The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 15, 1887, Image 1

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    1 Y'S ID" ft
I"IKST y 12 a it
Polici- ,!i:l.-,
Mumli dl.
Council. iic. i, 1
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Ciprk. - - -
Jtvptuy t'li-r!;. -
i'i. iu t ll-m:; ' if-t
I)i-yuty SliL'ii!!.
!S.l:it. "I t'"l Sc'a i-'l',
Jiuui.y J ti le.
1 A . I'AHI'liKI.I.
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Mav na!:i Si ink
f.'A'tl :" MlIfKltVISOlIS.
All.", in hson. - - - 1
tf,-ry T.if !;iV i-M.lti-- of :!! v-ek. Alt
trtiiii-nl t'iv.lh;-i.-. ,:tc n-KiK-'-tlully invited to
niuio Mii'iiR ft. A. o .u. W.-Mrt
i cvi-rv a'.t.-. aai K.iday i vi iiiim at 'v- "1.1
ha! t-f.'!V..M-i an- r,-si.-.-tiHl!y ia
v led to 'utiM.d. f. i- W'.it.-, Mast.-r W ikiaan ;
J . A, ' ait. r.i.- -...r. : J"- -Morgan. Ovt rm ir ;
J. II.' Mt:-ns. iici-iii .U r.
1S (U'U' N' MOi)i:UN V()( IDMKN
Ain-iU-.i -M.-.-TSM'!-;....! and fouMli M
dfivv..iiii at K. of ! hall. All
l.i-.-.Mii-M .' iv-.m -l.-d to ia. i t vvj'ti u-.. I.. A.
'o-.v.- .:,.! i'ii (-.will:.. !',. -Nl!'
Wovhy Advi-i-r: 1. J5. Sunlit, , w .
C. Will.'tls, flis-k.
tL'rrs'.!ii; i :i i.uuc'.c :;.., a. . t'. v.
1 S-.-,-t- .-V.-.T a'.N-Miai.' I-1 May .v. nn.4 at
Kocka ! Hall at . . All na'.si.-..l hrotli-
ors a:-.' lv-iiiv.-lfui. iir.H-l to alt-ud. -'. A.
;,.t,cli-. M- V.'.: ii. f. tiwn. 1-. .ir.-iit-i.i : J. C.
Wil li'. Ut'omU-r ; s. A. ftv.'.'M r.
pjJ.'-criMIHJE PCS" 45
A. R
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O. s. 1'ifns s,-.-.Mr leu
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:Vi.' i i.i-s' Adjufaitt.
At-lif.Vr 1'A!ITS !!.-
Td Al.oN 1I
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l:i:s.i. II w.
.1 w:iiiil";-.'.l-:M VN
i .-lihti'i-rJ IlK' I). iv.
' t'liard
" Sirt;t Major.
..Q-.i n :er Mas'er Si-rt.
. l'o. I Cliai'lam
Al.flt V.'ia:!'T. . .....
:vio:;;iu.: "aiurdy evening.
0. ft.
-I)cli:u in
4-nfir.n sisnnirfi
I'llkJti 1 l-;l'-
r if
: . '
Su3Cia!At::8iit GHiyciiWatoiiRciiairiiig
Cheap Prices
r,TmiT S JIT nif'S
Jliil'i kX; liJ--u-OJLk. "J -
I- ir U i i
f im
5 f- !" T
Represent the following tiuic-ti-idd
tirc-tcsted companies:
Aiiierica-i (entra!-S'. i.-ns. &v
Coinmereial Union-England,
Fir.; A soc'a i .-Ptul UelpUia, "
rranklin-Vi::l u.e.; hi a,
IIo:ne-X'--W Yn.!;.
li s. C of X.)'. !'i Amiv U' Phil. "
JdverpoolX London & t'.iobe-Kng "
Js.rth l nt v Mprcantlle-Ea
yori'"' Cnion-Entrian I.
ipiia;rield i & M.-Springneld, "
' -
Total A?3ets.S12-tt5,774
Lincoln, Neb., Nov 4. Governor
Thayer has i .hind the- following procla
mation: State k Nkuha-ka, .
l.XM Ill VK IIKI'Altl MKNT. )
At tins seisou '.f tin year when i lir; eariu lias
p .v.-ii lui in ail a!iiulai:l iii-n-ant:
n ;v..i. lul l li :m :iliiu(laiit ini-i i-ant: : when the
naivcsU have I ---j ijalhi-icd, unit realtxiUK
iliiit tin; year, wlueli is now dr.twin;; io ;t eiose,
iiin lii-rii in. i- o! iin-i crliy, health and haiM-
ih"s the 1 1.; ;); of Nol'i.isK t. u n.oct that
I '' ishoidil ih.iaC humid" :i'-kiiir.v li-.;ueiii nls
fi mir I 'eav i-i.i y 1-allicr xor m uii--.ia..
1 (. :.;! trilii liee 'A 1 1 II a!l a: II l ' ll. i.l
iat'i ad I lute
nnnon-u cii-.niii. a:m mii,;i.. .....
, n... ..-..-..1... t .l il-.. Maie-
. .
l.ll.l.H I'll! "1 l" r
i. .i.,lin M. 'I haver, iiivi'l-iim 't l u- .state id!. i. lo liiifiiv- m-i :ijrt Vlmi -ti!;iy. t it
jvi.,-. ri.y.-r :...! l-raU- i-.ti- Mil. .ii.e nl.T
of I ho i:niv tm! I'or hit riflt al iiiamtolil llc3-
I i-.-iMiu niMi-l th:l. on tlirtt il:-.;.', tii - iciiile
l.v ui lc t : i -f i" avu'-ali'iiis. ami, isi-imii-blini;
i.i tlMir ai-rii-Ii'iin 1 ilan-i!i ott 1 to
i 'I'l'tti Ian v.i,! ii ml. r -o 1!i:ii :lii"
,,f i;iat,.iut iif is t f.!- tin l:iii!i;iifr:ihle favors
h-iiai voiii'triii.ii li In ll.i;is;i iiwij't.'.
Am! win..' it slioiiia !' v. uay o; r-joicir;i,
!. v.iiniii'il iili'i oil ers I.n- si-iiaialfil.
mm,' ;iu W' l . jovou r';t:iiioii, llic j-our
,ii'i?.lv sii iiii.l t tfniii! in Kimily rt'mftn-
liraiu:.'. ilni-. iniilaiini; t!i! or our
wivim; iii-:sli'r vjo, wliiifj uioii t It- eattli, wiiut
ado ut Ui;in;mi . . .
lii-loto s-'t i-iy hand. Mid chumi-iI
I iii-'-rrat si-al ul tlii' st:it to he
-i:ai.. :.l',';'fil hi'i-rto. K.iiih at Linuo n
t ii 'ii day of Novi-aibi:i", A. I
;y Hi "ovni": : d ;ii M. TllAVK.t.
(ifh i.A.v.i, St'tir-jt-i:--. f sine.
Latest by Telegraph.
Arrested for Haying Dorrtbs.
London, Xoy. 1 i. A i;tsr.:'T on the
sti-iiiier Statu of Itulhar.t, namoJ Charles
Cowatsch, was arrestt-tl twilay at Greenock
for having in his j ossesisn lour dynatnite
cartridges, c:'.clt seven IiiC iH.-s lon.
Ayoub's Surrentisr.
London, Nov. M. It is n-norL-d from
S ;rtalis tlint Ayoub Kh.-sn, who Lortl
Salisbury anr-ounced had suhmilt'. d to
th'.j HritisJi, l-.a-! 3.000 followers, but gave
in his siibiiii!oc. tin.-tir.g to the qti'-eti's
nu'icy, and b'ctir.s- he was anry with
Ifussia fur re('i!:-ii:g to fcUDDty Isim with
arms and troops.
Arensdorf Asain cn Trial.
Srocx City, la., Xn,v. 1!. The case
auain.-t John Arncsdorf, the aecu-ed mur
derer of Jtev. George V. Haddock, was
caliud in the disttiet court at 5) o'clock
this morning. The court room was till
ed, w! licit teems to indicate that public
interest in the case lias not decreased.
The defense submitted a plea of abate
ment, which was ovcrided. W. W. Ew-
ing, esq., tlie noted criminal lawyer of
St. Paul has been engaged by the defense,
Arensdorf appears as calm and collected
as on the previous trial.
Kentucky Horso Sales
Lmxixotox, Ky., Nov. 14. E:iston"s
Kentucky horse sales opened hereto-day.
The sale was very successful. Sixty-nine
head wer-j disposed of, bringing $-16,080
Tliey i-omprised tiiroughbred stallions
blood mares, yearlings, two and one-year,
olds, among which was ths imported
stalion Hossington, by Doncaster, dam
Lily Agnes, which was sold to F. B. Har
per, Midway, Ky., for 12,000. licss
ington is perhaps the most highly bred
race horse that h is ever )'en imported.
His sitv, Doncaster, was sire of Bender,
sire of Dumonde, while both were from
the sam j dam.
A Vhoio Town Burned.
Wichita, Kas., Nov. 11. Yesterday
morning about 0 oYboek the entire town
of Haysville, about t elve miles south
of this cit v. was destroyed by fire. The
tire was iirst discovered in the general
store of Dr. Jones. All efforts made by
the citizens to (puciich the liamcs proved
futil -. The village was composed of
j several dwellings, stores and shops.
Every building was destroyed. Tl
xv in jt. ln.avy, with but little insu
The loss
i T!. li.riu of t !.- firi' 1-J l.T'.klKIWll. It is
supp-'scd to he the work of robVrs, as
goods In-longing to Dr. Jones were foun.
on a iiiaiiie near town. A number of
families are left nearly destitute.
The Case of the Crown Prince.
Bkrlix, Nov. 14. A medical confer
enct-. was held at the palace yesterday
The household physician, with Doctors
Wegener, Bergman, Gerhardt, Tolboldt
"1 C I ,....n M'nsnnf Pitmf Vl T
Stolber" presided. A paper was signed
declaring the throat affection of the
41, a
crown prince to be cancerous, and that a
nartial removal of the orynx is t o longer
s..1v5, .j.i- Comolete cx:i ion of 'the
j isirijvx is recommended 'by the physi-
i cians at San Rimo' but in the inc'rtntiir'e
' it is objected to by tlia crown prince.
; The emperor a?ked th it the crown prince
j retuni to Berlin at the earliest possib'e
... i l
moment, but the crown princess objected
to her husband traveling in his present
couJl.iou Today the emperor, after an
I interview with Prince William, held a
A Dravo Caggogeman.
Washington, November 14. lSiflnrl
Moore, a baggage master on tlic accomo
dation traiti ofAhe Ealtimorc & Ohio rail-
roitd, shoul
d have a medal from the life-
faving fc-ivice. The other day while his
traiti was standing in front of the station
at Gaithersburg, asmtdl place near Wash
ington, tlie engineer went into the telc cdlice fur orders, and the liremau
got out of the cab to oil up. From some
cause or other tlie engine suddenly start
ed, and neither the engineer nor the tire
man could get aboard. Moore, who was
in the baggage car, climbed outof the
window and succeeded in reaching the
locomotive and stopping it, but not un
til it was going at a speed of thirty miles
an hour. The engineer telegraphed up
aud down ihe road to have nil trains
side tracked, us there was a runaway,
and the people of Gaithersburg, not
dreaming that the engine could be
stopped, were preparing to go to the ex
pected wreck, when the runaway backed
slowly v.p to the station with the bng-
the engine cal us cool as if
nothing bad happened. Doubtless many
iveu were saved by Mr. Moore's coolness
., i . ,i
and courage, lor tlie cars were ciovvucu
with suburban passcngirs and an express
train was nearly due, with which it ccr-
tuiuly would have collided.
Decision in a Patent Case.
Washington, Nov. Id. What is
known as the driven well patent, which
has been several times before the United
States snoreme court, and which has
dways ben heretofore sustained, was
today declared invalid. The opinion by
Judge Elaiehi'ord is bnsed upon the
record in the case of Andrew Green and
others, against George Ilovey, brought
here by appeal from the United Statis
circuit court for the southern district of
Iowa. This court holds that the fact,
now made to appear for the first time in
the driven well litigation, that the inven
tion was used in public at Curt land. N.
Y-. by others than Green, more than two
years before the application for a patent
was made, is a fact which is fat:. to the
patent's validity. The decree of the cir
cuit court in favor of the alleged in
fringer. Havev. is affirmed.
St9aryt3hlp Arrivals
Philadelphia, Nov. 14. Arrived- -
The Manitob.m from Glasgow.
New Yokk, Nov. 14. Arrived The
Fulda, from Bremen; the Egypt, from
Liverpool; the Pennsylvania, from Liver
pool; the Phof-tia, from Hamburg; the
Farnessia, from Glasgow.
Liveki'OOI.,, Nov. 14. Arrived The
Bulgarian, from Boston.
Glasgow, Nov. 14. Arrived The
State of Indiana, from New Yvrk.
Southampton-, Nov. 1 1. Arrived
The Wcsternland, from New York for
Antwerp; the Werra, from New York for
Damages Under the Slocum Law.
Fkkmont, Neb., Nov. 14. The iury
in the case of Buckmaster vs. J. N. Mc
Eiroy, in the Dodge county district court
found for the plaintiff, and assessed his
damages against the defendant in the
sum of $2,000 aud costs. In November,
1831, Buckmaster became intoxicated on
liquor obtai tied at McElroy's saloon, and
on his way to his home in the country
lost consciousness and was so badly
frozen that both feet had to be
Governor Thayer Banqueted.
Nkbeaska City, Neb., The miltary
ball and banquet given to-night by com-
nanv C. Second reuiment, in honor of
Governor Tha vcr was a grand social suc
cess. A number of prominent men
throughout the state were present, among
them Governor Thayer and stuff, I Ion. Al
len Field and others. A number of toasts
were prepared and responded to. After
the banquet the governor was the guest
of lion. J. Sterling Morton. II. S. Wood
was matter af ceremonies.
Postal Telegraphy.
Washington, Nov. 14. In view of
the agi'alion of pesta! telegraphy there
is no likelihood that we will have penny
f'" l. ,
I I ' a. Lnu ii. ------ . . -. --- I-
with the rcsvlls of the last reduction of
the letter postage, but it is stated that
step from swo ceais to one, being a coni
plee t election of one-half, would be
too great at tbis time even though pes
tal telegrapiiy were not considered.
Bomb 3 In Cincinnati.
Cin'cinxati, O., Nov. 14. The police
are today vainly trying to find the man
who made the rude ga9 pipe bombs
which were last night taken from two
little boys, who, it is supposed, stele
them and were about 10 try them.
EVKMN(i, NO VE?,IHi;i: 1
Herr Most Will Probably bo Arrested- j
Ni:v Yokk, Nov. 1 I. 'I'll - police have !
laid before District Attorney Mattine a;
report of Herr Most'd itni tuliary har
rttnguc on Saturday night, and it is
thought probable he will be arrested and
imprisoned for inciting to tint.
Socialist and Anarchist Religion.
Bnoo:u.YN,'N. Y., Nov. 1 I. The 11:-v.
II. C. lleyser. pastor of a G rman Eyan- j
geiical church in this citv, has resigned,
as he says, because there arc socialists and ;
anarchists among his church mcnib, is,
and "they want a religion without a Cinist
and a world without a God." His thol
ogjr not comprehending such a st:.te of
affairs as this, Mr. lL-yser resigned.
Put to Work.
Joi.ikt, 111., Nov. 14. Michael Schwab
and Samuel Fielden, anarchists, were
taken out of the couit solitary this morn
ing looking t:earty .vnd bright, and were
put to work. Sihwabwas j ut in the
convict Kitchen, where his work will be
to help peal potatoes, chop hash, i.nd
help prepare the convicts' fowl. Field n
was assigned to the stone department.
Army lYJatterg. f
Washington, Nov. 14. Lieutenant
Colonel Horace B. Burnhum, deputy
judge advocate of the departmtnt of
California, has been ordered to Ukiah.
Cal., on public busine; s. Captain John
J. Cockran, assistant surgeon, has been
relieved ft cm duty at Prc-oilo, Cal., and
has been orde:"d to report for duty as
assistant to the medic:.! diivttor of the
division of the ! 'act lie, during the ab
sence of Surgeon Tilton from Prtsido at
San Francisco, Captain William E. Hop
kins and First Lieutenant Henry i. Ray
mond, assistant surgeon-, have be
dered to duty at Pusid:
A Count S at Wi.r.
LoxitPiXK, Neb., 2,"ov. 1!. War has
been declared rn J'rown county, the
skirmi-sh line is out, tin fir.-t shots have
been lirc.l, and the main battle is near at
hand. Ainswotth lies ten miles west of
tiie center, and is the county seat. Long
Pine lavs at the center, is a good milling
and manufavturing town and railroad
division. For years Ainsworth has been
favoring division, so :-he could hold the
county seat. Long Pine lias always op
posed division because it cut off her
chances of county scat. lor the fourth
time now she has voted down the divis
ion question, an I will now at once pro
ceed to call an cic. lion for removal of
the county scat. The cast half of the
county contains three-fifths of the entire
vote, and is almost .-olid for removal.
In addition to this there will be a large
vote in the west half in favor of removal,
so that in fact Long Tine his every as
surance oi
The p-
;!;: are en
thusiastic and mean business.
Interview on ? latter of State.
"When isapoleon HI was prince president,
one day the British at::bas:iailoi-, Lord Kor
manby, particularly wanted an interview on
important business with the president, and
was requested by an aide-de-camp to wait
just long enough to announce the visit. T ho
ambassador did wait, grave aud solemn in
countenance, as became one who had come to
talk on matters of ttate. Five minutes
passed; Lord Noraianby grew impatient ; ho
heard stilled laughter in the next room, and,
cautiously raising the hangings that masked
the door, he saw Mrs. Howard, Lady Stanley,
the Vieomtesse Pauline de Contades, two or
three other ladies, the Duke of Cambridge
and the prince president himrelf playing at
blind man's buff, the prince being the blind
man. Without a word ormnby advanced
on tiptoe, the others keeping silence most
discreetly, and tapped the presidential hand.
"Oh! this time I've caught you; its Pauline!"
exclaimed Louis, and puilingoil' the hamlkor
chief, stood confronted with the ambassador.
There was a general la'.igh at the incident,
and the plenipotentiary joine-d iu the game.
Xot a word of pontics was breathed during
the interview, but it lai-ttsl a couple cf hours,
and the quidnuncs of the 1 ourse thought it
roust have been so important that the French
funds thr;t evening dropped 1 per cent. The
A Few Verbal Sn;ire.
The popularity of Peter I'ipcr's celebrated
peek of pickled peppei-s will probably never
wane us a snare to cnt h the tongue that
would fain le agile: but that test has formid
able rivals. The following short tx-ntcnecs, as
their author maintains, do wonders in hauling
the ordinary j-owers of siieec-h:
Gaze on the gay gray brigade.
The sea cea&eth, an it it suflicelh us.
Scy, should such a shajivly sash shabby stitcbes
bhov: i
Strrnge strategic statistics.
Casstll's solicitor shyly slashes a sloe.
Give Grimes Jim's great gilt pig whip.
Ssarah in a shaw l shoveled toft snow slowly.
She sells sea shells.
A cud of coffee in a copper coffee cup.
Smith's spirit flask split Philip's sita sister's
Cfth squirrel s skull.
The Leith police dismisseth U3.
Mr. Fisk wished to whisk whisky. Youth's
Russian Demand for Apples.
Montreal trade men have received a cable
gram from Russia asking for particulars con
cerning the Canadian crop of apples. If
Russia becomes a buyer ov apples m that mar
ket it ia evident that the varieties she will re
quire must be the best long keepers obtain
able, as the journey will be a long one. Rus
sets, Baldwins and Spitz would probably be
among the best descriptions for export to
Russia. Boston Budget.
iryj----w-,,irirr'OTc,gr-nJ .i. c.-jK'imi
JL JL ilk 1-J A. v X J.1J
A full line (.f
PIIOM i2. TO 10.
I Si fi Q S! PI
Of our first
Opening Monday
Silk Velvets and Velveteens
Fillv pieces Silk Velvet.-, all shades, at 1.00 per y.-.rd, former
price 51. o0 per ytuvi. Twenty-live pieces Silk I'lusli at 1.'25 er yL,
former prices $1.75 to A;2.50 your clioit e :it &LM. Twctity-fi vo
pieces Velveteens at 33c, 3Uc and 75c, lbrmerly 5 S3e a:.l 51.23.
Ten pieces s;:e!i s:ll: at 75 cents and 85 cents, worth 1.00 and
$1.25. - Twenty-five pie-;.-.: .'ross-raincd i i k s at T-3 (.cnts and 82 J
cents, worth $1 and 1.35- iloira tliks at 1.32. worth 1.75.
3frAs the Prices indicated above are Iiemarkably
Low, the goods having been purchased at a .s;:crifec sale,
we are willinA" to sliarcj the benefits v itli von. do not delay,
WhiteFrom Dry Gcods House,
a jrii:Tam(urr.'.i.itT:arawii M.umaBMti
V, 1(1 1 V1 J:
FUO.M To ::,:.
FBOM 2. To vr.
Ricii Aslpf.cii3!i Pill Fit "riiainiT
fko.m f ;. to .-:'..".
series -A'
Morning r:ov. 7.
02331 k i i3l a it Pail att iM ene ' coimcil-