The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 11, 1888, Image 1

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fl II il w. us. 'ti'.'t n I , ini. i
- ; of parlitnent lias l en postponed till 1 cb-
'l l T'V C I' i'l ( K 1'JS. ' ''"try X-i, p nding the results of the fish
" ei i, s negotiations in Washington.
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Latest by Telegraph.
Weather Predictions-
Washington, Jan. 11, l:'Ximn. in. In
dications lor Nebraska: Wanner, fair
wi athcr; light to fresh southeasterly
n - rl r ? Dnrllnmnnt PnctnnnGfl.
Suygootions'or Iowa Solons
I):.s Mi. M.NKs, la ," Jan. 10. (Soveinor
IiiimIhi; this allenioon l:;live;ed his
"'i'-nnial nn-.'-sagi; to the senate and hou.-i-.
" M f VVr'-'V'-N i ,('' ''' l,u,,!i tl,t? '11:lI1(s ,,f t,lr; -taU: tl 1,0
M w x ! S'-i.nx i ci 11- lit shaiii - and the !ullie institutions
. i;, -s-M.I. : '
;v ,.,,... : to well managed. He says, Iiowi'Vi r,
I l.tiiMiiiitiiii t !i:it 1 1n-apjiiopriat ions a.-ketl for, amount
:' 'hiuiuMi I in:; ; to 17,;.Vi, sliouhl he t ut down
one half.
After Missouri Embezzlers.
Sii.v. kts i i.i.!'.. Mo., Sin
ili" (iiiisi.a arrived liere this moi nintr with
i six Male v.'arrants lor ine apini uenMoi.
j of Ii. S. P-.itk and T.J. Met for
,. , . . ( . i i , ,,ollt. I-lattsJ-
imrir. Mo., and roiiseo tieiit I V tlieslierill
and his deputies Martcd lor that jihtee to
nrrest tin in. Kxeitenu nt runs hii;h, I.ut
tlie sentiment is all one way and that is
growing more hitter against thmn.
Fought a Duel. A. T., January 11. Last
Thursday two young soi.-iety gentlemen
of Hermosillo settled a ejUMirel about a
lady by resorting to the code of honor.
Their names are Julio Suarez and Teod
oro Mayor. The former was shot beltw
the knee and the latter in the mouth,
neither wounds proving fatal. Uoth par
ties move in the best society, and efforts
were made to keep the affair out of the
papers. The duel took plaee at night.
Lick Telescope Observations.
San Jose. Cal., Jan. 11. The first sat
isfactory observation through the Lick
telescope was made Saturday evening.
The sky was clear and the weather cool.
The big teh scope was first pointed at the
nebula in tint conciliation Orion, which
appeared to Messrs. ( lark, Swaey, Keel
er and Floyd more magnificent thaneve
before. About 11 o'clock Saturn was
also observed with satisfaction. Only
medium power was used and the obser
vation closed abeut midnight. Work
on the photographic leii3 will immedi
ately proceed.
A Petrified Buffalo.
Topkka, Kan., Jauuary 11. At Ilelle
ville. Republic county, last Saturday,
wLila U. II. Gallagher and a force of
workmen were excavating for the pur
pose of sinking a coil shaft, near the north
line of the city, a hard substance was en
countered, about six feet from the surface.
The workmen supposed it was an ordi
nai'3 ledge of rock, but upon removing
the dirt surrounding it, preparatory to
f'lti" they found what proved to be a
j petnlied buffalo. It is of large size inn.
! as nerfect a specimen of the bison as ever
ro'ime.l the plainsof Kansas. Those who
have seen it it a wonderful
spfckiK'u of petrification. The buffalo
sv'l shipped to Topeka and placed on
exhi'.'ition in the Kock Inland depot.
j Rapid Spread cf SmaC-Pcx.
J Sn Fii.vM'isco, Cal., Jan. 11. Tic
health authorities are making no head
way agr;inst Miiull-poy, which ps sprcad-
nig rapi'Uv. o kss than eleven new
cases were sent to t lie pest-house yester
day, and thus far to-day five have betn
reported. The body of a Chinaman wrs
found in a wah-houso to-day, and a
glance show e. I he had died of small-pox.
Tlio Chinese i'"fuie to report cases of the
8 ' 'c 'se, and health oHieers have no know
a5 g 3 '-go ' cases until the victims fouuii.
; As washing i going oil all the time in
these Chinese houses, the disease is thus
spread by the clothes. The cold weather
h is spread the contagion, and this is aid
ed by the neglect of the health officials.
The otlice opens at the gentleman hour
of It o'clock pi t-lfe raornjng, and if a pa
tient sent there before that hour he is
forced to walk the streets till the pla:e
opens. A tent ha been erected iu ihe
pia.a opposite the police headquarters
for accommodation at patients before
their transfer to the pest-house, but Mon
day morning a man who was sent by the
police io the t'-nt found the attendant.
2 way. and could not -t into the plaza
011 tIl; siiU'wnlk for on hour. wlde iiiJ
ilrnl of people VfJej: Another man,
' iiei:i'iMs with binall-iiox and almost with-
out clothing, was left lying in a yacaiit
i lot for two hours before the health oiiicci
i IHrJfe,,'w,, m
A Massachusetts Express Meets
With a TerriDlo Disaster,
llw iiituii !.. Mass., Jan. in. The Port
land express, which left IJoston for l'ort
land at 1 o" loek nu t with a serious a(ci
lenL this afternoon between 1 had ford
.station and the llavcrhili bridge over the
Merrimac river, caused by the rails spread
ing near a frog on a curve, where the turn
is made to run on the bridge. The train
consisted of an cngin-, two baggage cars,
a smoking, pallor and ihree pa-s ngi r
cars. The engine pa-n d safely but Hi!
smoker ami two car.- h-ft the tr.iek. Tin
smoking car ran n tie- bridge a:. 1 tui.i
ed over. On- coach Miohed into tin
water tank hoii-i: ai.d Mioth'r throiv li
the sleeper
Tin: cr.t.-li was Is al I u! and
the cri'-s of tie' opli- I' Hi!
to hear.
The cars did not tak- ih'e. Si. ;e-;: o:"
are know ii to hav b"i-:i l:i!Ud: s.-t-;.:l
others are expei-t.-d t- :ie r-ml nrniy oih
ers an- more or 1. s s l ioi: ly injur !.
Tiie train w::s on time, running al ordin
ary speed. Pliyi-icinns were :-in.ihoei. !.
and the wounde.l and lying laj.i.Uy e.n
ed for. Several of the bodies were man
gled beyond recognition.
Fifty-two pa-..M n:rers. i.i ai!. v.t ie
wounded, some badly. On- of tie- v;tti-d-t
sights was ',h.. ceath of Mrs. C. I.
Goodwin and her little child, of Hume
bunk, who wa; riding in the s'-comi pas
senger car with her little child in In r
arm-. P.oth wire Iiiilcd. :: was
her husband.
The entire force of physicians in the
city were summoned by telephone and
were quickly nt hand, and the wounded
were cared for as soon as released. The
list of killed is as follows:
Clarence llazlewood. of Ioston; John
O'Brien, of Bradford : C. P. Goodwin,
wife and child, of Kcnncbuuk, Me.; Wm.
Taylor, section hand; A. J. Walker, ol
Harrison, Me.; Charles Thur'ow. of Xew
ton Junction, X. II. Josephus Shaw, of
The name of the man reported un
known is Josephus Shaw, of iioston.
r.'.SMiO iir-.lUtj- tt I'C.ISIlllt M'OSIK'II.
One sees many very beautiful women
anions tJie Cro;;t ians and Slavonians. It
is quite surprising the number of l ively
faces that are to lie seen in a gathering of
Croatian peasants.
The beauty of those countries inc-inos
to the passive, that ciadomm like style t.f
loveliness in which iv dreamv. .-.';::elle
like eyes ami an t-xpi'i-ssion ol' l;:ni;uor
that lei's of gentleness personiih-.l. In
Servia and liounielia, too, one tin. Is this
type of beav.ty jrevalen:, ai.ii in these
Balkan states, so recently tiominulcil by
the Turks, the women still jossi-ss ;i t !ni:l.
retiring disposition that causes them logo
about with half voled faces. The legacy
of Osmauli dominion imn.irts to the Sorv
mil Itonmelian maiden the adtiiti.iiial
charm of mystery. On sees two hfjivy
brums of dark liair (U-scentliuir, perhaps,
well nigh to tiie ground, and a pair of
large, lancuishing black eyes IfLriiting "op
features that are half concealed I;ehi;..l
veil of tulle. Thomas Stevens in Com -.or-Journal.
How Tinmo:iiis Ar? Snmssto-J.
It Is ii common occurrence fora Cliincse
from Cuba, who has his wealth in the
form of diamonds, when about to ja:-s
custom lionse inspec tors in San Frauci-eo
to place his liamonds in his mouth.
if lie linds the search is too rigid he can
easily s-wallow them and as soon a.; hi
gets ashore an emetic! shortly hr!;:-.'
the diamonds: to light. As. he is n:-ir;.liy
ii close buyer and bring.-, the stones into
this country without payment o U;.y. 'r,v
has little if ;::iy diilicnUy in d: -no-i:ig of
them ;it a price in advance of what h
paid. San Francisco Cor. Chie."e-o Ilerahi.
At t."0 :i Ymiv.
Der.con Jones (te country r.iinister;
Some of tl'. members of the -ongrega-tiou,
?.Ir. Goodman, coninhiin that you co
n:: sj.eak quite louci eno.ign.
Country .Minister I .speak as loud as 1
can afford to, deacon, at o00 i year.
The F.poch.
Senator Ingalls, the dignified jn'osidont
of the United States thxyl on n
curbstone in Washington a day or two
ago as a horse car rushed by .at a rapid
rate. For a moment Ingaix -. chance f
hoarding that car scorned as slim as ho is
lnms'clf. Siuddonly, however, tne
i.1 -i 1 rii-i-ii n i.l-icoil e-.-. tiiei-r-T l.
mouth, blew a sharp- bla-t an-1 a piereii.
whist hi ata.tleil the- caim winter atnn--phere.
Echoing along the quiet shve t ,
the shrill sound overtook the hurrying
car, and. as if by magic, tho conveyance
stopjicd. Ingalls says he learned to
w histle when a boy.
Senator Evarts' housci in Washington
used to be fuli of young girls. Hi-;
daughters have, married off. liowe'.er. and
only .Miss Mary tvarcs ivunauis at liom.x, j !1,IK;(Ut, j... sh;ll be treat d as a thief: ,l f t i ll! I V 'icltcl
Miss Lvarts is anxious i.-iu-l, f.e.iu j ami if oeaih cismios from his M.dpraciie.s ' ' 1 '
active serial lifu, as she- rinds the round j then for having thus u.-ed na-dic nie with
of gayeties nt the capital something of a j intent to kith he --hall he- Th- -.
liore. buther father will not permit her at-.pcars to b" nothing in :! ( 't !--: :a' ' -to
go into seclusion, lie takes crcat in- ! code a::swc. ing to ihe !;".- i n'...r in -:
t crest in her toilets, anil complains that
t-ho does not purchase enough evening
dresses to please him. It is so -t .ldom
that tiie father of a w .man in so-
ciety makts such a complaiiii, that Sen-
ator ivarts btanns ramosi aior.e. ui tiva
Samuel s-.jjp -vj4y --
ry. .c-.. . r rt Tlin U 1 . . v,i
.y of JS'2.,.000 a year, was a
earning a scant salary only a few
I'lay f tlit S i-i''- tf War liami' l'liat
!.:l-.t...l ii I. If. fil.i.-.
Wlio really iiivelited the game of le -s
nisiory uoes not ueini'ieiy prove, i.ur M is
known a ( hine-t- n.anilarin. I.'.'OO
j cars i, .;s able in so.ithe hi-, t 1 1 .. ;.
when l iiey is ere .1 oi: iioioe by
proptL-iug lids g.une I'ur their leisure !e urs
in v. int. r quarters.
Th.-s,. games diil'cr in Ii,.- various coun-
triesot iheuorid. Tims, ii, the il,;,.!,.,,
game, lour or-' I'xt a rune.-; are ,'iip!o .,,
e.aii with their kil"". a ml ;u Ii ti,,;;
counts aniong its liglu ing men a:i d.-i.h.-.nt
;::.-l a
. I a : 1 1 1
b::l o.a !! !' .! b,'
11 "'' 1 -
''; tiMe, ,rri, oh -;, ;..-
he piay ..f II, e .Ma.- I wa:,. a r::e:i.!!g ihrtmh ihe c,-i-t r ..f ihe
i.e ( Ii i lie:-.
a .1" ( h-
which !
bt. ii'd v. !i !i tl.iir I-pheels e-tpiiv a halt
I our in: ho;.-; ) !.: y lira r I e-. mi i lie I C
is a i'..r: w m. h t beii- Lings cama.t j,,---.
'i'iie (:i.-:a was u a, !, . I , di I he l.irlh
r;e- oi' I his 1,; ..uric ; , .as i.-'.r
ii h as i-i'.'J ii l ' -.i.ii i i a in I-ao .
'i'i, ere is Ice. ii! ui' i'.ii:,- , : JJ ;e
J-'.'o, ;hg a til -i.op j...' t.,e :alai
1 oi Lis h;-;:e.: .en!" ii; i!, a o
as al !-.: ,,,aai- lie.-; ia .- i'-h an .t-.-i'-e-,.;::',
to lvpi-a: the o-aiter lri--.- . i
v. ;;s,i t ;';e
.'.! , i.e t :!i:e of the Conquest the game
w.-'s faraeii to a very practical iiccuut.
for w in n a young iiobit-mau wi.-hed lo
pay cour:, to i iu- lady of hi-, love, the fond
! -.a : out c.maioiilv rrai'.e trial of his t:u-
oer by etc -.e.v big i'.i i ,er a chis.. board.
As a It. -I oi tc:a;.'i-r ;:ad patience it has !
picuhar mcri;.-. lieaegh there have I e.-ii
-one- iiot.abie ia- lances in which i iie: --
go- I quail! iiave fail. !. Is it u..: ic- !
eord.-d f "' -ur v. a ra i !".: how ''.Ioi, i. :
of Kisig ih'in'y. aad ule-. .', Ii :it v:.e.;i!. c ;
a; ciic.-!es. and .lohn i.ra.kc l'ulei.'- :.t .i j
Wliil Ue- eh- :! 'ooi-.j..; t licit I'llilu j
cave I. an ;-ii( .i a Mow had .aiioo i
I- died him;' aad iu another chr..iii. !e ls.v
V.'illi.i.m the ( 'ot:i. neror iu his yonn er
yi arcs playing at cia-ssc with tiie I'rinc"
of I'i;::.,e. 'o-ing a niaie, knocked th
t his.-e!ioard about Ins pate, which was ;i
canso afterward of much enmitv b-twci-ti
Nor are examples lacking :i ihe abuse
of j'aiicnee. The same . act liority wi,o bus
wriuen of liie liery I-'uIco gives us the fol
lowing aecouni.
'There is a story of two pcrsp.ns of dis
linction the one Jived at Madrid. I he
; her at IJome wlio played n gann of
che.-s at ihat distance, 'i'hey began when
young, .ai.:i though they both lived to a
very old age. yet the game was not iii.
ishi.'d. One of them dyin-.', apjioiuffd hi
executor to g.i on with the game, 'i'i.cii
method was: Kac'n ihus kejit a f hessito.iri!,
with the pieces ranged in exact order, in
their respective closets at Madrid and
liome, and having agreed who .-bo::!-l
move lirst. the don informs his playfellow
by letter llia.t he hits nio.ed his pawn two
moves; the courier .-.pee.iily re: urns, and
advises his anb-'gojii.t- that, tin- minute
afier he had the honor to receive this, he
likewise moved his Ling's pawn t wo
pares; and so they want on."
It would doubtless hae. turned ihe
brain of either of these two worthy don--,
if they could have been present on any of
these occasion.--. iu recent times when a
!,...! l ...... i... .-.-ui. .....i ti.,;i..,,i i.. a. !
graph between places bar apart in the
course of a few hours. Chambers'
Ji urnal.
A Hut i: Coiifiabrate Days.
An occasional fashion journal, however,
as well as dresses, bonnets, shoes. ;e.;
v. ouid be smimgled tiirough the liae.-. t.v
"run tiie blockade." and ;i sight of the.-e
interesting :ad i'.:buiouy high jiriced ar
ticles, bri'igiag; gii Mp.-es t.f that oilier i
w; rl 1 l'l'iiiu which site was so completely
hedged iu. o'dy served as an incentive for
lii.thtr '.ehievemen'.s. aad to furi.i-h
laoth ls from which to fashion Lome made
rai ments. For instance, my Lu le I ye,,.-, j
old sister Lee-i'e lie.- happy pn--e--...i of a ',
sma!: '.eirisa'i cM;ii,eau. o.a:!!i!:v l rniiaasi ;
wilii blue, atal k;mv .elvei. , hieit had v:n I
ih" b! ,-.!;;'.'i'- aid e .- i :.;:!. "l'was
small "! my, la.' (!!,'- o t !ie t w .
e.e.i o, i.iL'iv.o :
an I i r ::',:
'-,:'.: v.'oat'l con'.ia
w-iuhl rival ;h i:
e !' lile Av
'.: "ia be;
Lt's;., ,;!'
ic.ti vi.-.l t . v
h .lV. S. V.
i for pia;
s into ':::-
r-iS- :'.,!;!(
oi i' -i i aaa:
ifc-m, ii-s:,
w. re wry
hats. Sac
: wi -1
hr d a
::i s!e:o'- t
'..''l h :
..i :.-,;',
:: c-aai
; l-i
a-1 o,' ;,.i
O'."'. ',
. a i.
' !!;.
lha- i
t "it.:'.:
it with a i'.::,..'d ui.d kaott.-d ... ;rf of ,
sai.v-. v. hi: a sil': was cm fro:! the L
re?a::iaiag pans (,f ('.re.-..- we:::
before al In-r . -.':.;. in out '.'i y.-'
the two little hats is::-.- ,.':. ?t its i
co:n!.i iiat ioa of
was d.a-eg.a ila
.s. .f'.id.-oa.
i i ji.i e-ia .. aa'i s o ;:.
u.t al tractive. Jennie
Lit; ire ;:i abi..
'si- j,-.- :':! -. .u : pr- iih. t).:i'.
The C
when an u::sh;!f,ti phv.-! iaa. ia ai!!:::!.'---terin
,' medi-aec - n- i;s; n:. . ; i,e i.r :ip.i at :
r tl--hc"l 1
tod Jheivbv calls.-'- ! lie li; a! ii
f tiii path-ai. I;:" maa i-' :; t siiail call iu
other pi!a.:aus to -;;.. i.s!ti- the medi. i:a-s
orihe wound, li i. :": pear that ih: in
jury done was unia'.eai :'.!!aL th" prac
titioner ,:;:'.! then be tvc.'.ed ji.c.'airihg i'.
'the ste.l ate for .c-iih-i,! :, I humicides. aiai
shall :.;: e:; .'ni-ei' be allowed i.
ara.etic;.' me-iieiu". I'Ut if he have de
Si.gneiiiy '.teaaried from t:;-" e.if.'.t'ij.shi-il, and have pra-a 'i-e-.l det-.-it it: his
attempts lo cure. ',ht-. jnalady in onh r to
r;.:n tiVl'tftv, ilieu. accoruing lo it-
! nations o accr:.-. .. ':. it .iau::::: s r - .
i er.-ib;c y :aes ' :in;h to -torv-r 10 .
j ".'uiiiat.enlioaai" ' nialprac; :.-, v
- - -
i i-v..u..v.-- - '
; . -ic. iiiii'iirv.
1 VKta
j - ..n. v rv lew l::ea who b.:t
oiKK-ulat.Nl 'or any length of time m
, 11 .1 1 :
I '. ailsliw; v.oo ar-' n i
mir.e ty
lg oi the la
l!.ld to tell up'
Co'ii Ol Id.
! tWTON.
, p
i jj
Tj a ,rv r
' M 1 ') " 8 C
, liil J U tl t a
i' lilt' I )."V
p- fvi xm t -or
I tW fiV-J
; V- . V f &
1-jJIl - "
i !' til" Io ! T Vdi f v I ;iy.- V.
! A uJfUZ.& (Ul t
i rum ls t ; i ; i l;u! jo i--s, which win-
prices. These 'nnl emi-it
Cloaks, Imported
Astraehan and Plush Wraps.
e :,1h (lilt i- .-j,i
AIs- inch Tricds ;it 1 .
C'.fs at loe, Wol'tll . Tlie
I31 MttSITlOTl
tins vear.
l.iUl K'S
arc l!i;e,
ihe Lv.-t
nrT''T'MT3P "H T""' 7
(ircat Sitlcs combined in one. Opciiini:;
7zo2.rDj io.2.Txrra, NovsMEsn 21.
JLJS S JriL-S- 5bJ?
&m tx&m uulia iVW-'
For Ladies. ?I is: -
We art; (k-terniineil i.i r':c mi!
. , .
" Ll.VS ll t
:iss :):neb t will
j yit V St!I 5SS this salt; i espi -ejalj V
to (iiscoatit attv SiUiipie Lot Sale on
rrra ,r:i
e-.LQ.-o. v -j
a;!1" lifer sale o;, Iii: e (in.'1', oif'lo--'. II
i to c it i.-e , i
: U.'J.-.
L:i!it's.? (M-nts," and Children's
Kifty Dozen Pieces.
Aston isliinLf ;t!:ies will !;e oU'.ivd in lliis iJcoai 1 iueiS ffoi
tlieP.'. Xi. Two Weeks.
For Holiday .H'ii'l, I Icad(iiarlors loii" since Kslablihh
ed for nsefnl )reents. cinlir.-tcin." Ak Mulilcrs, lace and
ilk Handkerchiefs. Tikl Ses; Allninis, Tidie.-, tahle
Scai !'s. ilanniieied l"5i';i- Vhik Uroom C:i-( s. l'umo L'lut
Stand Covt is. r.iui fancy ( i
White From
I- MtiilM'l illlii id
i !! , ,i 1 1 1 i.i -, I In 1 1 (;', -r
ii i-
HI ('III, Of
ner UoisGounl
jt r cent
!' nil the I
"Ii' ll. in l.i-t vt'.'ll's
ute- I U s in
New Markets,
dlee;- in ;i
S I.i is
'. an
all wool Tli-
- ij ai'e th'
.I i -e . ill'i-i'i 1 1 1 1
to cull In t,e Ihe 111- Ii takes
rri TIT' "VP "P-"1 "T T
;;. - . ;i i n i (Jliihlren.
m;.- 1-Jntirc Slock o)'('it,ah. wilh-
la - louti'i the n.osf , , ! i ! i ,et e ill the
itltl'oi I liC!. 1 fni' I'iv.illV We g 11 U Hi II t C
recofl ! ') .-y cenl.
i- .-' a -oil ;ia- eeen nn
rcilutioiis iac !(-eii ln;tIe.
od. n Insju etion i
Dry Gcctls House,
years ago. He is not vet 40 vears old.
tipc cu.atui' a.