The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 11, 1888, Image 2

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    THE DAILY HERaU), RaI "it5Mu m. x,f:i;UA8KA, WEDNESDAY. JAXtfAItV ll, i8.
The Plattsmouth Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
I published every evening fxcept Hunday
aml Weekly f vtry Thursday iiioruiiiK. KKi
tered at the imstoftVe, I'.aitmioiuh. NHr.. h
.Hffiiiitl-tlaHK mutter. OllU-e coruer ol Vine and
Fifth Klnt-ts.
One copy one year in dvanc, Iy mail wi
One copy per month, ly earlier 'n
One copy per week, by carrier 15
One oopy one year. In advance 1 .VI
Ouec'jpyalx inontba in advance 75
The government chemist who lias re
cently examined thirty-three samples of
l-cr from different parts of the United
States, reports that he has found the
hame adulterated with acids poisonous
and injurious to health. However wt
do not anticipate any marked falling off
in the consumption of the foaininij latter
on that account.
A Hki'i iti.uwN senator that would vote
for the confirmation of L. . ('. Janiar
for the hijrh and honorable office of as
sociated justice of the supreme court of
the United States, could do nothing that
would so thoroughly inihrcpr( sent the
republican purty, ami the best interests
of the people. Such a senator would
place himself liematli the contempt of
every loyal patriotic citizen. Even the
mugwump New York Timts opposes
Lamar's continuation, which considering
its relation to C.rovcr Cleveland, is very
good evidence of his total unfitness for
the position.
Thk Ojnahu World is tearing its 'in
nards' over the Douglas county jail, mid
wildly calls for a grand jury and some
additional (.') judges, and all that. The
very sensation the World palpably at
tempts to create condemns the job in our
judgment. Whenever it becomes neces
sary for a newspaper to keep itself before
the public by sensntionnl roitriraii'-rs
the public have discrimination enough to
take the gush with many grains of allow
ance. The jail management in Omaha
may lie bad enough and can doubtless bi
overhauled without any such exagerated.
over-worked, florid buncomb. Itats !
Iowa politics is at white heat this week
at Des Moines, over the contest for Unit
ed States Senator. James F. Vi ilson, the
present incumbent, is very anxious to
succeed himself, and as he is one of the
ablest men in the State nothing can be
-snid'of him on that score; but it seems in
his younger days he was not so careful
of his public acts as man should be, and
his old record is being resurrected to
plague him. The Des Moines Lender,
Iowa's leading democratic paper, is very
bitter in its wholesale denunciations of
the doughty Senator, and while it does
not espouse the cause of Col. Hepburn,
it is indirectly assisting him very mater
ially, in his fight for the seat of Senator
Juik;e Brkwek of the United Stales
circuit court for the district of Nebraska,
will doubtless wish he had never as
sumed jurisdiction in the case of Parson?,
police judge against the mayor and city
council of Lincoln. The supreme court
of the United States has ordered the
council released from the custody of the
U. S. marshal, where they have techni
cally been under the arrest by order of
Jucle Brewer for their disobedience of
an absolutely void order of injunction,
issued by his honor at the instigation of
ParsoLs, police jndge. Mr. Justice Gray
of the supreme court announced the
opinion of the court holding that, a
court of equity (Federal court) had no
jurisdiction to step in and arrest the
action of a municipal corporation when
dealing with an officer of the corporation
charged with the commission of a crime
against the corporation; and that, the
action of the city council of Lincoln in
removing Police Judge Parsons for mis
feasance in office was necessarily a crimi
nal proceeding with which a Federal
court of equity had no business to inter
meddle" This is an important deci.-ion
and the city authorities are to be congrat
ulated on the result: although, our ad
vice to that body at gentlemen, as a
j.neral tiling, would !e io et rid of iin
Uhori;ted orders made bv the coyts,
n come otLc-r way placing them
selves in conteuapt of court. We think
those gentlemen ran a good deal of risk
in the matter, besides setting a J.vid t x
sawple to their fellow citizens; and li.iit
they could have got rid of the obnoxious
order easier by pursuing the usual reine
dy of asking the court w hich iniprovi
dently granted it to set it aside.
Fiom ihe I'eople Journal. Dundee.
A great icnsation has been created by
President Cleveland's message, and if the
lol3cy which it iad'wstes be carried out
it will produce almost s vi effect in
this country as in America. Jis Wjff
reform which the president rccoiumqrKAS
:gftM a far, at least, as the abolition or
ireeluctWo of the duties on raw materials.
Should cwigress give effect to this pro
posal its immediate result would be an
enormous stimulus to English, industry.
I I I. . I . r . r . I
iiimi, uimin u MOMiici. 01 inaiiuiaciuie,
is in one sense a raw material, and the
removal of the duties on iron would
stimulate the iron industry in this coun
try. The abolition of the duty on wool,
which the president mentions, would al
so probably lead to a great export of
wool to America and a considerable rise
in the price of that commodity. The
first effect of the adoption of the presi
dent's policy would bo a great increase
in our trat!e with the United States, but
its second effect will be to make America
a formidable competitor in the markets
of the world. For the present, however,
the change in the American fiscal policy
will be beneficial to this country, and
the prospect of it has el iff used fresh hope
throughout business circles in the city.
The Secretary of the Treasury must
feel fl ittercd. at the success of Democrat
ic finance-ring, when he goes before Con
gress this winter and asks for $1 1.000.000
to pay for olel elebts. That is the size of
the deficit which the Democratic party
has caused by failing to make the neces
sary appropriations for carrying on the
Government. The parsimonious way in
which the Democratic House insisted on
treating certain branches of the public
service, although willing to squander
money freely in unnecessary ways, 1ms
resulted in great detriment to the public
good and compelU Congress now to make
up the deficit. And yet when the last
Congre-ss adjourned the Democratic party
claimed great creelit for having cut down
the appropriations and apparently saved
the Government immense sums of money.
That was the sham reform and the sham
economy for which thi.$ sham adminis
tration is noted. As long as t lie Demo
cratic party tries to get credit for being
mean and failing to do its duty, so long
will the deficits occur ami the public ser
vice be crippled in consequence. Ex.
Three Crovcs
The sleiiihing is gooel ami fair pros
pects of being better.
William Gray is nursing a huge car
buncle on the side of his neck.
The protracted meeting that we an
nounced at Hock Bluff some time since
by Uev. Uransten is non'est on the ac
count of the col el weather we suppose.
The change in eur mail route seems to
he ejuite an improvement over the old
way, as the mail gets to the railroad one
el ay earlier than before.
Hiram and Belle Beaver from Cedar
Creek, are in the neighborhood, the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Holmes.
Misses Vick Young snd Vannie Patton,
from Omaha, and nieces of Mr. F. M.
and I j. II. Young, are here on a visit
spending a few days. Heportkk.
How Men Die.
If we know all the methods of approach
aelopted by an enemy we are the better
enabled to ward off the elanger and post
pone the moment when surreneler becomes
inevitable. In many instances the inher
ent strength of the boely suffices to enable
it to oppose the tendency toward death.
Many however have lost these forces 'to
such an extent that there is little or 110
help. In other cases a little aiel to the
weakened lungs will make all the differ
ence between suelelen death and many
years of useful life. Upon the first symp
toms of a cough, cold or any trouble of
the throat or lungs, give that old and
well known reuieely Boschee's German
Syrup, a careful trial. It will prove
what thousands say ot it to be, the "bene
factor of any home.
Two Sensible Ladies.
One that studies health before vanity
anel one that does not believe all she
reads or hears, practical experience is
every day teaching that the worels given
with Dr. Watson's Special Cough Cure,
is practically relieving the physicians
from advising a hopeless case ot con
sumption a change of climate necessary,
to be left to die among strangers. The
Specific Cough Cure is warranted, if di
rections are carefully complied with, to
relieve, if not cure, the werst and most
hopeless cases the world ever saw. Price
."iOc and $1. For sale by W. J. Warrick.
Hon. H. W. Crady.
The Statesman, Scholar and True
American, set an examplt worthy of re
flection for all True Americans. Healing
wounels that no methoels except those
useelby Heaps Camphorated Arnica Sal ye
which is sold on its merits for any use
that a salve can be used. No cure, no
pay. For sale by the following drug
gist. Price 23c per box.
The Public Eye
Is what troubles many Publishing testi
monials of cures, unknown is conelemneel
1 l.y the Quaker Meelicine Company anel
those w.3 have occasion to use Ualyeat s
Fig Tonic for tiit Ll,o,ocl and indigestion
and Dr. Watson's New Specic CouHi
. ure are tree to speaK meir experiences.
No cure', no pay requireel. Price 50c
and 1- For sale by the following drug
gist: W. J, Warriuk.
Notice of Sale Under Chattel
Not ie Is hereby yiven that ly virtue of a
jUattol innrtsajie-dated on the 7th day of Dec
!,;. ii'i:, a d duly filed ard reemded in the
uAw'u thi. county Clerk nf Caf enmity. Ncb
raska. on the i'Ct 'la., o' Perember. 137 and
executed by J. i. luke to Stip,iu& S Jett
& Co . to secure the r.ayw.ent of jie
rum of -sgoo.oo and upon which there i. now
due the suinof ?SOS(i. le ault having been
made in the payment of said sum. 'I herefore
I will eell the property therein described, viz :
The entire stock of stoves, tinware and shlf
and heavy hardware and fixtures of the store
oy'o. Al1 oiruated in brick building on east
lialf,li eUhtri block twenty-nine In the
ity ot I'ltt-'fiiftoU., u.i public auction at ihe
frnt door of th'abo'j;d i-tore building
in the city of Piattsm'outhX'ii'" oiifiy, Nebras
ka, od the 23rd d?y of January. at the
hour of ten o'clock a. ni. of aid day.
W. S. Wise. Agt. and Atty. Mortgagees,
for Mortgagees.
WKkt silence we keep, year after year
With those who are most near to us and dear,
We live beside each other duy by day
And tipeak of myriad things uud seldom say
The full, tiweet word that lies just in our reach
Hen?atb the commonplace of common speech.
Theji out of sight and out of reach they go
Tbe clone, familiar friends who loved us;
And, sitting in the shadow they have left.
Alone with ineliness and sore bereft.
We think with vain regret of sonio fond word
Tl-at once we might have said and they have heard.
For weak and poor the love that we expresn
Now seems beside the vant, sweet unexpressed.
And slight the deeds we did to those undone.
And small the service spent to treasures wou.
And undeserved the praise for word and deed
That should have overflowed the simple need.
This is the cruel cross of life, to be
Full visioned only when the ministry
Of death has bren fulfilled, and in the place
Of some dear presence is but empty space.
What recollected service e'er can tken
Give consolation for the might have been?
Nora Perry In New York Independent.
Cunning Gophers and How They Bore
Tunnel Whcro They Carry Food.
In appearance, the gopher, or pouched
rat, as it is sometimes called, resembles a
short tailed and short legged rat, with a
large head and protruding teeth. Their
cheeks attract attention, having the ap
pearance ef being pushe-xl out or stuffed
with something, but this Is owing to the
fact that our miner lias two very strange
receptacles, one on each side, separate
and distinct from the mouth, little car
pet bags we might call them, each lined
with fur, and large enough to enable me
to thrust in my thumb to the first joint.
Pouches, they are sometimes and often
called, and as to their use, there seems to
Imj a diversity of opinion.
The front claws of tb.1'3 miner are ex
tremely large and powerful and enable it
to construct tunnels with remarkable ra
pidity. When once liencath the surface
they construct their mines in every tlirec
tion, with no great regularity, but evi
dently with the idea of forming a laby
rinth that will carry off floods. That this
is Hucctvsful I have frequently demon
strated by turning a large stream of
water into the mine. It would run in
without overflowing for a long time, and
I have never suceeedetl in forcing one out
by this means.
It would naturally be supposed that
such miners would place their nest at
some distant or deep lead in the mine, but
the reverse is the rule, the Avarm nest of
bits of weed being formed very near the
surface, from which different mines lead
away, taking any water that might come
in. It might be assumed that the bags or
pouches were used to carry out the elirt
and stones removed, but, curiously
enough, they use them for exactly the re
verse, and for carrying seeels or food.
As soon as a gopher makes up its mintl
that its mining operations have been ob
served, it invariably crawls out, or partly
out, of the mine or burrow, and, filling
its pouches with sticks and sand, backs
quickly in, its tail seemingly guitling it to
the hole with unfailing regularity, the
animal never turning, but always back
ing, and moving so rapidly that it seems
almost like the curious lizard that runs
one way as well as another. The soil and
material carried in this way is deposited
at the entrance of the mine, and if the
animal thinks that danger is imminent it
bites off earth at the mouth of the bur
row. Having done this for a few mo
ments it disappears and a second later
the opening closes, and a close examina
tion shows a quivering of the earth and a
repeated pushing up as if some one was
patting it from below. In short, the
mine has been filled up from below and
so skillfully that few would notice it.
But where is the miner Not off in
some deep lead hundreds of feet away,
but near at hand, in a tunnel quite at the
surface, that has a port hole about as
large as a pea. Through this "port hole"
the wily miner takes observations, and
the tunnel will not be reopened for weeks
if it is watched.
The gopher comes out generally at night
to feed, and carries seeds in its pouches,
but the sand and gravel that is removed
from the mine is never taken in this way,
being pushed up by the animal's breast
and forefeet. They are the pests of the
southwest portions of the continent, and
the valleys of southern California are
tunneled by a maze of their mines.
Golden Days.
Jean Ingelow at Home.
Everything is interesting in the lia of
a talented woman, but Jean Ingelow still
shrinks from notoriety, wishing, as she
says herself, "to be known only as a
name." She resides in London with her
mother in a quiet street where nil tlie
houses are gay with window boxes full
of flowers, anel devotes a great part of
her time to charitable work among the
London poor. Three times a week
she gives what she calls a "copy
right dinner" to the sick poor; those just
out of the hospital and tinable to work.
Concerning thj3 work of hers she says:
"We have about twelve to dinner three
times a week, and hope to continue the
plan. It is such a comfort to see the good
it does. I find it one of the greatest pleas
ures of writing that it givej me more
command of money for such purposes than
falls to the lot of most women. I call tiiis
a cepyriglit dinner.' We generally have
six children as well as the grown up people
each time, and it is quite pleasant to see
how the good food improves their health.
We only have this dinner three times a
week, and let each person dine six or niue
times as it seems desirable." New Or
leans Picayune.
Ihe Terror ot u Islvst Night,
Manager Edward Aronsou, ef the
Casino, says that one of the peculiar difil
culties that an operatic manager has to
contend with is the terror of his company
at a first night. In all dramatic perfor
mances, he says, there is a liability to
Mofyonsness upon a first night, and a
ilaibUity ib exaspctiueog accidents that no
careln rehearsal caii' prevent; and with
singers it is much more likely to be
troublesome than with those who are
actors only.
' J "' 'jitiii veiy n-vnijentlj ;o sai l,
"that most experienced people, those who
have the most reason to feel confident of
the kindly appreciation of the public, will
hesitate, forget their lines, forget their
business and altogether act 'below pr.r'
upon the first production of a new opera.
I have noticed during an experience of
UtUY years, fijel I think tha c-ther nan
Hters will shy the1 sdbje" Ihiiig'thai. those
who have to sing upon the stage are more
likely to be nervous upon a first appear
ance in a new role than those who act."
New York Sun.
An old friend to a widow yet in tears
I presume your dead husband Had made
UJ preparation' 6 face "pis maker); ' '
' "He had indeed. He was1 insured in sil
different companies." Paris Figaro.1'
Digging u eirsve for Mnu Who ICo
fused t Iic A I'unrral 1'urty I-oses
the Corpse I'uthetic Story "WltU
Their Hoot 011."
Many of the border burials were pathetic
in the extreme, but connected with sonio
of them were circumstances so unexpected
that their relating almost resolves itself
into a kind of humor. One of the first
funerals to exx-ur nt Great Bend, Kan.,
possessed unprecedented circumstances
enough to make it humorous, if the unex
pected is an attribute of humor.
An old. uud somewhat disliked man,
Turley by name, had Wen confined to his
bed for several weeks by a disease which
baffled the skill of the would he physicians
who atteiuled him. Ho seemed to grow
6teadily worse, and his deatli was hourly
expected. Then the celd weather, which
had continued for nearly a nionUi, w;:s
broken by a few spring like ea The
citizens of the little settlement ttok Tur
ley's ease in hand, and decided th;.t as his
death was certain to occur in a few days
at most, it was )etter to take advantage
of the mild weather and dig gr;ive for
him than to his death and tin proli
nble return of cold weather, when urnve
digging would be extremely difficult. The
grave was accordingly dug. Turley was
so full of wrath at having his grave pre
pared in advance that he rose frooi his
bed, and the same day left town i a dis
gust. It appeared that he had been
shamming all the time, in order to obraiu
free victuals and care. Kegrcts wero ex
pressed that he had not been burii-d with
out waiting for the usual preliminary of
The pleasant weather was .mio:: followed
by a severe storm of snow and .-deel. Dur
ing the first night ef the blizzard a hi bil
iously inclined attorney, Godfrey by name,
being, as was his wont, in an advanced
hiale of intoxication, lay eut all nigl.' in
1 lie snow. Two days later he died from
the effects of his freezing. J lis relative.
were telegraphed for, and responded that
they would come immediately. The storm
increased in violence, and, lasting nearly
a week, blocked the avenues of travel in
every direction.
A few days after Godfrey's death nearly
the entire male population of the settle
ment congregated at the combined po.t
otlice, saloon, grocery, etc., to swap stories
eat crackers and imbibe whisky. When
all hands were pretty well warmed up, the
subject of Turley's shameful deception
and unoccupied grave was freely discussed.
It was decided that such a good grave
ought not to be wasted, and that, in order
to make use of it, Godfrey's remains
should be speedily interred in it. This
met the approval of all present, and with
the rude cofiln in one wagon, as many a
could crowd into another, and a numbei
of horsemen at either .side, the funeral
cortege started in falling snow.
Several times on the way a dog belong
ing to a member of the party started a
jack rabbit, and each time the horsemen
assisted in the chase. The further the
procession got from the starting point the
more of the mourners jumped from the
wagon and aided the horsemen and dog
in chasing the rabbit. The grave was
reached and found to be partially filie-d
with snow. Then another attorney, who
differed but little from the one in the
coffin, except that the latter was dead,
proposed, as there was no minister of the
Gospel present, to do his best to deliver
a funeral oration. He had hardly got
more than well started when some cne
shouted that the dog had started another
Away went horsemen, footmen, orator,
mourners, and all in pursuit of the rabbit
and dog, leaving teams, coffin and corpse
to take care of themselves. The chase
was long and exciting, as the dog, while
always seeming alxnit to get the rabbit,
failed to do it.
Left to themselves, the team got tirod
of standing in the storm and ran away
toward home. When the crowd straggled
back the snow had filled the grave and
obliterated the wagon tracks. As the
cemetery consisted of only that one grave,
and had no other marks to distinguish it
from the rest of the prairie, they were by
no means certaia of its Kfcalion in the
snow. So they trudged off home in the
snow, and arrived to find the team there
before them. The "tailboard" was out
of the impromptu hearse, and the coffin
had disappeared. It was not recovered
tiH the snow partially melted, more than
a week later.
Then the relatives arrived and took the
body east with them, and Turley's grai?
went unfilled till a cow broke hor leg l.y
falling into the pit. The grave was then
pronounced a public nuisance and filled
up with elirt.
There is a little world of pathos in the
simple story of the first burial at Law
rence, Kan. Moses Pomeroy arrived
from Illinois in l!S)4. and set bravely 10
work to make ii home for a dear one left
behind. IJy din.t of much labor he im
proved his homestead considerably, and
erected a tiny but comfortable hou: e.
Then, full of high hopes for the future,
he wrote for his waiting sweetheart to
The journey, mostly by stage and
wagon, was a long one. ar.d when sh"
rived the girl found t.h:it her- lovcr-'hau
expired but iht May be tore. He had been
stricken down by a disease much like
mountain fever shortly after writing for
her, ami during his illness had had no
thought but for his coining sweetheart.
He was a praying man, and his foi'.star',
petition was thaj he. r.uglit live hii
enough to e her, but this war: denied
him. and he tlied lileralJy with her name
011 his hps. The text day after the girl's
arrival the body o: her lover was borne to
the tomb. The rude coliin had been taken
to the grave in advance. Laid on a led
of fragrant prairie flowerr-. the body was
carried in a lumber wagon to tho little
cemetery. The head of the deal inr.4
rested in the lap. of the living girl, wlivi
shielded the form as well as possible fiviu
all jar thai came from the passutgw of th?
springlesss wago.ii oy-? lliv oiiworkeel
TO.-l'lrt, ' '
The first burial in Cloud county was
that of Mrs. Menzel and her child. This
occurred in 1SJ1. The little settlement
consisted of only six houses, and there
was not a lumber yard or piece of
board within fifty miles. From those s'.-
houses the least r.ccsar pievu yi iuuv
bee ttti taken,' U cofi;n large enough
to contain mother and child was con
structed. One man contributed the door
of his little house, and stopped the open
ing for a mouth thereafter by hanging a
buffalo coat over it. New York Sun.
It strikes us that the fc,m: navJera el
th& world. U tho almighty dollar and' the
hind quarter o a dollar is the ouly one
you have left ou hand. Detroit Free
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor do Pepporbergo' end 'Buds
always in stock. Nov. lPSS.
The standard remedy for liver com
plaint is West's Liver 1'ilU; they m-vci
disappoint you. M0 pills 2c. At War
rick's drug store.
Dr. Mack's Uhiumatic (.'ure ha.'
cured more cases of Kheumntism in tin
List ten years in this city and county thai
any aud all other medicines put together
For sale by Smith & Ulack.
A Now Kemedy with Wonderful Healing Powers.
For both Internal and external Use.
Also Colic. Croup. Headache, Lame Back. Wounds,
Hurt all tii.-t r s: in;; s.llmcnts ol lli- human ly.
RAIl -POAO1 IsthcSestonEart'ita'CrneVs.
'COUCH C'JF.E Coughs. Threat aivJL r.g ir jtt.lcs
a ro:i7rr2 :3i"-:-:rr:::i zz?.z ia iw L-.v.-.r ct--r.
Thecc r.'crticir.os are Vvcr-an'.cJ by jour On jijlst.
1'rU-r 'c, -r.c. uii'l SI I'i r bu!t!v. I'nr 51 v-- -a 111
semi lan.v-t si'' '! rilhcr C:i ) rcp:iil. .u.!;'-.-3
Rsil-Road Hen edy Co., Box 372, Lin-oln. Ut!.
Trade supplied by Richardson Drug Co.,
Omaha, X braska.
Oliver cS: S-assigc, IPropriotcrs.
"We 3;eep constantly on h tiwl tin.; iinest tinel liv.slie.-t line ol meats
in the city. .Meats of all kinds in their season.
And everything tti Kiiit the demand our trade. (Jive us a trial,
Semth Siele Main Street, J3etveen Fifth and Sixth.
Law, Reel E
Mercantile Law and Kenl Estate Ligation a ccialty. Co.
lections made in all parts of tho State tiirouh constant attorney.
Persons desiring the best oi VI K INSfJ AJS'CE can get it hy ap
plying at this office, either in the old I'ho-ni.v, of Hartford, vEtna, of
Hartford, Queen, of Liverpool, Niagara, We? torn, Tmdor? of Chicago
Xo better companies can he b-un 1 anywhere, and the rates are as low
as can Le Liul in any reliable eompanv.
V.res have an ecccjit:giy huge lit of iJealty l.,r fale, both im
proved and unimproved, including s eot the mo.-t ekirublc resi
dence property in the city, if property is wanted cither within the
old town site or in any of the :: lit:o:i to the can be had
through this oiiice. lvr:..,::s mving property ir M.le or exchan-e
will consult their best inierots by li.-twirr the same witii us.
The loveliest residence locality jn the city can be purchased at this
office for 150, in payments of one-tiiird eiown, balaree in one and
two years; or S25 down, balanc- in ninthly payments. Anyone de
siring to visit this ;O0-;Uy, whether they have in view the purchase of
a loiwr not, by calling at our office will be driven to the Pari: free of
expense. Remember the place,
lr. K. '. Wes'.'s Nerve aixl Itrvlu Treatment
uuaranteo specific for UyateiU UizzlueM.
Convulsions. I- Uh, M-rv'iis einalnla. Il-ul-aHie.
.rrvi-uui frost rat lull eauxetl by. Hie
of alroliol or tobacco. WakffulliisK. Menial le-jire-i-ion,
iolt-iilnj; of t In- l:rain ivmiHIhk ' In
sanity ami leadaiK t- misery, ileeay ami leatli,
-rt aialiin; old A(;e. ItalifiilifNS, I.omh of I'ow
r 111 citlirr sc x. I n voluntary !-onms ami hper
nal iilni i catisi-it by ovrr-fxertion f lb
bnilu. gelfabi:.' or over-lii(Jlililicii Kadi b'X
-mil :1111s out? moii t Ii V treatment. $1 0 a box
rsix boxes for gr-.oo, sent by mall prepaid ou
receipt of price
"o eure anv i':in. With eaeli order received
y us for six boxes, uecompauied with J.vim,
vc will send the purchaser our written j-uaran-i-c
lo return the liiouev if tlie treatment tloex
.ol t ffeet a rare. tJuarantei s Issued only by
v Hi .1. WaiTit'k sole anent. flattsmoul li. Neb.
Um; Dr. Ulack's Uhiumatic Cure if
t tlon't do you any good conic in and
ve will give you your money back. For
-ale by Smith & IJhu k.
$SOO Reward.
We will pay the above reward for any
ase of liver complaint, dyspepsia, hick
headache, indigestion, con.tipatioii or
costiveness we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Liver Till, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
containing :!0 sugar coated pills, ."(
For sale by nil druggists. Ih ware of
counterfeits and imitations. The genu
ine manul.ict tired only by John (). Well
1: Co., W2 W. St. Chicago, Its
Sold byV. ..J War.ick.
rX3 WdOl
ma a 77 snsfi