The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 17, 1887, Image 2

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    THE DAILY Ui:iLlA TLATTSMOt'TIi, M:i;i:aJ;., II
dlljc IJlattsmoutl) Daily fjcralii I
Publishers & Proprietors.
Inhi'ector Eyhnlh, of the New York
police force, says that lie considers Ilerr
Most by far the most dangerous anurchiRt
in America, and nays that lie is in a meas
ure responsible for the Hayinaikct mas
sacre in Chicago.
Tiik election is ovcr,'the anarchists are
hung, Sparks has been removed and the
country is at peace. Now let us look to
business fix up for the winter and pre
pare for the big boom Plattsmouth is
sure to have by spring time.
On the last day of this month the city
of Atlanta Ga., will again vote on the
question of prohibition or license. Two
years ago the question was submitted to
the popular vote and decided in favor of
prohibition. Under the Georgia law
when such dec ision is made it cannot be
disturbed for two years. That period
will soon expire, and the requisite peti
tions have been properly made and the
election ordered.
The second tiiabof John Arnsdorf for
the mnrdcr of Rev. G. C. Haddock is
now beiiirr had at Sioux Citv. It is to
. . - - - rf
be hoped that justice will be done, and
if he is the iruiltv man that nine-tenths
of the people believe hini to be, that he
will be punished as lie deserves. Hut if
he is not guilty, then it is to be hoped
that the trial will show who is. There is
not a doubt but that John Arcnsdorf and
many of his friends know just who killed
Haddock, and if he did not do it, they
will yet reveal who did.
It has long lecn asserted that yellow
fever is sometimes spread by mosquitoes,
which take the poison from one person
and inject it into another. Some recent
experiments in the French Academy of
Sciences tend to show that flies act simi
larly as carriers of contagion. The bacilli
of consumption were found in abundance
in the excreta of Hies that had fed upon
the spit-cups used by consumptive pa
tients. Thus is fortified the recommend
ation that the sputa of consumptive pa
tients be received in vessels containing
The Journal is much troubled over
the alledgecl seratchinjr of democratic
tickets at the late election in this county.
No doubt here and there a good, honest
democrat did vote for some one of tin
very competent candidates of the rcpub
lican party, but perhaps after all not so
many as he thinks in his gloomy bodings
over their humiliating defeat did
vote for our candidates. The 44.
republican majority on the state
ticket in the county accounts
for the election of our successful candi
dates without considering a little scratch-
ng by a few consciencious democrats.
TnE frequent attempts that have lately
been made at train wrecking and thi
many times trains have been wrecked, de
velops a very bad condition of things
A more inhuman or barbarous act cannot
be conceived of, than that of wrecking a
train filled with men, women and chil
dren, unknown to the heartless wretel
who would take their lives, or cripple,
or maim them for lite, either to avenge
some fancied wrong done by some one
else or for purposes of robbery. Train
wrecking, or an attempt at it, should be
made the highest crime known to the
Carlisle will beyond question be re
elected speaker of the national house of
representatives. In view of this there
has been much curiosity as to what he
would do with renard to the contest for
his seat in the house. It will be the firtt
time in the history of the government
that a man whose right to sit in th
house was Btill in question has beer
chosen to preside over the house. One
of the most reliable Washington corrcs
pondents asserts the first thing Carlisle
will do after being sworn in will be ti
call William P. Kelley to the chair . and
ask him to appoint the committee or
elections to consider and immediately
act upon the claims of Mr. Thobe to tht
seat of Carlisle. It is said that the
speaker wants that case decided before
he performs any more official acts than
are absolutely necessary for the organiza
tion of the house. Siotix City Journal,
The Iowa election has demonstrated
the wisdom of the republican party
bold stand in that state on the prohibi
tion question. Before the election the
enemies of prohibition, both democrats
and whisky republicans constantly
claimed that the republican party had
ruined the state and killed itself by so
vigorously apd squarely espousing both
urohibition and the enforcement of the
law. And they united in the fight,
Every saloon man and every sympathizer
with the saloons worked for the anti
prohibition, republican and democrat
candidates. And the money of the liq
uor men of other states was con
tributed to the democratic campaign
fund. But instead of the republican
vy "ins (laJ. t,,c majority or the
ncreascd and the legislature has 35 ma
jority prohibition republicans and this
majority is determined to abolish the
drug store nuisance and make Iowa the
model prohibition state. The republic in
party in Nebraska will grow in strength it squarely espouses the cause of
the "home against the saloon."
The imrchase of Nova Scotia, New
Brunswick and Prince Edward Islands by
the United States would go fur toward
settling the fishery question forever. Ed
ward Atkinson, the author of the schi' i
to bring this about, is undoubtedly cor
rect in his surmise in this matter. Hut
most people will be inclined to think him
oversanguiu when lie expects, as he dots,
that tills project will soon become a f;s(t
There is some reason to believe that j u1 -
ic sentiment in the United States miht
eventually be molded in favor of pay n
$50,000,000 for this territory, which is.
the amount contemplated in Mr. Atkin
son's proposal, if the provinces themselye
and the Dominion and Great IJrittir
should be willing to enter the schenr.
The people of the provinces named woul 1
probably co'.s nt, but neither Canndt
nor Great Britain would be likely just yet
to look upon the project with favor.
The annexation of the entire Dominion
to the United States, it is reasonable to
suppose, will be accomplished within a
few decades nt the farthest. This coun
try, however, is not at all anxious tc
icquire any new territory In the ivhi
future.- Globe Demot:ra.
The best thing that could be dou
with the anarchists would be to send
them to Alaska and compel them to wort
in the gold mines for the ben i fit of tlu
government which they wish to over
throw. The inexhaustable mines of thai
inhospitable region could iu that way be
turned to good account in two ways. It
would rid tins country of these dangerous
classes which threaten ruin and destruc
tion to our social institutions and at th;
same time bring to the rjovernincnt "
large revenue from those rich mines,
which on account of their locat'on in
uninviting, sterile portions of that un
desirable country will never be devel
oped or worked by individual enterprise.
Russia has long used Siberia for sim
ilar purposes. The sending of the bad
elements of society and the enemies of the
government to distant and isolated
islands and countries, has long been a
custom with many nations. The most
humane punishment that could be meeted
out to the malcontents of the old coun
try who are now Hocking to this country
and stiring up and educating the evil
and discontented elements already lu re
would be to send them and their diciplcs
to Alaska and compel them to work to
support the government tliey seek to
Bur for so-r.i led democrats who ecratclier"
theirt"u'k'"ts iuil put It is name en them Slumf.
Eikenbary wi'M h:ive been defeated by ."
greater majority than that by wl.iel: he v.-a
elected. Why 'hey did this is past finUiiiR- iU
Certainly the sheriff has not conduced liiir--s.
lf officially in a manner th:it ehouTd chid
mend him to the support of any honest tier, o-
crat, while his opponent was a most woitny
It is too bad that the democrats act so
naughty and refuse to believe the state
ments of the ever honest and truthful
Journal. And it must be very provok
ing to its unselfish and patriotic editor
to know that right here under the shadow
of his great influence contrary to his ad
vice, requests and urgent solicitations
they would persist in "scratching their
tickets" and voting for Eikenbary. And
that too when he had repeatedly told
them, and was that yery day telling them
that Eikenbary was not the best man;
that he was not a good officer and that
his opponent was every way worthy of
their support. How sad he must feel
While we sympatize with the Journal in
its grief over the obstinacy of those re
fractory democrats, we are sorry that he
cannot irivc them th? c.istigation he
thinks they deserve without abusing th
lest slu'riff Cass coun y ever had. But
Mr. Eikenbary can stand it; his friend
say it helps him.
Two Sansibia Ladies.
One that studies health before vanity
and one that does not believe all she
reads or hears. Practical experience is
every day teaching that the words given
with Dr. Watson's Specific Cough Cure,
is practically relieving the physicians
from advising a hopeless case of Con
sumption a change of climate necessary,
to be left to die anionjr stangers. The
Specific Cough Cure is warranted, if di
rections are carefully complied with, to
relieve, if not cure, the worst and most
hopeless cases the world ever saw. Price
o0c and $1. For sale by W. J. Warrick
Hon. H. W. Grady.
The Statesman, Scholar and True
American, set an example worthy of re
flection for all True Americans. Healing
wounds that no methods exc 'i k those
used by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Saly
which is sold on its merits for my use
that a salve can I e v.sed. No cure, no
pay. For sale by t ia follonin drug
gist. Price 2Zc j er br;x.
W. J. Warbick
A Jt;e)t Into the llle of AVurc-liounA
That Lino Ihw Water I-'rout of Brook
lyn How tlio Modern Caves of Aladdin
Am t illed.
The most prominent object that attracts
the attention of the passenger on tho Fulton,
WalJ or South ferry is the long lino of ware
houses that stretehos along tho water front of
Brooklyn. Uaek of these warehouses rises
the blufr uKn which tho leaders of Brooklyn
society huvo built their residences, ami to
which they haw given tho name of Brooklyn
Heights. In the mansions luxury reigns, la
tho storehouses commerce musses ail that it
can command to (ill the lap of luxury. Tho
piers extend out to the channel, several hun
dred feet in front of the storehouses. Thcso
are a!l of bri'-k, and vary from '500 to 500
icet in depth. They stretch in a practically
continuous line, broken only l.y tho ferry
slips, for Jive miles, beginning with tho Em
pire stores, at,ovo the great bridge, and ex
tending bcyoml 1 iie Erie basin.
Tln biiiliiings i:ro not absolutely fireproof,
but their walls ;ro so thick that u lire cannot
spread from one to tho other. Tho ceilings
arc low ami the ground lloors are dark. Iron
shutters are tho rule. There are 7,(XM) feet of
ll.eia altogeilnr. There is an appearance of
gi-.'iit solidity about the buildings. They wero
evidently built to withstand the assaults of
Lime, and to hold secure what Im given them
to keep. Not a particle of ornamentation is
to be discirn'-d from one end of tho long lino
to t!.o other. '1 i'.o object for which these
buddings were erect ed is not display, but se
curity. Here arc tho riches of tho metropo
lis awaiting its order.
Wh'ii the ships of the merchants come in
from foreign sin res they unload their freight
upon thtf piers, and it is rolled back into tho
deep recesses of t be cavernous depths of these
immense warehouses. If the merchant wants
money ho takes his warehouse receipts to his
hank and puts 1 hem up as collateral. If h
wishes to deliver or ship tho goods, his re
ceipt commands their production on demand,
and they come forth, as the water sjiouts
from tho pi; wlien tho faucet is turned, or
the light answers to tho touch of an electric
Great archways let in tho stout l'ereherons
.with huge drays, which cart away hogsheads
and crate's, bags and bundles, bales and boxes,
iu an almost endless procession. As these
carry away goods, gangs of longshoremen
roll on the piers other goods that have been
hauled up out of tho holds of sailing vessels
and steamship. From tho tops of the slender
masts float tho flags of nearly all nations,
least of nil in number being tho Stars and
Stripes. Tho red flag, with cross of St.
George, is most numerous. The tri-color is
Tirominent, as is also the red, white and black
of Germany. Others are tho black, yellow
.iiid red of Belgium; tho red, with white cross,
of Denmark ; the 3ellow, with red stripes, of
Spain; tho blue stripes, with yellow cross
and cross in corner, of Sweden; tho white,
blue and red stripes of Russia; the yellow,
rod and blue strips, with seven white stars
an the blue, of Venezuela; the red, with j-el-low
cross, of Switzerland and, most rare of
all, tho white and blue stripes, with white
and blue cross, of Greece. The private flags
of the owners display strange devices, some
having tigers, lions, crosses, letters and tho
The piers present a busy eeene. An army
of custom house inspectors and weighers in
their white cajis calmly survey the scene of
which they aro indisputably tho monarchs.
A glance at tho labels on their caps enables
O!io to easily distinguish them from tho la
borers. The latter are stalwart, with brawny
arms, broad chests, bronzed faces, and sturdy
limbs. As they trundle tho boxes, bales and
bags down tho piers they dump them in little
spaces chalked out for different owners.
1'oolsof molasses and a carpet of sugar grains
waste enough sweetness on tho air to tone up
the flapjacks and coffee of the whole Sixth
The weighers' assistants knock off the
boxes from great chunks of what looks like
sawed off elephants' legs. It is crude rubber
t-hi.t has just anived from South America,
uiid has just scraped acquaintance with rej)
r.jsontativos of tho same kin from Australia,
Central America and Africa. The finest
comes from Para, in 440-pound boxes. When
cut into it looks like canned meat.
As bags cf coEee by the hundred aro rolled
down the piers fr an the ships, other bags of
pungent aroma tilde down with a loud swish
from tho upper stories of the warehouses,
tln-ough a long, steeply inclined chute of can
vas. This is so si rong and coarse, and tho de
scent is .-o sharp, that a laborer who essays an
easy passage fiiuls himself in need of a new
seat to his trousers at tho bottom.
The diep keel skips from Calcutta and Ma
nila bring huge quantities of jute butts, bam
boo, hen'p and cutchlike tar, used in brew
eries. The Jletliierranean line brings fruits
and skii.s, the Jamaica ships bananas, the
Rio de Janeiro vessels coffee and rubber, co
coa and hides. Odors float about of tama
rinds, cinnamon from the East Indies, cloves,
allspice, vanilla beans, bananas, oranges,
lemons, codfish, guano, figs, raisins, mace,
tea, sugar and chocolate. Ilero is cochineal
in ceroor.s made of skins, also indigo. Hogs
heads of molasses spread over acres, and
sugar in mats, boxes and hogsheads fills ware
house after warehouse.
Men besmearod with tar stir up with huge
paddles great caldrons of boiling pitch. A
team of horses jogs lightly along with a load
piled to a great height. It is cork with tho
bark on and looks like saw logs. Another
truck follows with bales of codfish, and an
other with hides heavily coated with lime.
Over a great pile of rock salt tho bowsprit of
a ship, rising and falling with the billowy
tide, swings its flapping sail to and fro like
the trunk of an c-lephant. In tho warehouse
opposite a black cat meanders over a great
pile of sulphur, while a group of 'longshore
men play penny ante on the planks.
There is one picture that is very pretty.
The importers of oranges and lemons have
arranged their fruit for inspection by buyers.
The boxes are piled in tiers that rise from tho
floor of the wharf to the top of the ware
house. The covers of the boxes are have
been removed aud the boxes laid upon their
sides. The fruit is wrapped in fink, purple,
white, red and striped paper. Circles have
been cut out from the wrappers, so that seg
ments of the oranges and lemons contribute
their bright colors to the great rainbow. It
is a sight worth crossing the river to see.
A great ship, with bowsprit extending far
over tho wharf, has a sea serpent for a figure
head. Another has a dragon, one a female,
another a sailor boy. Here is a general, there
a goddess, here a mermaid, there a seahorse.
There is an endless variety of strange devices
from strange climes. New York Sun.
A Pardonable Blunder.
Gagley I hoar your son has gone
journalism, madam.
Mrs. Malaprop Yes; he's a contortionist
for tho comic papers.
Gagley Il'm ! Trying to make both ends
meet, I suppose JTid Bits,
I6 -Kl 1
j c a :5---$-'s.fJ
cniro anl J K.'Mvi .
metropolis o ti;;.-
Jpul;:tio;: '..! ;i.i!
Jlii.oiiooi IN- iit.or :y ':;
Streets ate . li 'i :;;!,Ui 1 . v
A street r; ":.v;:y in u: i v..
(ira.h-s 1 i:, ;(( I; r.
paving or .liuii ., ; ;.- w ,- ,,,,,
jlasaiine . l-d-y n :;;:
over K)! reside: -.- i:;te ! -
U. u
An Opera (..!'-; '),;;(.
Kelu'H.-:ksv i'..,.-:-,e aad ( .v.: -duo- i:t!;t(ry, cajiilal .$t:5.0H), eapaeitv :iK).(00 e.-tns ! ye:ir M:d em
ploys 40 Lands' ,
liriek and -. : i V.'or! :.. -!:d -Hf).(H-0. e;iicteitv 10 ('( i l.rieks d v. nudo-.- llnrtv !:;.:ids.
!!. o ' .... : . i- ... .
i lau.-.i.uu, . :. ;.
hands, turns ov n : y . ' :
Two daily
ern Jsehraska.
' '. 1 : ,
ao! - -
ir hifiii..'
Dufuor c; n v.- P; r Ilonf o.
The or.-eat ( !1. u Q. macliino ?liops, round li.wfe---, f tM !;..n Ac. ;.:e mahilaired at
this point tor tl of i: : west of the, Missouri .Kiver, e:n ploying nu.nv handred ef hands, and
disbursing; to e:. ?" .'' :.!owt ri),(i()0.
Ono of the railroad i-ridges in the United Stales -p-.s the ?d is.-ouri Jliver at the Sutlicrn
limit ot the city.
()ver 2,000 die.., .r ivdlniad -onveys its fndht. traliic into and;::. on-- city.
Ten pasen xw-.m- i. ..-.o I' attsniouth daily for north, .south, east and we,. I over the C. 1). & Q.;
K. C.,jSt. Joe & v'. li. and the !J M. K. . u Xehraslca.
Ti:e cheap!.; - .:' tlir 1-fud ar-ound riattsmouth and its ne.tnie?s to Omaha marl.el.i t('.oelher with
good railroad h- I'itU .-. make it not only a pleasant place to reside,, hut a desirable place tor the establish
ment of manufa
To healthy ma!: . factoring enterprises, the eitijc-ns ol iM.sttsmon;!; vould d.oublless make
reasonable indu, f, .(::;.- their location, and correspondence is solicited.
While real val ues :;? Lnxiwino; iimier each day. yt t Iserei nothing .-j.--eulaiive or fictitious
ahout them, an resid. -;. e J.,ts can Ik; bou'dit ut fn'inrsf r.O t,, .,) v. n.- ,.... I,..
chased at from
"" !o S iCO :- .ir
- ' '
issourri Paciti th.o ()m
The aboe
; i .v at? v.ilhout exaggeration aud the orospi-ets
city, more .-an above
arc earnestly rcor.e-.ted to erne and make personal inyestijration. AVhiie 1 :e y..u v.iii he .riven a iie'o
ride to Soutii P;.ik. t'ne most b-ai-.tiful and desirable re.-idenc: locality in the eiiy, wh- re ioks n.:;y bo
purchased at from sir,o to each. This j.icturesque a.ldition is .eeessible by iiher Chiea. or'
coln Avenues or by South ifh Street and may be readied in a ten minutes wall: from the buDoK cen
ter. South Park is more rapidiy hniiding up than any other part of the city. Corresno: dence io!:eitid.
MASCFACTunra: of akd
Choicest Bra -.-k cf Cigars,
includiiiLr our
Florc'e Peppcrb rrc' r rd 'Euds
always in stock.
Nov. l;Jo..
Fok Sale On roriraMe Kirn; n.y
residence on the X. ecru;1!-of Elm raid
11th streets. Said ; :;,;; riy ce!i::i;s (-:'
i block with a sjo!i ''y nt " halt
house of six rooms, '. v.aidrob. s aa-l
one pantry; good v. ;! and ("tv vvjit- .:
twenty-scyen bcurin-.r : : -le tr.T:, r-'-1 s-n
abundance of small :.'.t .-f nil kiaes.
tf I'. I). I:at!..-.
Real estate and :.'.!!v.-ts.
dtf S- Vi'i:
; i t i
with high arm mi ' vi'.ratiii .shulll--.
sold on time. Ku- v ;-:;"in- nts '" cii
F. J.
lanager 1 hit L.mou!h Err.ich
i ? j f f -? H
Cor. 12th and Streot.-.
Contractor ar.3Hu!lt!c;r
Sept. 12-Gm.
Dr. C. A- Marshall.
rreservatlan of natii-- ' a ep -:i..'-y.
Teeth extracted without poi.t l-.'j uc vf Laughing
All work warranted. Prie.s reasonable.
'nformaticn to
I( is ii.r o-aU-v::
It -ituiifcti o;i
l" the I'l:;tti', :iL :i
rail fro: n I.w.c..'.. ti... ,..,,.;..! .,..
raj-MIy incniro;.
i' Water Works in the State.
!te, a:nl lans voted l..r 1 1 1 purine.
K il.IVon jM sprier of Js-s
iio,, Iinilihi and six ward ; ;-ii.n,! Iio;:m. A.-ide i-ui !,::, .'..-! iju'.i.'
tn;eted .Im'iie.. tlu v. 17 .
.. , ' '
,,e;.pif:ii iiiMioo, eapnejtv l.oU;,'.M'
d?;e.-s about lOO.OoO.
beau and ne 1 )emoerat itt.
;on lnetory.
ry, employs fifteen hands, and largely
'icre. "Within the next twelve months oar city expects to e;c.
and Southern Hallways into its corpoi-ato lindts.
- vo Wei,;., 1,.
v.i.. ., lllllll 111'., Ill li. 111-1- llillllll
indicate!. Parties s.
J vsTTrr tssm t?To iTV
V.t U K- .'!
P F( A ZIP F 'R T-I B-
CLOCKS : Of all zq, makes and Air'..-e-. Trr-rranJch
YATCilCS : liocidord, Fredonia. Co:u...Lu... Ann,;-. - 11
i mere iiioxtnienis are so wen J:nown
J 1 . . A HI
i are warrantee..
CHAlS : In thi line of goods 1 have cv rything td.j-jOf J, if i-0t
quite. Ladies and (veiit.s' fliort or ie:- d.: insft.did. ro):d cr
any other kind. Al.-o emblem pin.-, oi : li the ktcrtt yU - 1 -, c
JoCisCts, rings, eiin buttons, rold pens c';c.
SUA'KKWAKE of every deK-nption
h -pt if i H
u y nsl a a t,
Jonathan Hatt
rpRK PACKERS and dealkiis ix BUTTER AND EGGS.
Sugar Cured IVIeals, Hams. Ere en, I rrd. cc, &c.
ot our own make. The bc-t brand? of OYSTEI1S. in cj;ns nnd bu'k it
Capital Meeting Investment.
BVUkAI lull
v to tin- c:i! Si t::!: IM.-it iccour.f rj
tlic .!i.--Hiii liiver i: ii)tttli
:;!. ut w::y ltwcvn i'h'i-
- 1 i..,-i,- ;,,,,t,. r....... tli
of ron-I met in sewiav. and
1 . .
ea;: .er year and e r.-i j
k)Vb lJ
. 1
;-i:pp!iL.- the tradir d .M.uthwcbt-
. . ". .. . i
. 1111 I'ltV I ' 1 . i I 1 . Ill l 1 I' II 1111,
for the luture pn s? trify of our
eki" in e, i menls in Kealtv
i.r? t-:.-A V: :i
& P 77 r' rs 7-T w
' V T 7"-. ' v i
. Y:, iri -J ; .. ' : i t'J
CO.Mi - J.ETK feTOCK Oi-'
u.u'. : y nc-ed no eommendf,tl