pWtetiiifiifili FIRST VI2AU Pli.VTTSMOUTII, NEI5RASKA, TUESDAY E VENI N(, .lAMJAIiV iO, Isjss MI3IHUII lO(S. I- i t i v: . i .fj 7 1 .J 1) SIM I'SO.N i: II s n i ii .1 II Wai khman );- 1: N I'l.UlK A Maixii.K .IS Ma in kws i V II MAI. I. K .1 V W'KI KI1ACI1 I A W U II 1 1 K 1 M "X ( W.m Win is t M 11 Mi -it I'll v I S V I MI I I' N t K S ; iiki'ski. I Mi C.U.l. FN. Tick .1 W.I'lllNS IN,I'UAIU.MA. Hoard rul.Woi-k.t t- ICI ! M II H.WVKSW (-Ki ll ; : r GO I Il V O 1' 1 ' H ' Vi Y S. - Treasurer. - A. (', ).'lii:y li.'.inir.-i-, - - lii.i;. roi.l.oek t:i,.il - - Ji i:l ( i:i i li l 1 1 i. i I e!Hli V 'li-l'U . r. A I !1 ! 1 II I I K ! ih'i' 'I i .'e.'lS l,-iti' v IC 1 -i.-:' V:'-.x i ni'H ici Co irf, Kilt-nil. Karvyr. Altoim-y. Ha:t. lit I'ui) Sea -1 Ciituil y i ii I v. ii. i'.mm .l.i i n M l.i;. ia V. e. miw-.vai.tki: .1. c .1 a ! n i:. i: A i;i:i:s is 'i .M v.v-'io s-isk . - r. or s.ei'r.uvisoits A. P.. T":t. I.iir is !'. i. r.. 'li'in., A. II. IM liS!N, I'!:ats!.i1.utli Yevi:iK U tli-r :i vie smn?H (iA-iH i.oi;:--: .n. i cvciy I" .n I -: V vi-:. in t i iiiisii-i.i t i 1 1 1 i an- r. Ull'-llll. i !.. r M.i-ts nf i:c! v, !! . All ; li -lliiii iiivileil lo j v (. li W.-M.-ets fU:l l.oixiK N:). si. i- i't V ;i!i -i'.i li l ii.Liy evi iiln : ;ii !v. i; l'. li:t:I. i i.ti.y.. -:n imiii.h-m ;ir- n-.p i i.i iij ues li:itt-:i-:. I". I Wiiii', .M.tirr orkuiiiii ; l:. A 'lull- riv:u:tii ; 1'-J Mr;;i", OH'itm ; .1 K Mo'ri's. i;i ,:'r.!.'V. : V. .".'iti .........i' .iii.i tVii'iri i! Oi Vir - i av cv.miih- at K. of I', hall. All tmiisieiit .r..l Ii,t. an' i i-iiiestf .l to m.-ef iih. J.. A. .NewiM i:.T. VeuiT ilile iiisul ; ! . ISiles, Won hv Ail . i-.iT : l. H. Siaitli, lix ll.iukt r ; W. C. Will-tts, i.'rk. jIA'iT;',I!)l; l'H I.ODUH N'. s. A. (. lT. W. i :.!.(:$ !..! ahfinale l-'ii.iay cvcliinii at llix k v...,..i li.::i ;';( ii o"cl :eK. All rraiisieut ln-ot li-r-rs si :-- resiM-i'ii'.itly i liit 'i' i :i!!i'inl. '. ; iitseli", M. V. : S. (Ii-f'ii. t'lreijian : S. C'. Ki'e.niIiT ; r. A. Noweotner. Jversi .T. fC?OMIHi POST 45 C. A. R- l:nsii:i:. .1. W. .loii.Vj, -.v ' ainamUT. 0. S. Th us St-iinir V ice 1. a. Hatk lunior ' I KO. N I I.K-t. All jut. -lilt, ,' TiiTsr I'Aiirs ii M. L on li n Oliieerof I lie Iay. (HAki.:'U'.n::i " " liuant ilk;)l'i,K .SiTjrt Major. JaciH! U' x.. ..fjaar.vr Master Sertct. Ai en v VYKi.iiir Vo-t Cliaplaiu 3J.;u'lia4 Saturday eveaiu 0 .raimeffti INSURANCE fiGEfilS liojHVsent the following timc triyil :i:nl liro-tcsted companies: Anu lie.-.n Cenlial-S-. I.ouu, Asveis ai.J'iS.ODl Coinmercia! lTniau-Kiii;laiul. Fire Assoclatiou-Pliilaileli'liia, I'r.iuknii-riiilai'u'lpiria, Jlome-Xew York. lis. C , of Xoith America. Pliil. j.lvi'ri-H'.A;!ili)u & ;lobe-I'ai NurtU Pi-!!ts!i .s.- Meivaniile-Eii 4 ! 117 l'c I 7,sj5.o U 0..i:).7Sl :;,:?7S,75I I.2I".4i".t!i l''-'laiil. " SiM-iutield T. X M.-Spiin-n.-lJ, " T-.ital Assets, 542.115,774 ois3 A) Riss3Pdiiattli!sAenc HROW'N.E, X-W OFFICE. I- isoM.-.l attoiitioii all I'.usui-s Kntiust-j jo my ea:i. '.)t.u:y ix ot ric?!. Till.-- 1'viii.iii. Alutau'i inoiit".!, in- Muaaif Vii:ti !i, i i ai StuU- ;SiM. 15,-iter Faeiliiies for i.iakint; ran.. U,:i tn.ui Any OilCr A.'CilC5 l2atlss:ioia5i, WE WILL HAVE A p G sf I S 5 L era HOLIDAY GOODS, ALSO Library - Lamps -OF- UiiaslitsiesaMPallsiDs AT THE USUAL Vi "" Cheap irnces J- -AT- M iycr, Ci.'lit. Ti-iMimvr. A'.mruey, Knuiiif-r. 1 m:. .1 uil', JW iifli.UI, Co iin:iliiiMi,";liL want, id ' ::r.l lili. " Son IT flu SMITH & BLACK'S. Latest by Telegraph. lMKKOVKI AND KTOl.KN. Weather Predictions Washington, Jan. 10, l::J0u. in. Iu- dieations fur Nebraska: Wanner, fair i weather; litfht to variable winds. I I Dakota Division. j Washington. Jan. it. The coinmiitec ! on territories this morning instructed its chairman to report favorably the bill for l!i ; division of Dakota and the admission ' of .South Dakota as a state. ! A Preponderance cf Mormons. Salt Lake, Utah, Jan. !. The Utah , lcrisl;iti(in met to-day and organized ! " . j hotli brandies There are three Gentiles and t viity-oie MoruioiiH in the lower jOUSL. . two Oeatiles and t n Mormons ! in the upper. The Governor's message ! wiji ,Uit i, ,l,:livt.,T,l U11til Jo-morrow. I Politnes3 Rewarded. 1;i:ooi;i.yn. X. Y., Jan. 10. While George W. Taylor, aged l'., clerk for S. W. iV. A. Ackerman, was making a de posit of tl;e firm's money at the Kings Count !:aj)k yesterday, he stooped to pick ! "1 solnf: change dropj)cd !y a lady near M,ijn. w hen he had received the lady's . thanks he discovered that his wallet con- I . . - . . . . , . . , i taming ft , , '.), which he had laid on n J desk, was missing. The cashier sa"S he noticed a man hastily leave the bank at the same tiiu? the woman dil. tives are working on the case. Detcc- Pauper Immigrants. Xicv. Yout", Jan. 10. When forty two Arab immigiants were about to land at this port recently it wr.s intended to ship tlipui back to Bordeaux, whence they came as they were likely to become paupers. At this juncture John Ab-El-IIour, the noted Arab peddler, and II. W. O. Edye. of Punch, Eyde, & Co., came fo rward with a "2."i,000 security bond that they would not become paupers. They were then released and went to different board ing hous s. Here one Shara Sal'f, a lieu tenant of Ab-El-IIour. went to each of them and succeeded in gettihg $S each from thirty-eight of them, on the ground that they woud itave had to go back had it not been fcr Ab-El-IIour. Four of them would not put it up, but reported the matter to Castle Garden, whose of lieera are now hunting for Mr. Saff. An Important Mining Doal ija Cki:cjv, X. M., Jan. 10. A very important mining deal has been consum ated here, by which the one-half interest in the Bennett mine, in the Organ Moun tains, just east of this place, was sold to the Messrs. Fitzgerald, owners of the In ternational Smelting-works, of El Paso, i Tei. The mine was owned bv John Rougher, of El Paso, ami Wm. II. Skid- more, of Las Creurs. About a month ago Skidmorc leased his own half inter est to Messrs. Carrerca & AVood, of L is duces, who began operating the mine, the lease to run one year. ly the terms of this sale Messrs. Fitzgerald pay Car rerca & Wood $20,000 for their interest in the lease, and they also pay Mr. Skid more .o0,000 for his one half interest in the mine. Doughcr retains his iuterest in tlie iiiir.e. A large body of ore was struck lecently and the lessees were tak ing out and shipping a car-load of ore lT day. netting a profit of $o00 per . tav at the time or the sale. j Judge Holladay's Narrow Escape j Washington, I). C., Jan. 10. Judge 1 Tiiomas llolladav, ex-auditor of Missouri j anJ chix:i of aWi.jsn j tie ofUce of the i 'tr of the Treasury, has had a nar- row escape irom neing anoiner victim to the poisonous gases of the Treasury ! I: ding. The Judge was one of the i committee of slk tjiliiula npjiojijted ly ! the Sicrttary of the Treasury to make a i thorough examination of the records ami l):H)ors stored in the sub bascmcut of the great Imiidiug J):iy after day the com- i mittee plunged down into the sulituran ' can regions, where the sunlight never I reaches and where fresh air is almost un known. Thev found the papers, some of tlu in of 'great value, but it was often necessary to scrape off the mildew before the writing upon them could be read. There were tons and tons of voucher and other important records piled up in the hallways, -j hey had lain there' until mold had gathered upon Q them an inch thick. The committee car ried out instructions, but every member was made Eick by toiling in the poisoned atmosphere. Judge llolladav being crip pled ami i ' ; up. lie pled and somewhat delicate, has had the pull of any of them to gtt . 11 A 1 1 up. lie yus jusr. ame m leave n is oea for a short time Sunday. Ileal estate and abstracts. d!f W. S. Wise. THE NATION'S SOLONS Doings In tho Senate and Houso Yesterday-Presidential Mes sages Committee Work Washington, D. C, Jan. i). Hills were, introduced and referred as follows: By Senator Sherman For the invest met of certain funds in the treasury; also to establish a bureau of adulteration, and to regulate and protect th;j importation, manufacture and s de of adulterated ar ticles of food and drugs. 15y Senator Coke For a bo.ard of arbi tration for ihe controversy between the United States and Texas relating to a strip of territory. I5y Senator Dawes For the appoint ment of a superintendent of Indian schools. lly Senator Farwell To create a lake and gulf waterway commission. I5y Senator Jones of Nevada A con current resolution requesting the presi dent to negotiate a treaty with China containing the provision that no Chinese shall enter the Uniled Slates except am bassadors and others engaged in the diplomatic service, and merchants cn traLted in trade between the United Statis and foreign countries. Laid on the table. IN THK liotsl.. Washington, D. C, Jan. !. Mr. i)a ker, of Illinois, resigned from the com mittee on claims, and his resignation v.i- accepted. The house ihen proceeded to the call of states, and the following bills were introduced : By Mr. Dunn of Arkansas Author:;: ing the purchase of foreign built ships by United States citizens and to permit the same to be registered as United States vessels. By Mr. Symmcs of Qdorado Provid ing for the free coinage of silver. By Mr. Lawler of Illinois A resolu tion providing for the appointment of a special committee to investigate the cause underlying labor strikes. By Mr. Anderson of Lwa A preamble and resolution reciting that the P.:--sue ltailroad companies have persistently re fused to comply with the various acts of congress passed for their regulation, and that the act of Jivjs provided if tin companies failed to perform all the re quireincnts of that and previous acts the attorney-general should lake stcj s for a forfeiture of all grants, privileges and franchises derived by then from the Uni ted Sta'cs, anel directing the attorney general to report to the house what steps have been taken by him to secure a judi cial forfeiture, and if none have been ta ken, to give his reasons for not proceed ing as directed by law. By Mr. Hatch of Missouri For the im portation of salt free ef duty. Without conchuling the call of states the house, at ! o'clock, adjourned. Word comes from Florence? of tiio death of Signora Marianna Bjirbieri-Xini, who was famous thirty or forty ye;-i ? ago as an operatic singer, anil was as re markable for exceptional ugliness as for iier' artist ici tnicnt and pIo:id;.i voice. In tho height of her fame she married Corjii Nini and retired from the stage. After his death she married a well known Vienna musician named llackunssoihier, who sudelenly disappeared, leaving lu r in extremely straitened circumstances," anil fJie was forgotten except by a few faithful friends. She us".l herself to re late with a tvrtaiii piquant gusto that oneo when playing "Norma." in the famous duet where tho two rhildten M't piwenteel to the heroine by Adalgisa, v.i she bent to embrace- them, tlio liit!e girl who persemated o;;eef the chilelren wiis so terrified by uglines:i that she sprang from the stage into tlf wings, o.v claiming, '-Meahei. liieither, liio vitch i there!" to the intense amusement of the audience. The combined weaiih of this remark able family (the A.-.tors) probably stands without parallel i:i the world. It haa lx;en the eteady er.eleavor of tiie living members of the family to underestimate their possessions in order that they might not arouse the too bitter jealousy of that class of the population which looks mimic-ally at hoarded wealth. Fortius reasoif John Jacob Astor lias never given any authority for statements of his wealth that put the figures lieyond slOO. OoO.OOO, anel ordinarily this sum is looked upon as the limit of his possessions; novel -thfcle&o it is a iTjiHcrvatu e otimaie-. because the family is always buying hew real estate, as the income in the shape of rents brings alicuit an accumulation of actual cash much greater than they can conveniently dispose of. But taking ikjOO.Oou.uOG. .8 a basis and fielding to 'C the fortune of his "brother William, which is more than half as great, and the for tunes possessed by the husbands of the married daughters of the family, there would be a total that e-oulel not fall short j fS.jGjUOO.OOu. Dor Half. He Now that we are mar-ied we are cne, and I shall insist thatth's is the last time yoa appeal: in a low necked uress. She We may be one, Uat yon are only half of us, and I shall dress my half as I i n i . t rilease. Boston Beacon. FARMING IN JAPAN. What hir-ao's DIM IncruUhpil i:-;.V:ivor Has SVi-ii Anion:; Aliuoixi lOjeil IVtipIi-. Carter Harrison, the distinguished e.v mayor f Chie?i':ri. is (raveling in ilieea-t and writing lclters te one f lii.i ln-ine papers. He has been studyiner Japanex: farmiiiir, and lells what he Knows ab.n.t. it. He says evi-rvlhing there i.; earri d on (in a very siaail s-ale, and with such wonderful nieene. tlial il is dillienlt lo realize Ihat f:irin:n is tiie- husiin i.f a life and n very e.u iiest and hard oi.e ;.t that. There are mi barns or ouihuii . s in whieh to st;.re e-rop . 'l'he:e are no farm" lmues. The people live in i!ia:..- or intuwiis. Soioe of ii-.' farms n L 'Vi !i !ie ai re" in ixe. and very few con tain more than 1. :i ;cn The lii!; -hie feat nre of these .T:;.-i !!-.-; farms is the irri'ialoi.g iil-h. A f i ;o of two or three ;a usually has lia'f a do;:eii levels, and the water that irrk ;.te one field runs down to irrigate him ll-.e;-. The fara s have the ni)j)earanev i f Ami l i eau in::i !:ei (;;; lens. Th" soil is dry Mid t : .risi-ldy j iep.-.i-i 'l. The !ow is used only fur t in ov. up ii;e beds, and all i he d 'ring is doi'i- with : nadi lii.e ho ; ;.nd furi.s. No vt--ds wl.'.vlever rue aiiowed to K' ow in t i;' ; ' - f ' -' ' if Ki'oan.l is ; i i. .''iie .tanaiii s- f-iriner takes every ad vant;:p of the h'nmhi and p'.'.c! iees tiate (( i.ia.iny. One n.-p :ueeeeds .-in aiier w.'iii i;:ivavyi:r; i-i -liaiil y. and tin- l.-i-ne-ilss i f rotation aiv i!ii-ouh!y iMai. rt.- d ".lal rerdize !. N'.'i; i i- o::-.- !. : ; -, ripening a.n-i!:er!!e is plan -d belun n the i-. end this praciiee i i ::;:-.',! o.i v: n i: 1 1 a j:I;-n!al ions. Vhen te-a jlaot--i-iii ill turnips and other crops are p'e.n:. d between the rows as soon as the .in.y pl.ickhii: i-' eoinph ted. The management of the Japanese f. r:". er.; is .' th'iroi:;.dily seien'.iiie that i.;t;.i.j v. hieli have been in cult i vat ion for cennt l coniinue to produce marve!oiily tar;-;, crops. H is b.-iid thai Buddhism La... de. eourared 1 la-::rov. th e.f iinimals within the limits of the empire, anel, as a result, ihe-tc are not 2. '.'. '"'jo of laa ned cattle in t ie' country, ii!oii:-:h the ?;ras.-es on tlie- l.i! Is would iced i!id!i:.ns. The iieori.s a:,d mns in the forests would fee el millions of ho-s, Lut there are no liogs in Japan, "'j here no starve liie.'s in J. ja.:!.'' T'lr. Harri son dee-lares. "The ehihinn areas f.d and jeJly as little curly tailed pi::- - the young Iaels r.i girls rrive iiu cvitleuce of ne I having enough to cat. They arc all rounded in form anel lit he in .'it lion, and the men and boys are capable ed eralurirg active labia ar.d fatigue a.; few others cm do. They possibly not as muscular as our meat eating men, but not a day pa'-scs that I do not see some man wlr-s-mte'e.ilar iievr-li-pn.,.-m .-. .i .soiuc e.i ad miration, and others "whose powers of r-i. durance are simply marvelous." Ailanfi Constitution. 11i "Kxtcmlni" IJook Aftcv consii.ieiiti'; a tew of the biblio maniacs who are to lie found In the city, it is worth while to dwell upon anothtt hobby whieh lias the most followers ai'd which is far the most interesting of nil. The ,:G ranker ite'' is the pet name by which tho "exteneled'" hook man is known, lie is looked upon as a 'vampire by the re ligious okl book collector, who loves books for their text. He is n vandal, a destroyer of books, a daie.;erou: man to the libra ries. He leaves his finger marks on some of the most valuable works at the r cantile anel Public School libraries; hois a terror to private libraries; he is at every sale, and after buying a book he wants guts it of its contents to tear out perhaps one paye that he wants. He is insatiable and peculiar, to say tho least, in his meth ctls, It is easy to see why extending a book is fascinating, for it is simple am1, illimitable. Jt is a grow his craze, ami there are numbers of grange-rites in Si. Louis. To extend a book means illustrating or embellishing without the aid of some art ist, by placing between the pages of a book pictures of object therein dercribed, portraits f the author ;:u.; re'iion:'. : mentioned in thy text, and illtt-ti alio::.: i mi',1 jeers referred to. Tins may sour. 1 fim;.le enough at first leading, bin i reality the task rives a eolk-ctov a life work and may co.-1 ;i i'ovtttne. There are works originally of !; pages which hu ee 1 hit's been extended to 4.(, -,) ; ages. - ;: V.'iiiiaiu Hak-tt's Look, "TbeSpirir e f Af," which fonsisls .if i'-ke! ei:e.; of lhr;ra of his time; :-coti, Hoi ridge and others !ias be-:n ii! portraits of t h?o men, of their v.'oik.c their l-irii. place, a complete pictorial life of e: Demoerat. hey, (' L.-trati . aract-.-re. .-id in f A Ir.T.Ti . of ( icrmr'.v.v i-: now i-n-eiiig tao iur. i iieity of a'.eey mrribaled to a. !'i in a na.vr.riaa eonveur. who lived is ;";evenu ; nih century, as it com; : ;.r ii'ircsiia'.iowea t ne strange c.ii:pt:.?at. evils wilh whieh Cieriaany is i-'.w l! cr.ed. The eiTect e-f the prophecy lee-.l to be tart p. Hoh.e'T.oiift veuM nnite u!l thw vJermar. ttatc-s : one ero'.vr. ; that he would live t' 1 r.-a that he v.s uld be piv!e cease-1 by Lis : . ar.d that the successor to the thi- ne would have the use of but one hand. .-:-cording to his prophecy th'-. eiao. .r would he.e t-tili live years to live, and the doctors say il is possible the crown prince may live for four. As to the rest, Priii ., William has had a shrivelled arm from his birth. It is said ihat ilocuuu m try proof of this remarkable yitieina!v-:i v.ui he produced, bun li: is nm siate-d that any one htiii seen it. New York Tribune. A Collect ion of IV:is. A man in Denver named I,yoii has a collection of over ( 1 pon-. no uvu aiiK.. Rome are ot steel, some gold, some amal gam, and so on. There are pens pointed line enough to make lines of micro.-ropie. delicacy, and others inte-nde-d for men who use the lirst p'erscual pronoun a-: j-ri-at ileal in their corrosp iide!:e-. There io-J .f the stul'' variety and make a mark, Vhen. ree. :ired. such as a tarbrush would. The crl Feci ion embraces fpecime-ns frm. England, Ireland, Scotlaia (.Vriiiany and other Kurope'i yoi-iitrits.. besides Ameriea uiut ("anada. fxiine are in slupe like shovels, others recemble a section of i j etovepipe, and others are delicate and ; diminutive. Chicago N.-ws. I n 1 1 in i lull ! 14 lS - TN -,l II nr. . : e. I. n -' f: . i: a 'y llio I ry ( ii. JOSEPH . lor th: iie-M'iity Pays u-i;iv CHiCi C-. 1 Cloaks ai 20 per CI Discount I ruin JSttuulani juices, wliicli wi'ic ."ipcr n-i,t. , il' ipi n, la-l 1-n'ccs. Tli'.'si finals i-oiL-ist d' nil the hie. 1 , in Cloaks, Imported Nev- Mnvl cots. Astraehan and Plush Wraps. W itlso iiil'iT sjavial j.rici-: in nil WOOL DRESS PI, ANN ELS' TT.'jO SILK jLWB WOOL ASTH ACHATS A Ism loiin-li Tiii-uts at 7 .".-. worth .l.-oi. ;lhl ::r, inci, ..Ij u-,, Tri cots at l."e, wurtii T.j. Tiie.-i. .;; ihe hi-.-f -:i"o- (dl-Tdl lo this year. I.ndios nvv invited ihe lio.-t Plattsmoutli, 'jtjcpmj ct CJrcat Sales ooinliiiie'd in one, Opening CIiOAlCsTCLOAICS, For Ladies'', ?Jis.t's" and (Jliildrcii. We tire (letenuiiit'ii close oiil our I'ntiia Slock oj" ( 'hmk. with in ?A (lavs our .i.-.-ertiiieiit. v. iil 1 c found the n:ist coinjUdi in tin city and as this sale is especially intr -'I uce.l tor rivniry v.c tmruntci to liiscount any S.i::;j;!i hot S:ile on record lit cent. ISO UPm&g Sl.tuglitvr s:;!e on Ihesc ( Jnods hi l:.e. Tin sc.i.-on lias hoon mild, t:i:d to close out ijuickly. rcttt reductions have, la en mtide. Ladies Gents" :tnd Cidldren's UNDERWEAR SALE, Fifty Dozen Pieces. Astonishing values will !e oHereil in this I leuait lnent foi the next Two AVcehs. For Holiday ii,'ii'lS5 Ileatltjtiai iers lon-since J"s!;ihlisli cd for Hsefnl i-e.-ents, enihrac iiii;- ilk Mnfllers, i.-h-c nnd Silk Handkerchief-. Toilet Sets, Alhuins, 'I'idies. table Se.n fs. Hammered Jira.-s Vhisl; Hi-eoni Casts, rinno ;wul Stand Covt i s, a.nd faney ( Mcods. An tion is lit sjiecti'rdly rioliei ted. SOLOMON & NATHAN, White Front Dry Goods Housa, PLATTSMOUTH,' LAD! Seeks, HE ' Ha nil - I'liijiorimii f WECf . t ituiioil to' r I tit iiienst; ill -Jliii-o 1 1 in ;;,! heli.n l h" nt-!i lakes i '.a rui !..-. F-T X7M WM 'xrKS "fmr V s f iilaakt NEBPwsSEii. (BACH, t V