THE 1MILV I1EUALI), i LAOSMOUKfcnPvASKA, MQjfi)AV, JANUARY 0, 18SS. '"THE TABERNACLE SERMON. "the vYien who fight the dat- 7 eg of LIFE ALONE." 1Vud.,fi n Independent Creation and 1m Able li !! II r Own SiiX'rvir(ui' anit At lilovo IIT Own iH-sllny 'I lia Story of tlm I: :lll tii Yu'li:r. JkwK!.YN, .bin. H. TliH IVv. T. Do Wilt Talmac?-, J). )., i-ivsK -In d at the TalKriiLijc tin's morning tin- jir:,t of a WTiC'S 'f Wl'IIHHIM to till! Vo;:ioll of AllHT- Vvith pnu t!--;d hints for ni'ii. The t.u!jt of tliti iI:-' urs; was Tiio YVom.ii Who Fi-lit Hm; iJattJ.-.s of Life Alone," and tin- t-.l was from lYoviibn xiv, 1: '-Evi ry wise o;m;.ti buddeth her Loire" L'r. Taliiia.-i;" sai-l: voiiiau a nit re it'J.j'iiict to man, an:,--M'iulix to I he j:iaM iilii!i- vohiir.o, an ;.; jiendagc, a i.ort of 1 l!ion;,l:t, ;oni; t'uiii thrown in to la::!;.; things cvci: that is tli.' h'Tcsy ci:'- t dm d mid pliod by kohkj iiii'ii. Thi-s is evident to tli'-in: Woman's hisiidiior-iHo as oo::i-pnn-d b man i i e idci.t to lb- boon;;.,' Adam v.a ; mid then Jv. i- They don't rci'l the who'. tiory or ti1 y ' Would hi:l thai the ioi ;..;;; and ihehear and tin; ha'.vl; were created Li-foro Adam, so that V.ili argument drawn from pri: ity of creation mi-ht prove thai i!io she. j) arid t !i- :!; van: jrcati r than man. !.'! V.ouiaii was an m- : ( mh-nl ereati :n, to and v.a; i:.tcn!-'d, live alone, to wall; a! :;!-:;. and !i 'a h.v EI!.! : i: i. n.-l. j, al. !;, I-'.ii i.-.'vi ( : ay. u fhos :;. art alone, think ;.!.'' a s ;.!( an-. The m.-I i'-r i.r.m ti lit? b is !!.'. cood for v i!ia:i to ! : :i! is tfe.'.i ;.! !!: ,' . for !:" i i lii" i j : . j- thou : :. ! f..!.l 1. ::.-. that th: i i .f v.i ! iicn i.i i hi ai: l th. l.lliiti!.- i;.'-t -. ho aiv ha i ii' 1 n l::li i;i w on! In i" If if th -y were l.o i: I ail'I the Ik S'l :i:os s iha.t 1:" i:i- tended thai- i:i;iJ; ii:-1 s of ilicm Lho;i'J Who 1 !:(: ni'-n v.ho, yaraf!."r jcar, hai .4 avoanl h-.:.'i cn.'j.j'io 1 1 ".!- -i a:-' I tli--at iv il- mi-. , a:i'l coau; i:i auil iu; to I j- : 1 1: y l nnrcliai:t3 a:i'! l::i'-'i;.:::-'I'-i:1 Ik -i hiii even vl it'll t'a- r.' is j'.- iiiv to oo. Th.-y arc liitn !. (1 I'V Ir vi ( s lai.thors. .11' th.' lali.-l li-s of a:;v of our oilii'.s t'ouM I. la'iv.'i on in! ;!; i : v w.xiM lind ilvdl n va t i ; 1 1 i ! i i ; ; i-1 of .;. i; ;i not ouly H!T,;;:rI I !:-ii: i h i-S. hut lu.i.-.f.i'iili-S. A ;ri'aL h'.i' n !' moil aajoitiit to iioth:?', :a;il a woman ly inaiTia.i' mavai to i.HW of i !i: r ' lio.'ion! ii i. 1 : ; I ; foad' !.! i'0. A woman i iaiuiiuic oiK. i.ic iho marria.m l latio:: is: ('.cral hiu:-hi".i thousand tims .:-ti i' ol;" t!:an a v.-oinau haaly marri-.-i. jSLiiiy a 1 i"i-!'.'. iu.sica-l of ti w;vath of r:uio 1!. ). -.' ins, lai.-ht .ro-;-vly ioar a l.iiU'h of i:.-t:!'s anl nihtsliadt', int'oail of the Woduiii.L: Jhuvh a 1'iore :'iioj)riati tma would lj tliu J 4-:id Mart h in Said, and iaslcad of a laiMV.( t .-f oonfool ionory aad icos thcro jiii;;',; !.o mort aj-i'.roj'riat- ly spread a i,;bii' fovcied witii j'.j.j'cs f Sodom, v.lii'-'.i aro outbid-.1 an I in- ide ash.-s. I-.Iany an attractivf woman of f;i!.d sound. :(:;.:; in ot!u r thi.i.';s has mariied one of thosi-men to ivforiii Jiim. AVJ:ut was t'.;' ri's'iili? J.i!:c when a dove noiic that n vullnre was raparioiis suid criK-1 r't a!::uiio n foriu ir and r.a:d : "I liav' a. mild disii:i. .n, and I like jo:;ee, .rid was brought in the ouiet of a iiove 'oi.', anil I will hrin, the vulture to t!'.e s;i me liking hy marrying him." So or.e day, after the ::!iure li:ul declared lie would io ii!) Li:; earnieoroiw habits and et ;Le l.)nj;in: for blood of llock and herd, at an altar of rock covered with jnoss and lichen the twain were married, U bald headed cajole ofticiatiii.-x. the vid tare sayiii;;: "With all my dominion of earth and shy I theo endow, and promiso to love and cherish till leath ilo us part." Iut one day tho dove in her flight saw tho vulture busy at a carcass and cried: "Stop that! Did you r.ot promise me that you would quit yo'.ir carnivorous and filthy habits if I married you?" "Yes," said the vulture, ''but if vou don't like my way you can leave," find with one an.tcry stroke of beak and mother tierce clutch of claw tho vulture left the dove eyeless and wingless and lifeless. And a Hook of robins flying patt cried to each other and said: "St-j there! that comes from a dove's marry ing a vulture to reform him." f I-jp.v a woman who has had the hand ut a yotio.- inebriate oilercd. but declined it. or who w;b e.shed to chain her life to ii man :el:i;horof bad temper end re fused the shackled, will I less God thi-oefdioiit ail et.-rmty that sho escaped that'iiv er.K:!:.un. LVid'.-i all ibis, j-i tn:r country alout 1.0(0.0''0 m- n were i-acriiieed la our civil war. and thai decreed l.('!)0.C00 v;::ie:i lo celi;-::cy. - I k.3 that, s-i;ice ll:e war ;w ral armies i men as large a.s the 3-Vder.d ;s;'-l t'onfed r:;:e armies put tog:. t her l.-ave i.v;i u under malt lie-uois t,: l l:?;:lietl fpiri;s so full or i.L-T.cil in-gre-i ! that the work was done more ruy.idJ;, ;u-. ' th--; Au thus fell while yet Aoir.:g. And ii" '", men arcole.- troyed vcrv M-ar l y strong drink ljeforo mar-j-ia-V. ti::it " i l thy twt-rdy-thne years iinee the war 1.1."0,C00 i:itu 'X' ! crets 1, l.jOd.OO vciiii i: t' celibacy. Take then the- fact that so many women are 'unhappy jn their mari-h .laughter i" j it'.a o imii;'-. h l' ' a:. 1 the met tnat t'.io 'J. I "!. :"0 iiu-n by war and : 1 decides that at least that :. c.inen be ttnaliianccd le-t io;ae-- io with a cheer for life, my in a potency ar. l a:-prej.rialene&. i'r.nv 1 saw in if before- v.lau u so v.?. 'Kverv wi.-.: v. oraan i uil kth her bouse," that is, b t woman 1 e h- r own architect, lay out her own plan s, ls bt-r cwn sitjcr i"or, achieve hi r own d-tiny. j ii.. : . . .1... .,-1.. ,1-IU irk liirlit tJ' it'J' of lifo- tiloiio I congratu late von on yout bflppy escape. lu jic( forever that you wid not to invi e;ato !je faults of the other sex, when oa liav faults mough of your own. Think of the t-eivuvments you a vou I. or Ibo risk ( f unas.imi!at.:d temper which vou will not have to run. of cares you will never have to cany, mvl ;f tha ). v of outsido u-ti ulnes-r from Vhich marital life would have 1'arlially ilcbatYe 1 vou, and that you are free to fto and ee'iae as pne who has the re.pon eibiiilie:; of a houseliold c:in rel-ion 1, Cod has rot given you a ;:ard Jot r3 compared with your asters, When young women shall taake up tbt-Jr minds at the eiart that iia:x;uli:io com)ainom-bip i, not a neccs- eity in order to liappinc3s, and that thero is a Ktron pvobabihty that they will have to light tho kittle of life alone, they will lie Kf-ttin tho timber ready for their own fortune, and their saw and ax and piano t;harioned for its construction, tinco "livery wiso woman buildeth her Iiouse." As no Ijov ought to 1 brought up without learning uomo business at which he could earn a livelihoxl, go no girl ought to lw brought up without learning tho wieiice of M-lf HUpport. Tho dilii cnlty is that many a family go nailing on tho high tides of success, and the hus band and father depends on bis own health and acumen for the weJfaro of bis household, but one day ho gets his feet wet, and in three days pneumonia- baa closed his life, and tho daughters are turned out on a cold world to earn bread, and there is nothing practical that they can do. Tho friends of tho family como in and bold consultation. ' ( Jive music lessons, " r.ays an outsider. Yes, it is a useful calling, and if you have great genius for it go on in that direction. - IJut thero are enough music teavhers now starving to death in all our t owns and cities to occupy all tho piano stools and sofas and chairs and front door su ps of the city. Ik-side that, tho daugh ter lias been playing only for amusement, and is only at tho foot of tho ladder, to llso top of which a great multitude of masl crs on piano and harp and lluto and organ have climbed. "Put the bereft daughters as sales women in stores," says another advi.;er. But there they must compete with sales men of long experience or with men who have served an apprenticeship i:i com-mei-ee, and who In-'gan as shoplysat 10 years of age. Some kind hearted dry goods man having known tho father, now gone, says: "Wo are not in need of any more help just now, but send your dau-..Iicrs to my trtore and I will elo as well by them as possible." Very soon tl ouesuoii comes Whv do not tho female employes of that establishment get as much wages as the male em ployes? For tho simple reason, in many cases, the females were suddenly flung by misfortune behind that counter, while the males have from tho day they left tho public- school lieen learning tho busi ness. How is this evil to In? cured? Start clear back in tho homestead and teach your daughters that life is an earnest thing, and that there is a iossibility, if not a strong probability, that they will have to fight tho battle of life alone. Let every father ami mother say to their daughters: "Now, what would jou do for a livelihood if what I now own were swept away by financial disaster, cr old age or death should end my career?" "Well, I could paint on pottery and do such decorative work." Yes, that is beautiful, and if you have genius for it go on in that direction. But thero are enough busy at that now to make a line of hardware from hero to tho East river and across the bridge. "Well, I could make recitations in public and earn my living as a dramatist. I could render 'King Lear or 'Macbeth' till your hair would rise on end, or give you 'Sheridan's Ride' or Dickens' Pickwick.' " Yes, that is a beautiful art ; but ever and anon, as now, there is an epidemic of dramatization that makes hundreds of households nervous with the cries and shrieks and groans of young tragedians dying in the fifth act, and the trouble is that while your friends would like to hear you, and really think that you could surpass liistori and Charlotte Cushman and Fanny Kcmblo of the past, to say inching of tho present, you could not, in the way of living, in ten years earn ten cents. My advice to all girls and all unmar ried women, whether in aflluent homes or in homes where most stringent econo mies are grinding, to learn to do stme kind of work that tho world must have while the world stands. I am glad to see a marvelous change for tho better, and that women havo found out that thero arc hunt!relo of practical things that a woman can do for a living if she begin soon enough, anil that men havo been compelled to admit it. You and I can remember when tho majority of occupa tions were thought inappropriate for women, but our civil war came auel tho hosts of men went forth from ncrth and south, and to conduct the business of our cities during tho patriotic absence, women were demanded by the tens of thousands to take tho vacant places, and multitudes of women who bad been hitherto supported by fathers and brothers and sons, were compelled from that time to take care of themselves. From that ti;no a mighty change took place, favorable to female employment. Among the occupations appropriate for woman I place the following, into many :-f which she has already entered, and all tho others she will enter: Stenography, and you may find her at nearly all the rcpcrtorial stands in our educational, political and religious meet ings. Savings banks, the work clean and honorable, and who so great a right to toil there, for a woman founded the first savings bank, Mrs. Prisciila Wakefield? Copyists, and there is hardly a pro fessional man that eloes not neetl the ser vice of her penmanship, and, as amaniir ensis, many ef tho greatest books of cur day havo been dictated for her writing. There they aro as florists and confec tioners ami music teachers ami stationers and bookkeepers, for which they are specially qualified by patience and accur acy, and Wool cngraviiig, in which the Cooper institute has turned out so many eniali Ced, and Telegraphy, for which she is specially prepared, as thousands of the telegraphic ofheos would testify. j rhote'graphy, aiul in nearly all our j establishments they may bo found there at cheerful work. . As workers in ivory and gutla percb.a and gum eListic and tortoise shell and gilding and in chemicals, in porcelain, in terra cotta, in embroidery. As postmistresses, and tho president 13 giving them appointments all over tho land... As keepers cf lighthouses many of them, if they hail the chance, ready lo do as brave i thing with oar and boat as did Ida Lewis and Grace Darling. As proofreaders, as translators, ns modelers, as designers, as draughtswo men, as lithographers, as teachers in fcchools and seminaries, for which they axe espc-ckuly endowed, the first teacher of every child, by divico orr.'ingcnient, being a woman. - As physicians, having graduated after a regular course of study from the female colleges of our large cities, where they get as scientific and thorough pre;)araUon as any doctors ever had, and go forth to a work which no one but women con! I so appropi iately or delicately do. On the lecturing platform, for you know the brilliant success of Mrs. Liver more and Mrs. ilaiiowell and Mrs. Wil lard and Mrs. Iathrop. As physiological lecturers to their own sex, for which service there is a demand appalling and lerrihe. As preachers of the Cor-pel, and all the protests of ecclesiastical courts cannot hinder them, for they have a pathos and power in their religious utterancc-s that men can never reach. Witness all those who havo heard their mother pray. O, young women of America! as many ef 3-0U will have to fight your own bat tles alone, do not wait until you are i'ung of disaster, and your father is dead and all tho resources of your family have I )cen scattered ; but now, while in a good house and environed by all prosperities, learn how to do some kind of work that tho world must havo as long as thiworM stands. Turn your attention from tho embroidery of fine slippers, of which thcro is a surplus, and make a useful shoe. Ilxpend tho time in which you adorn a cigar case in learning how to make a good, honest loaf of bread. Turn your attention from the making f flimsy nothing!! to the manufacturing of im portant somethings. Much of tho time spent in voting ladies' seminaries in studying what are called the "higher branches" might belter be expended in teaching thim something by which they could support theuisi Ives. If you are going to bo teacher.:, or if you have so much assured wealth that you can always dwell in tho.:o high rogioiv, trigonometry of course, metaphysics of course, litin and Greek, and German and French and Italian of course, and a hundred other thing::, of course, but if you aro net expecting to teach, and your wealth is not clab'ished beyond misfortune, after you have learned th ordinary branches, take hold of thotkii.d of study that will pay in dollars and cents hi case you are thrown on your own re sources. Learn to do something better than anybody else. Buy Virginia- Pen ny's book entitled, "The Employments of Women," and learn there are live hundred ways in which u woman may cam a living. "No. No!" says some young woman. I will not undertake anything so un ro mantic and commonplace as that. An excellent author writes that al ter he bad, in a book, argued for cfiiciency in womanly work in order to success, and positive apprenticeship by way of prepara tion, a prominent chemist advertised that ho would teach a class of women to become druggists and apothecaries if they would go through an apprcntiee;;hi) as me n do, and a printer advertised that he would take a class of women to learn the printer's trade if they would go through an apprenticeship as men do, and how many, according to tho account c-f the authoress, do you suppose applied to be come skilled in tho druggist business and printing business? Not one! One yon:. g woman said she would bo willing to Iry the printing business for six months, but by that time her older sister would be married, and then her mother would want her at home. My sisters, it will bo skilled womanly labor that will finally triumph. "Uut," you ask, "what would my father and mother say if they saw Iv. aH doing such unfashionable work?" Thvov. tho whole responsibility upon tho pastor of tho Brooklyn Tabernacle, who is con stantly hearing of young women in all these cities who, unqualified by their pre vious luxurious surroundings for the awful struggle cf life into winch they have been suddenly hurled, seemed lo havo nothing left them but a choica be tween starvation and damnation. Thcro they go along tho street at 7 o'clock in the wintry mornings, through tbo tin: h and storm to the place where they thall earn only half enough for subsist ence, tho daughters cf once prosper ous merchants, lawyers, clergymen, artists, bankers and capitalists, who brought up their children under tho in fernal delusion that it was not hi; h toned for women to learn a proiiiahie calling. Young women, take this affair in your own hand3 and let there bo an insurrection-in ail prosperous families in Brooklyn and New York and Christen dom on the part of tho daughters of this day, domaneiing knowledge in occupa tions and stvles cf bucincss by which they may bo their own defense r.nd tli'df own support if all fatherly and husbandly and brotherly hands forever fail them. I havo seen two sad sights the one a woman in all the t:lury of her young life stricken by disease, and in a w eek life less in a home of which she hael been tho pride. As her bands were folded over tho still heart and her eyes closed for the last slumber, and she was taken out amid tho lamcntationa cf kindred ami friends, I thought that was a sadness immeasuTa. blc. But I have seen tomothiug com pared with which that scene was bright and songful. It was a young woman who had been all her days amid wealthy sur roundings by tho visit of death and bank ruptcy to tho household turned out on a cold world without one lesson nlxnit how to get food or shelter, and into tho awful whirlpool of city life where strong skips have gone tlown, and for twenty years not one word has 1 ecu heard from her. Vessels last week went out on tho At lantic ocean looking for a shipwreck -d craft that was left alone and forsaken on the sea a few weeks ago with the idea cf bringing it into port. But w ho shall oyer bring again into tho harbor, of peace and hope and heaven that lost womanly immortal, driven in what tempest, aflame in what conflagration, sinking into what abyss? O God, help! O Christ, rescue! My sisters, give nti j our time to learn ing fancy work which the world may dispense with when hard times come, but connect j"0ur skill with the indis pcnsablcs of life. The world will always ;vant oOijiOthing to wear uid t-omething to cat and shelter and fuel for tho loir, and knowledge for the mind, and reli gion for the soul. And all these things will continue to be the necessaries, and if you fasten your energies upon occupa tions and professions thus relateel tho world will be unable to do without you Iiemcmber that in proportion as you are ekillf ul in anything your rivalries become lois. For un killed toil, women by the million. Bat you may ri: o to win ro thero are only a thousand; and still higher until thcro are only a hundred; and itill higher tiil there are only ten; and still higher in ko;uo particui ir de partment tiil thei is only a unit and that yourself. For a while you may keep wares and a place through the'.l.' sympathies of an e niployer, but you u i 1 eventually get no more compi n-ati-ni than you cm make' your-eif woiiii. Let ine r.iy to all women who havo air ady entered upon the battle of life, that the time is coining when woman shall i:f;t only f,et as much salary :eid wages ns men get, but for certain s(v!e-i of employment women will have higher salary and more wage:; for the iva:-'i that for some styles of work they have more adaptation. But- this justice wi.'l como to woman not through :.;: y : ei:: i ment of gallantry, r.ot I -cause woman i ; physically weaker than man a::d there fore ought to have more oo:isi ieration shown her, but because through her liner natural taste and more of manne r anil quicker x-rce;tion and more delicate touch and more educt; ted adroit as :-:s i;h. will in c-ertahi callings be to her employer worth 10 ji-er cent, more, or !20 v cent, more, than the other sex. She will not get it by asking for ir. but by earning it, and it shall be hcr's by lawful com jito.-t. Now. men of America, bo fair rr.d give the women a chance! Aro you afraid that they will do so:no cf yot:r work and hence harm your prosperii'c..? l?eioemb.'.r that th: re are scores of thou sands of men doing women's work. Do not L d! God knows the end from the beginning rai l he knows how main' people th! ; we.-- ,-' i and when K g'-is too nai win ...e world and if need be start another, God. wid halt tho inventive faculty, which, by .rod; icing a machine that wid d th-- work of ten or twenty or a hundred men and w. men, will leave -la;t number of coplo without work. I hope that thero wiil not be in vented another sewing machine, er reap ing machine, or corn thresher, or any other new machine fe.r the nest years. We want :o more w hands andiron bands, ai.d steel hand and c'.cci ric hands rubs: itated for m. n ard wo:.. it'll who wo::H otherwise do the work and get the pav and earn the live lihood. Bui God will arrange all, and all we havo to elo is to do our best and trr.' t him for th; lest. Let mo chee r all worn:.!! lighting tho battle of life alone, with the fact tint thousanels of women have i:i that way wo:i the da'. Mary Lyo:i, fotmdcr cf Mount Ilolyoko female seminary, fought tho bute alone; Ade laide Newton, the tract di-t rib? iter, abaie: Fidelia Fi'.k, tho con -.(.-era ted mi-sionury, alone; Dorothea Dix, the angel if the insane asylum., alone; Caroline Iler-S'.-h'l, tho iudi.-pcasabio re-enforcement of her brol her, alone; Maria Takrsewska. the h-iolno of tho Berlin hosp'ud. ;':: -: Helen Chalmers, patron of t-ewing : cb.ool: for tbepooi of Edinburgh, alone, .end thousands and te:u of thousands women of whose braery and self sacri fice r.nd glory of e haraek-r the world has made no record, but v. !:o;;e deeds are i l the heavenly archives of loiivis who foe ".hi tho battle alone, and. though uu rocoguiaed for t!;e short thirty or fifty or eighty years cf their earthly c:;i-ie;:t e, shall through the ejuintiiiion ages f the high' r world bo pointed erat with the a.h'iu'iing cry, "These are they w ho e.-amo out of great tribulation and had their robes wa-ihed and made white in the bl o l of tho Lamb." Let mo also say for tho cneour:!gem":Tt of all women fighting tho battle of life alone, that their coniiict wiil se:on ::.. Thero ii one word written over tho fg'v-i el' many of them, 'and that word i- !; spair. My sister, you need appeal : lb.'; Chr;..t v.ho comforted tho ii-.teis of ii: tl -any in their domestic trouble, and who in his l.;;t hours forgot all the pangs if bis own hands and feet and heart as bo k oked into tho face ef maternal angub.h and called a friond'rs attention to it, i:i substance saying: "John. I cannot lake care of her any longer. Do for her a ; I would havo done if I bad lived. Bch- Id thy mother!" If under the pressure of unrewarded and unappreciated work yo;;r hair is v. 'h'leningand th: wrinkles come, rojoleo that you are Hearing tho hour of e.-,capo from your very last fatigue, ai:d may your departure bo as pleasant as that of Isabella Graham, who closed 1; r lifo with a smile and tho word "pea.eo." Tho daughter cf a regiment in any ai:ry is all surrounded by bayonets of dt-fen . e, and, in tho batik, v.-lievever fall.1-, sh.- i kept safe. And you are the daughter vf tho regiment commanded by tho L- .! ei Hosts After all you are not fighting the battle cf lifo alone. Ail heave a. is on your side. You will bo wi-o t ap propriate to yourself the words cf &ac:od rhythm: One v.-h-- kr.s i.j st.yrias to sr.:; I have ou h'oarJ; Above tlic renrai - ,A l!)---I hear iny Lun!. Ii hek'.s i:k: when tho biil-iv. s sraico I sli iii r.t.t fa!!. If short, "lis shari.; if lo:i", 'tis light; IIv U-inaui-s s.'.l. In tho recent rational convention of !arborr at Bul'falo tho .-:uc.:-:ti;-.u cf f:uh:-ti- j luting some other : ign for the red and white stripoel barber pole was dktu-cd. and it has been engaging the attention t:f . gentlemen of the tonsorir.l profcicn ', ever since. It is said that in early times j barbers served the public in the cajiaetiy j ot surgeons rd-o, and that t;t. polo sym- . boli-ed an rni wetuid, wan riobon prev- ious to tho !. tiiug of blood, iz war, ; George II, of England, who decrc-.d that henceforth the trade cf tho barber : ho aid be foreign b und indopcrdont of the practice of surgery." Despite tho fact that the strijKd polo is tho rymb I of blood letting, it seems to be tho opinion of conservative barbers generally that no other sign would bo so. fclleclive. New York Sun. CroT-.s Versus iarrtwtit A flock cf i-Ikhu lou crow-3 r-r.s.-.iri Ovfi- t'aninuiuivillc. O., were nt tacked tbo other afternoon bv thrice their iiniii ber of English sparrows, w ho e or.ipk-ti. ly i routed tho bbj birds. Several c ." I were disabled', and crio was t'ouiit't ivit'i boiii w i-ccKcd out.- New York Su;i. j An effort is being made to reach tho j Finns, of whom there are about i,CL ;, 000, who are said to be iu a btate of duie ! EpLritual darknesa. 1 R icvl) ; bi'c 1 V. lol.I ..- Al.:. O-zy -c ' r-"y ? I!:.;o , i'.o on a.:., liif l" -t v:ti i ! V d' aii: :io lol,l in llu: mar! ot. i;".:r ::!:. I wii! .-vi! a- el; a any otli';i- niarl.ot in th; ('ilv :m! I o!t-ty :. j : ' .1 '.:;, :iiu! ivsj.vtf;:iiy roiieii ymir pati'imain'. ' . ' v'o i;t' :i::(! Mi' inc. te iilo'.s Illoek, tith stltt t. to sr tr c "Ww tf jci c Tho saiito (jt::i!ily til o-him's 10 ct-nl. c!;t;!itr litoi l.otiM- v.tst ol tin- .M i-.i.-.-i.ti. Will lie see It: tiiMlti; ou!. ( 'aii ai 1 eoii ii. t il. H i HID n y i 3 S' PARLOR SET! -FO!i ALL O 1 Parlors, ivdrooM' (( ) T)-- - Where a iiKiini fit-flit f-t ..-!: ' ''; :-A Mini l';;ir I'rie!H liiOol;;!. UNDERTAKING AND Ei? BALDING A SPECIALTY7' :ifyti& t&- c iS-ii .k2.-a .Uit.M-at .MAUN A.NU - Jdxatiia.v Hatt tJ va- Z Jj. tkli ie .-LvJ PORK IACKi:i;.S and im;aj.!.i:s :n KL'TTKU AND KCCS. BEEF, ViHlK, MUTTON AND VEAL. TIIK TV.r-T THE MAIiKET AiTfUIDS ALWAYS OX JIAXlb Sugar Curad Meats, Flams. Baco n, Lard, dc, &c ol our ov.n make. Tlio b st brM:d.-; of OYSTEb'S. in cans and bulk, at VKOLE.SAF.E AXi) RETAIL. -AND ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. mm, E:D I COM, fBjII FOEHHOHB FGt PA6L0E mmw, I WMSi hallways, offices. 5 1 Lowsst Prices ilio City. Call and b2 Oori.virtced. add. 3 J Juv jm i. sixiti sTKi:i:r. hut. main- axd yixe. 3 0 unu r. THOMAB, WIKH.IISAI.r: AND KKTAIT. DEALEU IX Beef, Pork. Multou, Yeal and Poultry. X invite all 1:o giv sns a trial. Sugar Cured Meats. Ibuiip, E icon, Lard, etc.. etc. Fresh Oysters in Can and Bulk at lowest living pt iccs. Do not f.dl to aivc me your patronage. !iBi li:e in, .'.Nil lU.l'.MI. Ol IN A T1 vT V ci tt . : .hL.T.r'if :! i,,r.irrTjTOiiK.;,i"::i: j-J"f" -i. iU tvi.o r1 i i I lm i&?M?- i;i 'i!0Cr,i CLAysK.S OF- i i 1 v - - rl.AI 1 . .1 '. iL lit. . l,i;!J.Mt A J. V. JlAi:niii. i.yjL. hi. jJL Sj.sJt i.J -jo KIXD3 OF- &i tj lu JimM. I!L ATTH. IO L'TI I, XEIJ.