THE DAILY UV.V,, LD, J?LATT.SMOI.TIJ, NEIJItASK A, f'A'ir KDAV. XOVEMiJEJl "5, 1SS7. C! i lje yiattsmoutlj Dailn )ttaUt KN'aTTS.BBOS., Publishers & Proprietors. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For '.Supreme Jinle, SAMUEL MAXWELL. Tor University Kejjcnts, 1)11. B. il. DAVIS, UK. GEOKGE ItOIlEKTS. For Juiluo of Sri'onil Ju.tit-ial District, IIOX. SAMUEL M. CHAPMAN. HON. ALLEN W. FIELD. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Treasurer I). A. CAM IMJELL. Tor Clerk BIRD CIUTCIIFIELD e Fr Kcooriler WM. II. POOL. For Jutig- CALVIN liUSSELL. For Su;ieri:ituiulcT.t ut l'ubtic Instruction JIAYNAKI) SPINK. Sheiill J. C. EIKENIJAItY. 1-lor Cicrk of 1 tistiltrt Court 1 1. J. STKEIGHT, For County ('niiiiiilcsiijiier GEORGE YOUNG. For Surveyor A. MADOLE. Fur Coroner HENRY IHECIv. Tho Republican Stato Platform. The ruiibli;iin :iriyj".f .eliras'-;i, while ecr im -Iiil of properly i I:-.Ii!h, holtliiin 1:0 symp:illiy Willi tlio.- who would wiili tin- -iiu-miiuiit tiiit'. or witn the nnaicliists iestiy, re;isuris its tletci iniii:it ion lliul Hi.' yrtiai i way corporal Ions of I his n:;tt: which ImM re lations of clo.-fest. interest to tin: people sliail l liie f:iirly paitl servauls of liie sta'e aua lmt its man:ui'.t. 'ili- work of legislative cou!m1 in tho sta't; a'nl u. it ion shall eoutiiiue until all in-".' of coniplaiut of exorbitant ra'rs ami unjiiit lis :riiuinatio!' in favor of indiviitiuiis !' loealii ies liall ee.ise t exist. Assninii l; tin: iespou-.i Jilify trliieli v fairlv li'lo:ns to ir. of having originated all legislation Inoki'i;; 1; railroad cfciitiol ami tin: eieatiou of thos lii biiii.iU or eoniiiilri-ioiin which have been en abled to ;rrai'l with corporate power, the re publican uany will see to it that by a 1 needed tfiilarnaiuents of power these commissions, na tional and slate. diall 1h armed for battle and 'r viirlory. Wliiie favoring such cliaire in th eonsCit Jtio:: of this elate as w ill permit, the raiir.ud commissioners to be elected by the people, it hereby voices its confidence in the in buard ot transportation, and commend its effort to obtain for .Nebraska the same larilf of rates for freight and carriage of pai eners as is accorded to neiit'iborbij; slates imilariy circumstanced. It is troswly iinjost and a previous wrong that Nebraska slnm'.il pay mora for the transportation of her products ami tnc can iair.-of liwr Kiippiir s than hrr pcigli b ?rs, Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota, with iis 3 000 miles of easily constructed and cheaply maintained lines of railroad and the republi cans of this state will not. cease til ir eilorts until all wronf be righted. We r-allirin our a ilieru-e to tho American VKtcii of tarilf, miller wh'ch, with its broad protection of American labor, our country ha prospered bevond any other, as the business f tin cou ltry now demands revision, the re publican, alive to the demands of e-ery mate rial interest, will see to it that such revision hall be made at the earliest practical day. We condemn the action of the democrat ie ma jority in eoiirr-ss in that after re;i"ateit pledges of tariif reform, it, Iih utterly tailed, while lnviiis a lame majority in the houso of ruprenla'ive-. where t ;rilf bills iimsl 'ori'.-i- at, to hrii: about Mich reform, which must iwniii freia the parly tl.:it has ever been the friend f "' Anieriean laborer and prodi ccr Th grateful tha.iks of tlin American peop'c due to I host: who defended the union in the lit war an 1 we are in favor of providing Mitablet ! eusions for so!oiers and sailors who were disabled irj its service or who have since, without lhair fault or vice, become obje -ts of public ar private charity and to the wi-'ows and orcha" of those who fell in its defei're. We heartily sympathize with the anhitton a '.id m.rU ol the patriots of Ireland in their uUeaTon to obtain for their civ ntry the hl-winij of free institutions and local self government. We reoj;ni'e i i diaries Stew art 'ain.'ll and the Ut. lion. William K. ;iad arone worthy champions of the fundamental rrinr-ioals of the Declaration of Indepen dence, v condemn the action of the president in kia atfmpt to return the trophies won by eraary on tne neia oi natlie. We condaiuu the narrow, intolerant and par tisaa action of the democratic party m excltid ia front the pilvilee of state citizenship the half million people of Dakota, solely on the un manly and iadofensible ground of a difference ia palitical Tiews. ot content with their ef farts to rxelude the negro from the elective fiaacliit. they now seek to proscribe an intel ligent, prs-erous and patriotic people because af their political opinions. If a riew with alarm th-j abuse of tlu veto fewer py tha president of the United 't-tates, A pewr from the use of which England sov Meizas bare abstaiued for two centuries ; a nwfr mci but six times durinir the first forty year of oar national Kovernment. a power by Hie people intrusted to the president for the urpo-a of preventiut: hasty legislation, lias by ifea present incumbent of that .ftice been rsed ta thwart the well ascertained will ef the peo- ila and to rastt their repeated demands. He las. lu ou-half of a ninie term of oitice. used the powar more times than all the predecessors eauibinp 1. Jlehas sought by all the prece dented ase of extraordinary power, to ei:sti sut bimrlf a c-ord inaf e branch of the na tional legislature. He ha freijuently exer aisad thia 'one man power"' by the cowardly asethod af the -pocket veto" bv which import nut in;asiirus have been defeated without any reason bL-ing jfiven for withholding i.s ap ple t a!. JWiJIIJlITION HYPOCRISY. -It is unreasonaMe, pprhajw, to expect tJic tliiril-party prohl Litioiii-sts to Jc nf fcrtcil ly iiruincuts which tc tiil to prove that their behavior is culculnteil to retard tin: catiSv. which they profess to have f-o nint h at heart. Otherwise, wv should : dispo.scd to hojxj for soi.ic jood rchit'ts in New York from c i tuin timely niul pr.ictical facts piincntt d the ' liter day hy Senator lli.-co. J:. lie siios - that lh;j lirev.'ti.s, distillers nnd liquor dealers of that -tAtc are to-day f in nishiii; money in a1;i:ida:ici; to promote, the eleetion of tho democratic tickit j art! y in return for tho favor ly w'.iich tliey aro ii.ildccl to save tho f:i,C00,('0 which the Yedt'ler ta-liH VrOtild have icjuii'd tlic:n to pay, atid partly with a view to ser-tiring Ttiture lavoraiiio leiriKlaliou lor the sa loons. Instead of opposing th's party in a direct and effective w;iy, t lie prohioi tii-uih'ts itre oiving it .suh ,tan'. iui aid mid comf iit Iiy rcfiiaing to sui ;ort the ie p;illi-a:i party, whose representatives in the 1 tfislature voted unMuiii!"Ul v for the Ycilder l)i!l and for every other incisure designed to curtail the evils of tic; liquor trafiic. liat fur the i'ohil'iiioii p-aily, w!:i. !i cannot lio;jii under :.i;y circuni .s;:.:.cj 1') i lcct ti single canei d;it; on its own ticket, a npu''iicn:i tiitinij)!) nnd ti vindication of the cottr. o of these h. gi.-.Ia tor-; wciild he po. ilively asst. rod; and in th.- event oi a. i.en'.ocnuic vi .lory ol uic .ah..i;s nnd tluir political ::g :;s and alii. .-. tlie re.-j.onsiliility will rc.-t i'jo-i the -'- v;ho piously preter.d to le anxious a!.;ve ev rytliing else to lid i'ie world of itiictn'. .:,n-.e. j oi ; torr.t oi reftsonini: in .tie cms u so ; vtr mid coiielt'.dvo thai no iot.l iTC'sl i:;!'-on ran fail to con; d'ehend il. rlh. I great parties arc so liiiinr oi eiU.d st.vngth in New York : hat a l.'.iv drcd v.t-s may decide tho fi ;t-'.--l. Or." or t h other of tliv ti) is certa'd to win; ami every vot r is Ixnina to o1mo-v twv n thi in. The i.-stie can ie evn-1! ly :-'j?portiiig t!ie ticket of any ti.i;.. par. v. a:id letist of all the proljihiiio:: pa:l . v.r.ich is simply so inn :i stiviith sul.- tr.tcted fio ii th.; ic.KtMie en p:t :y and given to the demot -i-ntie paity under the pretense of refusing- to favor cither of them. To call this ! nee:::-n-cy is to give it a mild n Tho solir truth is that it is dishonesty o-' a pn .: d itnted and flagrant kind. It inij-liis lh plitin ml voluntary giving of help ti the saloons and to the part which i wag'oig its cnm:aign noon money cop -trilmled hy the liquor iiiterei-:.- us a mut ter of business and for the purpose of defeating future temperance is . i-;ation of any sort. And yet the aye: age -, rohi bitioiiist claims to be guided wheiiy by his co'iscience, and to be not! big if not a creature of strict moral 5nte: .iiy. Ilovr he can hope to be tousid te.l sincere wli.-u his actions are so violently and propobtcrously contrary to his rrof. ss'ons, we detpair of finding or.t. it is n tich easier, as v. ell as more rensonc.ble, to con clude that he is a hypocrite oi the most distinct and incurable type. -St. Louis Ul'iht Democrat. L JFFALO BILL A2ROAD! An E-Kxerutioner's l.Ittle SIiow. A cerri'spondent writes: Bums, tho rz hau'iiian, is traveling witb a sb v, in which he reveals l is rt for the enteiaHmej:t; of the ; ergo crowds who collect; to see hi.ti per form tiio lntpjiy dijpateh. The subject is a figriec scut ing JIrs. B:-rry, the OWham jjoisoncr, ;i!el the enterta::eiien is no v r.t Stoek;ioi-t, in Cheshire. Tlie rhowiiinu, a young men, first gives a biographical sketch of Iimiis, then tho curtain rung up, reveal ing a c-cailoM with the regular cross beaui, and the Kie.jeet standing on lhodec)straiiiel baud.-; eL. A surj)liccil chaplain stuiuL on no h::-.d and a uniformed j.dl governor on the f -t'.ier, while two re.n-ter ;, or iialivii uals t represent, them, wiiteh thu gi'im jro-cecum.;-;. L'lmis, black in iirtnd, stops fore.-e.rd, extracts the rope, place i tho i::ioso aro.i!.'i tho subjeefs neek, and when the f:;cl- - . . r . 1 . 1 I . 1... i. v. u. ..musci uy mo wiuui nnai i n- ;ui dravvs the llL,lt n.;l tbo wax fill I rr r t lint t !icrr is i shim ncrnmnQ Hi i.i,,:j.m,.:i.!Mri!nt 10 nit. K!-.-n(b TTi revival nf .Icmncratii: sent bor-nt in Binu then holds u levee. lAjndoa Times nMinf im " T poi f imltt 1 y -T- a .-v x - , 1 J ' A onvention has been 6igncd to settle the ering the recetiu demonstrations at Macon dLtr.utc.l iueitions of tha Loundarv betwcei and Iticlituond in honor of the onlv i Bolivia aai J.Vtu. living democratic ex-president and the leader of the only strictly democratic army in oar history. Tin-: collection of funds from federal cnTice-holderd in Washington for the democratic campaign in New York atid Ohio goes on vigorously. In' his annuel report to the secretary of war, Eiig.-Cien. Bennett, chit f of ord nance, recommends an appropriation of ft, 500. 000 for forgings for new steel cann m. Ib; says that I12 thi: it to be of vital importance that such liberal ap propriate .ns be made as will not only re lieve tlu utter destitution of coast de fenses, but will also furnish substantial encouragement and aid to the tteel :n dustrv of the country. A Lbt'a Loyo AfTalr-What tho Ccw boys Think of It. TI. -ucce.s of "otir'own" rhiffalo Bill j '.V. !'. Cody in England is very grati- i fing to his thousand of 'admirers on this s:ile. ' j Th .1: was more truth than nnrtv ; iiicig: 'd in his rejily to the impiiry: j '"V':at are you doing in England." j '('! dly playing poker with 1 )uclnsc.s" j Tii English nobility ipuichly "cottoned ! to" Ib. d'alo liill because they recogni.ed j that h ) belonged to a higher order than ! tli-ir own Nature's nobility, Despite his v, . . I life hi early managed to ac quire an education and the polish which make- him easy even in royal society. His polish is the bitter fruit, it is said, of a young love experience. "When a yotin inan on the plains, wild, woolly und t:.:!;empt in appearance and character he fe!; in love with a dashing little seho'," teacher. Full of pluck and faith in hi eself, ho proposed to her. She laugh 1 at him and he colhqised. Afi-r a time he braced up, bought some ; -oks and began to study. 1 iis defeat proved his victory. The girl . -; his mascot, nnd his successes are dm l 1 her. T-bi , .ilicent specimens of manhood they he "Bill's boys" are not pcr . Under date: "Buffalo Bill's est Co., London, Sept. 10, 1S87," . shoemaker of the Cowboy Band, "Some weeks ago I was stiffcr .11 great disorder of the liver and i and general prostration. 1 was o quit work' and take my bed. in a physician, v.-ho only afford iorary relief. A friend induced lice Warner's safe cure, which af-.ihno.-t instant relief, and after hree bottles. I lind myself in as :allh as at any time in my life." other niemV.trs of tii : Wild AVe.-t .Ma we Beardsley, pony expres id Ji.n Mitchell, a cowboy atid to ement of Shoemaker's. tl:;t in ig experience on the plains, i'v in of water, climat", moiTe of life ere ruling, they Ik came subjeci and kidney discuses, and they und a suro remedy for these ; in Warner's safe cure. Muwe y says "I constantly rccom . t; my friends. " o Bill has 't)luek and courage and ;e, and not only controls : : 1 1 tlie ments that make up the Wild -jv, but controls hin;s.lf. ::s a seoir nn':es him screet and shrewd. He quickly lie best wav to secure re. nils, and ue man, has no prt judievsa gainst g that I'tovcs its ;r."nts. !o Bill is so popular in Engbmd he ma come home a "Sir William." But if not h wil probablv enjoy himself qu ile as web having secured a fortune anode t-noi:g'i for all his wants, title or no titic. 1: 1' rDfcimaticn to Catitsl Sccliinglnvcstxaent. POSMTERS ABOUT PLATTSMCUTHi ijk 1 1 1 mmm a- Tf ur rsrx thoM' f-rth Wil.l i. '1,' v.-ii; ivil.:.. fvi'l ' 1 c;.;'. cd L . 1 to i: . in n 1 B h u-.i . 1 .. ;ut ' V, : !b. 1 lie r r'ti III jstl - A (ir: p:tvinjf Jl: over ( Ai ploys " J.'r J,l. liaiius. 1 Tw &c; IV crn ISil ) Tie this )oi Oi: limit i' Ov Te l:. C, fc Tlx IlK'Ilt (! To reusoi.n v: about i eil-e.e- I .Mis,..!;! It is the iifewny !, tlie great S.titli I'lntf ccounlrj 1. . 1 . .1 it: : !:..,. nf (lie uibldli il JS -llllllieu oil UH" Jl-o;.Il lion of the Platte, at a point about half way between Chi :n J.i:;eo!a tlie capital,, and loity iiiinuttH fro 111 Um'ha,lhe 1 1 .. oi t v e 1 o: ,!. hourj by rail iro ;-';ale. ' on! '0 :uul rajiitlly inereasiixr. ( iiii--' y.-tems of Water Work" in the Stale. ! 1 by eras. !,'. i;; 'dabli.-iied, and nnuh voted for tlie purpose of constniftir.g pcweiago : rii it., eoinnienee thereon 111 the spring of ISsS. r .:;.' Iiit-'i .-eliool biiildino; and six wan I wdiool hoies. A hide iroin bu.-incF liou.'ts !.:.-. ' "ee'i eon.-t rncted during the ear ls87. :'-' -iii .g oO,(i()(). : : ; :- (1 -aiiiiin- lactory, caj.ital 513,000, capacity iJOO.OOO cans jut year and tin- f.nd 125 e 1 i.i ! capital -oOJm'iO, capacity lo.OOO bricks j.t r day, employs thirty handis. I Vcrory, caiiital oO,mm, car.ncitv 1.50o,0UO cans ier vrstr and employs . eais bn.iiKs about SlO(l,()M(). ; o J?epullicMii and one Democratic, und wnuii factory. manufactory, employs fifteen Iiauds, and largely supplies the trade of south wo 1 . .'kicking House. 1 . Kaiii-oad machine shops, rotnul-honse.s, sioivhonscs, nrr. maintained r.i s sv.deni wf.vt of the lissouri liiver, cmploving many hundreds of hands, .'nthly about 30,000. " .ad liridge.s in the United States f-pans the .Missouri Kiver at the Southciii :iii:-oa. conveys it freiodit traiiic into and through our city. leave. j'Jattsmoiith dailv for north, south, east atid we.-,t over the C ' H.e I) M. R. . Jn 't.iras;. Ian. around I'lat totnonf h nnd its imvu-.-k ,s i-.i ("li.-.i.-, i., tiie it not only a pleasant place to re.-ide, hut a desirable place for the esiabli tofetlc.r V: i mantif.-ictoring eiiter;;-i.-( . ? . .-eenre the citizens ol I'ia! f. tiioiith would doubtless mi ". .es are grow in''' i! !' -i: :: h Ls erlii I ' . I ieir location, and corre.-pondence is .-elicited, growmtr lirmer eacn oav. vt tiiire is icitidior . ' - 0: :cui -;;i a 1. iroin :1.U lo :.). j; i:;l.t 1 Tithin tlie ne.i: twelve u: .n I ns onr city exj icls Jo welcome t; S ti;.. flit 11 IT. li. J M.'cculali ve or ficJiti(- i iii-.ii- the ciiy can be pi r- d. Th Co v, are ear i hlo !o tin-! on:'ier;i .Railways inlo its corprale limits. ibe 111 r u ro )! .sj'cnty oi o;n :ve:i w: incut exaggeration aloo i'H!ica'e-l. I'arii! co::.(i and mriKe rr. rs-onal in ' .-ti 1 1 tne j'!'. i.-ii.-n. 1 1 mVf.-t lit: :' I. .T-f.-r,,l 1 1- .tiiii.ti a ; i ; i on. AV 1 1! h !i-e;-e o;; wiii ! jttJ iCai.V hen a, l;.ee 1 11 ies! rame. hie ocaii! ran 00. a ter. .V S. . ;..). e. in r; .1.'.. ity, '.i here lots may oe . cither C 'h icaio or h. This pic.'tircs'jr.e ad !it i : 1 1 is t ail! mar lr r a;-!-l hi a ten m in n ; :.-; v:i'b I'vi iin lb-- ! .:i -i m-s-c t-in. M hily buildipg tiji tli:-.ji any e.ther part of tlie city. Correspondence solieittd. 1 ate lmam W im mdmt ' , vsm ttAM m tiiiViii A Iinmllo of Letters. Tr.e iiir.r.',-f-r of a Ixiuisville t'riectre has in his p-isssion a bundle of manuscript that won! 1 make a sensation if criven to tho nub- . .... . , lie. It is compo:n:-,l of over -00 letters writ- T ecre's Sosnctlun in a ianip. Wht e ouo of tbo finest lake barges of the Vniid 1 -1 a few years ago was about to bo juuiien; 1, one of her owners was told that the bo..t v. i aid bo chri.stencd the Jlerralosauras. He-1 r sted against tho name, basing his o!;'e. eeis on tbo well known tendency of saiicis to sliorten such lonj appellations. His iv:i jnincr rrevailed. '.-.'V Talmcr being of the party that discji'v. .1 vessel nomenclature on this occa 0:i. v .-.s asked by Capt. Vestcotfc to suergest a sLoi-. . expressive name for a new craft. '"I v. ;il,v ed he, ''call her tho Bum." This hort, expressive aT.nellation induced the i etion that the Korse or Finnish k-.uc.e'.e contained names suitable for lake era.L, lU there was instanced tho ncem Kal-jvci 1, dealing with the in-tholocry of the Fine. s. fn their earlier davs on the shores o th j 1 'tie, tliat jieojiio believed that thcu was ;. : e?e of demigods who ruled objects in nat'i'ee. Tliere was Tat'io, who rule;l tho foi c-t; .'.hti, the lakes and vivers; Tuoni,the - i death, there wero a suuieiency of ve names to suit tiio owners of fleets, Cyllikki, the beautiful maiden who die' addresses of Kauna; Kullervo, ig and courageous youth, Kuleva trakoski. r Palmer said tint Persian legends us abounded with pleasing names, dal, "the light of t!:o harem," and i, the enchantress, had lx?en appro by the yachtsmen of the Atlantic, as Bendemeer, Chi! 111 mar, Kauze- lessi a and Azab. He was asked if .el adopt Fcramorz, Fadiadeen and 1, from Moore's "Lalla Itookh,"and I that he would not hesitato lieeanse re distinctive and unhackneyed, ro plenty of others, Zelica, Mirz.ila, . Peri, Zaraph, Mahadi, Camadcva, . and JSelama; and lsratil, who, the aid, had tho most melodious voice oil's creatures. Cor. Detroit Freo The. Atncrican. flection IV woumls t" t:sv (I by lb which !.; ; that a r-;.l 1 1 lie pay. irist. i- or Prb Ever;, goods ami an elegant Christmas ; 1 .. to Dr . .iV 1.1 rc I leal ing . t thoso 1 :c-i Sal ye .-Hi- us;: eta.', lib iltug- ". mac k worth of c'liiiiee on ! ! drawn halL rt-r, irL hl 1 . re;j h" c:-:sv, i !'; ' Ther a.: b-'Cer ' f ahi 1'i-ess. 'I)A," said the president, 'I guess; tol woll knu,,a me:i &lout town to th, ! that , spone-. sa..; v.-cr.' - Liekh. Y. . 4 tec- rieei-va 1'cctlt u trat All work -. FlTZOKK 9 t- '.( 3 St JL J re..v 1. F-.'S A J V B JL i-7 7-7 a1-7 ?13 irr-n l 171V. crcc 'EC sa, v B. KURPHY & CO. 3 r .' r? SKw a v.'?t.t:.-.-.- .r -,vcr- - I ith r 1 rtp, Wo f wa a reiiilly. ' l.c:nj!.ii!'J soiKlble. :n.r':cn. J; I'...-. f HAS A FULL A:,D CO.AfPLETE STOCK OF AND OTIIEIl P E A UTI V L'L TJ IIX G S TO EE SEEX. v ; ; . . y u P! s CLOCKS : Of all .d;e.s, laala s and prices. Yai ranted. Tvr.VTCIIES : Ilockford, IVcih'iia, Co!i;n.bu Ani-m-, u.e.-e movements rae o veii i.nown that they r.tnl no .All tire M-arrant(l. CiiAKNb : Jn this line of roods j have cv'..rvth'fr eve. All commendai:. n. ::o.d Cor. Contr s. j.t. v: o;.er:.: I le That Horse TamSn Secret. is of "Horso Vi'hisjioriii'" a corrc j p.oints out that the mystery is very xplained by Borrow. Here are his . the "Romany Rye:" "I knew a cob ' 1 that could be driven to a state of j .iindncss by a particular word used by I dar iwrson ia a particular tone: but ! .1 was connected with a very painful i which Icid Iwn ivrformed upon . hat individual, who had frorjueiitly ' ,T 1 it at a certaiii j.-erioil whilu the ani- j 'J 1 Q 1'ieen tinner his treatment. 1 he same 1 be soothed in a moment by another 1 by tho satne individned in a very kind of tone the word 'deagh .r sweet tasted, fcioiv.e t iine after tb-j ''ALL (JX- Cn.-.ct quite. LcAm and Ccnl.-,' short or Ion- chains; fcoid', ndl-d i1 t anv oilier kited. Also einbiem pins ol jtii the secret 'or.'tr- 4 ' locket-, rin-s, culf hnttoru-, gold pens etc. ' '"' ' c"a!;,ss SlLVEIiVrAHE ot every description at ia?y j jvee?. F73 liUvA 7j S5 si ; '.";;:c::::n IP! 1 OliiJli, V 1, while the cob was 3-et under Lis ; -.0 fellow who was what tho Iriili j 'rysmilh had done all he could to I Flor de Ave'll have to say something about the, fascinating fairiis of tho footlight Ino 11 - jt 11 ! York KvciuL'ur World, labor question in our message." "Well, yes," said Col. Lamont, "but I think uiau sheep Amons recrs. we'd better hedge a little on that.", The London Telegraph limls 11:. out of j cr,!, tvt .. 1 1 - wi i 1 iv.-crs woithj- to sit in Westminster. Tha ; v- rd 1 "That a a good idea," sai I the 1 resident. cro J. she(.p alul tbey who aro 1:o,VJ. , "I think it's well to hedge whenever you lessiy eecintrie or congeiutally btupiiL The ' Ua can. Now, what would vou suggest as Tele-rnph suggests that the peers pick out a ope've . . 1 i m 11 t .1 "1 ,1 r . .1 - emUl niniority and let them do tho legislating ; h;,., : :. to labor?" "Heully, I think the best thing . or tljd crowd.CLica;;o News. j cau ... j to say is that laUor Has its rights ana. j s.,.;ho the creature, and had nc last succeeded TOr c capital has its riirhts, and that while la-I (oiiiixsiion w tnc wxrs. by -iv it gingerbread buttons, of which ; ' L , , 1 1 1 11 Il i ; not f enc-i-all. tti-it -.he cociluca- : tie c--: lx.-cai.-ie p-iissionateU-fond. Iavari- ! always i l,or should be well rewarded, capital; t;o:; tf isVal-ric i wLutmc-; abl v. b ..vever, before KivinS it a button ho ! U Ehould be well protected. "Hints a splendid thought, splendidly expressed, Dan. You might look at volume L.- in the Cyclopedia, and see if therj is any thing on the subject there.'" "All right, sir," said Col. Dan. "I think we can dis cuss grave questions in our ruissasc with out giving ourselves away. Glohe Dim. J OZ.'A'l lA:i liATT ;:n o -JAIL! - irL Is hzLjX iz fj2.' Mai: igars, tkr.s iu the t'r.ivtrsity of Tens. Youir' n ca Mid "ii '.liblasda,' with which word the cob 1 and young we;:. en a:-e cdnhLtcd to the' tamo by ' - -s associated an idea of unmixed cu- ' clafscs in cvii department and are tb'iila ' j'-yr- fco, if he eouU rousa the cob to ' It r- i a. Y . . 1 ... . ..3 . 1... .1. 1 . n.iji i 1 - V- w u'p rui.i una nonoi s wiiuout ciceeotiuas. 1: ) tiiu vui-u . u:ca recaiici nwior- New York livening World. i ture I" its remembrance, he could easily j . . . . , I soot lie it by the other word, which the cob j v.-itti hign liner kne-.v .ould bo instantly followed by tho 1 c-i; iJany Euglua dukes and lord ; .ire sci liner . knew v-rald bo instantly followed by their o fates f .:r a son;;. Li a vt.-y fow yor.n button, .vhieh the smith never fail. ed to give American raaway Kings wid bo tho landloru.-) . Lini tf t. r using the word 'deaghblasda.' " fc t. ofJJritaia. Jamed' Gazette. ret riaitituoulh Cran PO-Iiv PACXLIIS axi d!-:ai.i-;u3 is IJUTTEli AND EGGS I'O UK, MUTTON AND YEA1 THE IJEST Til-: :.IAliKET AFFORDS ALW AYS OX HAM) Puttie : 5u"ar Cur3d Mcats' Hams- Efccn, Urd, c C( :or eitsh . ot our owi make. TI. b.t bds f OYSTgg In r,u, and bulk, t ' ' 1TICLES h ia:,. - ' ' t 3 i J. 1 .l A . . 4 J ill 1 iii 1 X i ( 1