The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 02, 1888, Image 2

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    The Plattsmouth Daily Herald.
Publishers A. Proprietors.
' In publUlicd every evening ex et .Sunday
nnl Weekly every Tfiiirmlay morning. Itegls
ttred Ml the MMtinice, I'allMiioutu. Nebr., s
s4cond-clx mutter. OMlce cwi tier of Vine and
.Fifth streets.
tllMI rO IlAILV.
One opy one ear In advance, by mail $c oo
One oopy per month, by carrier 50
One copy per week, by carrier IS
) eopy one year. In advance. $1 M
Oneeopy tlx months In ad vaore, 75
A broad isaui:.
If the southern question affected only
the colored people ef the southern states
the electors of the north might be nieaa
ureaMy excused for urging that they are
tired of it, But it does not affect simp
ly the colored people of the south. The
issue is upon a question of national reach
The issue is upon the principle of the
equality of men befere the law and upon
the rights of majorities.
The southern question involves the
north as well as the Bouth. The south
would be rid of its ignorant vote by de
privingthe ignorant of the privilege of
voting. It would keep the laborers g
nornnt in order to avoid contests with
them. This was the spirit of slavery,
and'from this philosophy came the justi
fication of slavery. The plan is not in
harmony with republican institutions, and
if permitted to dominate must tend to
the overthrow of popular government.
The northern idea is, that the bene
fits of government should be open alike
to all men; and that the safety of gov
ernment depends upon the distribution
of responsibility and rights under equal
and just laws. That this responsibility
may be fitly borne, dependence is placed
upon the education of the masses; and so
popular education is made a chief corner
stone in the political economy of our
northern states. The tendencies nortli
and south are opposite. The contest for
supremacy is not yet settled.
On the one side the issue is for the tie
vation of labor; on the other, it is for
the degredation of labor. On the one
side, it is against a ruling class; on the
other it is for it.
How the national democratic party
can maintain its claim among people of
intelligence of beintr the party most de
voted to the interests of labor it is not
easy to see, unless the claim be asserted
on the ground that the interests of labor
are identified with menial service and J
nothing more. The national democratic
party is dominated by the spirit and civ
ilization of the slavery states of thi
south. It is essentially, therefore, aristo
cratic in its government and in all its ten
dencies. Indeed, the policy of northern
democracy leads to about the same result
as the policy of southern democracy, and
really in a way more objectionable. It
does not seek to eradicate crime and ig
norance, that men may be made more in
dependent and better citizens. It is con
tent to control them through other agen
cies than the schools. Sioiuc City Jour
The following from the Omaha Bee is
of interest to every Nebraskan and should
be read with a great deal of pleasure by
every one that takes any pride in the im
provement of our state and its grer.t
Omaha has planted over 120,000,000
of brick in stores, bank buildings, pack
ing houses and residences during the
year just closed.
The sales of Omaha's jobbing houses
iot twelve niouths foot up over $44,000,
0007" The stock yards have handled 205,000
head of cattle and over 1,100.000 hogs.
The smelting works, breweries, oil
mills, distilleries, shot factory, lead
works, foundries and minor industrial
concerns have turned out over f 20,000,
000 of products.
The packing bouses have slaughtered
over 65,000 head of cattle, 875,000 hogs
and 50,000 sheep, which were converted
into meat products, at a cost of over
The sales of Omaha wholesale grocers
aggregate over $8,000,000 during the
One hundred and twenty-t wo passen
ger trains now run in and out of Omaha
every twenty-four hours.
The national banks of Omaha have
over $1,000,000 on deposit, and the
clearings of these banks last year were
very nearly $150,000,000.
Over 7,000 skilled and utskilled work
men are employed in Omaha industrial
establishments. In addition to these
oyer 2,000 laborers were employed last
season in the Omaha brick yards.
These are cold facts.
THE B. & AT.
The B. & M. railway in Nebraska has
been industriously engaged during the
past two weeks, through its local agents,
in miking to all patrous purchasing
round trip tickets between points notex
cjeding 200 mile3 apart, the very accept
able present of one-half the regular fare.
This has been a great boon to the poor
classes along their line of road, enabling
them to pay a holiday visit to distant
friends, whom they had not seen perhaps
in years. The company may not have
lost any considerable sum on account of
this remarkable reduction, inasmuch as 1
th travel was largely increased thereby,
but at the same time, the company is en
titled to proper credit for this liberal re
membrance of its patrons. Leader.
Tub JIkkai.d heartily endorses the
above, as it has always believed in treat
ing the railroads fairly, and in giving
them credit for good deeds the same cb
If one half that the democratic press
of ihe country says is true, the policy of
a protective tariff could not be right in
times of war any more than it can be
right in times of peace. These tariff
shriekcrs never stop to rt fleet, that th
great secret of democratic opposition t
our present tariff legislation has its origin
in democratic hatrid of every .measure
inaugurated by Mr. Lincoln and his sup
pose s for tl a building up a scattered
commerce and an impoverished country.
WhenMorril, Wilson, Stevens, Fe.ssenden
and a host of men of that stamp, were
devising ways and means to preserve the
nation during the rebellion, the demo
cratic party then, as now, denouncen ths
protective theory; they said, then, that
it was a wicked devise, to rob and im
poverish the people; that party, has ever
since contended that such legislation is
wicked and unconstitutional, and its
leaders, with a few exceptions, have per
sistently demanded of the party that it
come up to the plane of actual British
free trade. "While Mr. Tilden lived, he
and a few long headed democrats, like
Mr. Samuel J. Randall, perceived the
folly of the democratic party assuming
ultra grounds upon the free trade side of
the question, or of permitting it to be
made a national issue, and this same
school of democrats will now, despite
Mr. Cleveland's message, prevent their
party from going oyer the fence on that
question if they have the power to pre
vent it. We are aware of the fact, that
all parties are willing to see the tariff
legislation of the country changed and
re-adjusted to meet the demands of the
times and Mr. Cleveland need not solace
himself witli the idea that he has uttered
'Uivthintr new. either upon the tanlr or
'surplus" question. Mr. Cleveland has
simply done what the captains of
party have caused him to do; viz:
emphasize to a democratic house by
single subject message, the democratic
necessity of doing .somtihing; that is all
there is to it, and the democratic press of
the country howls itself wild with dc
ugm uecause iur. uieveiana nas maae
tariff revision an issue with his own par
ty. The democratic press had better
omposc itself and honestly join Mr.
Cleveland in his, almost superhuman,
task of forcing his party to honestly re
vise the tariff, before it undertakes to
load the sin of omission upon a party
which has not been in control of con
grcss for a dozen or more years. Let the
democratic party show the country what
it can do before it commits itself, too
far, in denouncing a party which is not
in power. The trouble with the prcs
ent administration party is, it lacks the
courage of its convictions and it is
safe to say, all the readjustment of tariff
laws the country will get, at the hands
of the fiftieth congress, will be forced by
the republican minority which has
determined to present a general measure
upon that subject and force the present
administration to take its stand before
the country on the question.
Who is Your Best Friend?
Tour stoimch of course. Why? Be
cause it it is out or order you arc
one of the most miserable crea
tures living. Give it a fair, honorable
chance and see if it is not the best friend
you have in the end. Dont't smoke in
the morning. Don't drink in the morn
ing. If you must smoke and drink wait
until your stomache is through with
breakfast. You con drink more and
smoke more in the evening and it will
tell on you less. If your food ferments
and does not digest right if you are
troubled with Heartburn, Dizziness of
the head, coming up of the food after
eating, Biliousness, Indigestion, or any
other trouble of the stomach, you had
best use Green's August Flower, as no
parson can use it without immediate re
Hon. H. W. Grady.
The Statesman, Scholar and True
American, set an example worthy of re
flection for all True Americans. Healing
wounds that no methods except those
used by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Sal ye
which is sold on its merits for any use
that a salve can be used. No cure, no
pay. For sale bv the following drug-
ist. Price 25c per box.
W. J. Warrick
Notice of Sale Under Chattel
Notice Is hereby eiven that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated on the 7th day f Dec
ember. lBH,. a u iuiv nieu arc recomeu in me
onice oi tne countv cierK ei .'a couuty. rueD-
raska. on the loth day of December. 1887 and
executed by J. S. Duke to Sherman S. Jewett
& Co . to secure the payment of the
Kimi of $300.00 and upon which there it now
due the sum of SS08 02. De'ault having been
made in the payment of said sum. 1 herefore
I will ell tne nrouertv inerem uescnoeu. viz :
i lie entire sincK oi sioves. tinware. ;mu sttaii
ind heavy hardware and fixtures of the store
room. All ("ltuateu in oricK ouiiiiipg on east
half lot eicht fl block twemy-iiine I2yj in the
city et l'latt!iiiouth, at public auction at the
front door of the above described store building
in tne city or riattmnnuth.CasM count y. IN corns -
ka. on the 23rd dy of January. 188, at the
hour of teu o clock a. in. of raid day.
W. S. Wise. AkL and Atty. Mortgagee.
lor Mortgagees.
The Accident of Fortune The Second
Generation Young- Xobodle.
In theso days when so many men who were
born in tho gutter die in a palace, when tho
accident of fortune, rather than that of birth,
determines a man's social status, it ijecomt
you iix men and maidens to study and thor
oughly comprehend the essentials which go to
make up gentlemen and ladies.
No one can say that in this freo country ho
has no chanco. There is chant for every
one to become what every one seems to think
tho noblest, highest, most to be desired condi
tion very rich but there is also chance for
every one to become a man in its brightest
sense, a gentleman according to the tyie rec-
otrnized by iutollitreneo, virtue, honor, self
Imitations, whether in jewelry, fabric or
manhood, are readily recognized. There is a
suiierflciality of jxjlish, a gaudy stickiness of
varnish, an unpleasant prominence of trait
altont imitations which fortunutely the solid,
genuine material does not need. As in a
museum one can And gathered by the hand of
enterprise curiosities from all portions of tho
globe, so in a city may be found, drawn by a
common magnet of ambition, all the odd de
velopments of human nature, and one of tho
strangest features of metropolitan experience
is the extraordinary growths wldch are ap
parent in tho second generation, extraordin
ary growths hi directions utterly foreign to
any seed supposed to exist in the iarent
Tho boatman of yesterday produces tho
dude of today. The corner groceryman of
twenty years ago effloresces into the Fitz-
noodle of this year. The practical butcher
of the past is transformed into the manikin
of the present. The honest, painstaking, in
dustrious self denyer, who for forty years
put head and heart and hand at severest toil
in order that his pocket might bo filled, pro
duces in the second generation an empty
headed, idle handed, shriveled hearted spend
thrift, of no use to himself or any of his fel
low creatures.
If you let the namby pamby German danc
ers of the day, tho flippant waltzers of the
period, the sippers of absinthe and the gulp
ers of brandy and soda, the pallid faced, weak
eyed, bifurcated bearded, overdressed fops
answer, they will drawl out that they, in
their many colored gaudiments of apparel,
are the truo gentry, and will blush to tell you
how the money they so recklessly waste and
prodigally squander was made and saved by
their brawnv ancestors. It is difficult to
speak of the alleged "ladies' whose -names
appear in our society columns day after day,
the same sickening list of flatulent nojxxlies,
because one hesitates to pillory non-combat
ants. Joo Howard in Boston Globe.
New JJUcoverlcs of Cold.
JTew and extensive discoveries of gold con
tinue to be reported from all sides, It is now
certain that the mines of Alaska are excep
tionally rich. In Australia, districts where
the existenco of gold was unsuspected
throughout the palmy days of tho diggings
have been found well supplied with the yel
low metal. In tho regions surrounding An-
gra Pequena, the recent German acquisition
on the southwest coast of Africa, gold fields
of extraordinary richness have been discov
ered. The interior of southern Africa, in
deed, seems likely to proye little short of one
vast gold mine. Considerable quantities of
the metal have already been obtained in the
Transvaal, and the large district lying be
tween the Limpopo and Zambesi rivers
Northern Bechuanaland is believed to be so
richly supplied that a mining company has
been formed for the purpose of prospecting
it thoroughly from end to end.
The discoveries in Alaska, which interest
us most, suggest the reflection that as the
Russians were so long in occupation pf the
territory without suspecting the existence of
these mines, there may exist in their own
possessions on the other side of Behring sea
valuable deposits of which they have no
knowledge. Gold mines of some importance
have long been worked in eastern Siberia.
Bust such a vast and thinly populated region
as Asiatic Russia may contain deposits of
surprising richness as yet undiscovered.
New Orleans Times-Democrat
The Day of th Dead In Mexico.
Most of tho candy stands have a choice
assortment of skulls in white or cream hued
sugar, from those' the size of a filbert to
others "as largo as lif o and twice as natural.
And people are to be found who really buy
axid eat them! Ugh-h-h: Numerous are tho
vendors of models of the funeral tram cars
that serve as hearses in the City of Mexico.
Painted somber black they are, whether of
wood or tin. and of whatever dimensions,
from six to eighteen inches long, or even
larger. They have their sable curtains care
fully looped back at the corners to show tho
bier within and the corpse or the ooffln upon it ;
and in the more elaborate ones there are
tho black garbed, tall silk hatted driver.
Here is a table full of deaths, mounted to
show countless ways in which the grisly one
may assail us. One skoleton is mounted upon
a wide nostriled, fiery eyed horse, which
very evidently would carry any rider to de
struction, Another is engaged in aq inter
esting controversy with a bull, which may
well end in disaster. Another is mounted
upon a corpulent, noxious rooking aiacran,
or scorpion, whoso sting is so fatal in the
tropics. One venturesome Death stands
poised in an attitude of triumph, with one
bony foot planted on the breast of .the devil
in person. Ban J.' rancisco Chronicle,
The English Soldier.
CoL Clark, of the Seventh regiment, who
has just returned from a three months1 leave
in England and the continent, had his eyes
on things military while across the water.
Soldiers are met so frequently over there as
to impress him with the magnitude of the
burden their support must entail.
The English soldier, he says, is a model in
appearance: lie is strong and athletic, very
erect, with a most soldierly carriage. His
uniform is clean, handsome and well fitting,
and when seen off duty, with a natty little
cap perched jauntily on the side of his head,
cane in hand and well gloved, "he is in ap
pearance the most distinguished soldier ia
the world." Distinctive uniforms add greatly
to the esprit de corps of the army, for every
uniform has a history and a record that is to
be maintained. While he deems the English
volunteers a powerful adjunct for national
defense, he thinks their organization and
system in many respects inferior to our Na
tional guard. New York Herald.
Always an Englishman.
The charge that Maj. Haggerty and Tom
O'Reilly are Scotchmen because they were
born in Scotland led one of O'Reilly's friends
into a story yesterday. Once upon a time
the Duke of Wellington, when accused of
being an Irishman, made a stiff denial of the
accusation. "But weren t you born in
Ireland f asked his accuser. "I was," re
plied his grace, "but if a man happened to
bo born in a stable, do you call him a horse?
I am an Englishman!" cried the duke,
"wherever I was born." New York Sun.
There aro 1,500 temples in China that were
erected to tho memory of Confucius. In
these edifices 02,000 pigs, mbLits. deer and
sheep are sacrificed annual!.
3X m X. w
o o x
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor do Pepperbergo' and 'Buds
always in stock. Nov. 2G. 1885.
For Coughs, Hoarseness, Weak Lungs, Whooping
CiiUL'h, Irr, Hacking Couplis of long Mantling, uud
ell lironchiul imu Lung Allcctions. Iry it
Warranted to Cure Consumption in its Earlier Stages.
RAIL-ROAD I Absolute Dominion over Pain
PAIN CURE! Cl,re One, Sore Throat,
C'roup,I'rostUitcs,Vounls,;to.,inlesstime than any
other medicine on earl h. Guaranteed to Cure Rheuma
tism and Neuralgia. Warranted by your iliuist.
z.c , due. nun ci. rur si we win cim lurguai mcc ui
cither Cure, express prepaid. Address
Rail-Road Remedy Co., Box 372, Lincoln, Neb.
Trade supplied by Richardson Drug Co.,
Oinalia, JNebraska.
Dr. H. C. West's Nerve and nr;in Treatment
a guarantee siseci'ie fur Hysteria
IHiiivulsions. H'.i, Nervous Neuralgia, llead-
aehe. NervmuiH l'ritn:liui caused by Ihe ue
of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental De
predion. Softening of the Hiain resulting m in
sanity and liMdir c t" misery, decay ami death.
t-re:i;at tire old Aire. I'.anciiiiess, iash or row
er in either sex. Hi voluntary Losses and Kper-
mat- rrmi-a caused liv over-exertion of i lie
brain, selfalmse orover-indnlijpiice Kach box
contains one moiilirstreatineiit, SI 00 a box
or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid oi
.receipt oi price
To cure anv easrt. With each order received
by us for six bosrs. accompaii-ed with 55.00,
we will send tho purchaser our written guaran
tee to return the money if the treatment does
not e fleet a cure. Cuaraidees issued only bv
Will J. Warrick sole agent, l'lattsiuoutli, ,'eb.
$500 Reward.
"Wc will pay the above reward fcr any
case ot liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costivcncss we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They are purely yegetahlc, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
containing o0 sugar coated pills, 25c.
For sale by all druggists. Ucware of
counterfeits and imitations. The genu
ine manufactured only by John O. Well
& Co., St!2 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its
Sold byW. .1 Warrick.
"Time once gone can never be recalled,"
is the remark only too often said by those
who neglect themselves. Dr. Watson's
new Specific Cough Cure
Comes to the world's rescue
And denies death of its rightful due.
Please report your experience to your
druggist and neighbor, that the world
may have proof no cure, no pay re
quiredPrice 50c and $1. For sale by
Will J. Warrick.
1 he standard remedy tor liver com
plaint is v est s L.iver I'm: tliey never
disappoint you. 30 pills 25c. At War
rick's drug store.
New Departure-
AVe the undersigned druesrists of
Plattsmouth do hereby announce to our
patrons and friends that we can heartily
endorse and recommend the following
remedies of the Quaker Medicine Corn-pan-:
Bolyeats Fig Tonic, Dr. Watson's
New Specific Cough Cure and Heap's
Arnica Salve, for the reason we know
what they contain and are the results of
science applied practically.
Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
Contractor and Builder
Sept. 12-Cm.
Pork, Ilutton, Veal and Poultry.
Z invito all to givo mo a trial.
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, Macon, Lard, etc., etc. Fresh Oysters in Can and Bulk
at lowest living prices. Do not fail to irivo me your patronage.
Pricos in th. City,
bo Convinced.
Olivor c2s 2tamgG, Proprietors.
Wo keep constantly on i:ind the
the city. jle:its ot
And everything to suit the demand our trade. (Jive us a trial,
South Side Main Street,
Mercantile Law and Ileal
ections made in all parts of the
'ersons. desiring the best ot FI
plying at this oflice, either in the
Iartford, Queen, of Liverpool, Xiagarii, "Western, Trader of Chicago.
No better companies can be found
as can be had in any reliable com nan
We have an exceedingly large list of Iltalty for ea!e, both im
proved and unimproved, including some ot the most desirable resi
dence property in the city. Jf property is wanted either within the
old town site or in any of the additions to tiie
through this
office. Persons having
will consult their best interest- by
Lets m " B
The loveliest residence locality in the city can be purchased at this
office for $150, in payments of one-third down, balance in one and
two years; or $25 down, balance in monthly payments. Anyone de
siring fo visit this locality, whether they have in view the purchase of
a lot or not, b)
calling at our o.'Hce
expense. Kemember the place,
It ETA 1 1, DEAI.Klt IN
Call and
st ;
uil tn
liest line of meats
all 1
Is in tlicii
JJetwecn Fifth and Sixth.
Ligation a specialty. Co.-
S:ate tl
i competent attorney g.
it by ap-
old Phoenix, of JIartfuid
ix, ot jjarttord, yhtna, of
anywhere, and the rates are as low-
city, it can be had
property for ?ale or exchange
listing the tame with us.
ila G7
will be driven to the Park free of