V TIIK l)AtI,V '.! HA LI), I'i.AT'ilOi'Til, N:I-:n!l. :': : . v,' ; ' ' . N ; : ' !;. V. i Iii.JKM liK 11 11,1SS7. S iyc yiattsmoutl) Daily ijeralb KNOTTB BBOS., Publishers & Proprie tors. TIIK rKATTSMOUTH IIKKAM) Is piililislicd -vrry cvimiIiik -xc'it Kmi'lay anil Wefkly i-viry lliui.silay ii.miiliitf. Iii-kIn-(cr l :it Hit- iiiiKinflicf, I siilMnoulli. Ni-hr.. 1 a Hccaii(I-cI;iSH uiiitu-r. OHice comer of Vine and 1-lltli Minis. I KRMS FUR IIAII.V. One copy one jeur in :ulv;iiic by mail ; 00 Ou ciiy pr nioutli. l-y can l-r -m f Hie cojty per week, by carrier, is f r.e cony one year, in advance, . . l O-ittOpyalx mourns in advance, Tub Nebraska City. .Miincli.unc-n is nsrain on top. this time lie claims an in crease of o,000 in population in the uM inoss covered burgh iu the last year, not counting tins wild Iniy. matter. A cabinet ofliccr serves only for a limited period, and n practically the representative of a party; a supreme judge holds his oll'ice for life, with the privilege of retirement on full pay at a certain age, ami is supposed to be entire ly free from all partisan influences and obligations. To consent to a man's ap pointment as secretary of the interior can !.; s iid to commit any senator to his s'lppoit for a position demanding capac ity of a different order in every respect. Mr. Lnm.'ir is a man of cl -ver acquire ments in several directions, and he de s'TV s well of the paity which he his served .so long and faithfully; but it does not follow that h-j is a proper per son to invent v. it li the honor and power of a supreme judge. U'lobe Demovraf. A 'EM WHITTLE THAT HEATH ALL. Texas Sitiny: On the New Jersey railro id the other, day the engineer started his whistle as the train was ap proaching a depot, but when he wanted BUGS SET IN DIAMONDS. Ji.: Tjik outlook for riattsmouth next year is very favorable. With paving, sewering, and grading going on, business will re ceive finite an impetus, the money paid out by the city for improvements will be t( shut il ,f 5t Positively refus-d to let nf rrvrnt assist n nee to our hibni m.r me,, "! in lacr, llie WlllSlie COlilinuecl lo and merchants. increase iu volume and intensity long af ter the train had stopped, and the entire Tiik city council with a little new town was alarmed. Crowds rudied to blood next spring can be of almost as the depot to see what was the matter, much value to the city as a railroad, with and gaz.'d upon the irrepressible loco- a council favoring and working earnestly motive with horror in their faces and t : . i,i .i .:it ...l.i I . - .. m. niipiovciiiciiis, i laiisiiiouui win nun tneir lingers in ineir ears. J lie enmnccr four thousand to her population next worked at the old thing until he fainted I.; f.i ' I: ' li:'-n i; : !-! ei.!'i' t i 1 year. Tiik new higli license law in Philadel phia threatens not only to drive out of business the smaller dealers wh. cannot pay the $5000 fee, but also many who can pay it but cannot secure bondsmen to become responsible for the faithful com pliance with tha provisions of the law. At'cortDiNf! to"lJrer"Shei in in the tariff makes all the manufacturers rich, if that is true hadn't "Urer" Sherman better go to manufacturing something that is pro tected instead of running a one hon-e democratic newspaper in a climate thct is very unhcalthful for that sort of an enterprise? An! That name, Ci.KVKi.vxn! That message! Can it be? Ah, ha! 'Tis there, 'tis there; the tariff reform strawberrv aii, riff reft mirk on H13 left arm. It is, it is me lonir lost brother, IIiixuv Watkissox. Slow music. Curtain falls on beautiful tab leau, introducing IIicnrv with an olive branch, Groveu with a goose juil, and the star eyed goddess, wearing nothing but a broad grin. OiAaha World. Tiik foreign nations are perfectly amazed at learning of a country with more money in its treasury than it knows what to do with and at the same time liuds the people who are paying thest taxes the most prosperous on the fa?c ol me cann. l-ree i raeie JmnaiM can hardly understand it. Possibly the re publican doctrine of protection to Amer ican industries has bad something to do with it, "practical results" are more po rent arguments man ail the line spun theories extent, be they ever so plausible. THE LAMAR APPOINTMENT. The idea that the appointment of Mr. Lamar to the supreme bench provokes I there is not a difference of idea and very opposition only because of his prominent in the cab, nft knowing any other good way of shaking himself clear of all re spoiioildi'y. All kinds of wild propo sitions were made for stopping the infer nal noise. ( )iie man wanted to call out the fire department, another suggested that they get out an injunction, while some ot tlie more desperate proposal that thej' blow up the whistle with dyna mite.. A deaf old lady in the suburbs, who hadn't heard it thunder iu twenty years, heard the noise, and attributed it to her granddaughter, who was up stairs making the beds, and she quoted the old f ouplet: "A whistling girl and a crowing hen Are sure to come to some bad cud." Poi Innately, a railroad mm came along who kn-.-w something about hys terics in locomotives, to which this strang.j whittling is unquestionably due, and he -went into th ; cab with a monkey- wrench and a hammer, and jerked and thiiiiiMcd nljout ' until the whistling cas-.'tl. iVo:le in tnat town nave Deen wearing col ton in their cars ever since. 1 'MERE 1 T CA ME FROM. Vv'asiiixctox, Dec. 10. Toledo Hindi : fiic venerable ex-Judge Ncah Davis, in writing to a friend here, has furnished mitcrial for Washington gossips. On th President's message he says: "I was delighted to see th' President's in sge, as I always am to meet an old lequaintaneo. If it were not indecorous to a cuse the President of plagiaiism I should sav he had borrowed the message horn the stump speech which the late Chief Justice Church, while the leader of the democracy in western Anv A ork was accustomed to make during the contest between Clay and Polk. With the exception if the intertal rev enue taxation, winch he also opposed, i:nI Mounted U:i;;s the i-atcst C'ra.vi in 1";ililoii.ill irclcrt. rson who is not ia the swim of sly!' !f has no idea what torture a woman u endures. lr the past t --ti il-jy.i tlor. eon n luru erowd of eiitliiisia-.tie wo- istling each other in- front of a wiu.low swell jeweler. The writer tried for aieei-ssive days to ee wli::t v.V u;;i!al !io female mind, aud along ch-cit i the other aft-ruiK:i the crowd lie'.'i linish, and a chance at tlm window : -.a '1 him. ry tenii)lin;j haeana, h-.lf peeled, l.:v m old K"'d i1um!i cushion, nnil a d-little iin with a chain attaehedi.i y nt its Nothing elsij was visihli. Fi.i;:ll y, the mind had Ipe:i made sore w:L j r, a shining black bn; elmt ojit fror.i tho black peeling of tho banana and d ubout the cushion. There was a thin le gold ling filxiut its ltody, v. hich was .ed to tho pin and chain. The bir; I like a beetle, and had a smooth, ray back and lon;, well funned ley;. A 1 !Hrtr oiened the donr t; admit the :ty seeker, ainl tho followin;; informa- as given concerning the ai imal: ''i.:at, sir, is to le the swell thing i:i ladies' jew. !.v. Tho style originated in Yiici-tini, .: tho ladies wear two or thre? at a tinio, a" l il will not bo long bei'oro every fashion nb!e vtoiiiun iu this city will bo v.-. a ring o;e."' Wouieii of sound mental eahl er.'"" c-ked the !i- tener. "Yes, sir, intellectual wo::i;i. AVe ere now busy getting out sonic on the order of well Imown ladies. The baeJu of tho begs are hard and luhnit of mounting in rubies or di. a;ie -iids without injury to tho bug, but thi.i is ' .vely a matter of tasto. Tho rins cn ci;x i::-.g tho boly are frequently rt in rubies, tLo::.'h the chief beauty of the ornament is to l.c.ve tho back mounted. Just iaiagiuetho fx'.di'.y of wearing a live insect Pet in diamonds. Why, I tell yon, sir, it is oiio of the .c-eatest crazes that ever struck the city. Th can be worn in tho hair and at the m--, and tho chain that yon j.ee attached pre-. e-.its them from crawling only just so far. Ves, I know it muke.i 0:10 shudder to thir'c of it, but thvre is no tortur i ti great for a : t3lish woman. 'I--.lensive? No, tho bugs alono co.-,t ?T, nn li.'O quality of gold and style of :,tones mil 1 '.epend uiion tho pnrsecf the purchaser. Thi y : re very easily kept, as all a lady h.is to d : after wearing ono is to lay it near a bai:.c-.a, where the odor alone wi!l kuej) it alive. If tho craze reaches the point we prc ui . '.here will be men learning the trade of mounting bugs' backs." New York Evening fiiia. t: It's o:i fiv ..:. ! il ' ri : .t t1; And li- TIi-1 ' n An.! if An I th, Tlief e i" it'. :! r connection with the secession movement is a mistaken one. That is a substantial objection in the case, to be sure, but it it by no means the only one. Leaving his confederate record entirely out of the cpuestion, there r.rc still several practical little of language between the message and the stump speech. By this messag- nven to the country an issue between free trade and protection of American in- lustrv whrch can no longer be shirked y his party. "He emphasized it also by making.it the sole subject of his message. Therein ' find tbrit br Ima nisi fin fi rmvi A Chinese Actor. ; must not stir; there are no intervals. u might ''mar ail by this starting. mist watch intently the exits and en 4, note tho disguises and transforma An actor who Las go:io out scantilv ay reapjiear in flowing robes 14 let .-umferenco, Vtith a gorgeoui hehiiec ligh, but you ir.n:;t Le able to ive ni; ou must look beyond th-j s':rea:r. ,rd ar.d uiustaclio that ha:ig so otMl .it of his faeo like a veil. You unr deceived by appearances; "there are rs abroad." i hat hero 13 not neecs ad because his head has apparently it oh" it may be he ha oaiy sufTereil itmont; nor this man bo alivo because alking round tho stage with the others .) are such things as spirits and drc-ar.;t is man may perehanee be a dream or a u need an interpreter, find out a friend laman in the audieiico who can spcali Knglish a washerman, or a domes i and sit near liku. Then, when a new ler airear:;, yoti can make j'our la- :. You may leai-u "him allee samo Uim all light," and feel confidence in cordingly; or it may bo tnat your or's opinion is unfavorable, and lie him heap lad, him allee same debbil, you will expect to iind the now comer '."ickedly, even though he have no black lite paint on his faee. Thus vou will j to separate the sheep from the goats. AThat lie Discovered. A 1 .ndsomely dressed j-oung woman en ter; .! i crowded street car. A long whiskered eld i- low, wearing a dingy slouch hat and a suit home spun clothes, got up and said: "---, take ray seat. I don't lool: as well o here gentlemen' nodding at several "but I've diskivcred that l'vj got inoro .ess." and forcible reasons why the senate should mistake, lie confines himself to tin not be in a hurry to confirm the nomina tion. In the first place, his advanced ag is decidedly against him; a man of hi.- ycars can not be expected to render satis factory service in a position requiring so much close and careful menial application, lie is known, furthermore, to be exceed ingly dilatory, and uncertain iu his habits, w hereas a supreme judge should be of all men the most attentive and exact. But the most important obj. cti' n lies in the fact that his legal talents and acquire ments are of a very ordinary and doubtful character. He has never held a judicial oincc of any kind; it. is not even certain that he ever tried a lawsuit in his life. If lie has any of the qualifications of a jur ist, it has not been demonstrated in actual practice at the bar or service upon the bench. His rccortl shows that v. iih .tin exception of several years spent in school- teaching, his time has been wholly de- votcel to politics; and the career of a pol itician is surely not conductive to the de velopment of high legal qualities. In all previous instances, appointments of this kind have been given to men of recognized standing ami experience in the legal profession. No'man has e ver yet bvcn elevated to tht aug-ust and illustri ous tribunal whose "reputation i s a lawyer was open to any question...- For the 'first time in our hi to make a supreme ual whose course of life has always been such as to unfit rather than to qualify him fur the duties and responsibilities of the station. It is a political appointment in the strictest sense of the term; nn I the senate has a perfect right to reject . it on. that account. The fact that Mr. , Lamar lias been heretofore confirmed as a Cabi jjet minister counts for nothing in th's single proposition whether the countrv will maintain a system which protects its great industries and secures the home market for its products, or will abandon that svstem and turn over its m inufactur- ies to foreign countries." J-Tiysicians should carry tho whys unci wherefores of health and diseaso into tho f aciiliej under t heir care to tho extent of their power. Hygieno and sanitation should come to to understood through the family doctor, if in no other way. We do not mean that doctors can spend time, of which they hare so little, in ex pounding these matters fully to their pa tients, uor can doctors carry about i i their little medicine chests a never failincr sunnlv A A of brains to bo given to those not well fur- nihed in that way, nor a supply of self de nial for 1 hose who will gratify their tastc-j and whiin3 at tho cost of health; but wordjof wisdom set thinking men and women to Studying for themselves oa these subjects, and may even cause the heedless and un thinking to pause and consider. Tho time will come when doctors will be paid lor keeping the people well and for giv ing advice on these topics. Mrs. E. O. Cook, il. L.; in Demorest's .Monthly. Yellow Fever. It is a well known fact that tho character of tho fever is different in different years. A remedy tliat answers admirably ono year will answer at all another year. 1 he doctors of ..very city tliat suuers rrom yellow lever hav-e their experiences with the fever to tell, a?:-l tho thing v.-hi.'h punnles them the most is t':e treatment which appeared to be so i A- :a?t jry i-i ono epidemic produced the I r.i :.c li-..v-:trous results in another. It is said i thaO e. Florida physician, who mado a great as V. men poii i The young woman sat down without thank- nio- ti:o old fellow: and, slyly raiicmj at a woman whom she knew, whispered: 'Ilov do you like my gallant country hor-si- r? Don't you think that ho would cat quite ,i figure in a dime museum 'T-iiss," said tho old fellow with a smile which clearly bespoke his unconsciousness of the iladyliko ridicule, "I b'levo I left my Ihk: -..ioook thar on thaS seat, urn you pica.. e git up a ruinit?' The young woman got up. The eld fellow sat d-jwn, and, stroking his whijkerj, re marked: 'IVj'-ivo I'll jest keop on a settla' li3iv, mis.-?. I sloo I up so much at tho dime museum j:st now that I'm sorter tired. I've got a leetlc more i toliteness than theso hero gentlemen, but I have diskivered that I ain't c;ot nigh so much sense." Arkansaw Travele story, it-is gravely propose-d refutation as a yellow fever doctor in 18G7, ireme judge of an indi vid f'-'T1 "ly ?;hisky j" T to J ? - hi; it-.t:en:.s. 1-or tl.o next epidemic, Lqw- evi v, v. ..-;:iv ae.e.i as n cieauiy potion. T.'iera i- n doubt that other fevers which prevail during a: epidemic assume the yel low lever typo and paa3 for that disease. In the pidcruie of ls;s, in I"cw Orleans, some of the moot e:rperienoed of the ihysieians insisted th it ia some parts of the city tao prevailing tit.. 'as? was not yellow fever at oil, but a fever tfir.ilar to it, wuieh thfy called pernicious fe-. v: It was a 3 fatal as yellc fever, how-e've.-, cud much more difficult to treat suo vfnllv Florida Letter- Four CiTillzIns Forces. In t'.io development of the race Jlr. 1,1a t thew Arnold recognizes four great civilizing force There is, he says, tho jxjwer of con duct, as shown by England in her religion, industry and lovo of public order an-J. staoil ity; there is the power of lieauty, ijre-ei.ii-nent i:i Italy, where tho common people arc b!r:i critics of works cf art, poetry an-J the dra:i:; there is tho power of knowledge, po tent iii Germany, whose people, without a tru? end widespread culture, yet have a clear sense of "tho necessity cf knowing scicu" ideally' (that is, with aeeuratj thor ough. i-s) what needs to be known; and last, thuv is the power of life and maimers, cf which the great example i? France, where, as 2Si Arnold and that fino ob.-crver, 11am ert'i'i. agree in testifying tho general iutelii gc.ici. is so apt and tho general behavior so con;-; ius that the educated man may talk with .he peasant as with an equal. Ilurix-r's Uaz.;r. TIio Cook's Keaso:i. A I It of conversation took place last week Ix.'tw ;;i a BDston lady and a friend's cook. Th ;" aiily in which tho latter lived have re cci.i I;." moved from a noisy street-to a ipiiet C'ii", ;. proceeding which chanced hoc lo plea - the cools. The mistress wa:; rh -whig an I I friend over tho houso v.-Iien tho hitter said i the cook: "Vahave a nice, quiet place, here Jtlar garct. with none of the noise of the old h...r, "I 's the noise of the city that I'm after liki..' meself, ma'am," returned Margaivt sor.iiy. "L'o you" said tho lady pleasantly. "Oh, I iIgu'l. J can't stand tho rattle und tho roar of tl.o noisy streets of tho city." W:-y likely not," Margaret nssento,". nrlmly. ,lI s'poso most likely your brain isn't r strong as mine, ma'am.". Boston Cor Fro riil?nce Journal. 1 I th ;ii'.ie;r "I fa-, j -.lf uii ! y il o:.t ;' It wa. Ml-i't.-i fcllo.v v 1 ic 1 .and erable p. the sil ve iled just them in r niaa to-.! in turn i e! ion v, down vci "1 hue Then I: ho grasp and pres ;. . "states."' he applit itlivrs ha rniin' a si the coin. : hrr, 1'att ry;.: ly pretty of relief, ami left broken li. lie w:.: fed that i all :.- vi bine,!, 'i coins, lie-, sin a ex;; gin.-hcl 1 ero c, pe. is t!i c ' di-t may I'Lili-.u-l, A T. The o!" two do. i n4 met, variation, of th' c):; under th. when the of the ti sago ovi . through : cal preei: juncture This is skill, am! the apie," mining c Conimerc lilill flr.r dc TOIJACe always GEN I with VAi sold o ! 5 ! r 0- '(' . '" t' --: f - ' Dr. V.. ". iel' ast !H VTilsi-'S i he. M( i , l al'-oho' lr -lo:,, s '.!:!. :sie' resra- nre rr I'l elt .'iei ii at rr'ii'' ir.i:ii. self. '.enliiiiis o' rsi lue;- icct-iiit en . VE C fa cine r.u y i s fo ve w:ll sei, :ee tri let1.;. :i(il ' lVei-t : ill J. '.V;. Fo:; Sa itsidi tie e lltstre. block v. 1CUSC of me pant; t went vs.. ibundan: tf Buy lUtl VOL! (S'l Vi! IIO WO mSUt m - Cor. 4 UHL. Sept. U r ? -f r-- ND3. .oath, 1.-st fiiei:'.-?, ii!,1, . fr.', ifU it-)fi;i, -t l':-i..n,l, .' l:i. '.e . e'l -oa. V. ess in i lio : r. :.i n:e cigars . ocr your :'. e:i passed r si or,- l:;te yi.iii'g ore :t wor eil conrid the loss cf .a 1 thrt he I h" spread The young :.;i ed each io: tif ve;: :;d the last 1: - '' This time Ii o.ie hend ' tier -IV in ' r, t which :;;er, all the fray, there L-aranco of ::d hi If the red willi a i extreme- ived a sigh :i c-'ccliniige .irtling his." ietims (f n lp!:ia with em :;.;co;:i- le of two ether with be (listi;; en by a in?- i-sl.-..ii;:;l id t ie l;id- l':e i'ine. .; Still!. ' et -.i-een tho :'-.!u-t tun biw.dth of alciil.ii ions work 1m;:c i drill.; met ; wo sections .'hns a pas : burrowed jnathemati I wJic.ro the as 1; leal'ed. engineering i charge of of the best -. " . ... I ..1. EtOiam w mom am a -OFFICES OF- a K, - t ' 1 lUi o' ci ' n u c s irncLES ''!. 1S.S."5. V ' i I i r shuttle, - e;r cash L. h Branch -.Iii J '"fT r-iv:mlil(; I-:r.v and Ileal Estate Ligation u ppeciaUy. t ( l leclleuiri made in all j.arU.uf the State through com peU'tf button ; f IVivons dtsiiiiir the liest ot FIliE IXSUIiANCE can get it by :! plyin at tin's olKce, either in the old Pho-nix, of Hartford, aEtn; , of, IliU tforil, (Jnccii. of Liverpool, IVhigaru, Western, Traders of Chic ;. 2o Letrcr companies can he lound anywhere, and the rates are as io'.v sts can lie had in any reliable company. FARM - INSURANCE .A. SPECIALTY. VVc have an exceedingly large list of .Realty for sale, both !;n proved ami uiiimproveel, including pome ot ihe mo.st desirable r .-:i-dence property in the city. 11 property is wanted either within the old town t he or in any of the additions to the city, it can bo h.td through this cfiice. Persons having proerty for eale or excha:.;ro vx iil consult their best interests by listing the game with us. 5- -e J S:S2 Ikl 64 Bmf3a Pasfe Tiro loveliest residoiiec locality in the city can be purchased at '.hi ohice lor xliO, in payments of oi e-third down, balance in one ; :;d two years; or h.wn, balanci! in monthly aynie:its. Anyone !e-.-iring io vi.M-t this locality, whether they have in view the purcha of a lot or nor, by calling at our oflice will be driven to the Park fre of e.pe:i.-e. Romcmbei the pl.u-e, Mil $ U iJi A Pq a sff2 SENT FREE. SENT FRE'-:. A Sample Copy of Van Ton-Page Weekly GLOB E -DEM O CR AT READ READ READ The followin.:-- comparative statement of u number of the most prominent wee' '5 s i'"1"1-""1 eio j linen ,-ii ius, mhiw-3 cfinciii.sively that the; Wceklv C.I'jhu Democrat is fror.i ." to r0 percent the cheajiest. Weekly Glolje-Dcinocr.it, St. Ltui;, -r-. Wceklv liernblii-aii. t. I.ntiis, Mo WVeHv ' r'l.nue. f'liicazti. Ill Weekly Times Clii-nnn. Ill Veekiv 1 ter-O-jf aa. l'lee:i.. 1)1 Wei kly li:i'iin-r. U.i,e;niia',i, 0 Week It 'on-in reial-f ;aolle. C iiicinnuti. t We- k,y Times. cw York f.'i'y Wei--ly Sun. New Yrk City vvtekle Weri.i. New Y.nk f'itv 10 ''njoi S l'a'-. 'aes. I'a;;c. I'aes 'aK 'a ;es. I'UV'.v . I'aire-f K H X K S 8 10 C 'liima mi C'iIuai s f; c uiii 1 1 s 5(5 C'oliiiiins ! Coluinin M I'ohiinu MS (' blinin m e'.iiiiniiM Til 'i.l nn :is fill "ill:?UMS 31 Per 1 $1 00 per l.f:0 per l exi per t -03 per yi.i-5 jici fl 00 .er .00 per Si .oo per $1 fio per ; r fourteen Columns of Solid Reading Matter rctvur ui mo u.Oje-uemocrat. n Ti e;:f lie -nt I. '-. i e-: ia, !! :ii v t lie u e '.r'enial !) itiiu; ia :.ie: i:e:i: li. s et Ti.w ii i S; t r- ii:i f ''ie l ;-,.-li li x 1 (K) :i ti' pi (-iii ill Cl- - r ! vrf ivp(: WPIl (-a, '. li K"-:.r. i.- i ".!-llt '. ' (1 iev I.y ,:-u:!.. Ntli. :i-rr.i my i' K;-,ii ami .,r.' cf 1 r. half 'iuIvs ami Ly v.-.-il- r; and an . hinds. . Bau:s. Warrick's ulw-w3v.-. PRICES OF OTHER EDITIONS OF TH 2 GL03E-DEM0CRAT DAILY, per annum, $12 00 Tlil WEEKLY, per annum, 500 SEMI-WEEK LY . ii'3r annum. .............. nr ii , . i xr , , ' i oatnmsrers sum yxew.-Kieaiers tire atithorizeil to receive sab? and seiid direct to the cript:-.::3 Globe Printing Company, St. Loui PBS?; sr&s a 17 a &, mmmt cm j Knw aw. End fwl m?m 2 Kraft Hi n l.T '-.. 'J J. FIcQUM, FEED c& BBOYISFQN W. B. KUhFKY ci f .IS 3 5 c.Ji i i a i 5 p i 111 U mn ;cets. - c O.TATH AN 11ATT J . W. MRT. TY HEAT MARKM TOlilv TACKEPiS and l::.li:rs in BUTTER AND EGGS. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND YEA . THE BFST TIIS MARKET AFFORDS ALV.'AYS OX IJAND.' Sugar Cured Meals, Hams, Baco n, Itrd, dc, I c. ot our own make. The Lest Lr.mels of OYSTERS, in cans nl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1 1 ) i 7, 1 1