The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 08, 1887, Image 2

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aim iui .i muiium iii 'rjai
v!jc jJlattamont!) Daily l)craltJ
Publishers & Proprietors.
C'A NA I) I A N 11 1"J 'IP 'IT Y.
It 18 nut true, :is claimed by the; Toron
to tJloln; that the idea of unrestricted
commercial reciprocity between the ITiit
cd States and Canada has the approval
of "the best elements" of the two coun
tries. That such an arrangement would
be decidedly advantageous to Canada,
it is very easy to understand; and the
leaders of Canadian public opinion have
jood reason, therefore, to favor it. Hut,
on the oilier hand, it would just as cer
tainly operate to the pronounced disad
vantage of the United States; and that
condemns it in the eyes of all the people
of this country who are opposed to the
surrender of our tuaikets to foreign pro
duets and traders. In any view of the
case, the preponderance of yaiii would
j;o to Canada; ami through Canada to
England. We might possibly sell a
few more manufactured good; but in re
turn It would be necessary to place our
farmers in direct competition with those
of Canada, particularly as to wheat,
which they are able to produce at a much
smaller cost than that which prevails on
this side of the line and their wheat
zone, it is well to remember, exceeds
more than half of our territory.
There is no reason to believe that "the
better elements" of the United States will
ever consent to a scheme which thus pro
poses to place our agricultural interests
at the mercy of a close and formidable
rival. We need an enlargement of our
foreign markets, but it would be mani
fest folly to seek such a boon by throw
ing open the doors of our domestic mar
kets to a neighboring people. The
sophistry which urges a policy of that
sort, under the pretense of promoting our
commercial welfare, is apparent at a
glance. It has nothing to recommend it
to the intelligence of a country which
owes its unprecedented prosperity chief
!y to the fact that its labor and enterprise
have been protected against just such
competition as the plan in question would
impose upon them. There are certain
plausible arguments to be made in favor
of more intimate business relations be
tween Canada and the United States, but
they become absurd when they reach the
point of suggesting that the proper way
to increase our foreign tralKc is to share
our home markets witli, another country.
That way lies the madness of a traffic
for revenue only, with all its evil influ
ences. Any form of commercial union
with Canada which involves an abandon
ment in any degree of the doctrine of
protection to American industries is cer
tain to be rejected by the people of this
country. The Canadian statesmen are
very much deceived if they entertain the
opinion that we can be induced to accept
an order of reciprocity by which our
losses would bo certain to exceed our
gains, We could easily make bargains
upon such terms with every nation in the
world; but it is not at all likely that we
shall ever adopt that course in any in
stance. Globe Dem.
Iowa elects a Governor and other state
officers and legislature.
Maryland elects a governor and other
state officers and legislature and decides
whether a convention shall be ln.ll to
revise the state constitution.
Massachusetts elects a governor and
other state officers and legislature.
Nebraska elects a supreme judge and
.two regents for the state university.
Xcw Jersey elects its legislature.
New York elects a secretary of state,
conptroller, treasurer, attorney general,
state engineer and surveyor and nine
Justices of the supreme court, and the
state senate and assembly.
Ohio elects a governor and otlur state
officers and legislature.
Oregon votes upon three proposed
amendments to its state constitution, one
of which prohibits the sale of intoxicat
ing liquors, one relates to the salaries of
judges, and the third changes the time
of state elections from J une to November.
l'ensylvania elects a treasurer and a
judge of the supreme court.
Virginia elects its legislature.
In addition to the foregoing, congres
sional elections to fill vacancies will be
held in the nineteenth and twenty-fifth
districts of New York and in the second
district of Rhode Island.
To-ivvy has been a model election day.
There was no disturbance or excitement
around the pofis, but at the same lime
a fair vote-was cast, or at least up to
noon such was the case, and the majori
ty seemed to be going in favor of the
republican ticket without scarcely any
scratching, and the outlook in Platts
mouth seems good for the entire ticket.
Sunday at Pattersonville, La. a body
of. troops fired into a crowd of negroes,
who had threatened to burn the town,
killing several. The firing by the troop3
was certainly a mistake of the sheriff in
command as the negroes dispuised with
out returning the fir'.
Tun poll close at six o'clock, if you
have not voted do bo without delay.
- ;
Cm a m r.i'icf. a i x, of England, deputized
to negotiate tlwj Canadian fishery question
with the United States arrived in New
York yesterday.
Dakota voted y-.-te relay .whether
sh- would ak admission as one or two
stales. The iv.aill of tli ; eleetiou 1ms not
yet heeii I- ini'-d.
Tim-: new ln tluxl of comiMitting sui
cide. by .getting drunk and netting t!:
clotheson lire with alighted pip:- or ci
gar is becoming quite fashionable.
Fiuxk !). IIii.k. of .Minnesota, ha
been appointed as minister to Asuncion.
I'arayuay. lie is the forth ofii.-ial ap
p (inted that position tim ing the pres
ent administration.
In his recent speech at Talladega, Ala.,
Senator Morgan asserted thai ta: v
Fairchild is sending out far e reports as
to the financial condition of the country,
in order to hoodwink tin; people about
the .unmount of money accumulating a
surplus in the treasury. Tlieie is r.o wav
of remedying this state of tilings and
restoring confidence short of turning the
rascals out and giving the p-opl-t a
look into the books. Ulnhn ) imr:r:l.
That moss-covered cotoaniit about the
11. fc M. shops being removed from
Pl ittsmouth is still going the rounds of
the state press. But tie; country editors
don know how extensive the works are
or they would not grab the squib
so readily. We should r gn-t to see
Plat smouth lose the shops unlesss they'll
come to Nebraska City, Plattsmouth is
our nearest neighbor and we are pi . asc d
to see her prosper Neb. CVr.7 Times.
T.'ii: Amsterdam Diamond Tn.vni:.
The city of Amsterdam, in Holland, has
been descri bed as the "diamond eapitol
of the world," with Antwerp second in
impoit nice. The wages paid to Ar.ter
dam diamond workers amount to alum:
.(500,000 a year, and it is calculated that
the industry gives employment to between
7,C00 and S,()00 persons. The United
States consul estimates that o 0.000 carat.
of rough diamonds reach Amsterdam
manufacturers every week. Some of the
stones, of course, command very high
prices, but ordinary prices vary from IGs.
to 11 per carat. 1 rcirfst reel
Russian m. The announce
ment of the movement to restrict the pro
ducti n of petroleum in the Vnitud S'aUs
in order to stimulate prices is, strangely
enough, coincident with renewed exer
tions. The American product is to be
forced to a higher price, while the Rus"
shins are using all means to produce and
ship tli .ir oil at less cost. The proprie
tors of naphtha works at Baku. Rn--::i.
anticipate groat results from the con
struction of the tunnel at Sur.ini ps, in
the Caucasus. The existing means ot
transport of the Trans-Caucasian Rail way
are inadequate, in consequence of which
petrolt ri loaded in cistern wagon1? at
Baku ready for transport e.-.-ts 70 per
cent, more than its value in the stores.
It nay be stated that in 1S(2 there were
transported, over the Trans-Ceusian Kail
way 00,000 poods; in ISSi. o,?00:OOC
poods; in isy3, 0,1 00.000 poods; in IcSSf,
15,800,000 poods, and during the present
year the figure will probably reach
000,000 or 10,000,000 poods. 7Yff'
A peculiar accident occurred to a pas
senger train Monday night at Mil ford.
The tire on one of the driving wheel
burst and one piece shattered several
sections of a fence. Auothci idee-,
whizzed past the fireman's head, cut n '
the baggage-car, iiew through the t: ::
passenger coach, and left the rear end o;
the second coach without doing an;
injury to passengers or crew. The trail
was running about forty miles an hou
at the time, and the flying pieces of tir
had the velocity of a cannon ball. I
sounded like the scream of a shell as i:
!lev through the coaches. The damag. s
to the cars is about t?o00. rhiladclphi
The knowledge tITe American citi
izen lias of the government of the Unit, e1
States and the men who are in its" employ
is well demonstrated by the Gi"be Demo
era!, of St. Louis. Saturday the repre
sentatives of that paper canvassed tie
:5."i; employees of the Globe clothing
house of that city and founel that only 11
could tell the names of the following
Senators from New York, Wm. M. Ev
arts and Frank Iliscock.
Secretary of the Treasury, Chas. S. Fair
child, ef Xav York.
Secretary of war, Wm. C. Enelicctt, of
Uuiteel States Minister to England,
Edward J. Phelps, of Vermont.
United States Minister to France, Rob
ert M. MeLaie. of Maryland.
British Minister to the United States,
If o .el Suckville Weot.
M-ri Wninrii TVIioko Nmiiich Are Men
tioned In the WKa-rit if (li IjiimI.
Andrew Carnegie says it Li a very seri
ous matter for any n to ln truly called
the ft ieiid of the Prinep of Wales, lo
calise many of his asboe-iate-s are not re
sp !;. !lo.
(d.: 'r.toiio is a firm lx.-lie.-voT in the good
f :;tii!eticK, and hi.-; wm, Ile-rN-rt Olad
t lone, is the president of a National Phys
ical K- "Teation society thai has recently
n "rganied in Liverpool.
Pr lessor Huxley has lx cn making of
1:0V Miuio inquiries h:to the phenomena
of Spi' itiialism, uud bus expressed a !e
sire t- look still further into tin; matter.
If tii - Spiritualists make :i convert, or
ev en : ecu iv u verdict of 'susjx-nr-e of
jud ;;.ient," they will have bcored their
he;i ii-.-l triumph against the forces of
s.ei-?!i i:io skepticism. Professor Tyndall
is a determined opponent, but Professors
Cij!.i s and Wallace are icliierents.
1 ! ;.r Admiral Worde'i. hero of tho
Moniic r and Merriniae fi;-d:t, is Jiving in
V a:.!iiit!;ton. He is 70 years f age, but
loo'.s younger. He has a full Monde
bean! and his hair is i:ol as whip.; his
:ee tild warrant. Tin- wound he re
ceived at the Monitor cud Menkuar bat
tle tint only impaired bis sight, but l::s
left him always subject to ncveiv head
aches. Ho was retired from the navy in
1 S'-;; i .11 full pay, and is thus in receipt
of V;,0t0 a year.
iiie.ioiiK. Ile-lpor, who wrote a boolr
thai ha.-.tened the American civil war. is
con idercd a lunalie l.ceuiire hn goo.-;
a!oai. advocating the con -.A ruetion of a
railway from the city of Mexico south
ward to the capital of the Argentine i.'e1
pubiie, but his ::rgu'iKi:ts and V.v
.v.ver:; to them ar rho same thai v.a rt
iK'd when Thomas 1 1. I'i-nUai adv( cat' d
a traiiseonliiH ntal line in tin; United
Stales. Mr. Helper anticipates events,
that is all. Ho ic-ty not li o to mo
through trains running from New- York
to the Kio do la Plata, but they are; as
certain as the movement of the stars, and
to doubt it is simply to assert that the
coming generation will not bo as enter
prising as this.
d!o:s" Alexander 11. Shepherd, of
Washington, since tho ovation tendered
him at tho capital, has boon a great deal
in New York city. He is a magnificent
specimen of physical manhood. Ho id
si:c feet tall, has great broad shoulders
and a v.vll proportioned anatomy through
out. If bis strength were equal to his
! -oks he could e asily knock out Sullivan,
iii.; f.y-3 is clean shaven rend indicates
iirmivss. He dresses elegantlv and in
the latest style. Tho high silk hat he
wcuiv, is as sliiny cnel brightly polished as
a mii i--and his trousers are symphonies
both of color and form. The "boss"' goes
about armed with a stenographer, Tho
recent reception to him by the citizens of
Washington was not big enough to have;
a- ePloterious effect upon the loss' usual
genial manner towarel his friends and
mankind in general.
Tie r.; is living in Chicago one very in-tere.-.deg
lady, who is cosmopolitan in
her e-.:;)eriences, very intellectual n::d
ailist!-.: in her tas'ues, and who would bo
in addition to any circle, literary or social,
br.L who really cultivates but few friend.?
;:;:el i -; little known. This is Mrs. Gardin,
tho diuighter of Theodore Tilton. Such
leisure time as elio has she spends in
paintit.g, which she has studHl for a' r of years in Germany and Italy,
l'lowe-r-i are her favorite subje-cts. and sho
paint ! these Avith the scntime-nt of a
um;::i and the cleverness e-f a true artist.
IIoi 3i is a busy one, liihd with minor
1'i.!;h h Id cares and the training of her
Iv.-o chi'.elrcn. Sho is childish in srtalure.
villi a mass of black curls hang
ing down her bath, generally knotted lo
geih r with a fresh ribbon. Her eyes
are I. re.o ami expressive, and light up her
sniad le.ce in a manner peculiar to very
dark eves. Sho is to be seen ofteu about
the J e ture shops anel studios, generally
leadin;- her little elaugliter b- the hand.
Her home is a moelest one in some re
spects, but it is 'exceedingly interesting
and-a' solutely unique. Tables, rich with
Venetian carving, stand on tht ingrain
carpets. A few picture ; from the hands
e-f mas-lers decorate tho plainly pr. pored
wall.:; between the swaying ef the simple
niusiin curtains are vases of antique
j'orcelain. anel in the unpretentious book
cases are volumes cf rare and quaint
lir.diiv--:. An atmosphere of scholarlincss
elovatt s the whole into something better
than luxurv.
rrr.ti-ctioii of Hirsls.
The Aueluboii sexeie-ty for tlio protection
of birds, fouueled in rebruary. lfjt'!!, hes
attained a membership roll f 40.0C0,
representing all parts of the United Slates
anel Canada. Not less notable than thi3
rem:::d:able nunicrie'al stn-ngth is tho
society's success in pi-e.cticaiiy accom
plishing the peculiar mi:-ion its promot
ers had in view. The Audubon workers
have not only killed the bar! tarous fashion
of bird feather wearing by women, but
they ere steaelily promoting a -widespread
interest in bird study, ami awake ning a
general appreciation of birds in their rc
'ation to agriculture and other interests
cf mankind. Public Opinion.
Gifts for Esnpcror V.'illiniu.
Tlio cmpere)r of Germany recently re
ceivcel the Chinese ambassador, who pre
sented him with a number of lrandioma
birthday gifts, though several months
have now elapsed since he celebrated hi3
ninetieth birthday. Accompanying these
gifts, which include several pieces of
splendid silk tapestry embroiderexl with
historical anel mytheJogical Chinese fig
ures, a number of vases and other arti
cles of porcelain, was a letter convoying
the congratulations of the Chinese em
peror. Chicago Times.
An Industrial Fisliin: School.
Old Baltimore, in County Cork, Ire
land, is waking up. The industrial fish
ing school recently established by the
Baroness Burdett-Coutts will prove a
benefit not only to the town but to the
whole of Ire-land. .The pupils are in
structed in all tho most improved methods
of iishing, anel also in all the trades inci
dental to that calling, such as carpentry;
coonerin sr. shin and boat buildintr.- net.
L ' - - - -
roie and linemaking, sailmaking, fish
curing, etc. rew ierk iribune.
A new novelty is an automatic jnencil
that writes blue, red, violet anil black as,
' -O, 1'mAOV
c:wu an
ej'.cl- JO
In t-
. (.;.:, r,,-.i i ,uvs lev rail lVuti -1'u'colti the capital, ami loitv mitiutttt iVenn Orn"ftliR,t:"
; tic s-:tio.
a'., not !',t;ot and r:ij)ii.lly iucn'asiii.
? )m, ' sy.-tcins of Water Works in the State.
it :'f . e ! : ! igi. : -el by o;as.
:v:;;. ir: . .e ration.
ot . .- tr ; - tt loii.-licd, ;;nel lamU voted for the purpose of constructing rowane ami
' v' i'k to co!!ui!t i;e'e tliereon in the spring of 1S.-.S.
' " I hUs'i m-IiomI iiuiieliiier ami .six ward school ImusVP. Asiele f'nmi husines hoiu . -'
: - if: . becit 'oii-ti-;i('tel ilti; ing the year ltvST.
' ej oOjOO.
. .. :-v:- ;: ! ( .'.-itiniii i.-u-.tory, eajiilal 1:,00(, capacity ot)0,0(J0 cans -t r year and cm-
: t " ''.; .- i VtY !,.-. cij.ita! ,"0,0t.(), caprtcjty KM MM I. ricks per lay, enijdoys thirty hnndf.
''' ';i:o '' ;- i 'aebirv. capital s.'Jt .(.;. capacity l,f0'JeJ.0) c:t;.s j.i-r y(ar ami employs 1"
' "-'r' !:: ! ''Ui-'.-j Lti.-i;.ess about N 1 ),().().
-.' ; : "; ' : " K-'put.lic':'! alio! ojic i le-):iM(.i atic.
' !:: .'. r:nd v.'a;n iaciory.
; ' r.: luuuelory. f'.ijjloy.; fiiteen Ii :iie!r, and !ar..',e!y H!jjdics the trale of roulhwet t-
v Packing Iioo:-e.
' -' i-I.':ii";,,i inuvrhine -hop-, muml hou.- os, s-!ot edo-i.-ep, eve, are iii:i:ttiiincel nt
' ": i-s s;.-f-. !t.-:; i vet of J he .l i.-soi; ri Hivcr, enipli'vii!? many kundie Is of hand, ami
V - e---"i!dy ;i1m.uI J'Ih i ( i i i.
:. r.. nt. .ad Iji-ieJes in the tTnitel States s-jif.ns the M i.-.--ouri Jiiver at the Southern
s'-'ilioad c.-:iv-ys its iVe!.ht. tr::i!:e into nnd tltndifh our city.
'(i;vf Icattstnojirh elailv i,v north, suth, ea-.t jh.1 wee-t over the C . fc (J.;
' the 1! y.. 11. Ii. i Nebraska.
; ' fin t jiiMiind I'lat r-in ;i'h and its no.srn -..-.-: to Oniia market a iorrethfir wit.h
. ::: it Med only a p!e:;-.-a'it jd: e'e tu rc-iiL", hut a eh-siiahlc- j.".cc lor the catahlisii
' m.-nufactorin.'j: enter)rises. the: citizens of i'hitt: month wentlel doubtless inaket
'' ' feeure ihe ir locrdion, and (oiTe!spo;iei:e.i; js . 1 i i 1 1 e 1 .
' : ; ' "'' arc gniwin tirme" ctc'i df.y. y t there i in);hii!r hjifculativc or fictitious
.- - j hets can !x; bought at from Si ."0 to ?;50; ' tnd iu ;.r the city can he pr.r-
. : i: . 00 per acre. Within the next twelve months our city expects to welcome tl.'
:- '! !; ' ' ita.'ia and Southern Jenilways into its corporate limit.1-.
.; .-iven withotit exaggeration and tlio jr.-peets for the futuro jirosj-erlty of our
above indicated. .Parties Feekin invtments iiiKetil '
" ; ! . come : and make personal inve. i.r;:( ton. While licre yo:i vi!i be given a live
! ' ' '5t b:autifui and eltsirablo i e.--idi i:o' locality in the city, where lots uuiv i.e
: '!' ; J'i)0, each. This j)icture?(pie addition is .((''-..-hie; by either Chicago or Lin-
":' !,y ; : ; elth Street and may be reached in a ten minutes walk from the hit&ineHs cc; -rapidly
building up than any other part of tho city. Correspondence solicit d.
ilovs -J
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All work a
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'2BlL"?i. C. i
Cor. . '. -.u'u f.inta'te i'i:- As.
Sept. 12 -.
JUl - r-. ?-. n.
m -tjj:kk ok a::j
whol: au: a r -ta;l
r.r.:i i; Tt.K
Choice;.' H:vk A Cigars, j
liidAt" our j
Flor de r : ..C7!jvj: ' r r.r; .'BueT.s ;
h i i.isi: i i-' j
tobacco :h s:.ioke; s tuicles !
always ir .k. N'v. ISS-l.
genu Linger I
with high . nr.d vv r: shuttle, !
Eolel on . E.e-v pa'TiU-i.ts or caih I
. 1 . j
i J. BICK1j .1.L,
:l .-.a.igc- th Eran
rnfcrmation to C
rr - ,
of t3:e rialte-, tit a poiut
WU 3IAKE ArfSi'Kl'bllrY
vd oTiiE-i w:altiful
l CLOCKS : Of all sizes, makes
IV ATC! T fev! . f- ..,1 l. t.
niii'. iu.o . j imckim: ei, i i ewoiiia. oiumijus, iVtll'Ora eVC.
these movements are fo weil known that they need u commendation.
All are warranle.d.
C11AlAb :-Jn tli hne ed" goods I I:ave cverytlo'iig almost, if not
ite. j-udie.- and (rents' hort or Jong chains; .-eJ-'d, rolled plate, or
ai - y o-S.e.- kind. Ai.-.o emblem pins ol ail ti e pecrtt o.elers ; charms,
cct5' eufi-' buttons, gold pens etc.
Si L iIiYrAllL oi every de. crlp'.io.'i at -'asy r'ces.
Jonathan Hatt
"iTT T TTf A f.
PORK PACKERS axd d:: .-.lers ix BUTTER AND EGGS.
Sugar Cured Eezis, Hams. Beccn, Lard, &c., I ,
ot our own aiake. Tin lpt Lraads of OYSTERS, in cans and 1ju!3c, at
apital Seeking Investner: v .
It is (he i rate wav t tlic orcat South J'iattocouif c
It is situate el :i tin licHjuri Kiver nt the mi'.i
about I. alt' wnv li.stwvcn (,'! -
(.I- I JM: v.: ;r h:u V
tiiin;s to be .seen.
and prices Wai ranted.
- i.. i .
Frank Oarruth,
J. W. AIa v. uia.
A ?-.r-T. T75 IV r?-i vv 'f-v-