The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 16, 1887, Image 1

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    1 'I '
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H lyor.
Coiiiicliineu, is. ward.
Eoaul Pub.Wi.i-
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: il smith
J II Y. l K. KM A
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.'.Il J I.I. M.S.
Lincoln, Ntli., Nov 4. (lovcrnor
Thayer lias is.-ucil the following procla
mation! State or NkI'.ieasic a.
i:XK ( T.VK ll I'AKI MK.NT.
At t!m si-iisoii nl III" c:tr wnen thn eaiiii has
-Ivi ii loilli an aMnmmit HHTf ; hill I'
fi;.rw-H ha-..: l- " ;:t ticl -l. Mi l I vulMf-i
Ui:il I lie M'.ir. winch is now ill;.-. inn l a cios.
li;i bri ii'i.i..- ol (.n. iM-rlly. Innllli. ,':'!,.;":
liisstolh-j'.- i,,c of Nel i. U I- u ni t licit
t:.(v MioU.l iiium- Imi.-tiIiI ad; ;:- Ifill-'ciiiciits
vMftm . juj iw M-jm zxwsMcv'fcrautirufifr'jiritx-j2rtf mmn.'twvmu.-j. uiffifui
V .) ' : N s " ,. II A 1 11M A
l If i II I n: l i'. t
j 1 11 UwVKS'.VliItT.I
t. ttiir Ilea-, ci.iy
I'llKH I'ooil lil'-H
I-,.'. In r fur ln- uii-i.-akHble
licimiy lie. .itiif'T, -
i.futy :ifi-'. -(
.-iu of li-inct. ir-t
Ji-i!ity Siu ri:T.
Harvey. !'.
Sunt, of I'lllt Seti-Jol-',
C'uiiiity 4 ii -
n Ai'.i i.f si 1-H.uvisors.
l.'i.i.. v. .i ;;..;:
1) A . i'aji .:.:-.!. i.
l'll'H. I'f t.l.i M lv
.1. M. U.iltlNsn.N
'. :. .Mi'-'iiKi-so.N
W. I'. .- !!C.V AI.TH I:
.1. II. Kl K 1- NlsAltY
11. 1'. I'.'l.M A
A. Maii;i.k
Al.l.KS l.KI.S -N
? 1 -'. V N ltl :: IMi
t lif.-SM.I.
I.IH IS K .1 I7 I
A. ii. 1"II.
A. 15. Dk-Kson
V.yiT) lt:"'.!iiy v!i:l!i.'nt l-n-il;- ls l"'
1 o. O. 1'". -M :ts
of f:K'!l SVi i:lC. All
'i-i L-Ui:i:y ii iiti-1 t'1
rjiuio if(i;r. n
i i'ViTV
li:.ii. Tr:tnsi.:.i !"
vit-il to il' ll'llll. 1' . I'
K. A. ' :tiH l'l'li- .
J. li. Morns. I'LV'-.-iu-r.
5. hi. A. O. 1). V.rMiTi.i
;-'rii!:iy -vi iiiirx a! K. of 1'.
.tlii-i i :.n- ri-si ttuily iii-
; Wiiiti. M;i"li-r Woi kiiiati ;
i ; !".. Morgan. Ovi-isccr ;
Mi. :;:i
l-.llxl ail.i Mill .11 :.IOII-
rrotlinr.. r.- r-.t.-.i-l.-.l t;. n.-- wjMi '; ;V
C. Viil- Its. CU'l ic.
( 1AKS CAVil'
17 of A 'llf'l ii'.l "vrlssn
I'ocl; wiL.i.l li:ii.
Wilif. U-it'i
in .oik. ii no. s, a. . r.
V ;.!! ri::i!t- i'li'lAV t'V a
:' .-, .!'('(. All trai'.siiMit bii't.i
;"l,ilv iiiVit.-il 1 :itl'i: l.
. ; S. Cn-i'ii. ICoiein.iii
r"; r-1. A. o-vi.'o!:ii:r. iVi'"-
... 1 1 ii -hi :i:i:ir 'iri . n ;i"-.i nmo
lionoL-aciiF:..!!!. a..d ro.i I .1 ii.:ii t' " -larnalioiiol
i:' i r---:'li :i; ol I in; I'il Male",
1 John M. llia-.r. .ovum- i:f i:.r slatnol
(-rr:'.-k. i. ilo li-!. ' s-t an . i t I Inirsil.iy, i
''4iii iavof i in-- nio.'i'i a a ilay ol I u;iiikm
;;ivi!.;.",.i :yn ! rai--.- l"ti.' mi.-i mo rulei
.,i tin- iiiiivcr-f lur liis m il a.'.il i!iaL':f'j..l blc-1-
" '."n-roia-'ii iMl iii i'. on I'l l' !' tl,,! !-'"M!e
lav iioi'lf tlo ll- usual aV""..lioiis. nail, a.i--'iii-
r r-i-cii-iloii.r'l 1 1. ai i 11 1 1 "
-h.l'. li :nliT 'O Hiiii !' I oaiiir
;iirt for I In- inau'ui'talilo faois
1... i.-.v i- t:i!ci III tO US as il IH-O 111'.
Ami whi'i' . shoalil I." :t -lav ol rt-jDlcmK,
whin kimln-il ::m) ultirs lo:i.; sf!'aiat-il.
t-hali miitf a-aii- i i j ivous r-uihn.s. l
aii'l :.(! lvsii ui:l !;. n u in kiiiioy rcmtiii-l.iaiii-c.
tlMis i!inl,Pi:i:r tU.i t-.vinnj.if ol oiii-iliviio-
in isli-r uho, wiiiio iiJM-n th- v.i'iil
a l;)ut lioinj;
ifilll:: I'i ii'C:
rjirif-iian v.-.
if ia:.':u! in
1 iKAI-i
ly III
i v iv v us '.v li . lir.i l f i i:
'""- . ... ...
lieivio set lay li:'.ii'i. a'.i.l fau-'-u
Ihi-uri'iit seal o! tin' Mate to he
:slii:;i'i: ln it-lo. Ioii.- ;t l.:u-oiii
tins l!n,i li.ty of Nov.'iMbiT, A. l
.),.- .J'.il -. Vt. UlAY.-.K.
t:. If. laws, .Sonuiii; V oi
Latest by
1 c
liOi.KOWI.D AM) tS'i'Cl
Wot A
"Washington, 1.
picsidi nt iliil not :
CixsitnissioiNT Sikh
V., Nov. ir. The
cccpt ivsioii-tioii of
tn nii'lit. but will
cotibidi-r it tvniionow.
. Sur-
I uaii-r
KlISl !'.K
J. v. Jon vso:.'
c. s. -
y k. r. 1 r
C k. N I l.v.s
Ai-.-r-.r I'm: is ii.
! i.i. Di : "X
:u Af.l.i'.s l"'i:i
Hi. Mr:.;.
J . , fB ;.'. r-'.l M
ai.imi v. i i :o i .
.-t".ini -auiril.iy
T 43 G. A. ft-
. ..I'oinni.iH'h-r.
. . i!:i:t:i'!t.
It. M.
V..'.'!:i;----i-if :1k- Im .
' irii.iri!
.' StT-t M'l!"!'.
O.l tiT.-r '.ias'i-r S. i'-'l.
. J'o t Clia-ih-!.'
Three Sow Cases.
Viiiii-i:th. 1. C. aNuV. !.
'on Gcii'-r il H uiiilton lias r.-cfived
ttleoiam from i):. Porter tit Tampa, Fl i
savin," that tlit i-'! v ic tliri-o m.v cases of
yellow tcver tit Tvmp.i ycsUrday and no
.l.-.tha Th.-n- nr.- thiitoi'ii cass in the
3 Fi il n
ii, rfibiiwaiii,
l)i:.VLEll IX I
UiUbilb. liuuil
A Livet;' Gas Well
fivnwii.-. Nnv. Twelve ndles
fi-.m Sois f itv. iiL-ar l'ii.; lot. oil tlu lat in
oi' Louis Stroiij.', t; is was struck Fild i
evening at l ho ..U'lilii oi .jo-j leeu
well Hows at the r:i J of o;000.000
! feet daily, with a iiressure seyeral
j dred jiouads to the siiuar-J ineh.
j uistnt'j hrts ''on'; u:j to f ilmiotn
! tl::Tc ::nil t'i' 11 (-1 "11! 11 l-1.Uod IS full
spci'iilators. The. ir is will lJ pip-'d
i rices
SB3eia!At:cnt on liyenWalcii Reuairisg
1 lilU s a saw
Collision at Linccln-
Lixcoi.V. Neb., o.'. 15. At i):20 last
ni"ht. as Xo. o, tho Luriiu-ilon & Mi'uuri
passeuger train from the east, was enter
in-' the vard, a freight train backdd up
from a switch upon the main track, ami
was struck bv the D-issenirt-r train. The
. . , a -- J
freight cars and the passenger engine
were considerably demoralized, but no
body was injured. It took the wrecking
crew several hours to clear away the
I'eciiliiirillon of u Ilnrely liaco of Ilortte
Cullril "IliiiiU-r" The Corralling.
On tlio lianks or sand bars that diviilo tho
Atlantic im-cuii from l'ainlh o sounil, North
Carolina, just insiilo the lilithoiisu that
ninrks out to tho uinriiwr drwnlwl Cajo
Ifookoiit, tlu ro is to 1h found a hardy rnroof
j.iiies known as "bnnkprs." Th'-so ioniet
l ave lived there ns lonj us the trailitioti of
tho oldest inhabitant dates l.aek. Entirely
Kurrouiide.l by deep water at all seasons,
hnvi:i n eojiiiiiuiiiention with tho mnin
IukI, ami b in barren of vegetation save a
scanty growth of sifde grass ami low shrubs,
the banks have reiiiaiiiod uninhabited except
bv thesij ponies, which wirn to thrive and
multiply in spite of tlio Lardshiis to which
th.-y ure exxsi-d. JIow they first came
th-re, or of wlint origin, is conjecture, and
truditiou merely hints the story of a violent
s!oriii. with its attendant shipwreck and loss
ot" all on hoard, save a lot of ponies from
uouie I'liroiK-an i;ort, which were cast upon
th.5 sands, and surviving the storm locani
th.-; pro'Ci nitors of tho race, of bankers now
so numerous.
Havinr to rely on instinct alone, those, ani
mals are a subject of study to tho naturalist,
slhey are a prey not only to the driving
rands but to the storms of the caie, tnac
break upon and over the narrow sand bar
and change with each recurring hurricane
thetopogi-r.pliy of the country. The ponies,
choosing tlie I'l-oteclod side of tho sand hil
locks, burrow deep into the jieliling sana
and stamp out a protected stall, where they
take refuge from the storm; and, while mit'iy
iO destroyed, their iiumler lias lncreaSfi-L
Now the stock is owned and yearly herded by
oilenrising owners, who brand with a rfgLs- mark such old ones ns are driven mix.
the pens, and tho colts of all, which instinc
tively follow their dams Into the inclosure.
This corralling is the event ot tho season,
ami takes place early in June, late in July
and early in September of each year. The
days selected are gala days, and the mauo
itunts of tho coast, and even visitors from tho
interior of the state, gather to witness the
SiLi'lil. llio licKier.-, sciiaruiiiig in anw,
n . ... .. ... . i
tako their jiosition lar up mo oanu.-. riiu
gj-adually forming by concert a continuous
living fence drawing in its lino anil lorcin
eii"h stray pony before them they approach
U.'C ix'iis with shouts and yells that oniy
bji.nk's herders can produce. The excitement
is intcii.-e as an occasional ixiny escapes
tlrim ;h the si.;rrou!iding, and then tho line Kat once st rcnrjl hened by reserves, for
fn-.rof a general stampede. As the ingM
1 ismles ilra w near the stockade they !-
fw;;o confu "'1 and scorn to tread each other
il.i-.vii, until finally they are safe within tho
vsurj. Ino-.v tho exjiert herders with
h'S-ies, cccnmifiimiil by helpers shouting and
vil.Uy cryin-, select the animals designated
l y their owners, soon bringing them into
subjection, anil while tho more refractory
: .ur.:rstei-s have to lie thrown in order to oe
branded, tiie majority are held and branded
'u tho initial of their-respwtive dams.
This work done, the older ponies are picked
i'.it bv speculators anil imiividual purciiasers,
id caught and penned separately until they
. . -1 , ... i.. i .
ill! SOIi I, anil, on iiats or sail ik:, di ui.lii.
ro the mainland to be scattered over tho state
(or use on the farms and as saddle ioiiies for
.ho young folk. American Agriculturist.
1 0
heap Prices
II 1 Palmar. nn
The Ainerii-an Standard.
F.uroipans sav that wo Americans value
pvrrvthin ' 1V a dollar and cent standard.
V.. Anii i ii-ans refute this as a slander. Yet
h it not signifu-ant that at Gettysburg, of all
plates in the laud, tho visitor is told first of
i.ll tint the battleiield monuments cost such
and such a sumr This is not wholly the fault
.f the n nti uiur truido or driver whom you
.n...."n iiit.ikpvoii to the scene of the
momentous action. Experience has taught
your pilot that the avonige visitor wishes to
bo told at once the exact cost of everythmg
be ti M. as if that v.i re the chief element in its
vclue or as if it were any clement of absolute
v.loe. Thus, when we drove to t:ie National
coiv.e'i-rv and sto'-'. ed In-fore the national
coJur.ui which Lincoln dedicated in immortal
phrase, cur driver lv;.;an: "This monument
c.t s.i jiJO."! A lnuriii.n-of api.robation ran
ii.stanllv through the human freightage of
our co;.ch Oiie in.lividual. however, ex-
1- "Ilu-n. h: Dnin t cost within sa-iai
us much as our
chuscUs' Lof-ton Herald.
monument at
O S LsT 13 TlA.Ta
V I-
r. p t
following ' tiir-e-
tn.; I ::n.l lire-tested companies:
Ii!;iortati.:i of Opium.
swn. isTS t'.icro has been a large increase
in tho importation of opium to this country,
-ni whiie a rornoii of the increase has been
.i ... . . rr,:ws. the mam cause is
Mill- i. -f 'irr.'i' lt "
.... i ... .:tv .'nn to its iierr.ieious use in
oi.iar.i iomtsand bv means of the hypodermic
sii::-e. Dr Hammond, tho great New
V.;i-ks:Hoialist.. advise, t hysi-iims to make
is-.. i-i.M:,.'.nes thev ii eienho w ithout
li-ttir." the ratiLMit know what they are com
r.r.i".l i f thns preveiit-.ns them frcm dosing
n.o...ii-M i,r irvini' evueriments. St. Paul
Pioneer Press.
Servants of an KiiRlish llouseliolil.
At prayers the servants come in in
re "Ular oruer accoi-iiiug uj uneu fuaiuu,
b'jusekeeper and ladies' maids first the men
(in their order) following the maids. The
servants' dinners, too, aro conducted witn
much ceremony. Tho under servants wait
on the upper ones, etc. Indeed, the servants
are great sticklers for and observers ot rules
of precedence, and conservers of social dig
nity and etiquette among themselves. Ana
thev expect, and require, nay demand it. to
an intensified degree among their masters and
mistresses. A gentleman or lady who neglected
to observe or follow any of the trivial niceties
or ceremonies of high life would lose caste at
once in the eyes of their servants, and forfeit,
with their respect, all influence with them.
1 can fancy the ellect; on the groom of the
chambers or the butler, if any gentleman ap
peared at a homo dinner except in full even
ing dress. Why, not only would these men
consider themselves degraded in the house,
but scandalized throughout the neighbor
hood, through which the tidings would soon
spread. The only excuse to be made lor a
-entleman so wanting in dignity as to dine
i i a suit of dittoes would be that he was ec
centric, and no one cares to lie thought that.
The ladies maids, too, could never brooli a
failure to dress tor dinner on the part 01
tli.fir mistresses. And so, for fear of the
resentful eve of the house steward or butler
nokin- is confined to the smoking room;
. 1 1 i : . . I , . .
.im. is never iiiuuieu in ooic, uuci nui
- -1 - - - ,
hunk at dinner save m one draught irom
I'ker tankard handed to (and replaced by)
:he drinker on a silver waiter, and clotues
..I worn but a short time and ''cast" while
thev are really new. I have often contended.
nid will contend, that it is the servants who
ketnuti, and through their influence exact
"f-oo.l form" amonz the aristocracy. Were
it not for them you wouldn't see half so many
uiges kept up or customs followed. ''Cock-
'iigne' in The Argonaut.
An Invitation to an KiiBllKliiuan'it lloum".
What It Implien Th A merican't Way
of IoiiiK Things i:mbarraiu.ineut of tlio
Host A Utile.
There are thousands of countiy yet in one
way city like homes in tho suburbs of our
largo cities today where twenty years ago
they might have been numlx-red by tens. Nor
is this only the natural elieot from the causo
of an ever increasing imputation. Wo aro
realizing that we wuut more pleasant daily
living; that such sweet, simple home life as
that of England is imssiblo to a certain ex
tent even amidst the rush and push and crush
of American business. We aro tired of see
ing each face which iasses us in tho crowded
streets more keen, more anxious, moro sharp,
more unrestful than tho last. And wo aro
seeing tho possibility of much comfort and
enjoyment without untold riches; wo aro re
alizing more nnd moro that immense u r
tunes are not the only end of man, and so aro
taking time to find out what can lie mado
pleasant on a comfortable income, and wo
gather our friends about us to lie happy to
gether. Tor certain it is that tho pleasure of
entertaining is one of tho greatest in life.
It is admitted, of course, that for any stan
dard or degree of living it takes an iiieomo
from four to five times as large in the United
States us in England, but our country is too
largo, too young to have developed alt its re
sources as they have done to each littlo inch
of spaco there; and wo must wait many years
for this thing to balance itself. Meantime wo
ire philosophical enough to "kiss each joy as
It flies."
Tho first thing one realizes on lxing invited
to an Englishman's house is that one is invited
to come at a certain time and stay until a
certain time. There is no indefinite invita
tion: "Come and make us a viit whenever
you can," leaving ono with a half certainty
that ono would bo welcome, nnd a very de
cided uncertainty, should ono go whenever
ono could, as to whether one's vi.iit would not
ho verv ill timed. No; ono starts with a defi
nite fact, and consequently with something to
lev hold of and be at ease auoui-a hnom-
edgc that one is wanted at such a timo and
for so long.
An Englishman, hastily and correctly,
from habit, reviews his engagements, both of
a business and social iiu;re, and replies at
once, thus in his turn giving his host that
certain ease of knowing, "l snail w; uqniy
to come to you on the day you stace, and can
arrange to remain until the ." tie men
states the train ho will take, or, perhaps, his
host has suggested n tram; or, if it is too far
ahead to state positively, he adds: I will
inform you by post or telegram a day or two
before of the hour of my arrival." Tho host
then is ready, his plans are formed, the guest
is sure of his welcome, and the v isitor starts oif
with a pleasant ease. If he cannot go he de
clines as promptly and as definitely. But
when an American receives such an invita
tion, what is his course Very apt is ho to
think: "That's pleasure. I'm too busy to
write today. Anyway, I must have a few
days to think it over," and the invitation is
mushed aside for a more convenient season.
Meantime the hosts aro uncomiortaoie ana
wondering "why So and so does not write
if So and so received our letter "if we
only knew that So and so could not come we
wouM invite some one else."
At last our American writes. Does he
either decline or accept? Americans are a
. . ... ?- .... i . .
Dosilive race auouc ousmess uut vtucie
hie is concerned it is omy me women
:re at an punctilious. u, ne ojjs.
i s. Assets
... rivi i ' eii!r;;'- - -
i-oiamerei.d Ui.'.-m-Kmikuul.
Kir A see', i i ' .-I'-'-1 deli'hia.
Franklin-I'o '"' lli ' Vi i'i.
Ii,. i; ...f V..r:i! ':ie : P-h'rp .:& I. -mdo'i x r.lobe-Kiia
Norl'i I'ritXi A "lerc:iiitile-Iiu!f
s-orwich I'i' l.
ii.meld M.-S:inn;1eUl,
J. .-.'..- 14
T.s 5,m:i
G .t .13. --1
is.'rs "51
Iii I)?ri Mourning.
Ca".er Your son scorns very much affected
ever his uncle's
Omaha Oh. he's almost crazy,
.-either ents tier sk'i"i)S
"Poor fellow. Ho is uncle's scle heir, L
be not!"
"No All the money l.a bin willed to ax
orphaa asylum." Om-bu V.'erld.
Total Asp-:s. ?li . 11"-.T74
Acute Perception.
An English writer observes that the cense
of hearing in some bird., seems as wonderful
and discriminating as that cf smell in dogs.
A thrush has been seen to listen for. worms,
ar.d very evidently to hear them, too, though
within two yardj of a noisy lcwii mower:
while robins npi?ar to be able to distiniuh
the voices of their own ofTsi ring and parents
from a number of others, and at a great dis
tance. It is suggested that euch cases indi
cate the "exclusive direction of the attention
of a sense" rather than mere keenness. Ar
kautsaw Traveler.
A Brutal and Disgusting Sport.
We read a ereat deal of expansive twaddle
about the excitement of the stag hunting on
Exmoor, but there seems to be much that is
ltoether brutal, barbarous and disgusting
about this sport. There Is something most
horrible in the practice of seizing the deer at
the end of the run and publicly cutting its
throat How a mob of educated men and
women can look complacently on at such
horrid butchery it is difficult to understand.
An account of a recent run gives a harrow
in" ricturo of a terrified stag finding itself
" beat" at the end of a long and agoniz
ing chase. It was hemmed in on every side
l.v its Dursaers. so, after "looking wildly
round," it could only dash down the cliff and
1.111110-0 into the sea, where it was drcwried in
;-M, of the excited field, as it was too ex
hausted to battle with tho waves. At the be-
gianhij of another run two stags were hunt
ed out Tf the glade in which they had con
cealed themselves, and one was so bustled
n! mnt that iU back --vas broken. London
Herd of Buffalo.
TTpre's news for those sportsmen who are
anxious to get a shot at u buffalo before they
r, from the continent. The Cheyenne
JV.-..W savs that a herd of 200 has been found
in the Dig Horn mountains. Pity the whole
herd couldn't bo saved and prctected by the
"Could not reply to your letter at once, and
even now am not certain if we can accept it:
will let you know in a few days," or worse
still: "Don't believe wo can arrange to come
to von on the loth. How would tec li.iih su.
vou ;"' Fancy the embarrassment of tha l.or.t,
who Las asked come one else for that date!
Or again, and to our shame bo it said, this is
often donei "Cannot come when you say,
but think can arrange it later. U ill let you
Oh. the thoughtless assurance ot sucn a
reply passeth belief, but the people who make
it are often, in other things, tho most unas
suming persons. Of course it is only due to
thoughtlessness and the habit of the land to
regard social duties as secondary and unim
portant. Many an American hostess has had
her lunch table stand half the afternoon end
her dinner wait an hour for the arrival of a
Tiest who agreed to come but forgot to state
tho hour. After all, in life it is the little
thincr which constantly rub against the
train, and the hosts who are put out and in
convenienced by uncertainty can never bo so
glad to see the guest who causes sucn annoy
ances as he who says when ho will come, and
comes when he says.
As a deduction tho first law of hospitclity
shculd be that old rule, "Do unto others as
vou would have them do unto you. Ann
Americans should learn to lc more
and exact about theso littlo things, insure
to accept or decline an invitation to a house
visit as promptly and as positively as ono to
dinner, and do exactly as you agree about
the time of arrival, no matter if it should r.t
tho time prove a little moro convenient to go
nn hour or two earlier or later. Chicago
The covemment of Jamaica offers a pre
mium cf :00 for the production of the best
practical elementary text book of tropical
agriculture specially applicable louamaiia,
nnd embodying the first principles of agri
culture. It is stated that the object of the
manual is to create in the mind ot the youujc
an early and intelligent interest in the. soil
and its products, and particular auevuou. ia
to be paid to simplicity, brevity and free
dom, as far as possible, from technical terms
It is desired that the propagation ami cum
vation of trcpical economic plants should
have due prominence Manuscripts are to
ba forwarded tc the government of Jamaica
oa or before the lit of August, ls33. -Frank
Apparatus for Timing Horses.
A Hartford man has invented u apparatus
for timing horses. A clock with three bands
minute, second and a quarter second is
started by th official timer. When the win
Ding horse touches the wire the clock is
Btopped by electricity. Atthesarn instant
the current opens a camera which photo
graphs the horse and the clock face. New
Ycrk Bun. . . .... - -
EKOM $.1 TO ifoO.
FROM !?'.. TO $l:
Stan -
Rich Astraclian sal Fur TrimBiirgs.
FKOM C. TO sj;:;.j.
A full line ol
FROM $2. TO $10.
job. v. weckb cirs
him A
T1E bhyl:
-T TVl
rr 1
Ol" our first series oi'
Opening Monday Morning Nov. 7.
S Ik
Velvets and Velveteens
anl, lonner
VUtv t..p.-.-.5 Pi IV Velvets, all shades, at $1.00 l'or
- "v I"" '
price 1.50 per yard. Twenty-live pieces bilk L'luMi at 'l.o per yd.,
former prices sl.lS to s:.o0 your
choice at $1. v-iive
pieces Velveteens at
50c and "ioc, formerly 50c, boc and 1.5.
liiii i
Ten piece;, such siik at 75 cents and 85 cents, worth 81.00
11 - T" i V...
ents, worth l and l.o-j
icc'js gross-grained silks at To cents
Moira silks at 1.32. worth 1.75.
(3f-As the Prices indicated above are
Low, the goods having- been purchased at a sacrifice
we are willinir to share the benefits with you. do not delay.
VhiteFront Dry Goods House,
o ns i A : i : ts l a ii Pail at 1 1'. 5 A i eai