The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 13, 1887, Image 1

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    FiMiik CarrutU has the large!, fhieat and most complete stock of Diamonds, Gold Watches, Clmin.SjChariusllvcr WarCjSpcciaciesaiity Holiday CJoo1h to welect from
in the City. It will pay you to call and see our dipl;ty,and our prices are hiicIi as will sell the goods. Don't fail to call. Everybody Invited. FRANK CAItllUTlf.
-r, r
gitjv oKKiciKtjs.
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Clerk. -
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Clark ot !l-tii':t t oarr.
lep ny SlierilT.
Attni'-y. of ! School.
l A. OAMI'I'.KI.I,
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' , i tracked to a dugout by lIollinfswortirs
CIVIC SOClJ't'l'l l'i3. j ,,. on cr. ck, s v. ral mibs from
'V:Wrrr..- t o--on-u and o:d -r.d lo s-irr. n.b r, whicli
l-'i-vi-jy Tiip:-.l:iy ev M.iii.-. .i i- ii -. -. aii j,, of coruse lefuseil to do. Ouy llol
attcutl. li!!:;-.voi ;li, a youni man 2-1 years of ago,
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Jif Mr.-.l.- I Mi f:S mi "i :m 1 foul !! Al"H
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A l.l
Clecls, Jewelry
S93ialAt?ciLt on aiYcnwateli Repairing
Library - Lamps
j i'i
Cheap Prices i
Ii-: pi-event the following time
triij-1 ami fire-tested fompinios:
Arornea i einr:u-.--. i."" ii-. C.iioii-i-ngiana.
Yir-i A si -:a io i-Pai; uiei-t!:ia,
Frankl'.u-r i 1 :e'.; hi
Hoine-X w Y.:k. "
In.-" N ir'ti Ante ici Pait."
i.lTrrpo(I&ouJn .s ;i !'e-i:ng "
Karth liri: ei As .M?.-e.i:iti:?-!:i! "
HOT" i -'i Cii'ii'i-K.ilaiK?,
Kprinaeld 7. tc M.-.SiiasatsIJ. "
Ttat .VsetS.3ii.U"j,T:t
Fine:-: Line
latest by Telegraph.
Newt Vorce Aftsr a Lone Hunt Is
3hot ami Gsrraloil at Corona
In a Dugout.
I)!:.NVi.jt, Colo., I.e. 12. Newt Vorce,
tin; :csikt:u1o, is fetill at large, though it
is claimed lie ran not cs:aiK'. He is
ii'ticiulicl in the C. It. Rhodes ranch
near Corona, ami is thought to bo badly
vouiil-.l. Deputy Ildliiigsv.'ortli says
he chased Vorcu for s.-vcral miK-s tn
lioisoback ami sliot bis just as
In; reac!i'.l the dugout. Yesterday after
noon a mc-svncr natnutl l-Vo.-t was cap
l me. 1 who bail been nt from tin- dug
out after a doctor. Deputy Holiinijs
v.ortli aiiivid in tov.n Ibis afternoon
willi the remain: of bis brother, Cuy
lloUino'swortbi Tlie particulars of the
killin-r ran b- lirilb-v told. orce was
anxious to make tin; arnst, it possioie,
left loe C )vcr under which the posse were
concealed. No Koomr was he within
Mil;"; of that portion of the dugout in
which Voice is located than a sharp r'ih;
rrack was heard ami the vintourous
yiu:;:r de:nly rolled down toward llie
cre--k in the agonies of with a
bullet liiiouyh bis body. Vmce is in
the dugout u id ess he made bis escape un
der eov. r of d u kie ss l:-t nii;:it. The . wb'eli e.t.'nds back into the hill
has oar; pi ic of cgr.-s. ju-t above the
cre.-k. In tliis stronghold with pleatity
of food and wats-r it will be a diilicult
m liter to shave him out. Shortly after
12 o'l lock to-day three dispatches were
re--- ived 1-y SlieiifV Cramer, from Corona.
These dcr-patt lies had evidently been
w. iti- n some time b: t ween each ot'ier and
it i-; coc.s-di red very eivjjular
that tiu-v
c li 1 not !-:n
rads: "I! .v
to band, sooner." The first
iurived. Arc vim :;o:n'r
to send men on the 12 o'clock train.
Waiting to see what you are goin;' tu do.
liill II olUnsworth." Tlu above- is
froai Deputy Frank Hollinswoith. The
next reads: "Ilayc coroner to meet me
at arrival of train, lie lulled my broth
er, but I broke his hip. Frank I'. IIo'.
Fnrsworth." The third reads: "i-nd
Chivinjjton in charge of nun. Answer.
F. I'. llollingsworth." The lest two
dispatches are from Deputy Sheriff IIol
linvorth, and the first conveys the
carliist information received here of the
wo-iiidincj of the dcppotado Vorccr Col.
Cluvinton left on th 10 o'clock train
to iiitjht with four m?n and will enlist
four others at Der Trail.
Loprosy in Kansas.
Wichita. Kan.. Dec. 12. M utin lloff
man, a rtsider.t of this city, returned to
day from a visit in Butler county. He
reports a case of genuine leprosy in Hosa
lia, that county, the sufferer bein a young
woman named Wariff. Mr. Huffman
formerly lived in Hosalia, and knew the
family, but ne"-er until this visit imagin
ed the disease to be what it really is. Four
years ao Mr. and Mrs. Wariff came to
America from Sweden. About a year
later a rash, which proved incurable, ap
peared on Mrs. Wariffs body. Site lias
daily grown worse, until her flesh is fall
ing oil in pieces. Recently aconsuhrion
of the physicians of the neighborhood
was held, and th.r disease was pror.ouncid
leprosy. The woman is now kept closely
confined to her room, mi l no one but her
husband Mrs. Wariff says
her father in Sweden was a fisherman, and
very poor. She n -ycr saw any food but
fish, and attributes her disease to its too
constant use.
Snow Stops a Celebration.
Ei. Paso, Tex.. IXc. 11, A violent
snow-storm, so.m thaiir that occurrs but
stldom in El Pas., up.-et all arrangements
' a-.d pr; paratiotis m ade for the proper
: celebration of the festivities of - ur Lady
i of G uid.liip- an I' the attendant bull
I fights to-d-i3. It commenced snowing
! last night ami kept ;it it uninterruptedly
j all day to day. The temperature did r.ot
i fall sijiiieientlv for the wow to lie on
j tin ground. It melted as fast as it
I leaving the whole country on the Mei-
; can as Avell as on I He Ara.fKl'l si !c, an
c.tir.iiO mad, remtenng the out-door i ort:on qi
l.H o.-to rcliious ccremo li s simply impossi
c'c-s; ''! an 1 m'ivinr bulls, inatadorcsj ga;n-n.3;s.-,si
j biers, prb-.-t ..Dt Boston '.ouibsts shjyer
i,2t".4iw ' n.r ij,to iivlrerd c As Paso dtl
Norte is r.ot provided tll tight Lni$
hcases nud beating stoves, it
dy about as forlorn and miserable a
mass of humanity as it is possible to
ioi.igine, -
Somebody Posted Them.
Nkuuask.v CYrv, Xeb., Dec. 12. Sat
urday night Mayor L irsh ordered the
police to raid all houses of ill-Lima and
arrest all inmates. Uefore the police ties
tended upon the houses the inmates had
been informed of the proposed visit, and
when the police called Hilmo was not a
oul in the houses. Shortly after t lie
mayor saw George Wint on, a member of
the police force, riding in a hack with
several of the women, and at once reliev
ed him of his ttar. It is presumed that
Winton gave the thing away. Mayor
Larsh has taken a very derided stand in
this matter, and bard characters must
leave town if he has to attend to it
The Columbus Bridgo.
Cot.UMiU-s. Xel., D.e. 12. The bids
for the construction-i;f a wagon bridge
across the Loup river at this place were
opined by the board of mpervi.-ors to
day and referred to a special committee,
who will report to the board at : a. in.
to-morrow, reccomending the awarding
of ihe contract to the King Eridge com
pany at Des Moines, la., for !jy$s,0(0.
The bridge will be four spans, and
feet in length.
a pzo:
t:;v.- ri;,:i;.Li ?-:l.!-:i l'.ii:n t Io a
lV;i::le IJcwtor ;f i'ii ilo iiiy.
rraiilcin SohrV. -Ilceord of Vwm:iu's
Ei"o:-t.i" ' ivce. ;m i::'.i i-etiiv? account of
tlu; i trngel.-s f poor i'innish girl, who,
in the teeth of every privation and dilii-.
cu'ty, has achieved tin-u.-.tiiu;tion. iiuique
in her country, of a diploma as the iirst
feuKile doctor of philosophy. Irene AI
etrosn, a.T she tended her father's cattle in
the land --of a. thousand lakes," dreamed
and pondered over all tho marvels of
science and learning which seemed for
ever a sealed lxxk to her poverty and
ignorance. Yearning to be wise, yet
seeing no hope in a gray life of toil and
struggle, at last ehe prayed to die, that
she might reach a sphere where her crav
ings would be satisfied !
A humane pastor, divining her longing-,
sent her to a good school, where she
passed as fourth among forty -six young
girls, at the age of 18, though only pre
pared by her own self lie! p. She took
work in earnest here, often sitting up all
night, thinking over tho day's tasks,
while her companions slept all around
her, and afterward when as a day pupil
the had to provide her own meals, she
sometimes went to the classes fasting,
save for the fresh snow she picked up and
ate on tho way, for her father was totally
ruined, and she must soon leave school
and begin earning. For a while the
bravely suppressed her longings, and
submitted to the drudgery of teaching,
yet never losing sight of the goal she bad
long had at heart her matriculation.
At last, having saved $20, with the
scantiest of luggage e-he journeyed to
Ilclsingfors, and in defiance of opposition,
chiefly feminine, Irene prepared for her
ordeal. She paid her lodging in advance
for the whole winter (15), and invested
in four loaves of the hard round rye biscuit
of Scandinavia and Finland, which keeps
many months, dividing them methodi
cally so that she had a piece for each day
till Christmas. In the depth of winter
tho worked without a fire, at a tempera
turo of 30 dogs. Celsius. A kind profes
sor taught her Latin, moved by her as
Eiiranco that unless she learned it she
could neither live content nor die happy.
Her progress was most rapid; she matri
culated, taught again awhile for the
suka of her family, renewed hor own
btu-Jies, took a brilliant . degree, and at
last, recognized by her nation for what
s he is, tho dauntless pioneer of women's
progress, she now lives honored and ep
prcciated, still educating her brothers,
slid thirsting insatiably after truth.
Demorcst's Monthly,
Street Car StaiKiiru.
Few iieople who use tho Broadway horse
railroad ever stop to conrider the large num
ber of men, horses ami cars which the read
must employ and the number of passengers
carried by these cars.
In a conversation with one of the t.filit rspf
tho road the foUViwing intoi-OEtiu facts were
J 'arncd: The stables of the road contain 2,100
horses, and for each of them two sets of har
ness must be provided. The avenge street
cor Lorso is short lived, tlireo or four -eai's"
y.'crU generally using him up. There ore,
f course, horses that have proved them
relves capable of twice that length of service,
bat they are exceptions. One of ihesu old
f-lagers, if the word is not a misnomer, i'!V(
j ist year S the age of fj The. 2!i eers of tho
r-oinpany mako i.U75 trij-s a day carry on
an average passengers. During the last
year the report shows that the largest number
cf pasfcnsers crrricd during one month was
in October, the number being -,U1T.1 .15. Feb
ruary is the dullest month in the year for 1 1v'i
horse railroads, Tho Broadway road during
ttiat month carried only 1,459,032 passengers.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
No Consolation for Her.
' , lady had just lout her ktwbanJ and she
was cun-or.iuled by friends who were trying
t!I they knew to console her.
4iAku-r sbe exclaimed, bursting into a
fresh tcn-ev.t of teai-s, "ii I were only pivVty
it would not be so bd.'r--I:r:s (iulolil
Titlics of the Cliiirch.
It is reported that the English church es
tablishment receives yearly in tithes aLaut
CO.CCa.COO. Of tLf S-1.V:k:ol! goes for sxi'i
arics of rV rgyiaea, und tho rcniaiudyr'gccs
to LoitaL-, schnol church Landings, and
the hko. Chicago Herald,
A polar bear recently brought to &m '
FiuucLco is treated to a bath cf ic? ' Wten.-ep she utiows an inclination to coia
water evwy half hour to make bun feci rkiin I handle the nickel ad say that my
At home. - V I fciilk i as 'pure as gold. That settles it,"
Tho Industry iiir.iil by an It.klian Th
C:iveu-n-tii of Today.
Few, prbulily, of tho men who patronizo
tho niuny sho lil:iekin establishments in
the streets and sit in comfortable arm ehairs
on bruss ornamentel sUmds ever stop to
think of tho origin of theso conveniences.
1 hey have increased in number so rapidly
within the past few years that they are now
as common a sifht ua u stroct lamp or a
horso car. Tho majority of tho utands aro
maile in Worth street by an Italian, who
proudly claims the honor of inventing them.
His triangular shajied shop is over a black
smith's and is reached by a short flight of
rough wooden steps that might alms:t bo
called a ladder. , In this small shop, wii.h oi:o
window, lxxt blacking stands aro piled from
floor to ceiling. They uro in various stages
of completion and ia diUcront sizes, sonio
l;eing large enough for one, two or three
chairs, so that a purchaser may buy accord
ing to his means. They range in price from
fur a pino wood, painted, single chau
s'aud, as Jiigh as ZAi). Uut, of course, no
hightoucd bootblack would buy a 2 airair.
Ho would nsoiro to one made of mahogany
a.:d brass moimled, which would cost him
S or i 0.
'.:c is going out of fashion as a covering
for the top, and brass is taking its place. A
stand large enough for three chairs was in
proccs'j of construction, and when finished
will l sold for $30. It contained three lock
drawers for brushes and blacking, bcside3 a
money drawer, and will have a brass top uud
The genial inventor is a good looking Ital
ian about 50 years of age, who has been in
this city six or seven - years. Ho seemed
pleased to talk of his work, but deplored tho
fact that four or fivo men who had worked
under him had set up similar workshops, so
t hat ho has not so many orders as formerly.
Ilo unlocked the door of a small oliieo and
showed some designs for the foot rests.
There were stately camels, fierce looking
lion.-:, ponie.; and soldiers, bat the most origi
nal iviis a cavalier on a prancing charger
framed in a horseshoe. Theso aro the Ital
ian's own designs. He buys a child's toy,
twists it to satisfy himself and adds to it or
takes away until ho ia suited, and carries it
to tho foundry, where it is east in iron for
hiai. New York Evening World.
Slaje ty of a Lon llluck Heard.
There x;is a man in Detroit whom I re
spected greatly. His opinion had a good
deal of weight with me. He was a suicrb
looking man and wore a great long, black
beard that was altogether the most imposing
tiling of the kind 1 had ever seen. It gave a
lowk of majesty to his face that naturally in
spired one with iniluito respect for hh:u One
dc.y a ma:i, who reemcd an utter stranger to
i:ie, ::L0;.ped mc ia tho :.t:c-t. He asked mo
if i .1:
t know
.a. 1 did i:ot
Then ho
explained that ho was my friea.l of tho long
board. Ho had a receding chin and a weak
mouth, and my respect tor him was gono
ioi-over. I could see at a glance that he was
i.e.; at aU the kind of man I had supposed
Jii-.-i t- be. I said to him:
"Have you been to 3".ur oJieo yetf
"-Vc; 1 am j.ui coming down town for tho
Lhv.; time after shaving."'
"Thvii your cinployei-j have not seen you
yet r
"-To. Nobody a,x;ar.; lo know me, either.
I gii"ss I wiil have hard v.-orl making thuai
L-elieve that I am myself."'
'Look hero; this is serious business. If
yen have ony kop-cs of ever getting a part
i!c :-.-iii:i, or of even ke-'piag your situation,
yoa v.-ill take my advice. Liu homo at once
a;.a make any excuse you can, but get off on
year vacation and let your beard grow.
Don't come back u.:til this ii do:ie."'
Ho .-x-rmcd rather frightened. I had never
takoa the liberty of talking to hiiu in that
way bo:'ore. He took lay advice and never
Uiaved again. lie w a jart;:er now, but I
expect every day to hoar that ho has ran
away wilii the fuiiiL. &unsou's strength
was in his hair, but that of many men is in
their beards. Luko Sharp in Detroit Frco
Peculiarity of tho Salesman.
"There is, one iocuiiarity about the average
salesman or saleswoman (not ralcslady you
might as well say salesge:;tleman ts sales
lady) which is very stupid and decidedly c.i-asix-rating
to the customer," said a lady tha
other day. "I will give you on illustration.
This morning I wont to a largo store and
asked to sco a certain article, saying that I
wanted to examine both, the higher aud lower
priced qtiAliticq, The salesman showed mo
two pioeo :, ono at forty-fivo cents a yard end
the other at thirty-fivo cents. He said, in
answer to my question, that those were all he
had. For certain reasons they did not suit
me, and after some hesitation rid that I
thought I ought to find s!nttking at about
twenty-fjre trails a j-ard goxl enough for my
" 'Well,' said tho man, 'I believe wo hayQ
some at that price, but it is chco.p.' ja.d he
brought out the very thi'ia I was in search
of, 'Why didrit you show mo that at first s
I asked. iWc.Il, it's cheap,' said tho stupid
fellow; and that woo the o;ily thing J could
get out of him. If I hadn't really wanted tho
article I would hayu turned around and
walked put of the store. J have had that
painc- f":perience time and again. The inau
was either trying to force me to buy the high
er priced goods or was too indifferent to his
duty to wait on me properly; in either cape
ho was both stupid and exasperating. "-klb
adeli hia Times.
A3 4ood a Gold.
'Why do you wear that nickel on your
watch chain f asked a city hall attack of a
milkman who was after & boaM of health
jiermit to peddle cow juieo. "I wear it as a
reminder to get even with one of my cus
tomers,' was the answer. "Over a year ago
I took that nickel, which was then beauti
fully goldplated, as a ." 2"ld piece in pay
ment of a "bill. As soon as I detected the
fraud 1 took it bac-k to the woman who
passed it on me, but sl:e refused to makj
good. So I attached it to my "?," tth chain
and kept on supplying hei v.ith milk a4
though pr-thhig JiHi happened. But now
f.vcry day I make her quart vne-fouKh water,
uud once a week I i'ii 'lit nor with one-fourth
t ho amount, of Uci- milk bill in a book which
j l:--.-p jr that purpose. When the gtisi
tot 1 ttiading to her credit is lSf."j yh thai'
have pu-e milk oacc tii;';ri and not until
then. Sho knoTT ibe mili iz watered, bu6
: sage:
Jiy the Dry Goods Eniporium of
For the next Twenty Days we have
ttock ot
Cloaks at 20 per Ci Discount
From Standard prices, which were 25 jx r cent. i' in in t ycara
prices. These goods consist of all the latest styles in
Clbaks, Imported New Markets,
Astraehan and Plush Wraps.
"We also offer special price in nil
Also 45 inch Tricots at ?5c, worth
cots at -15c, worth 75. These
!Plattsiiioui:li - Ladies
this year. Ladies are invited to c, II Ik f.-re the nit-h tales
the host
Plattsmout h,
Great Sales combined in one, Opening"
3&iroiL MornTirra, November 21.
For Ladies', Misses' and Children.
"We are determined to cloie ont our Kntire Stock of Cloak, with
in 30 days our assortment will be found the most complete in the
city and as this sale is especially introduced for rivalry we guarantee
to discount any Sample Lot Sale ou record 10 per cent.
Slaughter sale on Ihese Goods to
and to close out quickly, great
Ladies Gents' and Children's
Fifty Dozen Pieces.
Astonishing values will be offered in this Department for
tlie next Two Weeks,
For Holiday gifts, Headquarters long since Establish
ed for useful presents, embracing fcilk Mufflers, lace and
ifilk Handkerchiefs Toilet Sets, Albums, Tidies, table
Scarfs, Hammered lirass Whisk Broom Cases, Piano and
Stand Covers, and fancy Goods. An Inspection is l?e
spectfully Solicited. , .
White From
letennir:e.l lo dur
our 1
are the
ami ?A inch all wool Tri price oliV-red to
of Blanket
The season has heen mild,
reductions have been made.
Goods House.