niiri Mn Ufa i I viinlr mi - i - - t ii imr- - L - . ... . . ) ... . , . - i , . , . ,.r , s A h 7 1 'i ' &t yiattsmout!) Daily Utralb K2STOTTS BBOS. Publishers & Proprietors. A Salisbury Dentist, In Rock- wood Ilulldlnff. Jl went to ec his maiden fair. Hut tttaitl so laic out; niKlif Jin left tii.i lit ti o the nook. Ami took lux way in lli;;ht. Eil Ruffncr was an Omaha passenger tliis morning. Frank Martin of Omaha was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Ed. Fitzgerald, returned t Louisville this morning. Miss Mable Pottengcr was n pa3sen ger to Omaha last evening. Josenh CJla.scow. of Eitrht Mile Grove was in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Black left this morninir for Denver, where they go to 8'MJn.l the holidays. Judge Russell issued a marriage license to-day to Mr. Fountain I)c Voie and Miss Mary Forman. One plain drunk was before Judge Mathews this morning, and received fa and costs, which was paid. The cable for the Omaha cable rail way has arrived in Omaha and she will soon h ve cable cars in operation. The third annual convention of the Nebraska Dairyman's association opened at the Germauia hall in Omaha yesterday. The Lincoln city council have re yoked the license of a saloon keeper named J. D. Cattcrn for soiling liquor to minors. Miss Lillie McKee, of Louisville, re turned home this morning after visiting a week with her friend Miss Maggie Streight. ' ' The Woman's Relief Corps will hold a bazaar and supper at G. A. R. hal', Dec. 20th. Supper 25 cents. The pul lic is cordially inyited to attend. The Band of Hope will meet in tl c M. E. church to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Y's arc requested to Le present to take charge of the classes. Little Robert Carr who for the last eight weeks has been very sick with iu flamatory rheumatism and typhoid fever has recovered so much as to be able to be up. Engineer "Walter "W. Frohock was around on the street smiling and inviting the boys to "have a cigar." He wnsonly celebrating the arrival of a flue boy at his home. Regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. tomorrow afternoon (Thursday) at 3 o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. S. .A. Davis. A full attendance of the mem bers is deired. The pipe to be laid for the extra street lamps, ordered by the city council. has arrived and is being rapidly put in About three blocks were laid on Sixtl street yesterday. The B. & M. fast train to Denver makes the run from Omaha to Denver in less time than the U. P. fast train. Fri day the U. P. will attempt to reduce theii time to 15 hours, and make it 30 hours from Denver to Chicago, beating the 15. & M. by four hours. A man named Parker who hailed from Louisville, this morning hitched his team in front of Peter Merges' and left them to do some trading. hile h was away one of the horses, which seemed to have a touch of ths colic, laid down in the mud, but a few of the by-standen unhitched him and got him on his feet. Mr. Parker the owner then appearcel anr took the animal to a feed stable. Governor Thayer yesterday eleclarcd ths city of South Omaha a city of th s :cond class, since the mayor of that cit had tiled a certificate certifying th it hei population was more than 5,000. Gov ernor Thayer also proclaimed the organi zation of Perkins county, which is a pari af Keith county in which elivision carried on the November election, and set Tues day, January 17th, '88 as . the elay on which Perkins county should vote for county officers and locate a county seat. A fool cockroach climbed to the top of a mucilage bottle yesterday and looked down into the gloomy abyss below. It had no ?usiness there. It was not fond en mueiiage, anu ii it naa Jiaa sense enough to keep its feet elry it would have gone away. A horrible warning was be fore its eyes. Down in the seething flood of mucilage lay the bodies of three of its kinel, pale and coltl in death. It looked at them a while and hesitated and then went down. Then it tried to get out again but in vain. To-elay it is a corpse. Other fool cockroaches have - joined it there, anel others still will join it. There is surely no" such a fool in the world as a cockroach, unless if be a man. A man will seo others go elown to wreck anel ruin and finally land at Desolation, and insteael of profiting by tLe example he follows the same path they ate tread ing with the same results. The fool man who speuds his time in pulling corks is as bael as the fool cockroach that goes clown into a mucilage bottle from which it will never emerge. "Topics of ths Times" in Lincoln Journal A COMING BANQUET. The High School Alumni Will Ban quet the Class of '88 A called meeting of the high school alumni was held last evening at the office of M. A. Hartican. The number of the ex-graeluatcs present was smaller than expected on account of a mistake in the published announcement Vice-President Carrie Ilolloway occupied the chair j anil Secretary John Hartigan recorded the minutes of the meeting. The object of the meeting was to begin preparations for the evening programme of Jan. 20th, '88, on which night the next class will graduate, and by a unanimous vote it was elecided to give a banquet, and for that purpose the following committees were appointed: General arrangements: Walter Holmes, Bert Pollock anel Lou Richcy. Printing: (-'has. Sherman, Kate Rob ins anel Tressallempel. Programme and Toasts: Eva Sher man, Maud Faxou nnet Robt. Living ston jr. Banquet: Guy Livingston, Jo'in Il-ir-tigan and Grace Wiles. Music: Anna Livingston, Gertie Kcrney and Henrietta Schulhof. Floral Decorations: Evelyn Wiie, Hattio Latham and Flora Doneyan. Invitation: Carrie Ilolloway, Amelia Vallery and Freel Carruth. Another meeting of the alumni will be held ut Mr. Hartigan's office next Tues day evening, at which the various com m ttees are expected to give in their re ports. The class in honor of which the banuuet will be civen is Misses Ilattie Chapman and Birdie Irish, and Messrs. John Aelams and Dan Guiding OBITUARY. Died. Saturday morning at four o'clock, Dec. 10th, 1887, Ada May, youngest elaughter of Mrs. S. M. Craig, after a lingering illness of nearly two years. The eleceased was born May 3el, 1869, and was a bright young girl of 18 summers, anel oi an unusual amiaoie ex position which won for her many and lasting friends. She was at the time of her eleath visiting her sister, Mis. J. R. Barker, at Eight Mile Grove, having I gone there but tne crnnaay De fore. Th3 day of her death the very trees seemed to be sympathising with the sorrowing friends, seeming to bn converted to weeping willows by their weight of frost, excepting a few limbs pointing upward emblematic. That although bowed down with sor rowing, we were not without hope of noeting beyond the elark river of eleath. The funeral services were conducted at the house by the Rev. W. B. Alexander, of Plattsmouth, after which the remains were interred in the Plattsmouth ceme tery Although never having joined an art lily church, she had early connected herself with the elevout workers and the church of God. Lovingly dedicated to sister Ada: Deart sister thou htst lsft us, "ora happier world than thin ; And t;od and nis angels rejoice. llf railed i hee. our daring, to ettect joy and Miss, riiou sweet tender bud of his choice The family wishes to offer thanks to the friends who so kindly assisteel them in their hour of need. B.&. M. Shops- D. B. Smith the foreman of the paint, coach anel baggage elepartments we fiund to be a very obliging man. He informed us that they had repainted 1 35 coaches ind baggage cars eluring the year; six new combination cars have been jus jomplctcd, sixty feet in length. In the jjaint department most every tiling per taining to the coach and baggage car with all its trimmings also bulletine boarels, office furniture, car trimmings, nnd signs arc painteel. Before the cars ire repairteel they are given a thorough washing. The fine painting is executed in a room on the second floor which is 40xS0 feet. This department is one of the most pleasant in the shops; house plants are flourishing as nicely as they do in any of the private residences, while the walls are handsomely decorated and artistically arranged with elegant pictures which display an inviting look. The surround. ngs have a tendency to make every one cheerful, which is visibly por trayed on the faces of all the workmen. Mr. C. S. Forbes was yery kind to I -how U3 through his art gallery, he used to be a photographer in the east and has some good specimens on exhibition. The snake elepartinent, we were told by Mr. Smith was a thing of the past. Some years ago they had a snake museum consisting of rattlers, garters, blue racers etc., etc , which they caught about the shops, bottled and fondled until they be came mouotenous and were dispensed with. We wish to say that ii was Mr. Robt Stewart insteael of Mr. W. B. Short who so ably aided us in our endeavors to se cure subscribers for the Hkrau. Con tinued to-morrow. Three Grovi The w eather has beeajl sorts the last week. Mrs. Lau:a Kennedy frota Plattsmouth. was in the neighborhood, visiting the last week. - , Mrs. William Nickles has been quite ill the 'ast few days; Dr. Reynolds of Rock Bluffs is waiting on her. The family of Mr. A. M. Holmes are rejoicing ever a new comer that arrived there on Monday night. It is a fine boy and Mr. "A. M." is the proudest of alL Miss Luella Young met with a rather I painful accident Saturday by being thrown from a wagon. -The thumb of the left hand receiving the main force of the fall and buising it quite badly; the fall came near breaking it. Dr. Reynolds dressed the woundeel hand anel it is do ing quite well. The much talked of wcdeling friend "Timshaver" took place some time the last week, we presume you have heard about it long before this. Sorry to say it turned out to be our "big" cousin, in stead of "us;M as everybody knows all about it by tins time, it hardly will be worth while to spend time telling who it was other than to say that the grooms name is "Joe." Reporter. Balyeat's Fig Tonic- Balyeat's Fig Tonic Cures chronic digestion. in- Balyeat's Fig Tonic is especially for weak and delicate women, Balyeat's Fig Tonic, not only relieves, but cures. uaiyeat s r ig ionic removes all im purities of the blood. Balyeat's Fig Tonic is a mild and gen tle laxative; with its use, strength and ambition will return and a healthy glow will brighten the complexion. Price 50c and $1. Money cheerfully refunded if the above is not substantiated by trial For sale by W. J. Warrick. f OOO Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely yegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing SO sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John O. Well a r oaa xtr r J : 01. Ti I V.O., OO-fi TY. UWOn UUlcagO, IIS 1 Sold byW. .J Warrick. Hon. H. W. Grady. The Statesman, Scholar and True American, set an example worthy of re flection for all True Americans. Healing wounds that no methods except those used by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Salye which is sold on its merits for any use that a salve can be used. No cure, no pay. For sale by the following drug gist. Price 25c per box. W. J. Warrick: The Quaker Medicine Company Respectfully ask some very plain ques tion: Can Consumption be cured or even benefitted? Can a Cold be cured or even stopped? Can you expect to be even re- lieved by any medicine or physician? No you cannot, if you simply change the temperature of your boely three or four times a elay for every change you aeld to your cold Mothers, your chil dren's health and your happiness de mands of you consistant love. Shall vanity make your life miserable, ending only in death? Dr. Watson's New Spe cific Cough Cure is the result of science. Price SOc and $1. It is warranted by the following druggist. W. J. Warrick x. vutuma jrreachor'a Comment. Governor Taylor, of Tennessee, recently told of a colored clergyman who preached a sermon on the text: "And the multitudes came to him and he healed them of divers diseases." Said he: "My dying congregation, this is a terrible text. Disease is in the world. The smallpox slays its hundreds, the cholera its thousands and the yellow fever its tens of thousands, but, in the language of the text, if you take the divers, you are gone. These earthly doctors can cure the smallpox, cholera and yellow fever if they get there in time, but nobody but tne good ird can euro toe divers." Isew York Tribune. Wanted It Understood. "Wanted Lodgings by a B. A. Adver tiser wiahes it clearly understood that none need apply who object on principle to fall in with his not excessive requirements, which include 1st, punctuality in serving meals; 2d, moderate quiet in house; 3d, dry toast thrice daily; 4th, joints to be roasted (not baked), and chops and steaks to bo grilled (not fried) ; 9th, the free use of a latch key; and Cth. the absence of a cat." This adver tisement appeared in a country newspaper in tngiana. new iorsoun. Use av lArff Stove. A large stove consuming the same amount of coal as one of smaller size will radiate jnoro heat, and is therefore the more eco nomical. The reason for this is that the larger stove has more surface, and hence when hot its effct is greater upon the sur rounding air. Of course, the factor of intel ligent management must be taken into ac count with this comparison.-' Boston Budget. BROWNE, Xi-A."W OFFICE. rersonal attention to all Business Entrust- to my care. NOTARY IX OFFICE Title Examined. Abstarcts Compiled, In surance Written, Keal Estate Sold. Better Facilities for making Farm Loaue than Amy Qt tier Ageflcy. Plattsmouth, - Nebraska. Dr. C. A- Marshall. BBWTIST! Preservation tf natural teeth a ppecialty. Teeth extraetel without pain by w of Laxtghing Gas. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZOEBJkLDBl.O-Tf -TXATTSaiOVTn.N IB. BAKGAJN COLUMN. Seethe fine line of silver ware ut R. McElwain's. Finest elisplay of Mufflers, from 25i? to $3.50. Elson, The One Price Clothier. -Call for Michigm eating apples also Michigan and New York cider at Phillip Krause If you are looking for bargains in dolls, don't miss seeing what we have. We will save you money. dGtw2t Will J. Warxick. A finely furnished loom for rent. Ap ply at Mrs. JohnsonV corner 5th and Pearl streets. ' (id yJi D ii. n'z'i Rheumatic Cure and throw away your cane and crutches. I For sale by Smith & Black. Meic bargains on our 5, 10, 25, 50 and 99 cent counters than ever. Try us for bargains. (d5tw2t .) Will J. Warkick. a une iuii mooei iniKsinrc Doar ror A 1 ..II 11-1 1 m sale. For further particulars call at this office. We show the best assortment of low prUed Comb and briih bets. Call and see them. U6w2 WILL J. WARRICK. We call your attention to the fac' that the Vieua bakery keeps constantly on hanel a fine line of nice fresh bread cakes and pies. They have just received a new stock of fancy candies for the holiday traele. Gd A fine line of pencils and golel pens at B. A. McElwain's Acms skates only oue dollar at Johnson Bros. el 2 w Eldredgo sewing machines only $30 I on the installment plan at Johnson Bros. d 2 w The Bon Ton bakery havoiust received nncl Will ODen Fr rhiv mnrnimr M, . ... . Hna . Chpiatmna " ' v.iutj, buiu iwjv ami sugar fruits ever brought to the city of Plattsmouth. Don't fail to call and see them. Mens Overcoats , $2.00. Boys " i.5o. Childrens " 1.73. At Elsons's the One Price Clothier. The standard remedy for liver com plaint is West's Li ver Pill; they never disappoint you. 30 pills 25c. At War rick's drug store. Eyerjbfidy tn.) s we have thebett line Photograph Albums m ihe city and at the lowest price. Don't buy an Album uutil you tea our ft !ck an.l prices. d8tw2t WILL J. WAKTICK- The largest and hnest Stoc k of Muf flers, ever shown in this town, at S. & C. Mayer's. A new stock of watches and clocks, just received at B. A. McElwain's. The Bon Ton Christinas line of candies is the largest, best and cheapest ftock eyer brought to the city. The largest, best and cheapest stock of autograph, photosrouh and scrap albums in the city are at Warncks. dGtw2t T. H. rinllii-s is sole agent for the justly celebrated Red Cross sciiool shoes. lliey cost no more than other brands and will out wear two pair of any other school shoes made, A. fane assortment of Christmas carets from lc to f 3 at Warrick's. d0tw2t For Rent. A good, warm, six-room dwelling heuse. For particulars enquire at this otiice. dlw Cups and saucers, mugs, vases, etc., at bargain prices on our cheap counters. d6tw2t Will J. Wakrice. Don't forget that M. li. Murphy & Co. now handle the "Bon Ton bread. , Pick out the piece of Real Estate you want and then call for 1 rice and terms upon Winham & Davi s. Oyer Bank of Cass Co. 18tf. Warrick's is the place u - ank no mistake. He lias a and at low prices. Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure has cured more cases of Rheumatism in the last ten years in this city anel county than any and all other meelicines put together. For sale by Smith & Black. Hard dry wood $4.50 per c.rd. Leave orders with John Tutt at L. D. Bennett's store. Ladies Hair Dressing. "Wigs, waves, watch chains, switches 1 and all work pertaining to laeiics hair dressing, done by F. E. Lockwood, at Ed Morley's barber shop. lm Use Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure if it don't do you any good come in and we will give you your money back. For sale by Smith fe Black. If you want to invest in a good Christ mas prcEtnt, go to a. A 3lci.lwain s jew- elery store and look through his elegant ! assortment. I have plenty of hard coal also Mis souri, Iowa and Illinois coal at my yards, forraerly;Whitebrest. Everything Screen ed that needs ir. Stove wood ready pre pared. Orders taken at M. B. Murphy's j store and Central Telephone oflice. Ttlepone No. 13 Timothy Clark. X2ST Nothing will make a better present. All other goods W4. j6M fessaJtiiiisi aS &a w.&raat&e' Men's Embroidered Slippers for only 75c ,sdltt allover fer 1,25. ' Men's Fine Opera Slippers for only $1.00, sold all over foi $1.50. Men's Fine Chenilled .Embroidered Slipper for only $1.50, sold all over for $2.00. Call and you will be convinced that you can get the best " CASH' AT IS Our line of Holiday Xovelties is OUR -HOLIDAY would advise those in search of Good Useful, Common Sense Presents to look over our assortment before purchasing. For vour lves, Daughter; line would be suitable gilts: A sett lrom $5 to $10 a sett. A beautiful Combination Di ets Pattern at 10, from 75c to $35.00 each; th3 largest line in Ihc City. Kid Gloves Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk Muiilcrs, Plush Toilet Sete, Plush' Manicure Set?, Tlush "Work Duxes, Plush Handkerchief Boxes, Plush Glove iJoxes, Plush Papaterics, Brass Crumb Set, Brass Minors T? 7 Wrass 1 laques, Leather Hand Lrgs, Leather Purse?, Leather Muhc Bolls, etc., etc., etc. jJ3 For your Husband, Sons, Mufflers irom 23c to $3,00. less varietv Kid Gloves, Silk L -iv-jr.;, Umhivllas. Broom Holders, Brass Ash Beceiveiv, Brass Match Safes, Brass Ink Wells, Brass Thermometers, Brass i'iciuri I-Yimes, PLUSH CUFF Atil Plush Hand Mirrors, and iuii Initial o Op-Town - JeweletyTStorer walclies.CIeciMfiWfilrF, BiiwFaiejMei Jewelry' r" t r otrxTc vr--nT. at ' And everything in the way of Jewelry can be nave pu e.iaseu a large stocK 01 tijc above named goods for the coin W ' honday trade, which we propose to 11 at reasonable prices and will endeavor to discount Omaha prices 20"". And can not be Howarj, Waltham, Springfield, Columbus, Aura'ra And many other makes, encased in Ihc best silvcrore, silvende and silycioid. "We also keep in f-totk a ti 0f ij 1 T ' "3 silver and plated spoons, etc., which will be sold at l-,v prices. . r, 4i. : i -. . . ' nu j& uiu iimu 10 bc-iuct your mock is bo coiiiiLie. our geou.s ::re .1. : i-i.- f 1 GAULT & VASS, South Side Main Street Hard elry wood $-1..1G nor cord. Leave orders with John Tutt at L. D. Bennett's store. Real estate and abstracts. dtf W. K Wise. Men'a velvet slippers. 3c at T. n rhiilips'. must go "at a. BARGAINS now ready for inspection and we GOODS. Sweetheart- Siiitei-3, tl following of Table Linen, we have them Cloak at our lleduced Trice. A reduced from $13.50. Party Tans Brothers, Cashmere and Silk d Linen IlandLerehield, an end- Knit Scarfs, Bras Whisk ft fit BOXES lim of i.r.dics and Gents "5 "2 anci&ereiiief s found in our wtll-sclcctcil w. ;e,x111;1- VrehavcinVtock watch movements . of t ho hnest makes, tiu ii as the Elcrin. JW-v.. of gold, coin ilv(r unnstmas nrpsonto our an new and Of 'latest d 11 - lesigne. JEWELER s, DOVEY BLOCK Radiant Ifnma 1 n 1 !y reduced prices at Job: son Bros. . d2w O. P. Smith & Co. have r.n decant and varied stock of Christmas and New Jear, cards. Pu ehnsera sl:ould i?t fj il to cl t'ure. ft. V, X 1 l A 1 -1