- i r 7 THE DAILY HERALD, PL Al jTSou rrt. x E;:.;vSK A, TUESDA V. JANUARY 10, 18S8. The Piattsnoutb Daily Herald. KNOTTS 23BO Publishers & Proprietors. TIIK ri.ATTSMOUTII HKltAM) ! piildiiiicil ivery evening i-xecpt Sumlay auU Weekly -very Tliiiisil.iy morniiiK. u-y-l-tcri'il :it th .isli.l:ii-i-. I' nitvinoiiili. NVi.r., : s sermiei-elass matter. Oliiei eonier of Vine ami Kiflll Ktl'lfl.-t. 1 lillMS I OK 1 II. V. One opy one year In alvai:ci ly niaii. . . vi; 1.0 ne ciiy per inontli. ly can ier ;,n One copy per week, ly earl ier, l: TKKMS hull WIKkl.V. One copy one year, in advance $i r.o OuecapygU mounts iuailvauee ir, Wk unelerstanel that with the it-ii of spring tlic IS. & M. folks mlcml mak ing the long-heeeled iinpreivenients in this city in the way of a hanilsoine passe ngcr depot. Vk wen; pleased to note the appoint ment of our old fellow cition, CJen'l !eo. K.Smitli, as assistant corporation c.nnel for the great city of Omaha. Je n'l Smith is a good lavy r, and will ably represent that city in the ton Is. Tin-: IIkkai.o will insist from time to time on public improvements. If any of our people will visit Lincoln and drive over tl e district of that city where ced; r block has ju.-t been put down they v. ill not tind any arguments against pavements. Let our people keep it befoie their minds that Plattsmouth must go ahead in this respect. Tin-; Omaha lit raid succeeded in nb taining the opinion of Oovernor Thay r. in full, touching the fitness of Mr. Lamar for the Supreme Ihnch of the I'liUee! States. We do not know whether Mr. Lamar is a fully rcconstnu ted secession ist or not, and we suppose if rejected by the Senate that body will not he govern ed entirely by Mr. Lamar's tivasonal ! record during the late rebellion. There v.rc other arguments againt him whit h to our mind reaches much further tit.: n the war record of the late Secretary oi the Interior, :;nd among these on his Ji't lifft for this high position; a man past sixty yer.rs of age whom eyery one admits has never ranked even as a g- ed sound lawyer is hardly the man to pbue on tV supreme bench alongside of men Yk Wait, Milln; Maihars. Fi-ld. JU ,lh f oiri and Gruff, and we do not think a President of the I'niteil States who hi due regard for the court of last resort in this country, would nominate a southern j-IltAfeV-g.- whose political fort inns are ? v completely builded upon the "MisMssipi plan" for that exalted position, especially when the politician is not a fair lawyer. Again, Mr. Lamar is too old a man to surrender any of his preconceived notions in regard to state sovereignty, and all those issues w hich he as a southerner fie in the manor born imbibed from his n oth er's breast. He belonged to a family whose dream was the rc-e.stabli-liiiiei-t of the African slave trade; his brother del ing the war elevotcd his whole energies and fortune in that direction; and no matter what a politician may profess in this day and age for the purpose of gain ing power ami .place, he is not likely to turn his back on his early education ami lifelong convictions, ami would unques tionably be influenced thereby. Mr. La mar is too old; is not good enough a law yer ami belonged to the wrong school of parties to make a safe supreme judge. Then again lie is unquestionably under the influence of the corporations of the country. His record as Secretary of the j Interior shows that the corporation roe k i was the one he and Mr. Sparks separatcel on; and that President Cleveland, true to 1 Ins instincts, stooel by his Secretary and snuffed the Illinois Spark (O out. "We j - think Governor Thayer might haye addeel i several reasons to the list he gave why Mr. Lamar should not be a supreme judge. ! CARLISLE'S DILEMMA. A laboring man from the faeforv down in Keutucke'y is after Mr. Carlisle and the seat lie warms iu the fiftieth congr-s. q Mr. Carlisle is a reformer and for t!:::t i matter so arc all revenue ivfor.it tlcmo- , crats, reformers within the democratic 1 eletinition of party reform: o it becoim s I a little embarrassing for lite third officer in rank 1:1 tlie present admini-tratu;:) to !e wrongfully witholding a seat in con gress from he very chi-s the welfare f which, he professes sm h grct .solicitude. Tiie showing so fur made b-l'ore tl.o committee on contested elections is dam aging to the speaker, to say t lie I.;it of it; broad t-li'teineiits of fraud ai.cl d ime are maele in sworii uJIidavits. and otherwise,-directly connecting Speaker Car lisle and his immediate mUL-crs and close political fiiends in Kentuekey wiis the disfranchi-mient of the clee tors of his district. Of course it will not do tocon- dcrnn the speaker oh ex -parte ftlmon' and the worst shade of the presnt tu-ei against him is the claim of liis opponent, Mr. Xnoebe, that all he a.-ks a democrat ic house to do is to bring Mr. C.irliJe into court and compel liim to face the music. The speaker aud his friends, it aplears, have been attempting to laugh Thofcbe'a case out of court, but that gen tlemen with lm counsel put in an ap- I . pcarance before tue commute or me h. ii e;i!id fn:iihe l .swum t stiu o y, upon which it is exceedingly doubtful whether Mr. Carlisle can further nffoid to meet iu any other way than by the tak ing of testimony all oyer his District. Thoebe claims that he is elected by over six hundred majority, ami that Mr. Car lisle concccdcd his flection but thut the returns from the outlying counties in his District were withheld and then boldly and wholly altered and changed to meet the democratic: emergency and save Mr. Carlisle's seat for him. Of the fact that no reliance can be placed on election re turns in many democratic districts in the south, where it is necessary to elect a d'jmorcatic member of Congress, w e have not a particle of doubt. We don't think any intelligent, fair-minded man, who has studied southern politics since the Mississippi and Carolina plan went into effect, has any confidence in or respect for election returns from that locality, and herein lies a danger and menancc to our free institutions greater than open re bellion. It is a great black spot on the otherwise fair record of our system of suffrage, and how it is to be remedied when the moral sentiment of a people becomes so debased and degraded, that open felonies committed against the elec tor are not only winked at, but brazenly upheld, is a iiuestion well calculated to cause the bravest citizen to tremble with apprehension for the perpetuity of Amer ican institutions. How Men Die. If we know all 'he methods of approach adopted by un enemy we are the better enabled to ward off the dangT and post pone the moment when surrender becomes inevitable. In many instances the inher ent strength of the hodysulliecs to enable it to oppose the tendency toward death. Many however have lost these forces to such an extent that there is little or no help. In other cases a little aid to tin weakened lungs will make all the differ ence between sudden death and many years of useful life. Upon the first sj nip toms of a cough, cold or any trouble of the throat or lungs, give that old and well known remedy Boschee's German Syrup, a careful trial. It will prove what thousands say ot it to be, the "bene factor of any home." Two ScnsibSo Lsdies. One that studies health before vanity and one that does not believe all she reads or hears, practical experience i every day teaching that the words given with Dr. Watson's Special Cough Cure, is practically relieving tie physicians from advising a hopeless case of Con sumption a change of climate necessary, to be left to die among strangers. The Specific Cough Cure is warranted, if di rections arc carefully complied with, to relieve, if not cure, the worst anel meist hopeless ases the worlel ever saw. Price ."50c and $1. For sale by V. J. Warrick. Hon. H. W. Crady The Statesman, Scholar and True American, set an exampli worthy of re flection for all True Americans. Healing wounds that no methods except those used by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Salve which is sedel on its merits for any use that a salve can be used. No cure, no pay. For sale by the following drug gist. Price 25c per box. W. J. Waiusic-K The Public Eye Is what troubles many Publishing tcsti meinials of cures, unknown is condemned by the Quaker Medicine Company and thesc who have occasion to use Balycat's Fig Tonic for the blood and indigestion and Dr. "Watson's New Specific Cough Cure are free to speak theSr experiences. No cure, no pay required. Price 50e and $1. For sale by the following drug gist: W. J. Warrick. FlerlM-rt Spencer at Tennis. It is curious to think of Mr. Herbert Spencer's playing tennis. One would have as soon expected to see Carlylc at battlecloor fine! shuttlecock. A few years r.50, howeve-r, Mr. Spencer used frequent ly to lay elewn his pen anel lift a raciptcc, His brain was overworked with less than un hour's writing, ami it became finite a common thing with him to .seek relaxa tion in the tennis court. lief ore he be eanie so much of an invalkl Mr. Spencer also went a gooel ileal to the theatre al v ays to the pit, into which ho enjoyed 4;ghting his way. flook I,ore. Naming His Drink, Why did I ask that gentleman what lie would have when I know that he has drank nothing but whisky anel lemon for twenty years? liccause it is our policy always to ak the question. Suppose that you ditl.not know that gentleman, and he came in, and withemt saying a word I would put up whisky anel lemem, what would you think? Why, yon w ould say o yonrself, "That man is an ohl stager here, 'ibeie i no need of askinsc him what he wants; iiiey kimw him." So wo always make it a point to go thiongh the form of asking the customer to name his drifts. Iiarkeeicr in Globe-Democrat. Hiram II. Hovels, nnei uot Blanche K. yjrnee-, as fa often stated, was the first eoioivd man that ever sat iu the Ucitctl States bouatis. Notice of Sala Under Mortgage. Chatisl Sojir- is li;-reliv jriven tti?.t ly virtue of a clnittu! ' HiLflnys:- ilateit on tSie VI ii day of Dec ember, is:, a i iu',;' lt-il :! reeoideil in tlie oaiee 1 I lie c-uiiiiy e ier ;;- ui . ..!. raska.oii l!ie lt:tti '!-V l Deeeiiih-r, 1:7 ami exeeuted 5y J. S. Pake le Nliennan S. .) et; Co . t- seeure the naynieiit of the rum 4:f -s-yKU) and upon which thcro is nuw line the' sua; of saw 02. le ault liain4 le-en mali; in tii" iM'i..e::t of said m:w 1 IktcKto I wilt pell tlie 5ioier'.y ti.eivi;; eiescrieed, viz : 'Die eniire stoek e-f stn'.es. tinware :;;:d shelf ani! Jieavy hardware and fixtures ot the store -ruivn. AV siluateel in b: iek innltihc eu ea-t halt lot eishtjij block twenty-nine la the eify ot riait!rnnutii, et nubile aueiion nt he front door ef tlie above descihfl store buildiiiK Ytle city of I'lattgimnith.i'avi eUHtv,Ntr is 4a. on the 2 n d il:-y of January. lsS, at the hour of ten o'clock a. 111. of faid day. SHKKMAN S. jKWrT&CO., W. S. Wuk. Agt. aad Ally, Wortagee. lor Mortgagees. :!! !.-; ?!:. .tr to ITiu-o;e. It l.as gotten to bo a common tiling for tniall sums of money to be transferred by cable between New York and London. A oreler may be Hashed .under the At lantic from New York in ample time to nerve as a chopping fund in Ioiidii tlie same afternoon. And tlie transfer is cheaper and easier now, not te say iloublj' more sne-edy, than it was a few years ago to send te-n time:s tlie amount. Few jie-ople re-ali.e iew closely the great cities ef the world are eonnee-te-d by chaineel lightning anel how cosmopolitan civilized humaiiily hies lx-eome. The telegraph com)aiiies elo this sort of banking luisine-ss by wire every day In-t ween the cities of America. 1 1 1 it. it won't send s?l, nor 1,0H) ut any price across the ocean. Hanks wi?i caijle money in large amounts, ejr for valued custom ers, but only at a e-ost prohibitive to moelern poeketbooks. The great banking houses will nejt transfer a smaller sum than '10, anil then only at the rate of .5 per pound sterling, irrespective ef current rates of exchange. After adding the cable tolls the operation be'cennes imprac ticable. Hut it remains a fact that much smaller sums are cabled across the pond daily anil weekly and nmnthly without difficulty by people who know how to do it. Knglish theatrical people playing en gagements in New York, or anywhere in the United States, constantly sent a regu lar percentage ejf their salaries to friends or agents in the eld country for domestic use or investment. Constantlyon the go, anel accustomed to the use or telegraphing for every day purposes, the slow process of transmission by mail soon becomes irk some to them. They founded the system of cabling money to the other siele, and it has already prown to a most interesting proportion. They ele it through their bteamship agency. Philadelphia Press. Apprentice In tle Social Scliool. The awkward undergraduate, who has come from a farm anel struggleel man fully for years to gain an eelucation, who is popular among his fellows, has mas tered science anil languages anel been crowned victor on commencement day, finds all his triumphs turn to ashes on his lips when he enters a parlor tilled with young women. They know each other, they are at their ease together, but he h; outside, lie i-; in terror lest he shall savor do something contrary to those trilling rules of eti quette of which he is ignorant, but which they have known since their chilelhood. Sometimes thhs dread leads him te as sume an air of haughty reserve, or he tries to hide hi:? diflidence under a familiar swagger. Doth these pretenses are use less and vulgar, anel make him aggres sively disagreeable (is well as awkward. In this, as in every difTicvdty in life, it is best for him to face tlie truth. He does labor under a real disadvantage. No mat ter what his acquirements or moral worth, If he does not know how to manage his hands and feet, to use his forks and glasses at dinner, to modulate his voice and control Ins eyef, well bred people will bo prejudiced against him. Close anel quick observation will soon teach him these trivial rules. In the meantime let him be content to keep in the bnekgrounel. If an apprentice in the social school ne quiet, gentle anel sincere iu his manner, anel ji goel listener, ve-iy few people will notice how he breaks his bread or uses his napkin. Y'ouih's Com panion. "I wish you'd tell me of anything in the world," saiel the young man that boards 1 U South Division street, "that is worse than the stiff brim met! hats worn by the men of this generation. "What fault have you to finel with tlie stiff hat?" asked the Arounder. "Well, there is one fault that outvil lainies all the rest, and that is the elifli cnlty a fellow with a stiff brimmed hat cm encoutiter3 in trying 0 kiss a girl. Yon make a sally, ant! when within two inches of the goal your hat brim strikes Clarissa on the forehead anel stops you. Nine times out of ten your hat is knocked off and falls on the porch with a great racket, which makes you ridiculous. A fellow that has been caught so once or twice al ways takes care to set his hat on the back of his heat! before trying to kiss a girl, and then he lias some chance. When a girl sees her companion push his hat to the back of his head she needs to be on her guard. II9 js bent on mischief." Buffalo Courier, Character in the Ears. I have often felt, too, that something of a man's nature could be determined by his cars their shape anel their hang, if I may put it that way. I have noticed that wide, heavy jawed and stolid criminals, and even men of intelligence of this make up, have small ears which lie close to their heads. These men are not tej be triiletl with, and they only appreciate the pres sure of force or of mind when they feel it. The lantern jawed anel Happy eared arc easily read anel handled. The most des perate criminals, whether of the higher or lower order, are of ihe former class, while the petty thieves anel men of light mental caliber are generally of the Happy eared genus. I think; too. that something can be told of a person's nature by his gait in walking. I elo know that much can be determined by the carriage of the hc-ad. just the same as the jockey or horse fan cier tells the nature nnel spirit of a horse by head poise.-. Inspector Dyrnes in New York World. ' Comfort at a IMciiic. A communication from the office of tlie mayor of Selma, Ala., containetr- the in quiry: "Does a bald headed, short legged, fat man ever take any real tomfort going te a picnic:'"' "He nebber, nebberdoes," solemnly :n swereel lirother Cardner. "He sometimes thinks he eloes, but hear' mistaken. Do only putson who gits any real cnjiyment ouleu a picnic ar' ele babies who miss ele usual forenoon spankin' at home, an' e'.e tall, thin man, who hey Mil hungry fur do previous three weeks.'" Detroit Free Press. A Queer l-:i:glisli ll:ilit. Omaha .Girl Se you mot Klk-n Terry daughter:-' Did you rlke here New York Girl Yes; but she's awfully Knglish, you kno',y. "I suppose :';e." "Yes; she never opens her mouth t:uie fhe has something to say.'" Omaha World. A yVati:i wilh a Sail. A Dakota genius has iuventeel a three cornered or Hying jib sail which he atr taches to an ordinary light wagon iu such a way as to c;.tch ti e wind, sending the t'hicle Over the streets or the prairies at jthe rate of ten pr Jwelve miles an hour. New York Tribune. A Russian miser learned to bark iu prder to ftyoid the cspeuso of keeping a u wutch e-oi j I SlRppii'i; u Lady'ii l"ce. Unfortunately the masher is not the only nia'o nuisance in lirooklyn. A elis tant and much more offensive relative of his is the unknown rutlian. who, a fe-w months, ago, made his practices, although not his personality, notorious by mali ciously soiling expensive owns with to--baeeo juice in the ncighltorheieid i)f Dr. Talmage's church. A few nights ago an equally ollVnsi ve and riifhanly, but much more practical and dangerous, individual made his up tea ranee em Pullou street. His victim was a young lady who re.-ides within easy walking distance of the bridge. She had c rot seel from New York in a bridge car between 7 and 8 o'clock in the evening and was walking up Fulton street alone, not dreaming of insult anil still less of violence em that thoroughfare at so early an hour. Dess than half a block above Sands street she received a sharp, stinging slap e.n the face. She turned, surprise-el and frightened, anel'saw that her assailant was a we-11 dressed, gentlemanly looking fellow. "1 beg your pardon, miss," he said, "it was a mis take," anel he darted oil without another worel. A dozen men witnessed the assault, but the only one who teok apparent notice ef it confined his attention to the young lady anil not to her assailant. "Oh, that was a terrible blow, miss; elid it hurt you?" he said. "Yes," replied the still fright ened anil e-e.iil'use-d girl, and wishing to avoid further notice she hurried av ay, wondering, when she be-gau to collec t her senses, if the man who sdapped her face re-ally mistook her for an accpialutaucc, and, if so, why he chose to give t an ac-epiaintane-e in so startling a fashion. She learned all about it when she reached home, for she then eliscovered that tiie fellow had stolen fivnn her ear a valuable earring. "Did I report the oe-eurre-nc-. to the polie-e:--" she said to the Kambler, after he hael heard her story." "No, if course I e!idn"t. That wouldn't bring back my earring, and besides I elon't think you would tinel many girls of your ncquaint-jene-e who would care to see their names in the newspapers iu connee-t ion with suc h an occurrence. 1 am glad euoiigii tii.-it notoriety hasn't hcc-ii alde-d to my fright; and my loss, hut I don't think I sliail ever fee-1 sale again when I am emt alone after dark." "Uambler"' in Drooklyn Eagle. The !i.-it:nic of the Stars. Tlie disb'-nceof the star Alpha Centauri mav be state-d in round numbers to be eO,(')00,(!0(i.tiO!;(Hi() of miles. Now, a bil lieni means a million of million::, ho that tlie distance oi Alpha Centauri may be stateel to be twenty millions of miilie-ns of miles. Le-t us now try to form some con ception, however imperfect, of the amazing distance. Let us suppose a railway train te leave the earth traveling day anel night at the rate of fifty miles an hour without stoppage.. In six months it woiihl reae-li the moon, in 'o'l years it woild reach the sun and in (i.000 years il would reach the planet Neptune, tin; orbit of which forms the extreme known limit of the planetary system. The same train, however, woclel not reach the star Alpha Centauri in less Mian h?,f!i).C.0: yr.-irs One inenv illustration may be useful. Comets, in general, reve-lve in very eccen tric orbits. When a comet is in the peri-i he-lion of it ; 'orbit it is e-ompar.-it ively near to tiie earth; em tho other hand, when it. is at the aphelion it is remote iu many instances very remote from the earth. For instance, the celebrated ce-met of 1 ":, known as Donati's comet, ejiio of tlie greatest comets- ef moth-ru times, at the time or its passage ot 'the pei ihel ion was distant from the sun ."iO.OOOjOOO miles; but when it has attained the aphelion of its orbit (which will occur in about 1,000 years hereafter, ;ts distance frf-m the: earth will not be less than 00, 000.090, 000 miiVs. New our typical railway train starting from the earth would not reach the aphelion of the orbit of Donati's comet in less than 00, 000 years, and yet the aphelion distance of Donati's comet is only 01 o seven-hundredth part of tin; distance from the earth to Alpha Centauri, the nearest of thelixed stars. Gooel Worels, Jewish Highlanders in the Caucasus. The Caucasian Jews are inordinately fond of green stuff, consuming it in quan tities that amaze a stranger. In partaking of feioel, as in the menle of scrvic-e, the old Jewish customs, are strictly followed. A, wooden platter (or, if a guest be present, a handsome copper dish) is placed upon a carpet on the floor. On this are set two cakes of vmleaveneel breael covereel with a cloth woolen on oreiin ary occasions, but of silk on Sabbaths anel festivals. Salt, onions, garlic anel fruit are rangeel round the bread, anil ell sit down upon the floor. The master pours water over his two hands, recites a blessing, then uncovers the breael, breaks the upper loaf into as many pieces as there are males present, and gives each one piece. The pieces are dipped into stilt three times and eaten. The secemel loaf is then served in like fashion anel elistribute-el among the fe males. The mistress of tlie houo bring! in the first dish herself: then, if a stranger be present, veils and withdraws. Every thing is put on table, or .rather on t-io floor, at once; anel it is customary 10 rake a little of each dish served. When roast meats are eaten, a sharpened piece of wood is employed as an aitl to the Hngers, but ordinarily lingers alone are ele rlgr.cur. The highlanel Jews prepare an excellent "mountain dew,"' anel drink large quanti ties of the spirit without seeming to ex perience any intoxicating effects. St. James' Gazette.. Morniiijf Walk in t!n; Citj-. S;tnebo(ly is always nskinc; Avhy busi ness men do not more generally walk part of the ivay to their business every m 'ra in:?. There are several jxoo.1 ee.isoi Avliy they do not. First of all, they are ant to have halt a, bucket of M ater throv. u on them by .some heedless Jc-ames, i.o al v.ays sets .ij;rtrt (1 a. ni., or thereabouts, as the proper time to va.sh the shlew aiks. Then t hey will probably have to walk past three or four lonily -.-cut lemon's gen tlemen who ui-ei ti!jageet in kuockitiijC i!ij etust out of the lamiliar elcr niat by striking it against a lamp post. Thcsri are the dangers tliat menace the motniiig vvnlke-r iu the sale streets. Xer ii h.j any better oil when lie fre'-s to t bu.-.ines.i ;.. -eiiue. Uy a sort of sacred tradition, about half the shops on sue-h. tivenue-s art! Violently swept out tit exaetly the hour v. lie-ti l.i:riess ineii are going down town, nnel the only iv.iy ui cseayo flora iho ia tolerable dust is to walk iu the middle of the street. Plainly, New York ii not built for the convenience of btt-ine.v-; men who want to walk. New York Tribune. Trick of a TJanlirnrit. An English bankrupt having pleaded that Lis failure was elite to the default of the government of San Salvaelor in paying jts obligations, the consul of that country has published a e-arel announcing that his covernmeut has never suspentleel payment. aad has no obligations abroad except a railroael loan, the interest upon which is paid promptly. New York Sunt JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANCFACTl'IOCIl OK A N It WHOLESALE & RETAIL D!-:ai.ku in tiii: Choicest Brands vi Cigars, inclmling euir Flor do Pepperbergo arcl 'Buds Ki'i.i. mm: ok TOU A CCD AND S.MO K K 1 iS' A 1 ITl ( ,'LKS always in stock. Nov. "(i. lfss.". The standard re nicely feu liver coin plaint is West's Liver PUN; they neve-i disappoint you. :J0 pills 2.c. At War lick's drug store. Dr. mack's Rheumatic Cure Inn cured more cases of Rheumatism in th 1 u t ten ye ars in this city ami county thai any and all eithe r medicines put togethe r For sale by Smith & RlacK. A New Keir.edy with Voneleiful IlealiEfj Powers. For ioth Internal and extrnul Oc5. FGSlTiVE CUCE POH RKTlKATISM Am0 NEURALGIA. jM.-.; Colic. Croup. :cn.1ac!ie. Lame Back. Wo-itxls. jtti'i all liili-i-vinV aiinu-nt-i ol' tlx- human liy. P A I L-R O A D 1 Is the Best on Earth for Er;nch:t-s, COUCH CeiFE t Couylss. Throat ami L-m-j Trcutics a. r:::Tirs zzzz is it: z..::c: ccs. Ti-.cse Medicines are Warranted by yo;tr Dr.ipyist. I'ri.-e -'it , f ee. ami it j.ci- boltlc. l' r 51 will tt-inl I.nu-1 .-iz- ol'i iihi-r I nn-, .i'cjail . .'.i'..!n:s Rr.ii-Rcaei Kemceiy Co., Csx 372, Lincoln, Kc;. Traele; sujipli ei by Rie haieisem Drug Co., )maha, Nebraska. DA I EAT JO tiiJlv Oliver dk Slarjago, Proprietors. BEEF, PORK, IV!!J1T0K, VEAL, POULTRY V'o kceji ciiistantiy ea liaini l!ie iinost ami f richest line tt' meats in the city. Afeats ( t till kineis in their reason. SUGAR CURED MEATS, HAMS, BACON, LARD, SAU5AGE AID MINCE MEAT. And everything to suit the fleniand our trade. (Jive u.s ti trial, CkD ZiZifJ iJsa J LtlirS o7W cjabs 2L- J South Side Main Street, Metween Fii'tli ami Sixth. -OFi-TCES f)F- Mercantile Law and Rial Kstate Litgation :i specialty. Cu. lections made in all parts of the State through competent attorneys. Persons desiring the best ot FI KINSU AXCK can get it by ap plying at this olHee, either iu tho o!l FJio-nix, of Hartford, .Etna, of Hartford, Queen, of Liverpool, Xiagara, Western, Tr.-tekiv of Chicago. Xo better companies ca:i be fnuml ;is can be had in aisy relirdde e'onipany. FARM jk. i TIT v e 1... e an execeejired v lar-j-e prove'! 1 ..,..1 unimproved, ineluding (..ill dei;o property in the city. It p.vjj.erty is wanted either within the old town t-ite or in any of the additions, to the city, it can be had il ........ .1 . 1 1 . T , 1 utiongn 1:11s onice. i'eiv..ns isaviu'r nroirrit will consult their beet Interet-i- by The loveliest residence locality iu tiie city can be purchased at this ofike for .$150, in payments 0i,e-thiid dowj;, balatM-e in one and two years: or s2o down, liuluucj in monthly )aymenis. Anvone de siring to visit this locality, vUitthcr thoy have in view the purchase of a lot or nor, by calling at our office will be driven to the Park free of expense. Kemember the pia;-e, 3amsoy Jo d ili HEALTH IS WEALTH ! Jr.K. ('. West's Nerve ami liriilu Trcatini-nt 1 Uiiarimte-o speeitic for Jiysliiiii I ilnes. l'on iiNions. I-in. Nervous .Seiiralcia, Ih-aii-.iclie. Nei vi'oii.i l'reist ration eause-il ly Hie ie 1 alcoliol or toliae-eo, ;ik'fiiln sk, :eiilal Ite-firer-j;n, Sdlleniii' of tlie Ili.tln ii-Millinn In In sanity ami lead 11 li misi-ry, decay and denlli, -ii-:iiatiue eld f;e, r.ari't'iiiiess, bosrt of 1'ow r in cither st-x. lnvuliiiitary i.o.sn-s ami S'iit liat ri lii-ii caused hy live r-exel tlon nf I lie il hcll.il.iisi; orover-lniii 1 n-e Kaeli Ix'X -oniaiiis one nioiithV treatne.it, $1 ini a box 1 six lnes for sent ty mail ine jialdou receipt of pi Ice WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES i' e-iire any race. With eaeli order received y us for six hoxe-s, iieconipan:ed with i't 00. ve vmII send the purchaser 1 ur eviilte-n jiiiaiali ee to letiilli the tnoiiey if Hie tl at UK-lit lines nit elleet a cure. (iu,-irantees Issued only ly ill J. Warrick sole anent, riattsiiiouth. Neh. Use Dr. Mack's Rheumatic Cure if t elon't do you any jood come in anel ve will j;ive yeni your money back. Fur i.de by Smith A; Jilat k. $500 Reward. We will ji.iy the above reward for any .-ase of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sie-k headache, imlie-stion, cuiistipation or costi ve-ncss we: cannot cure with West's 'e--tabh fjver 1'ilN, w hen the; directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, anil ne-vcr fail to jjivu satisfact ien. Liiffie boxi-H ioutaiuinr :0 sugar coated pills, 2.V. For sale by nil druggists. J'cware ef counterfeits msd iinilntious. The genu ine iiianul'acturcel only by John O. Well cV Co., M W. Jladise'm St. Chicago, Its Sold by W. .J Warrick. KET, AIES. anywhere, and Ine tates are as low MAR e& Insurance - INSURANCE list f I.eally for -ale, both Iin- M.!iieot the mo.-t desirable m. stoe or . t. exc-hs ange it-n 11 :e f-aRie with us. Cass covttv DAVi 1 V ' i-