The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 15, 1887, Image 4

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&)t piattemoutl) Datln Ucralb
Publishers & Proprietors.
A New Line.
Last evening at the Lincoln city coun
cil meeting a blank contract was read.
It was between the Lincoln, Dca Moines
fc Hod Oak railroad in the first part and
the city of Lincoln in the second part.
It provides for tin; buildiug of a railroad
from Des Moines to Liucoln by Nov. 1,
1881), if Lincoln would vote $150,000
-Lecture to-night. I bonds to aid it, and cheap freight rates
1 1. C. McMakcn was in Lincoln to- I are specified and guaranteed for thirty
A Salisbury Dentist, In llock
vroud Ilulldlug.
- J. A. Connor was in Greenwood to
day. Miss "Nana Sampson was in Omaha
Wm. (iilmour, jr. spent the day in
(Jen. Geo. S. Smith, of Omaha was
in the city to-day.
Judge A. N. Sullivan was a morning
passenger to Louisville.
Call at the IIkrai.i office nnd see
our samples'of wedding invitations.
The blank contract was submitted to
the council and action will be taktu on
whether the people will be allowed to
vote on the bonds, Thursday evening.
The line is intended to chiclly benefit
Lincoln and is spoken of by the Journal
as follows:
It is proposed to build a line between
Des Moines, la., and Lincoln, Neb., the
distance being ID!) miles. It will cross
theMscsouri river at some point between
Nebraska City and Plattsmouth; and
cross the "Wabash railroad about seventy
hvc miles cast of the city of Lincoln,
thus making the distance between St.
Pick out the pictt of Real Estate you
want and then call for rice and terms
upon Viiihuiu& D avi s. O ver Bank
of Cuss Co. i lbtf.
Hon. H. W. Crady.
The Statesman, Scholar nnd True
American, set an example worthy of re
flection for all True Americans. Healing
wounds that no methods except those
used by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Salve
which is sold on its merits for auy use
that a salve can be used. No cure, no
pay. For sale by the following drug
gist. Price 25c per box.
TV. J. Wakkrk
I)r O'Lcary's subject at Hrockwood J Louis and Lincoln about 430 miles, being
ii , i :!'. r rvn nn1 Skin " I sixty-live miles shorter than the present
.11 to-night is Lar, Lje, and Skin. MisJouri Iaci,j(. line. It wiU connect at
Miss Lena llartman of Glenwood,
visited Miss Mary Bu..ell last night.
Miss Kheder Klepscr left last evening
for IMlevue to spend the week with
I lasting has an insane man in charge.
He gives his name Hs John J. Anglum,
of New lied ford, Mass.
S. "VVaugh returned this morning
from a trip to his old Virginia home, and
reports a splendid time.
Ilocck &. Iiirdsall had their show
window decorated to-day by the nppu- I p.nst three hours. Also through passenger
cation of guilded sign letters. ears will be run between Lincoln and St
--,00 dozen fulled mitts and scarlet 1W and Minneapolis.
brown, sold elsewhere at 40c. can be Three Croves
bou -ht for 2.1c. at S. & C. Mayer s
I 'nrn v ill make about 4.0 bushels to
Miss Susan Kycrden, of Ottumwa, the acre.
Town who has been visiting Mrs. Kobt. Mrs. K. E. Phipps, from Key-a-paha
i n .i i.n,,,Aiiismnrinf. I ennntv. is here victim: friends and rcla
i' irzrreraui. iriuinei -....j... 0-
Des Moines with the Diswonal or Stick-
ncv systcn for Chicago, St. Paul, Minne
nnolis and other important D' hits. It
will also connect with the Chicago. Rock
Island and Pacific railway, the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, the Wa-
brsh railway, the Minneapolis &St. Louis
railway, the Des Moines i.v. Northwestern
railway and the Dos Moines and Osceola
Thcproprosed line will reach the coal
reirion of Iowa, and pass through a tine
agricultural country and several towns
of importance. Through passenger cnr
will le run between Chicago and Lincoln
md the present time will be reduced at
Something Cheap
Felt slippers 58c, worth 7.1c.
Felt slippers, leather sole 50c.
The best felt slipper $1, worth $1.2.1.
Men,s felt boots 2, worth 2.50.
Men's best felt boots $2.50, worth
Men's rubber boots $2, worth
Men's whole stock boots $2 worth $2.75
Men's calf boots $2.50, worth $:i.2.1
Women's oil "rain shoe $2, worth 2.50.
lied Cross school shoes, the best school
shoes made.
Uuy your next shoes at the new shoe
store in Carruth s building.
dtf. wl. T. H. Phillips.
GREATLY LXLA i'.H ll'.t.
Much Ihc liiggosi .T:ill U:i .V w Yrk
Weekly '";i.-r-.
There's a book which lieth open
That no Ktiitlrnt cVr hath rend;
There's a patli tlirnugh woods and vallqy3
Knowing uuu'it of human tread;
And a lun'loetijie, fair and golden.
Where leneath the branches olden
Lies a mutilated heud.
In that book uiiniimlered authors
Write as fvir their daily bread;
Dowu that unknown path are nazinz
Men w ith doubling and with dread;
And forever for them calling,
P.Mjthii) some and some appalling.
Cries that mutilated head.
riut the time cmnes when that volume.
Written, shall lie also read,
And when through that liauntetl valley
Every l'oflslep shall have sixth
Then, within the radiant portal.
Will a statue, immortal
Ui-'.e the mutilated head.
John U. Tait in Lippineotf s.
Great Variety of Contents, ticvv
Presses, Now Typ'.i and ?iew
TheXewYoik V' i.kly Tiibuuc will
le enlargdl on or before the 1st of Janu
ary, lS'-iS, by tli.; addition f from i'our
to eight pags of :v. iu d leading matter
an increase of s3v ol' great cxpen" to
to the Tribune but without ( .p' dsj to
to the subscriber.
A complete lit of the new folding
and inserting presses will be put into tin
Tribune's press-room in November and
December and the c::'.ra sheet will be
folded in its place in the main t-hett be
fore it comes from the press. The en
larged Tribune will the bi;.'gt ami
best of all New York weeklies, ami tic:
new machinery will print it, in the en
larged form, at the r?;t- of seventy- t wo
thousand copies per hour.
New Features of greater varMy of
contents will be added to the Tribune
during the coming ladders will
bo given nearly a halt more for their
money than ever beire.
Pensions for the oid volunteer?, especi
ally service pen.sion.. ;.re being vigorous
ly agitated in Uic I r;l.r.:ic m ill .- ;: ee
is given in every i- t this MiLJect.
lietter protection to farmers under the
tariff: the salvation of the country from
the curse of intcmpt r. .nr. ; :n i the iv.m
of the national gu- iiie. n'- from tli
v as
ill o
iwii ii i mm
Watclies, Clocks, Jewelry, Hollow Ware3 Kinmgafl Jewelry
i ii even thin" in the v. av of J wrlry au be found in our w 11k h ct d stock. "VVc
have purchased a lare htock t the aimv' mimed gocn.t ioi iu- ,
to si ll ;;t reasonal.:e prices
, e pur
holiday tiade, wnieh v, e pro)os
and will t mh uvor to d'.t oui.t Omalia prices
... . m J
Cur Stoc3s of W.TOHIS is oompiow
And can not be excelled. We have in stock watch movimcnts
of th..- lin-st makes, :.uch as the
Howard, Waltham, Elgin, Hampden,
Springfield, Columbus, Aurora ,
cf)in si I v r. nickel.
V'i. keen ill stock a iiliC of Solnl
' I -
.A ,n,,nvnll.rr ir.a!,e. eiH-a d ill the b:stof gold, co. ii Miyr. Iikkci. mi vo.
hilveror.', silvei nle anil suyeiou
silver ami p!at-d si.o:ts, etc., v.hie'i will be mm.I at low pines.
'Nov.- is tlnj tUH to M'lect v..iM-(;ifri--lin:is ,ivi?iits wliilo our
Stock Is S' COllljdcf''.
Our !.-eoi.!s ::n- nil new nnd ol" l:itf.-.t dc-Mns.
All i T & IF A C ' h;
U4 d
C V! V
South Side Main Street.
jmvi:y ijlock
i ft I o
Mrs. Randolph, tho fortune teller,
who did ijuch a thriving business here
some time ago, is now located at Hastings
Kemember the social to-night, given
by tho ladies of the M. 11 church, at the
home of Miss Jennie Dabb, on west Main
On account of yesterday being pay
day the rush of business holding the
. councilmen to their desks, no council
imtting was had last night, but they ad
journed till to-night.
To-night is the time of the first an
nual ball of the Rescue hose team No. '3.
Miss Josic Wil'-v has secured the win
tcr term of school in the Kenosha dis
Nearly all til a;iles in the neighbor
l.nod were frozen on the trees during the
severe cold weather not long since.
Our term of school will close in two
Courage of it C.'oufoilerate Maiden Gen.
Streiylit's Capture.
As Gen. Strehdit approached Gadsden,
Ala., in making his frrent cavalry raid, Gen.
l'orrest was close uixm bis liucls wiiu j,uou
men who miht projer!y have been called
"rairanmdiiuf." They wero in various uni
forms, armed in various ways, nnd not more
than half tho command had saddles. They
were latin? away ct tho Federal generals
heels, hoping to bother him until a force
could cct in his front, when ho came to a
creek which was bank full from the recent
- near at
tin;(i lor t ;osi! :t.i!s v. iio ' i-c.- l t li-. . :iisVi v
As t!;c iloli-
! 1-
hands of the- rebel I :::
; e iv: Hits '. ana
j day arc rec
iov.l tree.
:i;t::init to su:)-
'.:' county pres
weeks more and who is going to tcacli rains. As soon as his troopers wore over the
WCCKS moic ami no e f,o proceeded to arrange for burn-
the winter term we liac not bem in- t hi,Jwny hrills This was close to
formed. tijo ilOUse (,f R v. idow name-1 Samson. Tho
Ilvron and Eddie Young arrived from funily was co'iipu.wl only of tho mother and
the west a few davs ago ana expect i
stay in this winter. They came
teams over land.
daughter, the latter a cirl of 1(5,
with There was sharp lighting between tho i-ca-
eral rear guard and Forrest s advance, but in
stead of st-kin tho shelter of the house tho
Mr "William Gray hns been for the Kirl, Emma by name, was out where she
th bnildimr ! new school house could si-e ell that was going on. She was a
iiwmuiiui '""f . ' . . T- I.' .i:.f-,.;f TT fin ?h 'it.ontr svcinathizer with thoso who wore tho
l ,1 f,,,;tl,mT tho music. An m iiib Atuws :n uwuH.1, "v. " -- ,
lind fnrnishincr the music. An
excellent supper will be served.
If you want any letter heads,
envelops, bill heads or jo work ef any
kind, bring it to the Heuald office, we
do first class work and guarantee satis
faction. The republicans of Otoe county
elected county clerk, treasurer, commis
sioner, judge, surveyor and coroner, and
it in a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Y'oung of " Rock
Greek, also Mrs. William Ellington, made
a short visit down to the Weeping Water
bottom on Sunday.
The Rock Creek folks are going to
have a grand time at their church on
Thanksgiving night by having a big sup
per. A good time is anticipated.
The democrats since the electron are
takin" it quite cool and stand by the
gave pluralities for Supreme Judge Max- eiection returns quite bravely. We don t
well, state regents and District Judge know how else they can do.
Chapman. Mr. Austin Johnson over on Rock
Dr. O'Lcary's lectures are made very
Creek is about the only democrat that is
Programs and wedding invitations
a speciality at the Herald office.
Will J. Warrick wants everybody to
.,n cnttlp ihcir account bv cash or
L.Hl IH.V .7..- -
note at once.
Astrachan coat-, and vests sold else
where at $18.00 and $21.00 can be
bought for $15.00 at S. & C. Mayer's
Sunday night a Sweed girl named
i M. 1. 1 V.
Krite was retiming home wuu net uimua
in Omaha. On turning a dark corner
they weivj confronted by a negro footpad
who ordered the young man to give him
his wealth, but the young man with the
assistance of his sister did the footpad
rA cUirn thr rdpption. It IS all
interesting by illustrating them with man- p.g h:is a i)mnd new boy over at
ikins and pictures. An attendance of tl;3 10USC vvhich arrived some two weeks
everv one will nrove beneficial to them. I ajro.
He speaks every night this week in Rock
wood hall.
One year ago tomorrow a heavy
snow storm fell over this section of the
county and it was very cold 20 above
zero. To-day has been so warm that out
door work was very prcspiring exercise.
AY. II. Baker and family started this
morning for California, Sacramento be
ing the objective point. In Mr. Baker
Plattsmouth losses an esteemed citizen
and business man, and his many friends
wish him success.
Wanted. A miner just from Colora
do, wishes a wife, he is 3. years old,
dark complected and a native of
West Virginia. The lady must be of
good character, and of light complexion.
Address Edward G. Bennett, Weeping
Water. Neb.
Joseph J. Steginwhohas been attend
ing the Omaha business college com
mitted suicide last night. He is from
near Avoca this state. . A letter left
addressed to his mother states it was
caused by his step father's spiteful way
toward him.
- Rev. Joseph Mills, of Council Bluffs,
who has been in our city for scyeral days
for the purpose of establishing a colored
church is meeting with considerable en
couragement. Yesterday quite a number
of suljscriptions to the cause were made
and it is very probable that a church will
soon be erected here for the colored
The American Magazine for De
cember will be a Christmas number. . Its
leading article, by Wm. II Ingersoll.
will discuss the peculiarities of the ac-
grny, and when tho Federals bcan piling
rails on tho bridge she realized how Forest
would be balked by its destruction. Sao
ran, bareheaded, to tho spot and began pull
ing tha raiU oif, and it was only when two
men seized her arms and led her away that
she desisted. The bridge was held by the
Federals until its destruction was certain,
and they then retired into tho town. When
Forrest came up ho found his further advance
completely checked, and in his trouble ho
rode np to the fence where mother and
daughter stood and asked if there was no
ford. Emma remembered of a crossing half
a mile away, and at once offered to guide tho
general to it. Shells and bullets were Hying
all about them as they talked, but the girl
climbed upon the fence, sprang to tho saddle
behind Forrest and away the pair rode for the
ford. It was found practical le, and while
h3 selected his best men and horses for fur
ther oursuit tho girl returned home.
That crossing led to Streight's capturo with
in a couble of days, and he was captured by
trickery. Forrest got a body of men ahead oJ
the Federals, who displayed themselves from
prominent points, and this, with aggressive
lighting in tho rear, led Streight to believe
that ho was being closed in upon by a largo
force. Forrest sent in a flag of truce and de
manded a surrender, claiming to have 4,000
men, and, after taking an hour to convince
himself that he was in a trap, Streight sur
rendered the whole command. When his
men cams to str.rk arms the' outnumbered
the Confederates eight to one, and had to be
kept quiet by bluster and further trickery.
When the war closed the legislature of Ala
bama voted the girl a large tract of vahial!o
mineral lands, and an offer was made to send
her to some educational institute. In the
meantime she hail fallen in love with a Texas
ranrer ncmod Johnson, and she declined tho
o2er that she might marry him and remove
to Texas, where sho i3 at present living. De
troit Free Preis.
mee iie'n.
d Tim X v
ly, vl a yeiir;
all other live issues
ing aggressiyo, curie
m.-iit in The Tribtin
The Tribune docs
crsede the local, sh
But, in the great pn.-id- n-e.i'iet lion
at hand, every third. I-ig ivt ublican, oh!
soldier, farmer ;ine. Uu-pei
should have his loei.l pa;." . t.:
York Tribune.
Subscription Rattt- We:
extra coiv wiln cvei'V tive.
ly, $2 a year; extra cpy with every five.
Daily, per year. Sunday Tribune.
$1.50. Xew subscri' ..:! rcc ive the p.;p r
until J:in. 1. lS-'i. K'Kiit alwi'.vs in
draft, cheek, cxpris or po.-bd m-ii'..;.
der or registered, letter.
"PUKMirMS (T ) lie- AeV 1 !'i ..'111! " .-
historv of the I. nitcd blah s eiid pocket
atlas of the World, lmm. 5-i pages. .
maps, 50 colored price.
cents; to subscribers. cents: pretti.
orer.-.inm of the vea'- i Piscinalin'-: run
ning account of the nitory oi tue conn
trv. with a "reat vaii.iv of f.tatisties and
general information. ;'-.) i'ici-:;ic-nu.u
pocket knife; sub.-v:hcr.s" names and
and picture of his chcicj for president
on the handle; send for descriptive circu
lar: r.riceat retail 5i..: out im .n
7 1
The Weekly Tribune one year ior tlie same
money, 1.75; two other styles, for le.s
money. (3) Popular Picture Gallen
G fine large pictures, including the new
officers of the G. A. R.. Znr. Blaine, S-'iia-tors
Evarts and Iliscoclr, "Return of th -Mavilower."
"Christ Before Pilate," and
"Children Writing t Santa Cl:u-.-;"' send
for circular. (4) Waltham Watch; :
mansion balance movement, stem winder,
stem set. ssven icwcls. nickle case, ther-
oughly reliable, and an excelent watch;
with The Wee kly Tribune,! year for 7.50.
(5; Tribune's "Book of Open Air Sports."'
(G) Webster's "Unabridged Dictionary."
(7) Wood's "Household Medicine.'
These nremiums cannot be described in
full here. Send for ci-cula-
Fancy 2d :i!o YtWk, v.-f.
Week. Oitr n;'k l'(.-in;.
i.t to i:ty ia . !,:I" s;!'p'y
and it will In; uiiucult t. matcii
iah '.;!i ic'
.v. ci,:.i
Mil r.uw ltciii tin; liCst
in Art Kinii-oili;ry and
(. nivi! ( tll):rU !l iU'lH lit this
b-; !; I v.i WDiiltl put'-
t I
i;i ;'.!i :c!:i:l
.ii tun- Lino will bo brolcen
nil' i
t'Uilt K
1! -
'.7 vrau
r. :ii !
Chcnellc. o. i:J0c tlo.-,
this Week Only.
CvvU nn Ounce.
Chcnclle, 1! lb Lc ''
Kmbroid'i'y si I k 1 0c-tlt;
: looi
Fillhi-silk LI)C do:
ilo ut.'ss Ivt; "
..... ? v.: '1- .: fh'
S ti, t -1
I i'i
I ' t n Ct- t C 1 T r I 1 .' jr
jt l5 v - L-a .i-A$, c k..
Ar.g-ora. V.'oo! 1 5c iaii.
Kldcr Dovi'ii ' t '
Poinptuloui' Yirool 15c
ilo.-)S 20c Skein
ill (.ionnanlowii
; hK'Ciiis.
a Bail-
o(C (I
iJoucle in all ctdors. 111
i!!: in ail Co'ors.
Macnmio Cord
JL 1 1 1 . . . 1
Linen Flourl-irniA" UH'eaa-
r--:T r Ttr TT
- Scarlet underwear sold elewhere at
7oc, can be bought for 4 5c; all wool
scarlet underwear sold elsewhere at $1.50,
can be bought for $1.00 at
S. & C.
Kui'mlnjing in AlaI:a.
Ia Alasl:r., lip to comparatively modern
time.', ta ? dead have been mummified. Vv.
II. Dall, in his re.-cnt work on "The North
west Coa: V telts us that within the last half
century bodies have been eviscerated, cleansed
from fatt;.' matters in running waters, dried
and placed in cases, wrapped in fur and
woven gitipjes. Tho was usually
doubled up into tho smallest compass, and
tho mummy cose suspended, so as not to touch
the ground, in rxv.i3 convenient rock shelter.
-.m..i however, the nrcnared hodv was
terday and was buried in the cemetery ; pjacej j:l a lifelike position, dressed and
- . - . 1
"A fi '
THE TItI"L2 K, cv.' York.
E 1
'5 H
2 W i t
V x. j-jv on y.
inn , I n
in ni
For. Kent House of four room?.
Yan.vtta & box.
Two Sensiila Ladies.
Onn that studies henUii before vanity
and one that does r.-t believe all .
reads or hears. Practic-d c.perK-nce
every day teaching ti;::t th- words given
Tt-iih Dr. Watson's Specific CoiV'h Cure,
- "W'escott is
Ring, -
vl,5 -ilrt-
A little boy about two years old. son
f Geo. rainier, formerly of Plattsmouth,
died at his father's hone in Omaha yts-
hereattwo o'clock, services were held
at the Chrisbdn church.
Childrens and boys' fur caps sold
elsewhere at .$ 1.50 can be bought at S.
& C. "Mayer's for DO cents
Hay For Sale
Three hundred tons of hay for sale for
cash, either delivered or on the ground.
Ja vp orders with 31, B. Murphy & Co.
store L. St till. 42ml
The Public Eye
Is what troubles many-Publishihg tes-
cepted likeness to Christ, and recount the timonials of cures, unknown is con
armed. Some were made to lock as if en
gaged in a congenial occupation, such as
hunting, fishing, sewing, etc. With them
were also placed cfhgies of tho animals tuey
were pursuing, while tho hunter was dceked
ia his wooden armir and provided with an
enormous mask, all ornamented with feathers
and a countless variety of wooden pendants,
colored in gay patterns. All tho Alaska
mummies wear masks, so arranged that tho
wearer, if erect, could only seo the ground
at his feet. These were also worn at their
religious dances, from tho belief that tho
spirit which was supposed to animate a tem
porary idol was fatal to whoever might look
upon it while so occupied. New York
G rapine.
I Tobacco Crop In Englaml.
legend of its origin. This likeness is demned by the Quaker Medicine ""v TSd to ltelf thi
traceable in the sacred art of all Christian p.ny and those who have occasion to use j admiring ej es of the British nation by snc-
natiens from the beginning of our era. Balycafs Fig Tonic for the blood ami cessfully Raising ;una W1'' .
indigestion and Dr. Watson's New Spe- gla Teent Thas graciously
cine 1 ongii V,urc arc iree iu Jvatw ur-h j ejven consent thnt ue slioli go on Twm uwv
experience. -No cure, no pay rrquirca
Price 50c and $1. For sale by the fol
lowing druggist. W. J. Wakuick.
3Ir. Ingersoll will more especially de
scribe the endeavors of distinguished
American painters and sculptors to rep
resent this ideal. The article will be
abundantly illustrated.
is practically relic-vi'.i:
f,-,mi fidvuinfr n ho; " ' f. C;l-0 of Coil-
sumption a change cf climate ncccsar
l.j. Ir.-ff tr ili.y nmt'v." st't Hirers. ' n
lily IVi" - j
Specific Cough Cure i- v.arranlcd, if eti
rections are carefully complied with, to
relieve, if not cure, the worst and nvt
hopeless cases the world evcrs r.v. Price
50c and 1. For sa'f by Yvr. J. "Warrick.
TUESDAY F.VEMNf-'y "0T. 1"
, oi?C-s
; Ey.-s.
Eve t -.i'c
r-hort Sight,
"iii't.-, Corns,
til V v -ij.v ..u ' . r -
perimeut, but iiists that he must pay duty
on his crop the same s though the tobacco
were imported. Chicago 'ews.
Deafness, Dullness of Ileari::
in the Head, Itchin 31a:-s, Sor
Watery Eyes, Blue over
Eres. Cross Eyes, Cat;, rack
Pimples, Tan, Freckles,
Bunions, Moles, Scale.-1, etc.
I low to preserve a soft, tine, healthy
Skin, a bright eye and ket n ear. Illus
trated with" Lsrge Modt 1 of the ear, cy
and skin. Everythrf.g nee'b-d to make
the subject clear, plain, interesting and
amusing. Admission, ire.
Private consultation from 2 to 5; of
fice corner JIain and oth street--, over
Murum's saloon.
ItU tli tnir
to tha
"zoi:t Vicv.-,
t PS-
. -
X,'ul o-.:fv.-ar F.i F twpairof ''
And doing business at the Old St.und v.-it
Furnishing Goods, Hu
We fct.Il coiijirecs ciiott shiei'l u::d
also all rrrailcio m im
l or wear
V. li
Our )
: ..'
' "
of Clv' and
L a rawer,
JVjijf' wiils jsdiMi T.. 1 ru: .- l : fs.- i -J- w&s
sF (-T: WW -3 "fy X'h
The snrrc n utility oi rooh 20 j.ercer.t. clieat't-r t!;;;n ai.y house west ot
Vt'ill never be u::(ie:-oiu. can ana iseccTiViiiec-u.
tue .iiisip,i.
ft 0 N.
sr hi 1 hiks