The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 06, 1887, Image 3

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fA U-portir' V.xprriene on Ilie Scut
with Irlv-r of llt-uvy Wmicoiih People
on I'oot Scoiu to He to Illume for .Mt
A ri'iiortr wam wiit out to xjioml a lay or
two on tho l river' :ut';. Tlio liiivi.-Ht
truck.? wcr'Kclftil. After in got iat ions with
feovcral tlrivcm lio llually htrtK'ku Larson
villi a youii mini uuiiitil Jiinmy, n ri I sw
ell i I n wat Imm.Io liiin for u riilo up liro;nl
vny from ili-ctor to Canal Ktr.-tt on a loul of
cairicil tomutofii. L! Mas not im
iiMi..lly frowilctl, as it wjn curly in tlio tl;iy,
Imt ( Ii'j riile Ii.-vc1omi1 wvcrnl st-irtlin iu-ciik-nt-t.
AsU'l if lie lia-l i.'ul uilli many
mit.h;.pK, Jimmy replied: "Not very many.
It l.i idly t'uli to k i from liin it sonio
t lines, t'lonli, ami I niiil.o -ls calls lor
ixjoj.l.) crossin' streets, lut I never run over
liolin !y. Women aro tlio wor&t. They'll
l.tmi'i .still ami Im! up an' ilown tlio street as
loir; ws it i.; all clear, ami then, just when
half si R'-oro wa;$oti:i mini! in a Lunch, they'll
try t givo their hu .Lamls uiiother clianco Uy
lo:l;'i:if riht in 1:111011 the liosscs."
". iio:i-up! ycllftl Jimmy, as ho nearly
fell l.;.ckwurtl in his eirort.; to stop the team,
nrnl tlicro was an exemplification of his ro
niurk. At Cortlamlt street nu oM laly hail
taken too many chances for her feeble limhs
urnl vas nearly untlcr tho hows' feet, hut an
athletic, quick young man Kcictl her
oa f;!,o fell ami assistcil Lcr out of danger.
At Fulton street then) was, as usual, a great
jam, ami Jimmy, as he oxpresaori it, "hail to
k'-c; his pyo pccleil." A numlier of eopIe
n;;ai.-atly had not another seconij to lost;,
un-.l rnsliotl pcil mell across Broadway. All
fjf tli.;i tjscupoil, however, although an ol
pentlt-.-nan of robust build moved oh? with
tno conviction stamped iijmiii his countenance
that ! o would have lioon seriously damaged,
if in.' entirely ruined, but for his foresight
in rui ing hi umbrella tor protection from a -ning milk wagon.
O.tsito tho postoftico a laily who linked
like a btage school inarm, and who escajcl
dair.ji-r by at least fifty feet, halted on the
curht' threateningly shako her sunshade at
tho driver. collectively, while two men with
law ! .: :ks under their arms calmly pursued
their way, not withstanding their shoulders
were ; razed by tlio noses of an Adams es
5ies.i Lam, vbil a furniture van left axle
grease on their coat toils. It was not a raro
tiling during tho trip to see jwoplo rush
right under tljo nos of Jjorse3 when a inLs
fctcp or tho blight, t contact with another
eqiially rash p;lestriau tuujt hr.vo thrown
the:;i under the animals1 feet. In ear IJuane
e'.roct. owing to a collusion of truck hubs, a
crati ' 1 iicwing machine was dumped from the
top of a load t-'i to an empty truck, while on
the oMjiofcite ride, about where it wn:dd ht;vo
fallen had it gone that way, st'xnl a tatty and
J,Vo i Fiildicn. The ueoident caused a gen
eral si ppagej and tho pole of anot ln.-r waf;on
t in-iK -J iie of tlio boxe3 and open-nl up two
fns of Jimmy's tomatiies, which werfj
greeds' papturol by two sn4d! boys nt this
J:i!iri!int risk of their limbs. A littlts way
o tlu; j cap a I? agon ranght f h) nret-r.ilr
tng u ::.jon on the hook with which tl for
ward cud of the ioles of such wagons ure
jirovi.lcd, and backing became necessary,
which cuiir;ed the horse of a following cab
to shy. Thereupon tho two young ladies
yho oi-ciipied tho cab precipitately fled,
tons'-it tlu; sidewalk th;-.t wai fui thett fffin
lbe:-.s jnd narrowly esfr.pcd'nia over:
1 'The profuse vocabulary of tho truck driver
p pattc'ully as to the nuruler
ti plnwst'S in votie. but unlinjltcd us to ve
Jienie'vo. It is a fact, however, that there i'j
very I .tlo pri'fanity rei klcssly "atlHft.
f;'hJ tl: i vers, as a j uk, finely givo it esprti
slon, but allow it to accuuulate for patticur
larly t ryin;; crncrench a. A dri ver who was
iut '.atoil on the subject esplalnt d that "rt
good :.:lid oath lighteiis a heavy load wonder
l'ullv nietiincis' and some of them seem to
have f iith in its accomplishing many other
Tii jvtnrn trfp was in.'eVi vith n p-Uilv
lieirtTt J. sliaVy cyeijiOwctl old riiim.' whosp
!ua,-!i hat s.vmf4 dctef mined to pu'tsh uch
nil c-i ji. coruiH-t itorti, H said ho "-had Ijoen
twe:it years tcamin'. Utd to be more aria
tocr .'.i.vT and drive two spaukiu' horses hi a
red v. r.gon for a big dry goods house, but th
swt.II ; liad no u-v ft-r him now, and he had to
h".ul ll;iie and hor hair for a plauterer."
J-rcr.r Tranklin street a truck corning up
jtr.'-oL struck a drunken tiaiup, who vu
frtui.";-. across AVcst street, arid but fo.-
ilhe f t that the stagger he was at that mO jadulginj was from instead of toward
I he truck he would have leeu crusltetl under
jlie v. l:ocK but tho impetus added by the
Son: with tho truck dt-positU him safely
in the gutter, where a jylicemari captureil
it w::s now nearly 4 o'clock, and from tho
(tUi:ui 'o of the lime weigo neat West, street.
i;i Ix.'.h dircetions npptaretl to be solidly
packed with teams, and it seemed impossible
that :vl could reach the waa-lwusw and rail
road by . o'clock. Yet the army assembled
wa3 irt all, for every side street was con
tribntii.g enough to till any gap that would
admit another team, and away up tho side
as far as the eye could reach, the pro
was moving steadily toward West
Jn- addition to tfie thousands ci
n7d wagons there w ere scores of street
l-aiis erowdihg "their way along West street',
tho several drivers seeming to be engaged in
a cliar. pionship whistling and yelling niateb.
Ic 1-Aked as if certain death must result
from r.a atu-mpt to pass through that masa
of aniinals and vehicles, and yet, presto! all
is chii-i jed. A lano across the street, wide
enou?!i to admit t..x teams abreast, appeal's
as if by magic, the horses standing neck and
neck in straight lines on -rither side and not a
tnor swearing. AVhy this transformation (
X j-onng lady-on enrtehes is ci-ossiil tfaq
fctrcet and 'she is uriai'timi asly accorded the
ri"ht of way, without eve"" a policeman's ih
tcrferi :ice. " The lady reached tho sidewalk
joiti ewry ttan was again n motion,
Bui few people attempted to cross the
Street until tho Cortlandt street ferry was
renc'icd, when tho first incident was fur
nished by half a dozen emigrants, evidently
returning from the West. They plunged
boldly into the vortex and did not appear to
realize their danger until they reached the
piidulo of tho street, when one of them was
pinioned letv.-oen the tides of two horses goiu
ino'v r.fito directions, and he gave a grant
that startled his companions, who fled in all
ilirect:: :is. One of them lost a bundle, which
vr-s j.Jckly recovered, as its fate seemed tj
fcc of Kicro consequence han that of their
piT-riiied companion, who was allowed tq
fcxtricV-!? himself "'
' Tho last ond. pno of the most eerious oe
rit'ient3 note:l occurred half-way between
Cortlandt and Liberty streets, where there
tvcto comnaratively few teams. A laborer,
who co-jmed to bo taking proper precaution-,
tras crossing and stopped momentarily to al
low a wagon to pass, when tho hubs of two
trec-j collided and the polo of one was
rvruni around in such a manner as to strika
the aido. tjtockmg nun down, undone
i'fti-c Verses strnek him ivith. it3 foot. . He
s r;'." CI lj two tinkers uiti c3iott-i uu
tr. ! :c JH, vrneio 1C -was tusuui vi t-xi v"" v
Loie; vere broken. New "X ork World.
"All ye Hio wv-k the coldcn clime.
Cn inoiiiit v.I:U r-aih hi caravan :
f..' ivi.ik of t.lil tlie rbj thmic cIm,
The l;:ti I t v. Iioh.) niiinlx TH rang Buf.Iime
Alt, ii'i.v, ineluiultm, Kane truer ctiiruo
'hi t eliitrm iim I lirmih lifo'n little Kpao;
tiriii" we'll reu.l thy lofty rhyme, '
i) v. iu;-, i.) I rue, Ald. 'fi.iraMi
I'ull well v. e l arii'il, nnl Imjf ago, 'JA
'I liv ti ut h thai from eternity JJSJ
Wi nt 1 tiawreil (hut hliil aball lie, '.'4
i l t iitil fil. ne 't In i-ven w!
Kli-r-iii! f.rc- h iVutUi'ns rehn; '
We i.i.rtc .-ith them, or work ia Tin.
'.u:.u I U'uilitii:gti:i lu The Academy.
7 1:" I. II lie A::i:nnl NcmIm1 on Acoonat
t.f liio l;i:)!lt I'cr.t Another Order.
C".-o-., t;;o wc'l known naturalist of
J.i I';." !, v. i'oi.i in l.ndoa looking after
! '.' ' ''i ; h.'.t he has jltit wld to the "Zoo,'
!'- I n call to NorihiimlK-rland street the
-I;.--!-'-iy to report oa th.o animal kingdom,
J..' i, ia:di.' jr.'.u-d lord.
" i i l i t. i.e-.v thir:-,nBnil Mr. Cross, "in
-.ailing of tho ferrets; of th-m have
: f y.r..t o.'l', with them 7D0 pigeons, 10
i:.i-.':s of bis:.-.iii:i arnl o"0 tins of Nestle's
l.i'!';. I bi 'i-. iit th'j milk for them myself."
"JJiit .h .t .'ire tho pigeons forf
"That 1 will exj.lai.i to you. The ferrets
mv f'.i- 1 he rrdibits and tho pigeons are for
t s . i 'i'lity will cat up the 7.V) pigeons
"1 their voy.-;;.. to New Zealand. They will
! con.':t:i: the biscuits and the milk. Then
1 L ;vo M-:tt :n l.-j uut-n backs of hay to make
l '.'ddiii;; f-.r the ferrets, :md plenty of Indian
eem t- I-o l uj) the pi;;.oi:u. It was quito a
fi;-!:t; fonr big cnrt.i f.::d two whole railway
tracks were t.'l.en up with this consignment.
'1 . o 1:1: ii accompanied tho ferrets, and very
!. 'd work they have 1. joking after both thexu
; . 1 the p!- ctis. Uut then, as I told them,
; : furl iii r they ri from England the fewer
i e;co:is Hilio v.iil bo from day today."
"And w hat are the ferrets sailing forf
"They cro a consignment; ton Liigo wool
i irnu-v in Lew Zealand. Tho rabbit pest, as
; u l:i::w, b:-:; now broken put very bad
i ..ti'. Tho Australian;!, I bee, are going to
bnvo fi rabbit, pest conference; but this New
-liand wool merchm.t tliought he had bet
i r rend to Sir. Cross, cad Mr. Cross ia going
b-serd hi;a 120 ferrets. They won't make
lMiir-h he:: luay, you sr:y, against the rabbits.
J:ttiicti they brcf.fl so fast, and if none of
i..esn are loi-t 0:1 tho voyage, in a few months'
1:;::? my client o-.ighi; to havo six or seven
i . 1 '.tired of them ct least, 'Don't epare the
c::pcn:x,' hi.- said to me. Tho rabbits aro eat
in;? up all tho pasture on which his sheep
o".iiat to be, feeding, and unless ho can get
? hem under he y. ill lx u ruined man. By the
next mail I am going to send the same cus-t-.vjjcr
c consignment ci stoats and weasels.
'. '. v,o::!ci fully tongh customers, are
. Urats; they will bleed the rabbits to death in
3:0 time.
"Curiously enough," added Mr. Cross, "at
?-ie very snuis tis::o t'.i.xt. I received these or
;:crforinenab of destroying the rabbits in
v I receive 1 also a large order
: : rabbits, av.d I ctin r.ow hai'd at work get
ling toother :?,(XX of tbcm as quickly as I
; 1. They C)ng to British Columbia,
.. c liicy havo not got 'any rabbits. I cm
; ;- d-:i- 2.C0O of "them 1,500 d und COO
..'..3 ' h' tj fi pi-jlty iarii'e busin?iiaalso.
' l ev v. ill v.'ftnt. nLuttUrcd'sAcks of oats at
1 for tho vcyae, U s.Mcs plenty of hay,
r-. raw r.-'id tawdust." I'aU MaU Gazette.
A Siberian Traveler's Invewtig'ious.
Tifr, C. oi f.e Iveanan. the Siberian traveler
::1 writer, luu. beta fclacfc listed by the Rus-
.11 rovcrnniait, end v. ill not bo permitted
i-i'cr llio'caar's dominions. "I ex-t-
ted. of crir.r:;:-,'" savs Mr, Keann "to be
.:t r 1 t!:u Uu.:si:'.r. ilack list. I aia only
:!'.;;l:f;'.l t':r.t. 1 uccocded in crossing the
. z'.ivv ivitii all of ray material and papers
:nir.- ihi.i Ti:o outside, pf ho Rus
. :ii frotr is a ;..! er.tiugh side fcr me at
; :it. I l-ccanto K-.ti.-ncd before 1 rot half
h tr :'x-; i.i that 1 thould never bo per
:t I to co there ng-iin, and that after tht
iK -at !;:! of my pavci j no other foreignei
til l l e allowed to innko invcstigatioiu
c:v. I lor.t r.o pcs.sible opportunity tc
'.::- a x 1 1 a::d thoroughness.' I brought
r.ic:-c than fifty pounds of notes, papers
:. i original 'toci'.tnert.-, many of the latter
;:.; i.-erct icovernmcnt archives, besides 600
. t.hi i- (.(ire:.;: 1 afres vf manuscript prepared
: r.-.j by political exi'ca in all parts of Si
. r.r.d tovcring tho most noteworthy
Voilt.s ii their lives. I visited
.ry cv.-avi.t r.iiuo in Siberia and
ivry co-.ivK t j rison t scept one, "and 1
. Meve I kr.ov the exile system bettor ii: rt cfa- 1-3 of tho exile 6dn'Ta.
.-.1 . a: : . 1 fa r 1 1 1 tor t hau any outsider. I cai
.-a:-;l tlrj bi ;,-k lLjtin, therefore, with t
: tai:i ii;vnvc e complacency. The stabk
jvn 'cckt -.:, but thy Lcrso has been stolnn
--a I've rii ban.-' Eoton Tronsi-rint
L- -
A V.'Md Vesi Chieftain.
Red id'.t, Cody rays, is the best Indian h
v.- had a!.;, tliiug to tlo with. Ho is higl
r: : ;l. horarablo, and particularly tract-
' . i -.I'd af .1 lonate. Ho is always cool ant
i' tu-t, yot ho is a very rigid tlisciohna
lie h: i killed at t ix different times mei
or' U
i ;
3 t.:ioa i:i tho vast who refuseti to obe;
. I.a; t Kramor cne of the Indians causec
r-olit-u a zrcXt tlcal of annoyance by cross
the l rid;:c over to the American exhibi
i :;a.
0 ; :
i U- for tho purpose of talking witl
i i" tho bazar clrls. Repeated fine
va 1 lint check him, Ho was fined so mncl
at- ; i pay for- tho scai-on was down to abort
ivid. '1 !;c:i Red Shirt was appealed to U.
..- hi.: avtharity. Red Shirt walked np tc
. iiisclx.-ilicj't Indian, and without raisin?
- voice at a'i he ttid in his smiling, gentlt
;y: "Yen are a bad Indian. You have
a ix aa ted by Cel. Cody and myself fa
( ross ikii l-.ridge. Nov.-1 have como tc
.1 you 0:1 -j thing. If you ever cross that
idga t:a-a!n without TKmnission I will kill
you." "With this RikI Bhirt EtaJted away.
1'rom that, day forward this bad Indiar.
r.ever even went near the end of th? bridge.
Lond'.-a Letter.
The Mysterious New Gun.
ilrs. Crawford wnitcs: ''I may cientior.
at son: days ago I was shown the bullet o?
e i:o.v La.'Ix1 cun. There can be no hanr
1 describing its appearance, since in the
rent of a war these missiles would bo the
rsi thias U fall, or rather to f.j, into the
aeray's Land---. Resides, the Gcrzaans art
:iov.-i to have stolen a few at Bel fort. It.
aipo it is conical, but tho tip is slightly flat-
aciL It is a triflo under -one-third cf aa
ch in diameter and somewluit over one
s.'a ia lr.gth. The bullet is made ot
l1:cII cf Crernian silver, about enc-twen--.h
cf an inch in thickr.s?, filled in w ith tr,
i-f load iiaroVheu with antimony.'
arlj Cor. London New?.
Tlio Coiigrciit;io:ial Library.
The concrcssional library nt Ar&shington
v. iil cover lll,0i.0 ruarei'ect more than twe
c:.d or.e-hnlf n.c-rc-3. Zlr. tJmitUraeycr, tr
vliom tlio hbrary has lwu ininiited, ha
c-irricil 0:1 "-labs.. ui.J rCot of the rcrirtmg
p rcr of tho soil ou which it will stand. The
Corman ivirliaineiit Lcnso covers 110,CC0
s ..arifoet, tho Royal lifcraryat rinaich CD,
Cv), aid tho library cf tho Critiah mureui
CT.COO. Cliioago Ilerali.
. j. . .. . .
9IxJitic I'ri-iwnfii of i Magnlflcetit RMrl
men Tlio )pprtunlty of a Lifetime A
Skt-U'li from Ufo with at Vengeance.
'1 lie tMoinent.
As the bull saw us coming he staggered to
his fwt, in spit of hi broken lg, and gnl
li.jKtlon over tho hill. Rut the moment ho
itarb;d, my brown horso who had more
14-nso than men I have w.-en imme
diately gave chahe. After a short run wo
again overhauled our prize, ou thositloof a
hill, near the crrt of which he was oi;eo
more halteil and stoxil at bay. Thirty yawls
away from him I pullcl up, and gozod upon
him with genuine o-'TlonLshment. Not until
that moment had I realized what a grand
prize had fallen to mo. II was a perfect
monster In size, and just as Bujrbly hand
01110 as ho was big. In his majestic pro
senco the finest of all our other buffalo bulls
were quito forgotten, and I thought to my
self: "Until this moment I havo never bad an
adequate conception of tho great American
Ho seemed to mo then, aye, and ho does
even now, tho grandest quadrujied I ever
beheld, lions, tigers and elephants not ex
cepted. His hugo bulk loomed up liko a
colossus, and the height of his great shaggy
hump, and tho steepness of it3 slope down
to his loins, seemed positively incredible.
Like Bartholdi'8 statue of liberty, he was
built on a grand scale. His massive head was
crowned by a thick moss of blackish brown
hair lying in a tumble of great curly, tufts,
sixteen inches long, piled up on each other,
crowding back upon his horns, almost hiding
them, and quite onto his shoulders. Back of
that, his hump and shoulders were CQverul
with a luxuriant growth of roarse, straw
colored hair that stood out in tufts six niches
long and opened in great dark furrows up
and down whenever the bull moved his bead
from me. The upper half of each fore leg
was lost in a huge bunch of long, coarse black
hair, in which scores of cockle burrs had
caught and hopelessly tangled. Tho body
itself and tho loin quarters wero covered with
a surprisingly thick coat of long, fine mouso
colored hair, without the slightest flaw or
blemish. From toad tcf licel the animal
seemed to possess everything the finest buffalo
in tho world should have and although by
that time no stranger. o his kind I. gazing
upon him so. completely alwurbed by wonder
and admiration that had ho made a sudden
chargo he might easily havo bowled me over.
It was an opportunity of a lifetime, such
as falls to the lot of fow men whoso business
it is to reproduce animal forms. I Etdidd
his lines with absorbir imprest, end took
ono mental photograph ot him filter another
as he stood 'there with lowered head and
angry eyes, watching me intently. Several
times his head sank
'ow, and ho vi-
ciously pnwed wet snow with his
wounded ' fore leg.' ' But -these intervala of
anger would pa'ss away'huf eyg v.u!d loso
some of their f'rg, und. b would content him
self wit h simply regardjftg ma
For it good mfiny minutes, I cannot say
how many, I sat there studying my prize,
and as he did not - seem seriously inclined, to
charge me, I determined to lvmkjb 01:0 or two
outline sltotehos of him' just as he stood.
Accordingly I slid off my faithful old com
rade horso, I should havo said got out a
field noto book End pencil, and with my
Winchester lying in the hollow of, my left
arm ready for usPj prpeepdea to make my
sketch. It was a sketch ' from life with a
vengeance, nt a distance cf thirty paces. I
got what I wanted, ufter a fashion, end
although the result was wholly inar tistic it
has since gei vtxi me well.
I suppose I spent a quarter of an hour in
studying my prize, and then I felt it v. an
high time to end his troubles. It was cruel
to keep him standing at all, but it was not
done for my personal gratification. Vlif a
the time canio for tha dth hot, 1 felt as a
man feels w;faen lie is compelled to kill a
favorite dog of noble breed. I had the great
beast completely in my power, and I was
obliged to bo his executioner, Jle seeiaod
.0 mo like the very last ono of his race, that
he knew it as well a3 I, end ho also was
loomed. Peoplo will say this is all put c:i
Jor effect, but I swear I felt as if I was about
to commit murder. "With tho greatest rohie
ance I ever felt about taking thv tJtv of an
miinal, I 6hot tho coble bestt,Jixou ' iu0
ungs, and he JcJ thyw Sna died.
I could write out that death scene down to
.he smallest details, if I wished; for I wroto
tall down in my journal the next night.
3ut it is not pleasant reading; and it makes
uy crime seem all the 'greater. I beliovo I
m getting tender hearted in my old days.
Tt seemed to me I never saw an animal die
artier, and his last breath led me to exclaim
"Thank heaven! it's over at last I"'
He was fivo feet eight inches in vertical
.eight at the shoulder, full two inches taller
han the largest of our other bulls, and tho
?ngth of his head and body, in a straight
ine from tho end of tho nose tq tho rear of
he thigh, was nine feet two inches. His
irth was eight feet four inchc", and his
c. eight about 1,000 pQunds. Liko all tho
jther buffaloes we secured, he was muscular
rom excessive running, but not at all fat.
there was not a pound of fat on him, but he
carried four old bullets that had been fired
nto him without effect. Ho was what old
mfxalo hunters call a "stub horn," and by
he nine rings on each horn wo tr.ov that he
-vas either eleven or twelve years old.
Perhaps by this time I have drawn so
icavily upon my reader's stock of patience
.hat ho w-ill feel inclined to tako this buffalo
;um grano salis. Let mo assure you, 1 Lava
tot exaggerated his size" one bit. He is ad
rutted to be "ono of 5,000," and Lo who
loubts it is respectfully referred to tho old
bull himself, as he now stands, mounted ac
cording to an elaborate series of measure,
ments, in the National museum. I could
safely challenge the world to produce his
equal; but modesty forbids my doing so.
William T. Hornaday in The Cosmopolitan.
Xw System of Paving.
A newly patented pavement is said to linvo
been suggested by the surface of en ele
phant's tooth, which consists of inteiintngleu
layers of hard and soft material,' so that the
process of wearing always produces a serien
of ridges upon the surface. The new system
of paving is the idea of 1-Ir. Ranyard the.
English astronomer, and compriso.vthG use cf
blocks having- alternate hard, and soft layers,
such as i'ortkuid cement and a nurture of
sand and cement, which ore set upon edgo to
that the edges of these laminae form a wear
ing surface. The blocks aro too do four inchcr
high, and may be worn to less than an inch
without lieconiing smooth, like granite
blocks. New York Mail and Express.
Cot Shaved Every Time.
Earber (to countryman in chair) Ycc
don't get shaved very often, I guess, cir.'
Countryman Pont gib shaved often I ?
cum to town oncct a month, nistciv Vr.
b' gosh git snared every time I cund' T
Choicest lirands vf Cio;
including oar
Flcr do Pcppcrbergo' nrd 'r
nl ways in stock. Nov. 2i. 1:
with hiijli firm and vibrating si.
solil 011 time. Easy payments 'or
F. J. Bit KNELL,
Manager l'lattsmoutlt lb;
(mm 1
Dr. K. ('. West's Nt i ve and I'.iidu Trea
A guarantee specific for HysteiU !.
Convulsions. Kit. Nervous Neur.djjia, !:
ai-lie. Neivet.iiH I'roslrat'ou e;ii!.eil I
of aleoln)' or tobacco. Wake ;!lit'iiw. Vent :
pres-ion, Selteiiiii); of tho Hmin leuli jr
sanity am'. !:uli a t inucry, decay i.iul
renin! lire i.ld .'gis, 1'arivi iters, bo I .
er 111 cither s x. Iny lutituiy l.t sees i -mat
irluei caused by nvi-r-ciii'i lion
lir.iill. self .ilillsc 01 v 1 -l.elolufni' F-i.
contains tine month' Ireatineiit. 81 i0 :
01 six hones for 1 3 CO, Sr nt by inidl prti.,
receipt of pi li e
To cure unv c:m: Villi e.-u-li nr.lrr r...
liy us for six hnts. iceniipan eil witti
we win senn ti:c purciijfser t ur wntteii
IPC tt lctuni the irni.rv if llin tr ;.lm...i.
not etfeet a cure. '.v,'l .nfev't issjitl -i
W ill J. Wavi.cK vdv i-'rtU', rUttsiuouUi
Fon Sale On voaboumMu terms
ri siclcnt p ;;a the N. V. corner of E!i.
11th stiutts. Said pronertv consist
1 block with a jTootl story and u ;;
house of t.ix rooms, two ward robes :
one nanlry; "ooil wi ll and city . 1 : ;
twenty scytn ly.-.v.'u apjde trees, nu . .
uiiur.duuet; oi, ttyall fruit of all kuid
y. d.
E?uy IloUJy Uoois at Vfutv
and you, will s..ivc mont-y, tllw-, ;-..'.
Tl 1 '
Cor. ltitli nnd Granite Streets.
Contrnotor nnH Built'
Sept. 12-Gin.
0:i M'lihiOiv'dY iiCt, Dot
a IS
A V ill be murdered and the
not a coat can n
a lew dim.
Gray Satinet Sack Over
Strictly A'l-Waoi Armv .
l!iown!i Plaid Ulsters.
Chinchilla Storm Coats, -lilriish
Gray Klj Front,
Ulue Chinchilla Overcof '
Heavy Gray Shetland 1
Blue and Old Gold Mix
Extra Heavy Gray IJcav.
Fine Plain Jilue Jieaver -Silk
Finished Xivv 11
Biucand iJlack Chinchii
Silk Lined Uruwn Chevi -Extra
Fine Tailor Made
Bine Chinchilla Frock O
Gray a'nd. Brown Chinch "1
Silk Lined TailorMJrtte
Prices of Boys' Overcoats sim''
Gloves and Mittc. ;
: . allhr:JM'
C02210 and. Bring-- V
co Jits' at Lower .v
1309 Sa,mr
mm mmwm&
Y)V-VMS.l is7. '
. - r' x i r-Ni
dity ot j;ool.s 10 i-rcent. cheajier than uny hoiihc . I ot
ipj-i. Will nevt r he mtdeirohl. Call and hccon in. d.
-j. .
iliip SET
.s, Siedroonis, lI'iEujjo-rooi s.
"iciiy, Hallways and Office;
..Kigninfcr.i slock oi! (iuotls :iiid V:lr I , (;
I ' v'
"lilt 'I i.
(srooi.ssoit to .1. vi. i. i 1 1...- ,
II keep eonxtiintly on hand a lidl am! ri.i; i '- i. I. i,S po.e
md Mediciens, Paints, Oi.3
AVall I'aiier and a Full I:n ot
Farnam street, Omaha, j-rcseitt jiricts on our great
3 L S
I a Ei a
:ence jn'omjitly at S n. in. Every overcoat nti.-t go
Vo-'i arc invired to the ceremony and ior
can take your choice of hundreds of j
and . perfect fitting overcoats, j
Fount r AVctlnc 's
Price Pi-j ."
S '.j0 si.. I,
.. 4.(0 2..
.;...' 5 0 a;. s
M'J 5.'
ey Overcoats, JO.ou 1;.'
. , lvet Collar, 10.00 7.1
1 LOo '.. I
ck Overcoats,. lo.oo 1 1.
, Pvotectors, , 18.00 -.:
-oliar, J H.OO .;.-. ;
S 20.00 U,i I
hronghout- with Skihner's satin, iio.00 lT.r V
.. Very Stylish, 13 00 J7..'- t
all Colore,:"... 25.00 1 .;",. ;
.d a great bargain at 25.00 IU-1'
Collars and Cufi's, wuol linings, 1 00 22.5 -
-grand .coat, 80.00 ..
" at. bargains will also bo given in Fur Caps, I'nderv. .ir, i
er gooi3. The .sale will continue until ; '
but the best choice
l":. yr
I' LA TTV. OL'TM, . F. 1 5 1 A S U A
vi!l be on
will Sliow "STois. Ovc
Saw Tlioasa, Soforo.
FRitKb &l CO
u f n h U M 1