THE DAILY 11EUALD, J'LAITSMOUTII, iNEJJKASKA, AV E 1 N K :? i ) A Y , iN ( V K M J ' K 1 L Hi, 1SS7. $l)e fllattsmoutl) Dailc Cjeralb k: n o rr t bbo s., Publishers & Proprietors. Thk month of October luul five Satur days, live Mondays and two full moons and was net 11 had sort ol a month cither. Ex. Mil. Cleveland had better snub For nker again, as in the state so recently claimed by democracy the aforesaid Forakei's majority is nearly thirty thous and. Thk Crown Prince's malady is now known to be cancer and that too, in its most dangerous form. His life cannot ho ttrolonired manv weeks more. Fred- crick AVilliam, it is true, is, apart from thr I Hist. if health, and I - - in age is still in the prime of life, The bet medical skill in Europe cannot p-ive him The conditions were as favor-I able as these, in the case of Benjamin II. I Hill and l.'ylsses S. (Slant who were- a f- I tlo ted with the oiiibulv from which the . . , , ,1 Crown Prince suffers and they could not iiftwiir 1iiit1i gixi-ntit fnmlirinf nrruid. I - - i J'W.TlVlIU n j v.v v -.-v- j Aroroilier sttli I in the northern states, New York alone indicates a preference for rover Clcve- i i n m..iu .MiMiimi Telietlier I the vice and ignorance and ballot-box repeaters of New York City arc to rule these United States for four years more 'or not. Decency culture and refinement in Massachusetts have declared otherwise. "While everything in New York, except the cities of Brooklyn and New York have declared against Mr. Cleveland; yet, a great howl is raised by the democratic editors, wh ) 8 rein to be proud of the fa t that the footpads, thugs and manipulators, Avho have so long controlled the politics of these two cities, have declared in favor of lirover Cleveland. To most men it is a spectacle anything but exhil- ir.iting or ennobling in any sense. The result of Tuesday's election in New York was clearly produced by the most shameful violation of the civil ser vice principles upon which Cleveland was elected and concerning which there has beon so much boastful cackle upon the part of mugwumps and politicians of the goody-goody sort. In 188:3 the result in New York was far more disheartening to the republicans'than that of the re cent election, but it was not so clearly the result of boodle. This triumph is a victory for elements that are as coriupt as those which constituted the Tweed ring. "Worse than all, these elements of corruption have been cemented by the influence of the national administration and backed up and reinforced by the money and powir of the president and his cabinet. In this triumph of rottencss the public can see the reason why all the money power and weight of this admin istr ition has been centered in "Wall street, to the hurt of the rest of the country. Ilepublicans have been slow to tale warning. Certainly they can now see the handwriting on the wall that reveals the democratic game. "With Dakota shut out of the Union because she is republi can, and the whole force of the adminis tration wielded in New York to corrupt and control elections, the significance of the preset. t condition of affairs in the South is to be kept solid by concessions to the old rebel element, New York is to be carried and held inline by hook or by crook, and then Indiana, Connecticut or . ii i ,.i.4. : . i. -1 Jr. some oilier Close is iu io nxunu order to prolong Mr. Cleveland's powci another four vcars. This is what was meant when the president refused to stop in Ohio, but was so gracious to Indiana that he repeated his school-boy pieces in two of our towns. To meet this we must put forth the man who can carry New Vork state. Evidently that man does not live in the state. The three men any one of whom would be likely to carry Xew York are John Sherman, James G. Blaine and Benjamin Harrison. Itepul -licans are divided In opinion as to which would be most likely to carry New York anil most certainly win the election next year, but we believe that nearly everyone must sec that the standard bearer must be one of these men. It is to be a struggle next year instead of a walk-over. That is settled now, and every republican should begin to burnish up his armor and make ready for the fray. Not noisily nor at the expense of business, but by a careful study of political conditions and a preparation to meet them. We must win next year. The future of the coun try depends upon it. In four years more of democratic rule the corruption and rotenness that controls elections in New York will be more widespread and power ful. It grows like a cancer. It fattens under democratic rule. The only safety for the country lies in the triunph of the republican party at the election next vear. Ex. Fon Bent House of four rooms, tf Vakatta & Sox. Programs and wedding invitations a speciality at the IIekaj.d office. THE SIZE OF LA DIES' lI'UCKET JiOOKti. From the Albany Argun The evolution of the ladies' pocket books is wonderful. One year ago the ladies were satisfied with a diminutive affair they could hide in the palms of their hands. In '.',ltrt days the pocket book has grown to the length of a good sized healthy car of corn. Here are il lustrations showing the h-ngth the pocket book has grown every three months: .January 1, 1S7. April 1, 18S7. July 1, 1H87. October 1, 1887. " January 1, 1888 If this thing keeps on tho pocket-book will grow in another tar long enough to bo used as a walkiULT stick. 1 liev arc now as his as a policeman's club and are growing at a marvelous rate. Thay beat the growing of the snielling-salt bottle. If a man was struck over the head with the present lashionable ladies' pocket- book loaded witli silver dollars, he , , . ii i.i I would not see any stars, but crape would vitv likclv li Ln1" lroiu HIS lioor OCII- V ..... ill t i - J ' , loaded pocket-book of tins knul in me hands of an infuriated woman would . . . . - .......... i i he just as cii. ciivc over a man ucau a slungihot. The male population of Albanv are wondeiinir where the cvolu- tion of these pocket-bocks is goiu to s' - op FINVI.WU A LOST CAR. A very singular loss and recovery oc curred recently on the Union Pacific near Laramie. A special freight, running I passenger time, broke in two on the .sill and the front .section ran around a curve so fast that it whipped off tho rear car. filled with choice !ilks, into the gulch, where it disappeared from siuht in the heay lnt-h. The break was so clenn I i...f ( .... b,.w wen. cooled to- gether without the single cars absence bein,r noticed. For two months that car lay there, while the entire road was la-ino- searched hi'di and low for it. and , - not a soul could guess w here it had gone The other day a cowboy rode into i small station on the line and casually asked w hen they were going'to clear uj that wreck down in the gulch. The aent knew of no wreck, and thought the cowboy was fooling with him, but at last, convinced he was in earnest, went with him to the spot where he had indi cated the wreck was to be found. There at the bottom of a very deep fill, behind n Inure nile of boulders and a mass of ""a" I sage brush, lav the missimg car. No. ! It was resting on its side, and strangely enough tha trucks were in proper place The doors were sealed, and there was nothing beyond a few bruises and dents in the roof and i-bles to show that there had , f .,.,.;,...d neen any icug.i uc..i.i...b . ' The agent thought he was dreaming, our v. ben li; found he was wide awake, he lost no time in hurrying homo, ana ivie- .rr:.ihirir to headquarters. The car was raised and its contents found intact. A The admirable weather of the mountain redon the abse nce of rain, and the un fortunate fact that the car was completely hidden from view from the track above, combined to protect tho valuable cargo from the ravages of the elements or ol passing tramps, so there was not a dollar's worth of loss to the lot. Ex. Austrian Army TCotions. Titles of nobility are likely to become cheap : a, , of,-; ifnri inn?. A new armv minuia j provjdes that every oiliecr of irreproachable I i i,no n-nrn llin imnerial uniform conduct who has worn tho imperial uniform for thirty years uninterruptedly, aud has gone through at least one campaign, vi, ii, demand. lx? ennobled by the kaiser and tho fees usually payaoie upou i-iuiuuu.-uirui will lx remitted. Another regulation estab lished by the samo minute deals with a very- different matter t lie easy recognition oi oi- iieers and men who fall in battle. In luture. whenever the Austro-Hungarian army is mobilized, each combatant is to have de livered to him u small strip or parenment in scribed with his name, rank and regiment ; nl this ticket of identity is to bo kept in a pocket which will 1k purposely maue in e cr, pair oi oreecnes. -m.iu.-i u. iuihc .."- ' would be taken from the Lxxlies of the dead nnd forwarded to headquarters, borne suea system has long been in ojeration in tne uer- man army. St. James oazeiiu. The Yosemite on Trust Have you ever done the Yosemite? If not, postpone your departure uniu me laus-i. iu Kililn moment, and then stay where youaie Go to an art gallery and buy some views of the valley; they will give you more satisfac tion than taking the journey and you will save money Although wo went under tbe most favorable conditions our party of ten just filling tbe stage, with no outsiders and no crowding still, unless cno is blessed with a perfect digestion, no nerves, the patieuco of Job. the amiability of an angel, and the constitution of a gorilla, one had better taU the Yosemite on trust. .New ork Commer cial Advertiser. Perfumes from Mummies. Mummies beaten up into a powder and mWcd with a little oil made for the artists iD Egypt richer tones of brown than any otner substance. Modern jerfumers used to pre- pare tho perfumes and spices rouna insiae oi mummies insucn a way as io uiuKuuia "dote on it." Taper manufacturers have i,vi hn wnnninsrs of mummies to make coarse paper, "and tho cloth and rags have been used as clothing. Isew York Sun. RAVPral prominent Muskegon lumbermen state that they do not consider feasible the proposed plan of rafting logs across Lake Michigan. MINE AND THINE. The maiden said: "Oh, lorer mine. Tell nie what is mine and thine?"' The youth ma1c unswer: "S't heart mine, Thine azure eyes, sure they are thine; l!ut in their depths to Raz ia mine. Thy no rosy red ure thine; Hut then t kiss tliem, tiiat is mine. Now fold me in those arms of thine They join iu wedlock thine ami mine." 1'roni the German of Fischer. PpWER IN THE FUTURE. I'oshibilitieH of the Next Century rower in Ilitles nml Itarrels. Itt any one consider what tho steam en gine, was forty years ago, and then examine t:o very latest improved compound engine of today, with all its appliances for economy and efficient service, and then let him try to estimato what the electric motor of thirty years hence will I.e. Tho compound engine, with its wonderful performance, has come as a result of Ions practice, largo experience, profound study, ami tho application of a wido acquaintance with principles. Why should not tho electric motor gain as much from tbo hUllif Nlli I I And, if it shall so gain, is it unreasonaLIo lo suppose mas tieciricuy may crown eut . t i 1 I titenni, in a good many cases, as a source of power; i large power can lo srorcu in im. sported on a btrcet car, why may it not Lo ge; : atel at one point, and then lie shipped t gj1)Ui,i llf,t the water power of Niagara ho employed to ge-!erato pover, which shall tnen i;o SToreit, iransiionea ana soui to oper- Philadelphia There is a rcjrular - " market now for coal. "Why should there not then lo a regular market for fitored power? AVhy should not a mill owner then go out and buy his power, for tho season, just as ho buys his cotton, his wool or his dyo stufi's? If power can be baled tip like cotton or barreled up like sugar, then wo shall have power dealers, power brokciv:, and, may be, a power exchange in fact, all the details of a new and important industry. Is this a funtnstic supposition? Not half so fantastic the notion of traveling from Boston to Philadelphia in a single night was to our grandfathers. It is rather a clearly indicated possibility, tho promise of which is contained iu the street ear which is now moving about u,ider an impulse derived from a steam en- gine that stopped before tho car started. Textile Record. The Strainers of the 'World. Recent statistics show that tho number of steamers exist in the world in ItSNo was .siimated at O.Oi,'.'. of an apjrregate burden of I0,r,:;i,s-i: tons. In the previous year the umUr was stated at VfiO, of an aggregate 1 r.trden of 10.2:1 ,2 !1 tons. The world's steam shipping in lsssi was thus distributed: Iron Kt'-amers, S,ll,S, of an aggregate burden of 8,'.Ul,4'Jo tons; steel steamers, 770, of an ag gregate burden of 33,S20 tons, and wooden steamers, or an aggregate burden ot,f)."). tons. Of the steamers afloat in 1885, ),7'.r2 were owned by the United Kingdom and its colonies, their aggregate burden being 6,5!5,07l tons. Tho other countries of the world owned steamers in the following order: Germany, 570; France, 509; Spain, 401; the United States, -100; Norway, 287; Russia, 012; Denmark, 200; Italy, 173; Holland, 152; Brazil, 141; Japan, 105; Greece and Turkey, Si each; Belgium, OS; Chili and Argentine republic, 4'i each; China and Portugal, 27 each; Hawaii, 21 : Mexico, 15, and miscella neous, 50. From the above figures it appears that, notwithstanding the great depression prevailing in the steam shipping trade, the number of steamers afloat last 3'ear increased to the extent of 327 as compared with 1S85. Pall Mall Gazetto. Instruct ingf the Reporter. Unhaipy is tho lot of a daily newspaper chief who has never been a reporter. 1 b service calls for officers that have conio up from the rank:;. Otherwise they will fail to gauge accurately tne relations oi men ana events to each other, and will become a prey I tQ circumstances. I have known tho pub lisher of an iniiuential journal to instruct a reporter to take out his note book and pencil as a preliminary step whenever he should be seat to interview a person. As well tell a detective to wear a badge on his breast, or a patrolman to walk the street with a cocked revolver in his right Land. Many people would bo more afraid of a reporter who should suddenly ''draw'' a note book on them than they would of either policeman or de tective. Of coar , tho note book must bo asod for public speeches and deliberations, and, also, like tho revolver in dire emergen cies; but the rcpoi-tcr who cannot remember a column and a half of ordinary conversa tion (unless it coiieerus technical matters of which ho had no previous knowledge) until ho has time to turn it into intelligible "copy," should seek bread and fame in some new em ployment. Heary XV. Blake in The "Writer. AVliCTC Gems Are Dyed. Precious stones are dyed at Oberstein, Ger- r.-.anv, v.-horo nearly the whole population is devoted to the work of making bogus jewelry and fixi.ig up chei-.p gems to look line. Differ ent families have their different modes of treatment, and some families have the secret of some one or another special tint which can be mado nowhere else. Chalcedony is the usual base of fal ;e onyxes and agates, which are most counterfeited. The stones are boiled in the coloring matter and then subjected to intense heat. Tho color permeates the whole stone. One has the secret oi convert ing croeidolite into "cat's eyes."' Gypsum and hornblende are also made into tho same gems. Tircons. which are cheap stones of silicon and zireonia, have the color washed out and are apparently diamonds until tested. A thin s lice of diamond is laid over a topaz so that the whole appears to be one gem. Emeralds are easily imitated. Many stones sold as rubies are onlj- red spinel, and much of the lapis lazuli is only dyed chalcedony. ew i oi k bun More T?ian All the IJooks. Littlo Red Ridinghood is still accosted by the wolf in the pleasant spring woods, and she is most fortunate if some good genius is near to save her. Our school system is not all complete when we have built a neat school house and hired a teacher, of whom we ex- nect all the cardinal virtues for 64 or go a Wcek during two-thirds of the year. There is -,, nj a science ot teaching which avail X i.v ' i J luau i . im. w . . i x because they not only put tools in tho child slip g l l,.,.-.lo luif tlir.v rliroct him hnW to USB them. MJ I W i. UOilUJ, fcMi. " ' and train him Low to use them to the best purpose. Harper's Magazine. Could Talk In Seven Languages. Hostess (a very voluble woman) Yes. Mr. J Oldboy, my daughter is just home from Vas- 6al-i and what do you tninK, sne can uu ui seven languages : mr. Oldboy (who lacks gallantry, but is wavuDin truth) "What do I think? 1 think. I my dear hiadam, that if she is like bermotber at all, she won't find seven languages more than she will need. Ihe fcpocn. o. .. I.. , cf,.,fnr lmA hl. ilin in several of the street railway stables id Boston, and it ia eaid to be about one-half less COStly. . A 1 .ubWlA. t.. (IK' 0-0-. (irtcawo : if Ciicro sin .1 1 Jv it ( ; . . metropolis t tli'- -!:LitJ. 1 '. . . ..-,. lobulation :,. .!...;. ;;!,,! Has one oi lin-!. ".-'.;;::.- Streets are A ttreet ra:. (i riwles ot t ! iiji'.Ai o i n o; .i-ra! i ivis'.-st:.!, 'l. I AT mMll.i? i .wain If T.. . J las a lino ; I' .- : r' jii-. r t'v .-! i over 100 reside. Jia' All Oj.era Ts cln'a!:a i plovs hands. JJrick and ' I'Jati -men'. : hands, turns Tw da i y . Sell nel laci IVjijit.'rberj-. era Kel.raka. Du 1'u or & : Tin: jneat. ' this ioint I'ov t: disbursing; to e! ( )iiO of the limit of the city in Over 2.0IM-. leu ias:-'M K. C, IA. Joe The che:i; 1 l:v oil I'ui'i ,1 o ment of nianufa To healthy. rea.soiialde iiid;: "While re:d ahont then', an-' chased at from Mdssotirri 1 acd. . The ahove city, more are earnestly re ride to Son lii P.. purchased at fr coin Avenues or ter. Sou tli Par'. i : i e ra t, S.1 5 : 31! MAXCFACTUJilU! Ot WHOLESALE DEAi-tn ix Tin: Choicest iteda 4 including our Flcr de Pepper. -r r-c' t full. i. op ars nd 'Sua: TOBACCO AND S. : O always in stock. Fou Sale On vc residence on the N. 11th streets. Said ; iable tri.i.i onicr of K! m :.ity coii-i-f'.s ,;y and a i block with a good house of six rocin?. t--vo one pantry; good v- :l ; twenty s. .yen luai;; : .; w;ir- roi rs r.l city Wi t:-.,. am! abundance of small : . tf Ileal estate ar.:'. .1 i dtl" !). ii.-.i with high arm iv. sold on time. K f. J. : Mamg- . : t x '! 15' n;ch "i f ' i ;' s i p e m r F T- A cai.;. IL Cor. 12th an ' Qontracco; Sept. 12-Gm. 1 I mm a - L - Preservation f nn' ! et") a -cp,,-i y. Ita.UJIuuu. n.....,, j . j ; ' . " All -work -warranteX Prices reasonable. FITZGERALD BLOCK, rLATTljMOVTH.JfEB. I WHEN X W 0 fdi information to PGJrr-ERC ABOUT PLAVTSWOUTH. It is tin; "atowav It is .-it u:.kl on of the I'lnttr, at a joint about lialf iiy rail from Lincoln 'jlhv capital, and n nqmHy mcivasi n oi' V titer Works in the State. lied. :md 1 rinls voted lor mmencr therein in the : the purpose, rip;; of 1 iiool hwildi:! and six ward school hoii. i-trui-ird duiimr the vear IsST. in-- fe-fory, eujiital 1:),00(. capacity d - HO.! :";(, csp-jci ty l.(Mi') 1. :!, rap; I a I :'. j 'acii io:ir. r- Li mm a i. dean and oiie I )cmoeral ic. "ii factory. ry, employs iilteen hands, nii'-'V ,l i !!:.:, e. .d matdiiiu lions, roiu ;d h..I! Itivef, t west f t lie -Missouri em ii!o bo;d So.OU". 1 .1 T T 1 State: 1 1 1 ' o:iv(-ys its IVt-iuht trallie into mid aitsmoutn uauv lor no ml Ii, M. U. M. in ;'el-r:tsk:i. unil I'l.ittsm eatii :md i lie :r:iess (, ,-ide, hut. t only :i pleasant j! e to i. 1' " 1 . ic-t- m; eii;eiT'"!.-'e ;ie ei i ! l i is s i I heir locution, an corn s;, L;iVv. ;n;j lirmer eacn nay. y.-' !-ts c in be bought at from si acre. "Within the next twciv audi Southern Pail ways, into ii i i : ! i e- i'r j .( wont exaggeration and the .r. i-pec'i . . e inuicateu. i art a .- nd m:i1-:ii nersonal investigate;::. AVhih s 1 1 i ! 1 1 and desirable residence locality each. This picturesque addition is aree veet and may he reached in si ten minuti " building up than any other part of V p k K Of Q B &3 ,J? JL. 1, TVV birr H It has a i ull a:-; I) (j a:d otiii:i: iii:AUn;"UL CLOCKS :():' all "WATCIIKS : !:..( tiie-e ir,iVi.!i.aiits ..v Lb.v.l. o v. c il Fre loii known All arc w:ut.' -ilMi. CHAINS :- Jn till.-:- ii: (jiiite. j-aili-' ai:-i cnl.--any othor kiid. Al cr.; locket?, rings, exi Ic" button.- ...i.i SILVLUVv'AHH oi every tie :-.(:;; t 11 ViV IlfMAi T POrtlv PACKERS and dealeks ix I5UTTER AND EGGS. BEEF, POItK, MUTTON AND VEAT. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS" OX HAND. Sugar Cured Keais, Hams. Eaeon, Lerd, c, &c ot our own make. The host brnr.i"U of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, &t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. C3pj:"rs3 call 2 1 Capital Seeking Investment. to llicjjricut S.utli Matte country tin- Mis.-ouri River :;t ll.e inotlth way between Cbi froin Omaha, the lortj minutes of const ructmo; r-ewetngo and S. - cs. Aside lroiu husines? hous:8 J J( ),(()() cans i i r vear and oni- m-dovs thirty hand: ' ' T 1 1: '.M cai: ye am Clll'ijoVS 1 . 123 i he t rade ot soiitliWCbt- a I e it y i no- ii ' ,1 , and liiiii! m os i nam! J .M i:-S (! I I Jii' iver at me (.uthern throti. - h our city, over the C. P. &. Q.; i ari arkels tocth"r v. 1th maua place toi the e.stablir-h i tt -! now t n dicih-d. nothing- v would doubt less mal-ce m ( u!:.t i e i.r lict it ions 1 1 the oil y can he TTlir- lie b. r city i xpect s limits. I:e iature ;r iuve-1 leen ,' re you will to welcome the r: li iir .11;! pcrity f our ; iu Mealty e ijven a iree ' i i tie. hie ! wall; cii'. w .ere lol.s Jni oe by (ither ('hicao or ; from the husi ness n ( .'on e:-;-oi:lci:ce toi i itcd. the : t ; A i cjbav w mm. V m w-m totsw mm (7r Jin Ci vvv: Jt v. y Pi Y1 ...- -v: vV U- 'V. -V V.;.- T'. i. CO. ii . .i .-1 r i.-iis, nr.-i-a 0-:; need in., coniiiicni.iation. rvtl: JA HI' '.' il!g il i .: i 1!.- : i :(i, j i . j k (.1 li e te:;;xt uvl-;.- ctu.i ins, . ce.-. 2 v.. .. X J. W. AI A UTH 13. All net . cr