The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 29, 1887, Image 2

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IJlattsmout!) Pails tjcralb
Publishers & Proprietors.
Coxoniiss meets next Monday.
Tub Lincoln countilinen and major
liave lifen admitted to the bar.
Miss Rom-: Ci.kvki.ani u
t i-uoli in in a female seir.innry in New
York Ci'y, fclic lias about two-liandrtd
young ladies under her charge and her
pi-ciul mission seems to be to show them
the marvelous growth of this, the great
eat of Republics.
A i.i. the European nut ion are watch
In Franco, to nec w ho she will make
president, or abolish the presidency alto
gether. She may do neat her and in that
case revolution may take place: and the
republic? be subverted, and in that case
the other nations may try to swallow her
Electrical Worhl: "I was so overcome
with the Mice-ess of mv first instrument
finished about six weeks ago, that I
doubted whether I c ould make another
equally good, and I went to work at
once to do so, 1113' second instrument
works as well as tin? fust, and I have
forty workmen employed in making the
tools for the first SOU phonographs. They
will cost $) apiece1.
The amount of tnlking which can bo
recorded upon the phonographic sheet is
so much larger than what can be printed
upon it that the phonographic book or
newspaper of the future need not be half
the present size. About the only thing
that the perfected phonograph will not
be able to do will be to give pictures.
The cost of running the phonograph, ac
cording to Edison, will be no more than
the cost of maintaining two cells which
run the little electric motor perhaps 50
cents a month. Three sizes are now be
ing made, one size for the pocket, which
will w rite 300 words on its sheet, another
size for letters of 800 words, anil a third
size for JI.000 wordu.
The strike and lockout of 5.000 shoe
makert at Philadelphia, which began
October IS, practically ended November
21, when a large number of the hands
went back to work as individuals. The
manufacturers were entirely success
ful. The loss in wagti has been cstinated
at $.10,000 a week.
The United States Circuit Court has
been appealed to in the matter tif the
strike of railroad employees at Houston,
Texas. The strikers have been enjoined
from trespassing upon the company's
premisos, and the court orders them to
appear before the Circuit Court at Gal
veston, on December C, and show cause
why an injunction shall not issue pend
ing the company's suit for damages
against the defendants.
The new scale of wages for the steel
workers, adopted this week autl to be
presented to the manufacturers to be
signed, provides for an advance of about
10 per cent in wages all around.
The low stage of water in the Honon
gahela valley has affected business in
that section. As coal mining is theleael-
11 g industry of the valley, and this is
chvekr-d by the low water, the outlook
is said to be very bad. Not one coal
boat has left Pittsburgh sinc e June 20.
There are between 7,000 ami 3,000 miners
111 the Monongahela valley, and a large
number of these are, and have leen for
some time, practically idle.
The Rochester printer's strike was
oilicially declared off November 11. It
was a failure.
The printers" strike at Chicago prac
tically ended on November IS. a victory
for the employers.
The Wooster Bessimer Steel Works shut
clown on November 18, owing to a refu
sal of the men to accept a 10 per cent
reduction in wages.
The weft weavers at Kensington (Phil
adelphia) have consented to acre pt a re
duction in wages, to go iuto cfi'ect on
Dcccmder 1.
Some ore mines at Joanna, Pa., have
shut down owing to the difficulty and
expense of mining. The mines have been
in operation at different period. for 75
About 3,000 brewery hands are ex
pected to streke next week.
The coal miners strike in is
expected to extend to large din.e isions.
Ii radstreet' .?.
I'tilizins Pine Straw.
In North Carolina a new industry is beins
developed, in which pine straw or needles are
transformed into liber or wool and then spun
into yarn, which is woven into carets
raatting. The peculiar balsamic iragraneo
is retained, and offices and rooms covered
with the carpet pive out a very plea: snt and
no doubt healthful odor. The material is
tough and wears fully as well cw the cocoa
matting, and is nrich softer and more pl-ar-ant
to the foot. This pine wool is :;Iso ured
as a substitute for hair in mattresses and pil
lows. Aj it retains its elasticity and doerc
not readily pack, it will no doubt Locomo
popular, especially in view of its lx Ln; prool
against vermin arid possessing hygienic prop
erties of no smcil values to those suffering
from diseases of tho throat and lungn.
American Airrieidtnrist.
A Magnificent 3elctlon of Pro ml.
urns to bo Awardod to
How tho Publishers of the Be Dis
tributes a Large Number of
Valuable Premiums
Among Their
Tins publishers of the Bte are this
-teason offering it-; patrons the largest and
most valuable Premiums that lias ever
Wren awarded by them.
For the past seven years the Bee lias
annually distributed among its patrons a
large number of. valuable and useful
articles, increasing the number and value
each year as the number of subscribers
increased. This system was first inaugur
ated by the publishers about eight years
ago as the means of collecting back pay,
securing renewals and increasing the cir
culation of the Hue. Several thousand
doll irs back clues were collected which
would otherwise hare been almost entire
ly lent or expended in forcing collections
through agents or attorneys, and the sub
scription list was increased from '1,5000
to over 35,000 in seven years. Euch suc-
c:?smivc year a larger number of sub
scribers was secured and the list of pre
miums was proportionally increased.
During the first year only a small por
tion or the articles eiistnoutccl were pro
cured in exchange for advertising.
When the marked increase in the ciscu-
lation became known to the merchants
and manufacturers, they willingly offered
the ir goods aud machinery in exchange
for advertising. In this manner a very
vaiuaoie selection or premiums was
secured, with a comparative small outlay
of cash. Almost all the more valuable
articles are obtained in this way. Near
ly the only outlay in cash made is for the
minor premiums, such as books, cutlery,
etc. These are purchased at the very
lowest wholesale rates in very large quan
tities. In this way it is made possible to
award such a manificent lot of premiums
to subscriber, and send each the paper
for one year for the price of two dollars.
The following is a partial list of the
.trticles to be awarded at the next distri
bution :
40 acres of fine land in Colfax
Co., Nebraska, valued at fl,200 00
One Omaha city lot 700 00
One Aultman & Tavlor thresh
ing machine
One Ilcilman thresing machine
6S5 00
063 00
One celebrated Weber upright
piano 056 00
Four parlor organs valued at
from 11 5 to
One Registered Ilolstein bull..
175 00
too 00
One Jersey bull calf 100 00
And a large variety of valuable imple
ments live stock, guns, watches, house
hoi b uoods, etc., etc., valued in all at
evcr $43,500.
The old patrons of the Bee i;e;d no
assurance of the stability of the paper,
nor do they need to be informed of the
principles it advocates, the fearltss de
fense it makes in behalf of the pioducers
and uncompromising opposition to cor
porate momopolies. It is almost indis
pensable to the industrial classes of the
great west.
S;-nd your name and the names and
addresses of your friends for free sample
copies of the Jiee containing the full list
of premiums and a large number of ac
knowledgements from old subscribers
who have received valuable premiums
in former years.
The subscription price of the "Weekly
Bee iucluding a premium is $2.00 per
year. Address all orders and cwmmuni
cutions to The Bee Publishing Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
Coat with Red Whlikeid.
Within the borders of that region which
boasts of having been the oldest of the parts
of Europe reclaimed by civilized man, in
Greece, a new quadruped was discovered anil
is now exhibited in tho zoological gardens of
Berlin, Germany. It is a goat living upon
tho island of Joura, in the Strophado archi
pelago, north of the island of Eiiboea. Dr.
Reichenow has examined tho animal and
given it the name of capra dorcaa. There
were a great many of them on the island for
merly, and the Greeks call it Polyalgos, or
Goat island. Shepherds have of late years
invaded the island, which was uninhabited
except by a hermit, aud are waging so re
lentless a war against the goats that they are
rapidly decreasing in number and will soon
be extinct.
There 13 neither another zoological garden
nor a museum in the world in possession of a
specimen of this goat or of any part of it.
That at Berlin is a buck, 3 years old, and
still wears its summer fur of reddish yellow
tint, with strides of deep black, the dark
necktie being of the greatest breadth. It is
altogether striking in appearance. The do
mestic goat, it is thought, may descend from
this sriecios. Chicago News.
One of the Craft.
Ofnce Boy Gentleman down stairs with a
manuscript, sir.
Mage zinc Editor Tell him to live it with
the clerk.
"I did, sir, but he wants to s
'Do his clothes fit him?"
"No, sir."
"Pants bag at the knees P
"Yes, sir."
"Admit him." Omaha World.
I.ivJn on Nitro-Glycerine.
A patient at tho Benevolent home in At
lanta v.-cs kept alive Ly nitroglycerine for
several clavs after a cancer in the stomach
tad eaten awev that organ entirely end re-
d-jced him to a skeleton. The exploMvo was ;
placed on his trmuo and absorbed into Lis ,
svst cm without being swallowed. New York '
Sou. i
revival of suff taking.
The Story that Comes Aeros the Atlan
tlo rrmotlce In Colonial Time.
The report comes from Paris that the prac
tice of snunT taking will bo resuscitated dur
ing the coming winter by tho dandies of the
French capital. The young men are hunting
up their ancestral snu!f boxes and studying
old family pictures in order to acquire the
graceful style of taking a pinch practiced by
the old court gallant. Pawnbrokers and
d -tilers in antiquated articles have realizod
very ' large uuuui for kiiuH boxes thut have
lain on their shelves for forty or iifty
years. Most extravagant prices have been
paid for wuuff boxes thut to mem
bers of tiie old nobility. Hewiid j-wclors
are "engaged in making snuff boxes of an
tique and original designs. In many club
rooms ornamental vases, filled with various
kinds of snuff, stand on the tables or man
tels. Iu colonial times, during the revolutionary
war, and for many years afterward, the use
of snuff was very common in this country.
Nearly every gentleman carried a silver
snulf box, which was often inlaid with gold.
At the entrance of the benute chamber, iu
the national Capitol at Washington, are large
receptacles for snuff, at whieh members of
that august body once filled their boxes on
passing into their seats in the morning.
Many can remember the time when the snuff
box was passed around in social eircles every
few minutes, and when it was as common to
ask for a pineh of snuff as it now is to ask
for a light for a cigar or for a ehew of to
bacco. Pool people generally used snuff be
cause it was cheap, or, more prier)y, be
came "a little went a good ways." The use
of snuff became general in all northern
countries, especially in Scotland, Holland,
Sweden aud Norway. In Iceland nearly
every person used large quantities of snuff,
which was kept in an ornamented horn. The
practice was, and peruai1 is, to insert the
"little end of the born"1 in tho nostril and
to thump the large end so as to discharge a
portion of the contents. The host often
walked among his guests and performed this
office as a mark of hospitality. Sometimes
servants or members of the family were in
structed how to haudle the snuff bora with
grace anel dexterity. Before the invention of
friction matches considerable difficulty was
found in lighting cigars and pipes, but tho
snuff box was always ready to bring forth.
Forty yearn ago there was scarcely a grocery
in the country that did not keep several kinds
of snuff, and the name of one Scotch manu
facturer was known throughout the civilized
Tho use of snuff has been steadily declining
in almost every country in the world during
a period of fifty years. arious reasons may
be assigned for its gradual disuse. So far as
deleterious effects are concerned, snumng to
bacco is open to the least objection, as the
amount of nicotine taken into tno system is
very small. This method of using tobacco is
also attended by the smallest exjiense to the
consumer. Chicago Times.
The Banjo's Successor.
Women are worse than tho ancient Atheni
ans in their love for a new thing. What they
love an4 swear by one season they will aban
don the next, and nothing that is old, from a
bonnet to a carpet, finds favor in their opes.
There is the banjo. Three years ago every
other girl In the country had ono strung by a
yellow ribbon about her neck and was thrum
ming the strings and singing darky melo
dies with all her might and main. Most of
them never learned to play at all; they took
a lesson or two, learned the scales and frag
ments of about three tunes, and then it lan
guished until they would read in the London
letters of how Notica Yznaga saved a dull
evening and delighted tho Prince of Wales
by throwing herself into the breach with her
banjo, and then the young women took to
earnest ttudy again for about three weeks.
But it hoe gone to hopeless limbo at last, be
yond rovlval. Its successor is a mandolin.
No self respecting girl is without one.
With blue or copper colored ribbons, instead
of yellow, it is a dainty thing, all shell and
pearL She studies assiduously under the
tutelugeof the picturesque, dark eyed Italian,
Signor Rice, and learns from him how to
grasp and manipulate the little oval bit of
tortoise shell, with which the strings ore
swept. To bo thoroughly good form, the
young woman musical has to arm herself
with a vinuccia, which means an instrument
manufactured by the mandolin maker in
ordinary to her majesty the queen of Italy,
and these toys come high, some of the more
luxurious ones costing several hundred dol
lars. The mandolin is melon shaped and has
eight strings, or rather four couples, and
tuned in fifths. The music is made by sweep
ing these strings with a bit of shell held
between the thumb and two first fingers of
the right band. It requires an exquisite
lightness and smoothness of touch, and a
firm, supple wrist to brush the strings so that
tho music will be both soft and even, but
when it is well played the music is charming,
and it is an instrument with far greater
capacity than the banjo.
Mrs. Willie Astor is a good performer on
the mandolin, having learned it while her
husband was minister in Rome. The queen
of Italy, too, is an expert and has a suberb
vinuccia bearing her monogram and a crown
in diamonds. With the reign of the mando
lin has cmne a fancy for folk songs and music,
and the airs the Neapolitan fishers and Vene
tian gondoliers are fond of are heard in New
York drawing rooms, or the wiia, can bar
baric themes of the Spanish gypsies. New
York World
Chemical Confnsioiu
"What is the matter, Dr. Otisf
"I am mad ; mad at chemistry and tho elrug
business. Look here, oil of vjtrol is no oil,
neither are oils of turpentine- and kerosene.
Copperas is an iron compound and contains
no copper. Salts of lemon is the extremely
poisonous oxalic acid. Carbolic acid is not
on acid, but an alcohol. Cobalt contains
none of that metal, but arsenic. Soda water
has no trace of soda, nor has sulphuric ccid
of sulphur. Sugar of lead has no sugar,
cream of tartar has nothing of cream nor
nulk of lime any milk. Oxygen means tho
acid maker, but hydrogen is the essential
element of all acids, and may contain no
oxygen. German silver has no silver and
black lead no lead. Mosaic old is only a
sulphide of tin. These are only some of the
mistakes of nomenclature in our business."
Cincinnati Telegram.
Fighters Don't Quarrel.
"Why dont you ever see fighters with
bunged up faces f asked a reporter of Billy
Ed wards in the Hoffman house tho other
evening as he glanced at a gentleman whoso
face was scratched and swollen from some
recent altercation. "They have to make
their living fighting," was the answer. "I
never saw a man who chopped wood all day
chop any at night for amusement. You
wouldn't go to a theatre and report the show
just for fun, ril bet. Then, too, a fighting
man appreciates the risk to his hands he runs
in hitting some fellow who may have a hard
head, and be knows it is no credit to him to
thrash anybody except a clever opponent in a
rinz. A fLzbter is tho safest man to insidt I
know of. Many o I hove to pocket talk
nien ivfXildnl dare MSB to anybody eke"
NWW W KTtCinflr'VoTld.
v Jl Jvl Vs
hours by
cairo an;
A ,
J in
plovs -It'
" Jiri
hands, I
Scl .
ern Ncl-
this poi
ditsbu rti'
limit ol
K. C, S.
good rn
ment of
To :
reason ai 1
Oil! V
: uie; c-i.MO.
v .i ;.it:L '.U0 anel rapielly increasing.
1 oi liie ii;:'. . -r .-ysteins of Water Works in the State.
:u t; well lii'.li'.i'd by gas.
t r.iiluay in iteration.
! tin.- : lre-t established, and bonds voted for the purpose
1.1 1 -.
f.iiti Street, work to commence thereon in the spring of 8Sb.
:i -. lour story high school building and six ward school houses.
psii:'!ires have been constructed during the year 1887.
ira (louse
" 1 Terra W.rks, capital -S0,000, capacity 10.000 bricks per day, employs thirty hands.
: hou lb Canning Factory, capital $30,000, capacity 1,500,000 cans per year and employ 12'
.i - ave.i- in one year's business about $100,000.
daily papers; oi'O J'cpublican and one Democratic.
bacla-r buggy anel wagon factory.
rb-rg's cignr manufactory, employs fifteen hands, and largely supplies the trade of southwe-st-
oi- oc Cu's. now
Packing C. V. Q. Kail road machine shops, round houses, storehouses, Ac, are maintained at
foi th' use of irs system west of the Missouri Kiver, emptying many hundreds of hands, ami
.- to employes monthly about 30,000.
T th finest railroad bridges in the United States spans the Missouri Kiver at the Southern
:.e city.
:2,000 miles ot railroad conveys its freight traflic into and through our city.
:.:i..-;.vitge.v trains leave Plattsmonth dailv for north, south, east anel west over the C. 1. & Q.;
e'e G. P. and the P. M. P. K. in Nebraska.
:i-::.;!ie?.s of tho land around Plattsmouth and its nearness to Omaha markets tegeth"r with
rd iacilities, make it not only a pleasant place to reside, but a desirable place lor the establish
althy, legitimate manufactoring enterprises, the citizens ot Plattsmouth would doubtless mrl e
: mdu'j'Miients to secure their location, anel correspondence is solicited.
fli-Io re;d cst ite values are growing firmer each day, yet there is nothing speculative or fictitirus
tl -"tk and good residence lots can be bought at from 150 to 3530; land near the city can be pur
chased :. iVom -00 to i()0 per acre. Within the next twelve months our city expects to welcome the
Missoutv ' Pa-ilic and the Omaha ami Southern Kailways into its corporate limits.
Tin. uhove facts given without exaggerate m and the pmspects for the future prosperity of our
city, more than above indicated. Parties seeking investments in Kealty
are earn; :-r!v reeiuested to come and make personal investigation. AVhile here you will be given a free
nue to r
coin A
ter. So;
1 a i
1 I ark. tne most beautiful anel desirable residence locality in the city, -where lots may be
from -" to 200, each. This picturesque additiem is accessible by either Chicro or Lin-
it or
iy N11 th ;tli S.reeL
4 i,, 1
c ,:
includm" our
Flor de !''c
p;.crbt-ro- ai d Buds
always in i-tock. Nov. ). 18S5.
with higi
sold Oi.
firm find vibrating shuttle,
IJasy piiyin. ntsj or cash
'LiuA'cr Plattsmouth Branch
'.-?:',- kr.5ty''
V -Vc?i-.Tt-vrf.i fT
Dr. E. C. ' ' ..'sXcrvrtiiiid V.ivi t Treatment
aguaranti -.e -iae- i'or Hyst ii Dizziness.
Convulsl! .. I'i's. Nr-rvfus Ne"rall:, Ht-art-ache.
IS'er i'rosl r.ttioii Hitn-n ly lh iwe
ol alcobol ''.uc' .-. aUluli:o--s. Menial De
pression, S ' " - i.insi of t!-e ir;in rcMiltiiig t in
sanity ami ''.'."lirji misery, 1t-e;-y ami death,
reniai ure I . r.iu Loss of l'ow
er in either . inv .iant;iry l.i-f.s Jim) Sjer
inatorrhrp . -.tus -'l Iy ovr-ev'-rtion of ihe
brain, self, ''-s oriv'r-in.1nls;i'nef Earli 1 x
contains c'.. r.onih- iivtin?nt.. $1 ew :i box
or six box- . r.r ?o CKi, si'til by n.ail prepaid ol
receipt of j . i .
To cure .v; i-w. Willi ea.-h e-i' l-r ivce;vel
uy us for : :i ?..'; :!veoiiip!i.Ti'il with so (n.
we will set. I tin.- iuir'.!ius-r cur wiitten tuaran- 1
te t-iretn,.i U:- irnncv if the atment ! .
nof elfert 11 i i -. Ciuranrees is-ueU only by 1
Will .1. Win t i : sole airei-t. riattMiiOHlli. nc i. .
4 X
Cor. lCth ar.l Gr:in:t- Sfrct-ts.
Contractor and Builder
Seit. ! Ciii.
Foil S
On iv:is unl ! term- ir.y
on N. l-. cornel-of Elm ;;:i.l
resieler.rr (
11th stiei -t
Sr. iii iimiiM v ron.-is i.i
i block v :
i uooa .,t.,ry" mui a itHifjSuaar Cured Meats. 'Stems.
lie use f !.v rooms, two
one pant-,
; ::iod vcll iii:d city v:it-r;
II Ju-rt; ro; np; l. f'"C5. f!U(l Mil
of su.ull "f -ii kimls.
P. D. Bates.
twenty-s y
nl lindane
Information to
of tl
rail from Lincoln the capital, and
costing $oU,0UU.
and Canning factory, capital 1:3,000, capacity
ami may he roKcheel 111 a ten minutes walk from the business cei.-
is more rapidly building up than any other part of the
m Imm
GROG 3E3 Et X Jdl ST ,
fJ UJ - 6 fri g&
ink Carratii
kJT IES "3T 3E3 JL I5S
CLOCKS : Of all sizes, make. and price. "Warranted.
"WATCHES : Kockford, Fredonia, Colu.nbus, Anrcra d'c. All
int-ats iw-Mij,tiiia ;ue ho wen Known
.iiii are Avarrameu.
CHAINS : In this line of roods
quite. Ladies and (.rents' thort or
i tliort or
any other kind. Also emblem Dins
lockets, rings, euli buttons, 'oid pens
SIPVEK"WAIiE of every description at easy prices.
ot our own make.
Thr hrj-t Lntrds of OYSTERS, in raj j nnd Lull
GrXUrm 9lJjy$:
Capital Seeking1 Investrwnt.
r.r.'u mm rut
It i.s tin- (fiitcwsv te. tbt LTirat S-ntli PlatteCotmtl V
It is situated on the MUenui Kiver nt the mom.
u Phttte, at a noint about half way bbtween Chi-
forty minutes from Omaha, the
of constructing
eewemge a I'd
Aside from business hou -
100,000 c;ms per year anel cm-
city. Correspondence solicited.
Hi i
6& & S, t W Tfk R?
OF IM; :i;( K rl.v
B. MUBPHY & f0.
mat tluy need no commendj
I liave evervthiuo- f.linf ,i
1oik - el
Jonsr cJiains: sc:lil v..u.i ,.i4.
J. Ililt
ol all the tnr,.t . 1 .1
.w .il.tJO , t,ll
J. W. M
Csn n. !
j. CALL 5