The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 03, 1887, Image 4

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"I)c JJlattsniouti) Da'tln iltrali)
is: jst o t t s :b :r, o s.
Publishers & Proprietors.
A Salisbury Uenllst, ill itork.
wood Building.
Catholic. St. Paul's church, Oak be
twecn Fifth and .Sixth, Father Carney
pastor. Services: Mass at 8 and 10:80
h. in., Sunday school at 2:30 with ben
, ediction.
Cukistian. Corner Locust and Eighth
Sunday school 9:80 a. m.
Episcopal. St. Luke s cliurcli, corner
Third and Vine. Kev. II. 1J. Burgess,
pastor. Services 11a. m. and 7:.'5) p.
in. Sunday xehool 2:30 p. in
Geuman Mkthomst. Corner Sixth and
Oranite. Kev. I Hi t, pastor. Services
11 a. m. and 7:30 . in. Sunday school
; 2:30 p. m.
Preskttkiuax. Main between Sixth and
Seventh,- Kev. J. T. Baiid, pastor.
Services usual hours inorninjr and
evening. Sunday school 9:30.
First Mktiioihst. Sixth street, between
Main aud Pearl. Kev.JW. B. Alexander,
pastor. ervices 11 a. in. mm i:o0 p
m. Sunday school 2:80 p. in. Prayer
meet ing Wednesday evening.
Gekvan Pkksiiytkhian. Coiner Main
and Kiirhth. Kev. Witte, pastor. Ser
vices usual hours,
a. in.
Swkkdisii CoNtiitMiATiONAT.. Granite
between Fifth and Sixth.
One Man Loses a Finger, Another
Cets a Severe Gash.
Two accidents occurred to B. & M.
men this morning. In one a switchman
named Griggs lost a finger and a read
laboer named Pete Sundell received a
terrible gash under the right eye.
Mr. Siiiulell is employed in Ander
son's section gang and he with a party
f A 1 ..1 .
oi omer men, started out hcliind a
freight train this morning, on a hand tar
for La Platte to do some road repairing.
It seems that Sundell got on the hind car
of the freight, U ride and the rest of
the gang followed close behind on the
hand car. Between the Platte bridge
and La Platte the hand car was runup
to the freight so that Sundell could trans
fer himself from the train to the car with
his fellow laborers. II
Miss Safford closed her school Monday
on account of cold; it being only 45
in her room all forenoon.
The recent cold suap brought out the
fact that the heating aparatus for one or
two rooms was insufficient.
Messrs Barr and Ballance haye worked
nights to put in new radiators, and when
Koreas again visits us we shall be pre
pared to properly receive him.
with your druggist or physician in re
gard to Hi-! wonderful 'Cough Cure
Dr. Wat viuXcw Specific and Balycat's
Fig Tonie for the blood and indigestion.
No cure, no pay requit ed, Price 50c and
f 1. Pi.;- .;..1o by W. J. Warrick.
Boys' St::! 3 8 to s?5 ) at
Boys' C: Jot Suit $ j to 6 Mayer's.
Boys' Ca-liimere Suits $3 to 15 )
Sis Larret
from the freight car and just as he was
about to let go, the train made a gain of
a few feet on the hand car and Sundell
dropped on the track, falling and strik
ing his right cheek bone square on the
rail ana t!io speed ot the hand car was
too great to be stopped and it passed
over him, but was immediately stopped
and his friends picked him up, expecting
to find him lifeless, but they were happi
ly disappointed. The fall on the rail
Friday one of the steam pipes sprung
a leak and it. was thought neccssaay to
cloie school. But as the lines were pass
ing out, word was received that the leak
was found and not ab all dangerous.
Tiie pupils that were still tn the building
swung himself returned to their respective rooms and re
sumed their work. Miss Gass' pupils
succeeded in escaping.'
never w . :
cr fraud,
that art;
ker Kej
eat.s Fi.
Will J. .
at Aston-.
Printer's InS:
!' made thick enough to cov
Tiuic and experience illustrates
: of merit, when once becomes
il be utilized. Judge the Qua-
u.s :is you jirs-l them. Dr.
N'ew Specific Couuh Cure, Baly
i'. nic for tin; blood and indi
Price oOc and $1. For sale by
Rttftbefs, Boots and SUoe
..N for young and old Men
ing low prices at S. fc C.
Only 15 Cents per Pair
Only $1 OO per pair.
Friday was again pay day and I sup
pose the Journal will say to-night that
.the teachers marched in line to the dry
goo. Is store to deposit their money for
new dresses. I for one can sav that
....... .
what I do with my money is uo ones
business so long as I am out of debt, and
if I want a new dress and have the mon-
J. A. Connor was in Lincoln to-day.
W. II. Newell was a passenger to
Cedar Creek this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curtis returned
from Lincoln this morning.
Sam Waugh and J. G. Kichey, were
passengers to Omaha last evening.
M. D. Polk left for Bloomington,
Neb, last evening on a business trip.
Judge Field to7day closes his firest
term of district court in Otoe county.
1 he west bound train tins morning
carried quite u number of emigrants.
The Weeping Water Republican
raises the crv for a new opera house in
that city.
The disruption of the Lincoln cedar
block pravement is laid to the lack of
o f stoi m water sewers. .
Val Burkel is doctoring a lama
finger. Wednesday he fell and threw
the middle finger of the right hand out
of place.
Clint B. Wilson, of Valisca, Iowa,
and an old acquaintance of the 1Ikkam
scribe, passed through on his way to
O mail 'i this morniug.
David Ihatt and family, of Sidney,
Iowa, passed through this morning, on
their way to Pickrell, Gag; counly,
where thcywill reside.
J. P. Antill will open up his restu
rant on the north side of Main street next
Monday, he will be ready to serve lunch
and meals on short notice.
Prof. Zohn and wife, Robt. Fitzger
ald and family, Mrs. Capt. II. E. Palmer
and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. White, wcie
Omaha passengers this morning.
John Soloman and Richard Grotax,
of South Omaha, were each severely hurt
last night. Solomon was struck by an
engine and Grotax by a freight car.
The Wabash Item, which has been
naming tor lite tor about a year, h:s
given up the ghost and is no more. The
trouble seemed to be lack of support.
A nrm is at work at Lincoln trving to
get $100,000 home capital invested in
a 00.000, beet sugar plant, which the
company is desirous of locating there.
A petition has been prepared in Lin
coln, signed by all the state officers and
many prominent citizens asking Presi
dent Cleveland to pardon the Lincoln
mayor and city council, but in casa Mr.
Lambertson gets the men out of jail by
means of the supreme court, the petition
will not be presented.
The rain which has fallen during
the present week, although it has made
out-door tyork very disagreeable, h: s
been of great benefit to the people living
on west Main street, and on some of the
hills in southern part of the city, by fur
- nishing them a supply of water- in their
cisterns. In some cases the wells which
were sunk from the hill tops have been
dry since last sunnmr, and the supply of
rain water giving out, the people have
been compelled to carry water considera
ble distance.
Sunday school 9:30 bad laid the cheek bone bare from the ey simii certanly get one
corner oi tne rigid eye, in the shape of
a semi-circle, downward for an inch and
a half, and the orb of the eye could be
seen by lifting the loose flesh, although
the eye was apparently not hurt. The
hand car had bruised him considerable on
the leg, but had broken r.o bones and
Sunlell was able to wolk. His head was
tied up and the hand car immediately rc-
Felt si
Felt si
The b
Men's :
shoes m.
There are a great many pseudo orators I store i ii
turned to this city .and he was taken to
Dr. Livingston's office and Dr. T. P.
Livingston dressed and sewed the wound.
Mr. Sundell is about twenty-four years
old and lives on Wintcrstc-in Hill, op
posite the B. fc M. lumber yard, and will
be confined to his home sometime, and
the swelling of the eye, which is sure to
come, may keep him home for the winter.
The switchman who was hurt, gave the
name of Griggs and was a new man. He
was attempting to make a coupling early
this morning in the lower yards and
caught one of his fingers, cutting it off.
He w"3 cared for by Dr. Livingston, also.
in this country who like to boast of and
dwell upon our grand school system.
But these same people are the very last
ones to give the teacher any credit for
good schools. They do not consider the
teacher capable of making her own pro
gramme but would rather make her a
Something Chcctp.
i-rs r8o worth 7 3 :.
, r, leather mJc 50c.
; ' filt slipper ?1, worth $1.25.
:t boots vuttii $2.50.
'. I( It boots i?2.5t, worth $3.
boots s?2. woith
ii Restock boots 2 worth $2.75.
:dl boots 2.50, worth $3.25.
' oil grain shoe 2, worth $2.50.
school sh'ocs. the best school
1 .
:r next shors at tli e new shoe
truth's building.
T. H. Phillips.
Now buy your goods while we are selling them at a-
Eiosiois cs emission,
in- (Japs for $1.25, $2.00 and
Jo C. Mayer's Opera House
slaye to method or fossilized ideas when
sue can certainly teach a much better
school if she is given free scope for her
genius. Our schools are what the teacher
has made them, not what the street talker
or the politician has done.
d tf. v !
$3.00, at
Clothing .
Ov :
S. & C.
Pic, i.'tt the pirei of Estate you
want an ;!:'n call for rico and terms
upon Wi':i:!un & Davi s. Over Bank
of Cass ( 18tf.
.aN for Children 2 to $G at
'i v it's.
Plush i Ifelve
Short Wrap
Rolls of Honor.
The names of the pupils which haye
been perfect in punctuality and atten
dance in room 2, First ward school, of
which Miss Agatha Tucker is teacher,
daring the school month ending Dec. 2,
are as follows: George Sherwood, Jen
nie McElwain, Mary Guthman, Louis
Wcckbach. Eddie Egenberger, Henry
Kauble, Nellio Leonard, Nellie Guthman,
Kattie Ilouk, Josie Kneff, Paul .Whisler,
Louis Scott, Ella Ruffuer, Tinscy Smith,
Evelyn Owens, Fred Loug n'lagen, Claud
'Schumacher, Marshal Whisler, Johnio
The roll of honor for the Mercer
school, for the month ending Dec. 2, '87,
of which Miss Ollie Matehews is teacher,
is as follows: Maude Harris, Polly
Kalasek, Josie Kalasek, Sadie Mercer.
Dufour & Lib by Take Their Depart
ure and Leave Considerable!
Some time ago parties came here from
Chicago and made the start of a packing
establishment under the name of Dufuui
& Finn. They located on grounds noith
of the citv. Afterward the firm became
Dufour & Libby and during the fall they
made preparation to do quite a business,
purchasing lumber and building materi
al from tha Plattsmouth business men.
"dividing' their bills among tha various
merchants. They erected quite a large
frame building and began work and d'd
considerable killing of cattle and hogs,
some of which were sold here aud some
of the meat was shipped. Tilings seemed
to be well till yesterday, and last night
Libby left the city and the firm's stock
purchaser. Mr. Dowd, left also, and
their establishment was closed, and things
in connection with the firm looked suspici
ous, and it to-day looked as if the pack
ing house dh n had left without any in
tent to come back and settle u.
The First National Bank holds a $3,-
200 chattel mortgage given by the 'com
pany and last night the cashier went up
to Omaha to interview Mr. Dufour, but
that gentleman didn't seem to have the
money to pay the mortgage, and no
satisfactory answer for the payment of it
could be obtained, and according to Mr.
Doufour the company has busted.
Dufour & Libby left numerous bills
behind, none of which seem to have had
any payments made on them, and the
quiet departure looks as though no ef
fort was made to pay any of them. A
number of attachments have been filed
on the propei ty left behind, and most oi
the creditors held a lien of some kind.
The debts of the company, which were
'cn into our hands are as follows :
First National Bank, chattel mortgage,
$3200; Kichey Bros.,- for lumber, $423;
Waterman & Son, lumber, $342.51; Chas.
Vandeyerter, corn, $300; John S. Duke,
hardware, $70 76; N. V. 3Iatheirs, hard
ware, Sfo; jonnson. Hardware, $zv; v.
II. Pickens, labor, $65; John C. Stewart,
labor, $G0, Jonathan D. Gall, labor, $55:
E. B. Lewis, coal, $00.95; C. 31. Holmes,
board for horses, $40; other bills $100,
making a total indebtedness of over
The sheriff was busy to-day appraising
the property left belonging to Dufotr &
Libby. Besides the building and butch
ering implements there were 03 cattle, 5
horses and 7 hogs on the ground. The
value of everything left is not near
enough to satisfy the claims.
Dolls now. We, have a very large line
and our prices are very low. dlw-w4w
. ,Wiu J. Wakkick.
-The laigest stock ofBooks in the
city are on our 5-10 and 25-50 and 99
cent counters. Will J. Warrick.
I have noticed in my brief career as a
teacher that those parents who complain
o the teacher, or that their children do
learn as much as they did when they
went to school to Miss Perfection etc.,
are the ones whose children are the poor
est in attendance. If a child only comes
about half the time, that child can, of
course, only learn half as much. Some
children miss from half to two thirds of
the school term aud still the parents
think they should be promoted the same
as those who have attended every day.
And should they fail to be, the teacher
ij abused and said to be the entire cause.
Clara Wilson.
for 90c ft'
elsewhei .
Chi! :
$1.50 to .
The .'
flection f
wounds '
used by 1
which is .
that a sa'
pay. Fi..
gist. P;V
for Boys a good Quality
C. Mayer's, cost $1.50
In order to Reduce our Stock of the above goods wo
shall, commencing- with today, give some
Extraordinary Values in These Lines.
";'s Knee Pants Suits
.00 at S. & C. Muver's.
:n. H. VV. Crcidy.
ti.iiiian, Scholar r.nd True
sot mi exampli worthy of re-
idl True Americans. Healing
i no methods except those
V.;s' Camphorated Arnica Salye
1.1 on its merits for any use
ran be used. No cure, no
-ale by the following drug
e "c per bos.
W. J. Warrick
from Our $18 Silk Plush Manteau. Pluh Ball Trimmings, for
Our $20 Alaska Seal Plush Jacket, Satin Lined, for,
Our $22.50 Alaska Seal Plush Manteau, Plush Ball Trimmings, for
Our $25 Alaska Seal Plush Manteau, Nutria Ball Trimmings, for
Our $25 Alaska Seal Plush Medjeska Jacket, Plush Ball Trimmings, for. . . .
Our $27 Alaska Seal Plush Manteau, Plush Ball Trimmings, for ,
Our $30 Alaska Seal Plush Manteau, Plush Ball Trimmings, for ,
Our $35 Alaska Seal Plush Manteau, Plush and Beaver Ball Trimmiugs, for.
. J
These goods have genuine seal si; in ornaments and
elegantly lined with satin.
. 50
. '!
Rock Bluffs.
Our fall term of school that was'taught
by Mr. Frank White closed on Friday,
Nov. 13th and our . winter term begins on
Monday, Dec. 5th and is to be taught by
Mr. D. W. Curtis.
Mrs. James McCulloch, an old lady
about seventy years old, who has been
iek a long time, died last Monday night
and was buried Wednesday in the Young
hurrying ground,
Another one f our old land mauks is
gone. The building known here as the
old Odd Fellows Hall has been taken
down and removed to Union the new
town on the Missouri Pacific railroad.
Billy Allen has opened up the black
smith shop again and is now ready for
business, he will shoe horses, mules and
bob-sleds or he will sharpen plows, cul
tivators, pickaxes and crow-bars in fact
he can do almost anything that, is to be
done by hand or he can whistle, sing and
, blow thd big horn in the band. .
TI12 cold storm of last week caught
a few farmers with their corn not all
picked but as a rule there are more farm
ers done picking corn esrly this year than
we have ever known before. 25 to 30
bushels to the acre is about what the
most of them are getting, a few more and
a good many less, -
We are glad to see Reporter of Three
Spovcs report a prospective marriage
that is to come off soon at that place.
That is a wise move on his part for we
do not ininK n was ever inrentied ior a
man to go alone through this world and
we want to be the first to congratulate
him after he has taken a partner for the
ship of matrimony. Tim Shaver.
pair at S.
$1 to $!'
is Bui Mitts for 25 cents a Oar $35 and iO Velvet Mniilcaus are very richly trimr.-cd
!-. C. Mayer
Overcoats in all grades
A 'J. irc C. Mayer's.
with jet and gimps and have a handsoms satin'linin
Our price reduced to 25 00.
case of I!
West's V
They ar
fail to gi
contain! i.
For sale
ine mam
& Co., 8
Sold by .
from 45 i-
.:tv the abovo reward for any
complaint, dyspepsia, sick
indigestion, constipation or
v. e cannot cure - with
.;' -table Liver Pills, when the
are strictly complied with.
: u rely vegetable, . and never
, j satisfaction. Large boxes
sugar coated pills, 25c.
j:11 druggists. Beware of
and imitations. The genu-j
' lured only by John O. Well
V,'. Madison St. ( hicag.i, Its
'. .)'. Warrick.
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
!N"cxt week we will have our holiday
inspection and we shall show liie
and Plush Goods ever sluwn in this
ulars in next week's issue.
of ii:
City. Full par;
P rsoiu.i
to my care.
Titles ;
surauee V.
;iid Boys Scarlet Underwear
!. to $1.25 at S. Jc C.Mayer's.
'entiou to a'.l'ilusi.j f8 Entrust-
"lii'ied. Atwiaicls 'impiled, In
tt n, ! e:il K-tHte fco'd.
Ladies Should Remember Tha!; Wc are Headquarters for
Everything Pertaining to Art Embroidery Needle Work,
Better Fa
for making riu ni Loans tban
Plaits - ?i.braska.
we erv
Speci! Announcement.
ikwcod Hall,
v ., arid 3rd.
The New.Tlme Table.
A new time table has been issued which
goes into effect to-morrow on the B. &
M. road, and according to it passenger
trains will leave Plattsmouth as follows:
Ne. 1, 4 20, a. m, o. 2. 4 25. p. m.
f! f
i son & Knee's
a;; n
WatcliBS.ClocksJewelFy,. follow fare, mm Jewelry
And everything in the way of Jewelry can be found in our wcll-stlectcd sfnrlr m
have purchased a large stock of the above named goods for the eom no-
No. 4. lo 30. a. ni.
No. 6, 7 IS. p. ni.
No. 8. 7 30. p. in.
No. 10, 9 45, a ni.
No. 12, 9 38, p. va.
According to the above Nos. 1
No. 3. c 40, p. m.
no. r.. s a1), a. in.
No. 7. 8 27. a. m.
, 9, C 11. p. III.
No. 11. C 05. a. in
and 2
arc new trains entirely giving Plattsmouth
12 daily passenger trains, and making
more connections with Omaha.
Ilumpty j
stage sec;.
special e
evening r. : :
-idniissii i:
'n: Specialties, Illusions,
vn8, Dancis and Scenes from
Jviiitpty. Carrying their own
.ry, etc.
Street Car Co. will hold a
r for this entertainment each
ur the show.
" 25c.
- ' 15c.
'""""j .....v... i .j.-bk: iu t reasonable nriet-a
ana will endeavor to discount Omaha prices 20.
Our ' Stock of WATCHES is Couplet,'
And can not be excelled. We have in stock -url.
of the ilr.c st makrs, ruch as tha
"Warrick makes very low prices on Al
bums, don't buy until you see his 6tock.
They are Here.
The largest stock of Holiday goods in
the city and at prices that defy competi
tion. dlw-w3w "Will J. Waukick.
Howard, Waltham, Elgin, Hampden,
Springfield, Columbus, Aurora,
And many other makes, encased in the l.rf-t of gold, coin silver nul tl silv
silverore, silveride and silyeroiri. We alkrrp in Mi-tk a line of soli if''"
silver and plated spoons?, etc., which will be sc Id .-it r.
Dr. C. A- Mar Shall.' ZW is the time to select your Christinas presents while re
stock is so complete. Our goods arc all new and of latest designs
Duy Holiday Goods
and you will 6ave money.
dl W-w3w.
E5 3?
South Side Main Street
Hard dry wood 54.oo per
Leave orders with John Tutt at
Bennett's store.
c id. r Hard dry wood 4.50
L. D.
For a fine selection of ladies' gold
watches, sold at bottom prices, call at
Schlater's jewelry store, opposite the
orera house, Plattsmouth. 27 w 4 x
Preserv: !i ' "f natural teclli a specialty.
fecthcxtrc.Ld without pain l-yxue of Laughing
All work wjiraideJl. Price? reasonable.
The standard remedy for liver com
plaint is West's Liver Pill-; they never
disappoint you. 30 pills 25c. At War
lick's drug store.
f tjn nrluro ..ill. T.v ' -OI(l.
Bennett's store. 1 L" D-
Ileal efctate and abstracts '
Jtf W-- Wr.
-Call for Michigan eating apples also
Michigan and New York cider atPhillin
Kr a use's. . 1