in the
County treasurer, D. A. Campbell,
will tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock,
sell eight heating stoves, four cooking
stoves and two ranges in front of the old
Wheeler block to the highest bidder for
cash, to secure delinquent taxes on the
J. S. Duke property, to which the stoves
Vice-president Potter denies there
port that he is to retire from active man
agement of the U. P. road on account of
failing health. Mr. Potter is one of the
ablest railroad managers in the entire
country and, though he is "abrupt" some
times in dealing with men and measures,
yet it would be a loss to all jailroad in
terests if he were compelled to retire.
There will be four scholars graduate
from the high school to-night. All
those who are interested in the welfare
of our schools should be present at the
exercises. The graduates are Miss Hattio
Chapman, subject: "Man and his Pro
gress."' Mr. Daniel Golding, "Educa
tion." Miss Birdie Irish, "It might have
been." Mr. John Adams, "The degener
ate age."'
A strange case of fatal poisoning
occurred at Seward last week. S. II.
Volts and wife and Miss Emma Glad wish
had eaten heartily of oat meal porridge
for breakfast, and in a 6hort tiifus there
after was taken violently ill. Physicians
were called and the patients found in an
alarming condition, suffering from arsen
ical poison. The doctors were satisfied
that arsenic in some way got into the oat
meal, and upon investigation were con
vinced that it came from the paper on
the ceiling of the kitchen, in the manu
facture of which arsenic is used in large
quantities. The cooking had been done
on a gasoline stove, and the steam from
the stoye had settled on the walls and
ceiling until the entire room was drip
ping wet, and it is believed that a surlic
lenfTquantity of this poisonous water got
into the oat meal aad prod ucedthe results
narrated. i
George Weidman is at Omaha today.
II. J. bti eight was in Omaha to-day.
Tom Murphy went up to Omaha today.
A. C. Prcscott of Hastings, is 5n the
Chester Heed of Wabash, was in the
city today.
Clans Breckenfeldt takes in the metrop
olis to-day.
Dick Strcight was an Omaha passenger
this morning.
Will Kreicklow takes in the city up
the river today.
('has. Spencer of Pacific Junction,. wa
in the city today.
Mips Gracie O'Keife was an Omaha
passenger to-day.
M. D. Polk and son Oakley, were at
Greenwood to-day
Mi is Maud McCoy was an Omaha pas
sengeJ this morning.
Frank Shopp and wife were Omaha
passengers this morning.
Miss Selina IJerglin, of Omaha, visit
ed yesterday with Misa Rosa McGlenn
and returned home in the evening.
Miss Lykcs of Oceola, who has been
visiting with the family of II. J. Streight
for the past few days returned home this
3Ir. II. Bcaty and family left last night
for Omaha which will be their future
home. Mr. Beaty is an engineer on the
the C. B. & (. and runs from Omaha to
Pacific Junction.
Charley Johnson Cone To A More
Congenial Climate. He Takes
All His Wife's money But $3
And Skips-
For various reasons we have kept back
the facts known, perhaps, te most of our
readers, in regard to the sudden disap
pearance of Charlie Johnson last Sunday
evening. It appears that Johnson had
told his wife that he was going to Omaha
to work in a wholesale establishment and
that he would write to her as soon as set
tled, but he failed to tell his employers.
(Johnson Brus., hardware merchants),
that he had any idea of leaving them.
Monday morning young Johnson failed
to put in his appearance, and on investi
gation they found he had left his wife
sick in bed with but three dollars, lie
took with him $ 270, In cash, belonging
to his wife. He leaves several creditors
behind, among them being C. E. Wescott,
who holds a bill for a suit of clothes,
and F. II. Carrutli for a gold watch, lie
also took from the show case, in Johnson
Bros." store, two Smith fc Wesson revol
vers and a bowio knife. There is noth
ing known yet as to his whereabouts but
it is bupposed he has gone to the far
west to join with the cow boys. It will
be remembered that he wore a cowboy
hat and seemed to be inclined that wav.
A Pleasant parfy.
A progressive euchre party at the home
of Miss Hattie Latham last evening is
reported a3 a highly interesting and
agreeable affair. There were present Mr.
and Mrs. James Donnelley, the Misses
Hermann, Liyingston, Fulmer, Wayman.
Wise, Mia and Fdr-?a Goring, Anderson
Sherman, Patterson and Murphy, and lUa
and Messrs. Livingston, Moore. Patter
son. Gering, Root, Cutright, Murphy and
Cliatburn. After playing eleven g.inies
it wa9 found that Miss Edna Gering had
taken the ladies' first prize, and Miss
Herrmann the ladies' booby prize. Among
the gentlemen the king prijee was a, tie
between Messrs. Matt. Gering and Geo.
R. Chatburn, while the gent's booby
prize tied between Messrs. Fred Murphy
and Lew Moore. To decide the draw n
final game was played by the gentlemen
with whom the tie fell and Mr. Chatburn
came out possesser of the gent's king
prize and Lew Moore carried off the boo
by prize. After the deciding of the
game refreshments were served and the
evening's entertainment concluded with
dancin g.
Still After trie Herolds
The deputy Sheriff of Lancaster coun
ty, arrived in this city yesteuday with
warrants for the arrest of Wm. Herold
and his brother, Herman Herold. They
were arrested last evening and taken to
L:ncolu where tbey will probably have
their preliminary hearing today.
We understand the Herold's arc charg
ed with complicity in the defrauding of
C. G. llerold'a creditors and with con
cealing some of the property.
Constable Al Beach returned from
Plattsmouth last night with William and
Herman Herold and Mrs. Herman Herold,
who are '.charged with "complicity with
Christian G. Herold jn defrauding his
creditors of $20,000 in Februay of 1885.
This is the case in which Christian Herold
was sentenced to the penitentiary, and
these charges will open the old case again.
The arrests were made under a warrant
issued from Police Judge Whitmorc upon
the complaint of Frank West, represen
tative of a collecting agency. The pris
oners will be in charge of Constable
Beach until this n.ornjng, when the case
will be called in polfcc court. M. A.
Hartigan of Plattsmouth, attorney for
the Herolds, accompanied the party to
this citv. fiiate Journal.
Mr. Thurston Accepts.
Immediately after the Hon. A. J. Pop
plelon handed in his resignation as
general attorney of the Union Pacific
road, the position was offered to the
Hon. John M. Thurston, who gave notice
yesterday of his acceptance and he will
make an to relieve Mr. Poppleton
about the l&t of February.
Wants a Placo to Stay.
Last evening a young man, George
Wilson by name, took a pair of boots
from the sign in front of Ben Elson's and
slyly putting them under his coat was
making good his escape when he raa in
to the arms ot Marshal Malick, who it
.seems had his eye on the young man.
lie was arraigned this morning before
Judge Mathews where he plead not guilty
to the charge of petit larceny. He was
found guilty however, and on the recom
mendation of County Att'y Beesou the
sentence was light, receiving f 10 and
costs, amounting in all to $19.00. Not
having sufficient to pay out, he goes to
Burglars About.
Burglars made an effort last sight to
gain entrance to the residence of S.
Waugh, on the corner of Oak and Ftfth
streets. It was between ten and eleven
o'clock and the family and guests had
just retired in the sleeping apartments up
stairs, excepting Mr. Waugh'sson Robert,
a lad of about twelve who slept on the
first floor. Shortly after retireiug Robt.
was frightened by a noiee at the cellar
door and immediately gave the alarm of
burglars, arousing the family but driving
the outside parties away. Mr. llelican,
a nephew of Mr. Waugh, saw three men
mnning westward from the house imme
diately after the alarm. The marshal
was notified as soon as possible but failed
to find trace of the men, further than
their tracks arftuqd the house.
Beit Line Railroad.
The Omaha t, Plattsmouth Belt Line
railway company filled articles of ineor
poration yesterday with the secretary ml
state at Lincoln. The incorporators are:
Nathan Shelton, A. A. Egbert, Ottis if.
Billou. Robert B. Windham and George
J. Fox. The object of the incorporation
is for the construction of a belt line rail
way areund the northern, western and
southern portions of the city of Platts
mouth, with diverging lines to South
OjTiaha and Omaha and Beatrice in Gage
county. The first named extension will
be made northward through the counties
of Cass, Sarpy and Douglas. The Bea
trice extension, southwesterly through the
counties of Otoe, Johnson and Gage. The
corporation dates from Jan. 2, lfcb8, and
runs one hundred years. The capital
capital stock is fixed at $1,000,000. Bee.
List of Letters.
Remaining unclaimed, in the Postofnce
at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, Jan. 18, 18S8
for the week ended Jan. 8, 1887:
Applcgarth, Mi rrZl A OB
Avery, M W Avery. Mr
Briedwell, v Us Belle Bailer. J ( Firenian)-2
BrautoT. Mrs fclleuaryjleatfy, Frank
Carpenter, HO Collins. Charles
Carreli, Mrs V K Cole, Mr Frank la
Daniels, Miss Emma Fasi;r, Heinrich A
Holmes, Mis Elizabeth Itantk. Charley
Hani ay, A flinlcley, .1 T
Johnson, E Latto(orSalto) Col
Mariiu, C F Mct.ane. C O
JIcI-auhlin.MrsEiiimaMcKInley, Chris
Monevnennv. Jacob McK.9rver. John
Mast, J B
lievnooM?, George
Smith, Edward V
Snvder, Albert
Titoker, O
Wilson. lr H It
Wilov f. V
Mar nil v. W I.
Keed, W II
istrtu?s. (leorjre
T;,n,nis. Tureen
V.'oodin. II II
Wright. Mix Al!e
Wood, Mrs John L.
Walker.Mrs Cornelia AWiid, John
Young, J F York, C D
Mr Lai tie
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
J. N. Wish, P. M.
About forty-two gibbering idiots
have come into the JtnterprtsQ office
since the past cold snap and the number
of times we have realized that this is a
cold hollow world of disappointment is
telling on even our iron clad, copper
bottomed constitution. The aforesaid
idiot usually comes in with a smiling
look of intelligence or philanthropic de
sign depicted on his countenance and we
can not expect anything less than a great
big local or a paid up subscription in ad
vance, and he always waits u.otil we get
out our note book or subscription list,
when he braces up and perpetrates the
stale chestnutty chestnut of all chestnuts.
"Is this cold enough for youf" We sold
ten cents worth of old papers the other
day for cash, and we have invested the
proceeds in an eighteen pound stuffed
club, and we are going to assasinate the
first pleasant looking fellow that comes
in the office and ask him his business
afterward if we get hung for an anarch
ist. ffliil gnterprtoe.
Plattsmouth Markets.
January 11, 1888
Wheat No. 2, 55.
" 3 50.
Corn, 2 3.
Oats, 2 25.
Rye, 2 50.
Barley, &0:
Hogs, $3.
Cattle, $3.00(i.00.
Notlee to Printers.
Sealed bids will be received for print
ing the Court Dockets for the year 188.
For publishing Treasurer's btatement,
commissioner's proceedings and road
notices. Bids to be received on or be
fore February 1st, 18SS. '
By order of County Commissioners.
Bird CRiTCiiFrELD. Co. Clerk. 43-4
Mrs. Bannister
Has opened a cutting school in connec
tion with her dress-making, where ladies
may procure the latest improved tailor
system, said to he the best in use. Rooms
over Solomo'i Nathan's store. dl2t
Kay for Sale-
Three hundred tons of hay for sale for
cash, either delivered or on the ground.
Leave orders at Henry Weckbach's store.
Jan. y moM&w L. Stui.i..
Fire Insurance written in the
Etna, Phccnix and Hartford by
Windham A Oavios.
We desire to purchase '.20,000 worth
of good notes secured by mortgage on
real estate. Money ready when "deal is
closed. Buowne & Sthejuht.
Wm. Herold will close out his entire
6tock of cloaks, woolen goods, blankets
and comforts, at cost, and below cost to
make room for tho spring stock of
goods. tf
Try O. P. Smith & Co's Damask Rose
for Chapped Hands and Lips. tf
Real estate and abstracts.
dtf W. S. Wise.
Oiliee room nnd house for rent, enquire
of E. G. Dovey & Son. j20-dl0t
Wm. Herold Avill close out his entire
stock of cloaks, woolen goods, blankets
and comforts, at cost, and below cost to
make room for tho spring stock of
goods. tf
Try O. P. Smith & Co's Damask Rose
for Suit Rheum, Scrofulous sores, fetters
External Erysepelas, Rash, itch, chafing
of Infants 6cc, a complete Household
Remedy. No household should be with
out it. ff
Call on Threlkcld & Builey for fine
cigars. l-lin
(Jo to the Monarch Restrurunt for a
good dish of oysters. d-lm
Damask Ross the Great Skin Cure and
Toilet article, Mfg. and sold by O. I.
Smith & Co. tf
Just Arrived.
I. Pearlman has just received a car
load of furniture from St. Louis which
he will sell at bed rock prices. tf
Fob Sale On reasonable terms my
residence on the N. W. corner of Elm and
11th streets. Said property consists of
i block with a good story and a half
house ef six rooms, two wardrobes and
one pantry; good weil and city water;
twenty-seyen bearing apple trees, and an
abundance of small fruit of all kinds.
tf P. D. Bates.
The best insurance the only good ab
stacts, are to be had of
Browse fc Straight.
K. SULLIVAN. Attorney .-it Li
giva pr oipt Attention to all l:t
.aw. wm
lemes in
trusted to him. Office in Union Block, East
side. Blattsmouth, Keb.
J? L, SIGCINS, M. I).. I'hysleian ar.d Sur
geon. One door wet ot Bennot''s store.
Ofiiee hours from 10 to 12 a. in. and from 3 to S
anil 7 f!) p. in. Kesidence. coiner Ninlh and
Elm streets' Mrs. Levii:gs house. Telephone
oilice and house.
Merchant Tailor.
Keeps constantly on hr.nd samplo of the
best goods to be procured. Is prepared to
maktt pants for fl.oo and upwards and mile lor
XSepairissg Cleaning
Xeatly and promptly done .t Hie lowest
prices. Over Peter Merge' store, North Side
It. B. VVinkiiam, John A. Da vim.
Notary Public. Notary Public.
Office over Bark of Cass County,
Plattsmolth, - Nebraska.
with high arm and vibrating shuttle,
sold on time. Easy payments or cash
Manager Plattsmouth Branch
Dr. C. A- Marshall.
Preservation f natural teeth a t-pecialiy.
eeth extracted without pain l-y ue of laughing
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
Contractor anil Builder
Stpt. 12-Cm.
This Space losorvod fcr
1,700 Worth of
fiK-t le
As I have, to leave to take charge of my Father's husinoss in Ottum
v.a, on account of his continucl ill health. .Now is the time to lay in
ft snyply of BOOTS and SIIOKS at
French Kid hand-turned sinus
French Kid common sense sIk u s
Curacoa Kid common sense shoes
Dongola hand-sewed shoes
GliZe dongola shes
Straight goat shoe.-
Best goat button shoes
Ilund-Hcwcd button shoes
Calf button shoes
Oil grain button shoes
Glove calf button shoes
Dongola foxed button shoes
Grain button shoes
Bed Cross School Shoe Reduced 25c apr.
Misses best Kid and Goat Spring lieel
Men's best hand sewed .hocs
Men's best Calf sewed shoe
Men's best Kangaroo sewed shoe
Men's best calf sewed shoe
Men's best congress or button shoe
Men's calf boots
Men's best kip boots
Men's Good kip boots
oH Goods xmist bo sold at once. Ycu
will find it tc yoviz' iaatorest "to call early.
I . til. :
vjior.i:s.w.K ami
Beef, Pork, Muttciu Veal awl Poultry.
2 izwit all to giva r.o a trial.
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, Bacon. L-ul. tto.. etc. Fresh Oysters in Can and Culfc
nt lowest liying prices. Do not fail to srivc ine yciir patronage.
Lowest Prices in tlx City. Call and
"be Convinced. "
Jonathan Hatt j. w. AIaethis.
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c., &c.
ot our Qvn n.ake. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bullr ,i
Host iMnkes ot
fold in thc-
$5 00 reduced to $4
, oo " 4
7o " " :;
4 SO " " y
I J 2.1 ' " 2
: 00 " " 2
.' uo o
2 75 "
T 2 "
2 00 "
1 (J.; "
2 00 "
1 2.5 "
2 50 now $2 25
t ou
5 00
r oo
2 50
2 75
4 no
:j no
; oo
4 25
4 25
2 75
1 85
1 7.5
:j 75
2 CO
u I L L B
as ftci.
j;i;t.mi. jjkalek in
r?aOTxraKEafe tm am wstrat