The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 01, 1887, Image 3

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Ventilation of Mi--pliijf A i:irt iim-iiI 4.
IIoiiK Ii- M-r uml IIiumIiiiuIiIcii I nut-lin-lit
r 4 i. lined ?immI TIji ISuy Ma-
rmi lituiily filiim lUIls Country ;irl.
Tim froiil. !mr f mriniliii nt, rcsi'!ice.
-lr,-r wi:!, ;i vi.l-ut i lain. Anthony ."eiilo,
jiim! Ji-ri.ijr m,;;rjiv, i-rnne ilov.ii tin'st' j.:. Tiio
thx-v of w.l jiikI it liitli- ly, liriht e-yeil urul
iiiil f mi l.ii f, i-iin - up.
"Won't v-u lirin incsometiiin:;?"' IlieeliiM
"', I won't," th" man lian.Iilv r-iliil.
'You mi- so iii.-aii that I oiiht never to give
yoii unyt Iiiil-.'"
"I ili'ln't in an Im l,.i."
'Yi, oii !ii. Vim jin- fr !1 iti si that
then- is no IK in- in tin- limis.i with you."
' Y.:i oon'l love me, tine, il , jml.'"'
"Xo!).Iy ean lovo ymi nlieii you urn so
"Won't you Jet rue kiss yoii;''
'.No, I v.on'l. Co liuek. i'lto th'? l'oirc"
lmrrietl ivny. Tie uxi.s j;niiir to ii
!: t-i:it part 'f the stall" to l e jreue sevcrnl
!.vs. "I i.ii :!,t not have spoken tol!m
l.t'le fellow that ur.y," hi; ikiis.i1 when hi"
lsii-1 lioariled '.. train, i h-ti!;..i i:ev. sjiajier
lioui his j o'-k"-t, -la nee. I at tlie heallines of
ii I'eaiTnl eal.iaiit y. nl his eyi-s fell ujioti iui
it in. heaileii: "A little U.y's stMen tieath."
Jli- turin-ii tin- j a x r :ver, atnl the lirst tiling
lie saw v.a;: "A i-liiM ilro'.vmvl."
"1 u;-l. to have kissed him," ho mused,
"il-it I v..-:-; fri-lte:!," hi- f-aiil, ill neli;ry to
I:i'n:ell'. "A uti'i t!ia!'.s worried over lirsi
l' '.i as t:i.!' h as 1 i; : 1 1 don't know what lie's
l.-iyii!;? h :i!' the ti.ii"
Tim lirst t!ii;i;j he I ward upon st'jnii:i; :T
l'ie 1 r.ii'i at I In? -!il of kis jonrney was the
Khri k or a eh;' I. He shuddered, s:i:il a liltlo
fa'-e, d'-.w-r to hi. a 1'iati his own life, .sid
ileidy sinu- I ; Tore hiia. Kvcn v. Idle e.-inned
in tin- tr::i! ;ioa of his l.usiness l:n -e.n-f
latil ly !: :;i d. iu I iic :.'.viil. lint lroiilile.1 ivj--t
ids of a ehild. Ike
'You d .1 love IMe, t hell, do yoll .'"
At id-hi le went ton theatre. A liltlo
l.oy ran out on t he stii'7". Jeiilo went to !:;s
lintel. II" i.-ied t re;id. "You ilon't lovo
Jiie. 1 iie:i. d' yi n
Hi-weid. to h -d. lint fouM Hot sleep. Ho
t".cd, eold. arid tin-n feverish. -V midnight
lu-11 nil;.; oa! the woj-ds: "Yoll do not, lovo
me. then, do your" At last he sl pt. I To
;:" seve:-;:l ineii eerryiti; something, co-.'-rcil
v.illi a I I n-k : nu a liiter. When
the men saw him l:.ey put c!o. n their har
den and hid their faees. IU lirted the Mack
t overii';; and i;:nv the mangled hody of his
iioy. Wit h a eroan he awoke. "I ww. t go
lionip,' he said. "I will not wait'nnt il inorn
i'liJ." Ih" went to tlie ttation. A train vrs
JH.-.L start iiie-. He would not suitor himself
t io.e. It v:.i-t -s .;!!: when he ivaehe.i
lio-iu'. As he i:e:..-t d his house he heard a
mail in siviki.M.r; to ;i ;i!j:ii:ioii say that tho
Inxly of the l-oy h;:d not been reeoveml.
"Th" li: l!.' fellow's father, they say, is away
from ho;:u ."
"Yi s. so I i::..Ioi-stai:1.'"
Je:do hi!;-!-;, d !.! th. street. "My Ovvir
1 sail, "is that a hii-.ire in front of i:iy
liouser N'. i:".; a e;;rria :e further down."
ICvervtliia-.-: idioi.t tlie hotisi.. was still. He
sluidd -red as he o; ."led tho front door and
entered the hc'il. Then there :i:nt a lo:sd
yvll til" d.'-il.t :aid his 1kv houudel down tho
f;t airs.
"Thank God!"' c::eiai?;iol Jeiilo, rotc-hlirj
hh.i va his s:n;;s; "t:::;iik ti.vl:"
"What-!i l you 1 rii:;j; mer"'
"i did::"L !:;:; y vi; anythin;, prprJotis, liiit
t;Kuc;niv,- v.: i j-iay huvo aiij-thi:: you
'I've h::d l. tv ef fun Fin.-p TClfvo Ikxh
yo:ie," f I tlie hoy, v.'nilo his fntltvr, i:i
prayerful h";-, i i-.--. rt'II prcwtil lih.ito his
l:oso:n. "I .-.: a eid -:it ::p on tho tVnco nnd
t!:: .wed siories at !.(:. 1 she at ino and
said, wow -ov. .' rr.vl V."illie rJahi-o-k punche-.l
Lor v. it!i a s. a;i-.l she spit tit him aud -:aid
wow- ait --r-r. w.' "
Tho ;:ii. t .-!. of n thankful heart visited
tin-father tk t i-i-lit. K.n:;.lnist Ih-H raiv;
out humiivc words. A rurly 1M1 r sted on
l:i-ii:rii: a i': of swe.-t inLsehief in ri-:uro
lie,tled elv:; t his liosom. Arkunsaw Trav-
so s:t:i::te
in;o i;!.'. a
I'.lieu the h'.-:!
i.:it f Sieej'ili'j It.ioais.
." la ih-- ror.-,;is if which
:s to i !.-: hI vo::t ilation
! tiie inila.-iico if this jr.vt.-tu'e
1: of i:..i". it;-s is too i;upoi ta:it
t i:::t 1 in n
i-rv'd fnuii ray slight
"--.!S'. -A
all UllTK-e. v
i chrtfi'H i siiotild ? divesti-d of
l;-. i':!".;i;:i-e. am!, unh-ss of coa-
Fa'-.T-d.'Io s:.:e. she.:!d never eoi:i::::i moro
tl:nii u,!;' ii.' 1. There r-)i:not l.t a lpore jkt-Tiii.-ior.s
i-'.:.;e:a t::an thnt pursued ly w):n.
i:.d. e.!, ly rumy famiMcs of haviiss their
-h:!d:'en r:li-p iii snia'l upartr.u-uts, with two,
and sometimes with t::rc--. heds -rowded into
th. sr.! no room. It is seareely noetssary to
ve tnat e:;--m:aes::. in tp.o mo.-1 oxton
;jri!:!i: -.ivion of the term, is, if josi,:h;e,
t-Wil in -!V wn;i lvrerciH-e to t:ie
K1 eh:im!er than with almost any other
fl-K-.rtiiU-ar m t'.-.o wln-ie house-.
Tho praoikv of sk piu.; in a room which is
ooeiv.iied daring the day time is extremely
U'lv.ise. I'orfoet idt'Siiline-M and sullieitrit
five virtilation -a;ir.ot, under such ciivum
stanees. l.o pre,..TVed. osiH'rially during ccld
v.ather; liemv the .;'.mosphore liet-oines con
Etantiy r..ore vitiated, and altogether unfit
for inspiration. Wliilo too great a decree of
Cauiv:i tai liot In- oiis'rved to avoid sh.vpinjj
ia d;::np nxims, leds, or clothing, tho ti-m-Iera;iire
of t!:; luil chamlxr, if ixissiblo
shoidd never K increased under tho ordinary
circumstances of l'.ealth, by artificial means.
As tlJs aparLmeat Is to lo reservcvl solely for
bleep, a lil t; i.: nt-ver iiet-ossary, esccpting,
possibly, during extreme- cold weather, and,
cvc:i then, the tomperuturo ought not to cx-
50 Ic.
A sleeping apartment, in which a heavy lire
Las been kept for several hours prior to re
tiring, may to some persons, at first thought,
offer great comfort. Hut, right hero, great
danger is very liable to occur, sdnce by heat
ing tho room to such an extent as has Ix-en
referred to the system lieeomes gre-atly eneT
vatod, creating an inciTased susct ptijrility to
tho influence ef tlie cold air. and thus the
way is openia! te tho attack ef some of the
mest scrieius diseases. osiKially of the throat
mid liingsj. liappy, iadood. should thesc jie-r--50US
e-stoem thcniM-ives whose means forbid
an indu'geiie-e in this luxury! A jicrsoii ao
ru-rtomed to uudr'ss in a room without a
Crc, and to reck icpeise in a coll led, will not
experience tlie least inconvenience, even in
the- s-vereit of winter weather. The natural
heat ef tho body will very six-eelily reneler a
jx.-:-sm, under sire-h circumstances, e en more
coinfoitablo than he or she will lie who slce-ps
in a heate-d apartment, as experience has
amply verified. But this is not all. Tlie
contitTitiou of the one accustomed to sleep
ing iu a room whic-h is not artificially
hcard will be renelered mcro robust and
strong, and f.;r loss susceptible to the influ
cneo -f atnKs; heri $1 vicissitudes, than that
j-erjon v. he is i:ot so accustomed to sleep.
Ocerge Jewell Lovcjoy in Gcod Housekeep-
Ilousclice'pcr anil Handmaiden.
"Young housekeciiers are more liable to
ovorconslder tho likes and tisU-s of tbi-tr
handmaid' n: l!iau their mot hern and aunts.
Th" opportunity for universal government is
no new to the yoiin ; woman kIh i often dilll
ilent ulxiat assorting l; r nuthorily, and if sho
lie of a i;--iitlu natui'i- atid the innids at all
uppk.h si;e mil t Rmli::ifs gather uj) ull h'-r
courage to tie a:i onl'T s!i" knows the ladies
in tlie" kileh.-n will no!, bite. If the cook is
crosMun 1 tin hoiisemaid pert I know the ter
rors of it, li- 1 was a young houseke T iny-tv-lf
ll' e.
Never I forget my first dismissal of a
H rvimt mid of 1 1 i vv hard 1 found the
Til'' WJlilli v; '.i.i'i logo. She perf Tilled her
workju a i'1'.st. inf li .r v. ay and was subject,
to s ulks, w t;i ing hi r in the air iu a
most u.'.'ri"- ed (.' Or.'oii when told to do any
thing. I knew this was not light, for wr
were a family of two, i-ut-' rtaining little,
w ith two M-rvaiits, and my hiisliand's shirts
.iii to the laundry. Yi t 1 hated to give her unnsuai orders, her niafi.ier was so uis-
pi.-a'jif!l. and 1 would
e-!:'-oiii.!.T by rei i nt in
"never le afraid t.
fortify myself for the
; word.ef my mot her'ri
savwhat you wi::li to
h:; .e iiie. ' ;-vi when it eaiae to telling the
girl sho lau-.t le:c e, t !ie convenient, season
.seemeil hanl to li.ii. 'Nei:!:er just afta
breakfast nor lieforc uiuner ;,".-t!ied f;'.vorab!o
times, .-o I deferr.Hl tlie evil from hour to
hoi.r. 1 was making an afghan of "haded
color sat ihe time, and 1 w II rememhir how
I i.,t pon-d my dismissal many tiiui s to
e'roe-het "oiie- more row'' before the dreaded
co'i versa lion was opened. Tl'.is is many
years ago, nwl ult hough I have rarely l-en
o! to sen'! girls away since, I can do it
any mimite that it is m.-ei s-ary without Iior
lowing courage from a cr het needli'.
To the timid voting mi: t ress I would sa'
"remember that your ta-rvants are hired for
your convenience, lu.r for t heirs," if you Mini
yourself ebslikhig to i.-sue jiiujht orders; and
t.) those steri-er mist r"sse: vh try to exact
j.crfocl ion ar.d gereraliy fail.l Would udd
that the man servant and tho maid servant
within our g:.te-s an? quite as hsiman as our
selves. Carolino VI. I'phuiu iu (.! Kiel House
keeping. Tlie Too Syste matic Ulatron.
It is not the social spirit tint is wanting
eidirely, but. the power of adaptability,
w hich makes the hou;- called for by social in
t rcours.- r.-em ti.( ono hour of all lhe-1 wenty
fo'.ir that ca.rt be rpai-e 1. Deeause a artic
ular duty has been i-erfornv d at. a certain
time" each day, for days or cvo.i years with
out, interruption to :.i,e, if. sc. -:us an inevit-
able law th;
t sb-dl !ie 1 n- at that heiur
mid no o'.'.
t he hour is
to a more e
of, so those
er. No ntuUcs- v.ha itiu-rvcnos,
sai-ri-d: moving ii- back or forward
mveiiieiit tiin- is never thought
who adhere to their groove ure
hard to get on wiih.
( Ino lady b'-gan hvr housek'vping e-are-er by
lin rvhtjc peat lies tho last v. cck ia August.
I 'or m v ral yiars ; he ibd this lininterrupt
cdiy, till it l., eiiii:e a iSxi-;! law that this war,
th.e time for t'::al househoiil duty, and noth
ing mi:st iiiierl; l e. 1'er well instructeel and
r-y: teniat ic e hildi-e n ne-ve!
th. liioihor had j-.ut up th;
tho delicious Irui'.
got sick till after
winter supply of
an old and de-ar
friend, who was not aware of the exact rules
of this lioiis,-!r.M, sent word she would conio
to spe-!id the r-t v.e k ef Augu-.t (en route-for
a far vvesteen home) with th" dear friend she
had grov. :. up with and bad an almost sis
terly ah'vetion
the wee V. a:. I
went em v.illi
were too l.lls- ;
alleiw he-r to gi
i or.
S'iO iUd nr
: yste:i:al ie
K-, aU'l Sp-.:IU.
bouse kevper
ff her davs
mi h
, e time
and atte ntion to tho
friend sho might never see again. It neve-r
o-eurrod to he;- that tho preserving might
wait, or even b given up.
lost tho l ight time in her ho;
Sho hail never
isekeeoing, b.-.t
th;; did lost-tho friendship of e::e she l
priced, who left her feeling hurt and scretliat
the? precienis farewell woek bad been spent in
t'.i:svay, as if preserves were preferred to her
-Margaret Art hur in Good House-
IJow to Treat t'anaeel Cuods.
It camet bo too widely kiiown or e-nrcfulty
rcmemlM ied by usx-n. of the above that they
are cooked gnls. They are not put up in
ve-i-els frem w hie h they aro to b.e eaten when
convenient to ev.nsume-rs. but are only packed
in tins in order t preserve them. No canned
goods arc guaranteed to keep fresh and iv
Kiain sound for :my number e.f elaj's after be
i::;; opened. When opened, the eonteiits of
the tin should bo. imme.iiate'.y turned eut and
eaten as soon a:-; iKfcjjible, If the fond must
be kept at all, over it up and ke-p in a coo!
j,!;u-e a i ways, l.n,ever, turn or.t of tbo
t.viginal t i:i. The liquor round lobsters, sal and all vegetables, excepting tomatoes,
it i ; desirable- to strain olF c!il throw away.
Lolistcrs ."inl prawns are improved by lx ir.g
lunred out into a sieve and ringed with clean
cold water. Never 0:1 any account add vin
egar, sauce or any kind of cemdime-nt to
tinned foods while tl.e-y ae in the tins, and
never leave such mixtures to remain an hour
or two. if from forgctfukiess it is done.
All tinned goods are put up as fresh as it is
pe.-sible to be-, but unless corne l or suited,
wid not keep turned out. as freshly e-ooked
geds w ill, and certainly not longer, asmany
t'.ioughtle-s.-ly suppose, or eirpe-ct they wiii.
Sardines, if preserved in gexxl oil, anl if of
good qualitj-, w ill lo an exception as long
as the oil is good the fish can bo ke-pt in the
tins. Hut seven days is long enough to trust
these K'f 01 e er.tii-g. C'emsumers should net
buy larger kages of el gomls than
they can consume quie-kly; if they should,
most of the fish aud meats can 1-c potteel after
i ee-cKkiiig. sauces and seaseming being use-d.
If the nose- and eyes are properly used it is as
impossible to partake ef an unsound tin e.f
canned food cf any kind as to partake of
bad meat, fish or vegetables from a shop.
Loiielou (Jroccr's Chronicle.
To ?ralee Yorkshire ruUtling.
"How is Y'orkshire pudding made r"' asked
a reperter of 5Irs. Wells.
"If I have boon asked once,'' sho replied,
"I have been asketl a hundreil times for it.
There is nothing more simple to make, and it
is rightly judged in' Euglauel as tho best com
pa:iien eiish to rare roast lee-f."
Sirs. Wells then gave her receipt for mak
ing that saost aipe-tizing comiiauion to roast
Here is the receipt: To cue pound cf sifted
flour placed in a large- basLi, auel a teasioon
ful of salf, thrv-e whole eggs; mix together
with a we'oden spoon, aelding at intervals
rathe-r better than a quart of milk; work the
batter vigorously for ten minutes to make it
light, and pemr it instantly into a baking tin,
previously made very hot, with about two
ounces of goeiel lt f; set the pudding
to l ake under the meat, winch will takeabeiut
t ;venty-five minutes. Then e-ut into squares
anil send hot to table with some goexl gravy in
a seisarate dish.
"There,"' said ili-s. Wells, laughing, "I
Lave given my receipt fer making a real
"Yorkshire puildtng that will be appreciated
alike by tho wealthy and ixiorest. Let mo
say here that to the poor, espee-ially those:
having families, there is no dish that is
cheaper, cr more saving and toothsome."
Nov.- York Star.
Tliat l'amily Bill.
When I was a school te-acher I was present
on OE9 occasion when tho yearly bill from (
tho general eiry goods store of tho neighbor- i
Lcod was brought ia to the head of the fam-
ily, a well to do farmer, who drove a pair cf i
lino horses when L wnt to town, expected
to entertain tho ministers at least seirno of
them, when the general e-onferenco met and
held a sort of leading position in tho com
munity, j ho bill iu tho year umountod to
and repre-seiitevd tho materials bought by
the wifo for beTM-If, her two littlo girls, aud
for family it- for twelve, months all care
fully itemized. Its reception destroyed tho
jx aefM.f tho family for that lay. Tho man
said many ugly words, charging his wifo with
a disjMisitioii to air-e-t bis ruin, and sho her
self was somewhat appalled by tho sum total
e.f a bill the extent of which thc had not uu-licipab-d.
Al ter her husband's departure for th'- fields
she :t I wei . rtudy it out. There was a
piece of printed calico w hich had Iiocn mado
up by her own hands into di c:i-es for herself
and liltlo girls; there was 11 piece of un
bleached muslin which had levn made up
tab) sheets ami pillow eases; there were- shoos,
hosiery, one p:;jrof cotton gloves, but .lS;uid
some odd cent:; were covered by sin ks, neck
tie.;, and shirliags for tiio two male lae-ml ers
of the family lath-T ami son. For days the
man stonm-d and raged whcneer tho "bill''
was alluded to. and it was u week ln-fore his
wife? could induce Imn to examiiio it, and s'-e
that ho himself was responsible for the l irgest
part of it, tlie items not covering any of his
own o- his .'ion's important 'articles of cloth
ing. This occurrence made a deep impression
on my mind. Chicago IleruhL
Why Country Cirls Co
you find
cuth is youth wherever you find it.
Young blood flows swift and warm through
pe.isiiig wins. Young hi-arts long for com
pa;:iouship, young brains indulge in vague,
sweet dreams of pleasure yet to conio. A
healthful y:amg girl e-au no meire- It; content
w it h jirosaie duties, wit hout one" lay of ple-as-ure
to bri "iile-u.her life, than a meadow lark
can be content in a cage. To attend faith
fully to Hit" most commonplace tasks all day.
to hear 110 word f praise for her labors, and
to re t ire; at i o"cl(-k on a lieaut if ul moonlight
evening is Utile less than torture to a girl
full of sentiment and undefined longings.
Vet this is tho existence cf hundreels of coun
t ry girls.
Tho parents regard any hours sjx'iit i:i
pleasure as se much lost time. They exact
ial::s'.rj-ai:d obedie nce from their oll'sjiring,
invito no oonlideiiee-s, und objeft to late
hours or merrymakings. Tho young ln-art
M.-ethcs in silent re-be-llion. and learns to hate
its lot, and lives in hojie that something will
hanjien to give color to life. If the city
idler, or tho amorous farm hand, or the
married seducer happens te find her in these
rebellion.; moods, why then wo re-ad in tiio
newspapers an item a'oout tho "itrauge Dis
appearance;"' or "Unaccountable Mesalli
ancv"' or "Shoe-king Depravity" ef a hitherto
quiet and rosjieolable young girl.
Tho lieartbroki'U j)arents arc- crushed v.-ith
shamo and sorrow. They camict understand
why their bidoved daughter should go
astral-. Ah! if they had only shown her
!cmenstratieuis of their love-, if they had
only semght to kneiw her see-ret thoiiits and
longings, if they made an cll'ort onco a
month te givo her a few hours of pleasino,
sl o iieeel not liave gone asLray. Ella Wheeler
Wilcox's Ix-iter.
Insects in I'ars.
IV "x troubles are more annoying or mere
productive of rerious diCicuit3-, if not re
moved, than insects in cars. Lying npeiii
s-oft meadow grass, or sleeping upon a camp
bed of fragrant sprue-o, bug:; of different rle
r.oininations sci-m posse--3sed with a dfsiro to
inspect our aui ieles. Oueo inside, their f ran
tle eilorts to ese-ape causa such agony tliat
people have gone temporaniy crazy with it.
Ti.i;i may bo instantly slopped by pourinjj
the c-.'U' full of sweet oil, suiTeK-atea ' he
inee-t, and ho is ca:;ib.T removed later hy a
syringe and warm water. Avoid intruding
pins, etc.. into the ears. Much harm may
thus be clone to the-ir delicate mechanism, anel
1. ttle to the cause of all th-.- troul le. If oil is
not readily accessible uso water, which is
almost as good.
I'liraeha in any form may bo quickly re
lieved by filling tho organ with chloroform
vapor from an uncorked, bottle, vapor on! v.
not the liquid; aud mamma's bag should al -v.
avs contain a small vial of it, as it is useful
in many ways. Ten drops upon a lump 01'
sugar is an excellent remedy for hiccough cr
ordinarj nause-a, and I have recalled to lif -.
moro than one jrson pronounced dead from
sunstroke with a half teaspoonful, clear,
;x;iired tlown his throat. Ucston Duitget.
One of the largest britarmia firms in New
England recommends tho following to clean
siiver: One-half pounel of sal soda aeldeel to
eight quarts of w-ate-r; when at a boiling heat
dip the pieces ef silver, anel immeeliately
wash in soap sinls, anel wipe eiry with a
pk-co of cotton flannel.
BleKvl rtains can be- lvmoved from an ar
ticle that you do not cam to wash Ly apply
ing a thick 1 aste mado of starch and cold
water. Place in the sun anel rub oir in a
couple of horn's. If the stain is not entirely
removed repeat the process, and soon it dis
appears. Instead of washing lamp chimneys hold
them for a few moments in tho steam from
the te-a kettle, anel, if much smoked, wipe
them out with a newspaper; repeat tho
steaming, and finish thorn with a cloth. If
o-dy slightly dimincel one aijplication of
steam is sufficient.
A room witb a low ceiling will seem higher
if tho window curtains hang to tho floor.
Lambre-epiins may lo used to extenei tho cur
tains to the ceiling, thus carrying out the
Not a SXt need Le left on the cane seated
chairs if on a bright, sunny day eae h chair ij
thoroughly washed and the wood saturated
anel drienl in tho open air and sun.
There were lady doctors in Japan Ions be
fore the discovery of America. In T17 Jap
anese iiuns attended the sick aud prescribed
for tho mikado himself.
To mend small holes in plastering, use one
part plaster cf paris anel three parts line sand;
mix with cold water and apply with a case
To wash eloubtful calicoes, put a teaspoon
ful of sugar ef lead in a pailful of cold water,
und soak tho article one hour before washing.
Iowa statistics show that SoO women own
farms in that state. Of the number only
eighteen are carrying mortgages.
It is claimed by some housewives that a '
J lirtlc kerosene added to boiled starch will im- i
j part a nice gloss. j
1 1
i For neuralgia try a flannel wrung out of
! hot water and sprinkled thickly with black
I popper.
j Wash clothes should be thoroughly rinsed
m water with soap and a littlo ammonia. ,
Eating onions end horseradish is claimed
to relieve dropsical swellings.
The brass may be kept bright and shining
with ammonia.
Popcorn ia good for nausea and cranberry
for malaria.
Indolgnico Ite-ct-ivrd In Iarly Ctilldhood.
81eeln(- in Ortiiln 1'otiitiuiiM Dlrtlcult
for luetors to Aureo on the Subject.
Itulo ut W-t J-oliit.
Whoever first said that "niuo hours' sh-op
is -iK)tig!i for a feteil"' clisclost-vl by those v.orel-i
a closer kinship to tho find than l-.o was nv.nro
of. The larger and more active tho brain tho
moro sleep it, must have. Vebstcr, iluring
tho grandest jieTio-l of bis life, contrive! te
secure id least nine hours' sleep. (en. (trant
said iluring tho most eventful period of his
great campaign, "I can do nething without
nine hourV slee-p."
To get the sleep i-equiml by tho brain is iieo ai-y that be should lie ab!
to !rop on i. sleep at will. j'onaparto useu
to lie 0:1 tho ground and in two miuutet; b-o
fa .! a .Ii ( o. It is a pretty safe rule to bleep rleepy. There nro Jieoph
who are vi:;e enough to cat when they ari
hungry, but wlio have never attained that
higher degree of wisdom to sle-e-p w hen they
are siecpy.
"en. i.utier, who is a worker of enormous
power, e-an sl"ep almost at will, it is said. "I.
Les..ops has trained hini:-!f to s!e-p at any
time, and it is said that he e-an sleep a whole
day and night at a stretch. He sleeps during
his railway journeys and while on shiphourd,
ut times when others are usually awake.
Very hk- ly much of the nervous irritability
firm wcainu-ss that young people have, cs-
(-ecially girls, is due to an indulgence re
ecived in early e-hildhood in the matter of
putting o!f going to bed at nightfall. Tho
j arlor is lighted, tlie beioks and work are out,
the 1 ,?;!e is open for games, tho neighbor,
perhaps, 1.:ls lrop;K'd in, a'! looks so i-hii-rful
an-i brig;hi. that the- child v.h,;o b'-eitime has 1 begs outre
l-.n r.- time; (h
yearr.s toward her
iiot 1I1 prive them ef
itiugly for fii-r-t a little
mother, whose heart
children, and who will
clouts for
just that little time and does ii"t hurry to
put tin e-nd to th.-.t. When l:t last the chil
dren (! goeir relee tantly th-- have found
th :t procrastination is a pleasure and t-i-.t
they e.m break a paternal law by teaming;
b::t the natural law that calls for slc-p they
cannot brea!;, ree.d as the-y get, up in tho
morning at about tho same time, whatever
time they went to bed. their nerves have
been deprived of their necessary rest and
their brains of the due amount of t he growth
or the r.-pnir which taker, place in sleep.
Ie has yet. to bo determ;ned, says a medie-rl
journal, whether any particular harm can
e-omo from sleeping in a ecrtaiu position
which the imiiviiiue.l unconsciously assumes.
(Ibst-r vat ions made upon ."i." soldiers thow
that ."r.5 per cent, slept uj'on tho right side,
'-' per cent. u;on tho left and '.." per cent, em
the back. A physician, however, says that it
is better to lie on the right side, in tho al
neneo rif sH-e-ial disease-:, such a; lung disease,
rendering it d'-sirable to iio on ti;e weak side,
sons to leave tho healthy lung frco te ex
pand. "When rest is taken on tho right sido, the
body is plaeeel whe re thes food gravitates more
easiij- out of the stomach into tho intestines
and the weight of the Ete.uiae-h elejes nejt com
press tho upper portion ef the intestine's.
To show how difficult it is fer eloctors to
agreis, their opinions en tlie proper position
eluriug sleep may be contiuueel. Uno of
them maintains that lying fiat on tho back
with tho limbs relaxe d seem to soouro
tho greatest amount of rest for tho muscular
system. This is tho posit ion assumed in tho
most ing diseases, end it is generally
hailed as a token of revival when tho p.itie-nt
voluntarily turns on the side. Sleeping with
arms thrown over tuo head is to Iw depre
cated, because it creates a lendosiey to cramp
and coll in the arms, and sometimes seems to
cair.3 hea-.kichcs and ehv.ims. On tho other
hand, a pliyslviau rstys that sleep should be
:ou v.nln tho downward. Lvin-r with
t im
ii. r
v.xil.C of iLo stosns'.eh, heart, in-
".'1 Of1!'! r-.- --T!': t-i--, :. ;WO- lli
j . .......... lliV,
libe.iit the spine-, must in
Even tho half weight, as
.us nerves
oeic injury.
no p.-r.-ou lies 011 his
I l. ccis, it is said.
ide, must have
Tiio spin-j and
treated bv tiio
iso abnormallv
:f rcsti
; v.'nu
1 wr.v.
zr 1 is c-d'e 1 the na-nr;
.1 d.
i: isclo'n.e;! that a really healthy
i'.0 iCl
one !!'.
iii one position all night.
n t
lie (H.UT
on !:is back and
1:1 nioi.:-
1 ti..
posi'.ioiu. I'hys
liver to lie Co-.?.
nns ray
.ntly on
1 tu-:
L.-i.- 1 ;
: e.(
! f, - ;
heart to li-- e:u
vi: 1 side, :.r.d n. .-..l people have the nig'. t
: r..v or sleep -.i.u heavily if they rest on tho
back. At the military school in Paris the
students are eirdered to sleep on the rightside,
and tho same rule is in foive at West Point.
A doctor recommends a jHsitiem during
sleep in w hie-h tho fe-e-t will be elevated about
eight inches above the head the habit can bo
easily formed if the process is undertaken
gradually the pillows being taken from be
neath the head and placed under the- feet,
ilauy years experience with this method of
rdcopie.g eoiivine-ed the dix-tor that the e ire-u-lution
is iir.proveel and lettc-r nutrition for
tho brain and nerves obt-.iinciL. As the thy
roid glanel acts as a regulator for the distri
bution of tho blood, no undue congestion of
the brain nf:e-d be apprehended, lie recom
mends his method for nervous elL;erde-rs del-ending
on umeinia of the brain and spine,
chorea, epilepsy, etc., and iu diseases of tho
heart anel lungs. Good IIeusekeeping.
Hints for Modern iJurbers.
Our Saxon ancestors appear to have de
voteel considerable attention to tho subject of
their hair. Though ignorant of mae-assar
oil, the-y eliscove-reel that elead be-es burned to
ashes and seethed in oil with leaves of willow
wor.ld hair from falling otl; but should
the hair be- too thie-k, then must a swallow Le
burnixl to ashes uneler a tile, and tho a:;hei be
sprinkled on tho head. Iut in order alto
gether to prevent tha growth of hair, em
mets' eggs rubbed on the plr-ce arc found an
t-li'ectual elepilatory; "never will any hair
come there." Nineteenth Century.
Iciiia:il for 3Iinor Coins.
The demand for tho minor coins dimes,
nickels end cents is so great that the Phila
delphia mint, where bj-law they are reepuirod
to I e prodaeeel, i-s unable to'keep paco with
ii. "They are used to an extent never known
before iu the south and west. -"-Chicago
Heat's Mechanical Equivalent.
The eiaestion as to what is the exact me
chanical equivalent of heat has long puzzled
engineers. Tlie latest experiments show that
one pound of water raised one degree Fahren
heit is equal to one pound lifted 709 feet.
Public Opinion.
Negotiations are on foot for a colony cf
ten thousand Germans from Chicago to set
tle on hundred acres on what is hnown as
storm's ranch, between Colfax and Grasa
Valley, Nev.
A polished floor is kept so by wiping ii
with a cloth saturated, with milk, or with
'he same quality ol t,' 10 percent, elieajier than any houi;e west ot
tlie ML-ti&sii'i'i.. Will never be uniJermM. Call and bo convinced.
foi: a 1,1,
U W 7 E "OT
Parlors, SS?drooiiis9 Dhshi-rooins.
E&itchcns, Hallways asid CfWlices,
stock of
(SL'CCKSSOll to J. !. i;o I, I !:'J s )
Will keep eonntanlly on hand a full anil e;i::p:e;e -! ek i f j::i.e
s and Medicines, Paints,
Wall Paper and
E. Cx. Dovey & Son.
rrm me M
M Hi N
1 III I C! 1
Wo (qliO ploqstFo ii
lqvo Fiji
and Winter Goods
Ever brbugjat o ilais 3Isarfct
and thtill be jileased to show you a.
Wool Dress Goods,
and Trimmings
Hoisery and Underwear,
Blankets and Comforters.
A solcndul assortment ot" Ladies iliesses' aril ChiMnns
We have also added to our line of carpets Koine new jiattens,
Flooif Oil Glotli, rqtts lIltl lllil.
In men's heavy and fine boots and s-hoes, alto in Ladict'. ilit-f es at d
Childrtns Footgear, v.e have a complete line' to which we INVITE
your inspection. All departments r nil and Complete.
classic or
Ciooil.- and Fair IVicefc
'Lattsmoi:tii. m-:di:aska
u Full Line of
E. G. Dovev & Son.
li-l Hqiid-
liqc o(
rn IKt oil