The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 14, 1887, Image 2

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!)c iJUibmjutlj Dailn l)rrali
Publishers & Proprietors.
Til Kins nni a few democrats that think
they ari! vrry sly, and nobody knows any
thin hut them. They arc tidkmg con
test with Mr. Itobinson, and for their own
ppecial benefit, we will nay we arc onto
democracy with both feet and propose to
Htnv there.
It appears that Mr. Vilas is to be trans
ferreil to the Interior department, and it
is hoped throughout the country that
they will get a man into the p st ollicc
department as Mr. Vilas' successor who
will be able to correct the present shame
ful condition of the mail service.
A riKCK of HS-pipe with a fuse in it
was picked up in Minneapolis Saturday
night and last week two pieces were found
in Lincoln. These frequently occurring
gas pipe finds will probably turn out to
be hoaxes perpetrated by jokers who
think it funny to see people's hair stand
Unc lk Sam should take better care of
his navy, the other day one of his ves
sels came in collision with a coal barge
and was badly used up. He should either
keep his vessels in dock or else private
craft should not be allowed to recklessly
injure the toys of the secretary of the
navy in any such way.
Tiik American system of slavery,
accordidg to General Jackson, of Florida,
was "the gentlest and by far the most
civilizing relationship ever borne by
labor to capital." It is sad to reflect that
the American working man cannot be
brought to see the beauty of the kind of
relationship between capital and labor
which the General commends as the most
civilizing. Gazette-Jouannl.
Wiiting the day before the execution
of the anarchists the Chicago Inter
Oram said: "A good many excellent
people are expressing the fear that if Un
convicted anarchists arc executed in ac
cordanee with the sentence passed in due
coarse of law that they will go into his
tory as martyrs to the cause they advo
cated and be canonized. The attention
of all such is called to the record in the
history of this country. No assassin nor
any man who openly advocated assassin
ation or who advised the destruction of
women and children by gun-power or
dynamite has ever been canonized in this
country. The assassin of Lincoln made
a courageous fight, but he was killed,
and he lias remained siniply the assassin
of the president of the nation. His ac
complices were executed, and no more
than a feeble attempt has ever been made
to throw around their persons or their
memories any glamour of martyrdom.
This feeble attempt never went higher
than the level of men who manufactured
the cheap sensationalism of the dime
novel, and it failed even there. The as
sassins of Lincoln haye remained assas
sins, and that is all that any one cares to
say of them.
"When Guiteau fired upon President
Garfield the public sentiment of this
country arouse against him and his meth
ods. He attitudinized very much as
some of the convicted anarchists are now
posing before the public, but the verdict
of the country was almost unanimously
in favor of his prompt execution. He
was executed, and no one, not even the
crankiest of mortals, has ever intimated
that he was a martyr to any cause, or
that he was to be canonized in any frm
His memory is held in universal con
tempt, and the theory that he represented
is so hateful to the people that no one
has ever presumed to enter upon excuse
or defense of the so-called principles
enunciated by the assassination of Presi
dent Garfield.
"Ic is very difficult for stupid or pre
judiced men to understand a people upor.
whom th?y make war. The sneak thief,
the highway robber, and the train robber
are egotists enough to believe that the
people are afraid of them until the tim -comes
for settlement and punishment,
and then the weakness of criminal asso
ciation with intent to intimidate the pub
lic is shown. And when the fact is de
monstrated that they who violates law
must suffer the penalty, there arc few to
say that because a murderer hanged or n
train robber imprisoned for life that theie
is a possibility he will become a martyr
or be canonized. Whatever may become
of the convicted anarchists, this much
be said, once for all, there is no danger
that they will ever be remembered by
the American people other than as con
spirators against the public peace. The
public sentiment in this country is
against assassination and anarchy, and
the men who can not understand the
drift of sentiment and can not catch the
meaning of tlio public attitude are in
danger of suffering very severe penal
ties." Gazette Journal.
Pick out the piect of Heal Estate you
want and then call for j rice and terms
upon Windham & Davi'S. Over Bank
of Cass Co. IStf.
Anarchint leaders throughout the
country refuse to comment on the execu
tion of tin: Chicago murderers because,
they say, five speech lias been strangled.
Free speech, as anarchy defines the term,
needs strangling. The immediate effect
of the execution of the Ilaynmrkct piar
tettc sippet r to have b -en salutary. M -n
who recogniz-j thj difference between
free speech and licens ; hive no cause for
complaint, but organized society cannot
exist where the latter is not restrained.
America is a free country: not an asylum
for criminals. Hi publuan.
Newark Journal: Lawyer Would
you believe the sworn testimony of this
man ?
Witness No, sir.
Lawyer An el why not?
Witness That man hates to tell the
truth. He always did. We were boys
together, and he used to cry when the
teacher made him say two and two are
Lawyer A ny t h i ng else ?
Witness Plenty. Once he was sick
and described the symptous so that the
eloctor prescribed for a lame ankle when
the trouble was neuralgia in the head.
Lawyer That will do.
The report comes to us of a serious
riot at Pocahontas, Virginia, among na
tive and foreign miners, the trouble
arising from an alleged dispatch from
Chicago to the foreigners, calling upon
them to avet-ge the death of the anarch
ists. The foreign clement in the mines
is composed, for the most part, of illiter
ate German, Italian and Russian immi
grants, who have disgusted reputable
people by their ov r advocacy of anarch
al p-inciples. The military has been
called out to restore order. In Jhrsey
City, a red Hag was hauled down and
the windows of the premises smasheel by
workingtnen. Iu L'niou township, New
Jersey, workingmen alse hauled down a
red flag bearing an offensive legend,
Hung out by a German tailor, anel the
house was wrecked.
De3 Moines Register, 10- There has
Ik-cu a little talk in Iowa eluring the past
few months as to the propriety of resub
mitting the constitutional amendment.
This talk will probably bo reviveel m a
more animated maimer. This matter was
discussed in De-i Moines a great eleal yes
;erdry, and Mr. I Jerry hill ami other
prominent m.n of the republican party
were inclined to think that in still more
active espousal of prohibition it would
be well fo the incoming legislature to
pass a resolution of submission. It takes
two legislatures to submit an amendment
to the constitution. If it shoulel be sub
mitted this winter, the next legislature
would be elected two years from now on
the question of submission, an 1 if pro
hibition ca-ried it would also vote to
submit, and that would bring the sub
ject up before tins people the succeeding
year at a nonpartisan election, and doubt
h-ss put the prohibition theory in the con
stitution sis well as the law. There is a
very general disposition among republi
cans against sounding any retreat on
this question. The party has put its
hands to the plow and cannot in honor
look back, and will not be disposed to
elo so.
Interesting Information About the Ad
vertisements AVe See- on Fences.
"That man is a sign painter by trade," re
marked a contractor, pointing to a man who
was erecting a fence before a building that
was to Le torn down, 4'but he finds it pays
better to put up fences where building is
going on and let out the spaces to adver
tisers. The big profits in the business have
brought about a healthy comj.etition, and
everything is now reduced to a fine art. I
remember a few years ago this sign painter
came to ine and offered to put up a now fence
free of charge in front of a building I was
erecting providing he could use the boards
for advertising purposes. I jumped at the
oiTer and thought the man was a fool for
making it. The shoe was on the other foot,
however, for I should have received several
hundred dollars to boot for the privilege.
"This man has brought the business down to
a science, lie has scores of agents scouring
the city for eligible sites, as well as can
vassers to drum up advertisements. His
fences, which are very neat and attractive,
are built in uniform sections and join to
gether on the groove principle. An adver
tiser can thus have hisaimouncement changed
to different localities at will without going
to the expense o having a new sign painted.
The old method of building a new fence every
time made this mode of advertising very ex
pensive, and the lessees often lost money by
U-ing unable to let out all the spaces; but the
cost is now reduce to a minimum by making
the sections to slide in and out like the lid of
a box.
'The rates, of course," he continued, "de
pend upon the location. A sign on Broadway
costs the most, but many of the cross streets
arc nearly as desirable. The big advertisers
make contracts by the year. Some of their
signs are very elaborate. As soon as one
building is finished they are put up else
where. The lessee who has a number of
these contracts runs no risk in leasing a priv
ilege, because he has bis advertisers before
hand, and their signs are ready to slide into
position. The- first charge is made for the
painting of the sign, and then so much per
day for its use as an advertisement. The
artistic appearance of the signs has improved
very much since the introduction of tbemov
alJe section, for enterprising houses no longer
look upon it as extravagant to have trade
marks or pictures of specialties correctly
painted on a fence. Tbeso signs don't re
main long in the same place. A building is
soon put up in New York." New York
Evening Sun.
' 1 11 " ; . -
IVrxonal I tenia Concerning Men ami
AVoiiien Wliom the AVorlI Tull About.
The daughter of Ole Bull is preparing
for tho Hurvurd annex.
Queen Margaret, of Italy, has had
capablo Jewish instructor.-., can read the
Old Testament in Hebrew with ewe and
has collected a large Hebrew library,
wiLh tho latest works on JewL-h litera
ture. Dom Pedro I composed a, song onf itlod
"Hynino do lTiidependanco, " ami it has
just Ix-tni executed for tho first time su
linden Badon, under tho direction ef his
son, Doia Pedro II, tho present ruler of, who is said to Ixj a tale-nte-d mu
sician. Mr. Edison lias -rfected his phono
graph for practical use, and the machine
is noon to le put on tho market sit a re
tail price of .$100. Tho Edison company
claims that tho machine will reproduce
tho voice .so cl'arly suid accurately that
the words cannet be misunder.suxl.
George W. 'able, lately of Louisiana,
now of Massachusetts, has not
only into ;i gre'ut novelist, but is ac
counted one of the liest biblie-al scholars
in the east. He has si Bible class in Bos
ton, and it is said ntvives :i very large
Kihiry from it annually. He was here
the other day, but hurried away to read
somewhere. lie wears a full dark beard
suid a thick mustache that struggles over
and joins the mass of whiskers. His
complexion is pallid and somewhat sal
low. In dress he is not dandified ami
avoids anything loud. He wore a plain
black frock coat, double breasted, suid
dark trousers.
When the late duke of Portland died
most of his property went to his siste'is,
one of whom was Lady Ossington. As
this lady wsis a widow she was assisted
in the management of her great inherit
ance by her brother-in-law, the late A.
Denlson, and in return for his services
she made him si cenisidersible present in
money. This money Mr. Penison in-,
vested in a sumptuous watch. A very
musical repeater of the liest workman
ship was inclosed in a gold case literally
studded with jewels, and each jewel a
stone. The watch chain h;id si successien
e.f black jiearls, and the signet was a
scara'oseus. The worst of this costly
whim was that the owner scarcely dsired
wear the watch for fear of lx?ing robbed
in the street, and could not lesive it at
home for fear of a burglary.
If ever the habit of cigarette smoking
has thoroughly and permanently
itself uion sun' man, that msui is Robert
Louis .Stevenson, the pojular romancer.
During u trifle of over one hour of con
vorssition on his brief visit to New York
recently, an average sized bundle of
Cigarettes wsis entirely consumeil by the
novelist in rsipiel suecesskni. Mr. Ste
venson h:is entirely ruined his health by
the practice, and both of his lungs have
bce:i impsiiml beyend mediesvl skill solely
by the constant inhaling of the deadly
f-moke. He is frankly conscious ef the
evil effects of the vice that has so se-cure-ly
conquered him, and despite the most
earnest efforts of his mother, wife and
friends, the prsictice goes on unabated.
With r.Ir. Stevenson a cigarette is his last
companion on retiring at night and the
first sought by him on rising. Physicians
of all lands have warned in vain, fearing
the culminating effects on a constitution
already nearly shattered, and on si mind
from which has emanated those wonder
ful romances that have made their author
so widely popular in 'English reading
An Egyptian Papyrus.
Lepsms, the elirector of the Egyptian
department of the royal museums eif Ber
lin. Germany, si very famous Egyptolo
gist, at his desith left a remarkable papy
rus which he had obtained from an
English lady-, 3Iis3 Westcar. According
to its language it was written about the
scveTntecnth century before Christ, the
lcriod of the delivery of Egypt from the
rule of the Ayksos (Jews?). It measures
nearly two yards in length anel is about
fourteen inches high. On one side it con
tains nine, on the other three, columns of
an average of twenty-six horizontal lines
of writing each. Some parts of the
writing sire entirely obliterated, many so
much as to beunreaelable. The beginning
and the conclusion are gone entirely.
Nevertheless, the recitals have been read
and sufficiently restored to become intel
ligible. One of tho tales is that King Snofru
was sad of heart, and on the advice, of
Zezemoaeh, the priest and reader to the
king, hail a boat manned by twenty
beautiful oarswomen and went on a voy
age. One of the women happened to
drop a precious jewel of malachite into
the sea. and was so overwhelmed with
grief that she elropped her oar and the
ljosit came to a standstill. The king was
tllsmayed. But Zezemonch raised one
half of the waters of the lake and elapjied
ic on top of the other half, leaving half of
the botiom of the lake dry, descendeel
and brought up the jewel, and the boat
resumeel its journey. Another legend of
the papyrus says the god of the sun. Re,
had triplets by Reddedct, the wife of the
priest Kawoser, who, he decreed, should
dethrone the Egyptian dynasty and rule
in its stead. Put one of Rededdet's
maids went to the king, Chufu (Cheops),
anel tells him what has happened, and
that the goels have already given to the
boys three diadems of gold. Then Dedi,
the king's magician, engulfs the country
in a fearful inundation, destroying every
thing except the three boys, who are
saveel by Re. So, it seems, neither the
emperor of Chisia, nor Hercules, nor
Romulus and Remus, were the first sons
of the gods bearing rule on earth. Chi
cago News.
Klectricity Among the Grapevines.
A man who lives but a few miles out
of Albany protects Ids grapevines from
fruit thieves in a novel manner. The
supports are of wood, but the cross pieces
arc of wire insulated from the ground,
and connected with an induction coil
capable of delivering a heavy spark
throngh an inch ot air. The other jxdo
of the coil Ls connected to the ground.
Si:c good sized bichromate of potsish cell3
furnish electro motive force for the coil.
Short wires hanging among the vines are
secured to the large wire?s, and when any
one monkeys with the grapevine while
the battery is connected the neighborhood
is apt to hear from him. It works every
time, and no one comes for a second c ose.
Albany Argus.
c:o;o :i: ,1 j ). ;iv . '..,., j:o-ir. iv rail IV-hm L; . c.j!:. t!:- c;,.:t:u, j.;.t! jt-ily iniiHi'a IV.. Ill f 'luftlift, tll
iuctro;t )!is d : .-.;...
rj-ulaii("; : i V.l)y) rapidly incre-n.-ii r.
I las !!; t i 1' ii:.- -1 .-y.-d'-in.i d Water Woiks in the State.
Stre-cts sir. n.di :iv;!)!i.i !
A fctreet r;.!; vay in opi-ra ! '. -a.
Unnk' d '!.. .-i:v ? .dal; ;hcl, ul 1oims vtcl W the j.irj.iv.! of vnn-A n:i-!.i.. fC'.vcing'J and
paving of lai:: S.:. :. v, !!. t-. t on. n.cne-o tltt-ro-n in tliu sprin- d' 1 SS.
Jlas a tin . -::r y'osv lu-y-- -clitxil Imildin smd six ward scimtd Imjjsf.;. Aside fit. in luisinc lcjiisc3
over ()!) ivU . -s Law !,; -..nstruclcfl elinii; tho Year IsST.
An Opera c.: : :(i. (:()().
Nebraska rv :.::ri Ca..ain isu-tory, capital 510,000, eapacitv 00,000 cans k v year and em
ploys 4.0 liand-
J.rick and Terra Y'or!-:s. r ., ti -HO.OnO, eapacity 10,000 bricks jk r day. en.pb.ys thirty linndi.
IMattsinea;;;: mm.; i 'a- -n;-y, capital $30,OuO, capacity 1,500,000 canjcr yi ;ir and employ' 125
hands, tunis ov r u y-jsir'.- bjisi.u-.-s alx-ut $100,000.
Two daily -pajij!; c iu. llq.uolican and one JJcmocralic.
Schi:cllae!i- Iiuy and -,:'on laetn v.
IVpperber-'., ei--ar niaiiuf.,.:-Lory, employs iilteen Jiands, and largely supplies the trade ot siaith west
ern Nebraska.
Dufuor e'e Vs. n; v I'.uking ITouse.
Tlie great (.'. 15. vV Q. Railroad machine shops, round houses, ?torclioi:K-.. Sc. are at
this point for liio use of its Kystem west ed" tlie Missouri h'iwr, e-mpiovin- many bundieds of hand.?, and
disbursing to employes monthly about 30,000. "
One of th..- m:esi railroad bridgos in the United St.ates xpans the .Missouri Jliver at the Southern
limit ot the city.
Oyer 2,0oo raiies ot railrcal conveys its freight traflic into and throiio, ll!r ( iiv.
Ten passings r train !o:.v- I'lattsmouth dailv tor north, south, east aiid we.-.t over the U. I). A Q.l
K. C., St.-Joe e'e O. J:. nr.d the 15 Yi. II. K. i Nebraska.
Tho eheapae-s of the la.: ! around Plattsmoiith and its iiearm-s to ()ii:.i i. lr-.-ir!. -a i,-m)ur with
good railroad i u-iiitics, make it not
iiieiiL t;i oiaii u lava o; i.'s.
To healtliy, legitimate m:: n-if
rcasoTaible indiemcnts t. e-ure
"While real o-t :te values aiv
nhout them, and goo 1 resM ncc lots can be bought at tVomVa.-.O to So'-d; hti.i near ti c cilv c.:n be pur
chased it tVonw-OO to $-.0 ,-r acre. Within the next twelve months oar city t x pec Is :'o welcome tho
Missoarri Pstciiie, and the Omaha and Southern iiailways into its corporate! limits.
The above f.ois are g: -en without cxaggeratin and the prospects for th listen; pr ..-iM-itv of our
city, more than above indicated. Parties seekm-- in v, I seem'.-. "inPe-dty
are earne tly re. j nested to cotae at:d naike ) investiat Wh-ih-' f, yoa u!;J i,. ;Vrn a lree
ride to South I-'strk. the most. b--:tatilul and desiral!e reid i:ce loealilv in city, v.h- r;:'7.i!.s ms:v be
purchased at from Si5o jo 8200, eacli. This pici uresepie addition is ac'e . : 1 !: by fhicaoo e.r"Liu
cola Aveiiaosir by Soath 0th Street and may ho reached iu a ten miaab ; wail: tl-e iatsiju ss een
ter. Soatli I'arx is rap ally laiildiag up than any other part of the ly. (1a'repoi:!ei:ee sd:it(d.
,co ot- W ::cLjci:rjn
Interesting yi'.r.-trrrajilis.
A daily illustrated pnvr-r id projeeted
in Lonelon. An Aaierjcsji ij one of l!;e
Switzerlanel lias recently adopted a law
placing the manufacture of wines and
liquors in the hands of the government.
At Oxford, Pa., the other day, a spar
row hopped upon a pile of clams and wsi-?
suddenly imprisoned by one of the bi
valves, which clojod its shell together
over tho bird's foot.
A lady interfered with sm impatient
driver in Lynn and started si stubborn,
balky horse attached to a hewi'y kud.l
coal wagon by giving the suiimsd f urn
apples and then siaiply saying, 4 -Come
Montana territory claims to be ready
for statehood, with p'.-jr.ty of property,
plentv of population. 1,'iOO.GO'J cafdV.
180.000 horses, 2.eo0.0'Ji) sheep. sr.;.l
gold and silver at ih-j rate of 2J,O00,0a-3
si year.
On the tombstone of Martha Annie
Moore, whose grave is in Oid AVJlner,
Ga., is this curious eiiia !:: "Boys, don't
shoot bird3 around Martha's jp.ive." The
grave is in a wild wood where game i ;
A 3,000 foot well is bcinff sunk at F..:n
Diego, Cal. It is hrp;d that n supply of
water equivalent to 2,000.000 gallons in
every twenty if our hours v.-01 be ol.taii:ed
from that and another deep well now
being sunk.
There is a cotton plnr.t at Narcoossee.
Fla., which is over five feet sieross the
branches and has from C jO to 400 b-ooa-s.
buds, anel bolls. It contains cotton in
all its stages, from the swelling bud to
the mature article itself.
A merchant of Merrill. Y.i's., l:a
adopted a novel and successful method of
aelvertising. He took his old white cow.
plastered her over from head to heels
with advertisements, anel set her at large
in tho streets of the town.
Dealers in apples in Liverpool and
Glasgow report the market brisk for
highly colored fruit anel very dull for
that that elex?s not have attractive rolen-.
Apples of cherry and red cokr general! v
"go off like hot cakes," even if the rpaal
ity is very poor.
A sea turtle, weighing about LOCO
pounds, eight feet in length from nose to
tail, two feet through and eight feet
from flipper to flioner, was caught by
James Buero, a Soi.u.d fisherman, while
out with nets fishing near Oipitola. Cal.,
a fiw days ago. It is the largest sea
turtle ever causrht on the Pacific coast.
One of the attractions at the me
chanics' fair in San Francisco was a
fountain that gushed forth Angelica wine
free to any one who wished to drink. In
another department of the exhibition v.-as
a table eight feet high and fourteen feet
across, which had been made from a
single transverse section of a Humboldt
county tree.
A remarkable accident recently oc
curred at Chapultepec. A youthful
student named Contreras was about to
cast in bronze a small slaiue representing
the Aztec emperor Cuauhtemoc in tor
ture, when tiie vessel conLuaiag the
molten metal burst and lot it fall on his
feet, producing horrible burns, similar to
those inflicted on the tortured enit-eror. i
ti t : ' i 1
l . .
1 i i!t.- r ;
It ..-it, m!
t l'. I'isitl.', sit :i
only a pleasant place to reside, bat
.ctoring entcrjirises, the citizens ot Piatb-month would doubtless m J c
their locitioa, and correspoialenee is solicited.
y - rowinff tinner each duv. v.-t tlu-ro is ii,,thin m: -esil.-d tvo o V.rtU'u.v.a
LL- n
Tp e-rA ;r5
WW LJ2L JtgT&j $T
CLOClvS : Of all sizes, makes aiai prices. Tv'arr.i?:ted.
WATCHES : liocldord, Frcdonia. Coiui.thns, Auroi-s. eve. All
these laovcmea to sue so well hisown ths;t they iitel no cotajiiendat ion.
All are vrsirraated.
CHAINS : Ja this lit.e of goods I have everything ::!;.., if i,,t
quite. J.a!ie,- aad ( Jeats' short or loa- clas:;:..: ;' '--r iidV ixii i p;;i;e. Vr
any other kind. Also emblem phi oi ali tho tec:ct order ; charms
lockets, rings, calf button.-, gold pens etc. ' ' ' '
v lu it iu oi every dc-iCnplion :it; crsv price.
-i li V j-Jv j
Jonathan LLayx
t 0 Vf frtlp
FOniC PACKEIIS asm a: a.:
tiie best Ttit: mabi:;;t a;v
Sugar Cured LiG?ii:-M
of ear ov.n ua.xe. Ti:- l"-t ::!.
;' ',' " 1 t nV re Ti Tt TV t-f. A
.. . '.J : I ... . . I a . rf. w C- . I
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dii i !k; ! i.- .-.:; I i;hi ut tl r.;.uth
!i:.h,t about Imii' l.'hi-
a desirabh- place iorthe establish-
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.f V;'f:i?S. ir- ct;,- a-d buiV at
M'. i) BETA IL.
j-hm. caijIj 2