THE DAILY HEUaLI), PLATiT5Jtkw ria, Cui:ASKA, WEDNESDAY, JANUAUY ll, lSfeS. 2" The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. KISTOTTS BEOS., Publishers & Proprietors. B. A. M. Time Table. goino wr-. No. 1. 3 :2 a. in. No, 3.--C :40 p, in. No. 6. 9 :3ft a. in. No. 7.-7 :46 . in. No. "J.--6 :lt . in. No. II. 6 :05 a, ni. CiOINO KA8T. No, a. I ;i!3 . in. No. 4. lo :30 a. in. No. . 7 :30 p. HI. No. H.--9 :60 it. Hi. No. 10. -tt :45 a. in. No. i. -9 :3S l. Kl, All train run daily by wav of Omaha, except Son. 1 ami 8 which run to anil from Schuyler daily wxcept Sunday. No. 30 Is a club to Pacillc Junction at 8 .'50.a in. No. la In a xtiih from 1'acllic Junction at 1 1 a.m. A Salisbury Dentist, In lto k Hood llulldln. Coasting carnival to-niidit. Who struck natural gas last Sunday ? (Cen. Tel.) Anew floor was laid yesterday in the freight oflice above the depot. Justice and fair treatment are words foreign to the Democratic vocabulary. In the I5on-ton cases (six in number) the motion for dissolving attachments was over ruled and attachments sustained. The Plattsmouth Fire Co. will give a ball at Fitzgerald's Hall next AVed- nsday evening, in honor of the state delegates. A horse lielomrinir to a Mr. Tucker got down in front of tho Cass Co. Dank this morning and was only gotten ui with considerable assistance. Look out for more samples of dem ocratic 'houah" and respect for the most sacred laws of the country, when the Carlisle election contest is heard. The clearing house reports show a decrease of !S per cent at Kansas City for the corresponding week one year ago, while Omaha had a gain of 20 per cent for the same time. AY". F. Falk, business manager of the 'Gipsy Baron Opera Company' was in the city last evening completing arrange ments for the appearance of his company here next Monday night. This beautiful winter weather is glor ious enough to call for a weather poem from the Adonis of the Hta'e Journal Topics, Walt. Mason, or another prodig ious gas discovery sensatian from the mus cular liar of Nebraska City. The prohibitionists of Nebraska are called to meet in deligate convention in the city of Lincoln, 'Wednesday, Febru ary 15, 18SS, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing seventeen deligates and seventeen alternates to the prohi bi tion convention and to prepare for the organizing work of 18SS. Adam Smith, one of the most emi nent authorities on political economy, says: "Whatever besides tends to di minish in any country the number of ar tificers and manufacturers tends to dimi nish the home market, the most impor tant of all markets for the crude products of the land, and thereby still further to discourage agriculture.' At the last meeting of the Cass Camp No. 332 Modern Woodmen of America, the following officers were elected: Past Consul, L. A. Newcomer; Yen. Consul, Geo. F. Niles; Worthy Ad viser, Robt. Stewart; Extent Banker, I). B. Smith; Clerk, J. K. Root; Escort, Joe Lake; Watchman, Win. Lushinsky; Guard, Charles Ilolman. At the last meeting of Trio Lodgj No. 84, A. O. U. W., the following of ficers were elected: P. M. W., F. E. White; M. W. F. J. Morgan; Foreman. E. S. Barstowe; Overseer, F. P. Brown; Guide, I. N. Bowen; Recorder, G. F. Ilouseworth; Financeer. II. J. Johnson; Receiver, Wash Smith. I. W., A. J. Do herty; O. W C. W. Sherman. The following are the names of the pupils in Room 1, Ward 1, who have been perfect in attendance and punctual ity during the past month: Nora McVey, Nina Beall, Edna Lockwood, MaryLcon ard, Riginald Drummond, Charles Guth man, 1 laden Hunt, Elmer Senrle, Howard Scarle, Arthur Searlc, Addie Smith, Al yina Goos, James Stuart, Lizzie McVey, Kobeit Manzy, Abe JPepperberg, Edgar Oswalt, Mintie MaDzy, John O'Rourke, Rcna Cole. Mr. Leach the cfiiceut sandwitch vender at the depot got aboard the K. C. train last night and told the passengers that it was the last chance they would have on earth to buy a sandwitch, that the train would be ditched just north of town. As to whether the train was ditch ed or net we did not ascertain. One thing we do know that Mr. Leach got so deep ly absorbed in disposing of his sand witches that the train carried hi in to Ooreapolis. Estimates prepared by the statistician of the department of agriculture at Washington show that the area of corn harvested in 1837 was about 72,000,000 acres, or 1,450,000,000 bushels, the value of which is placed at $040,000,000. The r?a of wheat harvested was about 37, 400,000 acres, or 4oG.000,000 bushels, valued at $300,000,000. The acerage of oats harvested was 20,000,000 acres, or O.)9,000,000 bushels, valued at $200,000, 000. Winter wheat and rye are about average crops, with slight decrease in the sections that are afflicted with drought daring the summer months. I. O. 6. r. Annual Installation of Officers. The annual installation of officers of Lodge 140, Independent Order of Odd Fellows took place in their hall last night. This lodge though young, not be ing yet a year old, is well organized and the sociability of its members in enter taining their guests and visitors received the comment of all present. The hall was well tilled, and every one enjoyed the evening until a late hour. The meet ing was called to ordar by their state representative, Mr. S. P. Vanatta, follow ed Wy prayer from Rev. W. B. Alexander, then began the installations of officers. The Grand Marshall, Solomon Leyi presented the Noble Grand with the in coming officers in order begining with W. W. Davis who was installed Noble Grand for the ensuing year, Mr. Curtis retired; Ed Morley was installed ns Vice Grand, 1. D. Bates taking the chair. The place of Allen Stultz as Secretary will be filled the coming year by L. G, Larson. R. Peterson was in stalled Treasurer, T. W. Twiss retiring. The principal subordinate officers are C. Peterson, Warden; Edd Morley, Con ductor: M. A. Hartigan, Recorder; R. Peterson, Door-keeper; T. W. Twiss, right of Vice Grand; J. C. Eikenbary, left of Vice Grand. After the installa tion followed the recital of the duties of each officer. This over, a bountiful re past was served by J. P. Autill, free of charge to the guests, at the expense of the lodge. Friday Evening's Show. W. J. Fleming's Company, "Around the World in Eighty Days," constructed from Jules Verne's sensational novel, opened at the Masonic Temple Theater last evening, to an immense audience. The story is too familiar for repetition. The Company is well balanced and ef fective, and the performance throughout is tirst-class in every respect. Perhaps the best feature of the entertainment is the variety of really magnificent scenery, and it is no reflection on those who were in the cast, to say that some of the repre sentations in colors were more loudly applauded than anything that was said or done. The scope of the story affords an almost endless opportunity for stage display, and Manager Fleming has cer tainly done all that is possible to make the piece interesting and attractive, both from a dramatic and scenic point of view. The capture of Henrietta, the de struction and explosion of the steamer, the rising of the waters, the arrival of the train at Kearney Station, the attack of the Indians and the United States dragoons to the resecue, the Pagoda of Pilarji, the Suez Canal are all marvels of beauty and faithful in picturesque de signs. All in all, the production was the linest of its kind we have ever witnessed. Louisville, Ky. Courier-Journal. At Waterman's Opera House, Friday, Jan. 13 th. Greenwood's Growth. From the Leader. Greenwood has made but little stir about it but has gone steadily on, attend ing strictly to business, and as a result can congratulate itself upon a very fair showing of improvements for the six months ending Jan. 1. It is true the first half of the year was quite enough to mis lead many people into the false idea that the town was dead, but we are happy to state that it was an illusion the town was merely sleeping and the awakening has been genuine and thorough. "With out attempting to go iDto details and show up every dollar that has been ex pended in new ' buildings and improve ments in Greenwood since July last, we can say with all sincerity it has been a very creditable half-year, and would compare favorably with any other town of its size in eastern Nebraska. The bet part of the matter, however, lies in the fact this is merely a half-turn of the wheel of progress that is to be set in mo tion in the early spring. A number of new brick business houses are certain to be erected, while the indications arc that before the close of '88 our town will pos sess an oat meal factory, a canning fac tory, and perhaps other industries of like importance. A Trade. A novel trade was made a few days ago between an enterprising horse dealer of Beatrice and a prominent farmer. The farmer had an elegant gold watch charm fashioned in the form of a horse. It pleased the fancy of the horse dealer who proposed to trade a genuine horse for it S he asked the owner of the ornament how he would trade it for the poorest horse in his stable. The farmer replied that he would give him the charm and two dollars. The proposition was ac cepted. He was then shown the horse, which did not look so bad as if might, and the farmer began to congratulate himself on his good fortune, when the animal proceeded to indulge in a terrible fit during which he almost demolished his stall. The ex-owner of the charm was ordered to take his horse away at once or pay heavily for his keeping, and now he has something of an elephant on hi3 hands and is trying to find some one who will shoot and bury the horse for him. The dealer smiles as he sees the beautiful charm dangling from his massive cb&in. Beatrice Ex. PERSONA,. Mr. E. B. Lewis was in Omaha last night. Sam'l Barker went to Lincoln to-day on business. Fred Gorder was in Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs to-day. Miss Hattie Latham took the Omaha train this morning. Mrs. Thomas Wiles left this morning for Hillsdale, la., to visit with friends. Mrs. Kohrell left for Nebraska City this morning where she will visit friends. Mr. W. II. Eikenbary and daughter Miss Myrtle, were Omaha passengers this morning. Dewitt Pitcher left this morning for Mt. Pleasant, In., where he goos to visit friends. Mrs. Gov. Thayer of Lincoln, arrived this morning on a visit to Mrs. Capt. II. E. Palmer. B. B. Coons leaves this evening for Omaha which will be his home in the future. Wo regret to loose you Mr. Coons. Mrs. E. A. Pine who has been visiting the past week with Mr. Geo. Pine and family, returned last eyening to her home in Lincoln. Mrs. Lucy Bowen, of Ashland, and Mrs. Minnie Rubin-, of Louisville, are in I the city visiting with their sister, Mrs. C. JBreckenfield. Mr. J. H. McCoy and family of Omaha, arrived this morning to attend the wedd ing of Miss Emma McCoy at the resi dence of J. F. McCoy. Mrs. L. E. Reed of Ashland, who has been visiting with the family of Jas. Mitchell, took the train this morning for McPaul, la., where she will yisit friends. Robert Blackledge, of Burlington, la., stopped off! during the day with his old friend, A. Armstrong, and left this even ing for Omaha, where he takes the train for AVashington Territory. PLATTSMOUTH'S POST-OFFICE Senator Manderson Presents a Bii Before the Senate for a SIOO, OOO Building. The citizens of Plattsmouth will be pleased to learn that Senator Manderson is looking after their interests at "Wash ington, with strong hopes of passing the bill for a $100,000 government building at this point. The following from the morning dispatches shows what has been done : Mr. Manderson introduced in the senate to-day bills appropriating $100. 000 and $175,000 respectively for the the purchase of sites and the erection thereon of public buildings at Platts mouth and Hastings, Neb. He also re introduced his bill to confer brevet pro motions on officers of the United States army particularly distinguished by heroic action mlndian warfare and far other pur poses. The citizens of Plaltsmouth have sent a petition to the Nebraska delega tion in congress asking it to support with vigor the bill for a public building at their city and giving statistics show ing the necessity for the building. The Street Cars will Run. At the annual meeting yesterday after noon of the stock-holders of the Platts mouth Street Railway officers for 1888 were elected as follows: Frank Carruth Pres. ; Dr. Mercer, Vice Pres. ; O. H. Bal lou. Treas.: L. C. Mercer. Sunt. Board of directors: S. D. Mercer, O. II. Ballou Frank Carruth, Geo. Dovey and L. C, Mercer. The street cars were ordered to begin running to-morrow on the ole time table, and a new driver hired. Notice to Subscribers. After the coming Saturday, in cases where subscriptions are allowed to run behind the amount due will be computed at the rate of 156 per week. Those ele siring to pay 50(? per month for thei paper, should pay in advance. The col lector boys will be furnished with ro ceint books and will cive receipts for each amount paid. At a called meeting of the coastin carnival committees,, at Richey Bros. lumber yard last night, the finance com mittee reported that tuey Had been sue cessful in securing about twenty dollars for the occasion, and had the names of several more who would pay to-day. The committee on illumination nave ar ranged for the thorough lighting of Main street and high school hill. Thc track committee will sprinkle the hill and have it in fine shape. A grand time will undoubtedly be the result of the ureoarations. A general invitation is r a ' extended to the public. The funeral of Mrs. Johnathan Beck ner occurred this afternoon, from the res idence of Frank Carruth, at 2 o'clock. The singing was furnished by Mrs. D. A. Campbell, Miss Clara B. Paul, Messrs. H. F. Chapin and AV. A. Derrick. There was a large attendance. The wedding of Mr. Frank Coursey and Miss Emma McCoy occurred this evening at 5 o'pjgck, at the residence of J. P. McCoy. They go fkU eycnjpg to Omaha, The ladies of the M. E. church will give a sociable Thursday evening at the parsonage. An invitation is extenueu to everbody to come and have a good time. Judge Russell issued a marriage li cense to-day to Thomas F. Coursey and Miss Emma Gertrude McCoy. ' To-day Governor Thayer, accompan ied by his staff, passed through the city enroute for Des Moiuts to participate iu the inaugural ceremonies of Governor Larrabee, which takes place to-morrow. They went upon the special invitation of Iowa's governor. The party consists of Governor Thayer, Adjutant General AV. V. Cole, chief of staff, Colonel E. M. Cor rell, quartermaster general, Dr. M. AV. Stjue, surgeon general, Colonel Harry H. Hotchkiss, inspector general, Major John C. AVatson, judge advocate general, Col. E. S. Dudley, Capt. II. E. Palmer, aide de camp. The party will make the re turn trip Friday. --The gas company have been fitting jets in the office of Register A'. H. Pool today. Plattsmouth FCKXISIIED BY W. II Markets. NKWEI.L & CO. January 11, 18S8 AVheat No. 2, . 0. Corn. Oats, Rye, Barley, Hogs, Cattle, ru. 50. $3.OO(t5l.00. Campanini lost his voice through wear ing low nocked shirts in the bitter New York weather, six or seven winters ago. The story goes that the great tenor wa3 a blacksmith in his Iwyhood. and becamo so hardened to violent contrasts of cold and heat that ho thought nothing could alTeet the superb strength of his physique. But a New York blast struck him in his vital spot one day and he was comnrllod to give up the stage altogether. Unex pectedly his voice came back to him, but in such delicate form that he is now obliged to nurse it like an exotic. Dr. Schenerlin, of Berlin, has inocu lated dogs with tho newly discovered bacillus of cancer. So far no cancer svmutoiiis have been developed. T. II. Phillips is sole agent for the justly celebrated Red Cross school shoe?. They cost no more than other brands and will out wear two pair of any other school shoes made, AVe invite the public to examine the prizes at J. P. Young's store to bo given at the grand masquerade ball the lOinst., under the auspices of the P. B. dramatic club. J-ll-d 4t AVm. Ilerold will closs out his entire stock of cloaks, woolen goods, blankets and comforts, at cost, and below cost to make room for the spring stock of goods. tf Ladies Hair Dressing AVigs, waves, watch chains, switches and all work pertaining to ladies hair dressing, done by F. E. Lockwood, nt Ed Morley's barber shop. lm Real estate and abstracts. dtf AV. S. AVise. Try O. P. Smith & Co's Damask for Chapped Hands and Lips. Rose tf AATm. Ilerold will close out his entire stock of cloaks, woolen goods, blankets anel comforts, ut cost, anel below cost to make room for the spring stock of goods. tf Try O. P. Smith & Co's Damask Rose for Salt Rheum, Scrofulous sores, fetters External Erysepelas, Rash, Itch, charing of Infants &c, a complete Household Remedy. No household should be with out it. tf Call on Threlkeld & Burley for fine cigars. d-1 m Just Arrived. I. Pearlman has just received a car load of furniture from St. Louis which he will sell at bed rock prices. tf Call for Michigan eating apples also Michigan and New York cider at Phillip Krause'." Go to the Monarch good dish of oysters. Restrurant for a d-lm Knowing this is the dull season of the year and the people will appreciate a bargain, I nave decided to reduce the price on a number of my goods. Ladies kid button shoes $2.00, worth $2.50. Ladies kid button shoes $1.75, worth $2.25. Ladies Dongola Foxed button shoes $1.50, worth $2.00. Ladies Ger man Hand sewed dongola walking shoes regular price $1.50, reduced to $:J.25. Phillips. For Sale On reasonable terms my residence on the N. AV. corner of Elm and 11th streets. Said property consists of i block witii a good story and a half house of six- rooms, two wardrobes and one pantry; good well and city water twenty-seven hearing apple trees, ana an abundance of small fruit of all kinds, tf P. D. Bates. Damask Rose the Great Skin Cure and Toilet article. Mfg. and sold by O. P. Smith & Co. tf Mrs. Bannister Has opened a cutting school in connec tion with her dress-making, where ladies may procure the latest improved tailor system, said to be the best in use. Rooms over Solomon Nathan's store. dl2t Hay for Sale. Three hundred tons of hay for sale for cash, either delivered or on the ground, Leave orelers at Henry AVeckbach's store, Jan. 3 m3dfcw L. Stull. Use Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure and throw away your cane and crutches. For sale by Smith & Black. For Sale At a bargain, 1 pr. match ed mules, weight from 1000 to 1100 lbs. each; aged 8 and 9 years. Enquire at the blacksmith shop of J. A. Campbell. d-w 1 mo. I Keed Money. All persons indebted to me are request ed to call and settle as I need money to meet my obligations. dCt-wlt. wn.r. J. WARRICK. Up-Tovn - Jeivelery -Store. Watc&es.CIocks.Jewelry, Mow Ware, MmijJMi GOLD PENS, OPTICAL GOODS, And everything in the way of Jewelry can be found in our well-selected stock. We have purchased a large stock of the above named goods for the coming holiday trade, which we propose to sell at reasonable prices und will endeavor to discount Omaha prices 20?. Our Stools of WATCHES is Comploto, And can not be excelled. AVe have in stock watch movements of the finest makes, such as the Howard, Waltham, Elgin, Hampden, Springfield, Columbus, Aurora, And many other makes, encased in the best of gold, coin silver, nickel, silveiine, silverore, silveride and silyeroid. AVe also keep in stock a line of solid silver and plated spoons, etc., POT" AT ..... . . i .. JXJ ........ x stock is so complete. Our GAULT & VASS, JEWELERS, South Side Main Street DOVEY BLOCK rCTseul S32.& ornamental, yon snould a "VVe have an OVEY SHAWLS AND - CLOAKS Sliort Wraps, Sills Iufflors, Hand J3ags, Toboggans, Sills Hlandlsorcniefs, And n great variety of stuff suitable for presents. xjsi Queensware . Department, "We have a beautiful line of f Fancy Cups sss Saucers Children's Sets, Mugs and Eaney Glassware, French and China TEA - AND - DINNER - SETS Hanging Lamps, Sto. Xitc. E3- Or- 2DO"rS"ir do E. L, SIGH INS, M, !.. riiy-k-hui ai il Si;i -irvm. One ilo'ir Kent i:t BM!ii"t 's s:'. Ofilee limirs Iroiii 10 to 12 n. in. ami Iioim :: t. r, and 7 tu9 i. in. iiesideiict. Mi t.i Klin i tree-Is Mrs. Levings' luu&e. Te!.-;.h( olliee aurt house. C. F. SMITH, Merchant Tailor. Keei'.s constantly en ;nv sa:.iih; "f the best iriiOii." to lie pn. cured. Is rrejiurr-d if iiiakt? pants Vr t !;; and upwards ;u.d r-ni fjr j Siu.oo. Xeatly ai;d jiroiuj.lly done :it ;he lowest prices. Over 1'eter Merges store, 'ei !h NiJt Main Street. GENUINE :-: SINGER with hih arm and vihrating shuttle, sulci uu time. Easy pajiueiits or cash F. J. BICKNELL, Manager Plattsmouth IJranch Dr. C. A- Marshall. BEMTIST f Preservation ( natural teeth a specialty. eeth extracted witluwi pain hy ue of lxiuyhing (Jan. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Fitzgerald's Block Plattsmodth, Neb which will be sold at low prices. ffi...'..l ,i.l.i1si-wllf .. , - ( re ail new und ol Jate-st designs. to elegant line of orjji J i Dissolution Notice. I'l-.-.TTSMOI TJI, Nl-'l., Ji.Il. 'J, 188. "f ice to u ititi.i it Mi:; ( itnri rn: 'I lie firm known a M'-ir--r l:ros. .t Co.. in this day Iisolvt ly iniitii-tl : iii- cnr. Tlie lUHiies iil hcri-jiltci- Ijk cm:li;-t-il l.-v W. ei (J Mercer kinuvn us M-i r IIioh. Dr. R. Nunn, M, TA t. r-v. Tkimty Coi.i.j;ok. l)t;m.i:;. OCULIST, - AURI5T, -DISEASES. THROAT Sur-r-oit at Wostorn Ophthalmic and Asei.-k at Kojiil ( Hospital, London, Or.:sf, Kooui !S, l$:ir!er Ji'.oc!: : ii) a. m. to 4 Omah-i. Nebraska. Correspondence Punctually Answered. v 1 VIHAM. Notary l'ublic. Joji.v A. Davikh. X tary Public. -il-fct or ncy 3 - at - Law. Cfllc-e over Hank .r ('as County. I'LAnsjiomi, - - Xehrabka. WHEN YOU WANT -OF- Any ISLixx CALL OXrr Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor and Buili?r Sept. 12-Cm. ! ! j 1 1 r WI DOME