The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 19, 1888, Image 4

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    THE DAILY IIERaLIj; Tl.-ATjfT3K.oum, r.;;::.v8!C A, TH 17 USD AY. JAN IT A IiV IU, 1SS8.
The Piattsrnouth Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
B.&.M. Time Table.
No, 2.-4 p. in.
No. 4. 10 :30 a. in.
No. . 7 :o . hi.
Nil. H. D :.'0 .i. in.
No. 10. 9 :45 a. in.
No. M. -0 :IS f. .i.
No. 1. 9 -.70 a. in.
No, 3. :4 l. Hi.
No. 6. :95 a. im.
No. 7.-7 -Ai . in.
No .!. B :lt U. ni.
No. II. :03 a, m.
Nos. 7nl which run lo and from ht-liuyler
daily except Hiinuay .
No. .'W Is aatub to I'acillc Junction at 3.a in
No. l 1 a Blub from 1'acini: Junction at 1 1 a. in
A Sallbui y Mc-utlci, In Koc-K-
wood lttilltlliiK'
You need not walk.
You had bcttir ride.
The track is clean d.
A cold wave is coming.
A good crowd to Omaha.
Look out for ii bli.ard.
The street cars areiunninx.
Talk up the interest of your town.
Lots of Iowa people in town to-day
Herd estate men are bciriiiuinir to
Commencement exercises tomorrow
evening at the opera Iiour-e.
We predict that Plattinouth is sure
of electric lights this spring.
No preventing providence we wil.
chronicle another wedding soon. Gin ss.
A progressive euchre parly will le
held at the residtnee of A. 15. Todd this
The Journal favors free trade, yet
it is anxious to Ic protected. Ah! lu
co isi.stanc v!
Omaha may be a metropolitan place
but for our part we prefer a graft, from
Lincoln street car line. For mo and
mine give me a car with a stove in it.
Judge Chapman who has been ill
for sometime, was not so well yesteutay
and is still quite sick this morning. It
.seems the Judge took more cold while
holding court the first of the week.
J. T. Mallalieu, Sapt. of tha reform
school at Kearney, came in this morning
for the purpose of taking Willie Camp
bell to the reform school, who was out
on parole and had written the Bupt. some
time ago that he wished to return, bur
Sheriff Eikeubary had left with the boy
this morning.
Again Plattsmouth has a change in
express agents. Mr. John Kennedy has
resigned hid position, and expects fo
leave for his home at "Winsor, Conn., in
a few days. The business will be carried
on by Mr. G. A. Taft, who has been with
the American Express company at Pacific
Junction for the past two years.
Mr. Fred Gorder returned last evening
from the Lincoln State Hoard of Agri
culture and reports an interesting m?ct
in j. Mr. Gorder was successful in get
ting a man elected from this county m a
-member of the state board, Mr. II. B..
"Windham, wh will represent our county
in a proper waj, without doubt. Mr.
Gorder was retained as president for tin
For whom did God make this grand
and beautiful world For whom this
wonderful expenditure of color, this
gracefulness of line, tliis mosaic of the
ground, this froscoe of the sky, this glow
ing fruitage of orchard and vinvard, th:s
full orchestra of the tempest, in which
the tree branches tiutc, and the winds
trumpet, and the thunders drum, and all
the splenders of earth and sky come clash
ing their cymbals i For whom did God
spring the arched bridge of colors resting
upon the buttresses of broken storm cloud !
For whom did lie gather the upholstery
of fire around the window of tiie setting
sun i For all men. Key. T. I)k Witt
In Justice to tne Glee Club;
AVe deem it no more than just to the
members of the Glee Club that we make
mention of their efforts and the splendid
music furnished by them at the firemen's
banquet. Plattsmouth takes a pride in
the fact that she has a Glee club of s ate
reputation. Its members work arduously
to give the best music available, when
called upon at all public gatherings they
arc always ready and willing to respond,
for which they deserve much praise aud
credit. The Hekald takes pleasure in
saying that the firemen as well as the
citizens appreciated their music and also
that they render their thanks for tho en
tertaining music furnished.
The members of the Glee club arc as
follows: Messrs. H. C. Ilitchie, C. F.
Whitney, W. A. Derrick, YV Burkle.
- Tfye opening song at tue banquet was
"Phantom Footsteps," which so pleased
the audience that they were encored.
"Buccaneer Bride" received the applause
of all. "Come where my love lies
dreannng"and thc"Irish Emigrants" weiv
well delivered and gave evidence of
good drill. The bass solo "Rocked in
the cradle of the deep," by W. A. Der
rick, suited the cro wd to a dot and was
applauded. Several joined in with the
Glee club in the closing song "Razors iu
the air," which was applauded.
Delegates Speak In Hlgn Terms of'
Plattsmouth, Her Citizens and
FiremenThe Conven
tion Closes.
It wan the universal verdict of the vis
iting delegates present from all parts of
the state that Plattsmouth did herself
proud; that the sixth annual' convention
here was the best ever held in the state;
tliut tho reception met with by them was
most cordial, nothing being left undone
by the citizens and firemen of Platts
mouth to make their visit one of pleas
ure as well as business; they will to a cer
tainty, upon their return home, sound the
praises of Plattsmouth and h r tire boys
in long measured terms, "so mote it be."
.1. II. Butler read a very interesting
paper on the ''Efficient Fire Service in
W. II. Newbury read one on "Water
Works and Water Pressure for Small
John Tcmpleton, of Council Bin if?,
was voted in as an honorary member of
association. Tho principal theme dis
cussed during the afternoon session was
the adoption of amendments barring out
professional runners from other tourna
ments so that those competing forjpriz-
es imifet lie members of teams three
months and a resident six inonthss prior
to the tournament.
The next unnual convention will be
held at York, in January, JS.S'J.
The prizes wire warmly debated and
finally the highest prize was fixed nt
$150. At the last tournament the prizts
amounted to 3,500, the highest one bt-
ln g f 500. The coming tournament will
occur between tho 1gih uij "pthof July
The place is not yet determined upon,
but will be decided bv the mem
bers of the board of control
Plattsmouth Lehjg represented, as well as
honored, on the board In ilia peion of
Mr. H. C. Ritchie, who will without
doubt represent Plattsmouth in a manner
that will Lo to er best interests. This
Board of Control is Miprersio ai 11 tourn
aments, there being no appeal from any
other board. All the principle officers
wtit; ie.ejC.fed. there being no change
only in minor slriccs:
II. B. Dibble, of York, President; W.
II. Newbury, of Lincoln, 1st Vice Presi
dent; W. II. Havens, of Fremont, 2nd
Vice Presidents J. Jj. Lyman, of Fremont,
Secretary; G. II. Wells, of eiciiuyier,
The ball given in honor ef the visiting
delegaces, was well attended, and all ex
piessed thenjselvcs as having h Ad a pleas
ant time. The muaic was delivered by
the Bohemian Band, which was ex
cellent at both the banquet and ball.
A part of the delegates returned home
last evening, but a great portion of them
remained tor the bail, ami tpok the flyer
for home this morning.
Before adjourning last evening resolu
tions of thanks were passed to the fire
men and citizens of Plattsmouth, for
their good treatment while sojourning
with us.
Wm. Neville was iu Omaha to-day.
Mayor Simpson was in Omaha to-day.
J. II. Waterman was in Lincoln to-day.
T. L. Murphy took a trip to Lincoln
J. M. Schneider of Nebraska City is in
the city.
Jack Smith went up to Omaha ill's"
Rev. H. B. Burges was Omaha bound
this morning.
Business called a'torney, M. P. IMk,
to Omaha to-day.
Miss Mannie Miller was a passenger to
Cedar Creek last night.
Mr. and Mrs. PhillipKrause were Oma
ha passengers this morning.
Miss Viola Lykes, of Osceola, Iowa, is
visiting the family of II. J. Streight.
D. J. Helps returned last night from
Rulo where he had been visiting friends.
II. II. McCartney of Pacific Junction,
gave Plattsmouth a flying call this morn
ing. W. G. Underwood, formerly of El
wood, was an Omaha passenger last
J. B. Rase of tho Red Oak and Glen
wood creamery was on No. 5 for Omaha
this A. M.
T. II. Babbit of Greenwood was in the
city overnight and took No. 5 fc.r home
this morning.
Miss Eva Mickelwats of Glenwco.l,
who has been-visiting with Mrs. Frank
Morrison, returned home this morning.
J. T. Elliott and family wf Strong
City, Kansas, arrived last evening on a
visit to Mr. Henry Miller, father of Mrs
The . Kearney delegation of firemen
took the evening train last night for
Omaha where they remained, over night
going home to-day.
A'torney Eugeno Montgomery of Oma
ha, was the guest of Lawyer Matt. Gehr
ing last night, and took the train this
morning for Nebraska City. .
He Elucidates a Knotty Point in
Anatomy for a Louisiana
Mr. William Nye, New York City
Dcau Sik: Knowing the vast extent of
your attainments in tho domain of natur
al science, and being myself an earnest
seeker after truth in the same field, I feel
free to ask you to explain the meaning
of the following sentence, which you
will find on page 35, in chapter 1$, of a
book on "Comparative Anatomy and
Physiology," by F. Jeffrey Bell, M. A.,
Professor at King's College:
"It happens lo many gastrube that,
their blastopore closing up, they develop
an investment of cilia on their opiblast
and swim about for a time freely in tho
water. "
If you can shod any light upon the
meaning of this sentence you will confer
a favor upon, Yours respectfully,
Jamics Kkkson.
Marks ville, La., Nov. 7, 1887.
I understand the above perfectly well,
but I do not know that I can make clear
to you through the medium of the press.
I would much rather see you personally
and explain it to you. If I could take
you into my laboratory for an hour or
two I could give you a better idea than
I can in a limited space here. Could
you not come on to New York and have
this matter settled
Gastruhe, as you know, are of two
classes, viz; malignant and iiitern.Utfp.t.
It is the first class that is most to get
their blastopore plugged up. Then
trouble begins. Cilia begins to erupt on
the epiblast and microbes break out all
oyer the duplex. You can't be too care
ful about this. A blastopoic, if I've got
the right idea of what a blastopore is,
should be brought in every night or tlte
boys may get hold of it and p'ug it be
fore it ii ripe, I wculd rather pec an
epiblast of mine, or a blastopore, or a
gastrula for that matter, in its grave than
mixed up with an investment of cilia or
any other doubtful financial matter
Ifew York World.
High License.
High license, it is said, helps to keep
up tho expenses ot a government, id
eally, it builds sidewalks, pays officers,
etc. Is there not a I letter way of run
ning a government than licensing evils
to keep up epei3s:' Will hjjni license
pay? God might as well let ftatari into
Heaven for a certain per cent of human
souls, when He has the power to run a
better government. Is high license the
only way c,f geitjng enough revenue?
Would it not be better to license ail re
spectable trades, arts, professions, etc.,
to obtain the necessary revenue? Atlmit
ting that whisky towns hayc pavemtnts,
we must admit that more or less blood
and tears Is mixed with the cement that
lays that kind of pavement. If it is
true that evils will exist, and we may as
well get revenus from it, then 1st us li
cense counterfeiters. Why not license
thieves for a par f.eut of Ike boodle f
We could get lots of revenue. Docs
prohibition ''kill a- country?" What
does it kill the people, crop, hogs and
cattl, or business It is true that a pro
hibition town miy not ba as lively as the
other kind, for there are not so many
business policemen, patrol wagons, aud
arrests, but the people are all alive, wbh
as much property as ever, for certainly
whisky lias not the power to create prop
erty or its value. It is true, it takes
more revenue to ru:i a high license town,
and tint many items of expenses are cur
tailed by prohibition. Lively towns! So
was Heaven lively once, but the boss pro
hibited S itan.s entrance and Heaven is
not so lively now. High license! It u
simply charging a curae to exist and pay
ing twiee what we get to keep it in exis
tence. Adcocate.
Kearney Rsturns Thanks.
We, the undersigned members of the
Protection Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1.,
of the city of Kearney, wuh . to extend
our hearty and sincere thanks to the citi
zens and firemen of Plattsmouth for
their cordiality extended towards us
while attending the firemen's convention
AY. F. Pickering, J. T. O'Biuen,
W. L. Cook, C. J. Stuaxij,
Chas. MoTT, F. McCum.
Who is Your Best Friend?
Your stomach of course. Why Be
cause if it is out of order you are one of
the most miserable cYeatures living. Give
it a fair chance nnd see if it is not the best
friend you have in the end. Don't smoke
in the morning. Donkt drink in the
morning. If you must smoke and drink
wait until your stomach-is through with
breakfast. You can drink more and
smoke more in the evening and it M ill tell
on you less. If your food ferments and
does not digest right- if you are troubl
ed with Heartburn, Dizzniess of the bead,
coming up of the food after eating, bil
iousness, indigestion, or any other trouble
of tho stomach, you had best use Green's
August Flower, as no person can use it
without immediate relief.
Mrs. Bannister
Has opened a cutting school in connec
tion with her dress-making, where ladies
may procure the latest improved tailor
system, said to be the best in use. Rooms
over Solomon Nathan's store. d!2t .
Eggs, Eggs!
Lots of eggs and no sick, drooping
chickens where Will J. Warrick's Ini
proved Poultry Powder is used. Just the
thing to make hens lay and keep them iu
good health. Try one pound, it will
only cobt you 20 cents, and if you are
not satisfied he will refund the money.
Also Ground Bone ami Oyster Shell, 41bs.
for 25e nt Wim. J. Wakhick'h.
jC-Jlm d&w-th.
Hay for Sale.
Three hundred ton3 of hay for sale for
cash, either delivered or on the ground.
Leave orders at Henry Weckb.ich's store.
Jan. .' in:J(KVw L. Sti i.i..
Flro Insuranco written in the
Etna, Phoenix and Hartford by
Windham & Davies.
We de-sire to purchase 20,000 worth
of good notes secured by mortgage on
real estate. Money ready when deal is
closed. BitovvNK fc Stkkiuiit.
Wm. Ilerold will close out his entire
stock of cloaks, woolen goods, blankets
and comforts, at cost, and below cost to
make room for the spring stock of
goods. tf
Try O. P. Smith &. Co's Damask Koe
for Chapped Hands and Lips. tf
Real estate and abstracts.
dtf W. S. Wise.
Wm. Ilerold will rlose out his entire
ttock of cloaks, woolen goods, blankets
and comforts, at cost, and below cost to
make room for tho spring stock of
goods. t f
Try O. P. Smith & Co's Damask v.osc
fo;' Salt Rheum, Scrofulous sores, i iters
internal :rysepela3, I lash. Itch, chafing
of Infants :e., u complete Household
Remedy. No household should be with
out it. tf
Call on Thrclkeld & Barley for fine
Go to the Monarch Restrurant for a
good dish of oysters. d-1 m
Damask Rose the Great Skin Cure and
Tnilet article, Mfg. and sold by O. P.
Smith ,Ca, " if
Just Arrived.
I. Pearlman has just received a car
load of furniture from St. Louis which
he Vi'ill sell at bed rock prices, tf
For Bai.k On reasonable terms my
residence on the N. W. corner of Elm and
11th streets. Said property consists of
I block with a good story and a half
house of six room, 'two v.'ard robes anil
or.e i(tiurv; good vo'il and city wat-r;
twenty-seyen bearing apple trees, and an
abundance of small fruit of all kinds.
tf P. D. Bates.
The bert im.uia.,ee the cniy: good ah
siacia, are io be had of
Bcowsk & Stuuigut.
AX. SULLIVAN. Attorney at Law. Will
give iunipt attention to nil btiines is
trusted tt him. Office In L'niou Block. East
side, l2sni'.vjtli, Kei;,
EL, RICGIXS, M. 1.. Physician aid Sur-
geon. One door west of Bennett's store.
Office hours from 10 to 12 a. m. and from :t to 5
and 7 to!) p. in. iJesideno. coiner jNinth aod
Elm street Mrs. Levitgs' house. Telephone
office and house.
Merchant Tailor.
' Keeps constantly on hand sample' of the
best roods to he procured. h j.ivpiii'ed to
niitke punh tor f- t-W and upwards iiiid t-ul.s for
Impairing & Cleaning
Xeatly and promptly done at 'he lowest
prices. Over Peter Merges' store. North Side
Main Street.
It. 1!. WlNlUIAM, .loIIN A..DAV1KS.
Jfotary Public. Xolary l ublie.
&tto2?rs.eys - at - Law.
Ofiiee over Hunk c f Cass Couiity.
with high arm and vibrating shuttle,
sold on time. Easy payments or cash
Manager Plattsmouth Branch
Dr. C. A- Marshall.
13 13 M S 1
Preservation t f natural teeth a specialty.
Teeth extracted without pain lyuc of Lsxuijhing
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Fitzgekald's Block. Plattsmoutu, Ned
Cor. 12th aud Granite Streets.
Contractor and Bnildor
This Spaco
sl,7o Worth o;
Mu.-t !o
As I have, to los,v... tt. take cliui'-e ..finy Father' business in Ottm.i
v.a, on aeco.nn. of his eoi.tinm-.l iii health. Is'ow is the time to lav in
n ftuyply of JiOOTS and SilOi:-, at J
1 immew WK " VrjtfSB Mr tSKM
French Kid hand-turned she
French Kid common sense sh
C'uracoa Kid common sens.-:-!
Dongola hand-sewed shoes..
(ILze dongobi shtui;
Straihi .,mt shoes
Best goat button shoes
Hand-sewed button shoe . ..
Calf button shoes.?
Oil grain button shoes
Glove calf button shaey .
!o;igo!a foxed button shoes.
Grain button shoes
Red Cross School Shoe Reduced 25c apr
Misses best Kid and (Joat Spring heel,
Men's best hand sewed shoes
Men's best Calf sewed shoe
Men's best Kangaroo sewed thr.e
Men's b-jit (-alf sewed shoe
juen's i.est congress or button shoe. . .
Men's cidf boots
Men's best kip boots
Men's Good kip boots
cll Coeds aaiucrfi "bo sold, at oaco. "STcii
will find it to your interest to oall early.
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Poultry
I izrvit all to give 220.3 a. trial.
ttugar Cured Meats, Hams ilacon. l.:.r 1.
at lowest liyir.g prices. lo not
f (' - 4 '
lowest Prices in. tb.o City. Call and
bo Convinced.
Jonathan Uatt .
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &c.
ot out own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk at
Hosorvod for
the ikt Makes of
tszs ey zss jss rr-
i tr j b a t
.;. In the
;") 00 ltd need to $-1
.r on " ' 4
t .vr " il :;
:i 00 "
:.o "
2 T.i
U 00
1 or
2 oo
.$2 r.O now 2 2.1
a oo
4 2.1
1 21
4 .
1 H.l
1 7.1
:t 7.1
2 m
(t-,. etc Vnh Ovstcrs in Can and Pmlk
fail to uivc n;e your p.-ilror.afe.
r. .,.. I :
--A int.
j. y. Maethu.